Re: LI Re: Vince Foster murdered? A cruel hoax.

1998-05-07 Thread Leonard Booth

Leonard Booth [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Bill

Interesting how the facts get all twisted around, isn't it?  It was really
the bullet that they never found and they (RWW's), tried to make something
out of.  Talk about grasping for straws.


At 11:24 AM 5/7/98 EDT, William J. Foristal wrote:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

On Wed, 6 May 1998 14:16:11 -0700 "Ronald Helm" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Ronald Helm" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

in spite of
the results of four separate investigations concluding he committed

How do you shoot yourself and nobody ever finds the gun near the body, 

HI Ron,

Obviously you are not familiar with the real facts in this case.  You
need to read the conclusions of the four investigating groups that all
determined he committed suicide.  There is so much propaganda spewed
forth by the American Spectator and other right wing fanatics that the
facts have been distoted beyond recognition.

The gun WAS found near the body, in a spot that corresponded with what
one would expect considering the recoil and the physical reaction of the
person shooting himself.

BTW, guess who one of the investigators was whose group concluded that
Foster's death was a suicide?  Yep.your very own Kenneth Starr.  :)


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Re: LI Ron's Opinion

1998-05-05 Thread Leonard Booth

Leonard Booth [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hey Mac

Don't do anything rash like leaving this list.  Ron's opinion is worth Zero
to me and others so stick around.  I, for one enjoy your input and rational


At 12:13 AM 5/5/1998 -0400, you wrote:
moonshine [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

   Ron thinks my recent absence from the list was welcomed by all. I would
hate to think
that was true. But since Ron has elevated himself to be your spokesperson
( ie Susan
Carpenter McMillian) it must be true. ;)  So, I'll take my smart ass
elsewhere where
discussion can be free from censorship from a member who is a hypocrite
and has a very
misguided view of the world around him. I will miss the friendships I have
formed here
and am truely saddened by the recent turn of events. Anyone who finds
themselves looking
for a vacation spot feel free to come to the Cape and pull up a beach chair
and join me in my precious little piece of heaven. Hell, I'll even toss a
lobsta' in da
for ya! The next sound you here will be the door hitting me on the ass as
I head off into
the good night.
" Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth. I sat at a table
  were rich with food and wine in abundance, an obsequious attendance, but
  sincerity and truth were not; and I went away hungry from the inhospitable
  board. The hospitality was as cold as the ices."

...Henry David

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Re: LI Wife wins $45 Million

1998-04-27 Thread Leonard Booth

Leonard Booth [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Lets hear it for the Judge.  It's about time they came to their senses and
do the right thing for the wives.

At 10:42 AM 4/27/1998 -0400, you wrote:
Kathy E [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

A homemaker has won an equitable distribution award of $45 million, an 
amount that is believed to be the largest ever in New York State.

In making the award, Justice Walter B. Tolub wrote that, through 33
years of marriage, the homemaker and her husband's "fortunes were

 The decision will be published tomorrow.

Justice Tolub concluded in Goldman v. Goldman, No. 313111/96, that the 
homemaker, Vira H. Goldman, was entitled to half the couple's assets,
which total approximately $90 million. Ms. Goldman's husband, Robert I.
Goldman is the chairman and chief executive officer of the Congress
Finanical Corporation, a lending institution. 

Mr. Goldman's lawyer, Lawrence Pollack, of Midgal, Pollack, Rosenkrantz
 Sherman, said an appeal is likely.

According to Norman S. Sheresky, who represented Ms. Goldman, it is
common for courts to give a spouse a 50-percent share of a couple's
assets when the value of their property is in the $10 million range. But
there has been uncertainty in the matrimonial bar as to whether courts
would award a 50-percent share for a large estate when that figure   
would generate far more income than necessary to maintain a homemaker's
lifestyle, said Mr. Sheresky, of Sheresky Aronson  Mayefesky.

In Ms. Goldman's case, a 50-percent share would yield about $2.25
million in after-tax income, an amount far larger than she needed to
live on, Mr. Sheresky said. Justice Tolub recognized that fact as well
in ruling that an award of maintenance was unnecessary in light of "the
sizeable equitable distribution award and its liquidity."

Justice Tolub cited Ms. Goldman's substantial contributions as a
homemaker to the marriage. She raised their child, who is now grown,
without help, entertained without a full-time maid until 1986, and gave
Mr. Goldman haircuts until they separated in 1996, he noted. 

Ms. Goldman also oversaw, in the manner of a general contractor, the
renovation of the couple's Sutton Place townhouse as well as several
investment properties on the East End of Long Island and in the
Catskills. In sum, Justice Tolub wrote, "Ms. Goldman was involved with
every phase of Mr. Goldman's existence."

The major portion of the couple's assets was in stock that Mr. Goldman
holds in Congress Financial Corporation, which has an after-tax value of
$63.5 million, Justice Tolub said. The couple's other significant assets
included the Sutton Square townhouse, with $3.1 million in equity;
furniture and furnishings valued at $2.9 million; and bank accounts,
stocks and other similar investments valued at $7.8 million.

Justice Tolub also rejected Mr. Goldman's argument that the appreciation
on about 25 percent of his stock holdings in Congress Financial should
not be considered marital property because it was acquired prior to the
couple's marriage. That argument, Justice Tolub, wrote "denigrates the
true genius that is Robert Goldman."

Corestates Bank which acquired a majority interest in Congress Financial
in 1968 relied heavily on Mr. Goldman's expertise and went to
substantial lengths to fashion a financial package to keep him with the
company, Justice Tolub explained.

Alan Mayefsky, of Sheresky Aronson, also represented Ms. Goldman.
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either" Law  Issues Mailing List - Cowboy Histories Crime photo's

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Re: LI Jones Case Dismissed

1998-04-02 Thread Leonard Booth

Leonard Booth [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Bill

Too bad the Judge can't make Paula pay all Clintons legal bills.  What are
the right wing wacko gonna try next?


At 04:58 PM 4/1/1998 EST, you wrote:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

Hi Sue,

ROTFI bet a lot of people think this is an April Fool's joke.  You
watch those right wingers drop ol' Paula Jones like a hot potato now. 
The Rutherford Institute wasted a lot of money on this one.

I guess Bennett was right all along.  I'd like to have seen Susan
Carpenter McMillan's face when she got the news.


On Wed, 01 Apr 1998 13:41:23 -0800 Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   April 1 — A federal judge has tossed out Paula
   Jones’ sexual harassment case against President
   Clinton. Judge Susan Webber Wright in Little Rock, 
   has decided in favor of President
   Clinton's motion to dismiss the case
   for lack of evidence. Paula Jones'
   ;lawyers have been told by the
   court that the entirety of their case
   has been thrown out. 
Jones is suing Clinton for $700,000 in damages. 
   alleges that Clinton, as governor of Arkansas, had a
   trooper summon her to a hotel room, where he exposed
   himself and asked for oral sex. Clinton denies the
   The trial had been scheduled to begin on May 27. 
Jones' lawyers have said they plan to appeal the
Legal teams for Clinton, Jones and Monica Lewinsky
   also awaiting two other important rulings. 
U.S. District Judge Norma Holloway Johnson will
   whether Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr must stand by 
   purported deal to give Lewinsky immunity from 
   in exchange for her testimony. Starr’s office says the
deal was
   never finalized. 
For the past 10 weeks, Starr’s grand jury has been
   investigating allegations that Clinton carried on an
illicit affair
   with the former intern and pressured her to lie about 

   Lewinsky Evidence Sought 
   Finally, Jones’ lawyers have filed an appeal with the 
   Circuit Court of Appeals in St. Louis to fight a 
   by Judge Wright to bar information about Lewinsky from
   their sexual harassment case. 
In an attempt to have the decision thrown out, 
   insisted, “the district court sacrificed vital evidence
on the
   altar of unverified presidential convenience.” 
To alleviate concerns that allowing 
   material into the case could interfere with Kenneth
   criminal investigation, Jones’ attorneys have offered 
   postpone the trial. 
Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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Re: LI Biased Judge Forgives Clinton

1998-04-01 Thread Leonard Booth

Leonard Booth [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I doubt I'll be the first to bring this to your attention, but the Federal
Judge was appointed by Bush.


At 04:33 PM 4/1/1998 -0800, you wrote:
"Ronald Helm" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Whether this is the correct decision or
not, this judge should have recused herself, probably even had the
venue changed to another state.  Not only was she appointed by
Clinton, she was a student of his also, a situation that would be
difficult to avoid anywhere in Arkansas.  Hillary would have been less
biased than this Judge!  Bill probably did not even to have to bribe her or
threaten her, and you can bet she will be right at the top of the promotions

Women have their faults. Men have only two.
Everything they say. Everything they do.

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Re: LI Black Widow Executed

1998-03-31 Thread Leonard Booth

Leonard Booth [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

At 12:12 PM 3/30/1998 -0500, you wrote:
Kathy E [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

So where's the outrage? Where was the press? Why no interviews on TV?
This lady had the same criteria as Tucker did, oh except for one thing
she wasn't as young or as pretty. Is that what a women needs to get
those against the death penalty to notice her? I'm sure some will
disagree with me strongly, but in this case the actions of the silent
speak a lot louder than the words of those after the fact.

Good question. And I don't disagree at all.  They both got what they deserved.


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Re: LI help on modem

1998-03-20 Thread Leonard Booth

Leonard Booth [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Bob

The new standard, V.90, has been agreed to by all concerned.  It's final
approval is thought to be just a formality now.

Several months ago, I bought a USR Sportster 56K X2 for someone else.  It
consistently connected with AOL X2 line at 50.6k.  

USRobotics (now 3COM)  just released a new sportster model with v.90 and is
own X2.
I will me buying one of these this weekend for a friend and will do some
informal testing on both x2 and 56K flex (V.90) mode.  I'll let you know as
soon I have some good info.  USRobotics has consistently been rated tops by
all the reliable sources that I'm aware of.  TTYL


At 09:17 AM 3/20/1998 -0800, you wrote:
Robert Blankenship [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

good morning all
i'm thinking of upgrading my modem,but not sure which way to go.i now
have a 28,800

I don't suffer from stress.I'M a carrier..

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Re: LI Nanny trial revisited ?

1998-03-15 Thread Leonard Booth

Leonard Booth [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


The lesser included charge in the nanny case came about cause the Judge
threw out the jury's verdict.

I think the attorney's for the nanny simply expected the jurors to think
and act like lawyers.  It's possible the attorneys were thinking far enough
ahead and felt the judge would not allow a 2nd degree murder conviction
stand if their thinking about the jury was wrong.  We'll never know what
was really going on in their minds.


At 01:26 AM 3/15/1998 -0800, you wrote:
"Dr.L.D.Misek-Falkoff" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Sue and group - there certainly does seem to be in common the issue
whether a defendant is entitled to a jury charge on lesser-included
charges.This way the sentence would have to be less.

As I recall - check me out - the defense in the Nanny trial did not want
this because they wanted absolute innocence or absolute guilt, using the
strategy that absolute guilt woudln't happen.  But if this is right, as
I say, check me out -- then how did the lesser-included count come about
in the Nanny trial; my memory is not recent on this, appreciate if you
or group could post on this; 

do you think there's any generalization possible on these things, and
can the absolute black/white defense ever work, or should attorneys
argue the gray?  C U soon, :) LDMF.
Sue Hartigan wrote:---
 Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 No 96-1693
 Court below:  United States Court of Appeals, Eighth Circuit
 At issue in this death-penalty case is whether a person convicted of
 felony murder had a due process right to have jury instructions on
 lesser-included charges (second-degree murder or manslaughter) when,
 Nebraska law, no lesser-included offenses for felony murder exist.
 On March 29, 1980 Randolph Reeves raped and stabbed two women to death
 a Quaker meetinghouse in Lincoln, NE.  A jury found him guilty of felony
 murder and a three judge panel sentenced him to death.  The jury was
 that the penalty for felony murder could be life imprisonmente or death.
 The court below held that under Beck v. Alabama (447 US 625 (1980)), the
 jury had to be instructed on lesser-included offenses if the evidence
 could warrant a conviction for those offenses.  The State maintains that
 felony murder has never included lesser offenses in NE and since the
 judge panel had discretion in sentencing, the Beck rule doesn't apply.
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Re: LI Windows 98 the rundown.

1998-03-14 Thread Leonard Booth

Leonard Booth [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


You'd be a consumer version.


At 05:03 PM 3/14/1998 -0500, you wrote:
"Joan Moyer" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hello Steve,

If Win 98 will be the last version, would it be better to wait for one of
the coming flavors of 
WinNT:  Consumer, Workstation, Server?  I know nothing about any of the


 From: Steve Wright [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: LI Windows 98 the rundown.
 Date: Saturday, March 14, 1998 8:48 AM
 Steve Wright [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Windows 98 is basically a slightly rewritten version of Win95(b), with
 and active desktop fitted as standard.
 It includes updated dial up networking.
 Converter from fat16 to fat32 for hard drives.
 Improved defrag utility which puts an applications files in a strip to
 improve loading times.
 Improved memory management for machines with over 64mb ram (95a dies not
 allocate memory properly after 32mb)  this is why Microsoft stay is  the
 optimum amount of memory for a 95 machine.
 Faster shutting down.
 Common driver model which will enable a device to use the same driver for
 Win98 it uses for Nt5.
 The jump from Win95 to Win98 is not as significant as that from 3.11 to
 it is an evolutionary update to the O.S
 Win98 is however the last version there will be, after this there will be
 three flavors of WinNT, Consumer, Workstation, Server.
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Re: LI Microsoft hearings

1998-03-10 Thread Leonard Booth

Leonard Booth [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hello Dr. L.D.

I've been following this for a while and find it very interesting.  Hope
they can finally cut Gates down to size on a couple of things.  This
Internet explorer he's trying to jam down everyone's throat is a peice of
crap.  Maybe he'll wake up soon.


At 05:30 PM 3/3/1998 -0800, you wrote:
"Dr.L.D.Misek-Falkoff" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Dear News.Com Dispatch Reader:

The tech world doesn't get more dramatic than this. Today on Capitol
Sen. Orrin Hatch grilled Bill Gates over whether Microsoft is a monopoly
subject to antitrust laws.

As industry rivals Scott McNealy and Jim Barksdale looked on, Gates
back against the charges that have dogged his company since the start of
the Justice Department's investigation.

NEWS.COM's special coverage from Washington brings you the full story,
including comments by McNealy and Barksdale, as well as live feeds from
CNET Radio.

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