Re: LI Lawyer Sees Simpson 'Confession'

1998-05-07 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Sue,

Petrocelli just might be right about the "creeping confession."  One of
thr media's anchorwomen said, after a recent face-to-face interrvieew
with Simpson, that each time he answered a question about the muders he
"seemed to be at war with himself."


"What the world needs more of is not love, but justice."  Anon.
You wrote:

. . . Little by little, he acknowledges it.''

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Re: LI Simpson's Sexuality

1998-05-05 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Yvonnhe,

It was my pleasure.  I enjoyed our discussion as far as it went.
I's too bad there is so little tolerance of expression that is not
politically correct here.  Such attitudes stifle freedom of speech.

Back to theories, football is said by some to encourage homosexual
tendencies in males - the "men only" rule, close personal contact , and
the buttocks grabbing, and crotch shifting and scratching of the players.
 Even some of the terminology is suggestive of this:  "tight end," for


"What the world needs more of is not love, it is justice" - Anon.

You wrote

Thank you for your support  . . . 



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Re: LI Ron's Opinion

1998-05-05 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Mac,

You are not only wanted, but would be sorely missed.  Don't even think of
leaving, but consider the source and go on your merry aay,

"What the world needs more of is not love, but justice."  Anon.
You wrote:

I'll take my smart ass elsewhere where
discussion can be free from censorship

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LI Re: Simpson's Sexuality

1998-05-05 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Freakin' Bill,

Freak out all you want.  If people are so bird-brained that they take
every word I say as gospel without reading and considering opposite and
other points of view, then they have a real problem!  But it's THEIR
problem.  It's not your problem and it sure isn't mine.


"What the world needs more of is not love, but justice."  Anon.
. . . If people don't get freaked out by some kinds of theorizing then
those theories tend to be accepted as fact by others.  And that can be a
very bad thing for our society.

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LI Re: Simpson's Sexuality

1998-05-05 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Freakin' Bill,

You know d--- well I didn't see the planet!  I saw the mother ship take
off on its way back to the mother planet or some other starry

Glad to hear you are just kidding around!  Be my guest, anytuime.   :)   


"What the world needs more of is not love, but justice."  Anon.
You wrote:

. . .Anyway, don't pay any attention to what I say.  Only a bird brain
would treat it as gospel.  I'm just kidding around with you.  Honest.

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LI Re: Simpson's Sexuality

1998-05-04 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Sue,

I certainly appreciate your point of view and do not disagree with all
that you have said. however, there remains a question:  Why was it so
important to him to control her and don't tell me it's because he's a
mean,egotistical SB.  He's all of that, but I'd appreciate having a
scientific explanation, or as close to it as you can get based on your
knowledge and what you have read of human behavior and its motivations. 


"What the world needs more of is not love, but justice."  Anon.
You wrote:

Simpson may or may not be gay.  IMO, it really doesn't matter.  What
did to Nicole though was about power.  It had nothing to do with sexual
orientation, IMO.  He wanted to control her.  

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LI Re: Simpson's Sexuality

1998-05-04 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Sue,

Good  common sense answer!  It may or may not entirely hit the mark, but
is there any reason to get freaked out by theorizing as to possibie
causes?  (You didn't, BTW :))..  And to those who say they don't give a
s---, two young people paid with their lives for Simpson's kind of insane
coercion.  It would be helpful to understand the dynamics underpinning
such acts.


"What the world needs more of is not love, but justice."  Anon.
You Wrote:

I would say that a lot of it may have to do with the fact that he has
never had to take responsibility for any and everything that he has ever
done, with people falling all over themselves to please and placate him. 
He has always called the shots.   He has always controlled everyone and
everything around him.. . .

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LI It sure is an interesting thing. I bet a psychologist would have a

1998-05-04 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Sue,

Some pople are easily fooled, especially by a smooth operator celebrity
like Simpson.  They want to believe he didn't do the murders.

As for the lawyers they were all handsomely compensated with new clients
as the result of winning the criminal trial.  Johnny Cochran was once a
lawyer for predominantly blacks.  He now represents "everyman" if they
can afford him financially.

"What the world needs more of is not love, but justice."  Anon.
You wrote:

. . .What is even more interesting to me than Simpson, which I know
you know how I feel about him, is why these people stayed with him after
the way he treated them. . .

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Re: Attachment Disorder was LI Jones Appeal Difficult, But Not Impossible

1998-05-02 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Sue,

Yes, it's hard to give up on any young person,  My own emotions, though,
on seeing the adoptive family on TV were bound up with their 
fear.  They had gone through hell for and with the adoptee.


"What the world needs more of is not love, but justice."  Anon.
You wrote:

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Re: LI Thanks

1998-05-02 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Bill,

I believe I stated that racial relations had improved.  I didn't claim
they had been eliminated.  Now I'm saying that there may never be total
acceptance between women and men and between racial groups until a change
of heart on either side comes about. 

Well, that does seem to be an about face; yet, I believe that both
statements, while seemingly contradictory, are true!  And this is how I
see it.  Americans are more accepting of more women in positions of
leadership and of various ethnic groups on the job, in social settings
and intra-marriage - possibly because they have become more accustomed to
it through government Civil Rights enforcement, along with more exposure
to closer personal contact which undermines the stereotyping of sexes and
races , along with misperceptions concerning their characteristics.

But that does not mean that whites have internalized the idea of equal
status of women with men or of equal status of ethnic groups with whites.
A genuine change of heart has to bring that about and the more
differences there are between women and men and between whites and other
ethnic groups in appearance, attitude and customs the harder it is
to bring about a genuine change of heart. 

In part, this estrangement may be biologically determined.


"What the world needs more of is not love, but justice."  Anon.
You wrote:

Wait a minute!!!  Several months ago you were touting the
accomplishment in this country that racism and racial discrimination had
been eliminated from our society. Now you're saying that no progress has
been made and it is useless to try to make any social changes or solve
social problems.. . .

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Re: LI The Rodney King Beating - The Other Story part two

1998-05-02 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Bill.

So be it!  Peace be with you.


"What the world needs more of is not love, but justice."  Anon.
You wrote:

. . .King was helplessand they beat the hell out of him.  I'd hate to
think of a police force that could not control a man like King who was
unarmed. . .

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Re: LI Back Home

1998-04-30 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Bill,

Protest all you want, my friend, it won't change anything.  And do you
honestly believe  there has been much change where Civil and Women's
rights are concerned?  The only changes are those effected by government 
policy and policing.  As Eisenhower once said, until you can change the
human heart you will never effectively change social 


"What the world needs more of is not love, but justice."  Anon.

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Re: Attachment Disorder was LI Jones Appeal Difficult, But Not Impossible

1998-04-30 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Sue,

There was no way this kid could be helped.  His adopted family tried
everything.  He must have been brain damaged before he was 
abandoned by his original family.


"What the world needs more of is not love, but justice."  Anon.
You wrote:

This is really sad.  In this case it was no ones fault that the kid
turned out this way.  And actually not even the kids fault that he acted
the way he did.  I just hope that he got help, if it was possible for
him to even be helped.

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Re: LI All members please read

1998-04-30 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Kathy,

So sorry to hear you are making a temporary departure.  Filling your
shoes is going to be a formidable task.   


"What the world needs more of is not love, but justice."  Anon.
You wrote:

I will be stepping down effective May 4, I think that is more than
enough time for you all to decide who you want as the new LO. In case
anyone is wondering no I'm not leaving the list I'm just stepping down
as the LO and I'll still post the COTD's and summaries of trials I watch
and so on :)

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Re: LI Cops Conclude Mass Murder in Ind.

1998-04-30 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Sue,

He was one of the worst in my book and that is saying a great deal!  He
certainly was one of the most prolific.  Every male, including his own
people, were no more than pieces of meat to him.  But of course that is
probably true for most if not all SKs.


"What the world needs more of is not love, but justice."  Anon.
You wrote:

. . .I guess he was a serial murderer, and I only came in contact
with the victims, not him.  Believe me I never, ever, want to repeat that
experience again for the rest of my life.

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Re: LI Jokes for Wednesday

1998-04-30 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Sue,

The "Not Raising Hogs" joke had me on the floor LMAO.  It is priceless!
Thanks for giving me so many chuckles.  It really brightens the day.


"What the world needs more of is not love, but justice."  Anon.
You wrote:

. . .P.S.  Would you please notify me when you plan to distribute more
free cheese. 

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Re: LI Cops Conclude Mass Murder in Ind.

1998-04-29 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Sue,

Juan Corona.  Now there was a sickie big time.  The DP in his case was
quite appropriate.  Too bad, though, that you were subjected to his
"Little Shop of Horrors."


"What the world needs more of is not love, but justice."  Anon.
You wrote:

You are probably more than right about this.  I just think that guy is
sick.  Real sick.

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Re: LI The Rodney King Beating - The Other Story part two

1998-04-29 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Sue,

It was damned decent of Cosby to offer his help to Denny.  Such people
restore one's faith in humanity .  I also admire him for the way he bore
up after his son was murdered.


"What the world needs more of is not love, but justice."  Anon.
You wrote:

The one thing that did come out of it good for Denny was that Cosby
took over and made sure that his kids all got college money, and helped
in other ways

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Re: LI Did Simpson have help in cover-up?

1998-04-29 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Yvonne,

I've wondered about OJ's sexuality myself.  Certainly his womanizing  
could be  classified as "\Don Juanism" which is a case of the male
fending off his desire for men by bedding a never ending series of women,
preferably in one-night standsto show his contempt for the opposite sex. 
His treatment of Nicole would certainly fit into this pattern.

"What the world needs more of is not love, but justice."  Anon.
You wrote:

I've always suspected Simpson of harboring homosexual tendencies..
. .  

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Re: LI Did Simpson have help in cover-up?

1998-04-29 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Yvonne and Terry,

IMO Faye Resnick did not sell out her friend, but needed money badly and
told the truth as she saw it.  As far as I can tell, everything she said
has been verified and  the public's perception of her based on Cocran's
smoke and mirrors is very unjust.


"What the world needs more of is not love, but justice."  Anon.
Yvonne  wrote:

Why "sold out," Terry?   She told the truth.   She might have lived an
unsavory life style, but she did feel compelled to first point her finger
the killer.  I've never, for the life of me, been able to understand all
the criticism that's been heeped upon her. . .

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Re: Attachment Disorder was LI Jones Appeal Difficult, But Not Impossible

1998-04-28 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:


As I recall he was in jail when the family made their escape.


"What the world needs more of is not love, but justice."  Anon.
You wrote:

Geeze what happened to the kid?  Did he just live on the streets or
was he put into some kind of institution?

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Re: LI Arnelle Simpson arrested

1998-04-28 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Sue,

Even OJ's mother didn't hesitate to get on the stand and lie about Ron
Shipp being "spaced out" the night after OJ returned from Chicago.
Ron deserves a medal for his conduct during the whole ordeal.


"What the world needs more of is not love, but justice."  Anon.
. . .What they did to Ron Shipp alone was totally uncalled for.. .

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Re: LI A Second Computer

1998-04-28 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:


I can understand that, although my own spouse would not come near a
computer and had absolutely no interest in one - not even to track the
stock market or to assist him in doing his income tax.  I think one of
the best buys around is Gateway, if you can wait until they build it for


"What the world needs more of is not love, but justice."  Anon.
You wrote:

. . .The only thing that will keep peace in this family is a
second computer!  I guess the marriage will demand that.  G

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Re: LI Arnelle Simpson arrested

1998-04-28 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:


All he cares about ae his creature comforts and womanizing and that will
never change.  I feel sorry for all of his kids.


"What the world needs more of is not love, but justice."  Anon.
You wrote:

. . .Simpson could have cared less about his family before this
happened, and the same being true since he was released from jail.. .

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Re: LI The Rodney King Beating - The Other Story part two

1998-04-28 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:


No problem.  It would be a pretty dull world if we all agreed on
everything.  :)


"What the world needs more of is not love, but justice."  Anon.
. . .I guess we will just have to agree to disagree on this one. 

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Re: [Fwd: LI Noe: Update]

1998-04-28 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Doc,

Wrong, Doc, a confession may be considered evidence of guilt if it is
made voluntarily and is consistent with the Miranda document.  (Looked it
up in a law dictionary)  (ha).


"What the world needs more of is not love, but justice."  Anon.
You wrote:

Miranda or no Mirandas a confession is not evidence in law.

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Re: LI The Rodney King Beating - The Other Story part two

1998-04-28 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Joan,

Reginald Denny is just another chapter in the Rodney King story.   The
perp got off. Denny got the life sentence of pain, suffering and
loss of memory.


"What the world needs more of is not love, but justice."

You wrote:

. . . How sad that the name of the trucker is forgotten while the
name of a criminal like King is known and he became almost a hero.



"What the world needs more of is not love, but justice."  Anon.

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Re: LI Back Home

1998-04-28 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Biil

I'm not making excuses for these cops.  They acted within standard police
policy guidelines, so no ''excuse '' is called for.  As for racial
comments and jokes, you must be one of the "holier than thou'"  I am not
an enabler, nor do I condone putting down other people in a non-serious
way, but the phenomenum exists and it is as old as man has been on the
planet. I'm sure that blacks make "honkey" jokes, some of which I've
heard and enjoyed.  You want to change the world?  Be my guest!  


"What the world needs more of is not love, but justice."  Anon.
You wrote:

 Making excuses for these bad cops will never help society to solve
the problems caused by them.  Good cops are not helped at all by this
either.  IMO, it is also disgusting to try to justify racist comments and
behavior.  Good people need to stand up to fight these problems.  We
cannot become ENABLERS, IMO.


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Re: LI Not My Kids

1998-04-27 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Terry,

Your story of you and Brian was inspirational.  I  have always believed
that all children belong to the community of wyich they are a part,
rather than just to their parents.  We really are our brother's keeper. 
Bless you!

You wote:

. . .  When you see them roaming the streets of your
neighborhood, don't just say, "Well, it's not *my* kid"

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Re: LI The Rodney King Beating - The Other Story part two

1998-04-27 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Sue,

The point is there was a lot that went on between King and the cops 
before the video was made, and most probably afterward.  I heard no one
say the video had been edited before it was aired on the TV news.  

Bottom line:  the video didn't tell the whole story, but people like
George Bush saw it, freaked out and declared there had been injustice in
the Simi Valley verdict of "not guilty" in the cops' trial.

And don't imagine that he who attends these trials comes away with the
certainty that they know exactly what went down.  They only know what the
lawyers on either side want them to know and are competent enough to
reveal.  But I'll bet King and the cops know exactly what went down! :)

You  wrote:

. . .I just wish that they had shown that video from the beginning to
thepublic.  Maybe they did and I just missed it.  I must have seen the
other one a million times though.  It may have helped to understand why
the jury came to the verdict that they came to.. . .

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Re: Attachment Disorder was LI Jones Appeal Difficult, But Not Impossible

1998-04-27 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Jackie and Sue,

I saw a case on TV that would fit this description.  A nice, wholesome
famiily adopted a baby boy who,despite all the love and care they
bestowed on him, grew into a monster.  He set their house on fire and 
otherwise made their lives miserable to the point they were afraid of
him.  It got so bad they kicked him out post puberty and moved fom the
town where they had all lived.  To this day they live in fear of their
lives if the adopted son ever finds out where they are.


"What the world needs more of is not love, but justice."  Anon.
You wrote:

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Re: LI Back Home

1998-04-27 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Joan,

Kinda makes you wonder what kind of stuffing 's in the heads of the
others!?  (VBG)

"What the world needs more of is not love, but justice."  Anon.

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Re: LI Arnelle Simpson arrested

1998-04-27 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Joan,

Pardon the intrusion, but I have absolutely no doubt that every member of
the Simpson family knew OJ was guilty.  The older daughter lived in the
guest house on Rockingham and must have known exactly what was going on. 
Even OJ's mother exclaimed as soon as she heard the news of Nicole"s
death on TV.  "OJ killed her!"

I'm also certain that the family claimd he was innocent to spare him from
time in prison and loss of income from the bad publicity that would ensue
if they did otherwise.

"What the world needs more of is not love, but justice."  Anon.
You wrote:

Wasn't there a photo of Sidney in front of Rockingham some time back
with a sign that her father was innocent?  I thought she believed her
father was innocent.  Has there been anything different learned?

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Re: LI Also Great for Slugs and Mushrooms

1998-04-27 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Ron,

Sorry about that, but I get them too.  The monitor screen  goes blank
after I have been typing and I'm not allowed to mail a message.  I  live
with a benign but  mischievious ghost I call " RC," so I blame it on
him." :)


"What the world needs more of is not love, but justice."  Anon.
You wrote:

Vi: I never understand these blank posts which I get about weekly ;-)

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Re: LI Back Home

1998-04-27 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Kathy, Joan and Biill,

The police department sets the standards as to what is or is not
the correct policy for their officers when subduing a felon.  It is my
understanding that the behavior of the police in the Rodney King arrest 
fell within those policy guidelines.

As for the "gorillas in the mist" comment, this was not meant for 
public scrutiny .  They didn't intend for it to be taken seriously and if
you want them to change then yiou better change human nature.  

In my Anthropology course, we were taught that all human beings are
critical of people different from themselves (even geographically).  It
is called SCAPEGOATING and ALL  humans do it, according to field studies.


"What the world needs more of is not love, but justice."  Anon.
Bill wrote:

. . .There was also some disturbing evidence
that showed some racist comments over the police radio.  This is the kind
of foolish behavior that must be eliminated also.

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Re: LI The Rodney King Beating - The Other Story part two

1998-04-27 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Bill,

Seems to me they paid for NOT breaking the law.  Just as Rodney King was
the law-breaker, it is the cops that got tried and went to jail.  Ole
Rodney ended up smelling like a rose, a millionaire free to continue his
dissolute lifestyle.  This is all too typical of alf our topsy-turvy


"What the world needs more of is not love, but justice."  Anon.
You wrote:

. . .I"m sure King and the cops DO know exactly what went down.  And
they all paid for breaking the law.

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Re: LI Welcome to two members

1998-04-27 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Mike and Kelly,

Faith and Begorra it's good to have a couple of Irish come aboard.! Enjoy
your e-mail and we know you'll give as good as ya get!  


"What the world needs more of is not love, but justice."  Anon.
Kathy  wrote:

. . . Please welcome Mike and Kelly to the law list :) 

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Re: LI Arnelle Simpson arrested

1998-04-27 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Sue,

Now whose being funny?  :))

"What the world needs more of is not love, but justice."  Anon.
You wrote:

I bet I know how he is going to explain the BA tests that they must
run when she was admitted to the hospital though.  I just hope Dennis
Fung didn't draw the blood.  Or that Vannatter wasn't the lab courier.

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Re: LI Arnelle Simpson arrested

1998-04-27 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:


"What the world needs more of is not love, but justice."  Anon.

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Re: LI One of the Quads just died

1998-04-27 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Doc,

I don't approve of what she did, but if she loses her brood after what
she went through to have them I'm going to feel sympathy for her with her
broken hopes and dreams.


"What the world needs more of is not love, but justice."  Anon.
You wrote:

. . . The rest of the babies are still in ICU in critical

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Re: [Fwd: LI Noe: Update]

1998-04-27 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Doc,

You guys are killing me with your funny sayins!

You wrote:

. . . I've never really had a belly button, innie or
outie.  Surely that makes me a deprived child, doesn't it, and excuses
any awful things I do in future?


"What the world needs more of is not love, but justice."  Anon.

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Re: LI Arnelle Simpson arrested

1998-04-26 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Sue,

I'd  be willing to bet that the fact that his enemies are making money
writing books and appearing on a TV series is what is bothering Simpson. 
 Anyone who could do what Simpson did is incapable of 
change for te better IMO.  The same goes for his family.

You wrote:

. . .Fuhrman has a book coming out about the Scakel  (sp) killing,
Fred Goldman has a show that probably will be picked up, and Petrocelli's
book comes out next week. . .

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LI Re: 55 yr. Old Woman Gives Multiple Births

1998-04-26 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Sue,

Exactly!  And among other considerations (such as old women bringing 
mongoloids and such into an overcrowded, hopelessly problematic
world), it isn't fair to the child who will probably  become parentless
by the time of adulthood. 


You wrote:

. . .I guess I really don't have any problem with a 55 year old woman
pregnant, if that is what she wants.  But multiple births like this is
nuts.  And to have the taxpayers pay for the bill is wrong.  IMO

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Re: LI Arnelle Simpson arrested

1998-04-25 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Sue,

His side of the story?  Seems we've been there and done that! :(

You wrote:

. . .Simpson is suppose to be on one of those tabloid news shows
telling his side of the story. . .

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Re: LI The Rodney King Beating - The Other Story part two

1998-04-25 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Sue,  

Thanks for passing this on to law-issues.  It is a long overdue overview
of the Rodney King incident.  I thinkj that anyone who wasn't freaked out
by the video tape would have come to the same conclusion this report
implies - that the police were doing their best to subdue a powerful
felon who wouldn't obey their commands to lie down so he could be

You wrote:

. . . As for Wind, two criminal injuries and one
civil jury, not to mention an LAPD review board, found that his use
of the baton that night was within policy, even though he lacked
experience. . .

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Re: LI Back Home

1998-04-25 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Joan,

How I envy you your mathematical ability!  I have never had the patience
or liking for figures and the income tax forms get more and more
difficult to comprehend.  

Surgery was an outpatient procedure and all systems are now "go."  :)

Selling the house was merely a matter of making repairs, painting and
adding some cosmetic features .  Even so, it was on the market for six
months before it sold.  I kept it on the market during the slow buying
season and possibly because of the low inventory of available homes, soon
found a buyer.

Hope you enjoy catching up on your backlog of e-mail.


You wrote:

. . .The taxes are not a problem for me, but selling a house and
having surgery - those are problems!  how are you doing now?  

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Re: LI Also Great for Slugs and Mushrooms

1998-04-25 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

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Re: LI Woman 55 gives birth to 4 babies

1998-04-24 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Sue,

What's even crazier is that San Francisco doctors would agree to 
invitro fertilization for a couple who have to call on Medical to pick up
the cost of bringing 

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Re: LI Woman 55 gives birth to 4 babies

1998-04-24 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Sue,

What's even crazier is that San Francisco doctors would agree to provide
invitro-fertilization to a couple who not only cannot take care of
themselves in all probability, but with four more mouths to feed, leave
it up to the California tax payers to pick up the medical tab.
You wrote:

IMO this is crazy.  After taking care of my grandson every day for the
past three and half months I can't see how anyone at 55 could possibly
take care of four little ones by themselves.  I get worn out, and I
don't even have to stay up all night with him. . .

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Re: LI Graham: Confession

1998-04-24 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Katherine:

This well expressed confession points up some myths and fantasies in our
culture that led to this particular murder , it seems to me:

1)  Love dictates how each lover is to behave once their mutual
attraction is consumated.

2)  Virginity is equal to purity and morality.

3)  He or she who interfere's with sexual fidelity deserves what he gets.

Is scientific knowledge as opposed to custom and idealism never to be
taken seriously?  The fact is man is a primate in the animal world of
which he is a part.  All primates are promiscuous, even though some will
not allow themselves to indulge their own basic nature.

Our schools should begin as early as possible to teach evolution and
genetics to our children.  Then, perhaps, such  senseless  murders as
this one will no longer occur.

You wrote:

. . . Diane was constantly depressed from the guilt.
She was also scared that I would be arrested. She used to worry herself
sick in school over me and have to call me as soon as school was out to
make sure I was OK. It didn't really matter, however, what any police or
detectives found. What happened was over. Adrianne was gone, I was
responsible, and it wasn't going away. 

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Re: LI Evidence of New Planets Is Cited--Steve

1998-04-24 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Steve,

With the technology available for finding and viewing new solar systems
and planets perhaps the doubting Thomases on the law-list will believe me
concerning the UFO experience I recounted sometime back.  It was awesome
and genuine and to me the most important experience of a lifetime.

You wrote:

. . . little bits of research that fit the puzzle are starting to
appear though, hopefully I am young enough to see how it will all pan

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Re: LI Linda McCartney's death

1998-04-24 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Ron,

Yep, we care so little Larry King had a world famous medical examiner,
plus sheriffs from three states on his show tonight to "downplay" the
story!  :) 


You wrote:

. . .CNN interrupts its broadcast to brink us the
late breaking news from Santa Barbara, from some sheriff who wants to let
the world know that Linda McCartney, may not have died in Santa Barbara. 
As if anyone cares where she died, duh. 

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Re: LI Back Home

1998-04-24 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Joan,

I've missed you, but knew the reason.  My taxes were a real struggle this
year, getting the figures together, and to complicate matters I had sold
a house.  During March I faced income tax, surgery and moving. Wow! 

Glad you are back!

You wrote:

. . .Glad I don't have to choose between my computer and anyone or
anything else.

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Re: LI Texas To Execute Teen Murderer

1998-04-23 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Ron,

Well, either he is crazy as a loon, or a confirmed psychopath. Either
way, the world is better off without people who are permanently incapable
of any self-control :(.

You wrote:

But Vi...he was only 17 years old when he committed this heinous
crime, and the Pope and Terry think he should not be executed!  TIC   

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Re: LI Presidential Scandals in U.S. History

1998-04-22 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

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Re: LI Presidential Scandals in U.S. History

1998-04-22 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Sue,

They, including Starr, are all on the "payroll" in one way or another
The GOP will do whatever it takes to try to pull down a democratic 
President. And they never have sense enough to know when to quit when
public opinion runs against them (which it usually does).


You wrote:

. . .what is this Susan Carpenter McMillan getting
out of this anyway.  You have to know she isn't doing all this out the
the kindness of her heart.  I know I wouldn't.  

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Re: Paula's Legal Fees was LI Presidential Scandals in U.S. History

1998-04-22 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Jackie,

No new Mercedez for Paula?  Tsk, tsk!  Even the Republican Party must be
on a budget these days!  :)

You wrote:

Hi Vi--heard her Mercedes isn't new--of course, Mercedes do not lose
value usually if kept up.  But, I guess she needs to drive a Mercedes to
gym--what would people say if she drove a "common" car?  (I know,

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Re: LI DP for 11 year olds

1998-04-22 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Kathy,

You remove their privileges and wow, do they ever shape up quickly!
Think of "grounding" them, no televisiion, no telephone calls to or from
their buddies, no desserts with their meals, meals in their room,  no new
clothes, abed by eight pm, no spending money.  And one can think of so
many more. If these sound trivial, in actual day-in, day-out practice
they are devastating to the recipient and very effective IMO.


You wrote:

. . .So my question is what do you suggest these parent's do? What if
they have done all they could and the child just won't listen? What do
you do then?

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Re: LI Presidential Scandals in U.S. History

1998-04-20 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Sue,

It seems pretty obvious that Paula is working for the Republican
right-wing,  There is plenty of money in their coffers and as long as
Paula can get one iota of publicity she will remain in the public eye and
the gadfly on Clinton's reputation.

You wrote:

Not that it really matters but how in the world is Paula supporting
herself?  Her husband lost his job, she doesn't work, and yet she can
afford a new Mercedes, travel all over the country, and belong to a
gym. . .

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Re: LI We got music

1998-04-17 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Sue and Bill,

I loved The Village People.  They were popular with me before they 
became famous!

Bill wrote:

LOL...sounds like you are very easy to please. :)  The Village People
gave us a lot of "fun" music.  And they obviously had fun doing it.

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Re: LI Expert: Jonesboro shootings gender-based

1998-04-15 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Sue,

It does seem that males are not reacting well to the female struggle for 
liberation.  Our new so-called "freedoms"  (to have a punishing career
and come home each night to take care of husband and children)are a
threat.  This is probably biologically determined.  In most vertebrate
species the male dominates and does not put up with any nonsensical ideas
from females wanting to do their own thing.  This male dominance idea is
quickly passed from father to son.


You wrote:

. . .McGee says the gender bias is obvious because females were the
only ones targeted.  Four middle school students and one teacher died in
a shooting last month, allegedly committed by two male students on a
school playground. . .

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Re: LI Johnson Jury Hung

1998-04-14 Thread Viola Provenzano

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Re: LI George Michael Arrested For 'Lewd Conduct' (

1998-04-14 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Sue,

No wonder I liked his music so much in the beginning!  Thanks for the
information.  You can't blame anyone for coming to terms with their
sexuality over time, [][but one sure ought to stay out of public
restrooms in coping!  :)

You wrote:

. . .In his interview with CNN Michaels said that he didn't come to
terms with his sexuality until recently, and that all of his music was
entirely geared to females in the beginning.  :) . . .

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LI Re: Easter Greeting Cards and Messages

1998-04-13 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

To One and All,

Thank you for the thoughtful Easter greetings.  They added a lot to the
enjoyment of the season.


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Re: LI George Michael Arrested For 'Lewd Conduct' (

1998-04-12 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Bill,

Now he says he doesn't know how to express why he did it and it isn 't
the FIRST time.  Go figure!  I sense that he is gay. and when I think of
how much I enjoyed his songs such as "I Want Your Sex," I feel cheated.

You wrote;

. . .To read anything like him being high on coke or heroin at the
time and flashed as a message of contempt for the police is pure
conjecture at this time also. G. . .

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Re: LI An Older Case of Sexual Abuse

1998-04-12 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Terry,

Thanks. That's the best news I've heard yet and how true to form.  He
could dish it out, but he can't take it!


You wrote:

Actually the appeals courts reversing the judge's conviction because he
couldn't know that what he was doing was illegal was overturned by the
Supreme Court sending him back to prison as a bit too inventive.  The
judge is back in prison after fleeing to Mexico.

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Re: LI COTD: Hein, Juergen

1998-04-12 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Kathy,

I saw a german film with English subtitles about a murderer who might
have been Hein in reality.   Your description of events leading up to the
murders, necrophilia, mutilation, etc. sheds some light on how these
criminals progress from simple murder to the more complex and gross. It
seems that evil feeds on itself and its appetite for the more bizarre and
gruesome gradually increases with each crime.  Interesting . . .

You wrote:

. . .June 27, 1986, Hein was convicted of double murder, consigned to
prison on two consecutive life sentences. In theory, he would never walk
the streets in search of human prey again. . .

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Re: LI marijuana legalization thing in the UK?

1998-04-02 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Jackie,

Yes,  please do.  It would be enlightening to know what substances
precede male hard drug use,and in what proportions, in the current 
studies. Thanks.

You wrote:

 If you like when I submit the quarterly summary, I can ask
the program director if they are seeing similar patterns in hard drug,
and alcohol use in their male population.

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LI Women and Crime

1998-04-02 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Kathy,

Sorry I inadvertently changed the subject line.

There are exceptions to all rules, and , no, I do not think women should
receive lighter sentences for abusing or killing children than men.  Each
case should be judged on its merits and the penalty "customized" to fit
the situation and crime.  So often women's darker crimes are based on 
survival, burn out or trying to please men,  And there are some crimes
the law is ill equipped to handle, such as the case of the young Asiatic
wife betrayed by an adulterous and rejecting husband who in her torment
and in compliance with her own customs, took their children into the
ocean and drowned them.  (This tragedy happened a few years ago in LA). 
Death penalty laws are too rigid and all encompassing at present. 

I maintain the day we end up with death rows of women and children
awaiting execution will be a sorry day indeed.


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LI Re: law-issues-digest V1 #756

1998-03-30 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Kathy,

Thank you for this excellent report which I have saved, The
characteristics certainly seem to fit many of the serial killers I have
read about - the Ripper, Sutcliffe, Zodiak, Bundy, Bittiker, Boston
Strangler,  the Russian cannibal who garnered his victims in a railway
station, various freeway killers, etc.  

Most of us are lucky that these monsters are so few population-wise that
we simply do not encounter them as children or adults.  Otherise, our
faces too would now be on miilk cartons, for who coud outwit such evil?


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Re: LI Anti-Spam Law Passed by Washington State

1998-03-30 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Bill,

Someone ought to give the word to the po

Somone ought to give the word to the police about the hordes of mature
men on the Jerry Springer show who are impregnating fourteen year old
girls without being arrested or convicted.  In one cse an old man had
married his own daughter.

I maintain it is a man's world and men can get away with much more than
can women, including the reversal of sexual roles.

You wrote:

. . .Adult men who have sex with minor females (regardless of whether
they impregnate them) are tried and if convicted sent to prison. . ..

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LI Re: Kitty Genovese

1998-03-30 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Doc,

And what's even more appalling is the fact that the law is on the side of
those who watch without doing anything.  They are not legally required to
get involved, not even to dial 911.


You wrote:

. . .Remember Kitty Genovese?  Nothing much has changed, has it?. .

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LI Re: law-issues-digest V1 #748

1998-03-30 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Steve,

The marriage was not legal, but the couple were not arrested.  What
happened was the father divorced his wife and stayed away from his
children frpm then on. He and his daughter claimed they met each other
accidentally, fell in love and married before they found out they were
father andf daughter.  At program's end they had decided to stay together
as man and wife.  Sick, sick, sick!

You wrote:

,How on earth can that be legal
That just defies belief...
I'm absolutely speechless.

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LI Re:

1998-03-30 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi sensei,

The idea that our government protects us from anything is laughable!
No doubt Uncle Sam wants us to be on our toes and keep the companies and
corporations for which we work happy.  Smoking pot might make our
intellect a bit hazy while on the job, and God knows the business of
America is business, as Teddy Roosevelt put it, and must not be
interfered with.

Why not admit there is some medicinal benefit from the use of marijuana
and give everyone a truer picture of theplant?  The fact that it is
helping people with physical problems ought to be part and parcel of its
presentation in the literature.  

You wrote:

The whole concept of legalising Marijuana here in the states is
absurd!  The people who are "pro-cannabis" contend that Marijuana causes
no physical harm to the human body, and that the drug may also serve as
a"painkiller".  This argument was obviously thought up while they were

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Re: LI legalization and decriminalization?

1998-03-30 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Kathy,

My point was not that the women involved in these gruesomw murders
deserved anything better than they got, but that such acts further
brutalize society to the point we are on the verge of killing even our
children in lethal chambers.

And there are far, far more men committing horrible crimes than there are
women committing them.  Crime among males is so common that I'm not sure
we can afford not to execute some of the worst offenders for our own

Women can also fight with men shoulder to shoulder in combat, but again I
call upon my own gender bias to say I hate to see them on the front lines
in a war.  For one thing men are much better fighters.  Most women
realloy are the gentler sex.

These are just one woman's opinion.


You wrote:

. . .I strongly disagree with you. You can't have one punishment for
one gender and not the other. What you have basically said here is that
the DP's okay for men and not women, Well I could never agree with that.
No matter who you are or what gender you are if you do a criminal act you
best be ready to face the ultimate punishment if it is handed down...

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Re: LI marijuana legalization thing in the UK?

1998-03-30 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

H   i Doc,

Amen!  Your post should be sent to the head of the DEA.

You wrote:

. . .The real study would be one to find out how many pot users go on
to use hard drugs, not the other way around.

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LI Re: law-issues-digest V1 #727

1998-03-26 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Sue,

IMO It doesn't really matter about the truth.  The Republican right wing
is determined to bring down a democraric Presidency and the Democratic
Party is determined to hold on to its political power at any cost,using
any means.  Neither side is admirable; in fact one might say
each is downright despicable.   And the Clintons lose all  credibility
and respectability from the electorate in the process.

You wrote:

 I doubt that we ever will come to find out what the truth is.  Besides
every time this allegedly happened the only people involved in it were
and the woman involved.  And it is always a he said, she said type of 
thing,so how can anything be proed?

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LI Re: law-issues-digest V1 #695

1998-03-16 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Sue,

Mrs. Wyler (I think her name is) comes across as so truthful and sincere
on "60 Minutes," I think she will be the one to cook his goose.  Even
Hillary won't be able to swallow Willie's pathetic lies as a defense in
this case IMO. These women probably didn't find him that attractive, but 
worked for him or went to him for help in obtaining govt. jobs and found
themselves subjected to his crude sexual overtures.

This particular woman's morality and smarts caused her to reject his 
advances, which gives her account of what happened enormous credibility

You wrote:

They just announced on CNBC that yet another woman has come forward with
yet more allegations against Clinton.  She is appearing before the grand
jury tomorrow or Tuesday.

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