LL:DDV: Geelong Study Group on Socialist Feminism

2001-09-03 Thread Debbie Brennan

Geelong Radical Women
invites you to a
6-week study series on

The Radical Women Manifesto:
Socialist Feminist Theory, Program and Organizational Structure

Saturdays, 15 September - 20 October
2.00-3.30 pm
(Light snack is served at 1.30 pm for a $3.00 donation)

15 September: Introduction and Preamble --
Who We Are; The Vanguard Role of Women

22 September: Theory --
Origins of Oppression; Women under Capitalism; Race and Gender

29 September: Theory --
Reform or Revolution; Feminism: Class Struggle or Sex Struggle; Women and
Socialism; Building for a Socialist Feminist Future

6 October: Platform --
Legal Rights; Economic Equality; Women and Unions; Biological
Self-Determination; Quality Healthcare; Rights of Children; Education;
Politics; People of Colour, National/Ethnic Minorities and Indigenous

13 October: Platform --
Sexual Minorities; Elder Women; Young Women; Women with Disabilities; Women
and Poverty; Women in Prison; Legalisation of Prostitution; Violence
 against Women; The Environment; Media and Culture; The Military 
and the
Draft; The Right to Self-Defence; For a United Front against the Right Wing
and Fascism

20 October: Organisational Structure  Principles; Notes and Recommended

The Radical Women Manifesto is available in English and Spanish for $10.00
by mail (email [EMAIL PROTECTED] for details). Copies will also
be available for purchase at study group meetings. Everyone is welcome!

Venue: Wathaurong Cooperative, Morgan St, North Geelong

Sponsored by: Radical Women, PO Box 94, Drysdale Vic 3222, www.socialism.com
For information or a lift, phone Brenda (03) 5253 3373 or Brigitte (03) 5241


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LL:DDV: Protest against IMF

2001-09-03 Thread Sandra Mick


This Wednesday one of the top officials of the IMF (International Monetary
Fund) which is responsible for imposing draconian austerity programs on the
population of over half the planet will be speaking at an exclusive
invitation only meeting at Melbourne University's Law School.

Student from the campus O3 to CHOGM Collective have called a protest
action. So come join us. All welcome!

Assemble @5pm on Wednesday 5 September in the Law Quadrangle, at Melbourne
Uni, Parkville.

Please post this to any other lists you are on.


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LL:ART: Aust/Refugees/election prospects

2001-09-03 Thread Pauline Spencer



When the distress call came on Sunday from Australia's
Rescue Co-ordination Centre, Captain Arne Rinnan of
the Norwegian freighter Tampa did what any sailor -
indeed, any human being - should have done.  He
changed course, steered his ship toward a sinking
Indonesian vessel and rescued more than 400

His selflessness has placed Mr Rinnan at the centre of
a bitter diplomatic row.  The passengers were the
latest in a steady flow of desperate migrants fleeing
Afghanistan and several other war-torn Asian countries
to seek a new life in Australia.  For years, Australia
has allowed such people to land, considered their
claims to refugee status under international law, and
accepted most of them as permanent residents.  But now
it has had a sudden change of heart and is wrangling
with Indonesia, Norway and the united Nations over who
should take the migrants in.

Prime Minister John Howard sent troops to board the
Tampa off Chrismas Island and prevent it from dropping
anchor.  He plans to introduce retroactive legislation
to justify his action.  He says he cannot allow a
situation where for practical prposes we lose control
of our capacity to determine who comes to this country
and in what circumstances.

All very persuavive, were it not for the timing.  Mr
Howard is expected call an election this fall. Opinion
polls indicate his Liberal-National coalition will be
hard-pressed to retain its slender parliamenatry
majority.  The right-wing, anti-immigration party One
Nation has done well in state elections.  Australians
are said to be fed up with the cost of processing
asylum seekers.  It looks very much as if Mr Howard is
trying to staunch an outflow of votes as much as an
influx of immigrants.

We prefer Mr Rinnan's instincts.  Common decency, a
quality we believe is still prized in Australia,
requires Mr Howard to set aside his electoral worries
and drop his hard line.  Having asked the Captain to
save the migrants, Austrlian cannot how turn its back
on them.  Not only would that be unconscionable, but
it would encourage mariners to ignore future distress
calls, thus imperilling the lives of future shipwreck
victims.  The Tampa's passengers should be allowed to
land, and be dealt wth in the same manner as other
undocumented immigrants.

That's the easy part of this sad affair.  But what of
the fresh boatloads of asylum seekers that will surely
continue to arrive?  Reports from the region tell of
travel agents who smuggle migrants from Afghanistan,
Iraq, Sri Lanka and other countries through Iran,
Malaysia and the Indonesian archipelago to Christmas
Island and Ashmore Reef, another sea swept Australian
territory.  There are simiilarities with the arrival
of smuggled Chinese off Canada's West Coast, but there
is one important difference.  The West Asisans are far
more likely to be fleeing genuine persecution, giving
them a claim to refugee status under international

Over the past 35 years, Australia has shed its White
Australia immigration policy, shouldered its
international obligations and accepted tens of
thousands of refugees from world trouble spots.  It
should continue to do so,  and should be applauded for
it.  Morevoer, since most refugee claims -
particularly from Afghans and Iraqis - are approved in
the end, it should recondiser its costly policy of
automatically detaining asylum seekers in isolated
camps until their cases are heard.

The rest of the world has responsibilities too,
Afghanistan's Taliban and Iraq's Saddam Hussein are
unlikely to change their despotic, refugee-producing
policies any time soon.  Wealthy Countries, however,
might consider taking more refugees for settlement
under United Nations auspices, and they should make
sure humanitarian aid is being provided at levels
appropriate to the suffering of innnocent peoples.
Undoubtedly there is also room for closer co-operation
from the countireis along the asylum trail  -
Indonesia, in particular - in fighting the lucraticve
people-smuggling trade.

But the central principle in dealing with suffering
must continue to be compassion.  In that respect, Mr
Rinnan has shown the way.


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LL:DDV: Free the Refugees! Protest @ Preston Markets Sept 8

2001-09-03 Thread Jackie Lynch

August 31, 2001
Local protest to demand:
Admit the Tampa refugees now!

Upcoming Action
Preston Markets
Saturday September 8
10am ­ 1pm
Speakout and Rally to Free the Refugees

Preselected Socialist Alliance candidate for Batman:
Jackie Lynch
0403 693 479

The Socialist Alliance, formed in February, has pledged to do everything it
could to force the Howard government to accept the refugees presently
stranded in appalling conditions on the Norwegian cargo vessel Tampa by the
government´s refusal to allow the ship to dock at Christmas Island.

Jackie Lynch, candidate for the Seat of Batman said that the stance of both
the Howard government and the Labor opposition revealed the deep inhumanity
of both major parties.
No-one with any human decency left could witness the suffering of these
people in flight from the institutionalised cruelty of the Taliban regime
and not want to help.

Lynch went on to say
The Socialist Alliance will be initiating and participating in protests all
around Australia: its candidates for the upcoming federal election will be
making the rights of refugees and asylum-seekers a central theme of their
message. In Batman, local Socialist Alliance activists are planning a
protest around the Tampa tragedy and the treatment of refugees in general.

Nine socialist organisations and many individual activists have formed the
Socialist Alliance to contest the next federal election. Supporters include
Craig Johnston, Victorian state branch secretary of the AMWU, Melbourne
University academic Verity Burgmann, comedian Rod Quantock, union and
environmental activist Jack Mundey, Victorian Fairwear organiser
Annie Delaney and Victorian Trades Hall women's and equity officer Ellen
The Socialist Alliance will be standing in every state and territory in the
federal election.

Jackie Lynch

Mobile: 0403 693 479


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LL:INFO: This week on Background Briefing

2001-09-03 Thread RN's Background Briefing

This Week On ABC Radio National's investigative documentary
program, Background Briefing
Sunday2 September 9am
Tuesday  4 September 7pm
Wednesday 5 September 4am
This Week
Taxing Times
Produced by Steve Skinner
Some people pay a lot,
others pay comparatively little.

We're talking here about the tax base,
We're talking here about over the years
a quite significant shifting of the tax burden
from high-wealth and corporates to PAYE
taxpayers. This is serious, it's systematic,
and it's on the increase.

Especially when the tax officials
are overworked, underpaid,
and doing their own photocopying.
Last Week
Gaza: Shouting at the Sea
Produced by Kylie Morris

Transcript available at:
Listen in on the web: Most new, and some archived,
Background Briefings are now available on our web
site as streaming Real Audio.

You'll find a list of them accompanying our transcripts.
We welcome your feedback on any of our programs
or the program web site.
Background Briefing on ABC Radio National
GPO Box 9994  Sydney NSW 2001   Australia
Fax:+61-2-9333-1400 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Voice   +61 2 9333 1385 during office hours.
Subscribe or sign off this email list by visiting our front page:
go to:
for further information.
Tuning into Radio National all over Australia:


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LL:DDQ: Forwarded mail....re CHOGM

2001-09-03 Thread Margaret

From: ruby black [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Are you travelling to the anti-chogm protests in Brisbane 6-9 October.Meet
other non hierarchial
anti capitalists groups and individuals from around Australia.We welcome you
to participate in a networking talk fest on Friday the 5th October.

  Each group has a short time to explain their goals and what their
  doing etc...followed by a general discussion re.CHOGM tactics  or general
networking according to the
desires of those present.
   People interested in Anarchist ideas are welcome to attend.No
  hierarchial groups- parties.The purpose of this meeting is to spread
Anarchist ideas and network.

 Interested! contact me via email


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LL:INFO: Proposed Peaceful Assemblies Bill

2001-09-03 Thread Debbie Brennan

Hello LeftLinkers

Below is a letter that Radical Women sent to Steve Bracks about the 
proposed Peaceful Assemblies Bill and forwarded to Donna Robertson, who 
recently asked subscribers for opinions. The letter was presented at an RW 
meeting this past Thursday on the militarising of Australia's police (guest 
speaker was Jude McCulloch, feminist community lawyer and author of Blue 
Army: Paramilitarity Policing in Australia) and signed by RW members and 

Debbie Brennan
Melbourne Radical Women Organiser

Radical Women
PO Box 266, West Brunswick Vic 3055

The Hon Steve Bracks
Office of the Premier
1 Treasury Place
Melbourne 3000

30 August 2001

Dear Premier Bracks

We, the undersigned, condemn your government's proposed Peaceful 
Assemblies Bill which would revoke the right of assembly in Victoria. 
Coming just before the Commonwealth Business Forum in October, its 
immediate purpose is self-evident.

Empowering police to crush demonstrations and threatening protesters with 
collective penalties is a transparent and desperate attempt by your 
government to protect the global profiteers. Working people and society's 
most downtrodden, who are the targets of this bill, will not tolerate 
repeats of the infamous scenes at Richmond Secondary College in 1994 and 
the S11 protests last year. We will not be scapegoated for the economic 
crisis, nor coerced into paying for it. Our rights are not for sale.

At the very least, justice requires the establishment of an elected, 
community-controlled police review board, independent of government and the 
police, with power to discipline and dismiss officers who harass, brutalise 
or kill women, people of colour, young people, queers and workers - today's 
protesters. The police must not be unleashed, they must be held accountable.

Yours sincerely


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LL:DDV: COSHG Workshops

2001-09-03 Thread Margaret

Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2001 12:53 PM
Subject: Workshops

W o r k s h o p s  (3)


There will be a workshop on the theme of Support on
Saturday October 27. 10am - 4pm. To be held in
Carlton. Topics will include ways that group members
can support each other, including active listening
and  skills for answering phone calls from members and
prospective members. Facilitators of the sessions
will  be Lera O'Connor from the Anti-Cancer Council
and  Eilís Hughes from the Genetic Support Network.
Cost  will be $10 (or $5 if you have a Health Care
Card or  similar level of income). Bring your own
lunch.  There  will be a maximum of 40 people. It is
essential to  book your place. Please contact COSHG. A
program  with  details of session times, public
transport, car  parking, etc will be sent to you on
receipt of your  booking.

Our recent workshops have been on weekdays. We are
holding this one on a Saturday and hope that members
of self help groups who are at work on weekdays will
be able to join us for this workshop.

A workshop for:-
- people involved in starting a group
- people thinking about starting a group
- people taking on new responsibilities
(for example being a committee member or convenor)
- groups that are thinking about doing things in a
new  way

Workshop will cover a range of issues, depending on
the needs of the participants. If you would be
interested in attending, please call COSHG before
September 11, and we will arrange the workshop at a
time to suit the people who want to attend.

We hope to hold more workshops in 2001-2002 and we
are  looking for people to facilitate sessions. Could
you  run a session on a topic that would be useful toother  groups?
This is a chance to share your
experience and  knowledge with a small informal group
of people  involved in self help.

Information about future workshops will be in the
COSHG news sheet. If you are interested in future
workshops, please subscribe to the news sheet.

Some possible topics for workshops ...
Computer skills
Internet use
Web pages
News sheet production, mail-outs, evaluation
Leaflet production
Starting a group
Group maintenance
Recruitment - how to get people involved
Legal structures, incorporation
Meetings, facilitation,
Consensus decision making
Conference/forum organising
Consultations - is it worth being involved?
Conflict Resolution
Awareness - Cultural/ disabilities, etc
GST  other tax issues
Public Speaking  presentations
Media Skills (press releases)
Finances - being a treasurer
Funding - submissions, fund raising
Issues for similar groups - e.g. Health Groups
Support groups - active listening, phone skills,
referrals, confidentiality
Publicity, working with the media
Gender relations in self help and social action
Video making
Screen Printing
Banner making
Social Action and the Law
Students  volunteers in self help groups
Campaign skills
Nonviolence and direct action
Strategic Questioning
Umbrella groups - policies and structures

Collective Of Self Help Groups P O Box 251, Brunswick East 3057 Vic
Australia Phone 61 3 9349 2301 (Wed 2-4pm) www.vicnet.net.au/~coshg   For
people wanting to contact, start or maintain self help or social action
groups  Directory of Self Help and Social Action Groups.


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LL:PR: WTO applauded for insulting Gandhi satire

2001-09-03 Thread Margaret

From: RTMark Quarterly Report [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2001 5:07 PM
Subject: WTO applauded for insulting Gandhi

August 30, 2001

Gold and one meter long, phallus is brand-new technology to control
distant workers

Anti-WTO impostors have struck again, delivering a lecture about the
rights of slavery, the stupidity of Gandhi, and the supremacy of free
trade to an enthusiastic crowd of scientists, engineers, and marketing
professionals--all of whom thought they were watching an official WTO

The 150 experts at the Textiles of the Future conference in Tampere,
Finland heard one Hank Hardy Unruh explain that Gandhi's self-
sufficiency movement was entirely misguided, because it centered
around protectionism, and that Lincoln, by outlawing slavery, had
criminally interfered with the trade freedom of the South, as well as
with slavery's own freedom to develop naturally. Had slavery never
been abolished, Unruh said, today's much cheaper system of sweatshops
would have eventually replaced it anyhow; following this free-market
logic to the end, Unruh declared the Civil War just a big waste of

Finally, to applause from the highly educated audience, Unruh's
business suit was ripped off to reveal a golden leotard with a
three-foot-long phallus. The purpose of the Management Leisure Suit,
he explained, was to allow managers, no matter where they were, to
monitor their distant, impoverished workforces and to administer
shocks to encourage productivity--assuring that no Gandhi-type
situation develop again.

If a group of Ph.D.s cheers at such crudely crazy things, just
because it's the WTO saying them, what else can the WTO get away
with?  said Andy Bichlbaum of the Yes Men, the impostors' umbrella
group. (The entire PowerPoint lecture is available at
http://www.theyesmen.org/finland/, along with some shots captured by
a video crew preparing a film on the Yes Men's activities.)

The Yes Men had a similar experience last October with a group of
international trade lawyers (http://www.theyesmen.org/wto/). And in
July, a member of the group, again passing as a representative of the
WTO, appeared on a major television network show about protest's
effect on the market (http://theyesmen.org/tv.html); among other
things, he spoke about how the privatization of education will
naturally eliminate unproductive thinkers from the high-school
classroom, a long-term solution to the problem of protest. (Because
the imposture was not noticed and the Yes Men hope for further
appearances, the show's name is being withheld.)

In other quarterly developments:

* A conference session on techniques to counter anti-corporate
activism, normally available for $225 to corporate clients, is
available to activists for free at http://rtmark.com/prsa/, thanks to
an anonymous donor.

* At the G8 protests in Genoa, activists distributed one thousand
vanity mirrors, which were then used to reflect the sun into the eyes
of attacking policemen; this fulfilled RTMark project MIRR
(http://rtmark.com/archimedes.html), and those who carried it out
received a $1,000 anonymous investment.

The Archimedes Project comes on the heels of the medieval catapult
attack on the FTAA fortress in Quebec City, for which the workers were
awarded $200. For the upcoming IMF protests in Washington, D.C., on
September 29, an RTMark investor has offered $500 to any Lacrosse
team that harnesses their skills and equipment to throw tear gas
canisters back to the police (http://rtmark.com/fundhigh.html#LACR).

* A software development kit and book from http://hactivist.com,
entitled Child as Audience, allows anyone to reverse-engineer the
Nintendo Gameboy. Because of content that many will find
objectionable, RTMark has lent its corporate veil to the project,
meaning that any legal flak will be absorbed by the RTMark corporate
body rather than by those responsible.

* The same label that enraged Geffen Records with Deconstructing
Beck is issuing its fourth RTMark-sponsored release, A Mutated
Christmas, a paean to musical sharing illegally assembled from
copyrighted holiday music. Promotional copies will be available in
late September; press and radio requests should be directed to

RTMark's primary goal is to publicize corporate subversion of the
democratic process. To this end it acts as a clearinghouse for
anti-corporate projects. A list of just-added projects is maintained
at http://rtmark.com/new.html.

   # 30 #

www.iww.org because capitalism cannot be reformed.


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LL:ART: Turning Democracy on it's Head

2001-09-03 Thread S.P

Challenging read - pls. read if you have time:

Subject: Turning Democracy on it's Head

John Bunzl


To give into the protesters would be to turn
democracy on it's head so responded an angry Tony
Blair to suggestions that summits like the G-8 meeting
in Genoa should not take place in view of the violence
and bloodshed. Blair, defiant as ever, insists that
the protesters are preventing democratically elected
world leaders from carrying out their day-to-day
business of making the world a better and safer place.

He vehemently denies that he and other political
leaders are out of touch and insists the protesters
are seeking to turn democracy on its head. But such
statements only serve to underline the extent to which
Blair has already lost touch with reality. For he
assumes that genuine `democracy' still exists; an
assumption which could cost us all dearly in the
months and years to come unless politicians take
appropriate action very soon.

Indeed, quite unbeknown to Mr. Blair - though not to
many who shun the ballot box in droves - democracy has
already been turned on its head and can no longer be
said to exist by any reasonable definition of the
word. Now he and many other politicians will at first
scoff at such a statement. After all, we have
elections, don't we? Indeed we do. And they're free
and fair, aren't they? Indeed they are.

But does that necessarily mean we have `democracy'?
For democracy surely implies not just the mechanics of
free and fair elections but the ability of different
political parties to choose and, if elected, to
implement their freely chosen manifestos. On the face
of it, this may appear to be the case. But we need to
probe a little deeper to uncover some of the reasons
for the protests in Genoa, Gothenburg, Davos and at
almost every other major summit meeting since Seattle
in December 1999. And this disaffection is just the
festering tip of a very large iceberg.

For underlying these high-profile protests lies a
widespread and deepening public disengagement from
party politics as evidenced by ever-lower voter
turnouts in elections around the world. This is
something our Tony should know well, having himself
been recently re-elected by only 42% of the vote with
a turn-out of just 58%; the lowest since 1929.

To my reckoning, that means only 25% of those eligible
voted for him. So why all the disaffection when the
mechanics of democracy seem to be in good working

The `Hidden-Hand' of Global Competition.

The answer, quite simply, is because today's
competitive global economy subtly yet effectively
reduces the span of feasible policy options open to
national governments. Today we live in a global and
largely borderless economy where capital and
transnational corporations freely move wherever
profits are highest, costs lowest and where
governments live in fear of the `reaction' of global

No government can now impose higher taxes or
regulations on corporations for fear of them moving
employment elsewhere. Similarly, governments seeking
to impose protective environmental or labour
legislation would be seen by global financial markets
as `uncompetitive', prompting instant punishment
through devaluation, capital flight, inflation and

Even the mooting of such policies would cause the
computers of market traders to instantly move capital
to some other economy offering an environment `more
conducive to business needs'. Democracy presupposes
that political parties can freely represent a wide
diversity of public opinion and consequently a wide
range of feasible policies covering the entire
political spectrum. But globally competitive markets
now represent a sinister `hidden hand' which narrows
the policy parameters to what has now become a highly
restricted, business-friendly stance which excludes
all those restorative policies traditionally espoused
by the political Left to balance social and
environmental concerns against those of business.

So at a time when the gap between rich and poor is at
its greatest, when job security is at its weakest and
when the Left around the world should consequently be
at the peak of its effectiveness, it instead finds
itself struggling for oxygen as global markets have
created a political-economic environment in which
traditional centre-left policies have become

And for any political party, impractical policies
inevitably spell political redundancy and a loss of
public support. For voters are not stupid. They
certainly know that their nation cannot ignore world
markets or the wider international economic
environment. They know that their jobs depend to an
increasing degree on their nation's competitiveness in
world markets.

Consequently, they are encouraged to align their votes
with whichever party they perceive as most likely to
maintain it. In the struggle against redundancy,
therefore, the Left had little option but to shed