LL:DDS: Adelaide protests: Land Warfare Conference

2003-10-20 Thread Cathy Picone
If you want peace, prepare for peace. If you want war, prepare for war.

Adelaide will soon be hosting a Land Warfare Conference at the
Convention Centre, North Terrace. This Conference will take place 27
- 29 October, next Monday week through to Wednesday.

To protest the arms trade, three actions will be held during the time
of the Land Warfare Conference:

1. Monday 27 October, 4pm - 6.30pm, on the plaza just outside the
Convention Centre on North Terrace (near the railway).  This is the
time when conference delegates will be registering. This protest is
for women and men.

2. Tuesday 28 October, 7.30am - 10.30am, also on the plaza just
outside the Convention Centre. This is the time when delegates will
be arriving for the start of the conference. This protest is also for
women and men.

3. Wednesday 29 October, 5 pm to 6pm, the usual Women in Black vigil,
on the steps of Parliament House. This protest is for women only.

Ruth is making some signs and placards for these actions so come
along and stand with us if you can.

The money required to provide adequate food, water, education,
health and housing for everyone in the world for a year is what the
world spends on arms every two weeks.

Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (SA): (08) 8232 6334
Australian Peace Committee (SA): (08) 8212 7138



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LL:DDS: Romero company's annual drama production, Adelaide

2003-10-03 Thread Cathy Picone
Please forward

The Romero Company Incorporated presents


by Nikos Kazantzakis
Script adapted by Damian Mead
Music arranged by Helen Lawrie
Directed by Sister Janet Mead

He who must die by famous Greek writer Nikos Kazantzakis (best
known for Zorba the Greek) is set in the turbulence of the
Catastrophe in 1921.  Thousands of Greeks were uprooted and driven
out of their homes in Asia Minor by Turkish oppression.  This Romero
Company Production evokes the passion, conflict and the rising of the
human spirit over injustice and adversity. Come and enjoy the music,
the drama and the humour of this colourful production

on THURSDAY 9th and FRIDAY 10th OCTOBER 2003
at 7.30pm

ADMISSION: $18 adults; $12 concession
FOR TICKETS phone 8232 0048 or 8231 4801
Proceeds: Rosemary Taylor's self-help projects, South-East Asia


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LL:DDS: Women in Black vigil, Wednesday 24th Sept, 5 - 6 pm

2003-09-22 Thread Cathy Picone
Adelaide Women in Black Vigil

Silent Vigil against War, Violence and Militarisation
Parliament House steps, Adelaide
Wednesday 24th September, 2003, 5 pm - 6 pm

For more details, contact:
   Jillinda or Cathy: (08) 8232 6334


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LL:DDS: Children of the Gulf War photo exhibition

2003-06-19 Thread Cathy Picone
Please distribute widely

Children of the Gulf War
Australian Tour Project

photographic exhibition
by Takashi Morizumi,
respected photojournalist and advocate of a nuclear
free world, documenting the effects of the 1991 Gulf
War on the children of Iraq

Now extended until 5 July 2003

at The Barr Smith Library, University of Adelaide
exhibition open Monday-Thursday 8am-10pm, Friday 8am-6pm,
Saturday and Sunday lpm-5pm

Free entry (donation appreciated)

Brought to Adelaide by Women's International League for Peace  Freedom
with the support of:
The Barr Smith Library,
Medical Association for the Prevention of War,
Graham F Smith Peace Trust,
Quakers in South Australia, Australian Peace
Committee, Amnesty International, NOWAR SA, United
Nations Status of Women Committee, The Body Shop,
Temple Bruer Wines, Brenden Wood Media Management

Further information at: www.wilpf.org.au


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LL:URL: Ruth Russell's web site

2003-06-19 Thread Cathy Picone
Ruth Russell who is Treasurer of Women's International League for
Peace and Freedom (South Australian branch) went recently to Iraq as
a human shield. You might like to check out Ruth's website:




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LL:DDS: Ruth Russell, human shield in Iraq, speaking on war

2003-06-16 Thread Cathy Picone
Please distribute widely.

Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (SA) and Adelaide 
Amnesty International Women's Group

invite you to hear

Ruth Russell, human shield in Iraq
speak about her experiences of the recent war on Iraq

at the

Coglin Street Community Centre
23 Coglin Street, Adelaide

7.30 p.m. - 9.30 p.m. Thursday 3rd July

Entry by gold coin donation
Supper provided

Further information: 8232 6334


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LL:DDS: Children of the Gulf War photographic exhibition

2003-06-10 Thread Cathy Picone
Women's International League for Peace  Freedom (WILPF) is pleased
to bring to Adelaide the 58 dramatic black and white images by
respected anti-nuclear photojournalist, Takashi Morizumi. These
photos will be on display at the Barr Smith Library until June 28th.

The photos show how, even before the most recent war on Iraq, the
Gulf War had never ended for most Iraqis - the pain of Iraqi mothers
watching their children die from untreated leukemia...a grandparent
trying to protect a grandchild from the agony of a failing
kidney...families farming through necessity in a toxic, radioactive

With many thanks,

Cathy Picone
Please distribute widely

Children of the Gulf War
Australian Tour Project

a photographic exhibition
by Takashi Morizumi,
respected photojournalist and advocate of a nuclear
free world, documenting the effects of the 1991 Gulf
War on the children of Iraq

On display until 28th June 2003

at The Barr Smith Library, University of Adelaide
exhibition open Monday-Thursday 8am-10pm, Friday 8am-6pm,
Saturday and Sunday lpm-5pm

Free entry (donation appreciated)

Brought to Adelaide by Women's International League for Peace  Freedom
with the support of:
The Barr Smith Library, Graham F Smith Peace Trust,
Quakers in South Australia, Australian Peace
Committee, Amnesty International, NOWAR SA, United
Nations Status of Women Committee, The Body Shop,
Temple Bruer Wines, Brenden Wood Media Management

Further information at: www.wilpf.org.au


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LL:ART: Going as a Human Shield to Iraq: by Ruth Russell

2003-02-16 Thread Cathy Picone

By Ruth Russell

Why am I going?

I am going because this war is morally wrong.  I am ashamed that
Australians are being involved in this war and by going, I am saying
Not in my name.

War is not the way a civilized society behaves.  There is a way to
solve international conflict diplomatically through the United
Nations but we need the goodwill of our prime minister to find
peaceful solutions instead of excuses for war.

As Australians, we were made aware of the tragic consequences of one
bomb in Bali recently. Now our government is considering being a
party to dropping countless bombs all over Iraq with unimaginable,
horrendeous deaths, maiming and destruction . Is this what
Australians want?  The Australian people are shouting out loudly NO
but to date are being ignored.

Australia will not gain long term security from participating in this war.

What do I hope to achieve ?

The idea of a human shield operates on two levels.  One is the
symbolic action of saying that a war on Iraq is wrong and being
prepared to put my life on the line because I believe this.  The
other level is the practical one of being with the Iraqi people to
say not all Australians agree with this war.

In Iraq, I hope to be with children in schools as I want to raise the
issue that another UN Resolution that Australia is signatory to is to
protect children from the horrors of armed conflict.  Why is
Australia doing nothing to protect Iraqi children?

What has lead me to take this action ?

I am a member of Women's International League for Peace and Freedom
and the Australian Democrats as well as a local Councillor.  I want
to live in a civil society.  I think you have to speak out when
something is wrong - stand up and be counted.  If you don't, then you
are complicit by your silence.  Australians are being silenced
through fear at the moment and this has to stop.

Details of my trip to Iraq

I leave Adelaide on Wednesday, 19th Feb at 6.30pm, flying to Amman,
Jordan to meet with other 'human shield' volunteers.  We will then
travel by bus to Baghdad.  I have to be totally self-sufficient and
pay all my own expenses.  It is anticipated that we will be staying
with families, in schools or hospitals or camping near military

What can you do?

I am asking Australians to consider the ethics and morality of war
and standup and speak out that 'War is not the way a civilized
society behaves

Contact Details for updates

If you would like to know more about my progress this can be arranged

Ruth Russell
Adelaide 13/2/2003


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LL:DDS: Australia Is Refugees

2002-11-11 Thread Cathy Picone
Please distribute widely.

Women are warmly invited to the meeting of the SA branch of the
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF)
on Saturday 23rd November

eva sallis
will speak on the topic
   australia is refugees:
young australians and the refugee experience

2 pm to 4.30 pm, 5 Hutt Street, Adelaide

Lunch beforehand 1 pm is optional - please bring some food to share.
Hot drinks are provided.
All women who are supportive of WILPF's aims for a fair world free of
violence, war and weapons
are welcome to attend this meeting.

Eva Sallis is co-founder of Australians Against Racism
Eva is an Australian born writer. Her first novel Hiam won The
Australian Vogel and the Dobbie Literary Awards. Her second novel,
The City of Sealions, was published in 2002. Other publications
include a book of literary criticism, Sheherazade through the Looking
Glass: the Metamorphosis of the 1001 Nights; and a number of short
stories, poems, academic and literary articles, and reviews. She has
a PhD specialising in comparative literature (Arabic and English).
Eva travels regularly to the Middle East. She is currently running
the nationwide
   Australia is Refugees! Schools competition.  At the wilpf meeting
on November 23rd, Eva will speak about this schools project, and read
some excerpts from one or more of the entries. She will also talk a
little about why she has set up this project, what its apparent
successes and effects are, and what she is planning to do with it in
the future.

For further information, contact Bernadette Anderson 8267 1583


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LL:DDS: The Circle: film evening fundraiser

2002-07-08 Thread Cathy Picone

Please distribute this notice widely among your networks.
Apologies for any cross posting.

The Circle

- a great film in a good cause -

   Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (SA)
   in conjunction with
   Amnesty International Australia Women's Group

   a film evening fundraiser

This powerful film, which has been banned by Iranian authorities,
follows the lives of four women in an oppressive society where men
hold all the cards, yet where even to allude to this fact is seen as
a dissentient act.  Their world is one of constant surveillance,
bureaucracy and age-old inequalities, but this stifling world cannot
extinguish the strength and courage of the Circle of women.
The Circle caused a sensation when it was awarded Best Film, The
Fipresci (Critics) award and the UNICEF award at the Venice Film
festival.  It was very highly rated by film critics, Margaret
Pomerantz and David Stratton (SBS's Movie Show).

Trak Cinema, 375 Greenhill Rd Toorak Gardens
Thursday 1st August 2002 at 7.00 pm

 Purchase tickets from:
WILPF - 8296 4357
AI - 8221 5979

Cost: $12.00 waged and $6.00 unwaged


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LL:DDS: Good Global Governance - Can the UN deliver?

2002-05-03 Thread Cathy Picone

Please distribute this notice widely among your networks

A public meeting

Good Global Governance ...
Can the United Nations deliver?

Dr Anthony Burke, Lecturer in International Relations, Department of 
Politics, University of Adelaide and author of In Fear of Security: 
Australia's Invasion Anxiety, published Pluto Press Australia, 2001

Dimity Hawkins Formerly of Reaching Critical Will, a nuclear disarmament 
project of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, WILPF 
United Nations Office, New York

Tuesday 18th June 2002
7.15 pm for  a 7.30 start. Finishing at 9.30 pm

Coglin Street Community Centre
23 Coglin Street, Adelaide
(Please note the change of venue)

Entry by gold coin donation
Live music
Supper provided

Organised by: Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (SA) and 
the United Nations Association of Australia (South Australian Division)
Further information: phone 08 8296 4357


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LL:PR: WILPF media release re Nuclear Posture Review

2002-03-11 Thread Cathy Picone


A classified Pentagon briefing paper recently leaked to the US media
calls for marked changes in US nuclear posture. Until now, US nuclear
policy (to use nuclear weapons as a last resort) has been based
around the use of nuclear weapons as deterrents.

A secret Nuclear Posture Review would expand the kinds of
situations in which the US would be prepared to countenance the use
of nuclear weapons by its military. The Review states that nuclear
weapons could be used by the US in three types of situations: against
targets able to withstand non-nuclear attack; in retaliation for
attack with nuclear, biological or chemical weapons; or in the event
of surprising military developments.

The report also identifies seven countries against which the US would
be prepared to use its nuclear armoury.

Consistent with recent changes in foreign policy, this Nuclear
Posture Review,  if adopted, would see yet another sharp move towards
increased US unilateralism. Refusal to participate in the
Comprehensive Test Ban  Treaty; an announced intention to withdraw
from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty; and commitment to the
National Missile Defence system have all signalled a renewed
unilateralist inclination in the US.

These suggested changes to US policy on the use of nuclear weapons
are provocative in the extreme and, if adopted, could only be
regarded as irresponsible, says Mary Ziesak of the Women's
International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF).

If this review is adopted, the US would be giving itself carte
blanche to use nuclear weapons even against nation states which
possess only conventional weapons.

Despite US denials, this new policy review would amount to nuclear
weapons being regarded as conventional battlefield weapons.

These are moves which would make the use of nuclear weapons more
likely and could only result in increased international tensions.

We need to be reducing political and military tensions not
increasing them, says Ms Ziesak. This new nuclear posture would
diminish the safety of all, including the safety of Australian
citizens. At Pine Gap, Australia hosts a base which plays its part in
the US nuclear war fighting strategy. There is ample room for a
middle ranking power on the international stage such as Australia to
stand up against these belligerent and provocative moves on the part
of the US. WILPF believes that the Australian Government now needs to
take a firm stand against the changes proposed in this policy review.

Contact: Cathy Picone 08 8296 4357




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LL:DDS: The Future for Women in Afghanistan

2002-02-27 Thread Cathy Picone

Please distribute this notice widely

An important public meeting in Adelaide

The Future for Women in Afghanistan
With the Taliban gone,
is  there any real freedom or safety
for Afghan women?

Speaker: Tahmeena Faryal Senior Spokesperson for the Revolutionary
Association of Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)  Exiled in Pakistan,
Faryal is the heroic young woman who, a few years ago, secretly
filmed a Taliban execution of women (for supposed crimes against
public morality). This film footage dramatically alerted the world
to the plight of Afghan women, a plight that grinds on under the
warlords of the Northern Alliance. RAWA continues to organise
underground activities for the advancement and rights of women.

Come and hear firsthand the courageous resistance of the women of 

Monday 25th March 2002
7.15 pm for  a 7.30 start. Finishing at 9.30 pm

Pilgrim Church Hall
12 Flinders Street, Adelaide

*Entry by gold coin donation  *Live music by Nikki Mortier
*Supper provided

Organised by: Global Sisterhood Network, Women of Metal, Union of
Australian Women, Women's International League for Peace and Freedom
(SA) and the Tuesday Afternoon Women's Liberation Group

Further information: phone 08 8296 4357



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LL:DDS: Women in Black Vigils in Adelaide

2001-11-01 Thread Cathy Picone

Women in Black Vigils in Adelaide

 Wednesday 28th November 5.30pm to 6.30pm*
and monthly after that on the last Wednesday of each month until the
war on/of terror stops

   We invite all women to join our silent vigil in protest against the
ongoing attacks by the United States and its allies against the
people of Afghanistan.  Wearing the black clothing of bereavement and
adopting the silence enforced on the victims of violence, we will
mourn the dead and express our opposition to all forms of violence.
Please join us to call on the Australian Government to immediately
step back from vengeance and instead pursue justice through the
channels of international law.

Women in Black is a loose, international network of women who share a
common philosophy of opposition to militarism and violence and use a
similar style of silent demonstration.

For more details, please contact Jillinda on 8341 7517 or Cathy on 8296 4357

   *This will occur at the same time as the Women in Black Vigil in Sydney
 on the steps of Sydney Town Hall except we will be CST and they are EST


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LL:INFO: Women's organisations letter - military strikes

2001-10-26 Thread Cathy Picone

Dear LeftLink,

I thought that you might like to see a copy of the following letter
which is being circulated with an invitation for endorsements from
Australian women's organisations.  It is being circulated on behalf
of Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF -
Australia) and ANCORW (Australian National Council for Refugee
Women). We are inviting other women's organisations to sign on to it.

After we have gathered additional signatories from women's
organisations, we intend to send this letter to the new Minister for
Foreign Affairs on Monday 12 November following the election. Could
you please circulate it - for endorsement by women's groups - among
your networks?

If women's groups are wishing to endorse the letter, they will need
to get their endorsement to us by Friday 9 November, the day before
the election.

thanks for your help,

Cathy Picone


Dated: 12 November 2001

To the as yet unknown
Minister for Foreign Affairs,
Parliament House,
Canberra  ACT  2601

Dear Minister,

We write as a matter of urgency following the election/re-election of
your Government and on behalf of the combined memberships of our
organisations concerning the military strikes against Afghanistan.
In the wake of the September 11 attacks against civilian targets in
Washington and New York and while dispersal of anthrax spores
continues to be used as a weapon of fear against civilians in the US,
we wish to add the voices of hundreds of Australian women to
community calls for an adequate and constructive means of addressing
the problems of terrorism.

While we understand that the Australian Government, in choosing to
support the option of military strikes against Afghanistan, has
sought to find a means of addressing these difficulties, nevertheless
we believe that the ample lessons of history demonstrate that such a
military option, if its pursuit is continued, will prove to be not
only inadequate but even inflammatory.

We believe that the destruction and violent loss of human life in
mainland US on September 11 is presently being compounded by further
violence against the innocent people of Afghanistan. Not only are
some of the US missiles inevitably causing loss of life among
non-combatants in cities in Afghanistan, but refugee flows have
increased markedly. More that 2 million Afghani refugees have already
fled to Pakistan. According to UN spokesperson, Eric Falt, there are
a further 7 million people within Afghanistan itself who are now at
risk of starvation. As the winter approaches, these people will
become increasingly vulnerable. The peanut butter, baked beans and
jelly military ration packs presently being dropped from the air by
the US military are manifestly inadequate. According to Eric Falt,
the promised cash flows from the international community have not
materialised, and the UN needs to be able to mobilise adequate relief
items immediately.

As many commentators have fairly observed, even were the military
mission to succeed on its own terms in isolating any Al Qaeda
training cells which may remain in Afghanistan and/or killing or
capturing Osama bin Laden himself, nevertheless, as a means of
adequately addressing the problems posed by terrorism, such a
strategy would remain an outright failure. In such militarily charged
circumstances, the capture or death of Osama bin Laden would serve,
according to these commentators, as an inflammatory signal to the
many hundreds of thousands in the Third World who may share his view
that their present circumstances are so dire as to warrant the kinds
of strategies which have been advocated by Osama bin Laden and his
ilk. Thus, in the words of one commentator, terrorism is a
many-headed hydra and ironically, an apparent success of the
military mission may well serve the purposes of the terrorists.

In addition, military strikes and invasions of one country by another
or by a number of countries outside of the United Nations are a
breach of the UN Charter.

In short, we believe that the pursuit of military strikes as a means
of dealing with the present situation holds the potential to inflame
and therefore increase terrorist responses, rather than to contribute
to a resolution.  In this context, it is hard to avoid the conclusion
that Australian Government support for the military option is ill

We are therefore calling for a means of addressing our current
difficulties which are adequate, well-directed and capable of
success. We believe that more constructive and more thoughtful
strategies needs to be pursued.

We therefore call on the Australian Government:

1. to use your good offices to work as a matter of the utmost urgency
through all available international  channels to ensure that the
United Nations has the immediate cash inputs necessary to mobilise
relief items in order to feed, shelter and provide health care for
those at risk in Afghanistan and neighbouring countries

LL:ART: Bomb them with butter, bribe them with hope]

2001-09-19 Thread Cathy Picone

Bomb them with butter, bribe them with hope

A military response, particularly an attack on Afghanistan, is exactly what 
the terrorists want.  It will strengthen and swell their small but 
fanatical ranks.

Instead, bomb Afghanistan with butter, with rice, bread, clothing and 
medicine.  It will cost less than conventional arms, poses no threat of US 
casualties and just might get the populace thinking that maybe the Taliban 
don't have the answers.  After three years of drought and with starvation 
looming, let's offer the Afghani people the vision of a new future. One 
that includes full stomachs.

Bomb them with information. Video players and cassettes of world, leaders, 
particularly Islamic leaders, condemning terrorism.  Carpet the country 
with magazines and newspapers showing the horror of terrorism committed by 
their guest.  Blitz them with laptop computers and DVD players filled 
with a perspective that is denied them by their government. Saturation 
bombing with hope will mean that some of it gets through.  Send so much 
that the Taliban can't collect and hide it all.

The Taliban are telling their people to prepare for Jihad. Instead, let's 
give the Afghani people their first good meal in years.  Seeing your family 
fully fed and the prospect of stability in terms of food and a future is a 
powerful deterrent to martyrdom. All we ask in return is that they, as a 
people, agree to enter the civilized world.  That includes handing over 
terrorists in their midst.

In responding to terrorism we need to do something different. Something 
unexpected..something that addresses the root of the problem.  We need to 
take away the well of despair, ignorance and brutality from which the Osama 
bin Laden's of the world water their gardens of terror.


Please pass this along.

It is important that we learn to think in NEW ways.  If we continue 
attacking in the old ways we will get the same old results. Look at what 
has been happening the middle east for thousands of years to see what we 
can expect if we attack with bombs and military force.

Do we want to live a life of fear as people in the middle east do?


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LL:PR: Statement on human security by WILPF (Australia)

2001-09-13 Thread Cathy Picone

Statement by Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF)

The loss of human life in New York and Washington yesterday is keenly felt.
The Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) (Australia)
sends love and condolences to all those who have lost loved ones in the

Over recent months, George Bush, Dick Cheney, Colin Powell and Donald
Rumsfeld have been working hard through all diplomatic channels to persuade
the international community that their plan to build a missile defence
shield to protect mainland US against rogue states is in the
interests of human security.  We in WILPF (Australia) have been saying that
their plan is not in the interests of human security - either of humans in
their own nation state, the United States, or of humans elsewhere in the
world. In fact, WILPF believes that their missile defence shield is a
plan which, if enacted, would further jeopardise human security by
precipitating a new arms race.

Clearly the US Administration has not had their eye on the main game. While
they have been working to bring other nation states on board to support -
or at least not to oppose - their billion dollar missile defence shield,
they have failed to take the necessary steps to avert threats to human
security through the very simple means of ordinary commercial airliners
being turned into weapons of mass destruction.

WILPF (Australia) believes that if we allow the present gross inequities in
distribution of the world's wealth to continue, we in the affluent nations
of the West must continue to expect anger and resentments to be directed
against ordinary citizens.

In order to ensure human security needs, our leaders must stop allowing a
system where 99,000 children die each day. According to the United Nations
Human Development Report of 2000, under our present international economic
system, 1.3 billion of the earth's 6 billion people are surviving on US $1
a day or less.  This is, in and of itself, a violent system violating the
right to life of millions of innocent people each year who die due to

While we have an economic and distribution system that allows such
disparity and such inherent violence to exist as a normal part of
everyday life, we have an extremely unstable situation. As the events of
yesterday demonstrate, this instability has now reached volatile

We have all allowed to develop a system which is serving the interests of
only a very few multinational corporations.

If world leaders truly value human security as they proclaim, then they
will have to abandon their cant about barbaric acts of terrorism against
civilised nations. To use such rhetoric and to try to posit an enemy
other then the real culprit is to mislead people. To permit such racism to
flourish is to further undermine our collective security.

The real enemy is greed.  Of the 100 biggest economic entities in the
world today, 51 are no longer nation states but mulitnational corporations.
If we are to find long-term and stable solutions to human security needs,
then we have no choice but to find a way to share the wealth of our planet
fairly among all peoples and to stop allowing a system marked by gross

WILPF (Australia) believes that yesterday's disaster in mainland US is a
failure of western foreign policy and economic policy. There has been a
vacuum of leadership.

In this context, to suggest that further billions of dollars of the world's
wealth should be diverted to the boardrooms of the multinational
corporations who manufacture armaments is to build a white elephant missile
shield. It is a robbery of the world's people and does not make anyone
more secure.

As the Australian Government under John Howard has been one of the most
gung-ho supporters of the proposed US Government missile shield, WILPF
(Australia) encourages all Australians, and especially Australian women and
girls, to contact your local MP, the Prime Minister and the Foreign
Minister, Alexander Downer, to insist that our real human security needs
are met and that the Australian Government ends its support for the
irrational missile defence shield.

You can write to MPs at Parlaiment House. Canberra ACT 2061 or phone
Parliament House switchboard on 02 6277 7111

Contact: Cathy Picone for WILPF (Australia) phone: 08 8296 4357


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LL:ART: The Global Child

2001-08-24 Thread Cathy Picone

In preparation for the United Nations Special Session on Children, the
following is forwarded from UNICEF:

The Global Child

There are 2.1 billion children in the world, accounting for 35% of the 
world's population. Some 129 million children are born each year.

Globally, 1 in 4 children lives in abject poverty - in families with income 
lower than $1 a day.  In developing countries, 1 in 3 children lives in 
abject poverty.

One of every 12 children dies before they reach five, mostly from 
preventable causes.

Of every 100 children in the world:

* 55 are born in Asia  (19 in India, 18 China)
* 16 are born in sub-Saharan Africa
* 8 are born in Latin America and the Caribbean
* 7 are born in the Middle East and North Africa
* 6 are born in the Eastern Europe, CIS and Baltic States
* 8 are born in industrialized countries (Western Europe, USA, Canada,
Israel, Japan, Australia, New Zealand)

Birth registration
* The births of 33 are not registered.  These children have no official 
existence or recognition of nationality.

* 27 are not immunized against any disease.


* 32 suffer from malnutrition in their first five years of life.
* Only 44 are exclusively breastfed for the first three months of life.

Water and Sanitation
* 18 have no access to clean drinking water.
* 39 live without adequate sanitation.

* 18 of the children never go to school.  Of these, 11 are girls.
* 25 of every 100 who begin 1st grade do not reach the 5th grade.

* 17 out of  every 100 children never learn how to read. 11 are girls.

Child labour
* 1 of every 4 children between the ages of 5 and 14 in the developing 
world work.
* Half of those who work do so full time.
* 8 of the 21 children born in Africa work.
* 12 of the 55 children born in Asia work.
* 1 of the 8 born in Latin America work.

Life expectancy
* Globally, children born today are expected to live 64 years.
* In the industrialized world, they will live 78 years.
* In the 45 countries most affected by HIV/AIDS, average life expectancy is 
58 years.
* In Botswana, Malawi, Mozambique, Rwanda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe - countries 
heavily affected by HIV/AIDS -  life expectancy is less than 43 years.

Sources: ILO Child Labor Statistics; UNICEF, The State of the World's
Children Report (2001 and 2002); UNICEF, Facts and Figures 2000.


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LL:PR: Press release from WILPF International

2001-08-14 Thread Cathy Picone


Krishna AhoojaPatel New International President of WILPF

For the first time in its almost ninety year history, Women's International
League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) has an International President from
the Southern region.

Krishna AhoojaPatel has been elected International President of WILPF for
2001-04.  Of Indian origin, Krishna now lives in Geneva. For 25 years,
Krishna AhoojaPatel has been a staff member of the United Nations (UN),
working especially in the International Labour Organisation (ILO). During
the UN Decade for Women, Krishna was editor of ''Women at Work'', the only
UN journal on working women. The newly elected International
Vice-Presidents are from different regions of the world: Lucinda Amara
(Sierra Leone), Olga Bianchi (Costa Rica), W. Dulcy de Silva (Sri Lanka)
and Liss Schanke (Norway). The International Treasurer, Coby Meyboom, is
from the Netherlands.

WILPF's recently concluded 28th International Congress (2001), which was
originally to have been held in Jerusalem, focused particularly on the
Middle East. A special seminar preceded WILPF's International Congress.

The two-day seminar concluded by demanding a peace policy to break the
deadlock in the Israel/Palestine conflict, based on the implementation of
the relevant UN resolutions. The seminar also called on the UN Security
Council to appoint a Middle East coordinator for negotiations with
representatives from the whole region. WILPF will make efforts to send
delegations to meet with heads of state or governments in the area, to
promote WILPF's peace policy. In recognition of the serious situation,
WILPF has appointed Hanan Awwad, President of WILPF Palestine, to be the
special adviser to the WILPF International Officers' group on the question
of Palestine.

WILPF's program of action 2002-04 focuses on Building a Culture of Peace,
as a follow-up to Security Council Resolution 1325 on ''Women, Peace and
Security''. WILPF's program also highlights disarmament with a particular
emphasis on the planned Missile Shield (NMD); economic and social justice
with particular emphasis on the World Trade Organisation; sustainable
environment with particular reference to the UN Conference ''Rio + 10'' in
2002; and racial justice.

WILPF will send an international delegation, led by Krishna AhoojaPatel, to
the  World Conference Against Racism in Durban next month.

WILPF also adopted various resolutions, including resolutions on Belarus,
Macedonia, and on the recent street violence in Genoa. Other resolutions
refer to the violence in Colombia, Nepal, West Papua and Western Sahara.
The full texts of the resolutions may be obtained from the international
secretariat or via the web site at: http://www.wilpf.int.ch

For further information please contact:
Krishna AhoojaPatel, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
WILPF International Secretariat in Geneva,

August 9, 2001

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Women's International League
 for Peace and Freedom
International Secretariat
1 rue de Varembe
C.P 28, 1211
Geneva, 20
Ph:   +41 22 919 7080
Fax: + 41 22 919 7081
Web: www.wilpf.int.ch  
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


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LL:DDS: Empowering Women for Peace: Women in Armed Conflict Situations

2000-11-13 Thread Cathy Picone

Dear LL friends,

Could you please pass along the following message to any women in your 
networks/ organisations in South Australia?

Saturday 25th November is International Day of Action to End Violence 
Against Women. Women are warmly invited to join us on that day at the next 
meeting of the South Australian Branch of the Women's International League 
for Peace and Freedom (WILPF).

At this meeting, Tina Dolgopol (Lecturer in Law at Flinders University) 
will report on the workshop she conducted on behalf of WILPF at the recent 
United Nations Association of Australia (UNAA) Conference in Hobart. Tina 
will also conduct a workshop on the same topic: "Empowering Women for 
Peace: Women in Armed Conflict Situations".

Tina has worked for many years in the international lobbying efforts for 
the human rights of and monetary compensation for the "comfort women", the 
women who were drafted into sexual slavery work by the Imperial Japanese 
Army during World War II. Tina has a breadth of expertise having worked in 
the areas of women in armed conflict situations and the implications for 
all women of such international initiatives as the International Criminal 

All women and girls are welcome. You don't need to be a WILPF member to 
come along. The meeting starts at 2 pm and ends at 4.30 pm. If you'd like 
to join some of us for a shared meal beforehand, the meal starts an hour 
earlier, that is, at 1 pm - bring some food to share - a microwave oven is 
available. Hot drinks provided. Place: WILPF rooms in the Community Aid 
Abroad building at 5 Hutt Street, Adelaide. No cost.

Further information: phone: 8296 4357

Many thanks for passing along this message.

all the best,



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LL:INFO: Tokyo Tribunal

2000-11-02 Thread Cathy Picone

Dear LeftLink subscribers,

I've been asked to forward the following to our list.

all the best,

Cathy Picone

Forwarded from: Tina Dolgopol [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


~~~This is to announce
SEXUAL SLAVERY ("Tokyo Tribunal") will take place from 7-10 December 2000
CONFLICTS on 11 December in Tokyo, Japan.

The TOKYO TRIBUNAL will be a 3-day event where former "comfort women"
(those women forced into sexual slavery by the Japanese Imperial Army in
World War II) will testify in a judicial setting to demand legal
accountability from the Japanese government. Prominent international law
experts and authorities will serve as judges and prosecutors.   Former
'comfort women' will testify from at least 8 countries including, North and
South Korea, Peoples Republic of China, Taiwan, Philippines, Malaysia,
Indonesia, and the Netherlands, as it was women from each of these
countries who were victimized by Japan's military sexual slavery.

The PUBLIC HEARING is a one-day event, which will bring together women who
have survived violations in recent and ongoing wars and conflicts. This
will serve to illustrate that the experiences of the 'comfort women' are
not a thing of the past and impunity for violence against women continues
to this day. Women will present testimonies and analysis from many
countries including Sierra Leone, Burundi, Colombia, Puerto Rico,
Indonesia, Mexico (Chiapas), Vietnam, Somalia, Burma, Okinawa, and Korea
among others.

The convenors of the Tokyo Tribunal are the Violence Against Women in War
Network (VAWW-Net Japan) represented by Ms. Yayori Matsui, the Korean
Council for Drafted for Military Sexual Slavery by Japan represented by Ms.
Yun Chung-Ok, and the Asian Center for Women's Human Rights (ASCENT)
represented by Ms. Indai Lourdes Sajor. They form part of the International
Organizing Committee, which includes an International Advisory Committee
composed of women and human rights activists.

The one-day Public Hearing will be coordinated by Women's Caucus for Gender
Justice and co-sponsored by VAWW-Net Japan and ASCENT.

Registration is necessary for attending the Tokyo Tribunal.  For more
information or to register, please visit the official Tribunal website:

There is no registration for participating in the one-day Public Hearing.
Please visit the Women's Caucus website http://www.iccwomen.org for more
information about the Public Hearing and the Tokyo Tribunal.

See you in Tokyo!

If you cannot attend the Tokyo Tribunal but want to support the effort,
your contribution to the local coordinating organization, VAWW-Net Japan,
would be greatly appreciated.

Postal Transfer
Account No.: 00120-2-31955
Account Name: VAWW-NET Japan
Please clearly specify "Women's Tribunal Fund 2000"
Bank name
Shinjuku Chuo Branch
Account No.: 3424965
Account Name: Women's Tribunal 2000
N.B. Please do NOT send cheques.



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LL:INFO: World March of Women: final rallies

2000-10-19 Thread Cathy Picone

Forwarded from Lyn Lane and Betty McLellan:

Lyn Lane is Australian representative on the International Liaison
Committee for the World March of Women and, in the final rallies, Betty
McLellan along with Coralie Maclean carried the banner on behalf of other
Australian women: "Australian Women Fighting Poverty".

Forwarded from Lyn Lane:

To all in Australia

Today was the culmination of 4 amazing days. This report will be brief as
this e-mail service is a challenge to say the least.

20, 000 marched in Washington
30,000 in New York
90 countries represented
The meetings at both the World Bank  the IMF went overtime. Everyone very
courteous, but outcome predictable. i.e. "lobby your countries".
UN meeting much the same - but the presentations by the women clearly lifted
the tenor. Kofi Annan in Egypt, so we were welcomed by his deputy.

At today's meeting we looked at the way ahead. There is a clear wish that
the networks mobilised around the March continue - resources permitting.

Please I will write more from home - middle of next week.

Warm regards


Forwarded from Betty McLellan and Coralie Maclean:

Dear World Marchers,

What an absolutely wonderful time we've had!  First, in Washington DC on a
beautiful sunny day (15 Oct.), we joined 20,000 women (some even estimated
25,000) marching and chanting, marching and chanting till we thought we'd
drop with exhaustion.  But the air of determination and the solidarity of
purpose was totally exhilarating.

Then, in New York yesterday (17 Oct.), the scene was breathtaking.  We were
60,000 women - of all ages and from all corners of the globe.  What a
spectacle of colour and beauty and solidarity and strength!  After a 2 and a
half hour rally led by U.S. radical feminist Robin Morgan speaking in
English and a powerful French Canadian woman speaking in French and in
Spanish, we marched off from the Square in front of the United Nations
building, down 2nd Avenue from 47th Street to 14th Street (about 2 miles) to
Union Square.

As we marched, there were women as far as the eye could see.  Lots of
chanting, lots of noise, drumming, whistles, etc.  The most popular chant,
the one we repeated over and over was "so-so-so-solidarity".

After a 2 hour march, there were more speeches and entertainment in Union
Square.  The whole event went from 11 am till 6 pm.

Our Australian banner drew lots of attention and positive comments and the
four of us (Margaret Bearlin, Lyn Lane, Coralie and I) were made to
feel very welcome indeed.

Lyn has been kept very busy as our official delegate and will be reporting
to the list on her experiences at the UN meetings.  We have all felt very
fortunate to be part of such a powerful, worldwide push for women's rights!

All the best...



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LL:DDS: For SA women: S11 from the Inside: Four Women's Views

2000-10-18 Thread Cathy Picone


Mary Heath, Silver Moon, Robyn Downing and Ellie Taylor all took part in 
the recent protest actions outside the World Economic Forum meeting in 
Melbourne. At the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom 
(WILPF) meeting on Saturday 28th October, they will form a panel to speak 
about their experience.

Saturday 28th October, 2 pm - 4.30 pm
at the WILPF rooms, 5 Hutt Street, Adelaide

Optional: shared lunch beforehand starting at 1 pm. (Bring some food to share.)



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LL:PR: World March of Women: women invited to initiate meetings on

2000-10-05 Thread Cathy Picone

October 17th
Precedence: bulk

Dear friends,

Can you please circulate the following among women in your networks?

many thanks,

Cathy Picone
for the World March national coordinating committee


Women Invited to Initiate Meetings on October 17th

Aung San Sui Kyi, the democratically elected leader of Burma, is among
world leaders who support the World March of Women in the Year 2000.

Women and women's groups around the globe are working together in the World
March of Women campaign for concrete change to combat the growing gulf
between the world's rich and poor.

Never before have 5,200 organisations in 157 countries come together as
they have for the World March of Women.

In Peru, Brazil, India, Morocco and Bolivia, in Switzerland, Panama,
Romania, Haiti, Nepal and Mozambique, in Pakistan, Thailand, Fiji and
Australia, women are uniting against this divided world to work together
for an end to inequity.

Very soon - on October 17th, the World March of Women campaign reaches its
grande finale.

A contingent of Australian women will join the mass rallies in Washington
and New York and will meet with the UN's Kofi Annan and the World Bank's
James Wolfensohn in a clear demonstration of women's determination to shake
up the powers that be.

October 17th 2000, International for the Eradication of Poverty is a day
that will be remembered in the history of the women's movement worldwide:
on that day millions of signatures from people around the world will be
presented to Kofi Annan at United Nations headquarters in New York.

These signatures carry the message that economic globalisation,
privatisation of public assets and other policies imposed by the
International Monetary Fund and the World Bank have brought an increasingly
divided world:

* If all the world's wealth were evenly divided between every man, woman
and child presently alive on the planet, we would all have $13 million

* Four years ago, according to the UN, the world's richest 358 billionaires
had greater combined wealth than 45% of the world's peoples' combined
annual income. And now, four years later, the gulf has increased.

* 1.6 billion people are now living on US$1 a day or less. Of these 70% are
women and children.

Australian women are invited to be part of the campaign. Women are invited
to organise a small scale meeting on October 17th. At work, at school, at
home, in neighbourhood centres, women will be initiating small scale grass
roots meetings with friends, family and work colleagues. If you'd like to
run a meeting on October 17th, contact the World March of Women in
Australia for guidelines. Information is also available from your local

In addition, you can also participate in women's song and dance fests on
October 7th and other events in your local area. For more info, please

PERTH: Jo Dillon (08) 9362 3482

BRISBANE: Mary Ziesak (07) 3880 0164

HOBART: Andre Poppleton (03) 6231 3212

ADELAIDE: Cathy Picone (08) 8296 4357

SYDNEY: Dorothy Buckland Fuller (02) 9968 3910

NEWCASTLE NSW: Betty Mawdsley (02) 4971 3507

CANBERRA: Ruth Corrigan (02) 4849 4543

MELBOURNE: Sheila Byard (03) 9376 7870


World March of Women in the Year 2000 - Australia
c/o Women's International League for Peace and Freedom
GPO Box 2094,  Adelaide   SA   5001
(08) 8296 4357 email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] fax: 08 8377 0706
web site for Australia: http://www.uq.net.au/march2000/
web site for overseas: http://www.ffq.qc.ca/marche2000

The national coordinating committee for World March of Women 2000 in
Australia acknowledges the support for its work given by Senator Kate
Lundy, Jenny Macklin, Member of the House of Representatives for Jagajaga,
Cheryl Kernot, Member for Dickson, Hon Dr Carmen Lawrence, Member for
Fremantle, Senator Rosemary Crowley, Faye Lo Po, NSW Minister for Women,
Judy Spence, Queensland Minister for Women, the YWCA and the Australian
Virtual Centre for Women and the Law. In addition, the committee wishes to
thank the many women whose generous donations allowed us to print the
support cards.


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LL:URL: World March of Women signature card campaign: you can sign

2000-09-21 Thread Cathy Picone

Precedence: bulk

Dear friends,

The conclusion of the World March of Women and the delivery of signatures
to the United Nations in New York on October 17th is rapidly approaching.
=46or more details about the campaign, please see the message below.

The national coordinating committee would like to remind supporters of the
importance of signing and getting others to sign the support cards in
support of the World March Demands.

In Australia, please forward the cards to: 6 Lancaster Avenue, REDCLIFFE
Queensland  4020 by next Wednesday 27th September. We need to freight them
to New York on that day.

Signatures are also being collected on-line at the World March Web Site.

At the moment, we have 2 million signatures worldwide but 10 million is our
target. Clearly in this last month of the campaign, we need to generate a
vast chain of signatures! To do that, your help is needed.

As a gesture of solidarity with the women in 157 countries around the world
now involved in the World March of Women campaign, can you please:

* sign on-line if you haven't already signed a card?

* forward this message to your friends and networks?

many thanks and all the best,

Cathy Picone
national coordinating committee
World March of Women 2000 - Australia

The World March of Women is an ambitious project involving more than 5,200
groups in 157 countries who are united in activities of popular education
and mobilisation for political demands. The World March of Women is calling
on the United Nations and its member states to adopt concrete measures to
eliminate violence against women and poverty. On October 16th, 2000, a
delegation of women from every world region will meet with the managing
director of the International Monetary Fund, Horst K=F6hler, and the
president of the World Bank, James Wolfensohn. On October 17th, during an
international rally in New York, the international delegation will meet
with UN Secretary-General, Kofi Annan. At this time, they will present him
with signatures gathered from around the world in support of the world
demands of the March of Women. The goal of the signature campaign is to
gather over 10 million signatures worldwide. Your signature is important
and can contribute to creating a more just and egalitarian world. You can
sign the support card at this address:


Please send this message to all your friends and acquaintances.

You can find out all about the World March of Women, from its
organisational structure to the demands, by visiting our Web site at:

Join with the millions of women and men who are marching to change the world=

=46=E9d=E9ration des femmes du Qu=E9bec
110, Ste-Th=E9r=E8se, #307
Montr=E9al (Qu=E9bec)
Canada H2Y 1E6
TEL: 1 (514) 395-1196
=46AX: 1 (514) 395-1224


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LL:QUERY: Can you help us? - quick response needed!

2000-09-17 Thread Cathy Picone

Dear Left Link subscribers,

We are now into the last month of the World March of Women 2000 campaign
against poverty and violence against women.

The World March of Women now involves women in an unprecedented number of
countries worldwide: women in 157 countries are working together on the
campaign. Women have developed a list of world demands as well as a
subsidiary list of Australian demands. These demands include the
cancellation of Third World debt, an end to structural adjustment programs,
the implementation of legislative frameworks to ensure that rights to pay
equity, employment, decent housing, education, health care and social
protection, life-long income security and a minimum social wage are

As you may know, a central part of the World March of Women campaign has
been the collection of signatures on support cards which will be presented
to Kofi Annan at United Nations headquarters on October 17th, International
Day for the Eradication of Poverty.

Thanks to those of you who have already distributed cards for signature.

At this stage, we still have some of these cards remaining to be
distributed. In the past week, Lorraine Spears has contacted me to say that
after their state-wide day of action against violence against women, the
Central Coast Community Women's Health Centre still has over 1,000 cards
remaining. Can you please help us distribute these cards?

The cards can be signed by women and men.

As they need to be returned by September 27th, we need to move the cards
very quickly. If you can you help by distributing some of these cards,
could you please email me before Wednesday 20th September at:


letting me know how many cards you would like and to what address you would
like them to be sent?

If you can help us, it would be a valuable contribution to this campaign
against poverty and violence.

many thanks and all the best,

Cathy Picone
for the national coordinating committee
World March of Women 2000 - Australia
Ph: 08 8296 4357
Fax: 08 8377 0706

PS  If you know of anyone else who might be able to distribute some of
these cards, could you please forward this message to them?


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LL:PR: ACTU Women's Congress Supports World March of Women

2000-08-22 Thread Cathy Picone

Dear Leftlinkers,

I thought you might be interested to read the following piece. As you know,
the World March of Women campaign is a campaign against poverty and
violence. If you could distribute this article among your own networks, it
would be helpful to building the campaign.

many thanks and all the best,

Cathy Picone
on behalf of the national coordinating committee for the World March of
Women in Australia


ACTU Women's Congress Supports World March of Women

At the weekend's Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) Inaugural 
Women's Congress, ACTU President Sharran Burrow formally presented World 
March Liaison representative, Cathy Picone with the ACTU's endorsement of 
the World March of Women campaign.

The worldwide campaign, initiated by women in Canada, now involves women in 
157 countries. Worldwide, 5,000 groups have endorsed its extensive list of 
demands aiming at the elimination of poverty - which is increasing 
everywhere in the wake of economic globalisation - and the elimination of 
violence against women.

A lunch time media event arranged for last Sunday attracted a good deal of 
publicity for the campaign.

160 delegates attended the ACTU Women's Congress over two days - they are 
active trade union women from all around Australia. In addition, women from 
other women's organisations also attended Sunday's lunch time rally/ media 

At the rally, women and members of the media - along with the trade union 
choir - filled the carpark at the front of the Australian Education Union 
building on Greenhill Road.

Bread and Roses - the Rising of the Women

Sharran Burrow (on behalf of the ACTU) and Cathy Picone (on behalf of the 
World March of Women campaign) addressed the rally. Together, Sharran and 
Cathy then released four white doves while the trade union choir sang 
"Bread and Roses":

"As we go marching marching, unnumbered women dead Go crying through our 
singing their ancient call for bread Small art and love and beauty their 
drudging spirits knew Yes it is bread we fight for but we fight for roses too

As we go marching marching, we bring the greater days The rising of the 
women means the rising of the race No more the drudge and idler, ten that 
toil where one reposes But a sharing of life's glories - bread  roses, 
bread  roses!"

(Inspired by a banner in the huge 1912 walkout of textile workers in 
Lawrence, Massachusetts.)

Sharran formally handed over to Cathy a package indicating the ACTU's 
support of the World March. The package featured a large colour photograph 
of bread and roses. In her speech, Sharran had talked about the Federation 
des Femmes du Quebec's "Bread and Roses" March back in 1995 - the starting 
point for the worldwide campaign. A Lively Media Event

The release of the white doves made a lively picture for the TV cameras. 
Many thanks to the ACTU women for organising an excellent media event.

The trade union choir sang a bracket of songs including "Bread and Roses". 
A vase of tall roses and several loaves of bread displayed on a table 
nearby made a colourful backdrop picking up the symbolism. Afterwards, the 
entire group had our photo taken by a photographer who'd climbed onto a 
high ladder while we all held our WMW2000 signature support cards aloft.

In the main hall where the Congress participants met each day and heard 
from a range of speakers including Sharran Burrow, Helen Creed, Barbara 
Pocock and Margaret Reynolds, the walls were decorated with brightly 
coloured union banners. Out the front behind the speakers on the dais, 
another large banner specially made for the Congress was prominently 
displayed. That banner centrally featured the World March of Women logo.

The TV coverage was very good on Channel 7 and even better (more extensive) 
on SBS and ABC TV.

Would You Like to be Involved?

If you would like to distribute cards for signature among your friends and 
networks, please contact the national organising committee at the address 
below. The cards can be signed by women and men. The committee is also 
seeking to involve women interested in initiating small scale grass roots 
meetings in your workplaces, schools and neighbourhood centres on October 
17th, UN International Day for the Eradication of Poverty when the 
seven-month WMW2000 campaign culminates with the presentation by an 
international political delegation of millions of cards to Kofi Annan at UN 
headquarters in NY. Any woman is welcome to initiate such a meeting. If you 
would like to do so, please get in touch with us.

For further information, please contact:
World March of Women in the Year 2000 - Australia
c/o Women's International League for Peace and Freedom
GPO Box 2094, Adelaide   SA   5001
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   fax: 08 8377 0706  phone: 08 8296 4357
web site for Australia: http://www.uq.net.au/march2000/
web site for overseas: http:

LL:INFO: women participate in World March of Women Aust email list

2000-08-14 Thread Cathy Picone

Dear Leftlink women,

As we enter the last two months of the seven-month campaign for the World
March of Women in the Year 2000, I'm writing to invite Leftlink women to
participate, if you're not already doing so, in the World March of Women
Australian information exchange email list. If you'd like to be added to
the WMW2000 oz-information email list, please email me at:

As you know, the WMW2000 campaign calls on the UN and its member States to
take concrete measures to:

* eliminate poverty worldwide and ensure a fair distribution of the
planet's wealth between rich and poor and between women and men;

* eliminate violence against women and ensure equality between women and men.

As I'll be sending this message out widely, I apologise in advance for any
cross posting.

The committee wishes to acknowledge the Australian Virtual Centre for Women
and the Law for making the WMW2000 email lists available.

Can you please distribute this message to women in your networks?
Applicants may be asked to send a short statement describing their interest
in the WMW2000 campaign.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

all the best,

Cathy Picone
on behalf of the national coordinating committee of the WMW2000 - Australia


   Leftlink - Australia's Broad Left Mailing List

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LL:INFO: World March of Women: Australian reps at US events

2000-07-03 Thread Cathy Picone

Dear friends,

As you probably know, the World March of Women in the Year 2000 is a
seven-month community awareness campaign involving women in 155 countries
around the world. Its two main aims are: the elimination of poverty
worldwide, greater equity in the sharing of wealth between women and men;
and the elimination of violence against women.

The World March of Women was launched internationally on International
Women's Day this year and will conclude with a number of events in the
lead-up to the world rally in New York on October 17th (International Day
for the Elimination of Poverty) when millions of cards from people around
the world will be presented to secretary general Kofi Annan at United
Nations headquarters. There will also be a mass rally in Washington on
October 15th. Part of this march will parade outside the World Bank and
International Monetary Fund. General and logistical information on the mass
actions in Washington and New York City is available on the World March web
site http://www.ffq.qc.ca/marche2000/ and will be continuously updated.

In addition, there will be innumerable events of varied formats around the
world in most of the 155 participating countries between October 1st and
17th.  Around Australia, there will be Women's Song and Dance Fests for
women of all cultural backgrounds on Saturday October 7th. For further
information about the Australian events, please contact us and we can put
you in touch with the organising group in your nearest centre.

I'm writing writing now on behalf of the committee to invite applications
from women to represent Australia at the concluding events in the United
States. There are two categories of application:

1. Women can apply to be representatives of the national organising
committee at one or both of the two mass events in the US. It is envisaged
that a number of representatives will participate in this capacity.

2. Women can apply to be considered to fill the one vacancy for Australia
on the international delegation to meet (on at least two separate
occasions) with personnel from the International Monetary Fund, the World
Bank and the United Nations. In addition, this woman would need to be
available to participate in an unspecified number of other meetings to be
held in Washington and/or New York between 12th and 18th October.

Each participating country can appoint one member to the international
delegation team. Although there are now 155 participating countries, it is
unlikely that all participating countries will be sending a representative.
The IMF, WB and UN personnel will include the UN secretary general, Kofi
Annan who has made one and a half hours available for a meeting with the
international delegation on 17th October.

Applications need to be received in writing (and preferably by email) by
Thursday July 13th 2000 at 5 pm.

The Selection Criteria are:

1. Demonstrated experience in women's issues
2. Written support of a women's organisation
3. Agree to support articles of CEDAW
4. Ability to self-finance travel and other expenses involved
5. Agree to report back to the national organising committee on outcomes of
the US meetings.

Applicants should include a copy of their CV and send it to us preferably
by email at the address below. If unable to send via email, applicants are
asked to include a copy of their application on disk. Please also include
contact details: postal address, phone and fax numbers, email address.

Please note that since the national organising committee is operating off
no budget, the women concerned are expected to pay their own travel fares
and other expenses.

And finally, the selection of women in the two categories mentioned above
will not affect the decision of any individual woman or women who may
choose to participate in the mass rallies as individuals since these mass
rallies are open to any person wishing to participate. As it will be in the
interests of all Australian women intending to travel to the US for the
Washington and NY events to be in touch with each other prior to travel, an
invitation is also extended to any woman intending to travel to the US for
the concluding events to make contact as soon as possible with the national
organising committee. Please let us know your name, address, phone and fax
numbers, email address; date of departure; contact details while in
Washington or NY; which of the two events you will be attending. Women may
also be interested to subscribe to the World March of Women, Australian
Information email list. If so, please make contact.

Many thanks for your assistance in circulating all of this information
among your networks.

Please feel free to contact us in any case at the address, phone and email
below if further information is required.

all the best,

Cathy Picone
for the national organising committee World March of Women - Australia
c/o Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF),
GPO Box 2094, Adelaide, SA, 5001
Phone: 08 8296 4357

LL:DDS: SA women: World March of Women local organising work

2000-06-29 Thread Cathy Picone

Dear all,

South Australian women are invited to a meeting of the local group to
organise the World March of Women event in Adelaide for Saturday October
7th 2000.

The World March of Women in the Year 2000 is a seven-month community
awareness event involving women in 155 countries around the world. Its aims
are: the elimination of poverty worldwide, greater equity in the sharing of
wealth between women and men; and the elimination of violence against women.

The World March of Women was launched internationally on International
Women's Day this year and will conclude with a world rally in New York on
October 17th, (International Day for the Elimination of Poverty) when
millions of cards from people around the world will be presented to
secretary general Kofi Annan at United Nations headquarters. In addition,
there will be a mass rally in Washington outside the International Monetary
Fund and World Bank on October 15th.

The first local meeting for organising the Adelaide event will be held on
Thursday 13th July at 11 am at 5 Hutt Street, Adelaide.

Can you please pass this on to any women who agree with the aims of the
World March of Women and who would like to help with the work?

Many thanks and all the best,

Cathy Picone



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LL:INFO: participate in the conclusion of World March of Women

2000-05-03 Thread Cathy Picone

Dear friends,

Can you please distribute this message widely throughout your networks? 
This activity (described below) will be in addition to the Women's Song and 
Dance Fests which will be held around the country in the various centres on 
Saturday October 7th.

many thanks and all the best,

Cathy Picone
on behalf of the national coordinating committee
World March of Women 2000 - Australia

World March of Women in the Year 2000 - Australia

Invitation to participate in the conclusion of the seven month campaign.


The World March of Women in the Year 2000 (Marche Mondiale des Femmes de
l'an 2000, Marcha mundial de las mujeres) was initiated by a group of women
in Canada called Federation des Femmes du Quebec (FFQ).

In 1995 in the lead-up to the UN's Fourth Women's Conference, the FFQ
organised a women's march against poverty. The March was called "Bread and
Roses". 850 women marched from Ottawa to Toronto. It took them ten days.
Fifteen thousand people turned out to meet them at the end of their march.

The women were mobilising community support for a list of demands for an
end to poverty and violence against women which were consistent with the
United Nations Fourth World Women's Conference's Beijing Platform for
Action which was being developed at that time.

 From that seed, the idea grew - of extending the march world-wide. Today,
women in 146 countries are involved with 3,500 groups having endorsed the

We are campaigning for an end to poverty; greater equity in sharing of
wealth between women and men; and an end to violence against women.

A list of world demands has been agreed and is on the Canadian web site at:
http://www.ffq.qc.ca/marche2000. A list of Australian demands can be viewed
at: http://www.uq.net.au/march2000/

As Tuesday October 17th is both the United Nations International Day for
the Elimination of Poverty and the culmination of the seven-month long
campaign of the World March of Women in the Year 2000, the Australian
coordinating committee for the WMW2000 now invites the women of Australia
to contribute to the WMW2000 campaign to end poverty and violence against
women in the following way:

As a means of marking the International Day for the Elimination of Poverty
and the conclusion of the WMW2000 campaign, we are asking women at the
local level to initiate small-scale grass-roots style meetings in their own
workplaces/ universities/ schools/ communities/ neighbourhoods etc.

Any woman can initiate such a meeting.

Such a meeting could be held at any time of the day - or night - on Tuesday
October 17th. If women are willing to become involved in the WMW2000
campaign in this way, such a meeting could, for instance, be held at
morning tea time or afternoon tea in a workplace setting or indeed in any
setting which the woman initiating the meeting thinks appropriate. While it
is envisaged that such a meeting might last, say, fifteen to twenty
minutes, it is of course up to the initiator and the participants if they
prefer a longer meeting. Some have suggested that it would be consistent
with the principles of the WMW 2000 March that any food provided at such a
meeting should be frugal rather than lavish. Morning tea could for instance
consist of just a biscuit, perhaps like those eaten by people in
impoverished countries.

It is also entirely up to the organiser/s of any such meeting to decide the
person or persons they will invite to the meeting. In addition, it is the
decision of the woman/ women initiating the meeting as to whether the
meeting will include both women and men. The millions of signature support
cards which are being presented at UN headquarters in New York on that day
have been signed by both women and men.

Suggested format of October 17th meeting:

* remember the traditional owners of the land and recognise that the
meeting is being held on Aboriginal land;

* bring to mind that the day, Tuesday October 17th, is the UN International
Day for the Elimination of Poverty;

* bring to mind that the day is also the culmination of the campaign of the
World March of Women in the Year 2000 and that the support cards, signed by
millions of people around the world in at least 146 countries, are today
being presented at UN headquarters in New York;

* a go-round: each person takes a turn, without interruption, to say aloud
to the group what they think it would be like to live in a world free of

* conclude with an appropriate song (such as the WMW song) or another
go-round with each person saying one thing that they appreciated about
coming together for the meeting.

Please note that these are guidelines only and can be adapted in any way
that  the initiator of the meeting prefers so long as the format of meeting
is consistent with the goals of the WMW2000 campaign.

Many thanks for your support for the WMW2000 campaign and for taking the
initiative at the local level to see that this meeting happen

LL:INFO: International Women's Tribune Centre: Women's GlobalNet

2000-04-18 Thread Cathy Picone

no. 144
Precedence: bulk

Dear friends,

Re: International Women's Tribune Centre Women's GlobalNet no. 144

The latest issue of the IWTC Women's GlobalNet, no. 144 focuses on women in 
peace building and peace making activities worldwide. It deals with the 
international women's campaign to have "Women and Peace Building" 
re-instated once more at centre stage after it was lost from the Beijing 
Platform for Action in 1995:

"PEACE was one of the three corner-stones on which International Women's 
Year (1975) and The Decade for Women (1976-1985) were built, the other two 
being Equality and Development. Yet PEACE did not quite make it into the 
Beijing Platform for Action as one of the 12 Critical Areas of Concern. 
Instead, we have Women and Armed Conflict, which has become the gathering 
point for women peace activists in the years since Beijing.

However, we women would like to see PEACE centre-stage once more, and there 
has been considerable planning and strategizing to make PEACE a core issue 
at the forthcoming UN General Assembly Special Session (UNGASS) on Beijing 
Plus Five (June 5-9, 2000)."

If anyone would like to have a copy of this latest issue of Women's 
GlobalNet, please email me and I will forward it to you.

all the best,

Cathy Picone


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LL:UPDATE: World March of Women contacts' list

2000-03-30 Thread Cathy Picone

Dear World Marchers,

For women who want to get involved at the local level - or more involved - 
in the work of organising for the October 7th main events (Women's Song and 
Dance Fests - Cultural Sharings) and/ or in the World March of Women 
campaign against poverty and violence against women, here, as promised, are 
contact details for the various centres around Australia:

DARWIN: contact Treya Derrington (08) 8941 2311 (w) 08 8948 0098 (h) email: 

PERTH: contact Jo Dillon (08) 9362 3482 (h) email: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or Ruth Ellis (08) 9325 5311 (w) or 0427 
650 013 (mobile) email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] or Gianna Cavalli (08) 9381 
3144  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

BRISBANE: contact Linda Shallcross (07) 3366 6985 email: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or Mary Ziesak (07) 3880 0164 email: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or Brenda Lewis (07) 3207 0024

TOWNSVILLE: Betty McLellan (07) 4772 6060 email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] or 
Madge Sceriha (07) 4775 7555 email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

HOBART: contact Margot Roe (03) 6223 6152 email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
or Andre Poppleton (03) 6231 3212 email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

ADELAIDE: contact Marilyn Rolls (08) 8269 3879 or Cathy Picone (08) 8296 
4357 email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SYDNEY: contact Pam Greer (02) 9699 3517 or Dorothy Buckland Fuller (02) 
9968 3910 email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] or Lynne Smart (02) 9749 7700 fax: 
(02) 9749 4433  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

BATHURST, ORANGE, LITHGOW etc: contact Elaine West (formerly Chalcraft) 
(02) 6334 2393 (h)  (02) 6338 4426 (w) email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

CANBERRA: contact Ruth Corrigan (02) 4849 4543  email: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or Hellen Cooke (02) 6282 3508 (phone and fax)

MELBOURNE: contact Sheila Byard (03) 9376 7870 
email:[EMAIL PROTECTED] or Diane Alley (03) 9827 2363 email: 

CENTRAL COAST, NSW: Lorraine Spears, Central Coast Women's Health Centre 
(02) 4324 2533 or fax: (02) 4323 7490


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LL:INFO: update on Australian launch - World March of Women

2000-03-29 Thread Cathy Picone
 day. It really
was a fantastic day."

In Townsville in northern Queensland, Betty McLellan organised a launch and
rally on Saturday 4th March.

In Western Australia, Sarah Stephen (who has represented the IWD
Collectives on our c'tee) coordinated delivery of the cards for various
launch events in WA including an event organised by Women's Electoral Lobby
and National Council of Women. Sarah also organised a launch for WMW2000 at
the IWD rally which followed the WEL/NCW event. Jo Dillon (Western
Australian branch of WILPF) was the speaker.

In Hobart, Tasmania, Margot Roe (Tasmanian branch of WILPF) spoke about the
WMW2000 at the IWD rally and organised for the cards to be distributed.

In Darwin, Northern Territory, Treya Derrington arranged a launch for
WMW2000 at the IWD March there. Treya also had a little table with the
cards and copies of the leaflet for people to take.

In Adelaide, South Australia, Marilyn Rolls (who represents United Nations
Association of Australia, Women's Committee) and Cathy Picone organised and
spoke at launches and distributed cards at these and other events. Between
us, we covered the trade union women's IWD breakfast, the IWD luncheon, the
Greek Orthodox Community's event to mark IWD and the IWD rally on the
following Saturday. Marilyn also distributed cards at the UNIFEM breakfast.
Beryl Miller of the Union of Australian Women (SA branch) was particularly
supportive, making multiple copies both of the poster and of the leaflet
for distribution and display.

In Canberra, ACT, Dianne Proctor (who represents Australian Reproductive
Health Alliance on the c'tee) has arranged for Ruth Corrigan (of the ACT
branch of WILPF) to coordinate the grass roots work there. In Canberra, the
March was launched at the International Women's Development Agency's
breakfast where Hellen Cooke spoke about the WMW campaign.

Our media team, (Michelle Beg, Helen Leonard of the Women's Electoral Lobby
and Dorothy Buckland Fuller) issued a press release on IWD and Cathy Picone
did some radio and print media interviews, including one with a Spanish
newsagency and another with "Green Left Weekly". I will attach a copy of
the press release. In addition, Dorothy has very good contacts with the SBS
radio network - she actually has a weekly talk back radio program in Greek
- and several journalists contacted us as a result of her work. There was
also a splendid centre spread in "The Guardian" and more is to come; Pam
Greer was later interviewed by Anna Pha for "The Guardian".

Dorothy was interviewed by SBS in English and in French and used her
Talkback Program on SBS Radio for the six weeks prior to the launches to
discuss the World March. Dorothy was also interviewed by "The Greek
Herald", the largest Greek Newspaper in Australia which has a national
circulation. They devoted half a page to the March.

In addition, the Anglophone youth-oriented magazine, "Metropolis"
interviewed Dorothy and they will print our card in their magazine. Dorothy
also wrote an article for the Federation of Ethnic Communities Councils of
Australia and arranged for the distribution of the card through their
national magazine.

As you know, Barbara Palmer (who represents Women's Rights Action Network
Australia on the c'tee) was in New York for CSW so we were pleased that she
was able to represent Australian women at your satellite launch there. That
was quite a feat - congratulations! - it was also inspiring to hear of Aung
San Sui Kyi's support for the World March!

Other important "behind the scenes" work has been done by Marie Coleman
(National Foundation for Australian Women), Sheila Byard and Diane Alley
(United Nations Association of Australia, Women's Committee) - taking the
minutes, and by Linda Shallcross and Pam Greer who have chaired our
meetings. Elaine West (formerly Elaine Chalcraft - who represents Coalition
of Activist Lesbians on the c'tee) has kept our database people informed.

And of course, as you can imagine, we owe a big thank you to the many, many
women around the country who have distributed the cards and supported other
women to do the work which we've managed to do together. We're a great team!


for the Australian coordinating committee
Content-Type: text/enriched; charset="us-ascii"

For people interested in the World March of Women in the Year 2000
(WMW2000), here below is a copy of the update on the Australian launch
events for the March. This is a copy of the report which has been sent
to Nancy Burrows of the Federation des Femmes du Quebec in Canada.
Nancy is the liaison contact in Montreal for the Asia/ Oceania region.

For women wishing to become involved, or more invloved, in the WMW2000
campaign to end poverty and violence against women, a list of women to
contact in the various centres around Australia will be distributed via
Left Link tomorrow.

all the best,

LL:URL: Reaching Critical Will: a WILPF initiative

2000-03-12 Thread Cathy Picone

Dear friends,

Following the message which I sent a couple of days ago concerning the
Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) Review Conference and the importance of
women making our voices heard if the stalled nuclear disarmament process is
to be progressed, you might like to surf the following website:


Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) is working
through this "Reaching Critical Will" project to support and encourage
effective preparation for and participation in the upcoming NPT Review

Please let us know of any initiatives you or your organisations are able to
take in this area.


Cathy Picone


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LL:AA: Australian Women and Nuclear Disarmament

2000-03-06 Thread Cathy Picone

Dear friends,

Your assistance in distributing the information below to women in your
networks and organisations will be greatly appreciated.

many thanks and all the best,

Cathy Picone
for Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (Australia)

Australian Women and Nuclear Disarmament

In Beijing in 1995, at the UN Women's Conference, governments gave
undertakings for peace and the continued pursuit of nuclear disarmament.
At the current session of CSW in NY, where the world's women, five years
on, are reassessing progress made on the Beijing Platform for Action, it is
opportune that we scrutinise the record of our own government in this
important area.

Beginning next month, the 2000 NPT Review Conference will be held in New
York: 24 April to 19 May. As these review conferences are held only once
every five years, Australian women will be presented with a relatively rare
opportunity to act on behalf of our children's children to ensure our
species' survival.

The Current Situation: Nuclear Weapons Still Threaten Us All

Despite the end of the Cold War when people all around the world expected
advances in nuclear disarmament, we are still threatened by 30,000 nuclear

As former US President, Jimmy Carter has recently observed:

"Instead of moving away from reliance on nuclear arsenals since the end of
the Cold War, both the United States and NATO have sent disturbing signals
to other nations by declaring that these weapons are still the cornerstone
of Western security policy, and both have re-emphasized that they will not
comply with a "no first use" policy. Russia has reacted to this U.S. and
NATO policy by rejecting its previous "no first use" commitment; strapped
for funds and unable to maintain its conventional forces of submarines,
tanks, artillery, and troops, it is now much more likely to rely on its
nuclear arsenal.

* =8A American and Russian nuclear missiles are still maintained in a
"hair-trigger alert" status, susceptible to being launched in a
spur-of-the-moment crisis or even by accident.

* After years of intense negotiation, recent rejection by the U.S. Senate
of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty is a serious blow to global nuclear
control efforts and to confidence in American leadership."

The NPT: a Bargain Broken

The NPT is now thirty years old. It has 187 states parties. The Treaty is
the cornerstone of the world's attempts to control the spread of nuclear
weapons. The Treaty aims to halt the proliferation of nuclear weapons
through a bargain. Under the terms of the Treaty, the world's non-nuclear
weapons states have agreed not to develop nuclear arsenals so long as the
nuclear weapons states proceed "in good faith" towards nuclear disarmament.
Thus, the dual goals on the one hand of nuclear disarmament by the NWS and
on the other no further spread (by the non-NWS) are a unified whole, a
see-saw of sorts. In the words of UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, "the
goals of nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation are inherently linked".

The nuclear weapons states (US, Russia, China, United Kingdom and France)
have broken their part of the bargain. They have not proceeded towards
nuclear disarmament. They have broken faith; broken their side of the
bargain. They are sitting firmly, leadenly and doggedly on their end of the
nuclear disarmament see-saw. Thus, the nuclear disarmament process is

The result has been plain for us to witness. The Treaty has not been able
to do what it was designed to do. Nuclear weapons have not been contained;
they have spread. Last year, India and Pakistan openly demonstrated their
nuclear capabilities joining Israel and the Permanent 5 as nuclear weapons

Unless we can bring the nuclear weapons states to recognise and act upon
their responsibilities under the Treaty to get their end of the see-saw
moving, nuclear weapons will continue to spread. The new century and the
new millennium promise to be not new at all but rehashes of the old Cold
War mindset - military blocs held at bay by mutually assured destruction

The bilateral nuclear arms reduction talks between the US and Russia (the
START talks) are stalled. The Russian Duma has not seriously debated the
START II reductions because of the clear belligerence of the US which is
even now moving to destabilise the ABM Treaty, implementing a "Son of Star
Wars" missile defence system.

Just as the START talks are stalled so are negotiations in the CD on the
=46issile Material Cut-Off Convention.

Unless one of the see saw's ends can make concessions, stalemate will
continue. With the recent refusal of the US Senate to ratify the CTBT, the
whole nuclear disarmament process threatens to unravel.

The weapons-rich kids at the leaden end of the see-saw claim that some of
the other kids need to make various concessions before they can let their
feet off the ground. But the end of the see-saw which is

LL:INFO: Apology

2000-02-03 Thread Cathy Picone

Dear friends,

There was an error in the message I sent yesterday concerning the World
March of Women 2000 national organising committee. As there are eighteen,
not sixteen, representatives of national women's organisations on the
WMW2000 committee in Australia, I owe an apology to Women's Electoral Lobby
and the National Women's Media Centre for the mistake.


Cathy Picone


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LL:INFO: World March of Women 2000 - Australia

2000-02-02 Thread Cathy Picone

Dear friends,

I'm writing on behalf of the national organising committee of the World 
March of Women 2000 (WMW2000) in Australia.

The national organising committee for the WMW2000 in Australia comprises 
representatives from sixteen national women's organisations and/or
constituencies. These organisations/constituencies include two
representatives of Indigenous Australian women including one from ATSIC,
one representative of NESB women, the YWCA, UNAA Women's Committee,
Coalition of Activist Lesbians, National Foundation for Australian Women,
Women with Disabilities Australia, Women's Rights Action Network Australia,
Soroptimists, Baha'i Women's Network, National Union of Students Women's
Committee, Union of Australian Women and Women's International League for
Peace and Freedom.

WMW2000 will be launched both internationally and nationally on or around
IWD, March 8. In Australia, launch activities have been arranged in many
centres around the country. These launches have been organised
cooperatively and in solidarity with IWD Collectives and IWD Committees.
The support cards for signature will be available as from the date of the
launches. The main activity for WMW2000 will take place in early October.
(More details below.)

Below is the text of the leaflet re the World March of Women 2000 (WMW2000)
in Australia. If you would like to have a version of the leaflet (with
graphics) suitable for printing and distribution to your networks and
groups, please email me and I will send it to you as an attachment.

in solidarity,

Cathy Picone
on behalf of the WMW2000 national organising committee


World March Of Women 2000 - Australia
"2000 Good Reasons to March: Eliminating Poverty and Violence"
Fight Poverty! End Violence Against Women!

WHY WMW 2000?
"By the late 1990's the fifth of the world's people living in the
highest-income countries (and that includes Australia) had:
*  86% of world Gross Domestic Product (the bottom fifth just 1%)
*  82% of world export market (the bottom fifth just 1%)
*  the world's 200 richest people more than doubled their net worth in the
four years to 1998, to more than $1 trillion."
(UN Human Development Report, 1999)

One billion of the world's present population are living in extreme
poverty. Of those, 70% are women. We are campaigning to resolve these

Women from more than 143 countries are this year demanding that the UN and
its member States take concrete measures to:
*  ELIMINATE poverty and ENSURE a fair distribution of the planet's wealth
between the rich and the poor, and between women and men.
*  ELIMINATE violence against women and ENSURE equality between women and men.

In Australia, a national committee comprising many Non-government
Organisations (NGOs) is co-ordinating our response for WMW2000.

Action begins everywhere with many launches around the country on
International Women's Day. Internationally, the seven-month "march" will
culminate on October 17 - International Day for the Elimination of Poverty
- with a World Rally in New York (NY) when millions of the signed support
cards will be presented to Kofi Annan at UN HQ in NY.

* Women's Song  Dance Fests (cultural sharings) around the country on
October 7;
* Distribution of support cards to go to the UN. Cards can be signed by
women and men;
* Numerous other events organised by particular women's organisations and
particular constituencies. For example, the Trade Union Women's Congress in
August this year will focus on the WMW2000, and the Australian Education
Union is distributing an information kit to Australian schools.

A group of Australian women will represent us all in New York at the World

* Sign and return a postcard.
* Distribute cards among your friends and networks. Copies of the card can
be downloaded at: www.uq.net.au/march2000/ or obtained by contacting the
address below.
* Attend the Women's Song  Dance Fest in your locality on Saturday October 7.
* Get a group of women together to perform an item for the Song and Dance
Fest, eg., Indigenous Australian women could sing together, Greek women
could sing a Greek song, Lebanese women could perform a dance, women of
Jewish heritage could sing a Jewish song.
* Ensure that NGOs you belong to have endorsed the March - encourage public
events in support of it.
* Make a donation. We need money to print more support cards. Donations are
tax deductible. Cheques should be made out to the National Foundation for
Australian Women (NFAW) and sent to the address below with a note as
follows "I wish my donation to go to WILPF (Australia) for the World March
of Women 2000".

World March of Women (Australia), c/o WILPF, GPO Box 2094, Adelaide, SA, 5001
Phone: 08 8296 4357 E-mail: [EMAIL

LL:INFO:International Seminar on Women Workers - Globalisation and HumanRights

1999-05-22 Thread Cathy Picone

Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) will be holding an
International Seminar on Women Workers - Globalisation and Human Rights,
29-31 July 1999 at Radisson Europe Hotel and Conference Centre, San Jose,
Costa Rica.  Anyone is welcome to attend this seminar.

For more information, please contact me by email at:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Cathy Picone
Joint National Coordinator
WILPF, Australian Section

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