LL:DDV: speakout against government persecution of refugees

2004-01-20 Thread Graham Matthews
This event is on the Leftlink Caledan at http://www.leftlink.net 

Speakout against the detention of refugees on Nauru
Let the refugees in!
Citizenship not deportation!
Friday January 23, 5pm
GPO, cnr Elizabeth and Bourke Sts, City

The Australian government is attempting to force Afghan refugees
detained on Nauru to return to war-torn Afghanistan, where they face
immense personal danger and possible death. The Australian government is
acting with reckless disregard for the lives of the Afghan refugees.
Even though the hunger strike has been suspended, the refugees
themselves need our support and solidarity, to demand their release and
immediate acceptance by the Australian government.

Join the speakout, and demand with us,
   a..   Dismantle the so-called Pacific solution !
   b..  Stop the deportations of asylum seekers !
   c..  End mandatory detention and close all detention centres !
   d.. Grant permanent protection, full rights and settlement assistance
to all

Speakers from the Greens, Refugee Action Collective, the Brigandine Nuns
and Socialist Alliance will support the protest.

For more information or to endorse the action, please phone Graham on
9639 8622 or email [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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LL:DDV: Socialist Alliance: two great meetings, three guests

2003-10-24 Thread Graham Matthews
Comrades and friends,

Socialist Alliance Victoria has two great public vents lined-up for
Victoria. Both will be educational and informative, a great opportunity
to build and consolidate the Socialist Alliance as we approach the end
of the year.

Thursday November 6 7.30pm Trades Hall cnr Lygon  Victoria Sts Carlton
(New Ball Room)
(entry by donation - $5 suggested)

Howard's End: Alternatives from the Left
featuring Carmen Lawrence, outspoken Labor MP.
Also speaking David Glanz, Socialist Alliance candidate for Wills
Janet Rice, Maribyrnong Councillor
Tim Gooden, Asst. Secretary, Geelong Trades Hall
Chaired by Linda Waldron, convener, Socialist Alliance Melbourne
west branch

Saturday November 15, 10am-6pm Trades Hall cnr Lygon  Victoria Sts,
Carlton (New Council Chambers $12 waged, $8 conc.)

Resisting Empire: building alternatives building alternatives to war,
racism  imperialism

A day long conference exploring the causes of imperialist war and
domination and the fightback against the Empire gathering momentum
across the world.

featuring: Humphrey McQueen, prominent Australian Marxist writer and
commentator and Colin Fox Scottish Socialist Party parliamentarian.

Call 9639-8622, 9486 5472, 9687 0789, 9388 0062 or 5222 6900 for full


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LL:DDV: Socialist Alliance state conference Sat June 28

2003-06-19 Thread Graham Matthews
Following on from our successful second national conference held in May,
Socialist Alliance is organising a public conference on Saturday June 28
- Uniting to Fight for a Better World.

The conference will be held from 12pm to 6pm at Victorian Trades Hall
(cnr Lygon  Victoria Sts, Carlton), and will feature two panels. At
12.30, 'Stop the War on the Third World' looks to build solidarity with
the people of the Third World, under sustained attack from Bush's War
on Terror. At 3pm, a panel of unionists will discuss campaigns in
defence of militant unions, under attack from the Howard government.

The afternoon will be fleshed out with two sets of campaigning
workshops, where Alliance members and supporters will plan campaigns for
the coming months.

The conference is open to all Socialist Alliance members and supporters.
Entry is by donation of $5 waged or $3 unwaged.

For more information or to register, call Graham 9639 8622 or David 9386


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LL:DDV: Socialist Alliance state conference Sat June 28, Vic

2003-06-03 Thread Graham Matthews
Following on from the success of our second national conference,
Socialist Alliance will be organising a state conference for Saturday
June 28 (a little under four weeks) for Vic Trades Hall.

For more information or to register, please call Graham on 9639 8622 or
0403 802 944 or email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

See you there!


Uniting to Fight for a Better World
Victorian state conference
June 28, 2003
Victorian Trades Hall
cnr Lygon  Victoria Sts Carlton
Draft Agenda
11.30am   Registration
  (New Council Chambers)
12.00pm   Lunch
12.30pm   opening panel - Stop the War on the Third World
1.30pmCampaign workshops
2.45pm   break
3.00pm   Unions in struggle: defend the CFMEU,Skilled 6=20
and the NTEU
4.00pm   Union workshops
5.15pm   break
5.30pm   Constitutional amendments, election ofstate=20
executive and state conveners
6.30pm   Conference close


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LL:DDV: Last ASAP forum for 2002

2002-11-24 Thread Graham Matthews

After Bali: Prospects for political change in Indonesia

Public forum with:

   a.. Max Lane
Centre for Asia Pacific Social Transformation Studies, University of
Wollongong  chairperson of Action in Solidarity with Asia and the
Pacific (ASAP)

   a.. Jason McLeod
Free West Papua Collective activist on recent impressions from West
Papua (illustrated ith a slide presentation)

to discuss
Indonesia's road to democracy after the Bali bombings

Civil society's response to the anti-terrorist decrees and the biting
economic crisis

The impact of resumption of military ties on the pro-independence
movements in Aceh and West Papua

Monday, 16 December 6.30pm

Trades Hall Council Annexe

Cnr Lygon and Victoria Sts, Carlton

Entry by donation

Ring 9639 8622 for details

Organised by Action in Solidarity with Asia and the Pacific
www.asia-pacific-action.org and Green Left Weeklywww.greenleft.org.au


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LL:DDV: The Refugee question: where do your candidates stand?

2002-11-18 Thread Graham Matthews
-- please forward this email to lists, friends  contacts

Refugee Action Collective - state election forum

Where do your candidates stand ?

future visions, current practice and debates

A forum and discussion exploring the position of the candidates for the
seat of Brunswick, on the burning political question of refugee rights
in Australia. An opportunity for voters to quiz candidates and discuss
the way forward in the development of a just refugee policy.

  - Carlo Carli ( Labor MP for Coburg)
  -  Pamela Curr (Greens, Brunswick candidate)
  - Judy McVey (Socialist Alliance Brunswick candidate)
   others to be announced

6.30pm, Thursday, November 21st

Brunswick Town Hall, crn Glenlyon  Sydney Rd
Organised by the Refugee Action Collective
Ph 0438 191 768 or 9659 3505 for more info.


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LL:DDV: Socialist Alliance registration celebration dinner

2002-10-29 Thread Graham Matthews
With only six days until Socialist Alliance achieves state registration,
there are also only six days until our celebration dinner. The dinner
will be held at the Flemington Community Centre (15 Mt Alexander Rd,
Flemington). The centre is easily accessible via the #59 tram from
Elizabeth Street, and is near the Flemington Bridge station (on the
Upfield line). There is also plenty of parking at the site.

The dinner wll be a Lebanese feast, with full bar on hand. There will be
speakers from the Socialist Alliance, as well as entertainment on the

The cost for the evening is $40 (solidarity pice), $25 waged, $15
concession, and $8 high-school rate. Bookings are preferred, but by no
means essential. To book, please return this email, or phone Graham on
9639 8622 or 0403 802 944.

I look forward to seeing you there, and celebrating our (third) state
registration for Socialist Alliance in fine style!

In solidarity,

Graham Matthews
SA state co-convenor


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LL:INFO: Socialist Alliance state registration a certainty!

2002-10-02 Thread Graham Matthews

Socialist Alliance will be a registered political party for the coming
Victorian state election. Over the last few weeks, Socialist Alliance
members been polled by the Victorian Electoral Commission to varify that
the party has at least 500 members. Today, positive responses to the VEC
questionnaire reached 502.

There follows from tomorrow a four week period where objections to
Socialist Alliance's registration can be made. The grounds for objection
however are particularly narrow, and will not be satisfied. It is a
certainty therefore that Socialist Alliance will achieve registration
before any early election called by the Bracks government.

Successful state regitration will mean the identification of Alliance
candidates with 'Socialist Alliance' on all ballot papers. At last there
will be an easily identifiable socialist alternative for elections in
this state.

On behalf of Socialist Alliance I would like to thank all individuals
and organisations who have made this success possible. It is testament
to what a united left can achieve together.

Once again our thanks to all who have contributed.

In solidarity,

Graham Matthews
Socialist Alliance state co-convenor.


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LL:DDV: Melbourne call for action on M1 2002

2002-01-30 Thread Graham Matthews


*** M1 Call to Action ***

January 2002

The year 2002 will no doubt be an eventful one for workers and 
communities throughout the globe. Already workers in Argentina are 
paying the price of the renewed corporate offensive. In Colombia, this 
same offensive, led by the USA's military might, may well come to a head 
with a major confrontation now being organised against the people's 
movements. This is to say nothing of the devastation of Afghanistan and 
the plans against Palestine and Iraq.

Workers and communities in Australia are no exception. We are all too 
aware of the plans the Liberal government has to smash the unions, 
scapegoat refugees and destroy what's left of our welfare system.

We consider that a show of strength is needed on our part, especially 
here in Victoria where both the AMWU and CFMEU are under concentrated 
attack, and where we have the community momentum for a united response.

We would like to see all community organisations working together and 
organising a NO WAR MAY DAY on Wednesday May 1 this year:


We would like to invite and encourage your organisation and all 
individual activists to participate in a meeting to discuss the 
possibilities of united action against the attacks on refugees, the 
Third World and our communities.

Meeting: Tuesday February 5, 6pm

Venue: Trades Hall Council, New Council Chambers

For more information call:
Cam Walker 9419 8700 or
Jorge Jorquera 9639 8622

Jorge Jorquera



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LL:DDV: public forum with Ali Kazak - CORRECTION TO DATE

2001-09-17 Thread Graham Matthews

Because of difficulties with flights, the Socialist Alliance public forum 
on `Who's To Blame' has had to be moved a day forward. The correct details 
are now 7pm Wednesday September 19, New Council Chambers Trades Hall 
Council, cnr Lygon  Victoria Sts, Carlton. Entry by donation.

Also, because the new date clashed with a pre-organised forum sponsored by 
the ISO, two additional speakers, David Glanz, Socialist Alliance candidate 
for Wills and Ezzedine Rafhi, Moreland Ethnic Communities Council, Vice 
President have been added.


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LL:DDV: Socialist Alliance Seat of Melbourne Launch

2001-06-26 Thread Graham Matthews

All welcome to the Socialist Alliance Seat of Melbourne Launch
Toasts from:
Pauline Spencer (Fitzroy Legal Service)
Dennis Evans (3CR)
Associate Professor Verity Burgmann (Politics, University of Melbourne)
Surma Hamid (Workers Communist Party of Iraq)
Pamela Curr (Greens Candidate)
Alejandro Rodriguez (Socialist Alliance Candidate, Melbourne City Council)
Chiarina Pascuzzi (Socialist Alliance Candidate, Melbourne City Council)

Come along for some drinking, dancing and inspirational speeches.  Meet our 
candidates for the Melbourne City Council elections and find out how to get 
involved with the new radical, progressive force in electoral politics.

7.30pm Thursday 28 June
@Lord Newry Hotel
543 Brunswick street
North Fitzroy

Contact Linda on 9639 8622 for further info.


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LL:PR: Indonesian detainee to speak-out

2001-06-18 Thread Graham Matthews



To: Chiefs of Staff


Graham Matthews was one of the 18 Australians who were detained in Jakarta 
after Indonesian military forces raided a conference organised by 
Indonesian NGO, INCREASE (Indonesian Centre for Reform and Social 
Emancipation) on the weekend of June 8-9 and arrested all the foreign 
participants as well as some key Indonesian democracy activists.

Matthews is speaking at a public meeting titled Indonesia: cracking down 
on democracy - an eyewitness account. Arief Budiman, an Indonesian 
academic at Melbourne University will also be speaking at the meeting which 
is organised by friends and family of the detainees.

Solidarity greetings will be given by Grahame McCulloch, National Secretary 
of the National Tertiary Education Union.

The detainees are currently lodging a class action against the Jakarta 
police for the unlawful and violent raid on a peaceful gathering that took 
place recently in Jakarta Matthews said.

We are also demanding answers from the Australian government as to why it 
has not condemned the Indonesian secret police for its brutal attack. 
Matthews continued. The Australian government should publicly state what 
has been legally demonstrated and widely reported in Indonesian and 
international media -- that is that this was an unlawful detention on 
trumped-up visa charges.

The detainees also want the Australian government to commit to a foreign 
policy that will assist those fighting for freedom of speech and assembly 
in Indonesia.

Public Meeting

Date: Tuesday 19 June

Time: 7pm

Place: Undergraduate Rm A; Melbourne University Student Union

For more information call: Sarah Peart 0402 555 591.

For interviews call: Graham Matthews on 0403 802 944.


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