LL:DDV: A call for the basic tradition of solidarity

2002-07-15 Thread sp

You are invited to the launch of:

The walls that surround us
Racism, refugees and Australian capitalism

A new pamphlet explains the role racism played in the construction of
Australian capitalism, an explanation of past and present immigration and
refugee policy, a deconstruction of the arguments of the Federal government
and its supporters on the current refugee crisis, as well looking at the
environmental and economic arguments sometimes used to oppose refugees and

By Stephen Jolly
Published by the Socialist Party

Launch opened by Rod Quantock at Trades Hall, cnr Lygon and Victoria Sts,
Carlton South
Tuesday July 30th from 7pm
Light refreshments available
Child care available
For more information or help with transport or child care phone 96399111 or


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LL:URL: anti-fascist archives upgraded

2002-07-15 Thread Paul Kneisel

We've just re-coded the material by Leon Trotsky listed below for our
upgraded archives. We are now working on R. Palme Dutt's massive "Fascism
and Social Revolution: A Study of the Economics and Politics of the Extreme
Stages of Capitalism in Decay." We've just finished converting material by
Georgi Dimitrov, Antonio Gramsci, and Palmiro Togliatti. This will complete
our accumulation of the major anti-fascist documents from the communist
left. Only those from the anarchist left are lacking and we hope to make
Rudy Ruckers work available in the near future.

Trotsky, Leon
"The German Puzzle," Nov 1932

Trotsky, Leon
"The Turn In the Communist International and the Situation In Germany," 26
Sep 1930

Trotsky, Leon
"Thaelmann and the 'People's Revolution': Letter To A Comrade From Spain,"
14 Apr 1931

Trotsky, Leon
"Workers Control of Production: Letter To A Group of German
Oppositionists," 20 Aug 1930

Trotsky, Leon
"Factory Councils and Workers' Control of Production," 21 Sep 1931

Trotsky, Leon
"Against National Communism! Lessons of the 'Red Referendum'," 25 Aug 1931

Trotsky, Leon
"Germany, The Key to the International Situation," 26 Nov 1931

Trotsky, Leon
"For A Workers' United Front Against Fascism," 8 Dec 1931

Trotsky, Leon
"What Next? Vital Questions For the German Proletariat: Part I," 27 Jan 1932

Trotsky, Leon
"What Next? Vital Questions For the German Proletariat: Part II," 27 Jan 1932

Trotsky, Leon
"What Next? Vital Questions For the German Proletariat: Part III," 27 Jan 1932

Trotsky, Leon
"Interview With Montag Morgen," 12 May 1932

Trotsky, Leon
"The German Puzzle," Aug 1932

Trotsky, Leon
"Germany: The Only Road," 14 Sep 1932

Trotsky, Leon
"German Bonapartism," 30 Oct 1932

Trotsky, Leon
"Before the Decision," 5 Feb 1933

Trotsky, Leon
"The United Front for Defense: A Letter To A Social Democratic Worker," 23
Feb 1933

Trotsky, Leon
"The Tragedy Of the German Proletariat: The German Workers Will Rise Again
-- Stalinism, Never!," 14 Mar 1933

Trotsky, Leon
"Germany and the USSR," 17 Mar 1933

Trotsky, Leon
"Hitler and the Red Army," 21 Mar 1933

Trotsky, Leon
"The German Catastrophe: The Responsibility of Leadership," 28 May 1933

Trotsky, Leon
"What Is National Socialism," 10 June 1933

Trotsky, Leon
"How Long Can Hitler Stay?," 22 Jun 1933

Trotsky, Leon
"It Is Necessary To Build Communist Parties and An International Anew: The
Orientation Toward Reforming the Comintern," 15 Jul 1933

Trotsky, Leon
"It Is Impossible To Remain In the Same International With the Stalins,
Manulsgys, Lozovskys and Company," 20 Jul 1933

Weston, Fred
"Trotsky and the Struggle Against Fascism," March 2000


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LL:DDV: Socialist Alliance Wills Branch coming events

2002-07-15 Thread Alison Thorne

Socialist Alliance Wills Branch coming events

Thursday 8 August, 7 pm
Wills Socialist Alliance Branch meeting
ASU Organiser, Janine Kepert, will talk about the struggle by unionists at
the Brunswick Pool against outsourcing and for pay justice.
Solidarity Salon: 580 Sydney Road, Brunswick
Guests welcome. For more information: 9388-0062,

Saturday 10 August, 10.30 am
Speak out against anti-terror laws!
Join Wills Socialist Alliance and local feminist and immigrant community
organisations to protest the Howard Government's latest attack on our
democratic rights.
Coburg Mall.
To endorse the protest, to organise to speak or for more information call
9388-0062, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
This event is part of a Socialist Alliance National weekend of protest
against these dangerous measures.

Alison Thorne
Wills Branch Convener


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