Re: leoInspect: a hobby with a future?

2011-11-18 Thread Edward K. Ream
On Nov 17, 10:26 am, Edward K. Ream wrote:

 I expect to spend at least the rest of today on format and the AstFormatter 

It was an interesting day, not least because the Fool (capitalized,
the skeptical part of me) kept screaming at me. leoInspect is so
elegant, I started doubting it!

As an antidote, and as a way to honor the skeptical part of me, here
is a dialog between the Fool  and the excited part of me:

Fool: Why all the excitement?  All you've done is made a trivial front
end for ASTs!

Me: The front end is important, for several reasons.  First, it
provides a way to examine *dead* code more easily than Python's
inspect module allows you to examine *live* code.  It is also a
spectacular collapse in code complexity.

Fool:  Of *course* it's a collapse in complexity, you've *given up*
trying to do a proper lint!  What did you expect?

Me: Actually, almost all the code is unchanged!  Only my
*understanding* has changed.  Giving up just means that a few
algorithms are no longer part of leoInspect itself.

Fool: Let's get back to the interface. The getters just deliver ASTs.
That's no big deal.

Me:  Getters deliver Context objects, not ASTs.

User query code quite naturally starts with a call to the module

m = leoInspect.module(fn=path to a file) # For users.
m = leoInspect.module(s=s) # For testing leoInspect itself.

The module getter preprocesses all the code, creating semantic
information (Context objects) that speed up and enrich all future
getters.  **leoInspect adds rich data structures to ASTs**.

Fool:  How useful can these data structures be? They cost almost
nothing to make: there is no such thing as a free lunch.

Me:  That's my second point.

As far as the users of leoInspect are concerned, Context classes *are*
query objects.  The leoInspect API shows that this change in point of
view is a huge advance for users.

Fool: Well, what about you?  You wasted all day yesterday writing the
AstFormatter class, yet another AST-to-Python converter.  You haven't
done your homework: 2to3lib already has such a thing.

Me: Yes, 2to3lib already has something similar.  But it doesn't fit in
with leoInspect's Context or AstTraverser classes.  AstFormatter is

Fool: AstFormatter is always going to be buggy.

Me: Writing unit tests for AstFormatter will be easy.  AstFormatter
doesn't need to preserve whitespace exactly. The only requirement is
that the *tokenized* version of the input must be equivalent to the
*tokenized* version of leoInspect.module(s=s).format().  The new
g.python_tokenizer function will suffice as a tokenizer.

Fool: Well, writing AstFormatter was a big distraction.

Me: Not really.  It has given me a chance to look again at the old
LintTraverser class, now called InspectTraverser. I used
InspectTraverser as a reference while writing AstFormatter.  In the
process I found some horrible code, namely
InspectTraverser.attribute_to_string.  This is a wretched hack,
supposedly for the benefit of the symbol table classes.  It can't
possibly be correct.  The new code will simply use the AST to
represent itself.

Fool: Using ASTs to represent themselves?  That's a step backwards!
It makes the code harder to use.

Me: No, it doesn't, because the getters don't get more complex.  Yes,
the assign_to and assign_using getters must do some work, but that
work hides all the AST-related blah-blah-blah from the user.  If other
getters are needed to hide AST details, I'll put them in.

Fool:  Maybe the getters will be useful for the naive user, but they
will never be good enough to implement a real lint.

Me:  Wrong, on two counts.  First, *I* will be a naive user when it
comes to writing unit tests based on leoInspect.  I want a dead-simple
interface in which to build up significant assertions about Leo's own
code base.

Second, the o.tree() getter provides a fast trap door to any part of
the AST.  The leoInspect API *can* be used as the basis for a new
lint.  Actually, the old sudoku-like (data-driven) lint algorithm
could use the underlying Context classes as before.  The new
leoInspect API doesn't hide the old API.

Fool: But you are going to gut attribute_to_string.  Isn't that going
to ruin some old code?

Me: Now you're nit-picking.  InspectTraverser.attribute_to_string will
be sound, which is kinda important for a lint!

Fool: But you are going to waste even more time revising

Me:  It's never a waste of time to put code on sound foundation.  And
the big collapse in complexity creates further opportunities for
simplifications.  Don't even *think* about complaining about that.

Furthermore, the run-marked-unit-tests-externally command has
amplified the Stupendous Aha.  As a result, I seem to have gotten
smarter--I find even more ways to collapse complexity.  This happened
several times yesterday, and I expect to simplify InspectTraverser
even more today.

All the great mathematicians revisit their old proofs, seeking 

Re: leoInspect: a hobby with a future?

2011-11-18 Thread Edward K. Ream
On Nov 18, 2:35 am, Edward K. Ream wrote:

 Me:  Time to get back to work on leoInspect!

Actually, it's time for sleep.  I'm a bit short due to the excitement
of the leoInspect project.


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Re: leoInspect: a hobby with a future?

2011-11-18 Thread Edward K. Ream
On Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 2:35 AM, Edward K. Ream wrote:

 leoInspect is so elegant, I started doubting it!

The quick summary of leoInspect:

1. leoInspect inspects text; Python's inspect module inspects live objects.

2. leoInspect is much easier to use than inspect, and more scriptable.

3. Most importantly, leoInspect is a view of **symbol tables**, not
ASTs.  These symbol tables are designed to answer important, practical
questions about source code, including Leo's sources.


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Re: leoInspect: a hobby with a future?

2011-11-17 Thread Edward K. Ream
On Nov 16, 8:25 pm, Edward K. Ream wrote:

 When the format method is written, we would replace::




 but that is just syntactic sugar.  And rather than printing the
 raw AST tree shown above, format will print it as it would look in
 the actual source file.  It will take a bit of work tomorrow...

The first draft of Context.format was::

def format(self,brief=True):
cx = self
ast.dump(cx._tree,annotate_fields=True,include_attributes=not brief)

This produces output such as::

Assign(targets=[Attribute(value=Name(id='self', ctx=Load()), attr='c',
ctx=Store())], value=Name(id='c', ctx=Load()))

Call(func=Attribute(value=Name(id='self', ctx=Load()),
attr='beginCommandHelper', ctx=Load()), args=[],
keywords=[keyword(arg='ch', value=Str(s='')), keyword(arg='undoType',
value=Name(id='undoType', ctx=Load())), keyword(arg='w',
value=Attribute(value=Name(id='self', ctx=Load()), attr='w',
ctx=Load()))], starargs=None, kwargs=None)

This is just a squished version of the ast tree.  Alas, ast.dump has
no option to reproduce the tree's source. It's a big hole in the ast
class, imo.

But there is no use complaining.  Early this morning I started work on
the AstFormatter class, yet another AST traversal class. It's coming
along nicely.  Here is format's present output corresponding to the
dumps above::

self.c = c
self.beginCommandHelper(ch='',undoType=undoType ,w=self.w)

In other words, format is nearing completion. There are a lot of picky
details to handle, however: the formatter must generate code for
virtually all AST nodes.  In addition, the present code adds spaces
around all identifiers, so that constructions such as a or b don't
get turned into aorb.  This can lead to too many spaces, as you can
see above. Eventually, format will beautify its result, perhaps using
Leo's token-oriented beautify-python code.

I expect to spend at least the rest of today on format and the
AstFormatter class.


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Re: leoInspect: a hobby with a future?

2011-11-16 Thread Edward K. Ream
On Nov 16, 5:01 am, Edward K. Ream wrote:

 As I write this, I see that the problem is to create a query
 language that can be translated into specific AST traversals.  By
 query language I mean any mechanism that could produce specific
 searches.  API might be a better word for what I imagine.  In any
 case, creating queries of AST trees creates a new world of

Here is the first draft of a design.  Feel free to skip, but if you
are interested, don't miss the last line of this post.

The inspiration will be Mathematica's language: simple and task
oriented. All details in the background. In fact, there won't be any
special query language, just a simple api.

AST trees are part of the plumbing.  Queries will be made against the
**query objects** representing the semantic data created when parsing
AST trees. The present new-lint code is already pretty much what we

Getter functions return query objects, o, or lists of query objects::

o = module(file_name) # Parses the file into a query object, o.
aList = assignments(o)
aList = classes(o)
aList = defs(o)
aList = statements(o)
ast_tree = tree(o)

Assignments are especially important.  Two more getters deliver the
right-hand-side and left-hand-side of an assignment a::

o = lhs(a)
o = rhs(a)

The assignments getter will split composite assignments a,b = x,y
into separate assignments.

Finally, we'll need a way to view query objects, that is, the
underlying AST.  We'll want a rich set of options so that we can
customize the view::

aString = format(o,options)

Other bells and whistles may become useful or necessary, but this is a
good start, imo.

Aha!  With these getters, *Python* becomes the query language!  So
simple.  So powerful.


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Re: leoInspect: a hobby with a future?

2011-11-16 Thread Kent Tenney
Just the kind of stuff I like, looking forward to being able
to try it without having to understand how it works :-]

Probably off topic, but I'm reminded of my reaction to lots
of testing tools, especially the coverage stuff which produces
listings of execution paths. The intent of the listing is to determine
which lines of code are tested, but that's not what I see.

When I see that, I don't think of testing, I think what a wonderful,
automatically generated, explanation of how the pieces of the
app work together, and what the control flow looks like

I think the one I've seen is Figleaf, found here


On Wed, Nov 16, 2011 at 5:01 AM, Edward K. Ream wrote:
 I'd like a module, call it leoInspect, which would, in effect, provide
 answers to questions about Leo's source code such as:

 - Where are all assignments to 'w' in

 - Which of those assignments are unusual or suspect (in ways to be

 This is, in essence, a re-imagining of the new-pylint project, which
 has been a hobby project of mine for several years. Rather than
 attempting global proofs of difficult propositions, as in new-
 pylint, the leoInspect module answer specific pattern-oriented
 questions about specific files.  We could use such answers while
 debugging, or as documentation, or especially as the foundation for
 *fast* unit tests.

 My first thought was that the simplest thing that could possibly work
 would be a souped-up search command. As a quick prototype, yesterday I
 wrote a short script, based on a simple Python tokenizer, that would
 find non-comment, non-string lines containing assignments.

 Suppose we are interested, for whatever reason, in assignments to i.
 Such a script, when run on itself, yields assignments to i like::

    kind,i= S,i+1
    i+= 1
    kind,i= S,g.skip_to_end_of_line(s,i)

 This illustrates the pitfalls of text-based approaches.  Finding the
 real assignments to i will be ugly.  In retrospect, this is hardly
 surprising. An approach based on AST trees will be cleaner and more
 flexible in the long run.

 The AST traversal code in new-pylint will form the foundation of
 leoInspect.  Traversals creates semantic data (symbol tables, etc.)
 that will also be useful in leoInspect.

 As I write this, I see that the problem is to create a query
 language that can be translated into specific AST traversals.  By
 query language I mean any mechanism that could produce specific
 searches.  API might be a better word for what I imagine.  In any
 case, creating queries of AST trees creates a new world of

 Happily, speed is *not* a big problem.  The kind of queries I envisage
 can certainly be done in time proportional to O(N) where N is the size
 of the code being examined.  More sophisticated queries might require
 multiple passes over the tree (or data structures built from the tree)
 but that's still O(N).  I expect most queries to take less than a
 second, even on Leo's largest source files.  For example, new-lint
 takes 1.5 seconds to create AST trees for *all* of Leo's sources, and
 another 2 seconds to traverse all the trees.

 Your comments please, Amigos.


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Re: leoInspect: a hobby with a future?

2011-11-16 Thread Edward K. Ream
On Wed, Nov 16, 2011 at 9:20 AM, Edward K. Ream wrote:

 Assignments are especially important.  Two more getters deliver the
 right-hand-side and left-hand-side of an assignment a::

    o = lhs(a)
    o = rhs(a)

Instead of this, or in addition, there will be the following getters::

aList = assignments_to(arg)
aList = assignments_using(arg)

Here arg can be either a query object or name (string).

With this in place, the script to discover all assignments to 'w' in is::

import leo.core.leoInspect as inspect

m = inspect.module('leoEditCommands')
for z in m.assignments_to('w'):

This is simple enough to be exciting!  Some notes:

1. Yes, it really will be possible to use just 'leoEditCommands' as
the argument to module.  leoInspect will know about Leo's files.

2. By default, format will delete leading whitespace, line numbers,
file names, etc, but there will be keyword options to enable all that
and more.

3. The script prints all assignments to 'w' anywhere in  But it would be trivial to zero in on
particular classes or methods with one or two more lines of code.

This is way too good to ignore.  I expect to have something working in
an hour or three...


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Re: leoInspect: a hobby with a future?

2011-11-16 Thread Edward K. Ream
On Wed, Nov 16, 2011 at 9:43 AM, Kent Tenney wrote:
 Just the kind of stuff I like, looking forward to being able
 to try it without having to understand how it works :-]

That's why I am excited about it as well.  This simple, high-level
description provides the best possible road map for how the code
should work.  There is no need for lower-level specs!

 Probably off topic, but I'm reminded of my reaction to lots
 of testing tools, especially the coverage stuff which produces
 listings of execution paths. The intent of the listing is to determine
 which lines of code are tested, but that's not what I see.

 When I see that, I don't think of testing, I think what a wonderful,
 automatically generated, explanation of how the pieces of the
 app work together, and what the control flow looks like

 I think the one I've seen is Figleaf, found here

Thanks for these remarks and the link.

I myself basically never think in terms of execution paths.  They are
irrelevant to design, or rather, the *only* robust designs are designs
that work for *all* execution paths.


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Re: leoInspect: a hobby with a future?

2011-11-16 Thread Edward K. Ream
On Nov 16, 10:33 am, Edward K. Ream wrote:
 On Wed, Nov 16, 2011 at 9:43 AM, Kent Tenney wrote:
  Just the kind of stuff I like, looking forward to being able
  to try it without having to understand how it works :-]

 That's why I am excited about it as well.  This simple, high-level
 description provides the best possible road map for how the code
 should work.  There is no need for lower-level specs!

The clarity makes everything simple.  I see now that a query object is
simply a new-lint Context object.  The getters will be members of the
base Context object, and will be very simple iterators.


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Re: leoInspect: a hobby with a future?

2011-11-16 Thread Edward K. Ream
On Wed, Nov 16, 2011 at 12:11 PM, Edward K. Ream wrote:

 The clarity makes everything simple.  I see now that a query object is
 simply a new-lint Context object.

Rev 4813 contains the first successful demo of leoInspect!

Here is the Leo script::

import leo.core.leoInspect as inspect
dump_modules = False

m = inspect.module(c,'',print_stats=True,print_times=True)
for o in m.classes:
if dump_modules:
for f in o.functions:
print('  %s' % f)

And here is the output::

Dump of statistics...

   errors: 0
 contexts: 732
  modules: 1
  assignments: 2476
calls: 3241
  classes: 22
 defs: 602
 fors: 85
  globals: 5
  imports: 18
  lambdas: 2
   list_comps: 20
withs: 0
   attributes: 4493
ivars: 0
names: 5012
del_names: 0
   load_names: 5747
  param_names: 2
  store_names: 2512

parse_time: 0.13
pass1_time: 0.26
total_time: 0.39


[big snip]
Ran 1 test in 0.642s

OK 1.55sec

Important:  the class and def entries are not just strings.  They
are representations of real Context classes, which means that they
already support, or soon will support, the getters I have been talking

In short, we are *very* close to having a fully functional leoInspect module.


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Re: leoInspect: a hobby with a future?

2011-11-16 Thread Edward K. Ream
On Wed, Nov 16, 2011 at 1:06 PM, Edward K. Ream wrote:

 Rev 4813 contains the first successful demo of leoInspect!

This rev also includes a new version of leoPyRef.leo that contains


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Re: leoInspect: a hobby with a future?

2011-11-16 Thread Edward K. Ream

On Nov 16, 9:20 am, Edward K. Ream wrote:

 Getter functions return query objects, o, or lists of query objects::

     o = module(file_name) # Parses the file into a query object, o.
     aList = assignments(o)
     aList = classes(o)
     aList = defs(o)
     aList = statements(o)
     ast_tree = tree(o)

Clearly, these getters should be methods of o::

aList = o.assignments()
aList = o.classes()


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Re: leoInspect: a hobby with a future?

2011-11-16 Thread Edward K. Ream
On Nov 16, 8:25 pm, Edward K. Ream wrote:

 All the getters have a simple pattern.  Here is the assignments()
 getter: the others are virtually the same code, with straightforward

I should emphasize that these methods are part of the base Context
class, and are inherited completely unchanged by all subclasses.  It's
totally elegant.


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