Re: [lfs-support] LFS 7.3 Screen Flickering problem

2013-11-22 Thread Douglas R. Reno

Thank you for your help. After I reconfigured the kernel and remade it
taking out the driver, it now works like a charm!

Douglas Reno
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[lfs-support] Error: invalid file name When Booting For the First Time

2013-11-22 Thread Alan Feuerbacher
Having had no success this past week in getting an LFS system running under
UEFI booting with LVM volume management and GPT partitioning, I decided to
install a fresh copy of LFS on a new hard drive. I did my best to follow the
LFS book (development version) exactly, and this evening was able to try to
boot the new system. No success yet. I got this error message when Grub
came up:

error: invalid file name 'vmlinuz-3.12-lfs-SVN-20131105'

I don't know where things have gone south, so perhaps someone else can help
figure it out.

I have three 2TB hard drives running right now:
/dev/sda contains Fedora19
/dev/sdb contains the new LFS system
/dev/sdc contains the UEFI LFS system from last week

I installed Grub to /dev/sdb with this:

grub-install /dev/sdb

/boot is mounted on /dev/sdb1

Below are some listings of (I hope) all the relevant disk and boot

Contents of /boot/grub/grub.cfg:
# Begin /boot/grub/grub.cfg
set default=0
set timeout=5

insmod ext2
set root=(hd1,1)
menuentry "GNU/Linux, Linux 3.12-lfs-SVN-20131105" {
linux vmlinuz-3.12-lfs-SVN-20131105 root=/dev/sdb1 ro

I was not sure whether the linux line should be:
linux vmlinuz-3.12-lfs-SVN-20131105 root=/dev/sdb1 ro
or this:
linux /vmlinuz-3.12-lfs-SVN-20131105 root=/dev/sdb1 ro
I tried both, and got the same "invalid file name" error.

Listing of /boot:
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 86838 Nov 20 22:10 config-3.12
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 Nov 22 20:43 grub
drwx-- 2 root root 16384 Nov 18 05:27 lost+found
-rw--- 1 root root 881184 Nov 22 20:38 shellx64.efi
-rw--- 1 root root 881184 Nov 22 20:38 Shellx64.efi
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3166833 Nov 20 22:10
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 6341328 Nov 22 20:39 vmlinuz-3.12
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 6341328 Nov 22 20:39 vmlinuz-3.12-lfs
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 6341328 Nov 20 22:09 vmlinuz-3.12-lfs-SVN-20131119
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 6341328 Nov 22 20:40 vmlinuz-3.12-lfs.x86_64

Listing of /boot/grub:
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 206 Nov 22 20:43 grub.cfg
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1024 Nov 22 19:20 grubenv
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 12288 Nov 22 19:20 i386-pc
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Nov 22 19:20 locale

My disks according to lsblk:
sda 8:0 0 1.8T 0 disk
├─sda1 8:1 0 500M 0 part
└─sda2 8:2 0 1.8T 0 part
├─fedora-root 253:0 0 50G 0 lvm
├─fedora-swap 253:1 0 7.7G 0 lvm [SWAP]
└─fedora-home 253:5 0 1.8T 0 lvm /fedorahome
sdb 8:16 0 1.8T 0 disk
├─sdb1 8:17 0 1G 0 part /boot
├─sdb2 8:18 0 16G 0 part [SWAP]
├─sdb3 8:19 0 100G 0 part /
├─sdb4 8:20 0 1K 0 part
├─sdb5 8:21 0 200G 0 part /home
└─sdb6 8:22 0 195G 0 part /opt
sdc 8:32 0 1.8T 0 disk
├─sdc1 8:33 0 1G 0 part
└─sdc2 8:34 0 500G 0 part
├─vglfs-swap 253:2 0 16G 0 lvm
├─vglfs-root 253:3 0 100G 0 lvm /lfsefiroot
└─vglfs-home 253:4 0 384G 0 lvm /lfsefihome
sr0 11:0 1 1024M 0 rom

Fdisk's listing of /dev/sdb :
Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/sdb1 * 2048 2099199 1048576 83 Linux
/dev/sdb2 2099200 35653631 16777216 82 Linux swap / Solaris
/dev/sdb3 35653632 245368831 104857600 83 Linux
/dev/sdb4 245368832 1084229631 419430400 5 Extended
/dev/sdb5 245370880 664801279 209715200 83 Linux
/dev/sdb6 664803328 1073747967 204472320 83 Linux

Filesystem table:
# Begin /etc/fstab

# file system mount-point type options dump fsck
# order

/dev/sdb1 /boot ext4 defaults 1 2
/dev/sdb2 swap swap defaults 0 0
/dev/sdb3 / ext4 defaults 1 1
/dev/sdb5 /home ext4 defaults 1 2
/dev/sdb6 /opt ext4 defaults 1 2
proc /proc proc nosuid,noexec,nodev 0 0
sysfs /sys sysfs nosuid,noexec,nodev 0 0
devpts /dev/pts devpts gid=5,mode=620 0 0
tmpfs /run tmpfs defaults 0 0
devtmpfs /dev devtmpfs mode=0755,nosuid 0 0

# End /etc/fstab

As always, any help is appreciated.


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Re: [lfs-support] LFS 7.3 Screen Flickering problem

2013-11-22 Thread Ken Moffat
On Fri, Nov 22, 2013 at 02:54:34PM -0600, Douglas R. Reno wrote:
> Ken,
> The screen turns on and off repeatedly... I can see some text when it is
> on. That is how I can tell it booted successfully because I can see the
> login prompt for a split second. I also have logs in /var/log.
 Good.  I've never come across one like that, but from what you say
below I guess that more than one framebuffer driver is becoming
active and they are fighting.

> Looking at the Kernel Options that you suggested (I keep a backup of my
> .config on a USB drive), I do believe that I enabled the frame buffer
> drivers... I will disable those when I get to the machine tonight.
> And yes, I mean the penguin (it is technically a waste of screen space, but
> I think it looks cool)
> Douglas Reno

 I don't agree it's a waste of space because it only lasts for a
little while and then everything scrolls up over it.  Perhaps a
waste of kernel memory, but amusing - how else would be have seen
the Linux for Workgroups penguin in 3.11 ;-)

das eine Mal als Tragödie, dieses Mal als Farce
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Re: [blfs-support] Radeon Extra Firmware [WAS: Boot Failure with wlan0 firmware]

2013-11-22 Thread Ken Moffat
On Fri, Nov 22, 2013 at 09:38:59AM -0600, Dan McGhee wrote:
> I'm asking this question because I really want to re-build my kernel 
> only once.  My LFS kernel is looking for ARUBA_pfp.bin and 
> TAHITI_uvd.bin.  In '/linux-firmware/radeon I have the same three ARUBA 
> files that you have indicated.  So, obviously, I'll put them in 
> /lib/firmware and indicate them in the "extra_firmware" line. When it 
> comes to TAHITI though, I have the -uvd.bin, but also _ce.bin, _mc.bin, 
> _me.bin, _pfp.bin, _rlc.bin and _smc.bin.  Do you know if I need all 
> those TAHITI files, or should I just put them in "to be safe" and not 
> have to reconfigure my kernel again, and again, and again?

 I'm very far from an expert on firmware, but on my modern machines
with reasonably-stripped-down configs it doesn't take _too_ long to
rebuild a kernel.  For trying to identify what is needed on a
(desktop) radeon, I usually use the gentoo wiki:

 Just above the 'Driver' section [ gentoo-specific ] is a table with
columns for Family, Chipset name, Product name, Firmware - I see
that page has been updated since I last needed to look at it: the
Sea Islands and Volcanic Islands families are new to me, so I assume
that whatever it specifies is current.

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Re: [lfs-support] LFS 7.3 Screen Flickering problem

2013-11-22 Thread Douglas R. Reno

The screen turns on and off repeatedly... I can see some text when it is
on. That is how I can tell it booted successfully because I can see the
login prompt for a split second. I also have logs in /var/log.

Looking at the Kernel Options that you suggested (I keep a backup of my
.config on a USB drive), I do believe that I enabled the frame buffer
drivers... I will disable those when I get to the machine tonight.

And yes, I mean the penguin (it is technically a waste of screen space, but
I think it looks cool)

Douglas Reno
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Re: [lfs-support] LFS 7.3 Screen Flickering problem

2013-11-22 Thread Ken Moffat
On Fri, Nov 22, 2013 at 09:17:16AM -0600, Douglas R. Reno wrote:
> Hello,
> After completing a successful build of LFS, I restart to get into the
> system for the first time and my screen turns black and then comes back on
> for about 1 second.
> I have a NVidia Vanta LT card in my PC. I am using the Nouveau drivers for
> the framebuffer, as I plan to install X. I have Nouveau configured as well
> in the kernel.
> I can tell that the system booted successfully,

 Excuse me for being a pedant, but *how* do you tell that the
system booted successfully ?  If you have been back to chroot and
managed to read logs, then yes, it booted and there might be a
message somewhere in the log (search for 'nouveau' or

 If you haven't got logs, then here is my impression of what is
happening:  Grub passes control to your new kernel - screen goes
black, initial messages appear using probably an 80x25 vga console,
then it tries to switch to the framebuffer console and goes black.

 Are the framebuffer and KMS options built in to the kernel, or as
modules ?  If you leave it for 60 seconds, does it give you any
error message and then procede ?  If you leave it for 180+ seconds
(I suggest trying something a little longer, e.g. 5 minutes, just to
be sure) does it reboot ?

 The first would probably be related to either failing to load a
module, or failing to load firmware and the message ought to provide
an indication of what is needed.  The reboot after 3+ minutes would
indicate it oopsed and tried to kill init.

> but I have already tried
> various options in kernel configuration (such as Generic VESA). I would
> also like to keep my bootlogo, but I am willing to remove it if necessary.

 If you mean the penguin(s), it/they come with the framebuffer and
KMS requires a framebuffer.

 For a recent kernel using KMS, you should enable
CONFIG_FRAMEBUFFER_CONSOLE and the appropriate DRM entry, but NONE of
the Frame buffer hardware_drivers [ CONFIG_FB_CIRRUS...SIMPLE ]
should not be set.
> The system appears to have issues detecting the card because of the
> resolution (it stays at about 640x480). I have booted several LiveCDs
> (Ubuntu and System Rescue CD) successfully without this problem.
> Host: System Rescue CD (added bison to image)
> NOTE: this system is i686
> Compaq Presario 5230us if that helps.
> Thank you,
> Douglas Reno

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Re: [blfs-support] /dev/fb0 not being created on boot

2013-11-22 Thread Ken Moffat
On Fri, Nov 22, 2013 at 07:05:14PM +, Richard Melville wrote:
> Ken, I'm using vesafb on a web server with no Xorg, and I just use the
> console.  I realise that my kernel was quite old but as I like to check
> every configuration option (often because of new hardware) it takes a long
> time to configure a new kernel and becomes incredibly boring towards the
> end :-(  Therefore, I usually limit my upgrades to about one per year, or
> when I can be bothered.

 OK, but in that case I suggest that you go for "early stable"
kernels (.1, .2, etc).  You said you had been using 3.7-rc8 - that
probably turned out to be totally good for your uses, but sometimes
even .0 releases still have issues in a few places.

 Also, the config you use in a late -rc will normally not provide any
extra questions for released / stable kernels in the same series if
you use 'make oldconfig'.
> Bruce, my framebuffer config was much like yours but with one exception: I
> had CONFIG_X86_SYSFB=y.  This was stopping vesafb loading and stopping
> /dev/fb0 being created.  I've removed that option, reconfigured, and now it
> all works as expected.

 Interesting.  That option works ok on intel (I'm running with it at
the moment), I'll try to remember that for the future - my server
also runs with CONFIG_FB_VESA and vga=792 (it's a radeon RS780, when
I got it I had no experience with modern ATI hardware and totally
failed to get the radeon framebuffer to work - 80x25 is too
restrictive for me!) - for the moment I'm running 3.10 (LTS) there.
> Regarding vga=792, that still works for me.  If I substitute video=1024x768
> the command is ignored an I get a large, ugly font.  I'm currently using
> grub-2.0, so I can't understand what the problem is likely to be.  Any
> ideas?
> Richard

 Stick with vga=792 since it still works ?  Any idea how large the
font is, or how many pixels in the screen size when you boot with
video=1024x768 ?

 When the box boots, you get the font from its bios.  But when the
LFS bootscripts start to run it ought to switch to your specified
font (provided the setup supports it, e.g. my own 12x22 is only
supported on framebuffers and I've not tried it with Vesa, my screen
there is physically 1024x768 so I use an 8x16 font on that).

 So, basically work out what sort of console font *size* will suit
you, then try "setfont" in a spare tty and see if any of the
available fonts look ok _and_ provide the character coverage you

 My own LatGrkCyr are intended for white/pale text on a black
background and I'm told that at least one of them looks awful with
dark text on a pale background : there is a balance between getting
adequate coverage, shapes which do not offend our own particular
sensibilities, and being able to distinguish the various accents and
diacritical markings - for some uses, noting that a glyph is e.g.
"letter a with accent" may be good enough, but others may wish to be
able to see at a glance what sort of accent is present, particularly
in unfamiliar languages.

das eine Mal als Tragödie, dieses Mal als Farce
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Re: [blfs-support] /dev/fb0 not being created on boot

2013-11-22 Thread Richard Melville
Ken, I'm using vesafb on a web server with no Xorg, and I just use the
console.  I realise that my kernel was quite old but as I like to check
every configuration option (often because of new hardware) it takes a long
time to configure a new kernel and becomes incredibly boring towards the
end :-(  Therefore, I usually limit my upgrades to about one per year, or
when I can be bothered.

Bruce, my framebuffer config was much like yours but with one exception: I
had CONFIG_X86_SYSFB=y.  This was stopping vesafb loading and stopping
/dev/fb0 being created.  I've removed that option, reconfigured, and now it
all works as expected.

Regarding vga=792, that still works for me.  If I substitute video=1024x768
the command is ignored an I get a large, ugly font.  I'm currently using
grub-2.0, so I can't understand what the problem is likely to be.  Any

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Re: [lfs-support] LFS 7.3 Screen Flickering problem

2013-11-22 Thread vmsda
Many years ago when I decided to ditch Windows in favour of  Ubuntu, I also 
decided never to buy any PC with Nvidia or Ati, no matter how enticing the rest 
of the machine, or price, might be. And so always stuck with Intel graphics 
cards. Never regretted it, they have always worked out of the box: for a 
non-specialist, an unmitigated blessing.

Couldn't resist it either :-)

Best regards.

"Alas, I am dying beyond my means!" - Oscar Wilde,  sipping champagne on his 
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Re: [lfs-support] LFS 7.3 Screen Flickering problem

2013-11-22 Thread Douglas R. Reno
Sorry about the Top Posting, I am using my cell phone and forgot that I had
to uncheck "Include text".

Thank you for all your help,

Douglas Reno
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Re: [lfs-support] LFS 7.3 Screen Flickering problem

2013-11-22 Thread Dan McGhee

On 11/22/2013 10:23 AM, Douglas R. Reno wrote:


If I were able to export the contents of dmesg to a file, could I use 
grep to sift through it faster?

First of all, let me gently remind you about top posting on this list.  
Please don't do it.

Dmesg is nothing more than the kernel log.  It already exists in a 
file.  Dmesg is only, I think, for the current boot and it updates at 
each kernel event.  If it's easier for you to go to a file, then go 
ahead.  The slowness is a function of your ability to read, recognize 
and comprehend.  So whatever helps you the most.

On Nov 22, 2013 10:18 AM, "Dan McGhee" > wrote:

On 11/22/2013 10:01 AM, Douglas R. Reno wrote:

I will try it tonight when I have a chance. Is there anything
specific I should be looking for?

"I can't describe it, but I know it when I see it."  :)

Sorry, I couldn't resist it.

Dmesg output is quite verbose.  I use 'dmesg | less'  You'll have
to wade through all the kernel, memory and bus stuff. Just scan
for anything having to do with graphics: framebuffer, fb(0),
trying to load firmware, dri, etc., etc., etc.  You'll also
recognize the names of your graphics drivers.  I don't remember
whether or not there are any references to "VESA" or "VGA," but
there are instances of resolution.

Going through dmesg can be tedious.  However, if you're meticulous
about it and bear with it, you will probably find something to put
you on the right track. I many times get enough information only
to ask the right question.  But it's a start.


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Re: [lfs-support] LFS 7.3 Screen Flickering problem

2013-11-22 Thread Douglas R. Reno

If I were able to export the contents of dmesg to a file, could I use grep
to sift through it faster?
On Nov 22, 2013 10:18 AM, "Dan McGhee"  wrote:

>  On 11/22/2013 10:01 AM, Douglas R. Reno wrote:
> I will try it tonight when I have a chance. Is there anything specific I
> should be looking for?
>  "I can't describe it, but I know it when I see it."  :)
> Sorry, I couldn't resist it.
> Dmesg output is quite verbose.  I use 'dmesg | less'  You'll have to wade
> through all the kernel, memory and bus stuff.  Just scan for anything
> having to do with graphics: framebuffer, fb(0), trying to load firmware,
> dri, etc., etc., etc.  You'll also recognize the names of your graphics
> drivers.  I don't remember whether or not there are any references to
> "VESA" or "VGA," but there are instances of resolution.
> Going through dmesg can be tedious.  However, if you're meticulous about
> it and bear with it, you will probably find something to put you on the
> right track. I many times get enough information only to ask the right
> question.  But it's a start.
> Dan
> --
> FAQ:
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Re: [lfs-support] LFS 7.3 Screen Flickering problem

2013-11-22 Thread Dan McGhee

On 11/22/2013 10:01 AM, Douglas R. Reno wrote:

I will try it tonight when I have a chance. Is there anything specific 
I should be looking for?

"I can't describe it, but I know it when I see it."  :)

Sorry, I couldn't resist it.

Dmesg output is quite verbose.  I use 'dmesg | less'  You'll have to 
wade through all the kernel, memory and bus stuff.  Just scan for 
anything having to do with graphics: framebuffer, fb(0), trying to load 
firmware, dri, etc., etc., etc.  You'll also recognize the names of your 
graphics drivers.  I don't remember whether or not there are any 
references to "VESA" or "VGA," but there are instances of resolution.

Going through dmesg can be tedious.  However, if you're meticulous about 
it and bear with it, you will probably find something to put you on the 
right track. I many times get enough information only to ask the right 
question.  But it's a start.

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Re: [lfs-support] LFS 7.3 Screen Flickering problem

2013-11-22 Thread Douglas R. Reno
I will try it tonight when I have a chance. Is there anything specific I
should be looking for?
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Re: [lfs-support] LFS 7.3 Screen Flickering problem

2013-11-22 Thread Dan McGhee

On 11/22/2013 09:17 AM, Douglas R. Reno wrote:


After completing a successful build of LFS, I restart to get into the 
system for the first time and my screen turns black and then comes 
back on for about 1 second.

I have a NVidia Vanta LT card in my PC. I am using the Nouveau drivers 
for the framebuffer, as I plan to install X. I have Nouveau configured 
as well in the kernel.

I can tell that the system booted successfully, but I have already 
tried various options in kernel configuration (such as Generic VESA). 
I would also like to keep my bootlogo, but I am willing to remove it 
if necessary.

The system appears to have issues detecting the card because of the 
resolution (it stays at about 640x480). I have booted several LiveCDs 
(Ubuntu and System Rescue CD) successfully without this problem.

Host: System Rescue CD (added bison to image)
NOTE: this system is i686
Compaq Presario 5230us if that helps.

Thank you,

Douglas Reno

If you haven't done it yet, I highly recommend examining the output of 
'dmesg.' I find it a really useful diagnostic and troubleshooting tool 
for things like this.  Through it I identified and resolved, with the 
help of this list, a problem with my wireless driver, and I'm currently 
working on finetuning my graphics drivers.  It's a great help.

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[blfs-support] Radeon Extra Firmware [WAS: Boot Failure with wlan0 firmware]

2013-11-22 Thread Dan McGhee
On 11/18/2013 01:18 PM, Ken Moffat wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 18, 2013 at 11:56:14AM -0600, Dan McGhee wrote:
>>   If you look down there, you will see rt3290.bin, and if you click
>> on 'plain' in a graphical brower you can put it in /lib/firmware [ so
>> that future kernel versions will also be able to find it ].
>> [The above refers to 'linux-firmware' obtained from 'git.' (inserted by Dan)]
>>   If it is anythong like recent radeon graphics chips, you might have
>> to repeat the process for subsequent firmware blobs.
When I came back to this post to ask my current question, I couldn't 
pass this up.  My radeon graphics chip is so recent that the linux 
Catalyst driver at ATI is *.beta1.  I learned that I needed this when I 
learned that for the current generation of on board ATI-Radeon HD 
graphics 'fglrx' was not compatible and that ATI would release only 
proprietary drivers.  I burned up three laptops because of this 
ignorance.  Ergo, I'm really sensitive and cautious towards my 
graphics.  A nice segue for my question below.
>>   I might have misunderstood a few of the datails, but this is what I
>> currently do on my newest radeon machine [ the one that needs loads
>> of blobs ] n the kernel .config-
>> CONFIG_EXTRA_FIRMWARE="radeon/BTC_rlc.bin radeon/ARUBA_me.bin
>> radeon/ARUBA_pfp.bin radeon/ARUBA_rlc.bin radeon/TAHITI_uvd.bin
>> rtl_nic/rtl8168e-3.fw"
>> CONFIG_EXTRA_FIRMWARE_DIR="/lib/firmware"
I'm asking this question because I really want to re-build my kernel 
only once.  My LFS kernel is looking for ARUBA_pfp.bin and 
TAHITI_uvd.bin.  In '/linux-firmware/radeon I have the same three ARUBA 
files that you have indicated.  So, obviously, I'll put them in 
/lib/firmware and indicate them in the "extra_firmware" line. When it 
comes to TAHITI though, I have the -uvd.bin, but also _ce.bin, _mc.bin, 
_me.bin, _pfp.bin, _rlc.bin and _smc.bin.  Do you know if I need all 
those TAHITI files, or should I just put them in "to be safe" and not 
have to reconfigure my kernel again, and again, and again?

>>   From memory, the help on the firmware settings is a bit confusing
>> and with this setup it pulls the firmware in near the end of the
>> kernel compile - at which point any missing firmware becomes
>> apparent.
>>   My firmware is in directories (radeon/, rtl_nic/) because that is
>> conventional for those particular blobs.  For you, I guess you can put
>> rt3290.bin into /lib/firmware and use
>> CONFIG_EXTRA_FIRMWARE="rt3290.bin".
>>   Technically, you could put it/them anywhere that is readable at
>> kernel compile time, but /lib/firmware is the common choice.
>>   After you set it in menuconfig and save the config, take a look at
>> it to confirm that the entries look correct.  In particular,
>> /lib/firmware unless you want to use lib/firmware in the kernel tree
>> and to have to reload that every time you untar the kernel source.
>> ĸen
Ken, this has turned out to be a quite useful and necessary piece of 
information.  Thanks.


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[lfs-support] LFS 7.3 Screen Flickering problem

2013-11-22 Thread Douglas R. Reno

After completing a successful build of LFS, I restart to get into the
system for the first time and my screen turns black and then comes back on
for about 1 second.

I have a NVidia Vanta LT card in my PC. I am using the Nouveau drivers for
the framebuffer, as I plan to install X. I have Nouveau configured as well
in the kernel.

I can tell that the system booted successfully, but I have already tried
various options in kernel configuration (such as Generic VESA). I would
also like to keep my bootlogo, but I am willing to remove it if necessary.

The system appears to have issues detecting the card because of the
resolution (it stays at about 640x480). I have booted several LiveCDs
(Ubuntu and System Rescue CD) successfully without this problem.

Host: System Rescue CD (added bison to image)
NOTE: this system is i686
Compaq Presario 5230us if that helps.

Thank you,

Douglas Reno
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Re: [lfs-support] No wireless connection to network

2013-11-22 Thread Dan McGhee
On 11/22/2013 06:27 AM, hans kaper wrote:
> Op Mon, 18 Nov 2013 06:35:07 +0100 schreef Bruce Dubbs 
> :
>> hans kaper wrote:
>>> Compared with the discussion about efi-booting, which I follow with 
>>> interest and admiration, I am still in the stone-age. I installed LFS 7.4 
>>> on an old laptop. It boots fine, but I cannot connect wireless to my 
>>> network.
>>> Wired is no problem (although I cannot find the eth0-device anywhere; how 
>>> does this work?).
>>> The laptop uses a Cisco-Linksys wireless usb-adapter. Running udevadm 
>>> monitor and inserting the adapter gives device-information that I put in a 
>>> rule into 70-persistent-netrules with the name wlan0:
>>> SUBSYSTEM="usb", ACTION=="add", ATTR{idVendor}=="13b1", 
>>> ATTR{manufacturer}="Cisco-Linksys" , ATTR{idProduct}=="0020", NAME="wlan0"
>>> I added ifconfig.wlan0 to /etc/sysconfig:
>>> ONBOOT=yes
>>> IFACE=wlan0
>>> SERVICE=ipv4-static
>>> IP=
>>> PREFIX=24
>> The GATEWAY shouldn't have this address with this netmask.  The .0 is
>> the network address and it will probably confuse the routing table.
> You are right, a typo.
> I am now looking into the kernel, comparing the Mint-kernel with lfs, whether 
> I miss something there.
> And installing wpa-supplicant of course, but that only makes sense when the 
> device is found and ready.
> Hans.
Hans, what is in 'dmesg' about your network cards? From that you can 
tell whether you have a kernel, driver or set-up problem. Since it's usb 
and if your kernel is modular, it is important that the usb modules load 
in the right order. The book covers this in the kernel chapter.


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Re: [lfs-support] LFS7.4 - Wifi or Eth ?

2013-11-22 Thread Dan McGhee
On 11/22/2013 03:55 AM, Vasco Almeida wrote:
> It is not very practical for me to stretch a 8-meter cable from the pc
> to the router. So I am wondering if LFS7.4 allows a beginner to jump
> straight into wifi configuration in order to have networking available
> when coming round to booting from the LFS partition.
> Thanks for your input. Best regards.
> Vasco
I am in similar situation except that my cable would have to be closer 
to 10 m. :)

The LFS book does not specifically address wireless configuration. If 
you have a non-secure router; i.e. no password required, then the 
configuration is as simple as that described in Ch. 7 for a wired 
network. Instead of, or in addition to, ifconfig.eth0 you would create 
ifconfig.wlan0--or whatever deivice name you give your wireless adapter. 
All else is the same. The LFS bootscripts would bring up your wireless 
adapter too.

If your router is secure and you don't want to use static routing, you 
need to install some things from BLFS. DHCP, for its client, or dhcpcd 
and wpa_supplicant. These packages also have dependencies that need to 
be installed. Additionally, there are some bootscripts from BLFS that 
are required.

This is the first build I have done and used wpa_supplicant and, for me, 
dhcpcd. The combination worked, using the configuration supplied by the 
packages and the BLFS book, right out of the box.

Good luck.


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Re: [lfs-support] No wireless connection to network

2013-11-22 Thread hans kaper
Op Mon, 18 Nov 2013 06:35:07 +0100 schreef Bruce Dubbs :

> hans kaper wrote:
>> Compared with the discussion about efi-booting, which I follow with interest 
>> and admiration, I am still in the stone-age. I installed LFS 7.4 on an old 
>> laptop. It boots fine, but I cannot connect wireless to my network.
>> Wired is no problem (although I cannot find the eth0-device anywhere; how 
>> does this work?).
>> The laptop uses a Cisco-Linksys wireless usb-adapter. Running udevadm 
>> monitor and inserting the adapter gives device-information that I put in a 
>> rule into 70-persistent-netrules with the name wlan0:
>> SUBSYSTEM="usb", ACTION=="add", ATTR{idVendor}=="13b1", 
>> ATTR{manufacturer}="Cisco-Linksys" , ATTR{idProduct}=="0020", NAME="wlan0"
>> I added ifconfig.wlan0 to /etc/sysconfig:
>> ONBOOT=yes
>> IFACE=wlan0
>> SERVICE=ipv4-static
>> IP=
>> PREFIX=24
> The GATEWAY shouldn't have this address with this netmask.  The .0 is
> the network address and it will probably confuse the routing table.

You are right, a typo.

I am now looking into the kernel, comparing the Mint-kernel with lfs, whether I 
miss something there.

And installing wpa-supplicant of course, but that only makes sense when the 
device is found and ready.

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[lfs-support] LFS7.4 - Wifi or Eth ?

2013-11-22 Thread Vasco Almeida
It is not very practical for me to stretch a 8-meter cable from the pc 
to the router. So I am wondering if LFS7.4 allows a beginner to jump 
straight into wifi configuration in order to have networking available 
when coming round to booting from the LFS partition.

Thanks for your input. Best regards.

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