Re: [liberationtech] “Hysteria is starting to spread”: Puerto Rico is devastated in the wake of Hurricane Maria

2017-09-25 Thread Lina Srivastava
l Weather Services Doppler weather radar station on the
> island has been destroyed. That’s the radar that helps meteorologist see
> where thunderstorms and other weather systems are moving in real time. “Not
> having radar does make future storms more hazardous,” says Jeff Weber, a
> meteorologist with the National Center for Atmospheric Research.
> Meanwhile, new crises keep forming in the wake of the storm. On Friday,
> the National Weather Service issued a dire warning about the Guajataca Dam
> in the Northwestern corner of Puerto Rico, threatening downstream areas
> with deadly floods. Seventy thousand people — enough to fill a small city —
> have been asked to evacuate areas that could be flooded by the nearly 11
> billion gallons of water the dam holds back.
> And leaving is not an option, at least for now. “Travelers at the airport
> on Sunday were told that passengers who do not already have tickets may not
> be able to secure flights out until October 4,” Reuters reports.
> Puerto Rico is an island, which complicates recovery efforts. Supplies
> have to be flown in or arrive via ship. Most of the sick and elderly
> haven’t been able to evacuate.
> [...]
> 2017/9/25/16360488/hurricane-maria-2017-puerto-rico-
> recovery-san-juan-hospitals-electricty-cell-service
> --
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Re: [liberationtech] Looking for journalists...

2017-04-28 Thread Lina Srivastava
Can this be shared on other forums / FB groups, etc.? If so, what is the
contact email for journalists to get in touch?

On Fri, Apr 28, 2017 at 2:53 PM, Yosem Companys <> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I have a friend named Bryan Stinchfield (cc'ed), who is a professor at
> Franklin and Marshall College. He is looking to publish an OpEd on a paper
> he recently wrote.
> Bryan just published an interesting paper on how private equity firms have
> become one of the biggest investors in US military contractors like
> Blackwater, which supplies "mercenaries" to the US military.
> Bryan is a former pilot of the United States Army and a former
> counter-terrorism officer.
> If you are a journalist or know of any journalist who is interested in
> writing a story about Bryan's research, please let me know.
> Also, any advice on getting Bryan's OpEd published would be greatly
> appreciated. OpEd draft is available upon request.
> The abstract of Bryan's paper is included below.
> Thanks,
> Yosem
> *
> Since the end of the Cold War, the portion of private military contractors
> (PMCs) comprising the U.S. Armed Forces has been on the rise to where now
> half of the U.S. presence in Iraq and Afghanistan is contracted out to the
> private sector.  At the same time, the number of private equity (PE) firms
> and the amount of assets they have under management have skyrocketed.
> These trends have converged in such a way where now PE firms have acquired,
> repackaged, and sold the most famous American PMCs, such as the company
> formerly known as Blackwater.  In other words, much of the United States'
> national security is now in the hands of PE firms who are in the business
> of holding companies for only three to five years.  Clearly, the goals of
> nations and the goals of PE firms are not always congruent, which creates
> important implications for the promotion of global security.
> --
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Re: [liberationtech] Thank You

2017-02-23 Thread Lina Srivastava
Thank you, Yosem!
Appreciate your work.

On Thu, Feb 23, 2017 at 7:46 PM, Yosem Companys <> wrote:

> Dear List Subscribers,
> As of today, I have ceased to be a moderator of all Stanford
> Liberationtech lists.
> I feel like Superman when he loses his powers, except I hope the ending is
> more like this:
> Just kidding. :)
> On a more serious note, I want to thank all of you for a wonderful 9 years
> of discussions about Liberationtech issues.
> I also want to thank you all for the arguing and jousting and name calling
> and... No, seriously, you were all great. I rarely had to step in to
> moderate.
> Although I know some disagreed with my moderation style of letting every
> message through and only permanently moderating those who were extremely
> disruptive, I feel proud that the list always tried to ensure unfettered
> freedom of expression.
> We now have approximately 4K members from around the world working to make
> the world a better place.
> I am not leaving, so this is not goodbye. It's more like, "see you later."
> I'll now be a regular member and as such be able to participate much more
> freely in discussions than I was able to do when I was a moderator.
> Take care, everyone, and keep up the good fight to protect pro-democracy
> activists fighting against authoritarian regimes.
> Best,
> Yosem
> --
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Re: [liberationtech] Mobile App for ICE Checkpoints?

2017-02-11 Thread Lina Srivastava
This discussion is something that really should be vetted privately with
immigration groups working on this. There is a lot of fear stoking
migrants' anxieties right now, and misinformation swirling about what's
happening. I suggest connecting with United We Dream, Make the Road NY, or
DRUM, for example, before going too far down the road with thoughts of
design or development.

On Sat, Feb 11, 2017 at 1:11 PM, Yosem Companys <> wrote:

> From: Nithin Coca <>
> This is one case where we should look abroad for examples, as these types
> of situations are not abnormal globally.
> I know that in Iran, there is a tool that is used for avoiding morality
> police - something that should be easily adaptable to this case (and I
> believe is open source)
> From: Craig A. Bowman <
>> A few of us are also talking about using the ushahidi (
>> platform to do this. In conversations with
>> them now about how it might work best.
>> 11, 2017 at 9:29 AM, Ms. Andrea Morales
>> <
>>>> wrote:
>> > One easy way
>> of doing this would be to use Waze and add "police" check
>> > points
>> but add "ICE" in the description of the checkpoint itself.
>> >
>> > > On
>> Feb 11, 2017, at 9:11 AM, Mr. Dan Sisken <privateemail191125@progressiv
>>> wrote:
>> > >
>> > > An idea based on this week's
>> news about increasingly aggressive ICE
>> > actions targeting immigrant
>> communities.
>> > >
>> > > Does anyone know of any examples of a mobile,
>> crowd-sourced app that
>> > could be used to pinpoint ICE checkpoints.
>> Such an app could be used to
>> > avoid ICE and for spontaneous
>> demonstrations.
>> > >
>> > > I don't have any connection to activists;
>> just putting the idea out
>> > there.
> --
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Re: [liberationtech] Project to support volunteer lawyers at airports

2017-02-02 Thread Lina Srivastava
May I forward this note to a group of designers? It's a closed list, but
mixed politically and geographically. Let me know.

On Thu, Feb 2, 2017 at 5:34 PM, Yosem Companys <>

> From: Erek Dyskant <>
> Hey Team:
> I'm working with Dulles Justice, a group of volunteer lawyer
> supporting travelers who are effected by the EO. We have volunteer
> lawyers available onsite at Dulles Airport and additional backline
> support.
> I'm working on the web development team for the soon-to-be launched
> website. One of the areas we run into is referring people to other
> similar programs that have popped up at other airports. We've got a
> data file with the location and contact info here.
> Is there someone here who'd be able to design and develop us a
> visually appealing map and search function? Something along the lines
> of a map with markers for where each volunteers are, and a
> corresponding table with search so that people can easily find a
> specific location if they know it by name rather than location. It
> should serve the dual goals of communicating that this is a truly
> global movement with lawyers coming together from everywhere, and as a
> usable tool for people seeking help.
> We don't have any platform preference. Whatever works and gets the job
> done.
> Shoot me a note if you're interested with a couple links on projects
> you've worked on, and I'll get you connected with the right folks on
> the web team.
> Thanks!
> Erek
> --
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[liberationtech] Circle of 6 Safety App

2016-11-13 Thread Lina Srivastava
Hi all,

I'm on the Board for Tech 4 Good. Nancy Schwartzman, the Founder, just sent
me this and I thought you all would be interested.

Hi brilliant friends,

Can you please share ideas/contacts -- seeking civic minded engineers,
bridge builders and folks interested in using Circle of 6 and adopting it
for their needs. Takes people, networks and support. Thanks! xx

Circle of 6 <> is a free safety tool and is
here for you right now. We need your help to make it more secure and
adaptable to your communities’ needs.

The app was designed for iOS and Android to support women/girls and queer
folks to quickly connect with their communities of choice, and access
resources for violence against women and science-based sexual health. The
app doesn't link you with the police or governmental bodies, and never will.

Here’s where you come in.

We need to rapidly build a version of the app that includes end to end
encryption to secure the safety of our users. We need to build a “white
label” version of the app so that anyone can adapt it to their needs, for:
immigrant communities, those targeted by hate crimes, Black Lives Matter,
etc. We are very close to open sourcing the code (first need a code audit
and documentation) but open sourcing is only useful if there's a dedicated
community around it.

Circle of 6 was born from a White House initiative with Vice President
Biden and and Chief Technology Officer Aneesh Chopra. They nurtured a
community of engineering talent that will now disperse. Soon we will have
an administration that actively hates people of color, women, immigrants,
Muslims, AND SCIENCE. We desperately need to fill the gap.

The profit-driven $$tart-up mythology has left a gaping hole in our country
when it comes to a robust, inclusive, geographically rich activist tech

Now more than ever we need technologists and engineers who will donate
their talents to civic problems and help us build and sustain tools for
communities. We need funders who will fund software sprints, community
convenings and the unsexy 3+ year life span and sustainability plan an app
or platform requires. The time is now to come together, share talents and

Calling iOS and Android coders, Encryption experts, sprint facilitators,
funders, UI and experience designers, graphic designers, testers, activists
and organizers -- we need you and your networks.

Please share widely, and if you’d like to help us, contact me, Nancy


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Re: [liberationtech] Tackling Corruption in Africa.

2016-10-27 Thread Lina Srivastava

Take a look through here:


On Thu, Oct 27, 2016 at 3:19 AM, Zacharia Gichiriri <> wrote:

> Greetings,
> Are there any current or past ICT projects aimed at tackling corruption in
> Africa? How effective have they been?
> What are some of the challenges facing or that faced such initiatives?
> Best,
> Zack.
> *Note: *All emails sent from Strathmore University are subject to
> Strathmore’s Email Terms & Conditions. Please click here
> <> to read the policy.
> "Visit our Facebook <>Page
> and Twitter <>Account".
> --
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Re: [liberationtech] Need some advice re: online secure communications platform for a survivors group

2016-07-11 Thread Lina Srivastava
Hello all--

Thank you all for your advice. I appreciate it. (For those of you who wrote
off-list, I will write separately.)

Just a quick note that I believe the group will include survivors who are
currently dealing with criminal cases or civil litigation. There is also
the possibility of students currently enrolled in high schools joining the
group (some of whom may be underage -- they have counselors, etc., and
legal counsel who are addressing this). So it's crucial that email
addresses and content be private. I understand the usability argument of a
data service company, but I do believe any service that is mining for data
should be avoided if possible. Still, I'll present all the suggestions to

Thank you again. If there are any other thoughts, please let me know, but
in the meantime I will put your recommendations together in a document for
the group administrators and let them review.

Best regards,

On Mon, Jul 11, 2016 at 12:32 PM, Miles Fidelman <
> wrote:

> That may be - though some of the PGP solutions are pretty close to
> one-click install these days.  The old Napster never seemed to phase
> anybody.  Maybe, whomever is organizing the group needs to spend a little
> time picking a system and writing up a how-to-install checklist.
> The reality is that anything that's not encrypted tends to get indexed by
> google - so, if privacy is a concern (as the OP indicated), then any
> standard email list, probably including a google group, is problematic - at
> the very least one has to pay very close attention to configuration, and
> better to not have an archive (hard to do with google groups).
> At the very least, go with a service that has registration and strong
> privacy guarantees, or maybe set up a Wordpress or Drupal instance, with
> access limited to registered users.  Point and click on or
> godaddy.
> Miles Fidelman
> On 7/11/16 11:26 AM, Steve Weis wrote:
> Hello Miles. I think your suggestions are not practical for an ad hoc
> group of sexual assault survivors. You're talking about them using PGP,
> downloading open source clients, or using untested blockchain systems. I
> think for a random group of people, all of these will fail in practice due
> to poor usability and platform incompatibility. I think there is little
> benefit to using a P2P system in this case.
> Their threat model is against their abusers and potentially media,
> bloggers, or trolls who pick up on the story. It's not against hosted
> services like Google or the NSA.
> You want something dead simple that works on every platform and managed by
> an organization with their own security team. I suggested Google Apps
> because it's battle-tested, easy, and in this use case, free. Yes, Google
> would see this survivors' group data. They also see a enterprise data --
> even from competitors -- that is much more valuable and targeted.
> On Mon, Jul 11, 2016 at 5:09 AM Miles Fidelman <>
> wrote:
>> Personally, I'd recommend staying away from any kind of hosting service
>> - stick with a peer-to-peer system designed for privacy.
>> One, really simple notion would be to simply use encrypted email,
>> perhaps over a list server.  It's a pain, but straightforward.  It does,
>> however expose group membership, in the form of email addresses.
> --
> In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
> In practice, there is.   Yogi Berra
> --
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Re: [liberationtech] Need some advice re: online secure communications platform for a survivors group

2016-07-10 Thread Lina Srivastava
Dear Griffin,

Thank you very much!  I will pass this information along.

Best regards,

> Hi Lina,
>While the content isn't encrypted for most of their apps, I would
> recommend Sandstorm as a good hosted option for forums and other
> collaborative apps.  It's free for up to 5 apps (called "grains") and up
> to 200MB storage.  For more, it's $9 a month:
>For encrypted communication, is pretty great and doesn't
> require a lot of work to set up.  It has sane defaults (requires Tor to
> run).
> best,
> Griffin
> Lina Srivastava wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> A new support group for survivors of campus sexual assault is looking
>> for a secure online communications platform. The group is not one of
>> my clients, nor am I a member of or advisor to the group -- I am
>> passing this request along as a favor -- so I have relatively little
>> information about membership numbers, etc. I do believe everyone who
>> is in the group is located in the U.S. or Canada. And they are looking
>> for high security levels, giving survivors the ability to seek support
>> from other members and to collectively organize for changes to policy
>> and legislation on rape and assault. They are hoping to have
>> password-protected login, private messaging, group forums, file share,
>> all encrypted.
>> Do any of you have advice for an existing platform that would provide
>> this that is relatively affordable?
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Lina
> --
> Accept what you cannot change, and change what you cannot accept.
> PGP: 0x03cf4a0ab3c79a63

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[liberationtech] Need some advice re: online secure communications platform for a survivors group

2016-07-10 Thread Lina Srivastava
Hello all,

A new support group for survivors of campus sexual assault is looking for a
secure online communications platform. The group is not one of my clients,
nor am I a member of or advisor to the group -- I am passing this request
along as a favor -- so I have relatively little information about
membership numbers, etc. I do believe everyone who is in the group is
located in the U.S. or Canada. And they are looking for high security
levels, giving survivors the ability to seek support from other members and
to collectively organize for changes to policy and legislation on rape and
assault. They are hoping to have password-protected login, private
messaging, group forums, file share, all encrypted.

Do any of you have advice for an existing platform that would provide this
that is relatively affordable?

Thanks in advance,


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Re: [liberationtech] Ebola: A Big Data Disaster

2016-03-02 Thread Lina Srivastava
Hi all --

Is there a protocol to adding someone from off the list to a discussion
thread here? This study is fascinating and I mentioned it to a friend who
co-founded Flowminder, and I think he'd love to discuss.


On Wed, Mar 2, 2016 at 12:21 PM, Sean McDonald <
> wrote:

> I'm excited to present some new research: "Ebola: A Big Data Disaster
> <>," published by
> the Center for Internet & Society (with support from the Media Democracy
> Fund). It's a look at the way that technology was used during the Ebola
> response - with a focus on Call Detail Records, the experimental nature of
> data modeling in humanitarian response, and how that likely violates West
> Africa's well-developed (but under-implemented) data laws.
> My hope is that it will kick off a larger discussion about the risks
> (legal and operational) of digitizing humanitarian response - especially
> when it involves the use of large scale, sensitive data like CDRs (all
> anonymization and re-identification caveats apply). As practice stands,
> international organizations are likely putting themselves and the people
> they help at considerable risk, in violation of human rights law, data
> protection law, local regulation, and potentially commercial property law
> (among other theories of litigation).
> This case study focuses on Liberia, which didn't turn over CDR access -
> but many of the same operational considerations and laws apply in Sierra
> Leone and Guinea, where several mobile network operators did.
> I'd love any thoughts, connections to people working on these issues, or
> critical feedback.
> Best,
> Sean
> --
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Re: [liberationtech] Looking for: ICT/telecom expertise in country in Nepal

2015-04-27 Thread Lina Srivastava
You might already know about Kathmandu Living Labs, but if not, they might
be able to help:

On Mon, Apr 27, 2015 at 8:53 AM, Yosem Companys

 From: Nick Ashton-Hart via

 If you, or someone you know, has hands-on ICTs and especially telecom
 infrastructure experience and is presently in Nepal can you let me know

 I'm trying to help emergency teams in country gain access to in-country

 Regards, Nick

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Re: [liberationtech] Looking for: ICT/telecom expertise in country in Nepal

2015-04-27 Thread Lina Srivastava
Also, was in Nepal last week to set up a mobile / disaster
response system there which will be fully operational this summer, and have
contracts in place and the system underway, but in the meantime are working
to see if they can do ad-hoc work now. Let me know if you want a contact

On Mon, Apr 27, 2015 at 11:08 AM, Peter Micek wrote:

 The Swedish-Finnish telco TeliaSonera operates in Nepal and is engaged in
 relief efforts, offering 50 free SMS and some free calling. I'll paste
 their email below, and find their latest alert here:

 Update on TeliaSonera’s operations in Nepal following earthquake

 *TeliaSonera's majority owned company in Nepal, Ncell, is working around
 the clock to help and support its employees and partners after the major
 earthquake which hit Nepal this weekend. As of now there are no reports of
 any of the 515 employees being injured. Ncell also continues its work to
 keep the mobile network in the country running to facilitate for the rescue
 operations ongoing.*

 The highest priority is and has been to locate all employees and to give
 them the best possible support in their very difficult personal situations.
 Ncell has of this morning been able to establish the whereabouts of all its

 On early Monday morning, TeliaSonera sent an aircraft to Nepal with
 tents, water cleaning facilities and medical supplies to help stabilize and
 improve working conditions for Ncell's employees in order to secure the

 Most of Ncell's mobile network in Nepal is working, although overloaded
 with several hundred sites having power supply problems. This leads to
 congested networks and Ncell therefore urges everyone to communicate by SMS
 in order to minimize the strain of the network.

 Ncell's crisis management team has secured support from suppliers and
 maintenance teams are trying to restart as many sites as possible. Right
 now, it is not possible to assess the damages and costs related to the

 To ensure that Ncell’s customers can communicate with families and
 friends, Ncell has credited SIM cards with an amount sufficient to make
 necessary calls. Ncell also provides customers with 50 free SMS, as a first
 action. Calls and SMS between most of TeliaSonera' European operations and
 Nepal are free of charge, but due to the damage to the network, Ncell has
 made the judgment that it is not possible to enable free calls in Nepal as
 it would put additional strain to the network and risk the ongoing rescue
 operations. This is constantly reviewed.

 For more information on Ncell and the earthquake please read articles on
 *For more information, please contact the TeliaSonera press office +46 771
 77 58 30,**, **visit our**
 Newsroom **or follow us on
 Twitter **@TeliaSoneraAB**.*

 On Mon, Apr 27, 2015 at 9:39 AM, Lina Srivastava

 You might already know about Kathmandu Living Labs, but if not, they
 might be able to help:

 On Mon, Apr 27, 2015 at 8:53 AM, Yosem Companys

 From: Nick Ashton-Hart via

 If you, or someone you know, has hands-on ICTs and especially telecom
 infrastructure experience and is presently in Nepal can you let me know

 I'm trying to help emergency teams in country gain access to in-country

 Regards, Nick

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 Lina Srivastava
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 Peter Micek
 Senior Policy Counsel
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 tel: +1-888-414-0100 x709
 Skype: peter-r-m
 Fingerprint: 6CFE 8E9F ED8E 66B8 BE38 EA59 002C EEF5 A5BD 70B0

 *Join the Access team - *we're hiring!

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[liberationtech] Information request

2015-02-05 Thread Lina Srivastava
Hi all--

Can someone point me to any apps for citizen reporting on human rights
abuses or illegal action that provide a layer of security for the poster
but set forth documentation that can be tagged or geo-tagged (with a
specific aim at citizen / civ soc action). Does this exist?


Lina Srivastava
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Re: [liberationtech] Information request

2015-02-05 Thread Lina Srivastava
By Benetech? That's still in development, yes?

On Thu, Feb 5, 2015 at 1:46 PM, Nariman Gharib wrote:

 I'm suggesting Martus' to you.


 On Feb 5, 2015, at 18:43, Lina Srivastava wrote:

 Hi all--

 Can someone point me to any apps for citizen reporting on human rights
 abuses or illegal action that provide a layer of security for the poster
 but set forth documentation that can be tagged or geo-tagged (with a
 specific aim at citizen / civ soc action). Does this exist?


 Lina Srivastava
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[liberationtech] Looking for discussants on emerging technology and urban resilence

2014-07-23 Thread Lina Srivastava
Hi all,

Writing on behalf of a colleague, Linda Raftree, who is looking for
potential local discussants to invite to meetings in Buenos Aires, Seoul,
Dublin, and Nairobi to talk about emerging/futuristic technologies (3D
printers, wearables, drones, data vizualizations, etc.) and their potential
uses (and drawbacks) for supporting urban resiliency.

Here's the link to the events:

Probably the best way to contact her is through her Twitter account --


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Re: [liberationtech] Wanted: Top-notch filmmaker for TED-prize project

2014-06-10 Thread Lina Srivastava
I have many recommendations for you, Oliver. Want to drop me a line

On Tue, Jun 10, 2014 at 2:13 PM, Yosem Companys

 From: Oliver Courtney

 We at Global Witness are looking for a top notch film-maker to help us
 make founder Charmian Gooch's campaign to end anonymous company ownership
 catch fire in the public imagination, especially in the US. Charmian's TED
 Prize wish this year was to nail this issue, which is not that visible but
 lies at the heart of tons of other thorny issues like money laundering, tax
 evasion, trafficking, grand corruption etc.

 We have some good stories to tell on this issue, as the attached brief
 sets out, and the films will be launched at TED Global so it's a great
 platform for the right filmmaker - but we need someone really great! So I'm
 canvassing for recommendations, ideally of people who can pick up a
 complete story and make it sing as well as those who like to do their own
 digging. From previous posts like this, I've got Richard Bolland on my list
 (, but any others would be very gratefully

 All best


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[liberationtech] Seed Grants for Tech Challenge for Atrocity Prevention

2014-02-07 Thread Lina Srivastava
This might be of interest to some on this list.


-- Forwarded message --

Date: Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Subject: Seed Grants for Tech Challenge for Atrocity Prevention

[image: NPCC
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

*Government Grants Information Service Funding Alert*
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
*Grant/Contract Name:*  Seed Grants for Tech Challenge for Atrocity

*Deadline:  * March 10, 2014

*Funding Amount:   *5 awards anticipated. Estimated Total Program Funding:
$150,000; Award Ceiling: $50,000

*Eligibility:   *qualified U.S. and non-U.S., nonprofit or for-profit
non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and international organizations (PIO
or IO).

*Agency:   *U.S. Agency for International Development

*Grant ID:  *RFA-OAA-14-61

*CFDA#:   *98.001

*Summary:   *Over the past year, USAID and Humanity United have jointly
administered the Tech Challenge for Atrocity Prevention, a prize contest
that sought innovative ideas for applying technology to five specific
issues related to atrocity prevention. Discrete problems focused on by the
Tech Challenge included: how to identify and spotlight intentional or
unintentional third party enablers of atrocities; how to better model or
forecast the likelihood of atrocity events; how to safely document and
transmit evidence of atrocities; how to enable secure communication among
and between at-risk communities; and how to better obtain and verify
information in hard-to-access areas. The Tech Challenge utilized three
different solver platforms (OpenIDEO, InnoCentive and TopCoder) to conduct
each of the separate component challenges. Four of the five component
challenges were ideation challenges, meaning they solicited ideas rather
than prototypes, while one of the challenges sought and tested algorithms.
External judges selected the winners for all of the contests. Cash prizes
were disbursed to the winners of four of the five challenges via the
platforms, usually for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners, while the fifth
challenge's platform advised against monetary awards for winners. The
United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is launching a
Seed Grants Program to provide support for implementation of innovative
technology applications for broader atrocity prevention or response efforts.

*Link:   *
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[liberationtech] settings?

2013-09-25 Thread Lina Srivastava

I don't know about others, but my libtech emails are starting to end up in
my spam filter, saying that others have been marking them as spam -- I
didn't mark them as such. Just fyi that some subscribers might be missing


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Re: [liberationtech] settings?

2013-09-25 Thread Lina Srivastava
Never happened to me before on this particular list and I've been on it for
a few years.

On Wed, Sep 25, 2013 at 1:49 PM, coderman wrote:

 On Wed, Sep 25, 2013 at 10:47 AM, Lina Srivastava wrote:
  I don't know about others, but my libtech emails are starting to end up
  my spam filter, saying that others have been marking them as spam -- I
  didn't mark them as such. Just fyi that some subscribers might be missing

 this is par for the mailing list course.  it happens with some
 infrequency on nearly all lists with decent traffic.

 if you're not checking your spam trap occasionally, you're doing it wrong!
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Re: [liberationtech] How Laura Poitras Helped Snowden Spill His Secrets

2013-08-21 Thread Lina Srivastava
There's enough heroism to go around. To get a story of this magnitude
out requires courage from both sources and journalists. And safety is in
no way guaranteed for anyone involved. Plenty of journalists have lost
their lives in the course of their job, but the truth is that courage is
truly contagious -- journalists know this and hope that follow-on
coverage will help protect them from retribution.

Silence in the face of wrongdoing is corrosive. It will eat you alive
if you let it. =/

Thanks for that. Griffin. Just putting a good word in for documentary
filmmakers and investigative journalists who also put their lives on
the line, to shape, frame, and communicate these stories and set a
stage for activists to do their end of the job. I work with a number
of them who don't think of themselves as heroes, but are just driven
to do this work through a sense of social justice.


On Wed, Aug 21, 2013 at 6:19 PM, LilBambi wrote:
   There's enough heroism to go around. To get a story of this magnitude
 out requires courage from both sources and journalists. And safety is in
 no way guaranteed for anyone involved. Plenty of journalists have lost
 their lives in the course of their job, but the truth is that courage is
 truly contagious -- journalists know this and hope that follow-on
 coverage will help protect them from retribution.

   Silence in the face of wrongdoing is corrosive. It will eat you alive
 if you let it. =/

 You got that right!

 On Wed, Aug 21, 2013 at 5:57 PM, Griffin Boyce wrote:
 Tom O wrote:
 So it's now become about the heroism of the journalists and not
 Snowden and mass govt surveillance. Right.
   There's enough heroism to go around. To get a story of this magnitude
 out requires courage from both sources and journalists. And safety is in
 no way guaranteed for anyone involved. Plenty of journalists have lost
 their lives in the course of their job, but the truth is that courage is
 truly contagious -- journalists know this and hope that follow-on
 coverage will help protect them from retribution.

   Silence in the face of wrongdoing is corrosive. It will eat you alive
 if you let it. =/


 Cypherpunks write code not flame wars. --Jurre van Bergen
 #Foucault / PGP: 0xAE792C97 / OTR:

 My posts, while frequently amusing, are not representative of the thoughts 
 of my employer.

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Re: [liberationtech] Does anyone know a celebrity who feels strongly about privacy issues?

2013-08-13 Thread Lina Srivastava
So not sure this is taking the discussion in a direction useful to this
list, but a thought-- celebrities are not likely to be available to do
something like this -- i.e., a series of readings on youtube videos --
unless the videos were connected to a high-profile campaign, a
film/documentary, or run by an organization that they are connected to or
doing a favor for (and the favor is usually done through a celebrity that's
a friend or their management. And the negotiation of a campaign that
incorporates a celebrtiy is complicated and time-consuming, and once done,
is difficult to manage. It's not impossible and it's not that celebrities
(John Cusack was a great suggestion, by the way) wouldn't be interested in
the issue, it's just that it may not be worth the time you'd spend in
trying to attract someone.

Having said that, if anyone ever did want to attract a celebrity to a
high-profile cause, start by inquiring with CAA or the Global Philanthropy
Group. Or if you want a simple retweet for profile, most celebrities are
pretty obliging with that.


On Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 5:52 AM, David Miller da...@deadpansincerity.comwrote:

 Maybe the celebrity could read the binary sequence of a compiled program,
 and the user could take dictation into a simple command line script?

 On 13 August 2013 10:37, Michael Rogers wrote:

 Hash: SHA1

 On 12/08/13 21:32, Francisco Ruiz wrote:
  So, here's my question. Does any one know of a celebrity who cares
  enough about computer security to be persuaded to take one minute
  of his/her time to read a hash before a camera?

 I'd like to second Guido's objection that most people don't know what
 a hash is, or have the skills or software required to verify one, so
 this isn't an effective security measure for most people.

 Even if it were, you'd have to ask the celebrity to read a new hash
 for every version of the software, and the videos for old versions
 could be used in a rollback attack.


 Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)

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 Love regards etc

 David Miller
 07854 880 883

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Re: [liberationtech] Terry Winograd and Evgeny Morozov

2013-07-02 Thread Lina Srivastava
.  And it is also why we are supportive of the efforts of
 people like Evgeny Morozov and others in journalism who seek to improve
 public discourse.

 On Tue, Jul 2, 2013 at 9:34 AM, Lucas Gonze wrote:

 I find Morozov's critique of silicon valley intellectual fads
 worthwhile. The thinking coming from famous bloggers and tech industry
 conferences is for the most part hype for the sake of commerce.
 Morozov's writing is to puncture that hype bubble. This is a valuable
 goal and he does it well.

 On Mon, Jul 1, 2013 at 11:51 PM, Soenke Zehle wrote:
  maybe EM's style is more like a 'firstism' (make it sound like you're
  the first to make a particular point, obscuring other more or less
  readily available forms of critique)
  EM: Let's get the Nazis out of the way first. There's a considerable
  body of serious scholarship looking at the technological thought of
  the Nazis. They had plenty of engineers and scientists and some had
  rather ambitious theoretical ambitions. (Not to mention that Carl
  Schmidt and Heidegger, whatever their relationship to Nazism, wrote
  about technology).
  Yes Heidegger wrote about technology. But that's one of the places
  where firstism just won't do - to read Heidegger and his philosophy of
  technology in 'solutionist' terms ends up discrediting the
  anti-solutionist project imo. Funny Foucault quote: 'For me, Heidegger
  has always been the essential philosopher. My whole philosophical
  development was determined by my reading of Heidegger.'
  2013/7/2 Andrés Leopoldo Pacheco Sanfuentes
  On Mon, Jul 1, 2013 at 6:26 PM, x z wrote:
  Well, to Morozov's credit, that's why philosophers prefer German,
  French, Spanish, etcetera, to English! :D
  Best Regards | Cordiales Saludos | Grato,
  Andrés L. Pacheco Sanfuentes
  +1 (817) 271-9619
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Re: [liberationtech] NSA flag terms

2013-06-18 Thread Lina Srivastava
Well, real men don't eat quiche, so that one makes sense.
But Pixar?
I'm definitely flagged.

Is there a link to this somewhere?

On Tue, Jun 18, 2013 at 11:14 AM, Joss Wright wrote:

 On Tue, Jun 18, 2013 at 07:59:08AM -0700, Yosem Companys wrote:
  From: Khannea Suntzu
  This is an (admittedly huge) list of words that supposedly cause the
  NSA to flag you as a potential terrorist if you over-use them in an
  You may want to peruse this entire list yourself, but here are some of
  our favourites that stick out:
  · dictionary
  · sweeping
  · ionosphere
  · military intelligence
  · Steve Case
  · Scully

 The ones that stick out more for me are: c, a, b, d, and the.

 Oh, and Badger. And Quiche.

 Joss Wright | @JossWright
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Re: [liberationtech] Please Vote on Reply to Question

2013-03-22 Thread Lina Srivastava
Reply to all.

On Fri, Mar 22, 2013 at 9:55 AM, Katherine Maher

 Reply to all.

 On Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 8:38 PM, Enrique Piraces wrote:

  Reply to all.

 Enrique Piracés
 Human Rights Watch

  On Mar 20, 2013, at 9:17 PM, Yosem Companys wrote:

  Dear Liberationtech list subscribers,

  Several of you have petitioned to change Liberationtech mailing list's
 default reply to option from reply-to-all to reply-to-poster.  Given
 the debate (see links below), we have decided to put the issue up for a

- Do you want replies to Liberationtech list messages directed to
reply-to-all or reply-to-poster?

  Please vote by submitting your preference to me by 11.59 pm PST
 on Sunday, March 24, 2013.  Any votes received after this date and time
 will not be counted.


 One of your moderators

  PS  To read a summary of the advantages and disadvantages of
 reply-to-all, click on the corresponding links below:

- Reply-to-all considered useful:
- Reply-to-all considered harmful:

  If you'd like to read the entire debate on the Liberationtech list,
 please click on the links below:

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 *Katherine R. Maher*

 US: +1 203 858 7316

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Re: [liberationtech] B-Corps

2012-11-20 Thread Lina Srivastava
Re: PRIs, yes L3Cs can accept PRIs -- one of the advantages. I think L3Cs
are easier to set up than nonprofit corps/501c3s, but obviously don't have
the same characteristics. Depends on whether you want grant funding or not.
 It's getting easier to manage and finance L3Cs, but they're still not in
every state and people are still a bit wary, I think.  Take a look here:

On Tue, Nov 13, 2012 at 12:27 PM, Peter Fein wrote:

 Are L3C's a viable option? From a quick glance at , it seems
 they're lighter weight  more flexible than a non-profit but still qualify
 as “program related investment” (ie, eligible for foundation support).

 My use case: I had looked at starting a 501c3 for an early-stage software
 project and was put off by the expense (a few $K), time (a few months) and
 volume of paperwork - seemed like rather a lot of startup overhead for
 something that may not go anywhere. Around the same time, I incorporated
 (S-corp) for another project, and was pleasantly surprised at how easy it

 On Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 1:43 PM, Lina Srivastava 

 Are you talking about a B-Corp or a Benefit Corp? The first is a
 certification, the second is a legal structure.

 Before deciding,  you might want to take a look at this archived chat
 about the benefits of B-Corps vs. L3Cs (another possible structure):
 (Terrible structure to get through, but good info.):

 This is a pretty good site too:


 On Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 2:32 PM, Yosem Companys compa...@stanford.eduwrote:

 I wrote a piece a few months ago on the benefits of cooperatives for
 liberationtech entrepreneurs:

 But I excluded the b corp from that analysis.


 On Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 11:24 AM, Andrew Haeg wrote:
  I'm considering applying for B-Corp status once I get GroundTruth up
  running. Very curious to learn more -- such as: is it essentially just
 a way
  to distinguish your co. from other, non-benefit corps?
  On Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 12:38 PM, Yosem Companys
  Rafael made me curious...  Anyone in liberationtech used this legal
  status before?  Perhaps Renee can tell us more about it?
  From: Rafael Shimunov
  Any folks out there working for a b-corp? Or ever considered it? I'm
  currently researching it for a social enterprise startup.
  Best, Rafael
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Re: [liberationtech] B-Corps

2012-11-12 Thread Lina Srivastava
Are you talking about a B-Corp or a Benefit Corp? The first is a
certification, the second is a legal structure.

Before deciding,  you might want to take a look at this archived chat about
the benefits of B-Corps vs. L3Cs (another possible structure): (Terrible
structure to get through, but good info.):

This is a pretty good site too:


On Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 2:32 PM, Yosem Companys compa...@stanford.eduwrote:

 I wrote a piece a few months ago on the benefits of cooperatives for
 liberationtech entrepreneurs:

 But I excluded the b corp from that analysis.


 On Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 11:24 AM, Andrew Haeg wrote:
  I'm considering applying for B-Corp status once I get GroundTruth up and
  running. Very curious to learn more -- such as: is it essentially just a
  to distinguish your co. from other, non-benefit corps?
  On Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 12:38 PM, Yosem Companys
  Rafael made me curious...  Anyone in liberationtech used this legal
  status before?  Perhaps Renee can tell us more about it?
  From: Rafael Shimunov
  Any folks out there working for a b-corp? Or ever considered it? I'm
  currently researching it for a social enterprise startup.
  Best, Rafael
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Re: [liberationtech] Obama Press Conference

2012-11-09 Thread Lina Srivastava
Is the Office of Social Innovation and Civic Engagement going to
revived in the second term?  Is it working with Engage?
If so, I think it might be an interesting connection for this list.
But at any rate, I think the call for innovation would probably have
to originate from this list and others like it.

On Fri, Nov 9, 2012 at 5:40 PM, Yosem Companys wrote:
 Agreed. I meant if there was something specific in terms of a call for
 innovation, hackathons, and things of that sort.

 On Fri, Nov 9, 2012 at 10:44 AM, Doug Schuler wrote:

 I'd like to think that liberationtech would include grassroots citizen

 -- Doug

 On Nov 9, 2012, at 10:25 AM, Yosem Companys wrote:

 Did anyone just watch the Obama press conference?

 CNN mentions that Obama is going to reach out to grassroots citizen
 efforts to help him solve US problems during his term.

 Does anyone know whether this extends to the use of liberationtech?
 Perhaps Micah has heard something to that effect?


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 Douglas Schuler

 Public Sphere Project

 Liberating Voices!  A Pattern Language for Communication Revolution

 Liberating Voices!  A Pattern Language for Communication Revolution (book)

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Re: [liberationtech] Good articles on the Pirate Party and Pirate Bay

2012-08-10 Thread Lina Srivastava
Hi Biella and Morgan,

I work with Jamie King, Director/Producer of Steal This Film, as
organizational strategist for his company Though not exactly
recent, you might like some of this writing/posts/links here: and here:   If you
want to talk to him, let me know.

--  (It's
a corporate white paper, but not too bad--  limited to Germany)


On Fri, Aug 10, 2012 at 7:05 PM, Morgan Marquis-Boire wrote:

 I enjoyed the following movie(s):

 *Part One*, shot in Sweden and
 released in August 2006, combines accounts from prominent players in the
 Swedish piracy culture (The
 Pirate Bay,Piratbyrån,
 and the Pirate Party
 with found material, propaganda-like slogans and Vox 

 It includes interviews with The Pirate Bay members Fredrik 
  (tiamo), Gottfrid 
 Svartholm (anakata)
 and Peter Sunde (brokep) that
 were later re-used by agreement in the documentary film *Good Copy Bad
 Copy*, as well as with
 Piratbyrån members Rasmus 
 Fleischer (rsms),
 Johan (krignell) and Sara Andersson (fraux).

 On Fri, Aug 10, 2012 at 3:45 PM, Yosem Companys compa...@stanford.eduwrote:

 From: Gabriella Coleman

 Hi all,

 Can folks recommend articles on the Pirate Party and the Pirate Bay)
 they find compelling or provocative?

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[liberationtech] Conversation on Critical Thought TV on Transmedia Activism

2012-06-25 Thread Lina Srivastava
This may be of interest to some on this list.  It's the full playlist of a
conversation I had with Critical Thought TV on narrative design for social
change and transmedia activism.

Thanks, Lina
Lina Srivastava
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