Re: Lua/LaTeX assistance

2014-12-01 Thread Knut Petersen

On 06.11.2013 09:34, Urs Liska wrote:

Am 06.11.2013 07:05, schrieb Joshua Nichols:

I guess in the end I didn't understand anything at all, and my hard head saw LaTeX and 
didn't see preprocessed with lilypond-book.

Maybe this is a good opportunity to hook in.
If there is anybody out there experienced with LaTeX and Lua I'd be glad he/she 
would get in touch with me.

I have written a LaTeX package 'musicexamples' 
( which is currently useful but not 
spectacularly unique. I'm using it for managing music examples in my LaTeX 
It's on my agenda however to extend this package through Lua (although the new 
functionality would of course be restricted to LuaLaTeX) in order to accept 
embedded LilyPond code like lilypond-book does.

For bigger projects I prefer separate files, but maybe the attached file is 
useful for your project.
It demonstrates how to include a lilypond file in a lualatex document.

   lualatex --shell-escape lilyinluatex.tex

will generate a lilypond file, call lillypond and pdfcrop to generate a proper 
pdf and include it in lilyinluatex.pdf
Lilypond lyrics font and size exactly match the default TeX font.

It's not the explicit intention to make a verbatim copy of lilypond-book, but 
moving the functionality _inside_ the LaTeX compilation process would offer at 
least the following fixes for problems that have so far led me not to use 

- You can compile the document at any time directly, no need for preprocessing 
and intermediate .tex files
- You don't have to chose between cluttering your working directory with 
intermediate files
  or causing relative-path problems by using the -out option
- You have reliable access to the _currently effective_ text width, e.g. in 
multicolumn context

I know that even without any prior Lua experience I would be able to dive into that and somehow manage to come up with something. 

lualatex is a good engine as it has native utf8 support.  I don't think that 
you do need lua, TeX is enough

\setmainfont{CMU Serif}
\setsansfont{CMU Sans Serif}
\setmonofont{CMU Typewriter Text}

% lualatex and lilypond mixed in one file
% tex, lilypond headers and lyrics use the same fonts.
% lyrics fontsize matches the fontsize of the TeX \normalsize.
% Use lualatex --shell-escape lilyinluatex to generate pdf.
% lualatex will
%   write,
%   call lilypond to generate tmplily.pdf
%   call pdfcrop to remove extra white space

\def\tmplilyname{ }
\def\tmppdfname{tmplily.pdf }
\def\lilycommand{lilypond }


  \catcode`|=0 \catcode`[=1 \catcode`]=2
  \catcode`\{=12 \catcode`\}=12 \catcode`\\=12


  \immediate\write18{\lilycommand \tmplilyname}%
  \immediate\write18{pdfcrop \tmppdfname \lilypdf}%



Remember to use \verb+lualtex --shell-escape example.tex+

\version 2.18.2
#(set! paper-alist (cons '(mySize . (cons (* 10 cm) (* 4.5 cm))) paper-alist))

\paper {
  #(set-paper-size mySize) left-margin = 0\cm top-margin = 0\cm bottom-margin = 0\cm 
  line-width = \paper-width indent = 0 page-count = #1 
  ragged-bottom = ##f ragged-last-bottom = ##f annotate-spacing=##f

\header {
  title = \markup { \override #'(font-name . CMU Serif Bold) Macht hoch die Tür }
  subtitle = \markup { \override #'(font-name . CMU Serif Bold) Only an example }
  tagline = ##f

#(set-global-staff-size 17)
allowGrobCallback = #(define-scheme-function (parser location syms) (symbol-list?)
  (let ((interface (car syms)) (sym (cadr syms))) #{ \with { \consists #(lambda (context)
  `((acknowledgers . ((,interface . ,(lambda (engraver grob source-engraver)
  (let ((prop (ly:grob-property grob sym))) (if (procedure? prop) 
  (ly:grob-set-property! grob sym (prop grob))}#}))

absFontSize = #(define-scheme-function (parser location pt)(number?)
  (lambda (grob) (let* ((layout (ly:grob-layout grob))
  (ref-size (ly:output-def-lookup (ly:grob-layout grob) 'text-font-size 12)))
  (magnification-font-size (/ pt ref-size) 

\score {
\new Voice = Melody \relative g'{
  \key es \major 

Re: Lua/LaTeX assistance

2014-12-01 Thread Urs Liska

Hello Knut,

thank you for that, I'll look into it ASAP.

Am 01.12.2014 10:33, schrieb Knut Petersen:

On 06.11.2013 09:34, Urs Liska wrote:

Am 06.11.2013 07:05, schrieb Joshua Nichols:
I guess in the end I didn't understand anything at all, and my hard 
head saw LaTeX and didn't see preprocessed with lilypond-book.

Maybe this is a good opportunity to hook in.
If there is anybody out there experienced with LaTeX and Lua I'd be 
glad he/she would get in touch with me.

I have written a LaTeX package 'musicexamples' 
( which is currently useful 
but not spectacularly unique. I'm using it for managing music 
examples in my LaTeX documents.
It's on my agenda however to extend this package through Lua 
(although the new functionality would of course be restricted to 
LuaLaTeX) in order to accept embedded LilyPond code like 
lilypond-book does.

For bigger projects I prefer separate files, 

well, this is an option too of course. I'd like to copy the 
functionality of lilypond-book, which can also reference external files. 
The point is to do it from within the LaTeX run and not to rely on an 
external preprocessor.

but maybe the attached file is useful for your project.
It demonstrates how to include a lilypond file in a lualatex document.

   lualatex --shell-escape lilyinluatex.tex

will generate a lilypond file, call lillypond and pdfcrop to generate 
a proper pdf and include it in lilyinluatex.pdf

Lilypond lyrics font and size exactly match the default TeX font.

Looking forward to inspecting it :-)

It's not the explicit intention to make a verbatim copy of 
lilypond-book, but moving the functionality _inside_ the LaTeX 
compilation process would offer at least the following fixes for 
problems that have so far led me not to use lilypond-book:

- You can compile the document at any time directly, no need for 
preprocessing and intermediate .tex files
- You don't have to chose between cluttering your working directory 
with intermediate files

  or causing relative-path problems by using the -out option
- You have reliable access to the _currently effective_ text width, 
e.g. in multicolumn context

I know that even without any prior Lua experience I would be able to 
dive into that and somehow manage to come up with something. 

lualatex is a good engine as it has native utf8 support.  I don't 
think that you do need lua, TeX is enough

That would be great of course.
Just recently I discovered that there are packages to use Python from 
within LaTeX. I think I'll have a look at that too. Not only is that a 
language I already know, but as it's the same as lilypond-book it might 
be possible to reuse some of that.



lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

generating small snippets

2014-12-01 Thread Xavier Noria

I am taking notes of music classes in Markdown. Those notes go through a
static web site generator (pandoc), and they use LilyPond textual syntax in
code blocks for music notation for simple snippets (think scales, chords,
arpeggios, etc.)

That works fine, but if there was a way to get minimal output from LilyPond
with just the music I would be able to write a preprocessor that replaced
the code with a image of the staff (only for display mode, not inline).

Is there a built-in way to generate small snippets as images?
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: lilypond-cheatsheets

2014-12-01 Thread sg2002

Since it's a LilyPond cheat sheet, wouldn't it be better to use c' cis' d'
etc instead of C3 and so on?
I felt that using the so called scientific notation just provides an 
example to customize further. Using lilypond notation is easy. Just 
remove this line from

\override NoteName.stencil = \note-name-stencil

Also, guitar sounds an octave lower than notated, which is
often indicated by a small 8 below the clef.
Haven't changed from the default clef because the documentation got me a 
bit confused. Theoretically treble_8 is the clef we want. And the 
documentation says that it should transpose one octave lower. But if we 
set to it, it seems one octave higher. Is it so because we use custom 
instrument tuning? So, only this works:

\clef treble_8

\transpose c c, {



lilypond-user mailing list

Re: generating small snippets

2014-12-01 Thread Phil Holmes
Have you looked at the command line option -dpreview ?

Phil Holmes

  - Original Message - 
  From: Xavier Noria 
  To: lilypond-user 
  Sent: Monday, December 01, 2014 11:30 AM
  Subject: generating small snippets


  I am taking notes of music classes in Markdown. Those notes go through a 
static web site generator (pandoc), and they use LilyPond textual syntax in 
code blocks for music notation for simple snippets (think scales, chords, 
arpeggios, etc.)

  That works fine, but if there was a way to get minimal output from LilyPond 
with just the music I would be able to write a preprocessor that replaced the 
code with a image of the staff (only for display mode, not inline).

  Is there a built-in way to generate small snippets as images?


  lilypond-user mailing list
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: generating small snippets

2014-12-01 Thread Malte Meyn

Am 01.12.2014 um 12:30 schrieb Xavier Noria:

That works fine, but if there was a way to get minimal output from LilyPond
with just the music I would be able to write a preprocessor that replaced
the code with a image of the staff (only for display mode, not inline).
Maybe you should have a look at Wikipedia’s/Mediawiki’s score tag 
which uses Lilypond:

Is there a built-in way to generate small snippets as images?

Phil is right, -dpreview is the command line option you probably want.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Beaming and grace notes

2014-12-01 Thread Knute Snortum
I'm still working on the measure.  Keith's solution works well, but when I
fit it into my structure I get a beam-slope warning.  Below is a minimal
example, which is quite large, that prints just the one measure.  The
warning is written into the code.

* Is there a way to keep this structure and get rid of the warning?
* The initial e flat in the lower staff is an eighth note, and the stem
needs to extend up beyond the 32nd note beams of the grace notes.  How can
I do that?

Thanks for the help so far.

%%--- Start
\version 2.19.15
\language english

staffUp = \change Staff = upper
staffDown = \change Staff = lower
graceOn = {
  \override Stem  #'no-stem-extend = ##t
  \override Stem  #'length-fraction = #0.7
graceOff = {
  \revert Stem  #'no-stem-extend
  \revert Stem  #'length-fraction

global = {
  \key bf \minor
  \time 2/4

upperStaffTop = \relative c'' {
  \clef bass

upperStaffBottom = \relative c' {

lowerStaffTop = \relative c' {
  \clef bass
  \staffUp \stemDown af32 [ ( bf af gf \staffDown \stemNeutral
  \voiceTwo \stemUp ef8 ) ] ~ ef4
\new Voice {
  \scaleDurations 4/14 {
ef32 [ \( % warning: no viable initial configuration found:
  % may not find good beam slope
\graceOn gf af bf df \staffUp \stemDown \clef treble ef gf af bf df
\stemUp ef gf af bf \graceOff
  \stemNeutral df16^ ( [ bf ] ) \) r8

lowerStaffBottom = \relative c {

%% Below is boilerplate

upperStaff = {
  \clef treble
\new Voice { \voiceOne \upperStaffTop }
\new Voice { \voiceTwo \upperStaffBottom }

lowerStaff = {
  \clef bass
\new Voice { \voiceThree \lowerStaffTop }
\new Voice { \voiceFour \lowerStaffBottom }

\score {
  \new PianoStaff 
\new Staff = upper \upperStaff
\new Staff = lower \lowerStaff
%%--- End

Knute Snortum
(via Gmail)

On Sun, Nov 30, 2014 at 2:04 PM, Keith OHara wrote:

 On Sat, 29 Nov 2014 07:44:39 -0800, Knute Snortum

  I've attached a picture of the measure.  [Debussy Prelude #2, Voiles]

 This piece uses a whole-tone scale (not in the part with the cross-staff
 grace notes of Knute's example, but most of the rest of the piece) so I
 would be tempted to print a version of this with

   wholeTone = #`(
(0 . ,NATURAL) (1 . ,NATURAL) (2 . ,NATURAL)
(3 . ,SHARP) (4 . ,SHARP) (5 . ,FLAT) (6 . ,FLAT))

   \key c\wholeTone

 and see if it is easier to read with all the accidentals moved into a key

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: lilypond-cheatsheets

2014-12-01 Thread Johan Vromans
On Mon, 01 Dec 2014 14:42:43 +0300
sg2002 wrote:

  Also, guitar sounds an octave lower than notated, which is
  often indicated by a small 8 below the clef.
 Haven't changed from the default clef because the documentation got me a 
 bit confused. Theoretically treble_8 is the clef we want. And the 
 documentation says that it should transpose one octave lower. But if we 
 set to it, it seems one octave higher. Is it so because we use custom 
 instrument tuning? So, only this works:
 \clef treble_8
 \transpose c c, {

AFAIK, this is the correct clef and tuning:

{ \clef treble_8
   e, a, d g b e' 2

-- Johan

Description: Adobe PDF document
lilypond-user mailing list

m above beam in guitar notation

2014-12-01 Thread Orm Finnendahl

 in the following example, the m is printed above the beam whereas
all other right hand fingerings are notated below the beam.  Is this
related to the larger size of the letter m? Can someone shed a light
on this and how this could be avoided?


\version 2.18.2

RH = #rightHandFinger
upper = \relative c' { 
\set fingeringOrientations = #'(left)
\set strokeFingerOrientations = #'(up)
\set stringNumberOrientations = #'(down)
\override StringNumber.transparent = ##t

e-1 \2 \RH #2 8
fis-3 \2 \RH #3 
g-4 \2 \RH #2 
a-1 \1 \RH #4 

lower = \relative c {
\set fingeringOrientations = #'(left)
\set strokeFingerOrientations = #'(down)
\set stringNumberOrientations = #'(up)
\override StringNumber.transparent = ##t

e,-0 \6 \RH#1 2

\new StaffGroup 

\new Staff {
\clef G_8
\key e \minor

  \upper \\ \lower


\new TabStaff

  \upper \\ \lower


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: scheme problem: colored background, layers

2014-12-01 Thread Big Noise

Hi Pierre,

thanks for taking the time to think about it.
Meanwhile, after some sleepless nights ;-)  I've found another way to 
get some results:

% ---
\version 2.18.0

colorSpan =

#(define-music-function (parser location y-lower y-upper color) (number? 
number? color?)


\override Staff.HorizontalBracket #'stencil =

$(lambda (grob)

(let* (

(area (ly:horizontal-bracket::print grob))

(X-ext (ly:stencil-extent area X))

(Y-ext (ly:stencil-extent area Y))


(set! Y-ext (cons y-lower y-upper)


(ly:grob-set-property! grob 'layer -10)

(ly:make-stencil (list 'color color

(ly:stencil-expr (ly:round-filled-box X-ext Y-ext 0))

X-ext Y-ext))




 { R1

\colorSpan #-5 #5 #(rgb-color 1.0 0.9 0.5) c'2\startGroup g' c' \stopGroup

\colorSpan #0 #5 #(rgb-color 0.5 1.0 0.5)

r4\startGroup r \stopGroup

\colorSpan #-5 #0 #(rgb-color 0.9 1.0 0.5) r\startGroup r\stopGroup }



\override Voice.ClusterSpanner.color = #(rgb-color 0.5 0.6 1)

\override Voice.ClusterSpanner.layer = #-1

\makeClusters { s1 c'2 g' c' s s1 }



\layout {

\context {


\consists Horizontal_bracket_engraver

\override HorizontalBracket #'thickness = #0

\override HorizontalBracket #'bracket-flare = #'(0 . 0)

\override HorizontalBracket #'Y-extent = #'(0 . 0)

\override HorizontalBracket #'edge-height = #'(0 . 0)

\override HorizontalBracket #'Y-offset = #0

\override HorizontalBracket #'shorten-pair = #'(-1 . -0.75)



% ---


This time, I abused the Horizontal_bracket_engraver that is used for 
\startGroup and \stopGroup and replaced it's stencil by a rectangle.
Because it's not attached to the StaffSymbol, it can be placed in a 
different layer, so the blue cluster and the staff lines both stay visible.
Anyway, LilyPond does the horizontal spacing without the need for manual 

This might make life easier for doing crazy things like this:

Klaus Blum

Am 29.11.2014 um 10:43 schrieb Pierre Perol-Schneider:

Hi Klaus,

2014-11-29 10:30 GMT+01:00 Big Noise

thanks for your reply.
Unfortunately, changing the layer value from -10 to -2 doesn't
help. The problem is that the function places the staff lines and
the colored rectangle into the *same* layer, whereas I need to
leave the staff lines in layer 0 and put the rectangle into layer
-2 (or even less).
This would allow me to put other clusters *between* them like in
the first example.

Right ! Now I see the problem, 'seems that I've replied without 

I have already found another interesting snippet:
But in that case, I would have to find the dimensions for the
rectangle by trial-and-error, whereas overriding the StaffSymbol
seems to be a very easy way...

Actually I've made this one (which is more or less a draft). I'll try 
to see what I can do with it. No promise though :(


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: m above beam in guitar notation

2014-12-01 Thread Federico Bruni
Il giorno lun 1 dic 2014 alle 23:20, Orm Finnendahl ha scritto:


 in the following example, the m is printed above the beam whereas
all other right hand fingerings are notated below the beam.  Is this
related to the larger size of the letter m? Can someone shed a light
on this and how this could be avoided?

Known problem, there's an open issue:

I used the workaround suggested there in the attached file (I've also 
changed a bit your input).

\version 2.18.0

global = {
  \key e \minor
  \time 4/4
  \override StrokeFinger.font-size = #-6

RH = #rightHandFinger
upper = \relative c' {
  \set fingeringOrientations = #'(left)
  \set strokeFingerOrientations = #'(up)
  \set stringNumberOrientations = #'(down)

  e-1 \2 \RH #2 8
  fis-3 \2 \RH #3 
  g-4 \2 \RH #2 
  a-1 \1 \RH #4 

lower = \relative c {
  \set fingeringOrientations = #'(left)
  \set strokeFingerOrientations = #'(down)
  \set stringNumberOrientations = #'(up)

  e,-0 \6 \RH#1 2

\score {
  \new StaffGroup 
\new Staff { \clef treble_8  \upper \\ \lower  }
\new TabStaff \with {
  stringTunings = #guitar-tuning
  \new TabVoice { \voiceOne \upper }
  \new TabVoice { \voiceTwo \lower }

  \layout {
\omit Voice.StringNumber
lilypond-user mailing list

center-aligning TimeSignatures

2014-12-01 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hello all,

1. When different staves have different TimeSignatures, is there a standard as 
to the alignment? (n.b. Lilypond’s default is left-aligned, as seen in the 
snippet below.)

2. If my preference would be to center-align them (see manually-tweaked version 
in the snippet), is there an easy way to accomplish this globally/automagically?


\version 2.19

thinSigMusic = {
  \set Staff.timeSignatureFraction = 3/4

thickSigMusic = {
  \set Staff.timeSignatureFraction = 4899/222

\score {
\new Staff \thinSigMusic
\new Staff \thickSigMusic

\score {
\new Staff \with { \override TimeSignature.extra-offset = #'(2 . 0) } 
\new Staff \thickSigMusic


Kieren MacMillan, composer

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Beaming and grace notes

2014-12-01 Thread Keith OHara

On Mon, 01 Dec 2014 12:28:54 -0800, Knute Snortum wrote:

* Is there a way to keep this structure and get rid of the warning?

The warning is about being unable to fit the beam between the notes, because 
you forced the stem directions in such a way to force the beam between the 
LilyPond usually sets the staff spacing based on everything that doesn't cross 
staves, and then decides whether to 'knee' the cross-staff beam depending on 
how far apart the staves are.

In this case it does look nicer with the knee, and once the rest of the music 
is in place the staves will be spaced apart, anyway.  You'll want the dynamics 
to clear the beam, for example, and adding this spreads the staves.

upperStaffTop = \relative c'' {
 \clef bass
 s8. \once\override DynamicLineSpanner.staff-padding = #4
 s16\ s8\ff s }

* The initial e flat in the lower staff is an eighth note, and the stem
needs to extend up beyond the 32nd note beams of the grace notes.

Why? The beam slope changes there, so the notation is clear in any case.
When you open up the staves it might look like you want.  Otherwise, it 
involves looking up 'beam-positions' in the manual, and tweaking.
If you tweak the layout before all the notes are in, you and LilyPond are going 
to be second-guessing each other for a long time.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: m above beam in guitar notation

2014-12-01 Thread Pierre Perol-Schneider
Hi Orm, hi Federico,

Try :

fis-3 \2 -\tweak X-offset #-.5 \RH #3


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: scheme problem: colored background, layers

2014-12-01 Thread Pierre Perol-Schneider
Hum, interesting Klaus!
I'll take a closer look today.
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: m above beam in guitar notation

2014-12-01 Thread Pierre Perol-Schneider
Oups, space's missing.
So, again, try
fis-3 \2 -\tweak X-offset #-.5 \RH #3 

2014-12-02 7:21 GMT+01:00 Pierre Perol-Schneider

 Hi Orm, hi Federico,

 Try :

 fis-3 \2 -\tweak X-offset #-.5 \RH #3



lilypond-user mailing list