Re: Tips on quick entry

2017-01-27 Thread Samuel Speer
Thanks to everyone for your suggestions!

Ben: Yes, I do use Frescobaldi; it's definitely my editor-of-choice after
trying several different solutions. My favorite thing about Frescobaldi is
that it is lightweight... hopefully the long-term plans of adding lots more
functionality to Frescobaldi do not make it unwieldy.

Richard: Your video was really impressive. On my first try, however, Denemo
was really frustrating. The tooltips took me at good 5-10 minutes to figure
out, then every time I tried to connect my midi keyboard, it crashed.
Perhaps I'll try again sometime soon. I'm sure that, like LilyPond, it's
worth getting over the learning curve.

David: I wish I could help with Frescobaldi development. Perhaps in the
summers I will have time to work on learning enough to help.

Nathan: I loved your suggestions, and after trying them this month, found
they really helped me. I think I was so slow before because I would compile
and check the output every few bars. When I put it all in quickly, then
proof, it goes much faster. Thanks!

Ivan: Thanks for your suggestion to use Vim. I've used Vim somewhat and
like it for terminal editing. Frescobaldi is definitely my favorite right
now, though.

Thanks again everyone!

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Tips on quick entry

2017-01-27 Thread Ivan Kuznetsov
I know I am responding late to this, but you don't say
what OS your are using or even what text editor.
I am guessing that you are using some sort of
simple text editor like NotePad or Gedit.

My tip for quick data entry is to learn a Unix
text editor such as Vi or Emacs (personally, I use
Vi/Vim).  There is a learning curve with Vi, but once you
know what you are doing, entering/copying/manipulating
text becomes lighting fast.

Samuel Speer  wrote:
> It takes me ages to enter the note data into LilyPond. Last night I spent
> almost an hour a page just getting notes and lyrics in. Does anyone have any
> tips for quick entry? I do have a midi keyboard but haven't tried it much.
> It seems slow because I have to switch back and forth with the computer
> keyboard to do articulations, durations, etc.

lilypond-user mailing list

Cluster exapnded over two systems

2017-01-27 Thread Amir Teymuri
Hello Lilypond users,

i want to notate a cluster for piano reaching from b, to a'' expanding over 
both right- and lefthand systems. however i have found till know the 
\makeClusters command which doesn't look like what i am looking for. Can any 
one help?


Amir Teymuri 

X-Mailer: Sylpheed 3.5.0beta1 (GTK+ 2.24.25; x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)

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Re: Putting a \layout block in a Scheme macro

2017-01-27 Thread Timothy Lanfear

On 27/01/17 19:20, Jérôme Plût wrote:

Thanks for the answer, but:

your code produces a failed assertion in the lilypond binary:

 void Book::process_score(SCM, Paper_book*, Output_def*): Assertion `0' failed.

This assertion is unclear but, looking at the source file, it
obviously means that the top-level book content was neither a Score
nor a markup list (the execution path seems to go ly:book-process ->
Book::process -> Book::process_score). I leave it to the experts from

All I can say is that it works perfectly for me. I'm using the pre-built 
binary for 2.19.54, Ubuntu 16.04. 64-bit.

And while we are there: your solution seems to create a new book for
the score. Is that the case? How would one adapt it to incorporate the
score at top-level?

Here is a solution that returns a score from Scheme.

\version "2.19.54"

BlankStaff =
#(define-scheme-function (count) (integer?)
  (let* ((blankstaff #{ \score { \repeat unfold #count { s1 \break } } #} )
 (layout #{ \layout { \context { \Staff \remove 
"Bar_engraver" } } #} ))

(ly:output-def-set-variable! layout 'indent (ly:mm 0))
(ly:output-def-set-variable! layout 'ragged-right #f)
(ly:score-add-output-def! blankstaff layout)

\BlankStaff 4

Timothy Lanfear, Bristol, UK.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Putting a \layout block in a Scheme macro

2017-01-27 Thread Jérôme Plût
> \version "2.19.54"
> BlankStaff =
> #(define-void-function  (count) (integer?)
>   (let* ((blankstaff #{ \score { { s1 \break } } #} )
>  (layout #{ \layout { \context { \Staff \remove "Bar_engraver" }
> } #} )
>  (bookpart   (ly:make-book-part (make-list count blankstaff)))
>  (book   (ly:make-book $defaultpaper $defaultheader)))
> (ly:output-def-set-variable! layout 'indent (ly:mm 0))
> (ly:output-def-set-variable! layout 'ragged-right #f)
> (ly:book-add-bookpart! book bookpart)
> (ly:book-process book $defaultpaper layout (ly:parser-output-name))
> ))
> \BlankStaff 4

Thanks for the answer, but:

your code produces a failed assertion in the lilypond binary:

 void Book::process_score(SCM, Paper_book*, Output_def*): Assertion `0' failed.

This assertion is unclear but, looking at the source file, it
obviously means that the top-level book content was neither a Score
nor a markup list (the execution path seems to go ly:book-process ->
Book::process -> Book::process_score). I leave it to the experts from

And while we are there: your solution seems to create a new book for
the score. Is that the case? How would one adapt it to incorporate the
score at top-level?

(More generally, why is it that painful to translate Lilypond
language to Scheme? I would have imagined that there would be some
(relatively) small number of primitive functions in the binary
exported from Scheme, and that Lilypond would be mainly a set of
macros on top of that - a la TeX and LaTeX. But the whole data
structures in ly/scm are completely different, and the syntax makes
absolutely no sense in either incarnation. Is there a design document
somewhere that I missed?)

Jérôme Plût

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Note-heads not superimposed

2017-01-27 Thread Klaus Blum
Hum... I knew I was missing something even shorter: 

(Left Hand)
\shiftOff 4\arpeggio ~ \stemDown q8\noBeam 
 \override NoteColumn.ignore-collision = ##t % Just add this and
you're done   :-)
 c -.


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Re: Note-heads not superimposed

2017-01-27 Thread Klaus Blum
Hi David, 

David Sumbler wrote
> How do I get the triplet demisemi and the quaver to share the same
> notehead?

it seems that the shift is caused by the invisible c notehead in your
temporary left hand voice:

\new Voice { \shiftOff \set tieWaitForNote = ##t
\hideNotes \stemUp s4.
\once \override TupletNumber.stencil = ##f
\tuplet 3/2 { c32~ g~ b~ } s16 < b g c> } 

Replacing it by s32 prevents the shift. 
I would prefer to work with less additional voices, e.g.:

\version "2.19.48"

\language "english"

lv = \laissezVibrer

\new PianoStaff <<
  \new Staff = "RH" {
\set PianoStaff.connectArpeggios = ##t
\time 2/4 <<
e''2\arpeggio | s8
  \new Voice {
\shiftOff \stemDown
< b' g'>4\arpeggio ~ \set tieWaitForNote = ##t
\stemUp \tuplet 12/8 {
  32 b'\lv g'\lv e'\lv
  \change Staff = LH b\lv g\lv
  c g b
  \change Staff = RH e'_~ g'
} |
\oneVoice 8-. 4\fermata \bar "||" |
  \new Staff = "LH" {
\clef "bass" \time 2/4
\shiftOff 4\arpeggio ~ \stemDown q8\noBeam
\set tieWaitForNote = ##t
c8*1/6~ \hideNotes g8*1/6~ b8*1/6~ s16 \unHideNotes 8-.
\oneVoice < b b,>8-. < b e>4\fermata |


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Note-heads not superimposed

2017-01-27 Thread David Sumbler
In the piece I am setting there is some perhaps slightly unorthodox
notation.  One bar is still giving me a problem.  I attach the output
of this and the following bar.

I am quite pleased with the result apart from one detail: the last
quaver of the first bar should appear as a single notehead on C.  As it
is, 1 of the 2 noteheads is being shifted, despite my \shiftOff

The code is this:

\version "2.19.48"

\language "english"

lv = \laissezVibrer

\new PianoStaff <<
  \new Staff = "RH" {
\set PianoStaff.connectArpeggios = ##t
\time 2/4 <<
  { \stemUp
e''2\arpeggio | s8 }
  \new Voice { \shiftOff \stemDown
   4\arpeggio ~ \set tieWaitForNote = ##t
   \stemUp \tuplet 12/8 { 32 b'\lv g'\lv e'\lv
  \change Staff = LH b\lv g\lv
c g b
  \change Staff = RH e'_~ g'
b'_~ } |
   8-. } >>
\oneVoice 8-. 4\fermata \bar "||" |
  \new Staff = "LH" {
\clef "bass" \time 2/4
<< { \shiftOff 4\arpeggio ~ \stemDown q8\noBeam c -.
   \new Voice { \shiftOff \set tieWaitForNote = ##t
\hideNotes \stemUp s4.
\once \override TupletNumber.stencil = ##f
\tuplet 3/2 { c32~ g~ b~ } s16  }>>
\oneVoice 8-. 4\fermata |

How do I get the triplet demisemi and the quaver to share the same


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