Re: [linux] password keepers

2024-03-21 Thread Jean-Francois Messier via linux
I have been using Bitwarden for several years now. My main move to
Bitwarden was the fact it is all open source, available to be
installed locally on my own servers if I want, and that it was much cheaper
than any other solution. I can give some demos, but to give demos of some
advanced features, I would need to either have a separate paid account or
use my own, but the fact that it contains passwords and keys limits what I
could display. I wanted to have my own install of Bitwarden, but never had
much time for this. However, I would be willing to have an install on one
of my VPS servers in Beauharnois. If there is an interest, I may try to
find time to get something up and running.

FYI: I used Lastpass previously, but they became very expensive, and
numerous incidents were reported about Lastpass, although no passwords were
reportedly leaked. As a comparison, Bitwarden costs $10 a year, and their
price did not change for multiple years so far.


On Thu, Mar 21, 2024 at 10:20 AM Nash JC - NCF via linux <> wrote:

> For the past few months I've been looking into secure cloud storage,
> partly for
> use with my writings (about 80GB) and partly for use for my own scripted
> "password" manager. My password setup handles a lot of extra stuff like
> serial numbers,
> document references and things that aren't passwords but just small text
> blocks. Some of you have probably seen some queries I've put around about
> cloud
> storage. Quite a bit of annoying detail there, and that has been written up
> in draft form.
> A particular need is to export the data to a text file that is regularly
> put on a USB in a secure storage for institutional executors, with the
> decryption keys kept separately.
> Bitwarden looks like a possibility, if anyone has experience with it.
> I'd also be interested in other perspectives.
> I've been writing up my investigations, and will be happy to give a talk
> on my findings, as I can't believe issues like these are peculiar to me.
> So comments and suggestions are welcome, if possible with context, as I've
> been finding small details seem to get in the way of convenient usage.
> Best,
> John Nash
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Geek, c'est ma nature
Linux, c'est mon choix !

[linux] AD-based authentication for wireless access points

2024-02-02 Thread Jean-Francois Messier via linux
I have a laptop that works rather well with Linux, but the wireless
connection, working fine at home, has issues on an access point that uses
AD-based credentials to grant access.

In some failed logins, I saw somewhere an error about expired certificates.
Since this time, I never managed to login with the same credentials I used

My question: Where are those files, so I could find the one from this
access point and remove it, so it gets downloaded again ? I suspect that
those files have a very short lifetime, like a week. Once I find which one
it is, I could put a line to delete this file when booting the laptop.

BTW: This is the Algonquin College wireless network, which uses my AD
credentials. And those seem to be based on Microsoft 365.

Thanks :-)

Geek, c'est ma nature
Linux, c'est mon choix !