mongoDB 7.2.0 CE

2024-04-08 Thread Neale Ferguson
If you wanted to test drive mongo but didn’t want to dedicate a server to it 
then I have created a docker image which contains the server and shell. This is 
the community edition.

To use (noting you can use the podman command in lieu of docker depending on 
your distribution):

docker pull

To run:

  1.  In interactive mode:

docker run --rm -it -p --name mongo --bind_ip_all

  1.  As a daemon:

docker run -d -p --name mongo --bind_ip_all

This will start up the daemon with the default configuration and make 
connections available on the VM’s localhost IP (you really don’t want to open 
it to the outside world by default). You can access it in either of these ways:

  1.  Download the new shell (note that the “mongo” command is being deprecated 
but is still being built):

[neale@docker mongodb]$ curl | tar -xz

[neale@docker mongodb]$ ls mongosh-2.2.3-linux-s390x 


bin  LICENSE-crypt-library  LICENSE-mongosh  mongosh.1.gz  README  



Run the mongosh command:

[neale@docker mongodb]$ cd mongosh-2.2.3-linux-s390x/bin

[neale@docker bin]$ ./mongosh

Current Mongosh Log ID:   66137541366490e21180dff1

Connecting to: 

Using MongoDB: 7.2.0

Using Mongosh: 2.2.3

  1.  Get the mongo command from the running container:

docker cp /opt/mongo/bin/mongo .

Then run the ./mongo command:

[neale@docker mongodb]$ ./mongo

MongoDB shell version v7.2.0

connecting to: 

Implicit session: session { "id" : UUID("96ecdd83-af27-404a-b6a9-25c23d67134b") 

MongoDB server version: 7.2.0

  1.  Connect to the container and run the mongo command (or /bin/bash):

[neale@docker mongodb]$ docker exec -it mongo mongo

MongoDB shell version v7.2.0

connecting to: 

Implicit session: session { "id" : UUID("b9a15d2e-37b7-465b-9511-be863fc5c768") 

MongoDB server version: 7.2.0

Should you wish to give the tyres (sic) a good kicking, then you can use the 
“-v” option of the run command to provide the container with persistent storage 
for configuration files and databases.

mongo is licensed under the Server Side Public License. Please read.

monogsh is licensed under the Apache License. The crypto shared library has a 
special license that seems to be invoked if you use encryption and should be 
read carefully (for you South Park fans: “why won’t it read??”).

The docker image is provided as-is, no warranty expressed or implied, YMMV, no 
support implied or offered, I’m not a lawyer and I don’t even play one on TV. 
You know the drill. It’s just here for you to have a look and a play. I did run 
clamscan within the container just to check for Dr Evil:

Known viruses: 8676852
Engine version: 0.103.11
Scanned directories: 4198
Scanned files: 7365
Infected files: 0
Total errors: 17595
Data scanned: 486.44 MB
Data read: 1295.68 MB (ratio 0.38:1)
Time: 68.090 sec (1 m 8 s)
Start Date: 2024:04:08 05:14:21
End Date:   2024:04:08 05:15:29

Once you’ve taken it for a test drive and you like what you see then you can 
opt for the Enterprise Edition and support from the MongoDB Inc. folks.


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Hillgang - April Meeting Reminder

2024-04-04 Thread Neale Ferguson
The upcoming Hillgang that is now just under 2 weeks away. If you are 
considering to attend, please register at the Doodle link found
in this announcement info:

Agenda overview -

  *   Breakfast – Hosted by Velocity Software, 8am
  *   Becoming IBM – Bill Bitner
  *   Velocity Software’s Resource Manager zVRM – Barton Robinson
  *   Snack break/TechBytes – Quick Announcements
  *   What You Can Do With LinuxONE That You Can’t Do With x86 – Pedro Acosta, 
  *   LinuxONE at Citi – Kurt Acker and Len Santalucia

Feel free to forward to anyone you may think interested.

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send email to with the message: INFO LINUX-390 or visit

Re: April Hillgang Meeting

2024-02-21 Thread Neale Ferguson


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April Hillgang Meeting

2024-02-21 Thread Neale Ferguson
With URL to flyer...

The next meeting of “Hillgang”: the DC, Virginia, and Maryland z/VM and Linux 
on z User Group will be held on 18 April 2024. 2024-01v4.pdf
12100 Sunset Hills Rd
4th FL
Reston VA 20190

8am until ~1pm Eastern time zone

Becoming IBM – Bill Bitner
Velocity Software’s Resource Manager zVRM – Barton Robinson
Snack break/TechBytes – Quick Announcements
What You Can Do With LinuxONE That You Can’t Do With x86 – Pedro Acosta, IBM
LinuxONE at Citi – Kurt Acker and Len Santalucia

Breakfast brought to you by Velocity Software.

For LINUX-390 subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
send email to with the message: INFO LINUX-390 or visit

April Hillgang Meeting

2024-02-20 Thread Neale Ferguson
The next meeting of “Hillgang”: the DC, Virginia, and Maryland z/VM and Linux 
on z User Group will be held on 18 April 2024.

12100 Sunset Hills Rd
4th FL
Reston VA 20190

8am until ~1pm Eastern time zone

Becoming IBM – Bill Bitner
Velocity Software’s Resource Manager zVRM – Barton Robinson
Snack break/TechBytes – Quick Announcements
What You Can Do With LinuxONE That You Can’t Do With x86 – Pedro Acosta, IBM
LinuxONE at Citi – Kurt Acker and Len Santalucia

Breakfast brought to you by Velocity Software.

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send email to with the message: INFO LINUX-390 or visit

Re: CLefOS won't start HELP!

2023-11-05 Thread Neale Ferguson
Did all the devices come back after the IPL. When you logged in the guest were 
there any messages saying there were minidisk(s) that couldn't be found?

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Re: Cron run-parts /etc/cron.hourly

2023-10-26 Thread Neale Ferguson
Try it now.

Is there a problem at

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send email to with the message: INFO LINUX-390 or visit

Re: Cron run-parts /etc/cron.hourly

2023-10-26 Thread Neale Ferguson

Is there a problem at

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send email to with the message: INFO LINUX-390 or visit

Re: ClefOS upgrade

2023-08-03 Thread Neale Ferguson
The repo has been re-synced. The package appears to be signed.

On 8/1/23, 23:13, "Linux on 390 Port on behalf of Frank M. Ramaekers" 
mailto:LINUX-390@VM.MARIST.EDU> on behalf of > 

Package firefox-102.12.0-1.el7.centos.s390x.rpm is not signed
What can I do to get my ClefOS system upgraded?

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Re: ClefOS upgrade

2023-08-01 Thread Neale Ferguson
I'll check our end to see if the public repo is up to date.

On 8/1/23, 23:13, "Linux on 390 Port on behalf of Frank M. Ramaekers" 
mailto:LINUX-390@VM.MARIST.EDU> on behalf of > 

Transaction Summary
Install 2 Packages
Upgrade 133 Packages
Remove 2 Packages

Total size: 308 M
Is this ok [y/d/N]: y
Downloading packages:

Package firefox-102.12.0-1.el7.centos.s390x.rpm is not signed

What can I do to get my ClefOS system upgraded?

Frank Ramaekers | Senior Systems Administrator | CIS Mainframe Services
Unisys | O-(512)387-3949 | M-(254(214-1820 | 


MATERIAL and is for use only by the intended recipient. If you received this in 
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message: INFO LINUX-390 or visit 

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Hillgang - Survey

2023-04-27 Thread Neale Ferguson
We’re contemplating the timing of the next Hillgang meeting. For those in the 
DC, Maryland, and Virginia region would a meeting on the 31st May be something 
you’d consider attending. The reason I ask is that’s the Memorial Day week and 
people often like to make a long long weekend of things. Before we commit to a 
location we wanted to know if there’d be enough for a quorum.

To respond please go to: 
Please respond even if you are unsure.


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Re: CMS-like 'xmitmsg' for Linux (or Unix or MacOS or maybe even Windoze)

2023-03-17 Thread Neale Ferguson
I believe in the early 2000s the Linux on 390 developers in Böblingen attempted 
to provide a similar mechanism for the kernel but it wasn't well received by 
the rest of the community. It's a pity but with so many hands involved with so 
many device drivers it was going to be a hard sell.

 Original message 
From: Rick Troth 
Date: 17/3/23 23:36 (GMT+10:00)
Subject: Re: [LINUX-390] CMS-like 'xmitmsg' for Linux (or Unix or MacOS or 
maybe even Windoze)

On 3/17/23 00:55, Mark Post wrote:
> On 3/16/2023 9:24 PM, Rick Troth wrote:
>> There's nothing like CMS APPLMSG and XMITMSG in Linux land.
> Help a guy out and explain what those things are, and what they're
> used for.
> I've never been as hardcore a z/VM or CMS guy as some others,
> so I've never used those and I'm not familiar with them.

That's a good question. Thanks for asking. And I apologize for throwing
weird CMS stuff at the non-CMS members of the list.

This reply got longer than I expected.

Y'all have seen the unique codes which prefix error messages from CP.
From Linux, if I try ...

# vmcp detach 

I should get ...

HCPDTV040E Device  does not exist

(Because I don't have a device at address .)
The "HCPDTV040E" is unique and can be found in the printed docs. It also
relates to return code 40. (Which 'vmcp' on my system gobbled up,
returning the usual 1 for shell norms.)
The "HCP" means it came from the CP hypervisor. The "DTV" is short for
"detach virtual", a subfunction within the hypervisor. The trailing "E"
means it's an error. Not all IBM message codes are for errors.

I confess I don't know much about message handling in CP, but in CMS
it's really slick. Those of you who have used CMS have seen similar
well-formed message headers.
I said I was forced to use it because at the time I was in the habit of
simply doing 'echo' in shell or "Say" in Rexx or printf() In C. You get
the idea.

There's a command in CMS called 'XMITMSG'. If you have a CMS account,
you can do ...

xmitmsg 3 'mark'

The system should respond with ...

DMS???003E Invalid option: mark

The question marks are because it's not intended to be driven from the
command line. It doesn't have a "caller" value. It cannot figure out
some subfunction for the particular invocation, which would go into that
part of the message header.
The "DMS" is because I took the default message repository for CMS. 3 is
the message I asked for, which is normally presented for error
conditions, thus the "E".

A better example would be to use 'XMITMSG' from an EXEC. (The question
marks would be replaced by the name of the EXEC.) But that takes more time.

In assembler, there's a macro, APPLMSG, which provides the same
function. Should be easy enough to wrap the macro in a C function, but I
confess I have never done that.

When I was writing a certain VM/CMS application (that I won't even name
because it would show my age), it was well received, but the community
pressed hard: "Rick, you should be using the message handler". I was
annoyed, but I bowed to pressure. I had to go learn how the message
handler worked. Then I replaced all the "Say" statements with 'XMITMSG'.
(It was a Rexx application.) I put the text originally presented via
"Say" into a message source file. It worked.

Then something wonderful happened. One or two kind souls translated the
message source into their own language.
Suddenly, with no changes to the code, people could use this application
and get responses (it's not all about errors) in their own language!

Enumerating the messages took some time, but was not unbearable. Plus, I
wanted to make my customers happy, so I soldiered on. It grew on me.
Also, we commonly do this in other contexts. How many C programs pull-in
mnemonics from a.h file? If best practice in C is to use mnemonics
instead of numbers, then it's fair to say that better practice with
message handling is to use enumerated messages (which can, in turn, have
mnemonics, but that gets deep).

Anyway ... over time, I really got hooked on this and wanted to see it
on other platforms. So that's the point of the original note: I wrote a
tool which consumes the same format message source as CMS uses (and
should eventually have at least one other, long story).

For internationalization, most people in the Unix and Linux world would
turn to gettext.
I know about gettext and make a point of building it when I turn the
crank on my open source collection. But gettext is tied to printf()
style formatting, which is risky. It's also unclear that gettext
supports explicit per-language placement of variable content. I'm not
slamming gettext, but it remains a debated topic.

> Mark Post
> --
> For LINUX-390 subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
> send email to with the message: INFO LINUX-390
> or visit

Re: ClefOS will not come up

2023-02-26 Thread Neale Ferguson
- cp /etc/dasd.conf /etc/

- echo "0.0.0124" >>/etc/dasd.conf (and repeat for each address - NOTE the >>)
- printf "0.0.0124\n0.0.0125\n0.0.0126\n0.0.0127\n" >>/etc/dasd.conf

- cat /etc/dasd.conf (to make sure it looks okay)

If you make a mistake then just copy the saved version back over.

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Re: ClefOS will not come up

2023-02-26 Thread Neale Ferguson
My typo chccwdev (change CCW device)

On 2/27/23, 15:45, "Linux on 390 Port on behalf of Frank M. Ramaekers" 
mailto:LINUX-390@VM.MARIST.EDU> on behalf of > 

chcchwdev -d 0.0.0124 
bash: chcchwdev: command not found

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Re: ClefOS will not come up

2023-02-26 Thread Neale Ferguson
You should be able to get the system up to network access by using commands. At 
that point you can use the standard tools to update the configuration files.

- Get into maintenance mode using ^D (not sign D on 3270)
- Provide root password
- cio_ignore -R
- chcchwdev -e 0.0.0124 (repeat for other disks that haven't appeared)
- pvscan (to ensure the volumes you need are there)
- vgscan (see if the VG(s) is/are active, If not use the vgchange -ay   to 
- lvscan (to see if the logical volumes are available)
- mount -o remount,rw / (remount root so that it's r/w) 
- mount -a to get all the other mountpoints populated
- cat /etc/dasd.conf (tell me what you see)
If all that's required to get the root file system up is already present with 
the current rd.dasd= entries in /etc/zipl.conf, then updating /etc/dasd.conf 
may be enough for you to get going again. Given how far you are into the boot 
process I think that *may* be the case.

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Re: ClefOS will not come up

2023-02-26 Thread Neale Ferguson
No, those parameters are (for ClefOS 7) in /etc/zipl.conf. I use the rd.dasd= 
mechanism for devices needed for the root file system. Other dasd may be 
specified in /etc/dasd.conf. 


On 2/27/23, 15:11, "Linux on 390 Port on behalf of Frank M. Ramaekers" 
mailto:LINUX-390@VM.MARIST.EDU> on behalf of > 

Hmmm...don't think I use parameters, I 'IPL 100' rather than from a RDR deck.

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Re: ClefOS will not come up

2023-02-26 Thread Neale Ferguson
Like parameters to the dasd driver. In any event to get going again just use 
cio_ignore -R to remove the disks from the ignore list and then use chccwdev -e 
to bring them online. Have pvscan look again to see if it can find things. 

On 2/27/23, 14:57, "Linux on 390 Port on behalf of Frank M. Ramaekers" 
mailto:LINUX-390@VM.MARIST.EDU> on behalf of > 

Other methods?

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Re: ClefOS will not come up

2023-02-26 Thread Neale Ferguson
You may have added disks to the LV but you cio_ignore settings are stopping 
them from being seen at IPL. There are a number of ways to avoid this. The 
hammer approach is to add the devices to your boot parameter "rd.dasd=" but 
check the other methods.

On 2/27/23, 14:44, "Linux on 390 Port on behalf of Frank M. Ramaekers" 
mailto:LINUX-390@VM.MARIST.EDU> on behalf of > 

Hmmmseems some are missing:

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Re: ClefOS will not come up

2023-02-26 Thread Neale Ferguson
Are all the devices you see when you #CP Q V DA in /proc/dasd/devices? If not, 
what happens with a cio_ignore -R and chccwdev -e <0.0.> for those you 
cannot see?

On 2/27/23, 14:21, "Linux on 390 Port on behalf of Frank M. Ramaekers" 
mailto:LINUX-390@VM.MARIST.EDU> on behalf of > 

WARNING: Device for PV GQ9Cgw-Xwe7-oGPz-gqpI-G2dq-SqQm-vq0OAx not found or 
rejected by a filter.
WARNING: Device for PV wpYK2z-6fie-dcms-ug0b-C1gg-rgEZ-L3NEeH not found or 
rejected by a filter.
WARNING: Device for PV CdiU66-NfSx-vPDa-0Apb-jI5n-phvF-l5bG2U not found or 
rejected by a filter.
WARNING: Device for PV jwcY7B-hNVq-Sug3-ofmX-wFgr-Sfxu-coJTvO not found or 
rejected by a filter.
Couldn't find device with uuid GQ9Cgw-Xwe7-oGPz-gqpI-G2dq-SqQm-vq0OAx. 
Couldn't find device with uuid wpYK2z-6fie-dcms-ug0b-C1gg-rgEZ-L3NEeH. 
Couldn't find device with uuid CdiU66-NfSx-vPDa-0Apb-jI5n-phvF-l5bG2U. 
Couldn't find device with uuid jwcY7B-hNVq-Sug3-ofmX-wFgr-Sfxu-coJTvO. 

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Re: ClefOS will not come up

2023-02-26 Thread Neale Ferguson
What about the other commands I suggested?

Also, what does systemctl status report? For any service that is down are you 
able to run:

systemctl list-dependencies  --all --reverse

On 2/27/23, 14:08, "Linux on 390 Port on behalf of Frank M. Ramaekers" 
mailto:LINUX-390@VM.MARIST.EDU> on behalf of > 

Yes, ECKD and they are all attached and available.

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Re: ClefOS will not come up

2023-02-26 Thread Neale Ferguson
When you logged on the guest did you see any messages pertaining to disks not 
available? Did the z/VM system come up with all its DASD and if so did they all 
get attached to the system? Maybe you Linux guest is missing a minidisk or more 
such that LVM is not able to find everything it needs to mount volumes? Those 
messages appear to indicate it can't find everything it needs.

- If you are ECKD - Check with #CP Q V DA all that it has all the minidisks it 
- If you are SCSI - Check with #CP Q V FCP that all the required subchannels 
are available for getting to the SAN
- Login to maintenance mode and use PVSCAN/VGSCAN/LVSCAN to verify all required 
pieces are present
- Use dmesg to review kernel messages
- Check syslog for any additional clues

On 2/27/23, 13:13, "Linux on 390 Port on behalf of Frank M. Ramaekers" 
mailto:LINUX-390@VM.MARIST.EDU> on behalf of > 

I had z/VM jerk the rug out from under our zLinux system and now I can't get it 

Starting Crash recovery kernel arming...
Ý Ý1;31mFAILED Ý0m¨ Failed to start Crash recovery kernel arming.
See 'systemctl status kdump.service' for details.
Ý Ý32m OK Ý0m¨ Started Security Auditing Service.
Starting Update UTMP about System Boot/Shutdown...
Ý Ý32m OK Ý0m¨ Started Update UTMP about System Boot/Shutdown.
Starting Update UTMP about System Runlevel Changes...
Ý Ý32m OK Ý0m¨ Started Update UTMP about System Runlevel Changes.
Welcome to emergency mode! After logging in, type "journalctl -xb" to view
system logs, "systemctl reboot" to reboot, "systemctl default" or ¬D to
try again to boot into default mode.
Give root password for maintenance
(or press Control-D to continue):

ÝKÝ Ý1;31m TIME Ý0m¨ Timed out waiting for device 
Ý Ý1;33mDEPEND Ý0m¨ Dependency failed for File System
Ý Ý1;33mDEPEND Ý0m¨ Dependency failed for /home.
Ý Ý1;33mDEPEND Ý0m¨ Dependency failed for Local File Systems.
Ý Ý1;33mDEPEND Ý0m¨ Dependency failed for Mark the need to relabel after reboot.
Ý Ý1;33mDEPEND Ý0m¨ Dependency failed for Migrate local... structure to the new 
Ý Ý1;33mDEPEND Ý0m¨ Dependency failed for Relabel all filesystems, if necessary.

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Re: Taking some time

2023-02-15 Thread Neale Ferguson
Mark, you retire with an incredible body of work as testament to your desire to 
teach, assist, and advise. We've both been on this Linux on z ride from almost 
day 1 and the work you did with SHARE, the TSC, and the community helped make 
the platform approachable and desirable. On a personal note it's been a 
privilege to have known you for so many years and to have worked intensely on 
various projects with you. I hope you are able to keep involved but the 
temptations of retirement are hard to resist. All the best to you.

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Debian help required

2023-02-11 Thread Neale Ferguson

The s390x maintainer of Debian is after some help:

Sent from my Galaxy

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send email to with the message: INFO LINUX-390 or visit

CircleCI and other OSS packages

2023-02-06 Thread Neale Ferguson
A couple of interesting bits of news from IBM OSS folks:

  *   CircleCI available for s390x:
  *   Table of OSS packages for s390x:

Report on new packages for Jan 2023:

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Re: ClefOS installation instructions.....

2023-01-02 Thread Neale Ferguson
Further. You can install from network rather than using the iso. If you do use 
iso just download it  to a locally accessible host, mount it, make it available 
via NFS or HTTP(S), and boot from reader using the files in images/. The 
network install should also work using

Sent from my Galaxy

 Original message 
From: Dave Jones 
Date: 1/2/23 03:05 (GMT+10:00)
Subject: [LINUX-390] ClefOS installation instructions.

Happy New Year, ya'll.

I'm thinking about installing ClefOS 7.9 here...I have downloaded both
the 79os.iso and 79Update.iso files from the SNA web site and I am now
wondering how to proceed. Does anyone have any suggestions/helpful hints
on how to do the basic install?

Many thanks, too.



Managing Director for zSystems and Linux on z Support
++1 281.578.7544 (Cell)
Web: [2]
18502 Purdy Ct. Houston, TX  77084  USA


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Re: ClefOS installation instructions.....

2023-01-02 Thread Neale Ferguson
Just follow the rhel or CentOS instructions. In the iso is an images directory 
with the 3 files you put in your virtual reader. Adapt the generic.prm file 
according to your needs.  Using VNC for installation is preferred.

Sent from my Galaxy

 Original message 
From: Dave Jones 
Date: 1/2/23 03:05 (GMT+10:00)
Subject: [LINUX-390] ClefOS installation instructions.

Happy New Year, ya'll.

I'm thinking about installing ClefOS 7.9 here...I have downloaded both
the 79os.iso and 79Update.iso files from the SNA web site and I am now
wondering how to proceed. Does anyone have any suggestions/helpful hints
on how to do the basic install?

Many thanks, too.



Managing Director for zSystems and Linux on z Support
++1 281.578.7544 (Cell)
Web: [2]
18502 Purdy Ct. Houston, TX  77084  USA


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send email to with the message: INFO LINUX-390 or visit

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Hillgang reminder

2022-11-29 Thread Neale Ferguson
Hillgang will be meeting in Herndon Virginia this time next week. Agenda, 
location, and (free) registration at
Great topics, speakers, networking, and breakfast (thanks Velocity).

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send email to with the message: INFO LINUX-390 or visit

Hillgang reminder

2022-11-21 Thread Neale Ferguson
The next meeting of Hillgang, the DC, Virginia, Maryland (DMV), z/VM and Linux 
user group is meeting in Herndon Virginia on the 6th of December. Agenda, 
location, and registration details are available at Registration is free and is used to 
determine catering requirements for our free breakfast that's provided by 
Velocity Software.

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send email to with the message: INFO LINUX-390 or visit

FW: HillGang meet up, Dec 6th 2022 in Herndon VA

2022-11-14 Thread Neale Ferguson
Greetings all,

  The HillGang user group meeting is back and registration is now open from 

As you can see, we found a new place to meet that is very close to the original 
location hosted by Broadcom.
Looking forward to seeing some familiar, along with a lot of new faces at this 

Thanks and Best Regards,

Kurt Acker
Principal IT Architect
Sine Nomine Associates
Direct Systems Support

Celebrating 20+ years of customer success

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2022-10-27 Thread Neale Ferguson
The next meeting of Hillgang – the DC, Maryland, and Virginia z/VM and Linux 
User Group – will be held (in person!) on December 6, 2022. Details will follow 
but here’s the agenda so far:

  1.  Virginia Commonwealth University – Dr John Leonard, Professor of Computer 
Science, College of Engineering
  2.  LinuxONE 4 Announcement – Megan Conklin, IBM Worldwide Director of 
  3.  TechByte: Academic Initiative update – Len Santalucia, CTO Vicom 
Infinity/Converge & Chairperson Open Mainframe Project
  4.  TechByte: Automated MongoDB Provisioning on LinuxONE – Kurt Acker, 
Principal IT Architect Sine Nomine
  5.  Modernizing the Mainframe – Jim Vincent, Velocity Software

TechBytes are shorter sessions running 15-30 minutes. Registration details will 


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Re: vmur reader uevent patch upstream

2022-10-17 Thread Neale Ferguson
Excellent! Thanks.


On 10/17/22, 10:50, "Linux on 390 Port on behalf of Peter Oberparleiter" 

Dear all,

based on discussions on this mailing list [1], and a request that
reached me via the OpenMainframeProject mailing list [2], I've
implemented the functionality of generating a kernel uevent that can be
used as a trigger e.g. for processing newly arrived VM reader files in

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AlmaLinux 8 now available

2022-09-23 Thread Neale Ferguson

“The AlmaLinux OS 
 the nonprofit that stewards the community-owned and governed open source 
CentOS successor AlmaLinux, is announcing that AlmaLinux 8 now supports s390x. 
AlmaLinux OS is 1:1 binary compatible with RHEL® and pre-Stream CentOS.

“The most important part of making AlmaLinux 8 available for s390x is that 
mainframe operators now have a platform to build packages for s390x, which was 
a real gap and something not available before. This enables community 
initiatives like EPEL to continue growing their user base and community. 
Mainframe enthusiasts now have a CentOS alternative, too. We see real 
enthusiasm in the community for an s390x distribution, and since CentOS never 
built 8 for s390x, we’re excited to provide this totally new distribution. 
We’ve already proven we can rebuild RHEL’s sources really well, this was taking 
it up a notch and creating an actual distribution from scratch,” said Andrew 
Lukoshko, AlmaLinux OS Architect. “There’s real demand and real enthusiasm from 
the community. We’ve even provided containers for AlmaLinux 8 for s390x.”


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Re: Can zLinux detect when files arrive in the virtual reader?

2022-09-02 Thread Neale Ferguson
When files arrive an action routine can be triggered to process the incoming 
files. We've used it to transform SYSPRINT files from z/OS and convert them to 
PDFs and archive them. The reverse is also true: you can submit jobs to z/OS, 
z/VSE, or even CMSBATCH.

Neale Ferguson

On 9/2/22, 16:26, "Linux on 390 Port on behalf of Timothy Sipples" 

Would a NJE deployment on/with Linux — Sine Nomine's NJE/IP as a notable 
example — be relevant here?

— — — — —
Timothy Sipples
Senior Architect
Digital Assets, Industry Solutions, and Cybersecurity
IBM zSystems/LinuxONE, Asia-Pacific

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Re: Can zLinux detect when files arrive in the virtual reader?

2022-08-31 Thread Neale Ferguson
If you don't mind polling or there being a delay then you could run a script 
like this:

# Poll every 30 seconds
RDRS=`vmur list | grep `
while [ -z "${RDRS}" ]
sleep 30s
RDRS=`vmur list | grep `
# ${RDR[n]} contains the results - you could then extract ids
for (( i=0; i<${#RDR[@]}; i++ ))
FILE=`echo "${RDR[$i]} | awk '{print $2}'"\`

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Re: Fwd: Neale Ferguson's fsiucv package

2022-07-23 Thread Neale Ferguson
Was this after you built and installed the rpm? (rpmbuild --rebuild ...src.rpm) 
Once installed use modprobe fsiucv* to make it available to the kernel to use.

Neale Ferguson

On 7/23/22, 01:48, "Linux on 390 Port on behalf of Frank M. Ramaekers" 

Thanks, got further:

# echo "*MSG" >/sys/devices/iucv/iucv0/target_user
-bash: /sys/devices/iucv/iucv0/target_user: No such file or directory
root@mflnxclef00 ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES/fsiucv-3.0.0# ls -l /sys/devices/iucv
total 0
drwxr-xr-x. 3 root root0 Jul 22 09:56 hvc_iucv0
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root0 Jul 22 09:56 power
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 4096 Jul 21 16:35 uevent

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Re: HELP - ClefOS system won't boot

2022-07-19 Thread Neale Ferguson
What other type of things went wrong? Any console log from that server? Any VM 
messages around the same time?

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Re: Fwd: Neale Ferguson's fsiucv package

2022-07-18 Thread Neale Ferguson
To install the source just use rpm --install 

Neale Ferguson

On 7/19/22, 05:31, "Linux on 390 Port on behalf of Frank M. Ramaekers" 

When I attempt to install the source on ClefOS (CentOS Linux release 
7.9.2009 (AltArch)), I get
yum install fsiucv-3.10.0-957.12.2.el7.src.rpm
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, langpacks
Examining fsiucv-3.10.0-957.12.2.el7.src.rpm: fsiucv-3.10.0-957.12.2.el7.src
Cannot add package fsiucv-3.10.0-957.12.2.el7.src.rpm to transaction. Not a 
compatible architecture: src
Error: Nothing to do

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Re: Fwd: Neale Ferguson's fsiucv package

2022-07-13 Thread Neale Ferguson
propjr use *MSG or *MSGALL.

Neale Ferguson

On 7/14/22, 09:30, "Linux on 390 Port on behalf of Mark Post" 

On 7/13/22 19:25, Neale Ferguson wrote:
> vmevents requires IUCV *VMEVENT

Would "IUCV ANY" cover that? Also, is there anything needed for the
various things the propjr sample program uses

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Re: Fwd: Neale Ferguson's fsiucv package

2022-07-13 Thread Neale Ferguson
vmevents requires IUCV *VMEVENT

Neale Ferguson

On 7/14/22, 09:24, "Linux on 390 Port on behalf of Mark Post" 

I don't know how to test the other bits of fsiucv. The "vmevents" sample 
program runs into the same "open: Permission denied" error when trying 
to open /dev/iucv0. I suspect there are additional entries to the user 
directory for my guest that need to be added for that as well.

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Re: Fwd: Neale Ferguson's fsiucv package

2022-07-12 Thread Neale Ferguson
I built on RHEL 8 and, apart from tainting the kernel, I was able load/unload 
the kernel module without a problem. I did get:

depmod: ERROR: Bad version passed fsiucv

DJ - is there a message in /var/log/messages when you get the permission denied 
message? You may see a connect message and an IPRCODE.

Neale Ferguson

On 7/13/22, 12:02, "Neale Ferguson"  wrote:

Would you send your fix(es) and I'll give it a go here.

Neale Ferguson

On 7/13/22, 02:03, "Linux on 390 Port on behalf of Mark Post" 

Just FYI to Neale and the list... The changes I made to the kernel
module allowed it to be compiled, but it doesn't appear to work, and if
you then try to unload the kernel module, you get a kernel panic and the
system reboots (if your have reboot on panic enabled).

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Re: Fwd: Neale Ferguson's fsiucv package

2022-07-12 Thread Neale Ferguson
Would you send your fix(es) and I'll give it a go here.

Neale Ferguson

On 7/13/22, 02:03, "Linux on 390 Port on behalf of Mark Post" 

Just FYI to Neale and the list... The changes I made to the kernel
module allowed it to be compiled, but it doesn't appear to work, and if
you then try to unload the kernel module, you get a kernel panic and the
system reboots (if your have reboot on panic enabled).

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Re: Neale Ferguson's fsiucv package

2022-07-07 Thread Neale Ferguson
Happy to wait for DJ.

Neale Ferguson

On 7/8/22, 11:05, "Linux on 390 Port on behalf of Mark Post" 

On 7/7/22 20:12, Neale Ferguson wrote:
> Is it built against my git hub code? If so, generate a PR and I'll merge 
if it works.

Yes, it was.  I was going to wait until I heard back from Dave before
sending you my changes. If you'd prefer I do it now, instead, I'll do that.

Mark Post

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Re: Neale Ferguson's fsiucv package

2022-07-07 Thread Neale Ferguson
Is it built against my git hub code? If so, generate a PR and I'll merge if it 

Neale Ferguson

On 7/8/22, 03:48, "Linux on 390 Port on behalf of Mark Post" 

On 7/7/22 11:58, Dave Jones wrote:
> Mark, yes that is my experience, too. It's well above my limited C
> programming skill set.
> I'll let the list know if anything changes here.

Well, I may have just figured it out. Maybe. But, I don't really have
the knowledge to test it. If I send you a patch, you can try to build it
on your system and see what blows up.

Mark Post

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Re: REDHAT PARMFILE syntax clarification

2022-07-03 Thread Neale Ferguson
The file should be fixed length 80 byte records. When the parm file is in 
storage there are no record boundaries so the character on line 2 position 1 is 
the 81st byte in storage. So just let it overflow from line to line.

Neale Ferguson

On 7/3/22, 16:57, "Linux on 390 Port on behalf of Jake Anderson" 


I have IP address area in Parmfile where it has some value which is little

Does PARMA FILE allow to continue the syntax on the next line ?

Let's say now I have


Now the IPs second octet is changing from 1 to 10 so the statement is quite
long. Is it possible to move to next line ? What would be the syntax to
move ?


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AlmaLinux 9 GA

2022-05-27 Thread Neale Ferguson

Hello Community! The AlmaLinux OS Foundation is proud to announce general 
availability of AlmaLinux OS 9.0. AlmaLinux 9 supports the following 4 
architectures providing full parity with upstream:

Intel/AMD (x86_64)

ARM64 (aarch64)

IBM PowerPC (ppc64le)

IBM Z (s390x)


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AlmaLinux 9 Beta Available

2022-04-19 Thread Neale Ferguson
AlmaLinux is a CentOS alternative. This includes a new addition to their 
family: s390x.

I have been testing it over the last couple of weeks and it's been solid.

8 is still under development.


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Re: Moving LUNs using z/VM

2022-04-05 Thread Neale Ferguson
Is there a maximum edev size?

You can copy the LUNs with DDR, but you have to first define an EDEVICE for 


Alan Altmark
Senior Managing z/VM Consultant
IBM Systems Lab Services
1 607 321 7556 Mobile

> -Original Message-
> From: Linux on 390 Port  On Behalf Of
> Martha McConaghy
> Sent: Tuesday, April 5, 2022 5:20 PM
> Subject: [EXTERNAL] [LINUX-390] Moving LUNs using z/VM
> I have a few RHEL servers that run on z/VM but boot off of a direct attached
> SAN LUN (not an EDEV or ECKD).  They reside on an old DS8870 and I need to
> move them to a new DS8910.  (No PPRC, GDPS, etc.)  Is there a way that I
> could use VM to copy these LUNs to the new storage?   I was looking at DDR,
> but wasn't sure if the FB-512 type would work for these.  They aren't CMS
> format disks, obviously, so that isn't an option.  I'm trying to avoid having 
> to
> attach them to a Linux server to do the work, but will if that is the only
> option.  Since these are boot volumes, I have to copy the boot partition and
> boot record, not just the filesystems.  So, a physical copy would be the best.
> Any ideas?

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Re: ClefOS update

2022-03-24 Thread Neale Ferguson
Yep, I'm in the process of regenning. I will sync things to the download area 
in my morning. I'm checking the logs to see why the packages weren't being 
signed when they were built.

 Original message 
From: "Frank M. Ramaekers" 
Date: 3/24/22 21:59 (GMT+10:00)
Subject: [LINUX-390] ClefOS update

There seems to be an issue with ClefOS updating:

Install   2 Packages
Upgrade  38 Packages
Remove2 Packages

Total size: 92 M
Is this ok [y/d/N]: y
Downloading packages:

Package sssd-client-1.16.5-10.el7_9.12.s390x.rpm is not signed

Frank Ramaekers Jr. | Systems Senior Administrator | CIS Mainframe Services
Unisys | O-(512) 387-3949 | M-(254) 214-1820 |


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Re: openJDK - openJ9

2022-03-22 Thread Neale Ferguson
After porting countless packages the thing I've found most difficult is when 
something "is almost like...". These seemingly trivial differences often make 
it the hardest to get accepted upstream. Even when they are then they tend to 
get overlooked so that when a NEVR changes only the more familiar URL gets 

What's stopping getting the openj9 stuff certified so it's on an equal footing 
to everything else? Money, Oracle, ??


On 3/23/22, 04:56, "Linux on 390 Port on behalf of Christian Borntraeger" 

I asked our Java people and they answered the following:

I believe when you're using the api query that requests a specific version, 
for OpenJ9 builds you need to include the OpenJ9 version in the `release_name` 
field. If I change your url below from "11.0.13+8" to "11.0.13+8_openj9-0.29.0" 
it works.

Note that since July 2021, the OpenJDK+OpenJ9 builds at AdoptOpenJDK .net 
have been built by IBM using the same components and re-branded under the IBM 
Semeru Runtimes name.

For the Eclipse Adoptium API going forward, they will only "promote" 
certified builds, ie. IBM Semeru Runtimes Certified Edition. The Eclipse 
Adoptium Marketplace is still being worked on.

IBM has also done a "soft launch" on our own fork of their API which serves 
IBM Semeru Runtimes, both Certified Edition and Open Edition, which we host. We 
hope to have an announcement on that shortly. The code is the same so you can 
use ALMOST the same query and just swap out the base of the URL and the Vendor.
Instead of vendor adoptopenjdk use ibm for Open Edition and ibm_ce for 
Certified Edition.


Let me know if you have any questions.

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openJDK - openJ9

2022-03-22 Thread Neale Ferguson
The site has been used to host builds of the JDK for both 
hotspot and openj9 builds (the latter being the IBM JVM which has many many 
optimizations for the Z environment). However, adoptopenjdk is moving to 
Eclipse’s adoptium site. However, according to the Eclipse site: “Eclipse 
Foundation projects are not permitted to distribute, market or promote JDK 
binaries unless they have passed a Java SE Technology Compatibility Kit 
licensed from Oracle, to which the OpenJ9 project does not currently have 
access.” I can’t pull the OpenJ9 JDK from that site. This is a PITA as there 
are multiple packages that pull JDKs as part of their build process. It means 
they can’t access the highly-optimized-for-z openJ9 JDK in this way (e.g.

It also seems that, even though the adoptopenjdk site still exists and I can 
download JDKs from there I cannot use the API to do things like: wget
 works fine. The “normal” appears to no longer be supported with s390x so 
“large” or similar should be used but substituting it in the former URL doesn’t 
work either.

Is there any expectation that openJ9 will be supported by Eclipse’s adoptium 
any time soon (i.e. before adoptopenjdk disappears)?


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Re: Detecting RHEL console disconnect/reconnect

2022-02-01 Thread Neale Ferguson
Do you have Broadcom's VM:Operator, Velocity's zVPS, or IBM's VM Operations 
Manager (or even good old PROP)? If so, you could create an action routine that 
would intercept the DISCONNECT/RECONNECT message.


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Re: trying to recover existing install

2022-01-30 Thread Neale Ferguson
If there's no password at all on those disks then you'll need their z/VM 
sysprogs to either (a) add the word 'ALL' to the MDISK statement of the failing 
guest or (b) add LINK    RR statements to the recovery 
user's directory entry.

 Original message 
From: Mike Frysinger 
Date: 1/30/22 20:57 (GMT+10:00)
Subject: Re: [LINUX-390] trying to recover existing install

On 30 Jan 2022 10:28, Neale Ferguson wrote:
> Get their sysprogs to add link statements (RR) to that other guest. If they 
> don't have read passwords you could vmcp link guest   rr.

so what i'm doing:
* "user3" is up & running like normal
* "user4" is broken
* login to "user3" and enter CMS
* run: link user4 151 152 rr
* get back what i assume is an error:
00: HCPLNM111E LGENTOO4 0151 not linked; no read password
* i tried using my login password, but i'm guessing that's diff
link user4 151 152 rr PASS=mypass
* fwiw, `query password link` says:

is there a way i can set/reset this password ?  or do i have to ask a
sysadmin to do this for me ?

>  Original message 
> From: Mike Frysinger 
> Date: 1/30/22 19:31 (GMT+10:00)
> Subject: Re: [LINUX-390] trying to recover existing install
> On 30 Jan 2022 07:21, Neale Ferguson wrote:
> > Create a new guest, install a minimal system, link to the disks of the 
> > guest you wish to recover, use cio_ignore -r to make them "visible", 
> > chccwdev -e to vary them online, mount them, and recover. You should be 
> > able to do it r/o. If they are in an lvm then vgscan, and vgchange -ay to 
> > make it usable before the mount. Just make sure your new guest has a 
> > different vg name.
> i should clarify that i don't have a lot of privileges here, so i can't
> create a new guest.  i do however have another guest on the same system.
> how would i link the disks to the other guest ?
> -mike
> >  Original message 
> > From: Mike Frysinger 
> > Date: 1/30/22 16:35 (GMT+10:00)
> > Subject: [LINUX-390] trying to recover existing install
> >
> > i'm by no means an s390 expert, so i might be missing something obvious.
> >
> > we've had an install running for a couple of years.  recently the rootfs
> > had some important libs deleted, so it's now unbootable.  i don't want to
> > format and lose data on it.  so i'm trying to boot a kernel+initrd that i
> > have locally so i can recover things.
> >
> > from the docs [1], i need to first copy those files into a DASD before
> > i can IPL or punch+IPL them.  our VMs have the following DASD's:
> >
> > 00: DASD 0150 3390 MRC79A R/W   3336 CYL ON DASD  C79A SUBCHANNEL = 0006
> > dasda1 /boot
> > dasda2 /usr
> > 00: DASD 0151 3390 MRC79A R/W   3338 CYL ON DASD  C79A SUBCHANNEL = 0007
> > dasdb1 /
> > 00: DASD 0160 9336 (VDSK) R/W 20 BLK ON DASD  VDSK SUBCHANNEL = 000F
> > dasdc1 swap
> > 00: DASD 0190 3390 MRCA02 R/O214 CYL ON DASD  CA02 SUBCHANNEL = 000C
> > 00: DASD 0191 3390 MRC790 R/W  2 CYL ON DASD  C790 SUBCHANNEL = 0008
> > dasdd
> > 00: DASD 019E 3390 MRCA02 R/O500 CYL ON DASD  CA02 SUBCHANNEL = 000D
> > 00: DASD 0200 3390 MRC79E R/W  32759 CYL ON DASD  C79E SUBCHANNEL = 0005
> > dasde1 /mnt/space
> > 00: DASD 0592 3390 MRCA09 R/O240 CYL ON DASD  CA09 SUBCHANNEL = 000E
> > 00: DASD  3390 MRCA05 R/O 30 CYL ON DASD  CA05 SUBCHANNEL = 0004
> >
> > the only DASD i can see that i can write to from CP/CMS is 191, but it
> > is much too small to hold the kernel+initrd.  these files are only a
> > few MB, but can't even fit 1 MB into 191.
> >
> > i don't want to format 150/151/200 since they have our data.  i don't
> > think i can reconfigure 160 temporarily.  all the rest are read-only.
> >
> > any suggestions ?  if there was a way i could ftp (or send file from
> > x3270) directly into the spool, that seems ideal as i could then ipl
> > straight out of it.
> > -mike

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Re: trying to recover existing install

2022-01-30 Thread Neale Ferguson
Get their sysprogs to add link statements (RR) to that other guest. If they 
don't have read passwords you could vmcp link guest   rr.

 Original message 
From: Mike Frysinger 
Date: 1/30/22 19:31 (GMT+10:00)
Subject: Re: [LINUX-390] trying to recover existing install

On 30 Jan 2022 07:21, Neale Ferguson wrote:
> Create a new guest, install a minimal system, link to the disks of the guest 
> you wish to recover, use cio_ignore -r to make them "visible", chccwdev -e to 
> vary them online, mount them, and recover. You should be able to do it r/o. 
> If they are in an lvm then vgscan, and vgchange -ay to make it usable before 
> the mount. Just make sure your new guest has a different vg name.

i should clarify that i don't have a lot of privileges here, so i can't
create a new guest.  i do however have another guest on the same system.
how would i link the disks to the other guest ?

>  Original message 
> From: Mike Frysinger 
> Date: 1/30/22 16:35 (GMT+10:00)
> Subject: [LINUX-390] trying to recover existing install
> i'm by no means an s390 expert, so i might be missing something obvious.
> we've had an install running for a couple of years.  recently the rootfs
> had some important libs deleted, so it's now unbootable.  i don't want to
> format and lose data on it.  so i'm trying to boot a kernel+initrd that i
> have locally so i can recover things.
> from the docs [1], i need to first copy those files into a DASD before
> i can IPL or punch+IPL them.  our VMs have the following DASD's:
> 00: DASD 0150 3390 MRC79A R/W   3336 CYL ON DASD  C79A SUBCHANNEL = 0006
> dasda1 /boot
> dasda2 /usr
> 00: DASD 0151 3390 MRC79A R/W   3338 CYL ON DASD  C79A SUBCHANNEL = 0007
> dasdb1 /
> 00: DASD 0160 9336 (VDSK) R/W 20 BLK ON DASD  VDSK SUBCHANNEL = 000F
> dasdc1 swap
> 00: DASD 0190 3390 MRCA02 R/O214 CYL ON DASD  CA02 SUBCHANNEL = 000C
> 00: DASD 0191 3390 MRC790 R/W  2 CYL ON DASD  C790 SUBCHANNEL = 0008
> dasdd
> 00: DASD 019E 3390 MRCA02 R/O500 CYL ON DASD  CA02 SUBCHANNEL = 000D
> 00: DASD 0200 3390 MRC79E R/W  32759 CYL ON DASD  C79E SUBCHANNEL = 0005
> dasde1 /mnt/space
> 00: DASD 0592 3390 MRCA09 R/O240 CYL ON DASD  CA09 SUBCHANNEL = 000E
> 00: DASD  3390 MRCA05 R/O 30 CYL ON DASD  CA05 SUBCHANNEL = 0004
> the only DASD i can see that i can write to from CP/CMS is 191, but it
> is much too small to hold the kernel+initrd.  these files are only a
> few MB, but can't even fit 1 MB into 191.
> i don't want to format 150/151/200 since they have our data.  i don't
> think i can reconfigure 160 temporarily.  all the rest are read-only.
> any suggestions ?  if there was a way i could ftp (or send file from
> x3270) directly into the spool, that seems ideal as i could then ipl
> straight out of it.
> -mike
> --
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Re: trying to recover existing install

2022-01-29 Thread Neale Ferguson
Create a new guest, install a minimal system, link to the disks of the guest 
you wish to recover, use cio_ignore -r to make them "visible", chccwdev -e to 
vary them online, mount them, and recover. You should be able to do it r/o. If 
they are in an lvm then vgscan, and vgchange -ay to make it usable before the 
mount. Just make sure your new guest has a different vg name.


 Original message 
From: Mike Frysinger 
Date: 1/30/22 16:35 (GMT+10:00)
Subject: [LINUX-390] trying to recover existing install

i'm by no means an s390 expert, so i might be missing something obvious.

we've had an install running for a couple of years.  recently the rootfs
had some important libs deleted, so it's now unbootable.  i don't want to
format and lose data on it.  so i'm trying to boot a kernel+initrd that i
have locally so i can recover things.

from the docs [1], i need to first copy those files into a DASD before
i can IPL or punch+IPL them.  our VMs have the following DASD's:

00: DASD 0150 3390 MRC79A R/W   3336 CYL ON DASD  C79A SUBCHANNEL = 0006
dasda1 /boot
dasda2 /usr
00: DASD 0151 3390 MRC79A R/W   3338 CYL ON DASD  C79A SUBCHANNEL = 0007
dasdb1 /
00: DASD 0160 9336 (VDSK) R/W 20 BLK ON DASD  VDSK SUBCHANNEL = 000F
dasdc1 swap
00: DASD 0190 3390 MRCA02 R/O214 CYL ON DASD  CA02 SUBCHANNEL = 000C
00: DASD 0191 3390 MRC790 R/W  2 CYL ON DASD  C790 SUBCHANNEL = 0008
00: DASD 019E 3390 MRCA02 R/O500 CYL ON DASD  CA02 SUBCHANNEL = 000D
00: DASD 0200 3390 MRC79E R/W  32759 CYL ON DASD  C79E SUBCHANNEL = 0005
dasde1 /mnt/space
00: DASD 0592 3390 MRCA09 R/O240 CYL ON DASD  CA09 SUBCHANNEL = 000E
00: DASD  3390 MRCA05 R/O 30 CYL ON DASD  CA05 SUBCHANNEL = 0004

the only DASD i can see that i can write to from CP/CMS is 191, but it
is much too small to hold the kernel+initrd.  these files are only a
few MB, but can't even fit 1 MB into 191.

i don't want to format 150/151/200 since they have our data.  i don't
think i can reconfigure 160 temporarily.  all the rest are read-only.

any suggestions ?  if there was a way i could ftp (or send file from
x3270) directly into the spool, that seems ideal as i could then ipl
straight out of it.

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RHEL 8.5 under z/VM 7.1 on zPDT

2022-01-24 Thread Neale Ferguson
After having problems with RHEL 8 installation in the past, I recently updated 
the zPDT microcode and wanted to try again. RHEL 8.4 had given me the dbus 
error I reported 12 months or so ago so I opted to give 8.5 a go.

This time I get as far as the “05:55:40 Please ssh 
( to begin the install.” message, yet when I try to ssh it 
responds with “connection refused”. I have waited several minutes but no joy. 
It responds to pings and has grabbed the install.img from the NFS-based repo so 
there are no network issues as such.

Has anyone installed 8.5 under z/VM 7.1 (1901) on their zPDT successfully?

Here is my generic.prm:

ro ramdisk_size=4 !condev

I am installing in a 2GB virtual machines with 2 vCPUs.


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dotnet docker image

2021-11-23 Thread Neale Ferguson
If you would like to give dotnet on Z a test drive and don’t yet have RHEL 8.5 
I have created a docker image. Follow these steps to build and run the “Hello 
World” program:

[neale@aussie-3:~/docker]$ docker run --rm -it clefos/dotnet
dotnet@f5fcd3f45edd:~$ dotnet new console --output consapp
The template "Console App" was created successfully.

Processing post-creation actions...
Running 'dotnet restore' on /home/dotnet/consapp/consapp.csproj...
  Determining projects to restore...
  Restored /home/dotnet/consapp/consapp.csproj (in 114 ms).
Restore succeeded.

dotnet@f5fcd3f45edd:~$ cd consapp/
dotnet@f5fcd3f45edd:~/consapp$ dotnet build
Microsoft (R) Build Engine version 17.0.0+c9eb9dd64 for .NET
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

  Determining projects to restore...
  All projects are up-to-date for restore.
  consapp -> /home/dotnet/consapp/bin/Debug/net6.0/consapp.dll

Build succeeded.
0 Warning(s)
0 Error(s)

Time Elapsed 00:00:02.94
dotnet@f5fcd3f45edd:~/consapp$ dotnet run
Hello, World!
dotnet@f5fcd3f45edd:~/consapp$ ls -l
total 16
-rw-r--r-- 1 dotnet dotnet  105 Nov 24 03:04 Program.cs
drwxr-xr-x 3 dotnet dotnet 4096 Nov 24 03:04 bin
-rw-r--r-- 1 dotnet dotnet  249 Nov 24 03:04 consapp.csproj
drwxr-xr-x 3 dotnet dotnet 4096 Nov 24 03:04 obj


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Oracle Installation

2021-11-08 Thread Neale Ferguson
I am attempting to install some Oracle packages but am falling at the first 

$ rpm --install --test oracle-instantclient19.13-basic-
error: Failed dependencies:{lbnsl_platform} is needed by 

Looking for libnsl I see: 

$ rpm -q --provides glibc | grep nsl


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Redbooks Rumor

2021-10-28 Thread Neale Ferguson
I am hearing strong rumors that IBM is about to commit the type of corporate 
facepalm that is the stuff for future textbooks. Apparently Redbooks are no 
longer going to be a thing and the organization disbanded. If there’s one thing 
that has differentiated IBM in the mainframe space has been the quality of its 
documentation and, in particular, the type of HOW-TO information contained 
within Redbooks and Redpieces. These documents turn a “that’d be nice to do” 
into a proof-of-concept and finally into production. In doing so, they must be 
responsible for millions or billions of dollar in revenue to IBM.

Many of the topics of Redbooks cover are complex and even intimidating. They 
provide a step-by-step approach to learning and implementing using a group of 
people actually doing what they’re writing about. This is invaluable.

I hope these rumors are untrue but if not I think we should all be shouting 
from the roof until someone with some sense realizes how shortsighted this 
decision is.


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Re: NodeJS on Ubuntu 20.04

2021-08-30 Thread Neale Ferguson
I built it from source via configure/make/make install. I didn't make a .deb 
from it.

Neale Ferguson

On 8/30/21, 18:00, "Linux on 390 Port on behalf of Frank Heimes" 

Hi Neale,
no, unfortunately not.
nodejs 12 is officially available with hirsute (21.04) and newer:

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NodeJS on Ubuntu 20.04

2021-08-30 Thread Neale Ferguson
Is there a nodejs >= 12 available for Ubuntu 20.04 on Z? The only one I can 
find is 10. doesn’t seem to have Z packages.


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Re: recoll install and missling libxslt.pc

2021-08-12 Thread Neale Ferguson
Try 5.9.1-2 in EPEL repo. I just uploaded it.


On 8/6/21, 23:11, "Linux on 390 Port on behalf of Frank M. Ramaekers" 

Thanks and good luck!

Frank M. Ramaekers Jr.

-Original Message-
From: Linux on 390 Port [mailto:LINUX-390@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf Of Neale 
Sent: Thursday, August 5, 2021 10:35 PM
Subject: Re: recoll install and missling libxslt.pc

 External Message – Think Before You Click

qt5-qtwebkit was built with ClefOS 7.7 when qt5-qtbase was at 5.9.2 and 
seem to have that level required for installation. I will see what happens if I 
try to build it with 5.9.7.


On 8/5/21, 22:54, "Linux on 390 Port on behalf of Frank M. Ramaekers" 

Thanks again, Neale.

This is opening up a can of worms:

# yum --enablerepo=epel install qt5-qtwebkit
Error: Package: qt5-qtwebkit-5.9.1-2.el7.s390x (epel)
   Requires: qt5-qtbase(s390-64) = 5.9.2
   Installed: qt5-qtbase-5.9.7-5.el7_9.s390x (@updates)
   qt5-qtbase(s390-64) = 5.9.7-5.el7_9

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Re: recoll install and missling libxslt.pc

2021-08-05 Thread Neale Ferguson
qt5-qtwebkit was built with ClefOS 7.7 when qt5-qtbase was at 5.9.2 and seem to 
have that level required for installation. I will see what happens if I try to 
build it with 5.9.7.


On 8/5/21, 22:54, "Linux on 390 Port on behalf of Frank M. Ramaekers" 

Thanks again, Neale.

This is opening up a can of worms:

# yum --enablerepo=epel install qt5-qtwebkit
Error: Package: qt5-qtwebkit-5.9.1-2.el7.s390x (epel)
   Requires: qt5-qtbase(s390-64) = 5.9.2
   Installed: qt5-qtbase-5.9.7-5.el7_9.s390x (@updates)
   qt5-qtbase(s390-64) = 5.9.7-5.el7_9

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Re: recoll install and missling libxslt.pc

2021-08-05 Thread Neale Ferguson
I'll check. All I remember is that it's a bugger to build.

 Original message 

Thanks again, Neale.

This is opening up a can of worms:

# yum --enablerepo=epel install qt5-qtwebkit
Error: Package: qt5-qtwebkit-5.9.1-2.el7.s390x (epel)
   Requires: qt5-qtbase(s390-64) = 5.9.2
   Installed: qt5-qtbase-5.9.7-5.el7_9.s390x (@updates)
   qt5-qtbase(s390-64) = 5.9.7-5.el7_9
   Available: qt5-qtbase-5.9.7-4.el7.s390x (os)
   qt5-qtbase(s390-64) = 5.9.7-4.el7
Error: Package: qt5-qtwebkit-5.9.1-2.el7.s390x (epel)
   Requires: qt5-qtdeclarative(s390-64) = 5.9.2
   Installing: qt5-qtdeclarative-5.9.7-1.el7.s390x (os)
   qt5-qtdeclarative(s390-64) = 5.9.7-1.el7
Error: Package: qt5-qtwebkit-5.9.1-2.el7.s390x (epel)
   Requires: qt5-qtdeclarative(s390-64) = 5.9.2
   Available: qt5-qtdeclarative-5.9.7-1.el7.s390x (os)
   qt5-qtdeclarative(s390-64) = 5.9.7-1.el7
 You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem
 You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest

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Re: recoll install and missling libxslt.pc

2021-08-04 Thread Neale Ferguson
yum install epel-release-7-11
yum --enablerepo=epel install ...

Neale Ferguson

Guess I don't have the EPEL.  (How can I add it?)

Frank M. Ramaekers Jr.

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Re: recoll install and missling libxslt.pc

2021-08-02 Thread Neale Ferguson
libxslt-devel-1.1.28-5.el7.s390x.rpm has 


Neale Ferguson

On 8/2/21, 23:58, "Linux on 390 Port on behalf of Frank M. Ramaekers" 

I'm attempting to build recoll in ClefOS 7.9 but it is failing on the 
libxslt step:
checking for pkg-config... /bin/pkg-config
checking pkg-config is at least version 0.9.0... yes
checking for XSLT... no
configure: error: libxslt

Turns out that libxslt didn't install a libxslt.pc file in 

Now the author has the following in his /usr/lib64/pkgconfig/libxslt.pc 





Name: libxslt

Version: 1.1.34

Description: XSLT library version 2.

Requires: libxml-2.0

Cflags: -I${includedir}

Libs: -L${libdir} -lxslt -lxml2

Libs.private: -lm

fed32$ cat lib64/pkgconfig/libxml-2.0.pc prefix=/usr exec_prefix=/usr




Name: libXML

Version: 2.9.10

Description: libXML library version2.


Libs: -L${libdir} -lxml2

Libs.private:   -lz  -llzma   -lm

Cflags: -I${includedir}/libxml2

Think I can just use this?
Does anyone have this file (/usr/lib64/pkgconfig/libxslt.pc) on their 
ClefOS system?

Frank Ramaekers Jr. | Systems Senior Administrator | CIS Mainframe Services
Unisys | O-(512) 387-3949 | M-(254) 214-1820 |<>


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Re: recoll install and missling libxslt.pc

2021-08-02 Thread Neale Ferguson
It should be in the ClefOS 7 EPEL:


Neale Ferguson

On 8/3/21, 02:15, "Linux on 390 Port on behalf of Frank M. Ramaekers" 

Oh, well guess I'm out of luck!

# yum install qt5-qtwebkit-devel
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, langpacks
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
No package qt5-qtwebkit-devel available.
Error: Nothing to do

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Future meeting

2021-07-22 Thread Neale Ferguson
We've been doing some planning to get a post-COVID Hillgang meeting happening 
(Hillgang is the DC/VA/MD local user group for z/VM and Linux on z). 

Before we look at reserving space I have a simple survey to see what your 
meeting preference(s) are. Please go to 
and submit your preference.


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Re: z/Linux and VM RDR files

2021-05-20 Thread Neale Ferguson
If you use the fsiucv driver I wrote you can use it to field stuff from *MSG.

Neale Ferguson

On 5/21/21, 06:29, "Linux on 390 Port on behalf of Dave Jones" 

Rick, I can? Pray tell, how? If I was doing this on CMS I would just use
WAKEUP (or something like it) to run something when a RDR arrived.

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.NET on Linux on Z

2021-02-17 Thread Neale Ferguson
We're making progress with dotnet on Z. Lots of work still to be done but Uli 
Weigand has been making headway in leaps and bounds and the dotnet keepers have 
been superb in their support…

dotnetbld@aussie-3:~/HelloWorld$ ~/dotnet/dotnet new console
The template "Console Application" was created successfully.

Processing post-creation actions...
Running 'dotnet restore' on /home/dotnetbld/HelloWorld/HelloWorld.csproj...
  Determining projects to restore...
  Restored /home/dotnetbld/HelloWorld/HelloWorld.csproj (in 127 ms).
Restore succeeded.

dotnetbld@aussie-3:~/HelloWorld$ ls
HelloWorld.csproj  obj  Program.cs
dotnetbld@aussie-3:~/HelloWorld$ ~/dotnet/dotnet build
Microsoft (R) Build Engine version 16.10.0-dev-21117-01+f0eebf287 for .NET
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

  Determining projects to restore...
  All projects are up-to-date for restore.
  HelloWorld -> /home/dotnetbld/HelloWorld/bin/Debug/net5.0/HelloWorld.dll

Build succeeded.
0 Warning(s)
0 Error(s)

Time Elapsed 00:00:02.64
dotnetbld@aussie-3:~/HelloWorld$ ~/dotnet/dotnet run
Hello World!

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Re: Sharing dasd between linux

2021-02-08 Thread Neale Ferguson
Redhat has HAO.

 Original message 
From: Marcy Cortes 
Date: 2/9/21 10:26 (GMT+10:00)
Subject: Re: [LINUX-390] Sharing dasd between linux

You need software that provides a clustered file system.  Spectrum Scale is one 
such piece of SW.
SUSE has HAE as well.   Not sure what RH has.


-Original Message-
From: Linux on 390 Port  On Behalf Of Rinaldo Akio 
Sent: Monday, February 8, 2021 3:31 PM
Subject: [LINUX-390] Sharing dasd between linux

I read the page [
 ] , and I was unsure if that could work on linux (more specifically RHEL 8).

If I share disk between 4 RHEL guests as mentioned in the link, all of them 
could read/write without risk of integrity?


Rinaldo Akio Uehara


Superintendência de Produtos e Serviços-Centro de Dados

Diretoria de Operações

+55 (11)2173-3228

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Re: RHEL8 Installation Problem

2021-01-05 Thread Neale Ferguson
I increased the relative SHARE of the guest and was able to get to the point of 
package installation where it then crapped out. I am going to try again and 
note the crash output.

Neale Ferguson

On 1/6/21, 03:28, "Linux on 390 Port on behalf of Mark Post" 

Did you ever get this resolved?

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Re: RHEL8 Installation Problem

2020-12-23 Thread Neale Ferguson
Would someone share a working “GENERIC PRM” for RHEL 8? Please sanitize any 
sensitive information of course.


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RHEL8 Installation Problem

2020-12-21 Thread Neale Ferguson
When installing RHEL8 on my z/VM 7.1 system I get to the part where I am asked 
to ssh inst...@xx.xx.xx.xx where it then hangs 

anaconda for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.2 started.

* installation log files are stored in /tmp during the installation

* shell is available in second TMUX pane (ctrl+b, then press 2)

* when reporting a bug add logs from /tmp as separate text/plain attachments

After several minutes the next message appears:

04:05:19 Anaconda DBus modules failed to start on time.

Syslog shows that during this time…

04:05:29,355 INFO systemd:anaconda-shell@hvc1.service: Service has no hold-off 
time (RestartSec=0), scheduling restart.

04:05:29,365 INFO systemd:anaconda-shell@hvc1.service: Scheduled restart job, 
restart counter is at 90.

04:05:29,381 INFO systemd:Stopped Shell on hvc1.

04:05:29,424 INFO systemd:Started Shell on hvc1.

04:05:31,889 INFO dbus-daemon:Reloaded configuration

04:05:39,620 NOTICE kernel:audit: type=1131 audit(1608609939.607:315): pid=1 
uid=0 auid=4294967295 ses=4294967295 subj=system_u:system_r:kernel_t:s0 
msg='unit=anaconda-shell@hvc1 comm="systemd" exe="/usr/lib/systemd/systemd" 
hostname=? addr=? terminal=? res=success'

04:05:39,644 INFO systemd:anaconda-shell@hvc1.service: Service has no hold-off 
time (RestartSec=0), scheduling restart.

04:05:39,657 INFO systemd:anaconda-shell@hvc1.service: Scheduled restart job, 
restart counter is at 91.

04:05:39,677 INFO systemd:Stopped Shell on hvc1.

04:05:39,680 NOTICE kernel:audit: type=1130 audit(1608609939.667:316): pid=1 
uid=0 auid=4294967295 ses=4294967295 subj=system_u:system_r:kernel_t:s0 
msg='unit=anaconda-shell@hvc1 comm="systemd" exe="/usr/lib/systemd/systemd" 
hostname=? addr=? terminal=? res=success'

04:05:39,681 NOTICE kernel:audit: type=1131 audit(1608609939.667:317): pid=1 
uid=0 auid=4294967295 ses=4294967295 subj=system_u:system_r:kernel_t:s0 
msg='unit=anaconda-shell@hvc1 comm="systemd" exe="/usr/lib/systemd/systemd" 
hostname=? addr=? terminal=? res=success'

04:05:39,732 INFO systemd:Started Shell on hvc1.



I am not sure what it’s complaining about or expecting.


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Re: SLES 15 SP2 kernel issue with random number generator (crng)

2020-12-15 Thread Neale Ferguson
What happens in you install rng-tools and start the service (assuming this is a 
package available on SLES15)?


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.NET runtime

2020-10-30 Thread Neale Ferguson
Still a lot of work to be done but this is .NET runtime running on s390x.

$ ~/dotnet/dotnet HelloWorld.dll
Hello World!

This is built from the Microsoft github dotnet/runtime with a handful of 
build-related patches.

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Re: We are expecting...

2020-10-15 Thread Neale Ferguson
ClefOS 7.x is running on a z15 that I'm using to build ClefOS.

Neale Ferguson

On 10/16/20, 00:34, "Linux on 390 Port on behalf of Frank M. Ramaekers" 

...a z15 and we currently are running on a zBC12.  So, I can I be sure that 
my ClefOS will run just fine on my new machine (both have IFLs).

cat /etc/redhat-release
CentOS Linux release 7.8.2003 (AltArch)

uname -a
Linux 3.10.0-1127.18.2.el7.s390x #1 SMP Thu Jul 30 08:10:15 
EDT 2020 s390x s390x s390x GNU/Linux

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Re: Installing RedHat 7.5 on z/VM 7.1

2020-10-03 Thread Neale Ferguson
I have the DVD mounted on a LinTel box and configured for NFS:

ramdisk_size=131072 cio_ignore=all,!condev


Neale Ferguson

On 10/3/20, 02:17, "Linux on 390 Port on behalf of Feller, Paul" 

It has been sometime between RedHat installs.  The person who is doing the 
install has the following question for the group.

If anybody has done an install of RedHat 7.5 on z/VM, and if they would 
like to share the PRM and CMSCONFFILE file they used?


Paul Feller
GTS Mainframe Technical Support

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New additions to EPEL7

2020-09-19 Thread Neale Ferguson
The following packages added to the ClefOS EPEL may be of interest:

  *   Rust 1.46
  *   github-client 1.0.0 -
  *   node 12.18.4
  *   node 14.11.0


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Article on 20 years of Linux in z

2020-09-17 Thread Neale Ferguson
A good interview with Boas Betzler and I go Adlung. I especially like the 
dedication at the end of the article.

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Re: qclib and smc-tools

2020-09-16 Thread Neale Ferguson
They were announced by the lab on Monday (qclib) and today (smc-tools). I 
included the url in the rpm so you should be able to do an rpm -q --info -p 
. The EPEL repo also has the source rpm.

 Original message 

Hey Neale!

Can you point to where the sources are for this? I had only found, but that resource
doesn't list these newer versions.

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qclib and smc-tools

2020-09-16 Thread Neale Ferguson
RPMs for qclib-2.2.0 and smc-tools-1.3.1 are now or will shortly be in the 
ClefOS 7 EPEL:


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Re: IUCV 2WAY missing from AF_IUCV in zLinux?

2020-08-18 Thread Neale Ferguson
I wrote a character device driver that allows you to use 
open/close/ioctl/read/write semantics to do IUCV communications. There are a 
couple of source RPMs at Use the -3 
series. Note, they are tied to a kernel level so the spec file would need 

Neale Ferguson

On 8/19/20, 01:32, "Linux on 390 Port on behalf of Christian Svensson" 

Thanks Ursula,

I wasn't clear if this was a call for me to justify what I am trying
to do, but I thought
I might mention it.

> Probably not: Either there is a good idea why to include message_send2way 
the standard socket interface AF_IUCV,

My use-case is that I want userspace in zLinux to call other other VMs
over IUCV.
I would prefer to use a standardized interface to this as much as
possible as that
would mean I can release general purpose libraries to do IUCV operations in 

E.g. in my case I have already contributed support for opening and 
connecting to
IUCV sockets in Go. That is now part of the official Go libraries. The
next step I
want to do is to be able to do is 2WAY SEND, again preferably in a way
that allows
me to craft libraries that other developers can use on a zLinux with a
new enough

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Re: vmrelocate and quiescence time

2020-08-18 Thread Neale Ferguson
Could you take advantage of the guard page hardware facility of the z15 that 
the pause-less Java garbage collector uses?

 Original message 

z/VM doesn't have a short cut to determine that no pages have changed. So
for a guest over 100GB, it has to examine over 26 million things multiple
times. Validating the I/O is drained is another aspect, but my guess is the
traversing of the DAT structures is the biggest factor.

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Re: IUCV 2WAY missing from AF_IUCV in zLinux?

2020-08-17 Thread Neale Ferguson
What type of service are you calling?

Neale Ferguson

On 8/18/20, 02:57, "Linux on 390 Port on behalf of Christian Svensson" 

[+linux-390 mailing list]

On Mon, Aug 17, 2020 at 6:55 PM Christian Svensson  wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to call TCPIP service using IUCV.
> I found AF_IUCV which seemed to do what I want, but reading
> more into it it looks like AF_IUCV only ever implemented one-way
> SEND operations.

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Re: VM system name

2020-08-04 Thread Neale Ferguson
What about a JSON output option?

 Original message 
From: "van Sleeuwen, Berry" 
Date: 8/4/20 18:04 (GMT+10:00)
Subject: Re: [LINUX-390] VM system name

I think the underscore would be required. If the output is processed by some 
script it's easier to select the word. If the underscore is omitted then word 5 
for instance is not always the number of IFLs.

Met vriendelijke groet/With kind regards/Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Berry van Sleeuwen
Flight Forum 3000 5657 EW Eindhoven

-Original Message-
From: Linux on 390 Port  On Behalf Of Timothy Sipples
Sent: Tuesday, 4 August 2020 07:57
Subject: Re: VM system name

Caution! External email. Do not open attachments or click links, unless this 
email comes from a known sender and you know the content is safe.

Would this readout make better sense?

$ zhypinfo
  NoLayer   TypeName IFL CP
  2.2   z/VM_Guest  guest   myguest2  0
  2.1   z/VM_Resource_Pool  poolpooltest   3  0
  2.0   z/VMhypervisor  myzvm  8  0
  1 partition   guest   S38LP43   10  0
  0 machine hostS38   34 10

Then you wouldn't need two columns of numbers. The levels are simply embedded 
in the sequence numbers. Counting would be consistent with the -l and -L 
outputs, of course. Omitting the second column of numbers also frees up more 
space for the text or even another column.

Are the underscores necessary? Maybe "z/VM guest" instead? (Or are they for 
parsing?) Or maybe you don't even need the "guest"/"resource pool"
additions in the Layer column when you've already got a Type column and 
decimalized sequence numbers. And would it make sense to print the hypervisor 
release level in the Layer column, e.g. "z/VM 7.2"?

I don't like unnecessary jargon, so I highly prefer "partition" and "machine." 
I thought about "physical," but sometimes the machine/CEC/CPC isn't physical 
(zPDT, QEMU). Or use "base" if you prefer. But, honestly, we really don't need 
58 questions per month about what a CEC is, which seems inevitable, doesn't it? 
So let's avoid that. And how about a little more insight in the Type column for 
partition and machine?

What happens with SMT2 v. SMT1 in this readout? (Should something happen?)

Putting these suggestions all together except for the SMT2 one, plus some 
others, here's what you might end up with:

$ zhypinfo
  # Layer Type  NameIFLsCPs
  2.2   Linux 4.18guest myguest2  0
  2.1   z/VM 7.2  pool  pooltest   3  0
  2.0   z/VM 7.2  hypervisormyzvm  8  0
  1 partition z/VM  S38LP43   10  0
  0 machine   z14   S38   34 10

I like "#" a little better as a column label (or maybe "Seq."), and I've 
pluralized IFL and CP.

"Fun" question: what should a z/OS Container Extensions readout look like?

If the machine is reporting back something beyond the known model generations, 
then you could print ">z15" or "z15+" or "z16?" until zhypinfo is updated. When 
zhypinfo is updated you then insert the model generation without the question 
mark and update the question mark to be "z17?" (for example). Loop, repeat.

- - - - - - - - - -
Timothy Sipples
I.T. Architect Executive
Digital Asset & Other Industry Solutions IBM Z & LinuxONE
- - - - - - - - - -

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exclusively apply. The Terms of 

Re: ClefOS Software Collection

2020-07-20 Thread Neale Ferguson
Use the --nogpgcheck option on yum while I refresh the public repo.

Neale Ferguson

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Re: CLEFOS 7.8 question....

2020-07-17 Thread Neale Ferguson
Https:// (or maybe without the images - 
it's 1.30am here and I'm a little tired).

 Original message 
From: Dave Jones 
Date: 7/18/20 01:25 (GMT+10:00)
Subject: [LINUX-390] CLEFOS 7.8 question

HI, all.
I am attempting to install Clefos 7.8 here via the network. What's the
URL of the "installation source"?
Thanks and stay safe.

703.237.7370 (Office) | 281.578.7544 (CELL)


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Re: ClefOS Software Collection

2020-07-17 Thread Neale Ferguson
Hmmm, it looks like Firefox was built with the libz in the EPEL. you may want 
to try --enablerepo=epel on the yum install command. I'll check in my a.m. that 
libz gets put in the right place. I built it as it has the z15 compression 

 Original message 
From: "Frank M. Ramaekers" 
Date: 7/18/20 00:43 (GMT+10:00)
Subject: Re: [LINUX-390] ClefOS Software Collection

Started getting:

Failed to check for updates with the following error message:
Failed to build transaction: firefox-68.10.0-1.el7.centos.s390x requires

Frank M. Ramaekers Jr.

-Original Message-
From: Linux on 390 Port [mailto:LINUX-390@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf Of Neale 
Sent: Wednesday, July 15, 2020 11:45 PM
Subject: ClefOS Software Collection

We’ve been building the CentOS software collection for 7.7.1908 and 7.8.2003. 
Here’s an overview of some of the package groups. In many instances multiple 
releases of them exist. They are all available from;!!GePVz-XrgrDUrw!_w9dDNzNXmitCijio_WTy7osRYQ0Wj86XjQwv8q7aRf3LeQRnu6ErL9AR3NvtOkT$
 . Note rh-perl530 and rh-python38 should be visible in the next day or so.

A release of DevAssistant, a tool designed to assist developers with creating 
and setting up basic projects in various programming languages, installing 
dependencies, setting up a development environment, and working with source 
control. DevAssistant supports the C, C++, Java, and Python programming 
languages but it is able to support working with any other language, framework, 
or tool due to its modular architecture.

Developer Toolset is designed for developers working on CentOS or Red Hat 
Enterprise Linux platform. It provides current versions of the GNU Compiler 
Collection, GNU Debugger, and other development, debugging, and performance 
monitoring tools.

Go Toolset is designed for developers on the CentOS or Red Hat Enterprise Linux 
platform. It provides the Go programming language tools and libraries. Go is 
alternatively known as golang.

A release of the Apache HTTP Server (httpd), including a high performance 
event-based processing model, enhanced SSL module and FastCGI support. The 
modauthkerb module is also included.

Clang and LLVM Toolset is designed for developers on the CentOS and Red Hat 
Enterprise Linux platform. It provides the LLVM compiler infrastructure 
framework, the Clang compiler for the C and C++ languages, the LLDB debugger, 
and related tools for code analysis.

Clang and LLVM Toolset is designed for developers on the CentOS and Red Hat 
Enterprise Linux platform. It provides the LLVM compiler infrastructure 
framework, the Clang compiler for the C and C++ languages, the LLDB debugger, 
and related tools for code analysis.

A release of the Eclipse integrated development environment that is based on 
the Eclipse Foundation's Neon release train. Eclipse was previously available 
as a Red Hat Developer Toolset component. This Software Collection depends on 
the rh-java-common component.

A release of Git 2.9, a distributed revision control system with a 
decentralized architecture. As opposed to centralized version control systems 
with a client-server model, Git ensures that each working copy of a Git 
repository is its exact copy with complete revision history.

HAProxy is a TCP/HTTP reverse proxy which is particularly suited for high 
availability environments. Indeed, it can:
- route HTTP requests depending on statically assigned cookies
- spread load among several servers while assuring server persistence through 
the use of HTTP cookies
- switch to backup servers in the event a main one fails
- accept connections to special ports dedicated to service monitoring
- stop accepting connections without breaking existing ones
- add, modify, and delete HTTP headers in both directions
- block requests matching particular patterns
- report detailed status to authenticated users from a URI intercepted from the 

A recent stable release of MariaDB 10.3. This Software Collection gives users 
of CentOS and RHEL an alternative to MySQL, which is binary compatible with 
MariaDB in most practical cases and can be replaced with it.

A release of Maven, a software project management and comprehension tool used 
primarily for Java projects.

A release of MongoDB 3.6, a cross-platform document-oriented database system 
classified as a NoSQL database.

A release of MySQL, which provides a number of new features and enhancements, 
including improved performance.

1.16 release of nginx, a web and proxy server with a focus on high concurrency, 
performance and low memory usage.

A release of 

ClefOS Software Collection

2020-07-15 Thread Neale Ferguson
We’ve been building the CentOS software collection for 7.7.1908 and 7.8.2003. 
Here’s an overview of some of the package groups. In many instances multiple 
releases of them exist. They are all available from Note rh-perl530 and rh-python38 
should be visible in the next day or so.

A release of DevAssistant, a tool designed to assist developers with creating 
and setting up basic projects in various programming languages, installing 
dependencies, setting up a development environment, and working with source 
control. DevAssistant supports the C, C++, Java, and Python programming 
languages but it is able to support working with any other language, framework, 
or tool due to its modular architecture.

Developer Toolset is designed for developers working on CentOS or Red Hat 
Enterprise Linux platform. It provides current versions of the GNU Compiler 
Collection, GNU Debugger, and other development, debugging, and performance 
monitoring tools.

Go Toolset is designed for developers on the CentOS or Red Hat Enterprise Linux 
platform. It provides the Go programming language tools and libraries. Go is 
alternatively known as golang.

A release of the Apache HTTP Server (httpd), including a high performance 
event-based processing model, enhanced SSL module and FastCGI support. The 
modauthkerb module is also included.

Clang and LLVM Toolset is designed for developers on the CentOS and Red Hat 
Enterprise Linux platform. It provides the LLVM compiler infrastructure 
framework, the Clang compiler for the C and C++ languages, the LLDB debugger, 
and related tools for code analysis.

Clang and LLVM Toolset is designed for developers on the CentOS and Red Hat 
Enterprise Linux platform. It provides the LLVM compiler infrastructure 
framework, the Clang compiler for the C and C++ languages, the LLDB debugger, 
and related tools for code analysis.

A release of the Eclipse integrated development environment that is based on 
the Eclipse Foundation's Neon release train. Eclipse was previously available 
as a Red Hat Developer Toolset component. This Software Collection depends on 
the rh-java-common component.

A release of Git 2.9, a distributed revision control system with a 
decentralized architecture. As opposed to centralized version control systems 
with a client-server model, Git ensures that each working copy of a Git 
repository is its exact copy with complete revision history.

HAProxy is a TCP/HTTP reverse proxy which is particularly suited for high 
availability environments. Indeed, it can:
- route HTTP requests depending on statically assigned cookies
- spread load among several servers while assuring server persistence through 
the use of HTTP cookies
- switch to backup servers in the event a main one fails
- accept connections to special ports dedicated to service monitoring
- stop accepting connections without breaking existing ones
- add, modify, and delete HTTP headers in both directions
- block requests matching particular patterns
- report detailed status to authenticated users from a URI intercepted from the 

A recent stable release of MariaDB 10.3. This Software Collection gives users 
of CentOS and RHEL an alternative to MySQL, which is binary compatible with 
MariaDB in most practical cases and can be replaced with it.

A release of Maven, a software project management and comprehension tool used 
primarily for Java projects.

A release of MongoDB 3.6, a cross-platform document-oriented database system 
classified as a NoSQL database.

A release of MySQL, which provides a number of new features and enhancements, 
including improved performance.

1.16 release of nginx, a web and proxy server with a focus on high concurrency, 
performance and low memory usage.

A release of Node.js 10 with npm. This Software Collection gives users of RHEL 
and CentOS access to Node.js programming platform.

A release of Node.js 12 with npm. This Software Collection gives users of RHEL 
and CentOS access to Node.js programming platform.

A release of Node.js 6 with npm. This Software Collection gives users of RHEL 
and CentOS access to Node.js programming platform.

A release of Node.js 8 with npm. This Software Collection gives users of RHEL 
and CentOS access to Node.js programming platform.

A release of Perl, a high-level programming language that is commonly used for 
system administration utilities and web programming. The rh-perl530 Software 
Collection provides additional utilities, scripts, and database connectors for 
MySQL and PostgreSQL. It includes the DateTime Perl module and the mod_perl 
Apache httpd module, which is supported only with the httpd24 Software 
Collection. Additionally, it provides the cpanm 

Re: Free Mainframe Stuff 2020: Reply Here with Nominations

2020-07-08 Thread Neale Ferguson
Our CentOS Clone ClefOS that includes the software collection, cloud, paas, 
virtualization, storage components:

EPEL7 + extras -

REXX 3270 Driver - 


SES Enabled z/VM Tools -



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Re: zLINUX and z/VSE

2020-06-25 Thread Neale Ferguson
Here's an example of a PoC hooking z/OS to a CMIS (Alfresco) running on Linux 
using NJE. There's nothing z/OS specific so the principles would apply to 


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2020-06-24 Thread Neale Ferguson
Where is the %scl_package (used in the Software Collection) defined?

Neale Ferguson

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Errors building kernel

2020-06-21 Thread Neale Ferguson
I am attempting to build kernel-4.18.0-193 and I’m getting:

make 'HOSTCFLAGS=-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security 
-fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches 
-specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m64 -march=z13 -mtune=z14 
-fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection' 
'HOSTLDFLAGS=-Wl,-z,relro  -Wl,-z,now 
-specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld' -s ARCH=s390 V=1 -j2 KCFLAGS= 
WITH_GCOV=0 bzImage
In file included from ./include/linux/irqflags.h:16,
  from ./include/linux/rcupdate.h:39,
  from ./include/linux/rculist.h:11,
  from ./include/linux/pid.h:5,
  from ./include/linux/sched.h:14,
  from ./include/linux/uaccess.h:5,
  from arch/s390/mm/maccess.c:11:
./arch/s390/include/asm/irqflags.h:35:28: error: inlining failed in call to 
always_inline '__arch_local_irq_ssm': function attribute mismatch
static inline notrace void __arch_local_irq_ssm(unsigned long flags)
arch/s390/mm/maccess.c:113:2: note: called from here

This is using gcc-8.2.1. I can’t see anything obvious.


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Re: Docker image query

2020-06-16 Thread Neale Ferguson
By default storage is ephemeral. You start a docker container, do work, shut it 
down and the work is lost. You use either the docker run --mount or --volume 
options to map host storage to where the container needs persistent storage. 
These days you'd be running some orchestration tool like OpenShift, Kubernetes, 
or docker-swarm where you would configure a service with information such as 
persistent storage, networking, replications, etc. and let it take care of 

Neale Ferguson

On 6/16/20, 16:59, "Linux on 390 Port on behalf of Peter" 


When we pull a docker image of oracle on zlinux. How does this allocate on
the given LUNS or storage ? Can I customise a existing docker image ?


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Re: z15 on-board compression

2020-06-09 Thread Neale Ferguson
Also, take a look at my post from last week. I used /dev/urandom as the "real" 
test case and /dev/zero as "best case". 

Neale Ferguson

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Re: Apache Spark

2020-06-07 Thread Neale Ferguson
I usually cheat and get the binaries in tarball form from${spark_ver} - that's how I 
build my docker images. 

Dealing with maven is a case of going down rabbit holes. Dependencies beget 
dependencies. If you need later versions of maven (e.g. 3.5) then the ClefOS 
EPEL 7 repo has the rh-maven35 series. I don't know who invented maven and POM 
files but they never intended them for humans to use. I often resort to running 
with -X to see what's happening and even then it's not helpful.

Neale Ferguson

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Re: Notable ClefOS EPEL Additions

2020-05-30 Thread Neale Ferguson
As a quick example of the effect of hardware compression I created a 728M file 
filled with random data from /dev/urandom:

Without hardware assist:

# time gzip -c -1 /tmp/ >/tmp/gzip.out.gz

real  0m35.471s
user  0m25.735s
sys   0m0.846s

With hardware assist:

time ./gzip -c -1 /tmp/ >/tmp/gzip.out.gz

real  0m9.727s
user  0m0.113s
sys   0m0.749s

Same test this time on 782M of all zeroes:

Without hardware assist:

# time gzip -c -1 /tmp/ >/tmp/gzip.out.gz

real  0m3.814s
user  0m3.600s
sys   0m0.208s

With hardware assist:

# time ./gzip -c -1 /tmp/ >/tmp/gzip.out.gz

real  0m0.389s
user  0m0.061s
sys   0m0.328s

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Notable ClefOS EPEL Additions

2020-05-30 Thread Neale Ferguson
Among the recent additions to EPEL this week include these:


Note, gzip and zlib have support for the z15 compression hardware assist 


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Re: Installing Red Hat (RHEL) 7.6 on z/VM 6.4

2020-05-29 Thread Neale Ferguson
ramdisk_size=131072 cio_ignore=all,!condev

The last line points to a config file that has network details etc. that save 
me from answering the prompts that would otherwise appear.

On 5/28/20, 23:21, "Linux on 390 Port on behalf of David Spiegel" 

To be sure, does your GENERIC PRM D File contain?:
ro ramdisk_size=4 cio_ignore=all,!condev


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Re: Installing Red Hat (RHEL) 7.6 on z/VM 6.4

2020-05-27 Thread Neale Ferguson
No, these just get the boot going. From that point on the installer needs to 
find the installation materials. The parms I showed are what I use to install 
RHEL in a VM guest. The initrd only holds enough code to get a working system 
up that the anaconda installer can exploit. Once the basic installer is ready 
it needs to find the 7.6 distribution materials to run the installation and 
where the packages live. Note the INITRD while large is not big enough for 
every RPM in the distribution. So what that extra line tells the installer is 
where it can find the things it needs to do setup a working system (e.g, it 
looks for install.img on the ISO image in the images directory).

Neale Ferguson

On 5/28/20, 13:34, "Linux on 390 Port on behalf of David Spiegel" 

Hi Neale,
Under z/VM , the rules are different.

I FTPd 3 files from the ISO and PUNched them to the Virtual Reader by 
running the supplied REDHAT EXEC:
/* */
'I 00C'


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