Linux-Misc Digest #271

2001-03-02 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #271, Volume #27Fri, 2 Mar 01 20:13:02 EST

  Re: Shutdown Linux without a keyboard (Matt Haley)
  Re: "phone dialer" type program ? (Edmond Song)
  how to auto start a console app ("Michael Makuch")
  Re: Several mingetty always running (Bill Unruh)
  Re: purpose of port 53 "domain port" (Juergen Heinzl)
  Re: Athlon ("Mathias Rodenstein")
  Re: strange behavior of "su" with KDE2.1 ("Mathias Rodenstein")
  Re: Linux is always slow th enext morning, a cry for help! (Manfred Bartz)
  Re: Disabling screen overwriting after exiting vi ("Harlan Grove")
  Redhat 7.0 Doom Installation Problem (Salmaan Shikari)
  Re: Disabling screen overwriting after exiting vi (Thomas Dickey)
  Re: Installing windows 2000 ("green")
  Re: Best html editor in Linux? (Yvan Loranger)
  Re: Redhat 7.0 Doom Installation Problem ("green")
  Re: toshiba laptop shuts off! ("retrogrouch")
  reading .doc files? (root)
  Re: reading .doc files? (Bob Tennent)
  Re: Errors on booting during partition check ("lenny")
  Re: Strange 2.4.2 boot error ("D. Stimits")
  arpwatch -> reboot (Daniel Suen)
  RedHat-6.2 + kernel-2.4.0+ printer problem.. (Ish Rattan)
  slrnpull problem ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  slrnpull problem ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  slrnpull problem ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Matt Haley)
Subject: Re: Shutdown Linux without a keyboard
Date: Fri, 2 Mar 2001 15:17:49 -0700

On Fri, 02 Mar 2001 23:28:08 +0100,
 Marius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I have S.u.S.E. Linux installed on a slow machine which I am using as a 
>router. I do not need a screen for it but before I switch off power, I 
>have to let it shut down of course.

Setup ssh on the router and then you can login to it remotely, su to root

shutdown -h +1 & # Wait 1 minute and put in bkgnd so we can disconnect

then logout.

Mandrake 7.2 / RedHat 6.1 / Windows 98 SE / FreeBSD 4.2 / Windows NT 4


From: Edmond Song <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: "phone dialer" type program ?
Date: Fri, 02 Mar 2001 17:18:55 -0600

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Will minicom do?

Robert wrote:

> Hi,
> Does anyone know of a program similar to the windows "phone dialer" program
> , for Linux.  I'm not speaking of pppd or any similar internet dialup
> program, but a program that lets you make normal telephone calls through
> your modem using a GUI.  Phone logging, click on number in the log to
> dial... that sort of thing.
> Thanks,
> Robert

|   |  Yucheng Song (ËÎÓñ³É)   |
| _/_/_/_/   _/  _/   _/_/_/_/  |  Dept. of Atmospheric Sciences   |
|_/ _/  _/   _/ |  University of Illinois  |
|   _/_/_/_/   _/_/_/   _/  |  105 S. Gregory Street   |
|_/   _/   _/   |  Urbana, IL 61801|
| _/_/_/_/   _/_/_/   _/_/_/_/  |  Ph : (217)-244-6036(O),355-7832(H)  |
|   |  Fax: (217)-244-4393(O),355-7832(H)  |

Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Will minicom do?
Robert wrote:
Does anyone know of a program similar to the windows "phone dialer"
, for Linux.  I'm not speaking of pppd or any similar internet
program, but a program that lets you make normal telephone calls through
your modem using a GUI.  Phone logging, click on number in the
log to
dial... that sort of thing.

| |  Yucheng Song 
| |
| _/_/_/_/   _/  _/   _/_/_/_/  
||  Dept. of Atmospheric Sciences   |
|    _/ _/  
|_/   _/ |  University 
| |
|   _/_/_/_/   _/_/_/   
|_/  |  105 S. Gregory 
| |
|    _/   
|_/   _/   |  
|Urbana, IL 
| |
| _/_/_/_/   _/_/_/   _/_/_/_/  
||  Ph : (217)-244-6036(O),355-7832(H)  |
| |  Fax: (217)-244-4393(O),355-7832(H)  |



From: "Michael Makuch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Linux-Misc Digest #271

2000-11-09 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #271, Volume #26Thu, 9 Nov 00 06:13:04 EST

  Re: changing shells (Jeff Howie)
  Re: Can't get "ln -sf" to work ("David ..")
  ssh problems (Matthew L Creech)
  Re: Reformating (dan)
  Re: Software RAID ("Giampaolo Tomassoni")
  Installing an FTP Server (Bob Hutzel)
  Re: is linux good for graphic design? (CDM)
  Re: Linux/UNIX=Windows (Peter)
  FREEWARE - Unix shell scripts (Richard Anderson)
  Re: Installing an FTP Server (Robert Kiesling)
  Re: linux print servers (NAVARRO LOPEZ, =?iso-8859-1?Q?Jes=FAs?= Manuel)
  Leer 'exit' desde el shell ("Angel")
  Re: multithreads + multiprocessors (Raymond Doetjes)
  Re: RH7.0 'ls' bug? (Raymond Doetjes)
  Re: How do you fix a reboot + fsck problem? (Raymond Doetjes)
  Re: Problems with tcpdump and 100BaseT (Raymond Doetjes)
  Re: HELP!! Partition Magic Error 105. PartitionInfo inside: Please look!! (Arnaud 
  Re: Named started? ("gonZo")
  Re: Mandrake install problems (Eric)
  Change of disk - server. (Ezio PAGLIA)

From: Jeff Howie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: changing shells
Date: Wed, 8 Nov 2000 22:39:36 -0600
Reply-To: Jeff Howie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

On Mon, Nov 06, 2000 at 06:29:42PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> How do I change my shell from Bash to TCshell as the default?

$ cat /etc/shells

To find what shells are available, then

$ chsh
New shell [/bin/bash]: /bin/tcshell
Shell changed.


$ man chsh

For more info.

 Sent via
 Before you buy.


From: "David .." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Can't get "ln -sf" to work
Date: Thu, 09 Nov 2000 00:02:45 -0600

Timur Tabi wrote:
> Could someone explain this to me please:
> [root@one src]# ll
> total 16
> lrwxrwxrwx1 ttabittabi  17 Nov  8 11:22 linux ->
> linux-2.4.0-test2
> drwxr-xr-x   18 root root 4096 Oct 30 17:52 linux-2.2.14
> drwxr-xr-x   14 1046 101  4096 Nov  8 12:13
> linux-2.4.0-test2
> drwxr-xr-x   14 ttabittabi4096 Nov  8 11:21
> linux-2.4.0-test9
> drwxr-xr-x7 root root 4096 Jun 12 18:07 redhat
> [root@one src]# ln -s -f linux-2.2.14 --target-directory=linux
> ln: linux/.: cannot overwrite directory
> [root@one src]#
> I specified the -f flag, so why doesn't it delete the target and force
> the link?

I think it is more like:

 ln -sf linux-2.2.14 linux
Where linux would be target directory

Or you could also do it like this:

 [root@one src]# ln -sf /usr/src/linux-2.2.14 linux

Confucius say: He who play in root, eventually kill tree.
Registered with the Linux Counter.
ID # 123538
Completed more work units than: 98.795% of seti users +/- 0.01%.


From: Matthew L Creech <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ssh problems
Date: Thu, 09 Nov 2000 03:25:39 -0500

When I try to SSH into my own box, I get this error message:

#ssh blah@blah
blah@blah's password:
usage: login [-p] [name]
   login [-p] [-h host] [-f name]
   login [-p] -r host
Connection to closed.

Anybody know what this is about?  It worked fine before, but I've just
spent the day changing file permissions and stuff trying to make my
system more secure.  It apparently works fine as far as SSH goes (if I
type 'ssh blah@blah somecommand' it executes somecommand and spits out
the results fine), but I don't know why it's not giving me an
interactive shell.  Any help would be much appreciated.

Matthew L. Creech


Date: Thu, 09 Nov 2000 03:15:33 -0500
Subject: Re: Reformating


One of the best thing, that will ganrantee a clean and fresh harddrive is to
find out what company makes the hard drive and then go to their website and
see if they have a utility that writes all "0" to the harddrive, this will
make the harddrive appear as if it was "new" and never had been used.  Then
you shouldn't have any problem installing win98.


Cindy wrote:

> I hope I can make this sound right...My grandson tried to put Linux on his
> computer which already had Win 98 and when he tried to boot it up the
> screen says something about invalid partition...I have tried to
> reformat the harddrive and it will let me but won't let me put win98 back
> on. How do I get rid of this invalid partition thing and get the harddrive
> back to  1 drive.
> --
> Posted via CNET


Linux-Misc Digest #271

2000-07-29 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #271, Volume #25   Sat, 29 Jul 00 15:13:02 EDT

  Newbie Question: Redirection to a File (Cedric Silvester)
  Re: what to demo during a linux talk ("Arthur H. Gold")
  Re: MP3's skip : How I solved it (Bob Hauck)
  Re: what to demo during a linux talk (Andrew Purugganan)
  PCMCIA Network Card and kernel 2.4 ("Thomas Garsiot")
  mail server routing info ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: MP3's skip : How I solved it (Christopher Browne)
  Re: non-English letters in xterm (Stefano Ghirlanda)
  Re: reinstalling LILO---doesn't work over Win2K??? (Bill Unruh)
  Re: Newbie Question: Redirection to a File (Dances With Crows)
  Re: Database powered websites on Linux (Dances With Crows)
  Re: I don't have the "MAKE" command (Nelson and Satasha Williams)
  Re: NFS Problem (Dances With Crows)
  Re: FWD: Red Hat's CFO abandoning ship. (blowfish)
  Re: Conectiva Linux (Frank Arnold)
  Re: Helix upgade trashed Sawfish (sandrews)
  Re: Linux on Mac LC III possible? (Richard Petty)
  simple question (shawn)

From: Cedric Silvester <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Newbie Question: Redirection to a File
Date: Sat, 29 Jul 2000 11:24:21 -0400

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
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I have what is likely to be a very simple problem to the *nix gurus
here, but I can't figure it out.

I am using Redhat 6.0 as a firewall/NAT for a medium sized network. 
Right now DNS lookups are done by using my ISPs DNSes; I'm not running
DNS on the firewall box.  To keep an eye on the DNS traffic, I do this
(at a bash prompt):

tcpdump -t -i ppp0 | grep "A?"

This results in the following (IPs obviously faked here) scrolling up my
screen: > 1+ A? (36) > 1+ A? (35)

This is fine, but I'd like to log these.  So I try:

tcpdump -t -i ppp0 | grep "A?" > /var/log/dns.lookups

figuring the output of 'grep' will be put into the specified file.  But
nothing is ever put in the file.

I've also tried adding an "&" at the end to put this in the background:

tcpdump -t -i ppp0 | grep "A?" > /var/log/dns.lookups &

It goes into the background, but again, nothing is ever logged.

Obviously I'm missing something simply with how redirection works in
Linux.  I thought it was more or less like MS-DOS (actually, I _know_
redirection works much better in Linux).

Any help would be appreciated.

Cedric SilvesterQuickmill Inc
Programmer  760 Rye St.
PETERBOROUGH, ONT.  705-745-2961 x230
K9J 6W9 705-745-8130 (Fax)
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tel;work:705-745-2961 x230
org:Quickmill Inc;Engineering
adr:;;760 Rye St.;Peterborough;Ontario;K9J 6W9;Canada
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
fn:Cedric Silvester



Date: Sat, 29 Jul 2000 10:38:36 -0500
From: "Arthur H. Gold" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: what to demo during a linux talk

> Hi all,
> I am going to have a talk on Linux. The audience will be
> the managers of some businesses in Macau. There will be
> a live demo on Linux. I was wondering what kind of stuff
> should I demonstrate? The Linux box will not be connected
> to a network.
> Thanks for any idea!
> Sent via
> Before you buy.
Create a little toy program that's a _really bad actor_...let it
run...and watch it _not_ force you to reboot.
Artie Gold, Austin, TX  (finger the account for more info)
"I'd sooner fly another combat mission than ride the Cyclone again" --
Joseph Heller


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bob Hauck)
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.mandrake
Subject: Re: MP3's skip : How I solved it
Reply-To: bobh{at}haucks{dot}org
Date: Sat, 29 Jul 2000 15:43:41 GMT

On Fri, 28 Jul 2000 23:19:08 -0400, Gordon Gilbert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Backup?  Buy me a big enough tape drive and I&#x

Linux-Misc Digest #271

2000-04-25 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #271, Volume #24   Tue, 25 Apr 00 13:13:05 EDT

  Re: About Linux booting? ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Re: Linux PSX software? (Matthew Haley)
  Re: Can I securely disable password screen (xdm)? (pelzi)
  Re: HOT HD (Edward Lee)
  Re: Firewall with pppoe?? (Randall Lee Mackie)
  Re: New machine advice (brian moore)
  3D support in Linux (Sandhitsu R Das)
  Re: About Linux booting? ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Dual boot Windoze & Linux (Mat Capel)
  afterstep (Andrew Wong)
  Re: About Linux booting? (Johan Kullstam)
  Re: Files just stops downloading at random (The Neuromancer)
  adding swap space (Pirooz Javan)
  Re: Dual boot Windoze & Linux (Dances With Crows)
  Re: About Linux booting? (Grant Edwards)
  Re: Doomhack (Vilmos Soti)
  Act! database from Linux Server (Troy Holmes)
  Re: Can I securely disable password screen (xdm)? (Michael Kelly)
  Re: adding swap space (Michael Kelly)
  Re: Dual boot Windoze & Linux ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Re: New machine advice (Dances With Crows)
  BeOS-fs-driver available únder linux ?? ("Ulrich Reinelt")

From: "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: About Linux booting?
Date: 25 Apr 2000 15:45:40 GMT

Andrew Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: Are you suggesting that a relative newbie should write their own boot
: loader?

No. I'm suggesting they copy a kernel to a floppy with dd, or make
a boot floppy using lilo, or add the stanza "shell=loadlin vmlinuz
root=/dev/hda5 ro" to one of their config.sys menu entries. Or else go for
one of the other bootloaders, or use lilo 24.1 and the option "lba32".
I suspect one of the Boot* HOWTOs might interest them, if they are
having trouble.

: Functionally, for users of the standard loader, this limit exists.

That is a function of the loader they choose to use. It's their
choice, and their responsibility, and nothing to do with linux.
I don't see why a newbie just doesn't use loadlin, since it's such
a no-brainer. For an expert, there is no excuse.

:> Grant Edwards  wrote:
:> : In article <8e4767$5m2$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Peter T. Breuer wrote:
:> :>OrangeDino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
:> :>: Does Linux still have limitation that the root partition should be
:> :>: within 1024 cylinder of a hard disk for bootup from hard disk?
:> :>
:> :>It's never had it.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Matthew Haley)
Subject: Re: Linux PSX software?
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2000 16:00:09 GMT

On Tue, 25 Apr 2000 15:42:17 GMT,
 Shane Jarych <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Can anyone recommend an app that will correctly backup a PSX 
>disc? (byte-for-byte)

FWIW, backups of PSX games will _not_ work on your Playstation
unless you have a mod chip installed in it. (Which can be illegal
in some areas).

Matthew Haley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Now showing... Mandrake Linux 7.02
9:00am up 3 days, 17:30, 3 users, load average: 0.15, 0.16, 0.15


From: pelzi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Can I securely disable password screen (xdm)?
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2000 17:21:44 +0200

In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jonathan Mendez) wrote:

> Unfortunately, (at least if your running lilo), I don't believe your box
> will be secure if it is physically accessible without supervision, as all one
> person has to do is choose "linux single" at the lilo prompt to get
> root access and do from there whatever he should want.  I'm still a

There's an obvious way to block this kind of activity: Set a BIOS
password. Nobody will be able to boot the machine without the BIOS
password (unless you have a BIOS with a backdoor password - shit
happens). Finally, to disable someone from stealing your harddisc, just
attach some padlocks at suitable places of the computer case to prevent
opening, and also connect them with some chains to the next concrete
pillar... Okay, there's nothing like absolute security, but that should
do for most cases.


Andreas Feldner,  Lehrstuhl EP II,  Uni Bayreuth, 95445 Bayreuth,  Germany
Phone: +49 921 552617  e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Fax: +49 921 552621  WWW:


From: Edward Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: HOT HD
Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2000 20:44:25 -0700

That was from an old power supply.  It draws 0.4A (12V*0.4A=4.8W), I believe
that equal amount of heat is generated from the power supply as well.  So 4.8W
from the fan and 4.8W from the power supply.   The fa

Linux-Misc Digest #271

1999-08-03 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #271, Volume #21Tue, 3 Aug 99 07:13:07 EDT

  Re: SuSE kernelwhere is it? (Philipp Maier)
  Re: SB PCI 128 Config (Philipp Maier)
  Re: netscape and newsgroups (Philipp Maier)
  Re: Buy vs Download Difference: Documentation Only? (Philipp Maier)
  rxvt/xterm underenlightenment/gnome ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: CIA assassinations (Michael Powe)
  Re: math.h problem (Kaz Kylheku)
  PPP ("Gregor Gregoriè")
  Re: Word Perfect filters in SO 5.1? (Philipp Maier)
  Re: ICQ and linux client (Philipp Maier)
  Re: CIA assassinations (Michael Powe)
  /etc/fdprm and High Capacity Formatting (Kenny Kim Leung)
  How to copy boot sector to another disk ??? (Kit-pui Wong)
  Re: Help: Recall Last Command (gus)
  Re: math.h problem (Gergo Barany)
  Re: Problems with LILO and kernel size. (Dominique Micollet)
  RW ATAPI CDROM how to use (Robin Becker)

From: Philipp Maier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: SuSE kernelwhere is it?
Date: Fri, 30 Jul 1999 13:35:10 +

Philipp Pagel wrote:
> > i've got the cut down version of SuSE 6.0 installed, it dont have the ppp
> > built in for some reason but i cant find the kernal to rebuild it or edit
> > it,..make xconfig in /usr/src/linux dont work as the linux part dont
> > if you can
> Hi!
> I'm not sure if I get your problem. Is it, that you don't have /usr/src/linux ?
> If so: start yast and install the kernel sources. In the normal SuSE distribution 
>this is default anyway. But I have to admit, that I haven never seen the "cut down" 
>version. What is it - a free demo version given away on some computer fair?

BTW - you can download the SuSE evaluation version from their
ftp-server. Sources included.

Information about Sylt and Maerklin mini-club:


From: Philipp Maier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: SB PCI 128 Config
Date: Mon, 02 Aug 1999 11:34:06 +

David wrote:
> I just got a new PCI 128 card for my machine but I'm not sure which
> driver I should use.  I left the kernel compiled with the old AWE64 card
> I had to see if that would work to no avail.  The linux hardware
> compatibility howto says it's supported but how do I get it working?
> Please help.
> P.S.  I'm using SuSE 6.1 with kernel 2.2.10

Complete step-by-step instructions can be found on the web-page:

Philipp Maier

Information about Sylt and Maerklin mini-club:


From: Philipp Maier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: netscape and newsgroups
Date: Mon, 02 Aug 1999 11:43:45 +

Ramin Sina wrote:
> hog wrote:
> > How long did you wait. There are many thousands of newsgroups and the
> > download can be very long, especially if you connection is at  low speed.
> >
> Well I wait for 10 minutes before I quit. But the indicator at the bottom of
> the window suggests that 500K or so was downloaded and I still don't see any
> newsgroup names. In my previous system (same modem, same ISP, suse 5.2) it
> would take  5 to 10 minutes to get all the list, but it would start shpwing
> names immediately.

No, it doesn't (at least not my system). I'm afraid you'll have to wait

That you ISP does not support Linux shouldn't be a problem. (Mine
doesn't either...)


Information about Sylt and Maerklin mini-club:


From: Philipp Maier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Buy vs Download Difference: Documentation Only?
Date: Mon, 02 Aug 1999 11:32:11 +

"Ahmad S. Ammar" wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> I was wondering if there is a difference in the actual amount of
> software you get if you buy a CD instead of downloading.
> For example, RedHat 6.0 and SuSE 6.1 come with StarOffice Personal
> Edition; would you get that even if you download these distributions or
> do you have to buy the official CD to get it.
> Any help is greatly appreciated.

There are quite some differences. I have SuSE Linux 6.1, and I started
with the download version.

- The CD's you buy contain much more software you don't have to download
- and you can install it with a simple mouseclick,

- also commercial software such as StarOffice, but also OSS (which might
facilitate setting up your soundcard considerably!),

- and, in general, the CD

Linux-Misc Digest #271

1999-05-20 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #271, Volume #20   Thu, 20 May 99 08:13:08 EDT

  [?] GNOME + KDE applications (Francisco Cribari)
  Re: Big Tar problem (jason)
  ISDN:  Reconnecting the second channel. ("Craig Manske")
  Re: RedHat 6.0 and gcc. Where? (Mark Howson)
  Re: Looking for FREE Java IDE builder (FoT)
  shutdown lockup ("Ted Hand")
  Re: Pop Authentication for Sendmail (Gary Mills)
  Re: gcc ? ("D. Vrabel")
  Re: How to execute a.out ("Oliver D. Bedford")
  RedHat 6.0 and demand dialing for ppp (Conway Yee)
  imlib 1.9.4 + e0.15.5 share pixmap trouble ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Need help setting up system. (John Thompson)
  Re: Acrobat4 acroread from Netscape 4.07 (RH 5.2) (Peter Stein)
  Re: Netscape java40.jar problems (guest)
  Re: Calendaring (William Burrow)
  Re: Pro-Unix vs anti-WinTel (was: Re: Is Unix a single user operating system?) 
(Jason T. Nelson)
  Re: * * * Mindcraft offer to re-run Linux vs NT test (Lew Pitcher)
  Re: A Capitalists view of freedom (George MacDonald)
  Re: car mp3 player (rs)
  Re: PPP Madness (**Nick Brown)
  Re: creating RH 6.0 CD - Part II (David Nedrow)

From: Francisco Cribari <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: [?] GNOME + KDE applications
Date: Wed, 19 May 1999 12:41:05 -0500

I have just upgraded from RH 5.2 to 6.0 (intel) and I am running 
Linux w/ GNOME. I am having a couple of problems. 

1) I have also installed all of the KDE RPMs from the RH CD. However, 
when I try to open some of the KDE applications (under GNOME), they 
crash. Some work (e.g., xdvi), but the icons are messed up. For 
example, when I try to open kmail, I get the following error: 

[cribari@edgeworth cribari]$ kmail
We are starting normaly
ERROR: cannot load bitmap /opt/kde/share/apps/kmail/pics/stopwatch.xbm
kmail: QPixmap::convertToImage: Cannot convert a null pixmap
kmail: QPixmap::convertFromImage: Cannot convert a null image
kmail: QPixmap::convertToImage: Cannot convert a null pixmap
kmail: QPixmap::convertFromImage: Cannot convert a null image
kmail: QPainter::begin: Cannot paint null pixmap
kmail: QPainter::setPen: Will be reset by begin()
*** KMail got signal 11
*** KMail got signal 11
[cribari@edgeworth cribari]$ 

I should also mention that the KDE applications show up in my GNOME menu. 
As for KDE: 

[cribari@edgeworth cribari]$ rpm -qa | grep kde
[cribari@edgeworth cribari]$ 

2) I have installed the enlightenment and Window Maker RPMs, but have 
not been able to use either one. When I use FVWM2, all is well. My 
.xinitrc file is 

[cribari@edgeworth cribari]$ cat .xinitrc
xrdb -merge ~/.Xdefaults
# xsetroot -solid darkgray 
# xv -quit -root /home/cribari/images/grayback.xpm 
# xearth & 
# xterm -geometry 80x60+0+0 &
# xterm -geometry +500+0 &
# xclock -digital -geometry -0+0 &
panel &
# background-properties --init &
# keyboard-properties --init &
# mouse-properties --init &
ical -iconic &
# exec wmaker   
exec fvwm2   
# exec enlightenment
[cribari@edgeworth cribari]$ 

It only works w/ the exec fvwm2 line. When I coment it out, and 
uncomment either the one above it or the one below it, it does not 
work. These window managers are installed:

[cribari@edgeworth cribari]$ rpm -qa | grep Windowmaker
[cribari@edgeworth cribari]$ rpm -qa | grep WindowMaker
[cribari@edgeworth cribari]$ rpm -qa | grep enlighten
[cribari@edgeworth cribari]$ 

This happens even when I am logged in as root. 
How can I run GNOME with elightenment and/or WindowMaker? 

Thanks. Best, Francisco Cribari. 

Francisco Cribari-Neto   voice: +55-81-2718420
Departamento de Estatistica  fax:   +55-81-2718422
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Recife/PE, 50740-540, Brazil web:

  IBM: It is slow, but at least it's expensive. 


From: jason <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: Big Tar problem
Date: Wed, 19 May 1999 13:12:54 -0400

I think this is a 'feature' -- my guess is that the kernel won't allow tar
to chown/chgrp files to the owner/group specified in the tar file.  This is
a good thing, since users can't just untar a suid root-owned executable to
facilitate their hacking of the system.  :-)  However, since root is the
super-user, when root untars a file, root has sufficient permissions to allow

Linux-Misc Digest #271

1999-03-02 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #271, Volume #19Tue, 2 Mar 99 21:13:12 EST

  Printing Accounting ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Installation and usage ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Install hangs on "idle process cannot sleep" ("D. Vrabel")
  Re: Pentium III Boycott and survey info (Anthony D. Tribelli)
  Re: FreeBSD vs LINUX (John Fieber)
  Re: netcape + then crash? (kernel)
  Re: WindowMaker & Kernel 2.2.2 (kernel)
  Re: DVD (James Bourne)
  Re: Best Free Unix? (why FreeBSD?) (Louis Epstein)
  Re: Microkernels are an abstraction inversion (Roger Espel Llima)
  Re: how to automate server log on ? (Michael Eastman)
  Re: how to automate server log on ? (Michael Eastman)
  Re: FreeAgent for Linux (tony summerfelt)
  Re: More bad news for NT (Tim Kelley)
  Re: running executable from cdrom? (Jérôme Laheurte)
  Re: RPM manager ? (Luis Sousa)
  Re: Linux SLOWER than win95? (Alex Armstrong)
  Re: More bad news for NT (Tim Kelley)
  Re: Linux SLOWER than win95? (Greg H.)
  Re: Create a DOS bootdisk in using only Linux (Gérard Milmeister)
  Kernel 2.2.2 & xcdroast0.96e ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Printing Accounting
Date: Tue, 02 Mar 1999 16:52:04 GMT

  We need to set up printer accounting on our RH5.2 servers -- to charge
users per page or per byte for all their printing. I've turned on accton, but
don't see any way right off to get print spool info from it. The print spool
itself has the info we need, although only briefly. Is there some way to
continually copy the print spool info to another file, so we can then right a
program to bill them? Doing lpq, even a continual loop, would probably let
many small jobs slip by.

= Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network   Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own


Subject: Installation and usage
Date: Wed, 03 Mar 1999 00:12:40 GMT


Do any of you know if Linux is hard to install and operate? Like is it
automated and stuff like good ol' Windows 98? I might be a Windows convert if
it isnt hard 2 use. Could you help me? Thanks.


Please reply 2 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

= Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network   Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own


From: "D. Vrabel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Install hangs on "idle process cannot sleep"
Date: Wed, 3 Mar 1999 00:47:17 +

On 2 Mar 1999, Sam E. Trenholme wrote:

> >I am trying to install Red Hat 5.2 (the Macmillan boxed set) on a Compaq 
> >Presario 4532. The process dies fairly early after saying "idle process cannot 
> >sleep" five times.
> How much memory do you have?  RedHat Linux is a pain to install unless you
> have at least 16 megs of ram.
> If you want a guaranteed install, try Slackware.  Slackware will install
> in just about anything.
I have found that Debian has a painless way of installing on computers
with little memory.

David Vrabel
Engineering Undergraduate at University of Cambridge, UK.


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,comp.os.linux.hardware
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Anthony D. Tribelli)
Subject: Re: Pentium III Boycott and survey info
Date: Wed, 3 Mar 1999 00:52:31 GMT

: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Anthony D. Tribelli) wrote:

: >Please do so. I don't believe you'll find an undocumented reset
: >instruction. You will probably find code that sets up BIOS to do a warm
: >boot and then asks the keyboard controller to reset the CPU. Later methods
: >used special I/O ports and multiple CPU faults. 
: actually, what this "undocumented" reset is is simply diliberately
: creating a triple fault.  the cpu can catch a double fault and recover
: but the cpu resets under a triple fault situation.  the code placed at
: the restart point is aware of what happened and gracefully recovers as
: if just switching back to real mode.  just like has been explained.

Agreed, but it's not a simple 'instruction', and messing with the
Interrupt Descriptor Table is not something a user level program can do.

Tony Tribelli


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Fieber)
Crossposted-To: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: FreeBSD vs LINUX
Date: 2 Mar 1999 17:05:59 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
James Fox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I'm worried that with all the attention Linux is getting, it's
> probably the bandwagon to hop on.

Reckless bandwagon hopping is what gave us the Microsoft empire. 