Linux-Networking Digest #458

1999-09-03 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Networking Digest #458, Volume #12  Fri, 3 Sep 99 05:13:32 EDT

  Re: DHCP and never-expired leases ("Smallman")
  Re: Upgrade problems with NFS (Johannes Ziegler)
  Re: Using Samba to join an NT domain. ("Steve Cowles")
  Re: Netscape 4.6 + JAVA - freezes (Bev)
  mail server setup (loc)
  Re: 100base-Tx crossover cable, rtl8139 module options (Bernd Zimmermann)
  Local DNS name (Peter Öhrt)
  Re: Need help:  POP/SMTP not working (RH5.2) (Gary Helbig)
  Samba: Login prob with W95 login (Helge Maus)
  Squid and InternetExplorer Proxy prob. (Helge Maus)
  VPND error codes?? (XonXoff)
  Re: setting up fixed IP address (Bernd Zimmermann)
  Re: Samba  Win95 Network Neighborhood (Bernd Zimmermann)
  Re: W98 can see samba share, but cannot see files (Bernd Zimmermann)
  Re: Help!!! Nt and Linux networking (Bernd Zimmermann)
  PPPD and proxyarp ("Oliver Lehm")
  Linux client in a NT-network (F.Th.G. Heijmans)
  Re: extra FF when printing with Samba (Bernd Zimmermann)
  Re: sendmail win98 (Villy Kruse)

From: "Smallman" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: DHCP and never-expired leases
Date: Fri, 3 Sep 1999 14:10:40 +0800

Unless you will never upgrade or move client computers, don't set it to
unlimited, or you can't recover a lease to a DHCP client.

Chokky ¼¶¼g©ó¤å³¹ 7qnaeq$lu7$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
DHCPºÞ²z­û¤J­±§ïscope ªº¤º®e-¯²¥Î´Á¶¡

Jimmy Lio [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 How do I configure dhcpd so that it gives out leases that never expired?



Date: Thu, 02 Sep 1999 18:29:09 +0200
From: Johannes Ziegler [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Upgrade problems with NFS


  I upgraded to SuSE 6.2 and now find my NFS server not responding as
 before. I cannot mount exported directories.

 The /etc/exports is untouched. The client is still the same, no change
 compared to pre upgrade state.

 It seems the nfsd is behaving different from the earlier version.

 I do not find any message in /var/log/messages or /var/log/warn.

 After a mount trial, I get the simple answer "Time Out".


 Sent via
 Share what you know. Learn what you don't.

Are you sure, that the nfs servers starts properly on your box?
Maybe the update has changed the startup.
How does your exports file look like, now?
If you still have problems, send further details.

Best regards
Johannes Ziegler


From: "Steve Cowles" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Using Samba to join an NT domain.
Date: Fri, 03 Sep 1999 06:03:43 GMT


At first, I thought your "security=domain" was the problem (never heard of that 
option in Samba), but I decided to read the man pages along with the /usr/docs/samba 
(before I replied) and discovered Samba actually does support this type of 
My Linux/Samba box was configured to for "security=server" along with "password
server=NetBios Name of domain controller". That combination has worked for over a year
with out any problems. All authentications went to my domain controller for "share 
to my linux box. Exactly as configured!

Anyway, I reconfigured Samba for the security=domain as described in
/usr/doc/samba-2.0.5a/docs/textdocs/DOMAIN_MEMBER.txt. and was able to execute the
smbclient example without any problems. In fact, I was also able to execute the 
example when Samba was configured for security=server. BTW: The on-line status DID 
in server manager when I executed "smbpasswd -j DOMAIN - r PDC" only after I restarted
samba. (which makes since)

As for your question... you did not mention this in your post, but have you enabled
"encrypted passwords" in your smb.conf. I already had this option enabled in my 
configuration and left that setting "as is". In fact, that was mentioned in the
DOMAIN_MEMBER.txt as a prerequisite for accessing NT.

Hope the encrypted password setting fixes your problem
BTW: thanks for "teaching an old dog a new trick!!!" Guess I should start reading those
damn "release notes"

Steve Cowles
SWCowles at gte dot net

Brad Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
 Hello, folks. I hope I can find here the solution to a problem I've been
 having for some time.

 I've had a good deal of experience with Samba on my home LAN (Linux and
 '95) but I've never tried to fully integrate a Linux system into an NT
 domain until now.
 I have my machine set up such that I am visible and can export shares to
 the NT machines in the domain, but when I try to browse their shares,
 the following happens:

 [root@localhost /root]# smbclient -L nt-machine -U bradsmi

Linux-Networking Digest #462

1999-09-03 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Networking Digest #462, Volume #12  Fri, 3 Sep 99 13:13:44 EDT

  Re: ?? Altavista Tunnel 98  IP MASQ (Ron Vissers)
  Re: ICMP source quench - what's that? ("Richard Brodie")
  2 Networks (new thread) (Michael Starkie)
  Re: dsl problems using ppp and dhcp to get ip, nslookup doesn't work (Andrew Catero)
  Re: All working but root telnet ("Sagolsem C")
  rlogin route error (Brian Dudek)
  Re: mail server setup ("Sagolsem C")
  Re: hosts allow and deny (Clifford Kite)
  Re: windows to linux tcp/ip not working ("Sagolsem C")
  Re: Problem to reach 100Mbps with 3C905B-TX (David C.)
  Re: PPP Problems (Clifford Kite)

Subject: Re: ?? Altavista Tunnel 98  IP MASQ
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ron Vissers)
Date: 3 Sep 1999 09:19:33 -0600


Well, thats good news :)
I've probably got something hosed in windoze then.



I'm also using av tunnel 98, linux ipmasqing - cable to internet
and everything works fine -
no special rules in the firewall scripts were required
I can mount office disks on my home machine, telent, ping etc
you might make sure that use have a valid dns server address for the

Ron Vissers wrote:


 My current setup:
 NT  --- Openlinux 2.2  internet --- corp/net
 Tunnel 982.2.10 kernel

 Tunnel 98 appears to connect up to our corporate network.
 It sets up the DNS and WINS connections and even sends
 keep alive packets back and forth.  (At least I think
 thats what it is doing.)  Being on a DSL line, I don't
 need the keep alive, but it is an indicator that
 its communicating, kind of).

 The catch is, I cant telnet/ping/nslookup anything on

 I thought I may have read that Altavista Tunnel 98
 encoded the return IP in the data.  In which case its probably
 encoding the 168.192.x.x IP.  Anyone know if there is truth to

 Are there workarounds?  Suggestions?



From: "Richard Brodie" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: ICMP source quench - what's that?
Date: Fri, 3 Sep 1999 15:06:09 +0100

Thomas Zajic wrote in message ...

Sep  3 11:12:47 tk212017089010 icmplog: source quench from
Sep  3 11:14:26 tk212017089010 icmplog: source quench from

Now, the big question is - what's a "source quench"? Anything to be
concerned about, a (pre-)hacking attempt, script kiddies at work? Or
just some rare but harmless event in the wonderful world of ICMP

Roughly 'source quench' == 'slow down, you're going too fast for me'.
I guess there is some scope for a mild denial-of-service attack but more
likely it's just some poor overloaded router in the path between you and
where you wanted to go.


From: Michael Starkie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: 2 Networks (new thread)
Date: Fri, 03 Sep 1999 10:54:52 -0400

Does anyone have experience setting up their Linux host to exist on 2
networks. I have an ethernet connection to a LAN through my ethernetcard
on one domain and a connection to a LAN through a ppp0 device through
another domain. Bot use dynamic IP addresses. Right now I have to
physically disconnect my ethernet card and reset my default gateway
using linuxconf in order to connect to the ppp0 device.  When I want to
switch back to the ethernet I have to again reset my default gateway and
then reboot to setup my ethernet device.

Wouldn't it be cool to be attached to both networks at the same time?


From: Andrew Catero [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: dsl problems using ppp and dhcp to get ip, nslookup doesn't work
Date: Fri, 3 Sep 1999 14:29:02 GMT

Andrew Catero wrote:
 I am trying to figure out why my cisco 675 external dsl modem is working
 as shown by the traceroute command output, but my linux box is not. DHCP
 is working as I am able to get an ip address, gateway address and dns
 nameserver ip addresses. Any help would be aprreciated, I downloaded the
 latest version of dhcpcd from .
 I am running redhat 5.2 and kernel 2.2.9, I don't have any of the
 masquerading or firewall setup yet.
 Here is the relevant problems
 [root@linux /root]# netstat -rn
 Kernel IP routing table
 Destination Gateway Genmask Flags   MSS Window  irtt
 Iface   U 0 0  0
 eth0   U 0 0  0
 lo UG0 0  0
 [root@linux /root]# ifconfig
 eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:50:DA:11:AB:A2
   inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:

Linux-Networking Digest #463

1999-09-03 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Networking Digest #463, Volume #12  Fri, 3 Sep 99 14:13:50 EDT

  Re: windows to linux tcp/ip not working (Christopher Burrows)
  minicom (Frederick Houdmont)
  SIOCFIFFLAGS et al (k vranes)
  Re: Maintaining 2 Networks (Tony Green)
  Re: linux box vs switched hub (David C.)
  Re: windows to linux tcp/ip not working (Bernd Zimmermann)
  Re: Masqurading and only one NIC
  Linux dynamic IP addr. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: VPN and IP MASQ ("John Hardin")
  Xtraceroute Configuration (James Johnson)
  Question on use of ?: in the networking code ... (Ramesh Shankar)
  Re: secure ftp directories (Chris Butler)
  Re: Setting up Masquerading under RH6.0 (David C.)
  Re: All working but root telnet (k vranes)
  Re: MRTG Gives funny graphs, and incorrect statistics.. ("Tony Platt")
  Re: wu_ftp problem (Chris Butler)
  Trouble downloading large files on Netscape (Christian Cabal)

From: Christopher Burrows [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: windows to linux tcp/ip not working
Date: Fri, 03 Sep 1999 17:08:01 +


if i ping myself, it works fine. but, i see no network activity on the hub
lights (am i supposed to?) i'll try compiling the 3c509 driver into the kernel,
but i don't imagine that should make much of a difference, would it? (i am
getting desperate).

one:~ ping
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=255 time=0.2 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=255 time=0.1 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=255 time=0.1 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=255 time=0.1 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=255 time=0.1 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=255 time=0.1 ms

--- ping statistics ---
6 packets transmitted, 6 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 0.1/0.1/0.2 ms
one:~ ping
PING ( 56 data bytes

--- ping statistics ---
8 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss

- cj

Sagolsem C wrote:

 Can you ping to yourself on the linux box? Since you are saying that if you
 boot with Win on the linux hardware you can communicate, the possibility of
 any hardware and the physical part of the network problem is ruled out. The
 problem is definetly with Linux. I think it has nothing to do with routing
 also since they are on the same network  Hav you tried compiling
 the ethernet  support not as a module.

 Your problem is quite interesting and obscure too. Do let me know the
 solution if you get it right . Good luck !

 Sagolsem C

 Christopher Burrows [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message


  ppp20716   2  (autoclean) [ppp_deflate bsd_comp]
  slhc4296   1  (autoclean) [ppp]
  serial 18260   2  (autoclean)
  3c509   5780   1
  - cj


From: Frederick Houdmont [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.alpha,comp.os.linux.development.apps
Subject: minicom
Date: Fri, 03 Sep 1999 13:31:06 GMT

I've made a connection from an offline box through a null modem on an
online box in a network.  I use the ascii protocol to upload the file in
the online box (what seems to be going allright) but if i try to download
in ascii it tells me READY but the specified file for download is empty.
The other protocols (xmodem, ymodem,zmodem) don't seem to work?
What is my problem? (Debian!!) 

==  Posted via CNET Linux Help  ==


From: k vranes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: SIOCFIFFLAGS et al
Date: Fri, 3 Sep 1999 11:39:31 -0400

I'm running redhat 6 with a 3com509 card that has been working stable for
a while.  Last night a Netscape froze GNOME so hard that I could only
telnet in from another box and reboot the machine (not even killing the
Netscape or X processes released the screen, which I found odd).

Upon rebooting, networking is now toast.  All local networking runs fine,
eth0 comes up without error while running /etc/rc.d/inet.d/network start,
but trying to telnet outside gives an immediate 'Host name lookup

although eth0 *seems* to come up, running netstat -nr shows only the lo
interface info.  running 

ifconfig eth0 

gives good info, except the broadcast info is wrong.  However, trying to
config that with:

ifconfig eth0 broadcast 

gives SIOCFIFFLAGS: resource temporarily unavailable

I've also seen error messages with SIOCADDR in them.

Anybody know what's going on?  This happened completely out of the blue
and it's the second time.  (The first time I reinstalled after 2 solid
days of hacking on  --- I don't want to do that again.)  



From: Tony Green [EMAIL PROTECTED]