Re: autodetection

2000-08-14 Thread Alvin Oga

hi ya ryan

usually i get the opposite problem
how to stop the system from autodetecting the
raid array sot hat it doesnt stop the booting...

so to turn it ondo the oopposite of what i do
to fix my "faulty raid" when it dies

- make sure you have /etc/raidtab
- make sure your kernel supports raid
- make sure you have /deb/md0 or something defined in /etc/fstab

than when bootingit should see your raid drive and
automatically mount it for you...

have fun raiding...

btw. i have a scsi3 sw Raid5 in a 1U server box running !!! fun 
and am looking for beta-testors...
- please reply privately if interested

 Ryan Daly wrote:
 Again may be missing something here...
 How do you turn on autodetection in the kernel?

Re: Trouble in RAID5 - other stuff

2000-07-16 Thread Alvin Oga

hi "raiders"...

i recently changed my raid5 box that was running on debian-2.2 
into a new atx case new
- its in a 1U raid5 box... worlds first ??

seems like mkraid does various different things ???
some mkraid works and other versions dont...

takamura-san, try a different mkraid... ??
mkraid that came with your linux distro
- mkraid from raidtools-0.90
- mkraid from raidtools-0.41..


my raid5 problem could be a flaky sdc drive since it keeps disappearing
randomly and forces a degraded mode... ( have no spare drives either )
am doing a tests for...
dd if=/Raid5/1_GB_file.txt of=/Raid5/test/1.x
dd if=/Raid5/1_GB_file.txt of=/Raid5/test/2.x
diff /Raid5/test/1.x /Raid5/test/2.x

- if it least i can just rebuild the 1U raid5 box

have fun linux'ing and raiding

 I've been using RAID5 system for nearly six months without problem,
 but recently the machine halted while the rebooting process (displayed
 message attached below).  I tried old valid kernels and some succeeded
 to boot, but the md device(/dev/md0) was still invisible. According to
 the dmesg (attached the last of the mail), the kernel looks trying to
 recognize md device.
 I tried several old kernels which all had worked fine, but the
 situation didn't change.
 There's no /proc/mdstat, and "mkraid --upgrade /dev/md0" failed saying
  handling MD device /dev/md0
  analyzing super-block
  disk 0: /dev/sda1, 48846847kB, raid superblock at 48846720kB
  array needs no upgrade
  mkraid: aborted, see the syslog and /proc/mdstat for potential clues.
 Is it possible to recover the content of the RAID? (there were about
 200G of data..)  Or do I have to "really force" mkraid?
 Any suggestion, information is welcome.
 Other information (System, raidtab, etc) is also attached below.
 Best regards,
 Seishi Takamura, Dr.Eng.
 NTT Cyber Space Laboratories
 Y517A 1-1 Hikarino-Oka, Yokosuka, Kanagawa, 239-0847 Japan
 Tel: +81 468 59 2371, Fax: +81 468 59 2829

sw raid5 upgrade

2000-07-11 Thread Alvin Oga

hi ya "raiders"

i just upgraded my old sw raid5 on debian-2.2 w/ linux-2.2.10
to linux-2.2.16 w/ the patches from mingo's patch dirs...

works good...nice and problems...
good work guys

and my (abbreviated) collection of raid stuff...

c ya

Re: High load and raid reconstruction - pagers

2000-06-15 Thread Alvin Oga

hi ya michael

could you send me a list of the "pager utilties" ??
or urls...

here's my list of "raid monitoring" scripts
( written by others ... )

and for normal monitoring tools...

( didn't find a suitable one so i wrote my quickie version...
( with cron running the jobs...and html to view the results...
( and email and/or page if something goes wrong..
# References - Other system/daemon monitors
# == --
#   images/eMCommerceLarge.gif
# Big Brother 



 Michael wrote:
  How can I tell if a disk in a raid 5 config has gone bad?  I want to
  set up a system monitor to page me in just such an event.
 download this small script package to run from cron that will e-mail 
 you when there is a problem. There are lots of pager utilities that 
 work from e-mail if you want to be paged.

Re: FW: ATA66 Raid - hotswap trays

2000-06-06 Thread Alvin Oga

hi peter

where did you get the "hot swap trays" for IDE drive ??

how is the connectors done...or does the tray have its
IDE drive connectors... and the try has a special connector
to go to the "raid" backplane ??

have you tried to pull power to the ide-based raid drive
say the master drive and see what happens ??? and plug
in a blank ide master and see if it resyncs ??


 Peter Frischknecht wrote:
 I would just go with 3Ware.
 For $100 you can get a true hardware, 2 IDE 66 drive, RAID 1 or 0
 With Hard drives as cheap as $260 for a 60Gig drive, you can have a
 redundant 60Gig RAID 1 system for under $700!!(including hot swap trays)
 I bought the FastTrak and it now sits on my shelf.  
 It is a piece of crap.
 Don't hesitate in contacting me if you have any questions.
 Peter Frischknecht
 Empowering Solutions, Inc.
 (864)654.6544 x103 Phone
 (864)654.0022  Fax

Re: ide hardware raid

1999-12-01 Thread Alvin Oga

hi all "raiders"

just was at the pc store in the duilding I'm in..

they have scsi-2 raid cards from adaptec...
1-channel($430)  and 3-channel($650) raid controllers..

a dumb question... what are the channels used for ???

have fun raiding...

( change the filename for other raid docs and comments and resources )

 Terry Ewing wrote:
 I'm an administrator in a co-location facility and recently we had a 
 customer come in to replace a raid card.  The only catch was the RAID card 
 was IDE.  This was on an NT box, but I was wondering:
 1) what IDE RAID cards are out there now.  What is known about them.
 2) What is the status of Linux support for IDE RAID cards.
 - Terry Ewing   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Deepwell Internet Services

Re: Good Information on Linux/RAID

1999-11-29 Thread Alvin Oga

hi ya bryan

and my collection...


chunk size and stripping comparson

other misc monitoring, benchmark and test scripts

have fun

 Bryan Batchelder wrote:
 I managed to get a nice 14GB array up using RedHat 6.0 and piecing together
 information from man pages and web sitesbut now I am wondering what the
 preferred documentation set is for the latest RAID tools.  The stuff in the
 LDP is pretty old looking.
 I would like to find out information about stride settings/performance and
 ultimately how to get it to properly auto start...I still have to log in
 after reboot and do a 'raidstart /dev/md0', 'mount -a'.

Re: Monitoring?

1999-11-12 Thread Alvin Oga

hi danilo

I've collected some monitoring tools/scripts people have hacked...*

I also reviewsed/collected some regular monitoring tools
about 40 lines down is a list of various prog/scripts...

have fun raiding

 Danilo Godec wrote:
 Ok, found an archive, but haven't found the questions/answers I was hoping
 to find.
 I have a RAID1 setup with kernel 2.2.13 and appropriate patches for 2.2.11
 (only two files didn't patch correctly, as they were already patched in
 2.2.13) and raidtools-0.90. Everything works nice, even hot-swapping disks
 (with hot-pluggable SCSI backplane and some caution, of course) didn't
 cause a problem.
 However, are there any tools already available to monitor the md device
 and notify the administrator via mail, modem, pager etc.? 
 Thanks, D.

Re: raidtools-041 - raidtools-0.90.

1999-10-24 Thread Alvin Oga

hi ya chris

 I have a RAID array created using raidtools-0.41 on a 2.0.36 kernel (RedHat 5.0
 i think), which is running Linux software RAID-5 just fine.
 I am updating the software to RedHat v6.0 soon which uses raidtools-0.90 and a
 2.2.5 kernel.
 Anyone see any potential problems or have war stories to trade?

I did that exact upgrade about 6 months ago

I had to use the old mdadd/mdrun commands from the old raidtools...

Do not use the new raidtools if you value your old data
in upgrading from redhat-5.x to redhat-6.0.
( lost my backup disks during my upgrade tests... not a big issue )
- note redhat-6.x also does additional reverse dns checks 
and needs ver=2 for talking/mounting the older sun boxes too

am currently upgrading to redhat-6.1. and so far... those older superblocks
still seems to be okay with the new redhat-6.1 (2.2.10) /etc/raidtab format/tools...
- am using hardware raid ( three 64Gb boxes ) + raid0 for mirroring/backups
w/ many 15Gb ide drives spanning a few servers ( daily, weekly, monthly )...

have fun "raiding"
alvin ( my collection of raid notes )

Re: redhat 6.1 RAID: what's different - installs

1999-10-05 Thread Alvin Oga

hi ya...

  This is a feature of the new graphical installer.  Creating raid
  partitions is not available if you are using the text mode installer.
 Is it available if you do a kickstart installation?

I'd be interested in writing an installer/duplicator...

- am tired of doing it the redhat way...
- also installed many suse, caldera, slackware, pht, debian...

- biggest problem is kernel upgrades... to have to do it n-times...
  on different revs of redhat ( 5.x, 6.x ) and different distro... files are
  are different

- I like to do something like:
a. give um a bootable cdrom... ( self detect the hardwara )
( aka rescue cdrom )

   if they have MS already the registry
- the installer should automatically detect the hardware installed...
( don't ask about hardware... go and look for it )
- if MS can do it...( add new hw wizzard ) ... we can do it too..

if the users want dual booting... we do that too...

b.  ask them if they know about partitions...etc...
if not use the default /, /tmp, /var, /usr, /swap /home [ /opt /export 
( just overwrite the disk like MS overwrites the disk )

- check for disk space availability...

- guess I don't like just / and swap... too unreliable

c.  ask about raid setup and backup setup...
- raid0/raid1, raid5...

d.  install the "linux distro cdrom"  or dd the "master distro" disk
- master distro disks already have all the patches done..
- .bashrc, .login, .alias etc all setup and fixed...

e.  install using tar or rpm or dpkg or ???

f.  apply patches from the "distro site"... if so desired...

- if we have 100 employee or 1,000 employees...we do not want to install
  linux the current way... we need a distribution server and an automated
  script to upgrade itself from the distro server...

have fun

Re: networked RAID-1

1999-10-04 Thread Alvin Oga

hi ya tom

if the idea is to have a "fail safe" system

when we were doing doa work for the gov't... we had to have
multiple redundancyand redundancy for the redundancy...
( gov't had too much $$$ to throw at it )

but basically, how I would like to see a "HA" type linux system
would have:
dual-port scsi controller... read/write by two different servers
- this is the key my mind...

dual CPU is nice...but it's worthless(?)...
- many other points of failures...
( mb, cpu, memory, disk, connector, cables, power supp, electricity, 
etc )

you really want two motherboards and/or boxes that access
the same disk... if one system fails...the other system
should be able to read/write that data..

- if one "system" fails...
  than the other "system" can step in...
( multi-host serverswww1, www2, www3 acting as "www"
( for now sun boxes does this better than linux ? )

when there is a transaction like a mc/visa/amex transaction occur...
the terminal sends that request to two servers... both record the
request... one of the two machines will respond with the authorization...
and they both acknowledge that the task was done...
- if it's not acknowledged... the task is pending still cause
the other system got stuck someplace...

well...guess i just wanted to say that"dual-port disk controller"
is what does the job best...if not... the disk contoller dies and all
hell breaks loose... or the motherboard dies and on...

( my adaptec controller just died this past it's an issue )
- no monthly tape archive for a while...

have fun

 Tom Kunz wrote:
 SW-RAID List,
   This is slightly off-topic.  No, in fact it might be further than just
 "slightly".  I have been exploring redundant network filesystems for
 Linux, off and on for the past several months.  I need something that
 will replicate a fs across a lan, much the same way RAID-1 duplicates
 fs's.  The purpose is for a high-availability system, where several
 nodes participate to keep a set of services active indefinitely.  My
 company uses a SCO solution, called "Sentinel", which is just a
 single-master/single-slave arrangement that duplicates disks between two
 machines.  When the master node goes down, the other assumes its IP, and
 has an identical filesystem as the dead machine.  When the master comes
 back up, it resyncs to the master and assumes the slave position again. 
 But we want to dump SCO and go entirely with Linux, and have the same
   I have already explored Coda, InterMezzo, and the Linux-HA website
 (  So far, the HA site only has the IP
 assumption source, and links to other sites I've already taken a look
 at, none of which contain what I think is necessary for a redundant
 network filesystem.  Coda and InterMezzo seem more like "caching"
 solutions, for mobile or remote computing, not as a *redundant*,
 fully-duplicated filesystem.  I attended a seminar at LinuxExpo in
 Raleigh, NC on GFS, but that looked like something still in its infancy,
 and relying somewhat heavily upon certain SCSI and Fiber-Channel
 features.  I want something that anyone with 1 machine and any
 linux-supported disk media can use as RAID-1 data duplication.
   After considering the RAID-1 code that has come to (relative) maturity
 here, it seems like a good code base to get started on a networked
 RAID-1-type system.  Basically, rather than sync-ing between two
 physically local disks, modify the code to sync between a local and a
 remote (or more than one remote) disk.  Maybe I've missed something
 about Coda, GFS, or Intermezzo, or maybe there's an entirely different
 system that already does exactly what I want (as open-source, of
 course).  But if not, is there anyone else on this list who is
 interested in venturing out into this arena?
 Tom KunzTool Developer   Software Consulting Services
 PGP Key
 1452 1F99 E2BB 632E  6EAE 2DF0 EF11 4DFC
 DB62 7EBC 3BA0 6C40  88C0 C509 DA85 91B4  D5E9 EFD3

Re: RAID 1

1999-08-26 Thread Alvin Oga

hi ya robin

 I have had success mirroring linux with Redhat 5.2.  I used the same procedure
 (minor variations) on 6.0 and the process does not work.  Is there a tried and
 true way to mirror?

my understanding of carried away in my mirroring scenario...

using hardware or software raid1...
- it copies data to disk1 and also copies/mirrors to disk2
- mirroring is almost instantaneous...
- if disk1 dies for whatever have data on disk2
- no problem...all's wellreplace disk1 and resync

other failure modes
- if you get some kind of corruption due to a hacker,
  accidental rm -rf /, power supply surges, bad cvs, bad memory,
  bad e2fsck passes, etc...
- all data on disk1 will be mirrored to disk2
  including the *bad data* you lose all your data...
- your data on the mirror should also be backed up elsewhere..
( tape, other disks on other machines )
- this is what I want to protect against...
- if they did rm -rf / I can still recover in minutes after rm -rf 

Using "cron" or programs to periodically mirror data... is freely available to mirror data from one server to another
checked a few other mirror programs...but did not meet my needs - bidirectonal 
( so i wrote one )

- run thru cron or other mechanisms...
- mirror the data as often as you like to keep your data in sync
for the "other failur modes" this should prevent the
*good data* from being deleted due to instant mirroring...
.. should also prevent bad data from corrupting the good data...

other issues
- might want to keep a local mirror ( raid1 ) for protecting data
  before the data was mirrored/copied to another system

Bidirectional mirroring...tricky stuff ???
- mirror /home1  to /home2
- mirror /home2  to /home1
- usually /home1 is the main/primary server... and /home2 is the mirror in my 
- what happens when data on /home1/foo.txt is deleted... do we delete it on 
/home2/foo.txt ??
- what happens when data on /home2/foo.txt is deleted... do we delete it on 
/home1/foo.txt ??
- what happens when someone is editing /home1/foo.txt...and someone else is 
editing /home2/foo.txt
- how often does one go delete old/obsolete files on the other mirror ?
- if /home1/file.txt was deleted... do we immediately delete it on 
- one mirror pass from /home1 to /home2 takes about 1 hour to complete in my 
-   even hours from /home1 to /home2...
-   odd hours from /home2 to /home1

What is the difference between backups and mirroring ???
- I create and keep daily_changes.tgz  for backups...
- I expand and copy/mirror those same daily_changes.tgz onto the mirror machine
- i wrote a mirror program that does this...
-   does hourly mirror,
-   does daily incremental backups since last full backup
-   does weekly incremental backup over 30 days
-   does full backup
- can point to different backup machines Backup.Full, Backup.Daily, 

... yes... it was fun to write that bidirectional mirror program...
- would like to clean it aup and release it under gpl

have fun

Re: updating arrays from 0.42 to 0.90

1999-08-20 Thread Alvin Oga

hi marc

 To all of you that shout for raid-0.90 into kernel 2.2.12:
 Would you please tell us how to upgrade old existing raid0/linear
 devices (smoothly, IP)?

when I tried out our old raid drives with wouldn;t
recognize it so I compiled raid-0.42 under 2.2.10 and still
using the old drives as is... ( for redhat-60 distro )
- didn't want to lose /home directory on the drives ...

have fun linuxing -n- raiding

 - The HOWTO that comes with the raidtools-package and the man pages say
 not a word about that,
 - Several posts of others asking exactly the same question were left
 unanswered or received only incompetent answers. (looked at the last 2
 - The proposed FAQ still seems to be missing.
 PS: Don't flame me, _tell_ me...
 University of Bielefeld, Dep. of Mathematics / Dep. of Physics
 PGP-keyID's:   0xd46ce9ab (RSA), 0x7ae55b9e (DSS/DH)

Re: MegaRAID monitoring - list

1999-08-13 Thread Alvin Oga

hi ya andrew...

I donno... but if it'd make monitoring the
raid drives/controller trivial to monitor it for the
various status codes...

have fun

 Andrew B. Cramer wrote:
 Hi Alvin,
   A question, is there anything that returns the status of a 
 MegaRaid controler, operating in hardware/Raid5 mode?
 Thanks- Andy

Re: MegaRAID monitoring

1999-08-11 Thread Alvin Oga

hi ya michael

 I've sucessfully installed Linux on a system with a MegaRAID 466 card and 
 was wondering what sort of monitoring software might be available to notify 
 me in the event of a drive failure.

I've collected some raid monitoring software...
- credit due to it's authors... some others are also using it...
- see raid_monitor.*

I also wrote an server monitoring program
that will send emails and pages...
- need to solve a few more "problems" before gpl release...

have fun
alvin*   - sorta like mon

Re: Adding software with RedHat installation system?

1999-07-30 Thread Alvin Oga

hi joel

just apply the "secure server part" to your rh-6.0 machine ?

Using your current know to be working rh-6.0 system...
mount /mnt/rh-secure-server-cdrom
rpm -ivh --test /mnt/rh-ss-cdrom/RPMS/apache*   ( and its secure server 
dependencies )

have fun

 Joel Fowler wrote:
 I have run into a moderate dilemma.
 I built a RedHat 6.0 system and used software raid1 on all but the /boot 
 Everything was wonderful!
 I just purchased and am now trying to install an upgrade to their RedHat 
 6.0 Secure Server product. This upgrade installs with their installation 
 system which unfortunately doesn't know anything about my raid1 filesystems.
 Is their a workable process for maintaining software from an installation 
 In my case I have a third disk and I can see a labor intensive approach 
 which should work.
 I'm hoping someone has a better idea?

Re: Adding software with RedHat installation system?

1999-07-30 Thread Alvin Oga

hi ya joel...

if the prupose is to install a secure server...
the parts that is "secure" such as apache and some perl and possibly libraries ??

when you do rpm -ivh --test  apache*.rpm...
- it will tell you what other packages you need to load...

- just start with apache...and it will tell you what else you need...

- the rpm package managers checks all its dependencies for you
  to make sure you have the right versions

if the "secure server" packages does NOT complain than you don't need
to worry about it...

if you have a spare $200its best to get another disk and install
a fresh rh-6.0 secure server on it...

have fun

 Its not quite that simple.  The update is a full distribution of RedHat 
 Linux 6.0 with the secure server components mixed in.  There are hundreds 
 of RPMs all in one directory.  I don't know which RPMs need to be 
 installed.  Also, there may be additinal configuration performed by the 
 installation procedure.
 At 03:45 PM 7/30/99 -0700, Alvin Oga wrote:
 hi joel
 just apply the "secure server part" to your rh-6.0 machine ?
 Using your current know to be working rh-6.0 system...
  mount /mnt/rh-secure-server-cdrom
  rpm -ivh --test /mnt/rh-ss-cdrom/RPMS/apache*   ( and its secure 
  server dependencies )
 have fun

Re: Adding software with RedHat installation system?

1999-07-30 Thread Alvin Oga

hi ya roeland

 Roeland M.J. Meyer wrote:
 Welcome to binary-only RPM's. You get the same thing by downloading and
 building the latest apache, then adding OpenSSL and mod_perl. It's a LOT
 less work. Take the RedHat  6.0 Secure Server back for a refund or use
 the CD as a $75US coaster.

nah... rh-5.2 secure server was around $75...
the new rh-6.0 secure server runs $150  ( see the redhat site )

and their corporate tech support is only $60,000/yr  

as has every distro pricing of cdrom when 95%(?) of all related s/w is
"free" off the net...

have fun

  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Joel Fowler
  Sent: Friday, July 30, 1999 1:50 PM
  Subject: Adding software with RedHat installation system?
  I have run into a moderate dilemma.
  I built a RedHat 6.0 system and used software raid1 on all
  but the /boot
  Everything was wonderful!
  I just purchased and am now trying to install an upgrade to
  their RedHat
  6.0 Secure Server product. This upgrade installs with their
  system which unfortunately doesn't know anything about my
  raid1 filesystems.
  Is their a workable process for maintaining software from an
  In my case I have a third disk and I can see a labor
  intensive approach
  which should work.
  I'm hoping someone has a better idea?

Re: Fighting RAID0...

1999-07-28 Thread Alvin Oga

hi ya...

I was using raid0 on rh-5.x w/ mdadd/mdcreate

I upgraded to rh-6.0 and all hell broke loose
but is now working fine..
there were compile or autodetect or raidstart 
problems with other raidtool packages
- similarly with different kernels...

works fine w/ linux-2.2.10 w/ raidtools-41 works w/ rh-6.0

am also running linux-2.2.6 and linux-2.2.10 w/
its repective raidtools

have fun

Re: Sftwr Raid w/Redhat 6.0

1999-07-09 Thread Alvin Oga

hi jim

 I'm trying to setup Raid 1 in sftwr using Redhat 6.0 w/2 identical
  EIDE drives (13GB) as hda  hdc, but can't get it to work.
  Is there any definitive doc somewhere that describes how to do this w/the current 

I use linux-2.2.6 or 2.2.10 for raid0/1... w/ rh-6.0

have fun
- have running debian-2.2, rh-6.0, slack-4.0, suse-6.1, cald-2.2, pht, turbocluster 

Re: backup/redundancy solutions

1999-07-08 Thread Alvin Oga

hi allan, steve,

using NT to backup linux destroys linux permissions...
using linux to backup NTs destroys NT permissions/uid/gid

- as others have stated earlier
using mirror'ed disks might result in the original disk being bad/corrupted
and the mirror itself to be bad...( you have the time between mirrors
to find any corruption or bad data etc...
- I keep a tar file ( unmirrored ) so that at least one day of backup
file will/should have a last known good file

- problem with 1 huge backup machine is if that one machine dies...
  your raid5 backup is dead to ?? ( bad power surge )
- that huge disk/system sits idle 99% of the time ??

- tape backups for offsite archives only... too slow to recover files
- 20Gb ide drive is $300...( fast, cheap, good for online mirror, etc )

- we have 3 - 64Gb hardware raid as /home... ( or equivalant )
and the backups of it spread across 4 the other servers

- I keep a tar file of changes...
- the tar file is used to create the mirror periodically 
- hourly backups to keep a copy of hourly changes
- daily backups/mirror to mirror todays work
- the tar file will have the "changes" for however long we keep the data
- if a file changes dailygoing back in time, we should
find a uncorrupted file...but...not to to date ?

- backup can also be corrupt or incomplete
- usually NFS problems
- disk 100% full problems
- lack of backup permission to remotely read root protected files 

- if the full backup or incremental backup is bad... any subsquent backups are
  bad too ...
- my daily incremental backups start for the last full backup
- my weekly backups span 30 days and a  full backup
( if this week full backup is bad...30-day incremental can
(  rebuild/recover from last weeks full backup
- weekly full backups reside on different disks on 3 different machines
- it auto-rotates to different backup machines...
( backup_1, backup_7, backup_30, backup_wk1, backup_wk2, etc..

- i wrote my own backup script to do backups and "mirror"
- have search capability too

- some people use cdr to back really critical data

have fun

# linux backing up NTs will lose some uid/gid info from the NTs
#   - CAUTION...some linux kernels  will corrupt the NT time stamps
# take the tar file and extract to the mirror disk or leave it alone on the backups
# backup of NT or linux... uses this same method
# change -mtime to change between hourly/daily/weekly incremental backups
# change /Backup to different disks/servers to protect against power surges, disk 
linux# mount /Backup
linux# smbmount /WinNT/C passwd -c `mount /mnt/WinNT' -U Administrator ( for NTs )
linux# cd /mnt/WinNT ; find . -mtime -1 -type f -print | tar cvf /Backup/today.tar -T -
linux# umount /mnt/WinNT ; umount /Backup

 bad call. i NEVER backup unix via smb. go and restore from that backup and
 look at your unix permissions. unless you tar first, perms are destroyed by
 i use a backup server running linux. the nt boxes can dump to it using smb,
 the unix boxes use nfs v3, and the backup server takes care of the rest.
 this good cause it gives me a running machine, a harddrive backup, and a tape
 backup all with the correct full unix perms.
 Steve McPherson [EMAIL PROTECTED] said: 
  We do the same thing here.  Linux is set up to talk to NT through SAMBA. 
 The NT server is running the Backup Exec.  The Linux server backs up along
 with everything else.  
   Dirk Petry [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/08/99 10:57AM 
  Dear Tony,
  our system manager here just dumps all data from a large
  mixed LAN on a 70 GB DLT using Seagate Backup Exec running
  on an NT server. It seems to work pretty well. Typical
  data transfer speed is 3.5 MB/s.
  Best regards,
  Dirk Petryemail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
   Institut de Fisica d'Altes Energies (IFAE), Edificio Cn,
  Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, 08193 Bellaterra, Spain
 Fax: +34-93581-1938Phone: +34-93581-2833

Re: Help with Raid 1 please.

1999-04-19 Thread Alvin Oga

hi abed

your are showing that sda5 and sdb5 is used as /local and /loca1

you cannot use those partitions in another raid partition  ( /dev/md0 )

( take sda5 and sdb5 out of your /etc/fstab file )

in /etc/raid1.conf, you need to select partitions that are NOT used
anywhere else

if you want to use those two partitions, sda5 and sdb5, you need to save
the contents elsewhere  and create your raid1 device and restore it
onto the raid1 drives...

you can also symlink /etc/raid1.conf to /etc/raidtab if you like

have fun

 Abed M. Hammoud wrote:
 I am trying to get raid level one working on my machine. I have
 and I have enabled the raid as a module in my kernel.
 The output of the df command is:
 /dev/hda1  54410   2529226309 49%   /
 /dev/sda517072834  13  16183684  0%   /local
 /dev/sdb517072834  13  16183684  0%   /local1
 /dev/hda77068742  836518  5865944 12%   /usr
 /dev/hda6 303251   23454   264136  8%   /var
 I have put /etc/raid1.conf which contains:
 raiddev /dev/md0
 raid-level  1
 nr-raid-disks   2
 nr-spare-disks  0
 device  /dev/sda5
 raid-disk   0
 device  /dev/sdb5
 raid-disk   1
 Now I do the follwing:
 root /sbin/mkraid -c /etc/raid1.conf /dev/md0 
 handling MD device /dev/md0
 analyzing super-block
 disk 0: /dev/sda5, 17782752kB, raid superblock at 17782656kB
 /dev/sda5 is mounted
 mkraid: aborted
 So why am I getting mkraid aboarted. Also do I need to have an
 /etc/raidtab file...
 I tried this /etc/raidtab (I edited a the distributed sample file):
 raiddev /dev/md2
 nr-raid-disks 2
 raid-disk 0
 raid-disk 1
 So please what am I doing wrong. I am trying to make /local and /local1
 mirror each other.
 Thanks for any pointers.
 Oh, I have RH5.2 kernel 2.0.36 (on i386 machine) - I have the raid 
 enabled as a module. I didn't add any patches for the kernel to 
 support raid. Do I need to add some patches ? If I do, is there 
 a way of knowing if these patches have been applied to the 
 kernel already ?
 Abed M. Hammoud, D.Sc.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 IntellX L.L.C.  Office: (303) 469-7383
 Colorado, USA

Re: upgrading a system running an older version of RAID1

1999-02-25 Thread Alvin Oga

hi ya alvin

 I have a system running a vintage 1.2.124 kernel with the autorun enabled. 

is that really 1.2.124 or 2.1.124 ??

 In short I am booting and running the whole system off of a set of raid1
 I now want to upgrade to 2.2.1. I tried the simple thing of just
 rebuilding a kernel but that will not work, I just get panics and all
 Will I have to rebuild my complete system?

to run 2.1.* or 2.2.* need to upgrade your binaries
and all kinds of goodies...

have fun

Re: Point-of-Sale RAID application

1999-02-23 Thread Alvin Oga

hi ya osma

  for larger systems/clusters:
  what about the linux High Availability project ?
  and/or the beowolf project ?
 No Linux project I know of can yet provide generic failsafe clustering.

am thinking...( outloud )

we can get dual hosted disk controllers...
we can get dual CPU motherboards...
we can get redundant power supplies...
we can get removable disk drives...

all we need is to "put all that into a generic linux box"... :-)

the above would have two sets of "mirrored raid-5 arrays" and accessed
by either dual cpu system with dual host scsi cards to get to the other one..

problem is linux does NOT support "multi-homed" servers...
if home1 is doesn't automatically go to home2...
so put a sun/sgi on top of the linux boxes to support that function ??

   If you're referring to boot possibilities when the first drive goes
   down, it is somewhat of an unsolved issue with software RAID, since
   LILO knows nothing about RAID configurations, and the BIOS even less.
  you can use a root-raid drive to solve that ?? ( sorta ? )
  if one disk goes down, you can still boot before resorting to floppy
 Software RAID can not solve it because the software isn't running at
 the time the boot sector needs to be accessed. Hardware RAID does, as
 long as it has a BIOS driver.

am thinking...replace the "function" of what lilo does and make it
look to one of several disks for the bootup sequences which would
be on /dev/sda, /dev/sdb, or /dev/sdc etc...
( thinking sorta that the boot records are just pointers
( of where to go next to find more initializations sequences...

have fun

Re: RAID1 experiences - docs

1999-02-15 Thread Alvin Oga

hi ya ingo

 just to add one more point, i was waiting for 2.2 to stabilize before
 moving the RAID driver to 2.2.x. But when patches began floating around

i picked up the 2.2.0 stuff...seems to work okay for me with 2.2.1 kernel...
but I did not test thoroughly 

think like any new sw, it will work for some and might not for
others under certain cases until things get stabile... and is a
continuous issue of when to release new stuff...vs living with 
the older know states of the prev software

 Still waiting for someone with better documentation skills
 than mine to pick the maintainance of RAID-docs up :) 

I'd help out where I can... if you need me to contribute
- guess it's a style issue too of hwo to maintain the raid docs

have fun
alvin - my idea of simple

Re: RAID1 experiences -docs

1999-02-14 Thread Alvin Oga

hi ya "raid gurus"

I've collected some docs of lastest/raid docs stuff
think about 2 or three people posted their versions...
( unfortunately I did not keep copies from before )

I made my version too so that I can remember what I did
to get my stuff running...

- willing to help document and gather things...

- am currently maintaining the autofs-how to
  so doing another raid-howto would not be such a big
  deal as long as info is availble to insert into the docs

have fun

Re: RAID1 experiences - patches

1999-02-13 Thread Alvin Oga

hi linux-raid folks...

I just finished installing the raid stuff into linux-2.2.1
w/ rh-5.2 with all the 5.2 patch files

I used raid0145-19990128-2.2.0.gz and also the latest

it works good...

however, I'm sure you folks all know that there is a header problem
for the definition of BLKGETSIZE which is now defined in linux/fs.h

As for notifying redhatI'd suggest sending the raid announcements
and stuff to someone's attention and they might redirect it to the
right people etc... ??? ( so it'd be in their hands - what they do 
is a separate issue )

have fun

( since is usually full )
I have a copy of the raid files at:

 Michael Stone wrote:
 On Wed, Feb 10, 1999 at 09:43:12AM -0600, Chris Price wrote:
  Instead of pointing fingers at Redhat, I would ask if there is
  someone with teh Linux-raid community that actively corresponds with
  redhat to let them know of current status of linux-raid? Ingo etal. seem
  to be doing a superb job in adding funtionality and fixing bugs quickly,
  but that does result in a myriad of patches being issued fairly
  regularily - is it Redhat's responsibility to keep track of linux-raid,
  or is it our responsibility to inform them of stable releases?
 Is anyone in the "linux-raid community" being paid to do research work
 for redhat? If so, they should probably keep redhat informed. If not, I
 think it's fair to expect redhat to do their own work.
 Mike Stone