Re: freecell

2002-02-10 Thread rplummer

Have to agree on that one.Pysol is probably the best solitaire 
collection around.. even the windows version is great.


On 10 Feb 2002, at 17:14, David A. Bandel wrote:

 On Sun, 10 Feb 2002 13:19:03 -0800 (PST)
 begin  Net Llama [EMAIL PROTECTED] spewed forth:
  Does anyone know of a very good FreeCell game?  I've tried Ace of
  Penguins and XFreecell, and neither is really up to snuff.  As much as I
  hate to admit it, the MS version seems to be the gold standard to which
  the others are not comparing.  
 Well, since you seem to like KDE, I assume you've tried kpat (the old
 xpat2).  But my favorite is PySOL.  Not sure if the Caldera's version of
 Python is up to it, so you may need to upgrade that, but PySOL is king in
 my house.  When I did an upgrade, I nearly had a mutiny on my hands until
 I put PySOL back on.  You'd have thought I'd deleted their bank accounts!
 David A. Bandel
 Focus on the dream, not the competition.
   -- Nemesis Racing Team motto
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Ray  Nancy Plummer
Copper, Elektra  WOK
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Re: Elx Linux

2002-02-07 Thread rplummer

Thanks Ken, I'll try that.


On 6 Feb 2002, at 20:53, Ken Moffat wrote:
 On Wed, 6 Feb 2002 20:38:33 -0800
  I am still having issues with the CD-RW and CD-R and Floppy drive 
  and the locks. Once in a while I can get to them but then cannot 
  unmount them as it thinks they are busy.
 I disabled supermount by changing the /etc/fstab lines, which cured my
 cd problems. 
 Here are the new lines I use.
 /dev/cdrom  /mnt/cdrom  iso9660
 defaults,user,rw,noauto 0 0/dev/cdrom1 /mnt/cdrom1
 iso9660 defaults,user,rw,noauto 0 0/dev/floppy
 /mnt/floppy vfatdefaults,user,rw,noauto 0 0
 I use append  append=hdb=ide-scsi hdc=ide-scsi to enable my cd-rw
 and dvd for scsi emulation. This is mostly untested, but both show in
 cdrecord -scanbus 
 Ken Moffat
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Ray  Nancy Plummer
Copper, Elektra  WOK
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Re: Elx Linux

2002-02-06 Thread rplummer

I have installed ELX Linux also.  I am very impressed. At first I didn't 
think to much of the My Computer and the Network Neighborhood 
on the desktop but after playing around a little and using the different 
features of them, I found them rather handy.  But then, I'm not a real 
dyed in the wool Linux user either. 

The one thing I found interesting is that I have 2 harddrives in the box.  
Elx installed on the proper drive but doesn't see the other drive 
(windows) so that I could mount the windows drive.  Altho it did find the 
other 2 machines on my network (both Windows) and set them up with 

I am still having issues with the CD-RW and CD-R and Floppy drive 
and the locks. Once in a while I can get to them but then cannot 
unmount them as it thinks they are busy.

Overall I would say its an excellent distro and would recommend it 
especially for Windows users who want to ease into a Linux 

Ray  Nancy Plummer
Copper, Elektra  WOK
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Re: Microsoft Support OT

2002-01-19 Thread rplummer

Ah, but no one has come up with the most definitive one:

Most Certainly Shi**y Experience


On 19 Jan 2002, at 8:59, Tim Wunder wrote:

From:   Tim Wunder [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Organization:   Dis-
Subject:Re: Microsoft Support OT
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=subscribe
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Date sent:  Sat, 19 Jan 2002 08:59:37 -0500

 Previously, Ian chose to write:
  Douglas J Hunley wrote:
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] babbled on about:
  And a bunch of other people babbled about it before them...
  Not bad, I kinda watched this thread with amusement, in case nobody was
  keeping track here are the entries in no particular order, although
  possibly chronological.
  Must Consult with Someone Else,
  Mouse Certified System Engineer
  Must Confer with Someone Experienced
  Microsoft Certified Solitaire Expert
  Mandrake Consultant  Suse Expert
  My Certification Somewhat Exaggerated
  Mentally Crippled Self Evangelists
  My Capabilities Seriously Exaggerated
 Valuable info like this need to be on the SxS. Bedtime reading, perhaps?
 Caldera eWorkstation 3.1, kernel 2.4.9, KDE 2.2.1, Xfree86 4.1.0
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Ray  Nancy Plummer
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Re: ELX linux

2002-01-08 Thread rplummer

I thought it was a bit sluggish too. But not as sluggish as Mandrake 
8.1  Was running on AMD K6 2-500 with 256MB ram on its own HD.


On 8 Jan 2002, at 19:19, Ken Moffat wrote:

Date sent:  Tue, 8 Jan 2002 19:19:11 -0800

 Anyone trying ELX think it's a bit sluggish? 
 (maybe it's because I have it about 40 gigs in to a 60 gig drive?)
 Ken Moffat
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Re: elx linux distro

2001-12-26 Thread rplummer

Just wondering, has anyone sent an email to ELX on these couple of 
items we are all having a problem with?  After all, their site says its 
supposed to be set up so any novice can immediately work in Linux 
and basically have no problems. 


On 26 Dec 2001, at 10:32, Ted Ozolins wrote:

 On Wednesday 26 December 2001 02:36 am, you wrote:
  Recently, somebody somewhere said:
   Yep, you're right about the CDROMS - no devices sg0-1 and sr0-1,  I'm
   buggered how to set them up; MAKEDEV doesn't seen to work.
   SCSI support is there, however.  cdrecord --scanbus returns the expected
  Ahem, beg pardon of my ignorance, but have you tried /dev/scd0? It seems to
  work for me.
 Been using Caldera for so long never thought of scdX as the dev's. You are 
 right, I deleted /dev/cdrom and linked cdrom to scd0 and all works just 
 great. I still can not log into webmin. I'll rpm -e webmin and re-install it 
 and see if that fixes the beast. I can log into swat with no problems. I'm 
 using Mozilla as the browser.
 Ted Ozolins (VE7TVO)
 Westbank, B. C.
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Re: elx linux distro

2001-12-25 Thread rplummer

I also did the download of Elx.  I did 2 installs with it, same machine 

MachineVia Apollo chipset, AMD K6 2-500, 256 megs ram, PCI 
Riva TNT Graphics Card, Fijitsu 10 meg primary with Windows, 
Western Dig 20 Gig blank secondary, Lite-on CD-RW,  Generic 56x 
CD, Sylvania F74 monitor, MS Mouse, Sound Blaster 16 PCI. 

First Install Custom

Went pretty much as Collins did except that I installed everything. 
Just to see what would happen. 
The Partitioning I think is a minor problem as I had the same 
problem being unable to select which hard drive. However after 
pressing tab and watching closely, eventually you could see a faint 
highlight on the Drive section then use the down arrow to select hdb. 
The rest of the install went pretty smooth and didn't have to do 
much at all except indicate DHCP and root password. 

After the reboot I entered KDE. Ran the config wizard that comes 
up to set up KDE Desktop. All went well. The panel and menus are re-
done not standard KDE that we are all familiar with however its not that 
big a deal. Actually makes more sense and does not have as much 
duplication. The panel or taskbar at the bottom of the screen is totally 
different offering a selection of icons that launch a button menu of 
various programs. One such is the Internet button. Clicking it brings up 
a window of icons with all the internet programs such as browsers, 
messengers, email programs, download mgrs, etc, there is a 'help' or 
description screen at the bottom of the window as you rollover each 
button. In all there are about 6 of these icons in the panel. Desktop, 
Internet, Office, Development, Configuration, My Computer.
Oh yeahOn the main desktop is an Icon for My Computer, very 
similiar in function to Windows my Computer, and also an Icon for 
Network Neighborhood, also similiar to Windows. 
I had 3 problems with the custom install, ELX did not configure my 
sound card correctly, nor did it configure the CD-RW or CD-R properly 
so that I could pop in a cd and browse. And finally while it did find not 
only the Windows hard drive on the machine, and 2 other machines 
that were also on the network. I could not browse or mount them for 

Because of the above problems, I decided to try a reinstall, so I deleted 
the partitions and did a.

Default Install

Almost is hands off install. had to select DHCP and root password, 
also had the option of choosing pkgs and whether to make a boot disk. 
Went well, it found and partitioned HDB and left alone the Windows 
Drive. Everything else was about the same. Had the same problems 
with the CD-RW and CD-R, Same Sound problems, Same no browsing 
of Network Machines. However, I had to leave for awhile and shut down 
the machine, when I came back and rebooted it, it went to Kudzu and 
found the sound card and configured it correctly. Still could not browse 
the CD-RW or the CD-R. I set up a new Icon for the desktop and 
discovered the problem or at least part of it. FSTAB had both set as 
CDROM not CDROM and CDROM1 also did not have the CDRW as a 
SCSI device altho CDR-Toast did recognize it and allowed me to 
configure it. I tried browsing, both but for some reason couldn't. I 
looked in the file manager and there were locks placed on /mnt/cdrom, 
/mnt/cdrom1, and /mnt/floppy.  Why I haven't a clue at this point. 
Still couldn't browse or mount the other networked machines. 
Probably some simple configuration or other. 

The Distro appears to be either Mandrake or RH based. Uses 
RPM's. Default is Reiserfs. I felt a lot of thought and work has gone 
into the menus and into the installation and probably would work ok 
with only one CD-RW or CD-R.  I also felt it would be a pretty good 
distro for a Linux Newbie. As long as there was someone to help out 
nearby if they ran into a problem. 

Sorry this is not more technical, but I wanted to 'play dumb' and see if 
it would do everything without any knowledge of Linux. As this is 
actually a pre1 distro, I didn't really expect it to be foolproof yet. 

One last thing, I was disappointed with the speed it operated on my 
machine, altho it was a bit faster than Mandrake 8.1 it was much 
slower than Libranet 1.9.1 all of which I have recently tried on this 
machine. Oh well, its sold for Xmas and I had to clean it off so don't 
have to worry about it anyway. hahaha

Merry Xmas to all

Ray Plummer

Ray  Nancy Plummer
Copper, Elektra  WOK
Linux-users mailing list
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ELX Linux

2001-12-23 Thread rplummer

For those of you who like to try new distros, ELX Linux is available for 
download today. 

The FTP connection didn't work but the HTTP one did. I haven't finished 
downloading it yet so don't have any other comments. 

you can get it at

click on download


Ray  Nancy Plummer
Copper, Elektra  WOK
Linux-users mailing list
Archives, Digests, etc at

Re: Howto with NT problems

2001-09-30 Thread rplummer


Try the default password that comes with NT which I believe is 
administrator. It may have never been changed. 


On 30 Sep 2001, at 10:54, Keith Antoine wrote:
 Query #2
 There are tons of manuals re the vsision and anything in NT related to vision 
 but there is nothing to tell us how to change ADMINISTRATOR password. I 

Ray  Nancy Plummer
Copper, Elektra  WOK
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Re: A couple of Questions about Debian Linux/Storm Linux

2001-09-23 Thread rplummer

I had a 3com nic and didn't have any problem with Progeny or with 
Libranet. I installed Libranet later on another machine with a linksys nic 
and didn't have any problem either.


On 23 Sep 2001, at 10:33, Ken Moffat wrote:

 Did your Progeny recognize your NIC no problem?
 I installed and have no net connection, using CheapBytes CD's.
 On Sun, 23 Sep 2001 09:45:30 -0700
  You might also want to try Progeny-debian or Libranet-debian. Both are 
  debian distros with good graphical installers. They can be downloaded 
  and burned.  I have tried both and prefer Libranet for various reasons 
  but both are good.

Ray  Nancy Plummer
Copper, Elektra  WOK
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Re: A couple of Questions about Debian Linux/Storm Linux

2001-09-23 Thread rplummer

On 23 Sep 2001, at 12:10, Collins Richey wrote:
 I keep looking for A Debian distribution that is up to date.  Progeny
 is still using 2.2.x kernels.  Even LibraNet is using 2.4.3 with
 reiserfs (which sounds like inviting trouble to me).  Have you done
 much with either of these?  How difficult/time consuming is it to
 bring either of these distros into the modern world?
 Alas, I've gotten too spoiled with gentoo or jblinux or even Mandrake,
 for that matter.

Once you have installed the distro, you can upgrade to woody easilly 
just by changing the sources.list and running update and then upgrade.
I did not install reisersfs as I haven't had the time to study what it can 
and cannot do. 

I sent a URL last week to the list of a doc about moving from bsd to 
debian, was good told how to do the woody upgrade and bunch of other 
stuff.  Check the archives for this list. If you can't find it let me know 
and I'll see if I can relocate it and send it to you.


Ray  Nancy Plummer
Copper, Elektra  WOK
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Re: recording video

2001-08-21 Thread rplummer


check out here for just about any info on CD recordable stuff.

There are tons of links to other places for more specific info also. 

A week or so ago, The Screen Savers had an article about copying 
movies to CD's you might check there also 

look in the question and answers section. 

And yes most of this info is about windows but, once armed with what 
you need, you can probably find the Linux stuff to do it. 


On 21 Aug 2001, at 13:37, Keith Antoine wrote:
 I would like to ask a rather openended question re recording old vhs tapes to 
 #1 Can this be done on linux and if so what do I need, I have a Nvidia card 
 by Guillemot (Cougar) with tv in and out.
 #2 Has anyone used Windows for this and what did you use?
 #3 I understand there is a limittation in mpeg 1 that allows only 1 hrs 
 recording, does mpeg 2 fare any better?
 I plan to re-record to cdrom either vcd or svcd.
 To make yourself look truthful one has to lie, as most people
 do not want to kmow the truth; but only that which they believe.
 Keith Antoine aka skippy
 18 Arkana St The Gap Queensland 4061 Australia PH 16 7 33002161
 Retired Geriatric and Sometime Electronics Engineer
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Ray  Nancy Plummer
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Question on script

2001-08-12 Thread rplummer

I have a small script that pings my ISP every so often so the ISP 
doesn't shut my server connection down for lack of activity. The script 
is as follows

ping -i 600

On my desktop I have set up an icon to start the script called pingit. 
The execute line is

 /root/pingit .

Now the problem is, that when I click on the icon for the script, it 
should start running and run in the background.  And I should be able 
to see it in the Taskmanager, but I don't see it running and it 
evidentally is not executing. 

I have tried to start it in a terminal with the following:


I get an error msg that has to do with the ''

If I try to run it with just !pingit, it says that there is no such command.

Anyone have any ideas?  All Help would be appreciated.



Ray  Nancy Plummer
Copper, Elektra  WOK
Archives, Subscribe, Unsubscribe, Digest, Etc 

Re: Question on script

2001-08-12 Thread rplummer

Thanks Kurt.

That fixed things.


On 12 Aug 2001, at 18:27, Kurt Wall wrote:

From:   Kurt Wall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:Re: Question on script
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Date sent:  Sun, 12 Aug 2001 18:27:37 -0600

 In the last episode, we heard [EMAIL PROTECTED] say:
  I have a small script that pings my ISP every so often so the ISP 
  doesn't shut my server connection down for lack of activity. The script 
  is as follows
  ping -i 600
  On my desktop I have set up an icon to start the script called pingit. 
  The execute line is
   /root/pingit .
 Lose the period, if it's there. I don't think it is necessary to run
 it in the background, either. Moreover, you need to do something with
 ping -i 600  /tmp/pinglog.txt 2 /tmp/pingerr.txt
 The other problem is that ping must run in a terminal, so create the
 shortcut to run in a terminal (I believe there's a checkbox for this
 What's with the !?
  I get an error msg that has to do with the ''
  If I try to run it with just !pingit, it says that there is no such command.
 Right. The script is named pingit not !pingit. Try:
 The shell has a special meaning for !.
It's not the despair... I can stand the despair.  It's the hope.
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Ray  Nancy Plummer
Copper, Elektra  WOK
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Re: .htaccess file

2001-07-14 Thread rplummer


Ray Plummer

On 14 Jul 2001, at 18:31, Federico Voges wrote:

 I'm interested.
 On Sat, 14 Jul 2001 14:08:11 -0500, Ronnie Gauthier wrote:
 A while back I wrote a short tutorial on the use of the .htaccess file. It 
 covers most everything except password protection, of which there are already 
 enough written. If anyone would like it let me know. If there are enough I'll 
 just post it here, otherwise I wont waste space and time.
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 (1425) Buenos Aires
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Ray  Nancy Plummer
Copper, Elektra  WOK
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Re: Suse vs Mandrake decision

2001-07-10 Thread rplummer

Comment on Mandrake 8.0

I downloaded the ISO for both the install and the extended stuff. The 
install went great, but then I have a pretty plain vanilla machine to 
install it on.  However, I was disappointed in the KDE that was 
installed. I didn't see the familiar KDE panel, menu and etc. While 
browsing through the menus it seemed very Gnome centric even in 
KDE. Couldn't find the usual KDE configuration screens etc. Also 
Mandrake used to put the icons on the desktop for the CD Floppy disk 
and Printer. All that came up was the Trash and Home icons. However, 
Gnome desktop was fully configured. One wonders if Mandrake is 
pushing Gnome by limiting KDE. 

Also for some reason after I had it running for about an hour, it started 
writing to my hard drive and locked up the mouse and keyboard this 
continued for several minutes and did not let up. I finally had to just 
shut the thing down (power off). 

The one other annoying thing was that it configured my video so that 
the visable screen on my 17 monitor was located in the lower right 
quadrant of the monitor. It had about an inch on the top and left side of 
black space. Again, couldn't find anyway to adjust that through the 
KDE menus. As I use the same monitor for 4 machines, I did not want 
to adjust the monitor controls on the monitor as all the others place the 
screen in the center of the monitor. 

Just my .02 cents.

Will dL SUSE and give it a try.


Ray  Nancy Plummer
Copper, Elektra  WOK
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