I have installed ELX Linux also.  I am very impressed. At first I didn't 
think to much of the "My Computer" and the "Network Neighborhood" 
on the desktop but after playing around a little and using the different 
features of them, I found them rather handy.  But then, I'm not a real 
dyed in the wool Linux user either. 

The one thing I found interesting is that I have 2 harddrives in the box.  
Elx installed on the proper drive but doesn't see the other drive 
(windows) so that I could mount the windows drive.  Altho it did find the 
other 2 machines on my network (both Windows) and set them up with 

I am still having issues with the CD-RW and CD-R and Floppy drive 
and the locks. Once in a while I can get to them but then cannot 
unmount them as it thinks they are busy.

Overall I would say its an excellent distro and would recommend it 
especially for Windows users who want to ease into a Linux 

Ray & Nancy Plummer
Copper, Elektra & WOK
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