[WSG] Avoid non valid css hacks

2007-02-10 Thread Pierre-Henri Lavigne
Ok at my work I joined last october they used to work with ie hacks such 
as _

In their specifications, they are releasing only valid html code and not 
css, and I am trying to release valid css stylesheets too, (Boum) I 
still used tantek hack for example with voice-family. And for various 
reasons, they don't like it. For maintaining they don't want to use ie 
conditional stylesheets for example and want everything in one stylesheet.

So everyone think about it, decided to upgrade it progressivly to try 
finding new stuffs.

First initiative came from a colleague who suggest for width and height 
properties :

width: 980px !important; /* standard loving browser */
width: 952px; /* IE5 */
width /**/ : /**/ 962px; /* IE6 */

What do you think about it ? Is it a method already used on the web ?

My other question is different and was about the selector . I am using 
htmlbody #container for example.

On the source from webstandardsawards.com they are using body#container.
I suppose it is ok 'cause IE 6 won't understand it, but was it tested in 
depth ?


Wcube . eQuesto
Pierre-Henri LAVIGNE
Web developer xhtml - css
33, rue des Jeûneurs - FR 75002 Paris
Phone: +33(0)1 42 47 83 83
www.wcube.fr / www.equesto.fr

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[WSG] Sending correct MYME-TYPE and content

2007-02-10 Thread Pierre-Henri Lavigne

Regards to http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/2004/xhtml-faq#ie I just discovered, 
I was just wondering if we could use :

if (stristr($_SERVER[HTTP_ACCEPT],application/xhtml+xml)) {
   header(Content-Type: application/xhtml+xml; charset=UTF-8);
   printf(?xml version=\1.0\ encoding=\UTF-8\ ?\n);
   printf(!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN\ 

   $contentType=application/xhtml+xml; charset=utf-8;
} else {
   header(Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8);
   printf(?xml version=\1.0\ encoding=\UTF-8\ ?\n);
   printf(?xml-stylesheet type=\text/xsl\ href=\copy.xsl\ ?\n);
   printf(!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN\ 

   $contentType=text/html; charset=utf-8;
html xmlns=http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml; xml:lang=en
   meta http-equiv=Content-Language content=en-us /
   meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=?php printf($contentType); 
? /

What do you think about ? I suppose if the trick works, everyone will 
use it. I never heard about it before. Any informations / suggestions 
about it ?

Wcube . eQuesto
Pierre-Henri LAVIGNE
Web developer xhtml - css
33, rue des Jeûneurs - FR 75002 Paris
Phone: +33(0)1 42 47 83 83
www.wcube.fr / www.equesto.fr

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Re: [WSG] Sending correct MYME-TYPE and content

2007-02-10 Thread Pierre-Henri Lavigne

Matthew Smith wrote:

Quoth Pierre-Henri Lavigne at 02/11/07 05:03...
snip /
What do you think about ? I suppose if the trick works, everyone will 
use it. I never heard about it before. Any informations / suggestions 
about it ?

Setting MIME type by accept string for XHTML is certainly used - I use 
it myself.

The thing that is missing from your implementation is giving any 
regard to the weight, or the user agent's this is what I prefer number.

Let me know if you would like to see the code I use, which takes into 
account the weight factor.



Yes I am curious and would like to see the code that includes the weight 
factor I even don't know.

Anyway I think I confused, my question was about the use of the tip from 
http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/2004/xhtml-faq#ie :

* Why does nobody use it ? (To my little knowledgedes )
* And find a true way to send and declare the Meta Content Type in the 
document with both standard compliant UA and the proprietary Internet 
Explorer 6 browser.


Wcube . eQuesto
Pierre-Henri LAVIGNE
Web developer xhtml - css
33, rue des Jeûneurs - FR 75002 Paris
Phone: +33(0)1 42 47 83 83
www.wcube.fr / www.equesto.fr

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Re: [WSG] image placement problem

2007-01-29 Thread Pierre-Henri Lavigne

You are welcome, Dwain

Some notes :

As a class you can use it nicely :
div id=header  class=clearfix
div id=kdd/div

Instead of :

div id=header
div class=clearfix
div id=kdd/div

You could use multiple classes too  like : div class=myClass  
The goal is to use a semantic method by avoiding a line like the old  
method div class=clear/div at the end of every container of  
floated elements

cf http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=ClearingSpace

I am reading the book Don't make me think from Steve Krug at the moment.
Regards to the author mind, I would not say I prefer left align  
text or left align text is better than justify align text, but  
looking at the last paragraphs, In term of usability
- I, we, hope you find- is better than -I, we hopeyou 
find-. (Kind of what users view in resolution =1024x768) What do you  
think of ? Take it easy, I was exciting by reading the book :). Not  
shure anyway if you are free to read some docs or interesting in text  
formatting, I  recommend to you http://www.wpdfd.com/editorial/basics/ 


Wcube . eQuesto
Pierre-Henri LAVIGNE
Web developer xhtml - css
33, rue des Jeûneurs - FR 75002 Paris
Phone: +33(0)1 42 47 83 83
www.wcube.fr / www.equesto.fr

On Jan 29, 2007, at 2:24 AM, Dwain Alford wrote:

thanks pierre-henri.  the clearfix after every third image did the  
trick.  i was wondering about that, but everything else about the  
site seemed to work without it.  now i've got to go change some  
more main page to reflect the solid look.


On 1/28/07, Pierre-Henri Lavigne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I didn't look at the css, I have a similar problem using a list.
I suppose you floated the elements and let them elastic, without  
setting a fixed height in the css property.

The simple solution is to keep a ratio in height to your thumbnails  
(thanks to markups or images) and
idem setting a fixed height to the decription (this implies a  
maximum length characters)

Otherwise you can clear the last item of every line in case of a  
fixed gallery width, using for example the class clearfix on every  
third position item  ( http://www.positioniseverything.net/ 


Wcube . eQuesto
Pierre-Henri LAVIGNE
Web developer xhtml - css
33, rue des Jeûneurs - FR 75002 Paris
Phone: +33(0)1 42 47 83 83
www.wcube.fr / www.equesto.fr

On Jan 29, 2007, at 12:59 AM, Dwain Alford wrote:

i'm using a variation of eric meyer's picture gallery; without the  
slide mounts.  i've been looking at this and shuffling pictures  
around and i've come to a stalemate as to why the calle d borbon  
image won't slide into place.  in fact, there are others that  
don't follow suit either.  i have placed horizontal pix next to  
each other as well as verticals next to verticals.  the html and  
css validate.  the rest of the images on the site seem to fall  
into place, so why not these; it's the same code?  would someone  
take a look at this and help me solve it?

page:  http://www.studiokdd.com/sandbox/new-orleans.html

dwain alford
p.o. box 145
winfield, alabama  35594

tele:  205.487.2570
cell:  205.495.5619
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dwain alford
p.o. box 145
winfield, alabama  35594

tele:  205.487.2570
cell:  205.495.5619
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Re: [WSG] Safari - Drop down menu over a flash movie

2007-01-26 Thread Pierre-Henri Lavigne

I confirm regards to various tests, wmode didn't help.
iBook g4 using OS 10.4 and Safari 2.0.4(419.3) too.
Thanks for the info. Do not know atm how we will manage it. (skip  
submenu ? oucha)


Wcube . eQuesto
Pierre-Henri LAVIGNE
Web developer xhtml - css
33, rue des Jeûneurs - FR 75002 Paris
Phone: +33(0)1 42 47 83 83
www.wcube.fr / www.equesto.fr

On Jan 26, 2007, at 10:23 PM, Micky Hulse wrote:

Al Sparber wrote:
It could be as mnuch an Adobe issue as an Apple one. In any event,  

Ahh, good point. :)

can see here that Adobe's own dropdown menu, which falls over a  
Flash movie, exhibits the same problem in Safari.

Now, it is possible that Adobe does not check its site in Safari,
because I know for a fact that Adobe (and formerly Macromedia) has  
known about this for a very long time.

Yeah, this has been a prob I have heard about for a long time  
too... wonder what is gumming-up the works for a fix?

Thanks for the reply Al, I appreciate your time.

Oh, and thanks agian for that link, it has been very helpful. Keep  
up the excellent work! :D


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[WSG] Safari - Drop down menu over a flash movie

2007-01-24 Thread Pierre-Henri Lavigne

Good morning / afternoon,

One of the website we are developing contains a drop down sections  
menu over a flash. I think we are catching the same problem as Adobe  
If you are using Safari, it seems there is a problem with the hover  
status of links displayed in front of the flash. (a short blink)

Did someone get the same issue ?

Comments from my message on the forum are welcome too :


Wcube . eQuesto
Pierre-Henri LAVIGNE
Web developer xhtml - css
33, rue des Jeûneurs - FR 75002 Paris
Phone: +33(0)1 42 47 83 83
www.wcube.fr / www.equesto.fr

List Guidelines: http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
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Re: [WSG] Mac favour

2007-01-22 Thread Pierre-Henri Lavigne

Heya, just to tell I am taking part a little in porting / testing  
some stuffs with Fink. (http://fink.sourceforge.net) It is really  
From a web point of view, with Fink you can run Konqueror / Galeon  
and other tools under native Mac OS X as even Incutio said (http:// 

I advise every one / web agency to consider catching a Mac even  
'older' with Mac OS X (Panther minimum will be nice) You can run a  
Mac OS 9.2 if need be
Today in France I found a shop specialized in Mac, lend return, expo  
models, etc... and you can get one in a correct price.
I have just bought a G4 768Mg Ram, CD/DVD, 20 Giga, Mac OS X Tiger  
default installed, a Jaguar DVD Package I am going to install. That's  
enough for testing.
Mac is still expensive but the community seems to be strong. And do  
not forget : with the last OS - Unix Power :D

I don't want to be mad and I am not active since a long time but I  
took part in 'favours' in the past that created troubles on the list.  
Take care.
If there are too much favours, and enough volunteers, why not  
creating a WSG  testing  community ?



Wcube . eQuesto
Pierre-Henri LAVIGNE
Web developer xhtml - css
33, rue des Jeûneurs - FR 75002 Paris
Phone: +33(0)1 42 47 83 83
www.wcube.fr / www.equesto.fr

On Jan 21, 2007, at 6:58 PM, John 'Max' Maxwell wrote:

Hi All,

Can anyone out there with a MAC take a look at this website and  
tell me if it renders happily in Opera and/or IE5 etc??


In fact – I guess any anomalies in any browser would be good to  
know about ;-)

Many thanks,


The Pig Farmer Designs Ltd


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[WSG] Ozewai2005 fork

2006-10-27 Thread Pierre-Henri Lavigne

Howdy WSG,

After reading Mr Weakley
http://www.usability.com.au/resources/ozewai2005/, I was wondering for
one of my work if this could be a true way to dynamic add the following
modification for example :

Original Reference :

 h2 class="structurelabel"
  Site navigation
 ul id="sitenav"
  lia href=""Home/a/li
  lia href=""Water
  lia href=""Land
  lia href=""Urban

 h2 class="structurelabel"
  Water birds navigation
 ol id="secondarynav"
  listronga id="birds01"Australian
Pelican span class="offleft"Here you
  lia href=""Black
  lia href=""Little Pied
  lia href=""Purple
  lia href=""Musk
If this is true, I suppose I'm not creating a new method. Can anyone
link me a reference please ?



Pierre-Henri Lavigne
Cell Phone: +33618753267

Some exist through what they do...
We exist through what we are

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Re: [WSG] Firefox print style sheet bug

2006-10-13 Thread Pierre-Henri Lavigne

Thanks for your reply Philippe and the tips for Mac. I didn't know
about it.

I was talking about a similar bug - bold text overlapping white-space -
I have for a print style sheet especially with Firefox. At the moment I
fixed the bug by changing the relative font style units (% - em) to
fixed units (pt) in the print stylesheet and it seems to work great.
Actually I was wondering now about the law about accessiblity, section
508 for example. Is there a reference or specifications to follow even
for the print ? The site does not require a high level of accessibility
but I'm curious to find out more.



Pierre-Henri Lavigne
Cell Phone: +33618753267

Some exist through what they do...
We exist through what we are

Philippe Wittenbergh wrote:

On Oct 13, 2006, at 8:14 AM, Pierre-Henri Lavigne wrote:
  I got the same problem in css as the
following example page : http://www.getphuture.com/i/google.jpg

The qualified persons on the mozilla IRC were busy at the moment I
asked support. If someone has an idea about fixing it...

I'll forward you answers if I find out more about it.

And what is the problem ?
The problems with the text, as seen in that screenshot (bold text that
overlaps previous text/loose the white-space before the text-node) ?
If yes, that is an OS X 10.4 only bug with some fonts:
If something else, please give some more details, a link to an example
page, etc.
Philippe Wittenbergh

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[WSG] Firefox print style sheet bug

2006-10-12 Thread Pierre-Henri Lavigne


I got the same problem in css as the following example page :

The qualified persons on the mozilla IRC were busy at the moment I
asked support. If someone has an idea about fixing it...
I'll forward you answers if I find out more about it.



Pierre-Henri Lavigne
Cell Phone: +33618753267

Some exist through what they do...
We exist through what we are

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Re: [WSG] Absolute URLs, RSS Feeds Mod_Rewrite

2006-10-08 Thread Pierre-Henri Lavigne


I suppose you validate your feed and you get a warning with relative
urls. Actually, if you correctly developed your feed, it's ok. Anyway,
there are various agregators which support differently rss, atom and Mr
Smith version feeds, and to be shure every user will access the correct
resources, it's better to use rigid absolute urls.

Last time I was linked by a WSG member to an article to choose one
format per feed. I got the chance to cross Matt Mullenweg thanks to
Wordpress mailing lists. To resume, the topic is not so easy. Anyway,
I'm considering to use one format per feed for my platform, the RSS 1.0
version the W3C is using for his own website. I viewed Alistapart and
WSG use RSS 2.0. I don't want to ask what do you think about it, but
which one would be the best appropriate to promote standards, from an
objective point of view ?



Pierre-Henri Lavigne
Cell Phone: +33618753267

Some exist through what they do...
We exist through what we are

Sarah Peeke (XERT) wrote:

  3. RSS feed requirements
Is it true that RSS requires the use of absolute urls?

Many thanks for any assistance.

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[WSG] RSS Feed: Undead Atom Feed

2006-10-01 Thread Pierre-Henri Lavigne

Yellow all,

I was wondering about the Atom status. From the W3C Feed Validator, I
read :
In the case of a new website, is it worth creating both RSS2 and Atom
0.3 for example ?
I told my colleague RSS2 is enough and standard but he has just
released an online atom version (unclean) and told me I couldn't
dispute Atom is a standard. To my mind, maybe the latest draft but not
the latest recommendation.
What do you think about ?

I apologize if you already argue about this subject. I subscribed the
list in August 2006 and I didn't find such topics.



Pierre-Henri Lavigne
Cell Phone: +33618753267

Some exist through what they do...
We exist through what we are

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[WSG] textarea wrap attribute

2006-09-13 Thread Pierre-Henri Lavigne

Yellow all !

I would like to know please how you are using the css property overflow to 
avoid the wrap=virtual attribute in xhtml 1.0 strict. I'm trusting css but 
I'm not shure I'm using it well. Maybe you are using an other css property.

Even if the Web is a chaosmosis, it will not be an apology to make this list 
the same. :D


Pierre-Henri Lavigne
Cell Phone: +33618753267

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Re: [WSG] z-index

2006-08-23 Thread Pierre-Henri Lavigne
On Wednesday 23 August 2006 00:16, Pierre-Henri Lavigne wrote:
 Yellow all,

 I didn't find the origin of the bug with Firefox Mac OS X.
 If you click an artwork archive on the right sidebar, a part of the popup
 image is behind my left div. Any idea how to solve this ? It seems ok with
 other browsers.

 Thanks and good evening

Maybe this screenshot http://www.getphuture.com/tmp.tiff can help you.

Pierre-Henri Lavigne
Cell Phone: +33618753267

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[WSG] z-index

2006-08-22 Thread Pierre-Henri Lavigne
Yellow all,

I didn't find the origin of the bug with Firefox Mac OS X.
If you click an artwork archive on the right sidebar, a part of the popup 
image is behind my left div. Any idea how to solve this ? It seems ok with 
other browsers.

Thanks and good evening

Pierre-Henri Lavigne
Cell Phone: +33618753267

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[WSG] xul - smil - abbr - questions

2006-08-17 Thread Pierre-Henri Lavigne

Good Day everyone,

I know we can consider again my message as a discussion not in the rule of 
terms and conditions, but there is none of 4000 members on IRC.

First Stuart, you were right about the IE italic bug. Thanks.
Christian, the book you cite will be in my cart in september ;)

Vanilla is really insteresting. Maybe I will use it for my SF project. Anyway 
I'm interesting in alternative languages like XUL. Do you think XUL could be 
the appropriate AJAX alternative for an admin management, or should I forget 
now ? I suppose XUL is not in the state of mind of web standards. 
Misconception ?

I found http://www.webstandards.org/learn/articles/askw3c/jun2004/ and other 
ALA articles about object, but does anyone has a reference about using SMIL ? 
Shoud I buy an other book ? :(

I know the abbr tag isn't working with IE6 for example, but  I think it's not 
really appropriate to use acronym instead of abbr. Even if the display / 
vocal render is better, the meaning will be wrong. I think for an english 
teacher an acronym is not an abbreviation as for a developer a constant is 
not a variable.  Em, span, etc seem to be better in this case.

Web workers come from various origins. Does anyone try to create a school ?
Most web professional diploma s in France. I'm thinking about the french 
CNAM. Advises are welcome.


Pierre-Henri Lavigne
Tel: +33 (0)

The discussion list for  http://webstandardsgroup.org/

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 for some hints on posting to the list  getting help

Re: [WSG] Mac check round two, please.

2006-08-17 Thread Pierre-Henri Lavigne
On Friday 18 August 2006 01:27, TuteC wrote:
 I don´t know if you write this with humor, if not I seriously
 published my question! As Joe then repeated it.
 Sorry if there was a misuntderstanding;

I apologize about my strange behaviour Cortex (This is your new nickname :). 
Take it all easy. You do, one point. And don't be afraid you don't have to 
justify. I'm a beginner, I trust you. (Cartoon Cortex  Minus, this is my 
evenning joke trip)

This time here are some explanations, Cortex.
I was talking about the niceful degrade for deprecated browers such as NS4  
using the famous tips 
@import url(blabla.css);
with the appropriate escaped string,
or especially for NS4 using link ... media=all / if I remember (ALA 
Joe seems to have statistics of users and I don't know the requirements so 
maybe you don't need it.


Pierre-Henri Lavigne
Tel: +33 (0)

The discussion list for  http://webstandardsgroup.org/

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Re: [WSG] target=_blank

2006-08-14 Thread Pierre-Henri Lavigne
I think we can discuss a long time about this subject :)

I'm renewing the code of my website and I removed the script I used :
Today more and more people are using tabs. And default more and more browsers 
switch from opening the window to open it in a new tab. So with the other 
reasons the members said, I think you can skip this hack. Try to explain it 
to your client.

Anyway if you really have to use it, I will ask you to not forget about 
accessibility. Please use alternative text like this : title=Description 
(Launches a new window)


Any suggestions about your studies / diploma / advises to work for the web ?
I apologize to add ps to my messages but the Web Standards Group IRC seems to 
be empty most of time

Pierre-Henri Lavigne
Tel: +33 (0)

The discussion list for  http://webstandardsgroup.org/

 See http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
 for some hints on posting to the list  getting help

Re: [WSG] XHTML strict maxlength

2006-08-10 Thread Pierre-Henri Lavigne
On Thursday 10 August 2006 13:50, Paul Collins wrote:
 Hi all,

 Just having some trouble with validating I keep getting the report this
 report about the maxlength property:

 Error Line 69 column 100: there is no attribute maxlength.
 ...id=good-turn-description maxlength=50 title=Tell us about
 it//textar.And my line of code is: textarea name=test cols=40
 rows=5 id=description maxlength=50 title=Tell us about

 And my doctype is:
 !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN

 As far as I can see, maxlength is a valid XHTML strict attribute, can
 anyone tell me why this isn't validating?!


Maybe textarea maxlength=50/textarea instead of textarea 
maxlength=50 //textarea :)


Pierre-Henri Lavigne
Tel: +33 (0)

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Re: [WSG] How do I make html menu go over flash content in all the big browsers?

2006-08-07 Thread Pierre-Henri Lavigne
On Monday 07 August 2006 11:05, morten fjellman wrote:
 Hi list,
 As the title asks, how do I make html menu go over flash content in all the
 big browsers? Z-index obviously does not work, and setting param
 name=wmode value=transparent only works in IE and Opera, not FF. Also,
 the link on the .swf is active through the html content over it. Is there a
 way to make it work properly in all browsers?


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There are tons of discussions :( I had the problem a few months ago and I 
solved it by adding wmode=transparent in the embed tag and it works well in 
Firefox too. But it wasn't a web standard compliant site. If I remember I 
used this tip or a similar : 

and the update link inside the article 
can help you


Pierre-Henri Lavigne
Tel: +33 (0)

The discussion list for  http://webstandardsgroup.org/

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 for some hints on posting to the list  getting help

Re: [WSG] Contextual selectors or class attribute in tag

2006-08-06 Thread Pierre-Henri Lavigne
On Sunday 06 August 2006 23:47, James Thomson wrote:

 I'm putting together a site at the moment and I'm trying to work out the
 best way of applying styles to various content. The site is split by divs
 in typical fashion: #header, #nav, #content etc. Each of these sections use
 lists in various ways, the #header has one list laid out horizontally as a
 menu, the #nav has the same although laid out vertically, the #content uses
 lists in the standard fashion albeit with a custom bullet image. My initial
 thoughts were that each section uses lists in such different ways that the
 most appropriate way of defining those lists was using contextual
 selectors, e.g.:

   #header ul { /* styles */ }
   #header ul li { /* styles */ }

 you get the jist. But then I start to think about what happens if
 for some reason, the designers decide to add another list in the #nav
 section which is considerably different in style to the first one. The
 styles for this second list in #nav are so different that I find myself
 over-riding practically all the styles defined for ul and li in the
 contextual selectors. Would it not be better then to specify a class name
 within the ul tag rather than using a contextual selector in case the new
 list is required? Or is this where the initial analysis of the visuals come
 in? I would say that there is next to no chance in reality that another
 wildly different list would be required in #nav in which case the
 contextual selectors would seem to be the best optionwould you

I suppose while I'm giving comments that lists are the appropriate markups in 
your design. If there is next to no chance that another list would be 
required for #nav and your #nav content is given by a dynamic way (include, 
templates, echo, print, etc...), contextual selectors without class names are 
useful in the case you're describing. Then you can easily add or remove class 
names in your stylesheets if need be.

 On this same site I also have images with an annotation below them (I'll
 refer to them as a 'widget' for this example). These exist in the #nav and
 the #content sections. They are really quite similar, except in the #nav
 the annotation has a red background and in the #content they have blue
 background. So again I think contextual selectors:

   #nav .widget { background-color: red; }
   #content .widget { background-color: blue; }

You can use css shortcuts :
#nav .widget {background:#f00;}
#nav .widget {background:#00f;}

 And then again I start thinking about whether or not at some point in the
 future the designers may well decide to mix the colors within each section,
 i.e. have an annotation with a blue background followed by another one in
 the same section with a red background. This is a more likely scenario than
 the list situation above. In this case I start thinking that it's best to
 use multiple class selectors and lose the contextual selectors, e.g.:

   .widget.powerful { background-color: red; }
   .widget.gentle { background-color: blue; }

 Then I need to control the position of the annotaion (it can go below or
 above image) in which I case need to add:

   .widget.above.powerful { background:
 url(images/red_top_gradient.gif) top no-repeat; }
   .widget.above.gentle { background: url(images/blue_top_gradient.gif)
 top no-repeat; }
   .widget.below.powerful { background:
 url(images/red_bottom_gradient.gif) bottom no-repeat; }
   .widget.below.gentle { background:
 url(images/blue_bottom_gradient.gif) bottom no-repeat; }

 Of course IE chokes on this meaning I have to create multiple similar
 classes resulting in loads more code and plenty of duplication which gets
 me annoyed and frustrated resulting in my seeking out you guys!

Don't name your class as 'above'. You will lost in your stylesheet when 
the .above class name will have a lower position background ;)
I'm not shure to understand the whole, but my intuitive mind would tell you 
there are too much selectors for a typical design. I would suggest you to 
search for an other simpler markup technic.

 I guess to summarise, I'm asking how you decide on when to use contextual
 selectors and when to add the class attribute to a tag?

 I'd really appreciate your thoughts. Sorry if I've not been too clear.

 Many thanks,


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I think I answer your question : for me it's just the 'feeling'. I'm curious 
to listen to other opinions.


Pierre-Henri Lavigne
Tel: +33 (0)

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 See http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm