Re: [WSG] are transitional doctypes quickmode

2006-07-18 Thread Tee G.Peng

On Jul 18, 2006, at 10:20 PM, Nick Gleitzman wrote:

Google is your friend...

Hey, I say this often :) 

Thanks!  I did google. Alas, couldn't even get the spelling correct.  
I googled 'quirkmode' (wait! maybe I typed quickmode) and the result  
I found was quite different from the above page.


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Re: [WSG] div in

2006-07-13 Thread Tee G.Peng

On Jul 13, 2006, at 6:33 PM, Al Sparber wrote:

We're legal, Tee :-)

Ah, sorry, I should have trust in you :)


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Re: [WSG] div in

2006-07-13 Thread Tee G.Peng


On Jul 13, 2006, at 6:37 PM, Nikita The Spider wrote:

There is no such thing as a <.li> element; I assume you mean .

That was for people who read email in HTML mode :)

that's the case, then yes, it is OK to put a  inside .
Besides, if the W3C validator said it was OK, isn't that more
convincing than the comments of someone like me who you've never even
heard of?  =)

Was I not told  by Mike from green-beast don't blindly rely on  
automated validator the other day! :)

OK, perhaps I should rephrase my question.
Is there no semantical reason that it's not quite legal to do so? You  
must forgive me asking this seemingly stupid question; the heated  
Alphabetical Listing Buttons thread did make me think twice how to  
use proper markup.


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[WSG] div in

2006-07-13 Thread Tee G.Peng

Is it legal to place a div in <.li>?

Something like this

 it does validate

I am using XHTML 1.0 strict doctype and it doesn't show validate  
error, also, the WAI validation from content quality site doesn't  
give me warning or error, but I feel so uncertain about it.

If you must know why I place a div tag inside the li tag - it's from  
the PVII image gallery script for adding description. The div tag is  
generated by the gallery script.



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[WSG] section 508 alike link for non US site.

2006-07-11 Thread tee g.peng
Hi, I was working on a site that client wants me to put a link at the  
footer that the site passes XHTML, CSS and accessibility validation.

I aware that passing accessibility validation doesn't meant the site  
is fully accessibly to all user agents but this is what the client  
wanted and something he thought he paid for. On the other hand, I do  
take great care to try to make the site as accessible as possible for  
screen reader as well as browsers.

Question is, what should I put? WCAG? It's a non-US site so I thought  
section 508 isn't appropriate. Client is hoping I can use something  
more global approach because it's a site that targets on  
international audiences.

Thanks in advance!


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[WSG] best cc styling !

2006-07-06 Thread tee g.peng
Hi, can you tell me what is the best way to style a simple layout  
format for this?

There are some 20 items in the page

I usually use list with float, but the right column always create  
problem because of the height, especially in IE, and I always use the  
 to compensate however I feel it a bad practice.

P tag with break for each line isn't' good either and I try to avoid it.

Much appreciated!


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[WSG] Question about naming CSS elements

2006-06-13 Thread tee g.peng

Good evening and good morning!

I remember reading an interesting thread about using  lowercase for  
CSS element naming, but I can't seemed to find that thread from mail- 
archive. Vaguely I remember it was something about xml wellformness -  
before reading that thread, I used to use lower uppercase names, and  
thought it was just one's preferences.

I have tried to pick up good habit since I read the thread. Was  
reading CSS Mastery, Advanced Web Standards Solution by Andy Budd,  
and it got me confused a bit. The author used lower uppercases for  
examples throughout the entire book. I crossed check with other CSS  
books I have, they all used lowercases and the only exception is in  
More Eric Meyer on CSS, the last chapter, project 10, Designing in  
the Garden, I said it was an exception because that project was for  
CSS Zen Garden that the code could not be altered.

Not trying to stir up anything here. I simply want to learn the  
correct way, since that the book titled itself 'Advance Web Standards  
Solutions' therefor I would like to confirm what I learned from that  
thread is the 'correct' way, or rather, there isn't anything right or  
wrong as to how one names his CSS.

Thank you!


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Re: [WSG] [WSG CMS] Etomite CMS

2006-06-06 Thread tee g.peng

On Jun 5, 2006, at 11:12 PM, Nick Gleitzman wrote:

Ryan Moore wrote:

Hopefully this is not off-topic,

It is. Go to the WSG site and subscribe to the CMS list. This was  
discussed - and moved over to that list - just a few days ago!

C'mon, people. Too many posts recently have been OT, or simple  
thanks messages which would be better sent directly to their  
intended recipients.

Can we cut some of this noise, please? It's very frustrating.

Nick, I think you are the one who got confused. I am the author of  
the original post and I SENT it to CMS at As  
far as I am aware, the thread stays in CMS at all time.

Or perhaps you were saying I started a off-topic thread (that is  
about CMS) to CMS list?!



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Re: [WSG CMS] Etomite CMS

2006-06-03 Thread tee g.peng

On Jun 3, 2006, at 6:50 PM, Steve Olive wrote:

I will be keeping an eye on Etomite - I currently use phpWebSite  
for my CMS

but it only produces XHTML transitional text/html.

Here is an example page from a site I'd been working on that uses  
XHTM strict 1.0, the contents there are generated from snippets and  
chunks and the page is validated.

As a new CMS user, I am very impressed as I spent countless hours  
playing with Mamboo, Joolmla, phpWebsite and a few more that I can't  
even remember their names now, all of them either offer too much or  
generate codes that can't validate and of table layouts.


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[WSG CMS] Etomite CMS

2006-06-02 Thread tee g.peng

Hi everyone, this list is very quiet.

I would like to hear from those who have plenty of CMSs experiences  
or who are CMS developers, how do you think of Etomite CMS.

Many months, I tried different type of Opensource CMS but cannot find  
one that I really think works for me. I need something that is web  
standard compliant, that can generate clean code with strict doctype  
and has full CSS support, more importantly, a CMS that doesn't offer  
too much and easy to learn to use it. Finally, I found Etomite which  
suites my need very well and would like to use it for all future  


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Re: [WSG]

2006-05-21 Thread tee g.peng

On May 20, 2006, at 11:55 PM, Rick Faaberg wrote:

On 5/20/06 11:49 PM "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"  

sent this out:

Thank you, yes I found it. It is however different then I remember  
it. I
have a vague recollection of a white page, with gray graphic of  

cabinet? Am I nuts?

Now I'll probably dream of file cabinets and nuts tonight! ;-(

I believe you were looking for this one:

For god knows reason, it stops adding new thread since March 21st.  
Maybe Peter or Russ has a reason for it?!

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