Re: [lubuntu-users] Lubuntu 19.10 installer . . . errors!! second time . . . .

2019-06-21 Thread Fritz Hudnut

Thanks for the update, glad to hear you got a fix pushed through, it was
kind of a "nasty" one . . . .  I had a few spare moments today, but not
enough time to mess with the download and re-install of 19.10;  so I
"adjusted" my /etc/apt/sources.list  to include the word "eoan" in various
places, I dropped into a tty and and then ran update/upgrade . . . showed
538 MB of packages to make the system into "eoan" . . . and a few minutes
later I rebooted into . . . "eoan" "19.04" . . . .

Seems to be pretty "zippy" in the Terminal . . . "revives" seemingly
consistently from suspend . . . .  I'll test on with it and see if it turns
into "eoan 19.10" at some point.

On Thu, Jun 20, 2019 at 12:23 PM ∅  wrote:

> On Tue, Jun 18, 2019 at 10:54:32PM -0700, ∅ wrote:
> > [1]:
> Our fix for the kernel panic bug is now uploaded. I rebuilt the ISO last
> night and confirmed it was working so this issue is officially resolved.
> Huzzah!
> --
>@wxl |
> C563 CAC5 8BE1 2F22 A49D
> 68F6 8B57 A48B C4F2 051A
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Re: [lubuntu-users] Lubuntu 19.10 installer . . . errors!! second time . . . .

2019-06-20 Thread
On Tue, Jun 18, 2019 at 10:54:32PM -0700, ∅ wrote:
> [1]:

Our fix for the kernel panic bug is now uploaded. I rebuilt the ISO last
night and confirmed it was working so this issue is officially resolved.

   @wxl |
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Re: [lubuntu-users] Lubuntu 19.10 installer . . . errors!! second time . . . .

2019-06-18 Thread
On Sat, Jun 15, 2019 at 04:15:40PM -0700, Fritz Hudnut wrote:
> again, seems like
> something in the install didn't go well

Yep, we've had this problem for a little while now and have been
struggling to figure it out. Probably should have said something about
it sooner, but I think we all high hopes it would resolve itself more

> if anyone wants to check
> this out, and file an appropriate bug report

Actually, we've had [one of those][1] for a while now.

> bug report people
> don't like being flagged on plays that aren't in their area. 

As a "bug report person" I'd rather see a misfiled bug report than no
bug report at all. It's trivial to file it somewhere else. If worse
comes to worst, as it suggests on the [wiki][2], just file it against

> And, system
> won't boot to file an "apport-collect" . . . report.

This is true. In general, you'll want to use ubuntu-bug/apport to file
bugs but if you can't, no problem. All of us "bug people" aren't just a
bunch of big heartless meanies XD

That said, I'm happy to report that kernel master TJ spent a ridiculous
amount of time trying to debug this (he actually logged into a virtual
machine with the serial console)— something like 7-8 hours— and finally
found the problem which seems ultimately linked to a [change upstream in
initramfs-tools][3] and proposed [a fix][4] that I just confirmed fixes
the problem.

To fix the situation, follow these steps:

 1. Boot the live image
 2. Open the browser
 3. Navigate to the [raw diff][5] of the fix
 4. Right click and save it (~/Downloads/D15.diff)
 5. Open qterminal
 6. Enter `cd /etc/calamares`
 7. Enter `sudo patch --strip 2 < ~/Downloads/D15.diff`
 8. Run the installer like normal

I encourage you to report your results on the bug report and/or the
differential revision (aka "the fix").

Thanks for your patience.


   @wxl |
C563 CAC5 8BE1 2F22 A49D 
68F6 8B57 A48B C4F2 051A

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Re: [lubuntu-users] Lubuntu 19.10 installer . . . errors!! second time . . . .

2019-06-15 Thread Fritz Hudnut

Problem I think is "confirmed" . . . waited until the "6/15" daily showed
up on the server, zsync'd it to the latest version, the old one was "91%"
the same as the new one.  Rather than re-using the U-MATE startup creator
app, I added "mkusb" to the sources.list and installed that . . . wiped the
flash drive . . . and moved the new version of 19.10 over and booted it up
. . . .

Desktop loaded fine and I set the time & location and then ran the install
. . . the only thing I did differently this time besides setting the
partition for "/boot/efi" . . . was to flag it as "bios_grub" . . . and the
install went fast (possibly too fast) . . . seemed like in 5 minutes it was
again declaring itself "done."

I rebooted and just as yesterday it loaded the OSX 10.14 dmesg window . . .
and then "froze" there.  Used the power button to shut down and rebooted
with the alt/option key, got to the OSX Bootloader window and picked the
first disk listing "EFI Partition" . . . which as yesterday I figured was
for the "last installed" system . . . and the Grub window did load . . .
and this time I was able to arrow down through the list to the "Lu 19.10"
option . . . a line of "error -- disk 'hd2, gpt6' not found"  lines loaded
followed by "hit any key to continue" . . . which after a couple seconds it
auto-loaded the Grub list again, and I scrolled down to the "Lu Recovery"
option . . . which brought the same errors . . . .  So, again, seems like
something in the install didn't go well, whereas I seemed to get the U-MATE
18.04 system installed and booted up just fine in the same drive . . . .

I think I'm done with Lu 19.10 for a bit . . . if anyone wants to check
this out, and file an appropriate bug report I would be happy to report
this on the QA.  I've had problems finding the "correct" place to file the
bug report . . . against . . . in the past, traditionally the QA won't
accept "negative" comments w/o a bug report, and the bug report people
don't like being flagged on plays that aren't in their area.  And, system
won't boot to file an "apport-collect" . . . report.

I might try to make my way back to Lu 19.04 . . . in a few days??  See how
that goes, I did have that system running before the recent disaster . . . .

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