[LUTE] Re: Sonic Research ST-122 tuner

2010-08-12 Thread Mark Probert
For day-to-day, I am very happy with my Pickboy QT-01.
Its primary advantage is that it is very small and fits in my lute case.


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[LUTE] Re: Sonic Research ST-122 tuner

2010-08-12 Thread David Tayler
It is a very accurate tuner, but for day to day work I prefer the 
Korg Orchestral model.
If you need to do keyboard tuning as well and don't mind fussing with 
the interface it is very accurate, however.

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[LUTE] Re: lute sighting

2010-08-12 Thread Mathias Rösel
Bathrobe hanging from the pegbox?


"Bernd Haegemann"  schrieb:
> from "Little Britain"
> http://www.lute-academy.be/docstore/litbrit.jpg

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[LUTE] Re: Italian terms

2010-08-12 Thread Monica Hall

Davide, Fabio & Gian Luca

Thank you all for your prompt reply.


- Original Message - 
From: "davide.rebuffa" 

To: "Monica Hall" 
Sent: Thursday, August 12, 2010 8:55 PM
Subject: Re: [LUTE] Italian terms

Hi Monica,
the term paletta means guitar pegbox (while for the lute we use
Ponticello reggicorde is used for moveble  guitar bridges like archtops or
metal strings guitar in use in the  fifties and sixties.
best regards,

- Original Message - 
From: "Monica Hall" 

To: "Lutelist" 
Sent: Thursday, August 12, 2010 9:36 PM
Subject: [LUTE] Italian terms

  Is there any Italian speaking lutenist who can tell me the meaning of
  these Italian terms in relation to the lute...

  Paletta - as in manico-tastiera e palletta - could it be the peg box?


  Ponticello reggicorde - some sort of bridge?




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[LUTE] Re: Italian terms

2010-08-12 Thread Fabio Rizza

Monica Hall ha scritto:

   Paletta - as in manico-tastiera e palletta - could it be the peg box?

Yes, it's the part that houses the tuning pegs.

Ponticello reggicorde - some sort of bridge?

Yes, "ponticello" (or "ponte") means bridge.

Best wishes,
Fabio Rizza

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[LUTE] Italian terms

2010-08-12 Thread Monica Hall
   Is there any Italian speaking lutenist who can tell me the meaning of
   these Italian terms in relation to the lute...

   Paletta - as in manico-tastiera e palletta - could it be the peg box?


   Ponticello reggicorde - some sort of bridge?




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[LUTE] Some English tunes from the Skene mandore MS (c1620)

2010-08-12 Thread Stuart Walsh
The Skene mandore MS is renowned for its settings of Scottish tunes - 
often rather strange pentatonic melodies. But there are plenty of tunes 
that would have been popular in England too. I'm supposing that the six 
here are in fact English and am happy to stand corrected! Number 3, "O 
Sillie Soul alace" sounds very familiar indeed. John Skene (d1644) was 
an amateur musician. The mandore tablatures are a mess and there are 
parallel octaves all over the shop.


Dauney's "Ancient Scotish [sic] Melodies" from the 19th century, has 
transcriptions by George F. Graham of the tunes. The transcriptions omit 
some notes clearly visible in the tablatures, omit all ornaments and 
are, I would say, pretty unreliable. But they (and Dauney's book) are 
very interesting in themselves and a place to start to try and make 
sense of the haphazard notation.

The Skene in question is John Skene of Hallyards and his father was a 
judge who (evidently) took on the prosecution of witches with great 
energy. The Hallyards Castle is now (it seems)  a ruin near a sewage 
farm near the runway at Edinburgh airport!


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[LUTE] Trabaci, Giovanni Maria - Galliard 1

2010-08-12 Thread Anton Höger


I have uploaded a new and interesting Duo for 2 lutes ad Quartam

Trabaci, Giovanni Maria - Galliard 1



2 Lauten 10-chörig

Arresti, Floriano - Ricercare

2 Lauten ad Quartam

Agricola, Alexander - De tous bien plaine
anonym - J'ay prins amours
Banchieri - Suonata Prima
Buchner - Tandernack
Cabezon - Tiento 1 del Primer Tono
Cabezon - Tiento 6 del Primer Tono
Cabezon - Tiento 8 del Cuarto Tono
Cabezon - Tiento 9 del Quinto Tono
Caurroy, Eustache du - Fantasie 31
Cavazzoni, Girolamo - Canzon sopra Falt D'Argens
Cima, Giovanni Paolo - Canzon 14
Bull - Doctor Bull's my selfe
Farnaby, Giles - Spagnoletta
Grillo, Giovanni Battista - Canzona
Guami - Canzon Decimasettima
Hassler - Canzon 20
Inglott, William - The Leaves be greene
Maschera, Florentino - Canzon-La Mazzuola
Pellegrini, Vincenzo - La Capricciosa
Robin, Munday-Robin
Thomas Lupo - Masque 2
Trabaci, Giovanni Maria - Galliard 1

2 Lauten ad secundam

Antegnati - Canzon Nona La Battera
Cabezon - Diferencias sobre la Gallarda Milanesa
Cabezon - Quaeramus (Mouton)
Cabezon - Tiento 3 del Primer Tono
Cima, Giovanni Paolo - Canzon 1
Cima, Giovanni Paolo - Canzon 4
Cima, Giovanni Paolo - Canzon 10
Decapella-Ung soir Guillot
Gabrieli, Andrea - Rricercar del 12 tono
Gabrielli, Giovanni - Canzon Terza
Giles Farnaby - Mask
Maschera, Florentino - Canzon IV
Maschera, Florentino - Canzon XII

2 Lauten Unisono

Ammerbach - Chi passa per questa strada
Anonym - La Corrente Balletto Francese
Anonym - The Woods so wild
Anonym -La Spagna
Anonyme - Una mosa falle yo
Anonyme - Revelies vous
Banchieri - Fantasia secunda
Battiferri - Ricercare 10
Byrd - Monsieurs Alman
Cabezon - Si par suffrir
Cabezon - Tiento 2 del Primer Tono
Cabezon - Tiento 5 del Primer Tono
Cabezon - Tiento 7 del Cuarto Tono
Cabezon - Tiento del Primer Tono
Caurroy, Eustache du - Fantasie 9
Cavaccio, Giovanni - Canzona-La Foresta
Cavazzoni, Girolamo - Canzon sopra Il belle bon
Cavazzoni, Girolamo - Recercar 2
Compère, Loyset - O bone Jesu
Compère, Loyset - Scaramelle fa la galle
Clemens non Papa - Au joly bocquet croist la violette
Erbach - Canzon 8
Farnaby, Giles - His Humor
Farnaby, Giles - loth to depart
Ghizeghem-Anonimus - De tous biens plaine
Guami Gioseffo - Canzon La Guamina
Gussago - Sonata 7 La Sguizzerotta
Hassler, Hans Leo - Canzon I
Hassler, Hans Leo - Canzon II
Hassler, Hans Leo - Canzon IV
Hassler, Hans Leo - Canzon V
Janequin - Le Chant Des Oyseaux
Japart - Tan bien mison pensa
Johnson - Johnsons Medley
Lauder, James - Mylord Pavin
Macque, Giovanni de - Canzon 4
Monte, Philipp de - Fantasia sopra que me servent
Morton - Nʹaray je jamais mieulx que jʹay
Mouton, Jean - Canzon in c
Naich, Ubert - Che Giova Saettar
Palestrina - 8 Ricercari
Passereau-Il est bel et bon
Reade, Richard - Pavan & Galiarde
Schmid d. J.- Anchor che col partire
Schmid d. J. - Bella d'amor
Soderino, Agostino - La Brivia
Schmid, Bernhard d. Ä.- Ung gai bergier
Taeggio - Canzon - La Lombarda
Tomkins - In Nomine
Vila, Pere Albert - Tiento 1
Vila, Pere Albert - Tiento 2
Ward-Duo (2Lyra Viols)
Wert - Era il Belviso suo
Willaert -Motette-Dulcis

2 Lauten (einstimmig-single line-for studying and teaching purposes)

Guami - Ricercar 2
Guami - Ricercar 10

3 Lauten a,a,g-Laute

MPC - Passameze (CCLXXXVI)

3 Lauten ad Quartam

Biancardius, Franciscus - Laudate Dominum
Engelmann, Georg - Galliarda Sunon
Jenkins - Fantasia No.7
Lasso - Lagrime di San Pietro 1
linkliste ganzer Ordner
Monte - I begl'occhi und'io
Schein, Johann Hermann - Canzon 24

3 Lauten für a,g,d-Laute

Anonymus - Barafostus Dreame
Cabezon - Diferencias sobre el Canto del Cavarello
Franzoni, Amante - Canzona
Ghiselin - La Spagna
Malvezzi, Cristofano - Sinfonia a 6
Senfl, Ludwig - Das Geläut zu Speyer

3 Lauten Unisono-Einstimmig (single line-for studying and teaching purposes)

Bull, John In Nomine
Byrd 3 Fantasie a3
Caurroy-Vingtneufiesme Fantasie
Gibbons, Orlando - Fantasien
Lasso-Domine, non est exaltatum cor meum
Lasso-Haec quae ter triplici
Lupo - Fantasia
Lupo - Pavan-1
Lupo - Pavan-2
Lupo - Pavan-3
Morley, Thomas - Canzonets-for-3-Voices
Nola (da) Giovanni -Chi la Galiar

[LUTE] Re: Facsimiles

2010-08-12 Thread Monica Hall
I'll second that!   It's not difficult read both French and Italian tab and 
it is self defeating to turn Italian tab upside down because you may 
eventually have to unlearn everything you've got used to.

German tab is a bit more difficult.


- Original Message - 
From: "Monica Hall" 

To: "Edward Mast" 
Sent: Thursday, August 12, 2010 12:17 PM
Subject: Re: [LUTE] Re: Facsimiles

- Original Message - 
From: "Edward Mast" 

To: "vance wood" 
Cc: "Lute List" 
Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 2010 10:43 PM
Subject: [LUTE] Re: Facsimiles

What you say makes good sense, Vance.
On Aug 11, 2010, at 5:39 PM, vance wood wrote:

I think trying to make an argument that one form of tab. is better than 
another is both counter-productive and epistemologically unsound.  The 
fact will in the end remain, that a serious Lute student will have to be 
at the least familiar with Italian, French and German tab (if not 
fluent) unless they find themselves in the unenviable position of having 
to trust on a third party to translate, one to the other, or do it 
themselves. Myself; I am not fluent in German tab but I can sight read 
both French and Italian equally well, or poorly depending on your 
assessment of my abilities.  It is for this reason I believe it is best 
to learn as much as possible from facsimiles and or photo copies of 
original materials rather than depend on the work modern scholars, or 
publishers, who may or may not have supplied their opinions or rendered 
their own mistakes.  Not to demean these efforts but to simply state 
that the original source is often better for educational purposes than 
the il!

luminated modern version.

- Original Message - From: 
To: "Sauvage Valéry" 
Cc: "'Sean Smith'" ; "'lute-cs.dartmouth.edu'" 

Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 2010 4:05 PM
Subject: [LUTE] Re: Facsimiles

A student should learn italian tab
as soon as possible, too late they say, oh, I do prefer french tab...)

I found it difficult to read both, and began with 'french-like' forms
(French with numerals as well as french with letters).

Each of the publishers had arguments for their form, all of them 
rational, none of them conclusive.  I find single-glyph symbols easier 

work with, and since the number of frets obliges two-glyph symbols with
numerals (eg, 14, 15 .. 25), but has single-glyph symbols in the 
there is an argument which slightly favors the use of letters; but 

really compelling to favor italian-ordered vs french-ordered layout.

chacun à son goût...
Dana Emery

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[LUTE] lute sighting

2010-08-12 Thread Bernd Haegemann

from "Little Britain"


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