Re: [Lynx-dev] Playing dot mkv files in LYNX?

2023-03-05 Thread Travis Siegel
I'm sure you already know, the information is in the lynx.cfg file.  You 
need to add a player for the mkv files, I don't have a lynx.cfg file 
handy to look at for the syntax, but it's there, just open it in a text 
editor, and take a look.  Just have it call a program that can handle 
mkv files, (vlc is good for that), and you should be good to go.

On 3/5/2023 9:22 AM, Chime Hart wrote:
Hi All: Seems almost all other audio-and-video file types I can launch 
LYNX-and-have them play with mpv. However, .mkv files seemingly will 
not launch, they act like I wanna download, even though they are 
already on my hard-drive. Thanks so much in advance for any tips.


Re: [Lynx-dev] urls longer than 1024 characters

2023-01-25 Thread Travis Siegel
There is a limit, but I don't know what it is off hand.  It's listed in 
one of the RFCs, though I don't remember which one.

A quick search on google tells me RFC 1035 is the relevant RFC, and

that domain names themselves can't be longer than 63 characters. (I 
remember that), but

if you include subdomains (such as, they can be up to 
255 characters long.

This doesn't address the part after the slash in a url though, that's 
covered by a different RFC.

According to RFC 2616 which is the hyper text transfer protocol 
definition, there is no maximum length of a url, so that's interesting.

However, according to an article on geeks for geeks, they show the 
lengths of urls handled by different browsers to be the following:

Chrome, 2MB,

 Firefox unlimited, but only displays 64K characters

Edge only allows 2K as the limit of the path portion, but it maxes out 
at 2083 characters.

Opera allows for unlimited length,

Safari 80,000 characters,

but all of that is kind of moot, considering Apache only allows lengths 
of 4,000 characters.

I'd guess allowing lynx to handle 4K characters would solve most issues 
with url length, since apache handles the majority of web traffic.

On 1/25/2023 9:57 PM, Jude DaShiell wrote:

Would it be possible for lynx to count the characters in an url and if the
url is longer than 1024 characters offer to send the long url to an url
shortening service and then catch the shortened url the service sent back
and then open that shortened url instead?
If lynx gets one of these shortened urls, will the url expansion on the
other end cause lynx to error out or will the shortened url actually
bypass the 1024 character limit on urls?
I don't know that the internet has an actual limit on url length either.

Jude  "There are four boxes to be used in
defense of liberty:
  soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author, 1940)


Re: [Lynx-dev] How stable is 2.9.0?

2022-11-01 Thread Travis Siegel
For what it's worth, I've been using 2.9.0 since version dev 5, and I've 
not encountered any major bugs with it.  I'm fairly confident it will be 
plenty stable enough for your use.

It's possible you'll find something else thatwon't do the trick for you, 
but it's plenty stable enough for everyday use.

On 11/1/2022 11:00 AM, Mouse wrote:

The lynx I've been using - 2.8, from 1999 - started exhibiting a
disturbing failure mode, today: I got "lynx in free(): warning: chunk
is already free.", indicating a memory-management bug, and, in at least
one session, got a coredump (ditto, but even more so).

I could just treat this as a debugging exercise.  But I wanted to at
least look at version-jumping instead.  It appears to me that the
latest release is 2.8.9, with 2.9.0 being still in development
versions.  But a lot of development versions, especially for
open-source software, are plenty usable enough.  And I notice that
2.9.0dev looks relatively stable; the last-change time I see is
2021-08-07.  So, my question is, is 2.9.0 in good enough shape that I
should (FWVO "should") use it, or would 2.8.9 be better?  (Of course,
it's possible that either one has some property that will render it
unsuitable for my purposes, but I figured I should at least look into

/~\ The ASCII Mouse
\ / Ribbon Campaign
  X  Against HTML
/ \ Email!   7D C8 61 52 5D E7 2D 39  4E F1 31 3E E8 B3 27 4B

Re: [Lynx-dev] ot: w3m question?

2022-09-16 Thread Travis Siegel
Hah.  I ran into a completely different error.  I went to a page that 
requires a password to access the page.  It actually needs a login 
(username and password), but when I did that with w3m, it core dumped, 
telling me "wrong data start/end pair"

No clud what that means, but there's obviously problems with login 
/password fields.  Maybe that's what you're experiencing. 

Like I said, never used the program before just now to test your issue.

On 9/16/2022 11:20 PM, Karen Lewellen wrote:
Interestingly enough I tried it with google first, hitting entre on  
the spot where the search box should be, which worked.
However, my actual goal which is providing a password on a secure 
site, failed to open the password entry field.

On Fri, 16 Sep 2022, Jude DaShiell wrote:

From what I read, the form entry has first to be selected before it 
can be

edited.  Now, how in w3m you locate controls with text and without color
is I think an accessibility problem of w3m.

Jude  "There are four boxes to be used in
defense of liberty:
soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author, 1940)


On Fri, 16 Sep 2022, Jude DaShiell wrote:

Typing enter on a form entry that's an edit box does not get focus 

to edit mode in w3m with the version of w3m running on my machine.

Jude  "There are four boxes to be used in
defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author, 1940)


On Fri, 16 Sep 2022, Jude DaShiell wrote:

Haven't used w3m for a while, but when I did if memory serves hitting
enter on the place where the text box is supposed to appear got me 

editing that text box.

Jude  "There are four boxes to be used in
defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author, 1940)


On Fri, 16 Sep 2022, Karen Lewellen wrote:

Hi all,
only asking because the browser has been referenced when others 

lynx  situations.
Is there a specific command to make text boxes appear, so one can 
type in

consider doing a search as an example, although that is not my goal.

Re: [Lynx-dev] ot: w3m question?

2022-09-16 Thread Travis Siegel
It does on the one included in the ubuntu default archives.  If your 
copy doesn't do that, then it probably wasn't installed from the 
official distribution sites.

I've never used w3m in my life, and I just installed it as a test, then 
went to a url that had an edit box.  Pressing enter on that field most 
certainly did move focus to that point, and asked me for my input.

You might want to get your host to fix that.

On 9/16/2022 11:10 PM, Jude DaShiell wrote:

Typing enter on a form entry that's an edit box does not get focus changed
to edit mode in w3m with the version of w3m running on my machine.

Jude  "There are four boxes to be used in
defense of liberty:
  soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author, 1940)


On Fri, 16 Sep 2022, Jude DaShiell wrote:

Haven't used w3m for a while, but when I did if memory serves hitting
enter on the place where the text box is supposed to appear got me into
editing that text box.

Jude  "There are four boxes to be used in
defense of liberty:
  soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author, 1940)


On Fri, 16 Sep 2022, Karen Lewellen wrote:

Hi all,
only asking because the browser has been referenced when others encountered
lynx  situations.
Is there a specific command to make text boxes appear, so one can type in
consider doing a search as an example, although that is not my goal.

Re: [Lynx-dev] For Blind Internet Users, the Fix Can Be Worse Than the Flaws

2022-07-17 Thread Travis Siegel

On 7/17/2022 2:47 PM, Chime Hart wrote:
Well, Travis, don't you love it when even when you view a news-letter 
as html, they still write-and-say "you haven't opened an e-mail in a 
long time"? Like, who are they kidding?


Yeah, honestly, I get that a lot..

Makes me wonder.

Re: [Lynx-dev] For Blind Internet Users, the Fix Can Be Worse Than the Flaws

2022-07-17 Thread Travis Siegel
Thanks for that.  I couldn't read this article the first time it came up 
on a mailing list I was on because of the nytimes login requirement.

The thing that this article does not point out is that in general, 
making a site accessible is relatively easy, and largely consists of not 
doing fancy useless things with their html code.

Javascript probably makes more sites inaccessible than any other 
technology I can think of.

Especially when javascript is used to handle things that html already does.

A properly designed web site will be perfectly accessible, and there's 
no need to resort to AI or any other kind of tools to get the job done.  
The problem is that webmasters (or more often than not) page generators 
haven't a clue about accessibility, and don't know that simple things 
like image descriptions, button labels and real html code (instead of 
javascript) do way more to make a site accessible than some automated 
generator that has templates that are loaded with garbage just to fill 
out the page size, so folks don't feel cheated, or so that the company 
generating the generator can claim the most capabilities over all other 

It's rather silly to be honest.

t-mobile is one of the sites that uses one of these site generator 
things to make the site accessible.  It (mostly) works, but there's one 
major issue, and that's that a screen reader user can't actually order 
anything on their site, because the button to confirm your selections 
after all is said and done isn't viewable by the screen reader.  Kind of 
defeats the purpose of having that accessibility mode, but 

I've complained about that many times, and nothing has been done, yet, 
and I expect nothing will be done anytime soon.

I bug the hell out of them by calling them on the phone, and making them 
do the order that way.  They keep complaining I don't use the site, and 
I keep complaining it doesn't work, so calls can get quite entertaining.

On 7/17/2022 1:39 PM, Gisle Vanem wrote:

Karen Lewellen wrote:

sharing this article, not only because it is terrific, but it 
fortifies ways  continuing to keep Lynx at the table creates solutions.

Few tools manage basic code better speaking personally.

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sun, 17 Jul 2022 12:45:43 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: For Blind Internet Users, the Fix Can Be Worse Than the Flaws

For those w/o a New York Times subscription, I've
scraped it and saved it as a PDF here:

(or use Lynx or turn off JavaScript in Chrome etc.)

Re: [Lynx-dev] latest mac edition of Lynx?

2022-06-23 Thread Travis Siegel


I've already told you multiple ways you can install lynx for the mac.

Not my fault you don't like the answers.

Compile your own.

Use macports or one of the other package management systems available on 
the mac.

Find a page that already has compiled binaries for the mac.

There's other options too depending on how complicated one wishes to 
get, but these are the simplest methods.

Regardless of whether you like me or the answers above, the plain truth 
is that these are ways you can run lynx on the mac, period, end of story.

Take it or leave it.

Asking the question again won't garner you different answers, since 
you're clearly not interested in what I have to say, then feel free to 
ask away, but when others give you the same answers, don't be surprised.

On 6/22/2022 10:12 PM, Karen Lewellen wrote:

I have changed this question.
Please hear whatever you need to hear so you will choose to stop 
trying to justify your contribution, answering a question which as I 
illustrated is not what the person seeks.
For the record, I have a work associate here in Toronto using a 2011 
macbook pro to run their business.
So again, that you are not  actively engaged in running Lynx on your 
mac with  a braille display means that your contribution is not going 
to help Andrew.

On Wed, 22 Jun 2022, Travis Siegel wrote:

I actually do have a macbook, but it's a 2013 model, so it doesn't 
have the latest version of macos on it, which is why I said (assuming 
the finder menus haven't changed).  Everything else I said is 100 
percent accurate.

Lynx can easily be compiled on the mac if one wishes to do so.

There are also projects like mac ports and others who do the 
compiling for you (although generally not as a native mac 
executable), that will give you a binary version of a program. I also 
explained that using one of these package systems once trashed my 
mac, and it may not be the option you would want to use.

I also answered the question about how to run it from finder, with an 
explanation that a script might be necessary to create the 
environment you want, because I don't know if the latest version of 
mac os uses the same environment you'd get if you ran it from the 

All of these things are helpful to someone who knows what is being 
spoken about.  If that isn't you, then simply pass along the message, 
and perhaps the original poster will have enough knowledge to use the 

Again, I'm not knocking anyone here, but if you don't have the 
technical knowledge to understand the answer, that doesn't make the 
answer wrong.

You then tried to make it look like I was deliberately 
misunderstanding the question, by stating something from the original 
conversation that had not been mentioned in your original post.  I 
also answered that question, albeit in a way that probably wasn't 
very nice, although it too was a 100 percent correct answer.

I say again, if you don't like the answers you're getting, perhaps it 
means you aren't asking the right questions.

I have never set out to deliberately offer false or misleading 
information.  Sometimes my answers may not be what the question 
specifically asks, but it's always at least informational, and 
(usually) allows the original poster to obtain the required 
information if only said person knows enough to understand the 
answer.  I don't know the knowledge level of the person asking the 
question, (neither does anyone else on the list), so you have to 
expect answers that aren't always going to be what you expect, even 
if they are correct.

I freely admit that sometimes I answer the question you asked, 
instead of the one you intended, even if the question you intended is 
understandable, because I am trying to get you to understand that 
asking the correct question is as important as obtaining the desired 

I don't apologize for my answers, just as you shouldn't apologize for 
your questions, again, if you don't like (or understand) the answers, 
it's easy enough to restate the question or provide additional 
information that can clarify the question, then you generally get 
closer to the answer you want.

I do this, because I think it's important that folks ask the question 
they want answered, not the question they think will provide the 
answer they want.  A minor but important difference.

I've seen mailing list discussions go on for months sometimes just 
because someone didn't ask the proper question.

Like I said, I'm guessing the question that the original person 
wanted answered is what's the latest version of lynx that is already 
compiled and can be downloaded and run on the mac w/no work, and 
where can it be obtained.

That isn't what was asked, so I answered the question that was asked.


On 6/22/2022 9:03 PM, Karen Lewellen wrote:

 By your own admission you do not have a working mac computer.
 While I appreciate what you believe you are doing, my hope

Re: [Lynx-dev] latest mac edition of Lynx?

2022-06-22 Thread Travis Siegel
I actually do have a macbook, but it's a 2013 model, so it doesn't have 
the latest version of macos on it, which is why I said (assuming the 
finder menus haven't changed).  Everything else I said is 100 percent 

Lynx can easily be compiled on the mac if one wishes to do so.

There are also projects like mac ports and others who do the compiling 
for you (although generally not as a native mac executable), that will 
give you a binary version of a program.  I also explained that using one 
of these package systems once trashed my mac, and it may not be the 
option you would want to use.

I also answered the question about how to run it from finder, with an 
explanation that a script might be necessary to create the environment 
you want, because I don't know if the latest version of mac os uses the 
same environment you'd get if you ran it from the terminal.

All of these things are helpful to someone who knows what is being 
spoken about.  If that isn't you, then simply pass along the message, 
and perhaps the original poster will have enough knowledge to use the 

Again, I'm not knocking anyone here, but if you don't have the technical 
knowledge to understand the answer, that doesn't make the answer wrong.

You then tried to make it look like I was deliberately misunderstanding 
the question, by stating something from the original conversation that 
had not been mentioned in your original post.  I also answered that 
question, albeit in a way that probably wasn't very nice, although it 
too was a 100 percent correct answer.

I say again, if you don't like the answers you're getting, perhaps it 
means you aren't asking the right questions.

I have never set out to deliberately offer false or misleading 
information.  Sometimes my answers may not be what the question 
specifically asks, but it's always at least informational, and (usually) 
allows the original poster to obtain the required information if only 
said person knows enough to understand the answer.  I don't know the 
knowledge level of the person asking the question, (neither does anyone 
else on the list), so you have to expect answers that aren't always 
going to be what you expect, even if they are correct.

I freely admit that sometimes I answer the question you asked, instead 
of the one you intended, even if the question you intended is 
understandable, because I am trying to get you to understand that asking 
the correct question is as important as obtaining the desired answer.

I don't apologize for my answers, just as you shouldn't apologize for 
your questions, again, if you don't like (or understand) the answers, 
it's easy enough to restate the question or provide additional 
information that can clarify the question, then you generally get closer 
to the answer you want.

I do this, because I think it's important that folks ask the question 
they want answered, not the question they think will provide the answer 
they want.  A minor but important difference.

I've seen mailing list discussions go on for months sometimes just 
because someone didn't ask the proper question.

Like I said, I'm guessing the question that the original person wanted 
answered is what's the latest version of lynx that is already compiled 
and can be downloaded and run on the mac w/no work, and where can it be 

That isn't what was asked, so I answered the question that was asked.


On 6/22/2022 9:03 PM, Karen Lewellen wrote:

By your own admission you do not have a working mac computer.
While I appreciate what you believe you are doing, my hope was that 
someone directly involved with using Lynx in this system, now, 
currently, can   answer this question.
You may believe you are helping, but speaking personally, you are not 
contributing to an actual meaningful answer.

On Wed, 22 Jun 2022, Travis Siegel wrote:

In that case, the answer is:

Lynx is a text-based web browser, and the mac equivalent is (wait for 


On 6/22/2022 8:29 PM, Karen Lewellen wrote:

 no, that was not the question at all.
 In fact, this person has a Braille display and cannot get voice dream
 reader for  the mac to work well.
 i shared how I use lynx, load the .xml file provided by bookshare 
and save
 it  as a text file, stating clearly that I am not   using the mac 
to do

 this, or using braille  at all.
 Their question was.
 Karen, what is lynx, and what is the mac equivalent?
 So, probably for a conversation to which you are not  a party indeed
 makes things complicated...and a longer thread.

 On Wed, 22 Jun 2022, Travis Siegel wrote:

>  The simple answer is that the latest version of lynx available 
for mac >  is the same exact version of lynx available for any other 
platform, >  (whatever that may be at the time of asking).
> >  My answer was simply an explanation of how versions that were 
not posted >  on the web site (if indeed they were posted)

Re: [Lynx-dev] latest mac edition of Lynx?

2022-06-22 Thread Travis Siegel

In that case, the answer is:

Lynx is a text-based web browser, and the mac equivalent is (wait for 


On 6/22/2022 8:29 PM, Karen Lewellen wrote:

no, that was not the question at all.
In fact, this person has a Braille display and cannot get voice dream 
reader for  the mac to work well.
i shared how I use lynx, load the .xml file provided by bookshare and 
save it  as a text file, stating clearly that I am not   using the mac 
to do this, or using braille  at all.

Their question was.
Karen, what is lynx, and what is the mac equivalent?
So, probably for a conversation to which you are not  a party indeed 
makes things complicated...and a longer thread.


On Wed, 22 Jun 2022, Travis Siegel wrote:

The simple answer is that the latest version of lynx available for 
mac is the same exact version of lynx available for any other 
platform, (whatever that may be at the time of asking).

My answer was simply an explanation of how versions that were not 
posted on the web site (if indeed they were posted) could be created 
for the mac.

Not trying to be difficult here, but the question the original person 
probably wanted to know is:

What version of lynx is posted on the official site for OSX.

Since that wasn't the question actually presented, I simply answered 
how the original poster could obtain the latest version of lynx with 
some information about having trouble with a particular package 
system, thereby warning them they could use said system, but that it 
might cause them problems.

Nothing says you have to like the answer I gave, but to be perfectly 
fair, it is a valid answer, whether you like the answer or not.

On 6/22/2022 7:59 PM, Karen Lewellen wrote:

 As expressed, this question is not for me, with your answers far 

 from the  simple information sought.
 on the page mac os x is listed as an option, with my
 recalling  a list member getting help using that edition for site
 However, that does not tell me what the current lynx edition is for 

 which is the question I was asked.

 On Wed, 22 Jun 2022, Travis Siegel wrote:

>  Been a while since I had a working mac, but last time I did, 
compiling >  one from source was trivial, and caused no issues. 
(this is almost >  always how I handle opensource software), 
especially since on mac, the > macports they have that is supposed 
to make things easier trashed my >  machine once, so I will never 
use that particular cludge again.  On the >  other hand, the lynx 
download page does have various versions, though I >  don't know if 
there's one there for mac or not.
> >  As far as putting it into a section on the finder menus, that's 
easy >  enough (assuming it hasn't changed), just use root access to 
copy the >  program to the folder in question, and problem solved. 
On the other >  hand, since it's a terminal program, you may need to 
create a script to >  launch it with the particular environment you 
want, as I'm not sure if >  it picks up the terminal defaults when 
being launched from finder.
> >  Probably doesn't answer the question, but it may give enough 
for the >  original poster to figure out what's necessary.

> > >  On 6/22/2022 10:26 AM, Karen Lewellen wrote:
> >   Hi folks,
> >   A question from the voiceover list to which I belong.
> >   I recall that there is a lynx compile for mac os X but am 
unsure of > >  how
> >   updated.  Also can lynx be say added to the browser 
applications > >  folder,

> >   or must it be run in terminal?
> >   Thanks,
> >   Karen
> > > > > > > 

Re: [Lynx-dev] latest mac edition of Lynx?

2022-06-22 Thread Travis Siegel
The simple answer is that the latest version of lynx available for mac 
is the same exact version of lynx available for any other platform, 
(whatever that may be at the time of asking).

My answer was simply an explanation of how versions that were not posted 
on the web site (if indeed they were posted) could be created for the mac.

Not trying to be difficult here, but the question the original person 
probably wanted to know is:

What version of lynx is posted on the official site for OSX.

Since that wasn't the question actually presented, I simply answered how 
the original poster could obtain the latest version of lynx with some 
information about having trouble with a particular package system, 
thereby warning them they could use said system, but that it might cause 
them problems.

Nothing says you have to like the answer I gave, but to be perfectly 
fair, it is a valid answer, whether you like the answer or not.

On 6/22/2022 7:59 PM, Karen Lewellen wrote:

As expressed, this question is not for me, with your answers far 
afield from the  simple information sought.
on the page mac os x is listed as an option, with my 
recalling  a list member getting help using that edition for site 
However, that does not tell me what the current lynx edition is for 
mac, which is the question I was asked.


On Wed, 22 Jun 2022, Travis Siegel wrote:

Been a while since I had a working mac, but last time I did, 
compiling one from source was trivial, and caused no issues. (this is 
almost always how I handle opensource software), especially since on 
mac, the macports they have that is supposed to make things easier 
trashed my machine once, so I will never use that particular cludge 
again.  On the other hand, the lynx download page does have various 
versions, though I don't know if there's one there for mac or not.

As far as putting it into a section on the finder menus, that's easy 
enough (assuming it hasn't changed), just use root access to copy the 
program to the folder in question, and problem solved. On the other 
hand, since it's a terminal program, you may need to create a script 
to launch it with the particular environment you want, as I'm not 
sure if it picks up the terminal defaults when being launched from 

Probably doesn't answer the question, but it may give enough for the 
original poster to figure out what's necessary.

On 6/22/2022 10:26 AM, Karen Lewellen wrote:

 Hi folks,
 A question from the voiceover list to which I belong.
 I recall that there is a lynx compile for mac os X but am unsure of 
 updated.  Also can lynx be say added to the browser applications 

 or must it be run in terminal?

Re: [Lynx-dev] latest mac edition of Lynx?

2022-06-22 Thread Travis Siegel
Been a while since I had a working mac, but last time I did, compiling 
one from source was trivial, and caused no issues. (this is almost 
always how I handle opensource software), especially since on mac, the 
macports they have that is supposed to make things easier trashed my 
machine once, so I will never use that particular cludge again.  On the 
other hand, the lynx download page does have various versions, though I 
don't know if there's one there for mac or not.

As far as putting it into a section on the finder menus, that's easy 
enough (assuming it hasn't changed), just use root access to copy the 
program to the folder in question, and problem solved. On the other 
hand, since it's a terminal program, you may need to create a script to 
launch it with the particular environment you want, as I'm not sure if 
it picks up the terminal defaults when being launched from finder.

Probably doesn't answer the question, but it may give enough for the 
original poster to figure out what's necessary.

On 6/22/2022 10:26 AM, Karen Lewellen wrote:

Hi folks,
A question from the voiceover list to which I belong.
I recall that there is a lynx compile for mac os X but am unsure of 
how updated.  Also can lynx be say added to the browser applications 
folder, or must it be run in terminal?


Re: [Lynx-dev] new search engine

2022-03-19 Thread Travis Siegel
Yeah, the only problem is that now that it's owned by microsoft, it's 
main advantage is gone.

The whole point of the duck duck go browser is that it keeps your 
browsing private.  I guarantee you Microsoft has no interest in such a 
thing.  I'd give it 6 months before it's no longer secure.

Ms is one of the worst offenders of privacy next to google.

On 3/19/2022 10:40 AM, Jude DaShiell wrote:

If you read the list you'll see the messages about
this on that email list.  I was as surprised as you when I came across
those messages myself.  duckduckgo has been on tv regularly with
advertising regularly and that costs big money to do that.  With Microsoft
dollars behind an advertising campaign things like this are easy.

On Sat, 19 Mar 2022, Luke, Shellworld Support wrote:

On Sat, 19 Mar 2022, Jude DaShiell wrote:

If what I've read is correct,  duckduckgo got bought out by Microsoft so
it's now a bing extension.

That's a nice bomb to drop without any attribution.

"I don't know if it's true, but I heard...", has unjustly ruined many a

Last year, the rumor was Google. I guess this year it's Microsoft.


Re: [Lynx-dev] lynx word bleeding?

2022-02-01 Thread Travis Siegel
Her screen reader is simply that, it doesn't do anything else, it's a 
screen reader, (just like almost all screen readers are). As for the 
problem with lynx, I suspect it happened when shellworld reinstalled 
their recent version of lynx.  As mentioned before, it was probably 
compiled with ncurses support, and that's particularly nice for sighted 
users, what with the colors and cursor tracking, and the like, but all 
of the features that make it so nice for sighted folks are usually the 
things that make it not so nice for screen readers.  On the other hand, 
there is probably a terminal setting that will prevent lynx from 
behaving that way.  It's been my experience that changing to ansi 
typically solves the problem, though vt100 (which is usually the 
default)works just fine in most cases, it's only when programs expect 
fancy terminals that things break.

Karen had nothing to do with this particular breakage.

On 2/1/2022 1:43 AM, Bela Lubkin wrote:

Karen Lewellen wrote:

Well I must have an advantage using a DOS screen reading program arctic
business vision to come here, as I have never encountered the slight
character overlay I am getting now, and it does not show up everywhere
the control-l solution is working fine though on those few moments.
Have never encountered the  page problem one  until  this particular DOS
computer which is much faster than any I have used previously with a
faster processor and almost a gig of  memory.

You said this wasn't happening, and then it started happening.  So
something changed to cause it.

This faster 1-gig PC, how long ago did you switch to it?  Did the
problem start at the same time?

I don't anything about the Arctic screen reader you're using.  Is it
truly a screen reader (does nothing else); or does it also handle the
terminal emulation which collects the screens which it then reads?

The issue you're having is entirely typical of when the software making
the display using ESC sequences (here, Lynx via probably ncurses) is
using a different terminal type definition than the software
interpreting the ESC sequences (whatever terminal emulator you're using
-- built into Arctic or separate).

'using a different definition' can mean something like one things
'VT100' while the other thinks 'ANSI'.  But even if the names are the
*same*, there is no guarantee their interpretations of them are the
same.  At this point in history, telling a piece of Unix-ish software
that you have a 'vt100' probably produces fairly similar results on
almost all systems.  But terminal emulators which claim to emulate
'vt100' are all over the map.

So, did you switch terminal emulators?  Upgrade versions?  Change which
terminal type it is instructed to emulate?  If your terminal program
settings got erased and you had to re-create them, you might have
inadvertently changed it (by way of having set it to some non-default
value in the past, and now it's reset back to default).

To clarify some of the above tangle down to bare bones; to the thing I
think is most likely to have happened:

* If you changed anything about your terminal emulator -- different
emulator, version update, reinstall, whatever -- you probably fell back
to its default terminal type.  You need to make it match (in terms of
compatibility, *not* merely name) with what Lynx thinks you're using.

A particularly likely, common mismatch is if one thinks 'vt100' and the
other thinks 'ansi', 'xterm', or 'linux'.  Those are all 'compatible
enough' that Lynx will behave adequately well -- with some glitches like
words left behind after a screen update.

One way to approach it is: look at the emulator's list of possible
emulations.  For each one, tell the emulator to use that; tell Lynx the
same name; TEST.  So if the emulator supports 'vt52', tell it to use
that, then set TERM=vt52 and run Lynx -- does it behave better or worse?
Iterate through all the choices until you find a setting which pairs up
well.  ('set TERM=vt52 and run Lynx' is itself a possible area of
confusion depending how accounts are set up on the system, your
familiarity with *ix shells, etc.)


Re: [Lynx-dev] lynx word bleeding?

2022-01-28 Thread Travis Siegel
I know it's a hassle, but you can always use ctrl-L to redraw the 
screen, then it reads only the current screen as it redraws it. I've 
used this many times to solve the exact problem you're referring to.  I 
am not sure what exactly causes it, but I believe it's related to the 
vt100 vs. ansi terminal settings.  Sometimes I was able to fix it by 
changing my terminal type, sometimes not. You may be able to turn off 
color changes in the lynx cfg which may solve this problem as well.  
There's apparently different method used to update the screen when ansi 
codes are used, as opposed to rewriting the whole screen when vt100 
terminal emulation is used.

At least, that's been my experience over the years with any terminal 
program, not just lynx.

On 1/28/2022 1:02 AM, Karen Lewellen wrote:

Hi folks,
This one is hard to describe, will make more sense if you are using 
lynx with speech of some kind.
previously as in for all the years I have used lynx, if I  move to 
another page, the contents of that page  is all I hear.
for example if in the basic html for gmail, choosing to read a 
message, or send one.

all I will hear is what is supposed to be read.
Now though I am getting  bleed over from the previous page, in some 
spots, as if the content is still there.

its honestly weird, because it has never happened before, ever.
A little concerning as well, since I can only assume the text is gone, 
but am unsure why the browser is still reading it.

might this be a character set or display issue?

Re: [Lynx-dev] External dowloaders

2022-01-25 Thread Travis Siegel
I'm no expert on this, but I am fairly certain the downloaders don't 
actually have to be downloaders.  I seem to recall many years ago I had 
my lynx rigged to launch alternative programs that would play various 
audio file formats when clicked on those files. I also heard a sighted 
individual used it to watch videos on their dos machine, though I can't 
remember if they used that particular mechanism to trigger it or not.

Of course, I haven't done this in several years, so my understanding 
could be flawed, but assuming my memory isn't broken, then I'm pretty 
sure you can call external programs to process the files, and they don't 
necessarily need to be programs that actually download the files.

On 1/25/2022 9:42 PM, Luke, Shellworld Support wrote:

On Tue, 25 Jan 2022, Tathastu Pandya via Lynx-dev wrote:

use aria2c as downloader for lynx Cananyone help??

Do you mean that when lynx finds a torrent or similar link, it will invoke
aria2c on it, instead of using its own download mechanism?
If so, I don't think it can be done.

The talk of "downloaders" in lynx.cfg, says this:

# is the command your system will execute:
#  the 1st %s in the command will be replaced
#  by the temporary filename used by Lynx;

That suggests that lynx *always* downloads the file by its own means,
before using your downloader.

Downloaders seem mainly intended for people with dialup terminal
connections, to use sz or similar on the file to get it off the server and
on to their local machine more conveniently.
Probably not applicable to most modern use cases.

I think you're looking for something that will output the currently
selected URL to an external downloading command such as aria2c, and I
don't think Lynx can do that.

If you mean something else, please use more words to describe it.


Re: [Lynx-dev] the frustration of this kind of advice, was about user agent headers

2021-11-30 Thread Travis Siegel
Hell, I don't know what shellworld charges (any attempts to go to the 
site just redirects me to Karen's site), but if you want a shell account 
where things just work, I'd be happy to sell you one for $5 a month on 
one of my servers.

On 11/30/2021 11:42 AM, Chime Hart wrote:
Hi Travis: Whats really interesting is that last I looked, L Y N X 
seems to be gone from Shellworld, whether I use an alias or even type

which lynx
says "command not found"
I am fortunate that mostly I just use Shellworld for rss feeds, a 
majority of mail I deal with locally.


Re: [Lynx-dev] the frustration of this kind of advice, was about user agent headers

2021-11-30 Thread Travis Siegel

I'm sorry, but you're not making any sense.

First off, My advice was to create a lynx.cfg file in your home 
directory.  That has absolutely nothing to do with system level 
configuration files.

Secondly, if a system user can change system wide configuration files, 
it's because your system administrators aren't doing their job 
properly.  Those configuration files should not be writable by anyone on 
the system that is a regular user.

Giving advice to create and modify configuration files that live in your 
home directory is a perfectly reasonable approach, and sometimes, the 
only way to accomplish something.  If your system is hosed from someone 
messing with system level configuration files, that's not the fault of 
anybody changing configuration files that live in their own home directory.

Whatever happened on dreamhost or shellworld is in no way related to 
anyone making changes to their own configuration files.

Go yell at someone else.

On 11/30/2021 5:21 AM, Karen Lewellen wrote:

Please do not ever advise anyone to tamper with a file associated with 
a shared  service like the one we have here.
I am expressing this because right now I am experiencing what happens 
when someone, not myself, does this kind of tampering and not knowing 
what they are doing, creates problems for everyone.

First our lynx startfile  disappeared entirely..for two days.
then when it returned, it came to a start page that does not work 
fully with lynx, all the items provided lead to YouTube, which as 
others have noted no longer really works with lynx at all.
Its 5 a. m. I have been up all night waiting until I can call our 
admin because   either we have a security risk, or the same person 
tampering with lynx  has also changed the browser associated with 
email accounts, meaning I am not going to get any work done today either.
Do not ever even hint that I  am unwilling to help myself. tampering 
with config files that are provided by shared  hosting services like 
this ought to be a crime.
dreamhost does not even understand how lynx works at all, I provided 
them with a trace file showing how I cannot reach our work control 
panel, and even though they duplicated the problem they could, or 
would not fix the issue.
Its one reason why I happily pay so much for shellworld, I can get my 
work done, at least when no one is damaging the services here.


On Sun, 14 Nov 2021, Travis Siegel wrote:

You can easily create your own lynx.cfg file, put it in your home 
directory, then start lynx with a -cfg= command line 
parameter, and poof, you have full control over your lynx 
configuration, no need to depend on the system wide one at all.

On 11/14/2021 2:29 PM, Karen Lewellen wrote:

 Because my access to lynx is tied to a service, I do not edit their
 lynx.cfg files.
 In fact, I do not even know where they are kept.

 On Sun, 14 Nov 2021, wrote:

> >  Quoth Karen Lewellen: 'the shellworld setup for lynx, there is
>  an associated editor.  One that allows me, at least if the command
>  "use control x e for editor" is spoken by lynx when I am on a field.
>  If it is a single line, I cannot employ my editor. Meaning I cannot
>  use control r and bring a file into the edit line.  I would have to
>  type it manually.'
>  You can edit $HOME/.lynxrc directly
> >  useragent=Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; 
rv:1.9.2) >  Gecko/20100115 Firefox/3.6 l_y_n_x

> >  is mine.
> >  russell bell
> > >

Re: [Lynx-dev] Last version of lynx for MS-DOS

2021-11-26 Thread Travis Siegel
Yeah, downloading will work just fine.  On a pure dos system, it will 
simply truncate the filename, so no worries.

On 11/26/2021 8:42 AM, Alejandro Lieber wrote:
The zip file can be downloaded with lynx the cat or links the chain 
without problem.

Alejandro Lieber

On 26/11/21 10:37, Alejandro Lieber wrote:

Download lynx for MS-DOS ver "lx290d10b Lynx 2.9.0dev.10 for DJGPP V2"

with any browser from:

Alejandro Lieber

Re: [Lynx-dev] about user agent headers

2021-11-14 Thread Travis Siegel


Building a lynx.cfg file with the parameters you need is hardly 
programmer territory, and the services you pay for certainly support 
such a setup, so there's zero conflict with the service or the browser, 
but if you're unwilling to help yourself when said help is easily 
obtained, then I doubt anyone can help you solve your problem.  
Sometimes, it's necessary to implement your own solutions.  Commercial 
companies aren't going to do it for you, and since both lynx and your 
two companies provide the avenue to solve the problem, if you're not 
interested in taking the option, then that's fine, but you need to know 
that your continued refusal to craft a solution for yourself certainly 
won't help now or in the future.

On 11/14/2021 5:31 PM, Karen Lewellen wrote:

it  may be so that I could do this, but I have no desire to do this.
I pay two companies good money to maintain the stability of my 
services. the last thing I wish to do is risk damaging that 
functionality by tampering with the foundational file of the browser I 
use countless times a day.
That is me, I respect those who are programmers at heart, but I am not 
one of them.
Besides, Rudy illustrated that I will not gain my single goal by 
taking these steps.
Certainly, I might pay a programmer good money to build a current Lynx 
for DOS  package, allowing me to run Lynx from my desktop, and giving 
me a personal

 lynx.cft that way.
Otherwise, I prefer leaving things as  they are here.


On Sun, 14 Nov 2021, Travis Siegel wrote:

You can easily create your own lynx.cfg file, put it in your home 
directory, then start lynx with a -cfg= command line 
parameter, and poof, you have full control over your lynx 
configuration, no need to depend on the system wide one at all.

On 11/14/2021 2:29 PM, Karen Lewellen wrote:

 Because my access to lynx is tied to a service, I do not edit their
 lynx.cfg files.
 In fact, I do not even know where they are kept.

 On Sun, 14 Nov 2021, wrote:

> >  Quoth Karen Lewellen: 'the shellworld setup for lynx, there is
>  an associated editor.  One that allows me, at least if the command
>  "use control x e for editor" is spoken by lynx when I am on a field.
>  If it is a single line, I cannot employ my editor. Meaning I cannot
>  use control r and bring a file into the edit line.  I would have to
>  type it manually.'
>  You can edit $HOME/.lynxrc directly
> >  useragent=Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; 
rv:1.9.2) >  Gecko/20100115 Firefox/3.6 l_y_n_x

> >  is mine.
> >  russell bell
> > >

Re: [Lynx-dev] about user agent headers

2021-11-14 Thread Travis Siegel
You can easily create your own lynx.cfg file, put it in your home 
directory, then start lynx with a -cfg= command line 
parameter, and poof, you have full control over your lynx configuration, 
no need to depend on the system wide one at all.

On 11/14/2021 2:29 PM, Karen Lewellen wrote:

Because my access to lynx is tied to a service, I do not edit their 
lynx.cfg files.

In fact, I do not even know where they are kept.

On Sun, 14 Nov 2021, wrote:

Quoth Karen Lewellen: 'the shellworld setup for lynx, there is
an associated editor.  One that allows me, at least if the command
"use control x e for editor" is spoken by lynx when I am on a field.
If it is a single line, I cannot employ my editor.  Meaning I cannot
use control r and bring a file into the edit line.  I would have to
type it manually.'
You can edit $HOME/.lynxrc directly

useragent=Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; rv:1.9.2) 
Gecko/20100115 Firefox/3.6 l_y_n_x

is mine.

russell bell

Re: [Lynx-dev] sudden site access failure:

2021-11-12 Thread Travis Siegel
As far as I know, links doesn't support javascript, but it works on 
their site. 

On 11/12/2021 1:36 PM, Rudy Vener wrote:

Hi Ian,

Okay, so I modified my lynx.cfg to use HTTP_PROTOCOL:1.1 and
to enable its setting in the lynxrc file.
Set my user agent to:
Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X Mach-O; XH; rv:8.578.498) fr, 
Gecko/20121021 Camino/8.723+ (Firefox compatible)

and tried to access once more.

and get a landing page with this:

Please enable JS and disable any ad blocker

It looks like they just aren't going to allow any browsers that don't support 

Or am I missing something else?

On Thu, 11 Nov 2021, Ian Collier wrote:

I find it interesting that Lynx cannot verify the certificate of
'' (without the www) because the server is
not returning the certificate chain.  But with the www is a completely
different server which does have a valid certificate.

Anyway I have found that links (the chain) will display the web site
correctly by default, but gets denied if I supply any one (or more)
of the following options: 1
  -http-bugs.http10 1
  -http.fake-user-agent Lynx

So as far as Lynx (the cat) is concerned, what we need to do in order
to visit this site is (a) change the user agent, and (b) enable HTTP 1.1.

Enable HTTP 1.1 can be done either in the Options screen or in lynx.cfg.
User agent can be done either in Options or on the command line.  My
experimentation shows that they want at least your OS in the user agent,
so "Lynx (Linux 5)" works, while Lynx's default user agent does not
because it doesn't contain the OS name.



Re: [Lynx-dev] sudden site access failure:

2021-11-10 Thread Travis Siegel
(screen readers will have a tough time with this message, because lynx 
with a y and links with an I are sounding the same, so apologies in 
advance for any confusion).

Apparently it isn't the agent header, because on my server, 
links works (as it does for you) but lynx does not.  Even when I tell 
lynx to mimic the useragent string sent by links.

Interesting enough, the first time I tried lynx with the links headers, 
I got a 408 error, which claimed the server took too long to respond, 
even though it only took a couple seconds to pop up.

I looked at the man pages for links, and I couldn't find anything that 
would account for the acceptance there and not on lynx. 

On 11/10/2021 3:48 PM, Rudy Vener wrote:

Hi Karen,
They are probably not blocking by IP or they would have blocked access from 
links (the chain) as well.

Thinking they might be blocking by a combination of both IP and User agent 
trigger, I changed the user agent
for lynx (the cat) with another UA string I got from the online UA database.
Now I called with:
/usr/local/bin/lynx-2.9.0-dev9 -useragent="Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X 
Mach-O; XH; rv:8.578.498) fr, Gecko/20121021 Camino/8.723+ (Firefox compatible)" $*

No joy. Still blocked with lynx (the cat.)  Links (the chain) still works.

I don't suppose you could try sending me shellworld's lynx config file, could 

On Wed, Nov 10, 2021 at 02:06:45PM -0500, Karen Lewellen wrote:

Hi Rudy,
Have  you tried this site today?
Granted I am using the Lynx configuration at shellworld, but I just typed
the  address you provided, and reached the page perfectly.
something to consider about cloudflare is that it tracks sometimes by IP
Would love to learn how the site works with your user agent
though, smiles.

On Wed, 10 Nov 2021, Rudy Vener wrote:

Hi all,

Yesterday started returning the following page
when I tried to access it with lynx.

   Please enable JS and disable any ad blocker

I invoke lynx as follows:
/usr/local/bin/lynx-2.9.0-dev9 -useragent="Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 
10_8_0) AppleWebKit/537.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/21.0.1180.79 Safari/537.1 lynx" 

The above user agent spoof normally lets me slip the Cloud Flare gatekeepers, 
but this seems to be something new.

For what it's worth, the same problem now occurs with w3m, however,
links (the chain)  can access the site just fine.
If there is a simple configuration fix for this, I'd really like to know.

Thank you.

Rudy Vener

Re: [Lynx-dev] reaching google in basic html with lynx.

2021-10-16 Thread Travis Siegel
For what it's worth, when I clicked on that link, it brought me to the 
google page, and asked me if I was sure I wanted to turn on the html 
only (or whatever it was) feature of gmail.  I have a gmail account only 
because some sites require it.  I have never once actually checked said 
mail, and never plan to.

But, it did work.

On 10/16/2021 4:30 AM, Bela Lubkin wrote:

On Wed, 13 Oct 2021, Karen Lewellen wrote:

Sharing this, in case it helps others.

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 12 Oct 2021 19:51:07 +

Zachary Lee Andrews replied:

Am I missing something, the only thing I see in your message is a gmail
URL that doesn't work...

Right, gmail URLs are per-person. is the
mailbox of *your* primary logged-in google ID.  For anyone else, that
URL means 'the message with this hash key in *my* mailbox', which is
vanishingly unlikely to exist; and if it did, it wouldn't be the same
message anyway.

If you want to forward text out of a gmail message, you need to forward
the text, not a gmail URL...


PS: apologies to Zachary for mistakenly sending 1st copy of this to him

Re: [Lynx-dev] Renew openssl certificates

2021-09-30 Thread Travis Siegel
Yeah, I need this question answered too, because using chrome, works just fine, but using lynx, it tells me the 
certificate isn't valid.  After doing the let's encrypt appache update 
on the server, should I move that certificate somewhere else to get lynx 
to treat it properly?

On 9/30/2021 10:01 AM, dan d. wrote:


I update my openssl from time to time.  Does lynx require someform of updating 
to use it or does it use whatever is present?  If yes, what
should be done

Re: [Lynx-dev] Ssl certificate error

2021-09-12 Thread Travis Siegel

You missed my point.

Macports itself requires libraries, it has nothing to do with the 
programs it already has compiled.

In fact, the code for the macports version of lynx won't compile on a 
bare version of OSX.  That pretty much guarantees extra 
libraries/headers/what have you.

No thanks, I don't need that.

I'm sure it serves a purpose, but it isn't one I need served.

On 9/12/2021 3:38 PM, dan d. wrote:

Macports has many already compiled ports, including lynx; no libraries required.

On Sun, 12 Sep 2021, Travis Siegel wrote:

I'll not tell you how to run your own systems, but for me, I found both
macports and the other system (can't remember it's name at the moment)
completely useless.

It's just as easy to compile your own source code, and have a native version
of said program, rather than waste disk space with all kinds of extra
libraries that are not the least bit necessary.  The one I can't remember at
the moment, in fact hosed my entire system once, which is why I refuse to ever
use macports or the other one ever again.

I'll update my own source code and compile them myself thanks.

Not to mention, the layers said libraries add might introduce errors that
native versions wouldn't encounter.

Just an observation from soneone who was burned by using said third party

On 9/12/2021 1:02 PM, dan d. wrote:


I tried to start lynx without the cfg file, just added url after it.  I got
this error message:

SSL error:certificate has expired-Continue? (n)

If hitting "y" it proceeds to the url.  There a search field is used and the
message appears once more, a "y" proceeds to the expected search
results page.

This lynx alone approach is not used very often so it isn't a pressing
problem.  Is there some cli command I need to use for the current ssl;
or openssl I presume; certificate to be current for lynx?  Likewise, is
there a command to indicate which is the current certificate in use
and how to update it for lynx to see; if not the most recent?

I use lynx in a mac terminal with macports for ports of unix/linix cli
programs, like lynx.  Each time an upgrade of openssl appears I install
it.  I assume the upgrade routine of macports does any system installation
required as usual.



Lynx-dev mailing list

Lynx-dev mailing list

Re: [Lynx-dev] Ssl certificate error

2021-09-12 Thread Travis Siegel
I'll not tell you how to run your own systems, but for me, I found both 
macports and the other system (can't remember it's name at the moment) 
completely useless.

It's just as easy to compile your own source code, and have a native 
version of said program, rather than waste disk space with all kinds of 
extra libraries that are not the least bit necessary.  The one I can't 
remember at the moment, in fact hosed my entire system once, which is 
why I refuse to ever use macports or the other one ever again.

I'll update my own source code and compile them myself thanks.

Not to mention, the layers said libraries add might introduce errors 
that native versions wouldn't encounter.

Just an observation from soneone who was burned by using said third 
party systems.

On 9/12/2021 1:02 PM, dan d. wrote:


I tried to start lynx without the cfg file, just added url after it.  I got 
this error message:

SSL error:certificate has expired-Continue? (n)

If hitting "y" it proceeds to the url.  There a search field is used and the message 
appears once more, a "y" proceeds to the expected search
results page.

This lynx alone approach is not used very often so it isn't a pressing problem. 
 Is there some cli command I need to use for the current ssl;
or openssl I presume; certificate to be current for lynx?  Likewise, is there a 
command to indicate which is the current certificate in use
and how to update it for lynx to see; if not the most recent?

I use lynx in a mac terminal with macports for ports of unix/linix cli 
programs, like lynx.  Each time an upgrade of openssl appears I install
it.  I assume the upgrade routine of macports does any system installation 
required as usual.



Lynx-dev mailing list

Lynx-dev mailing list

Re: [Lynx-dev] site newly returns 503 unavailable for lynx

2021-08-24 Thread Travis Siegel
For what it's worth, lynx 2.89dev16 handled this page fine with the url 
you provided, (with the single quotes changed to double quotes, and the 
orG changed to org).

I know domain names are nott case sensitive, but just in case.

Actually, just tried it again with single quotes, and that worked too.

On 8/24/2021 9:13 AM, Karl Berry wrote:

Thanks to everyone for the replies. It still fails for me (and it did
fail right before I posted). I've tried from different users on a few
different systems (with unrelated IP addresses), so different environments,
no config files etc. Still fails reliably for me, even though it
succeeds for everyone else. So, I'm pretty mystified.

E.g. (with or without options):

$ lynx -accept_all_cookies -dump 
No server is available to handle this request (Error 503).

Well, I'll keep plugging. Thanks again. -k

Lynx-dev mailing list

Lynx-dev mailing list

Re: [Lynx-dev] (a) list mail format error; (b) broken owner- address

2021-08-14 Thread Travis Siegel

On 8/13/2021 9:22 AM, Mouse wrote:

now. I don't know whether it's arrogance, just living in the GNU echo
chamber, or what, but they seem to expect everybody to Just Know that
they think they've rewritten the standard.

Standards don't work that way.

They do if you're microsoft.  How many times have we seen over the years 
when microsoft takes a perfectly good protocol, then completely rewrites 
it to suit their purposes (pap/chap anyone)?

That's just the first one that comes to mind.  I'm sure I could find 
more if I thought about it for a few minutes.  It's always possible to 
redefine a standard if you have enough clout/muscle behind the redefinition.

Microsoft isn't the only company who has done this in the past, just one 
of the biggest.

It doesn't surprise me in the least that it happens other places too.

Lynx-dev mailing list

Re: [Lynx-dev] ot: any discord users here?

2021-07-25 Thread Travis Siegel
I've used discord, it works with NVDA, though it's certainly not the 
smoothest experience around.

On 7/25/2021 6:02 PM, Karen Lewellen wrote:

Hi Folks,
I am not interested in joining, from what I read, the process in a 
lower graphics environment is not  especially promising.
Instead, I seek a single favor from someone to get information for a 
separate site test.

Any takers?

Lynx-dev mailing list

Lynx-dev mailing list

Re: [Lynx-dev] Alternative User-Agent header

2021-06-26 Thread Travis Siegel
For what it's worth, epub books are already html.  An epub file is just 
a zip file renamed to epub.

Simply extract the epub file into a directory of your choice, and 
generally (though not always) the html files are layed out in name 
order, and you can simply open each one in your browser, or if so 
inclined, just open lynx on the directory, and go down the list of html 
files reading them one at a time until you've finished the book.

With that said, there are times epub creators do stupid things with the 
html files and their names, such as making the names 40 characters long, 
and not numbering them in order (or at all), and in those cases, the 
only way to read things in order is to open the toc.ncx file (if there 
is one), or using the content.opf file for a complete reference to the 
html layout and order.  I prefer toc.ncx files when available, because 
they are much simpler than content.opf files, and it's much easier to 
pick out the files in order.  The only caveat to that is that some epub 
creation programs don't produce proper toc.ncx files, and in those 
cases, you generally get only a single entry in the table of contents 
file, which doesn't help anybody, so no clue why the programs generate 
such broken content files, but there it is.

90 percent of the time, you can simply extract the epub file, then load 
the files in order in your browser to read them as desired.  It's the 
other 10 percent of the time that requires an actual epub reader to 
extract things in the proper order.

For what it's worth, I did write an Epub reader, and you can find it at:

It doesn't handle content.opf files, so if your toc.ncx file is broken, 
you'll only be able to read the chapters in the book by typing them in 
on the file line, but as long as your toc.ncx file is properly 
formatted, the reader will work fine.

I have another version that does work with content.opf files, but 
there's still too many bugs in the opf parsing to release that version, 
so it remains in testing mode for the moment.

The only issue with that epub reader is that sometimes (for reasons 
unknown to me), the html parser I use to display the text drops 
shortcuts onto your desktop, without asking for permission to do so, nor 
telling you it did so, so sometimes you'll find hundreds of html 
shortcuts on your desktop.  The fastest way to remove these is just to 
go into your desktop folder and remove all the .htm or .html or .xhtml 
files.  Unfortunately, this is a result of the html interpreter built 
into windows, and there isn't anything I can do about this that I've 
discovered yet, but considering it's the only major bug I've found with 
it's operation, I'll take it.

There is one other bug I can't solve, though I've tried, and that is 
that if there is a vector graphics file in the epub content, (*.svg), 
and this file is referred to in one of the html files, it will hang with 
a error until you tell it no (alt-n) to trying to read/display the 
file.  Sometimes, it takes several iterations of this no answer before 
it goes away.

Otherwise, the reader works fairly well, and I personally use it for all 
of my epub reading, (sometimes generating toc.ncx files when they aren't 
present), but I plan to build a utility program that ships with the 
reader to fix broken toc.ncx files at some point in the future.

Sorry for the rambling message, but I hope it helps (someone). 
Softconreader is of course free, as are all of the programs in my files 

On 6/26/2021 5:36 PM, Karen Lewellen wrote:
While is frankly fantastic, I get the epub files, and send 
them  to
Which results in html that I convert  to text,  there is still an 
important issue.
First, one must have the link to use fichub, which can 
be challenging to discover.
second, there is being able to check for story updates. I have never 
been able to finish setting up a account, but 
bookmarked several user's pages allowing me to check 
for stories I was following...and read them too since the main site 
used javascript on the next chapter link.
That and I sometimes want to read a bit of a work before   sending 
things to fichub.

still, to be sure, it is far far better than nothing.
I only browse at ao3, so browsing is less important for me then 
keeping track of writers who either update works I love, or who have 
not written for years then suddenly return.

But that is me.

Lynx-dev mailing list

Re: [Lynx-dev] Alternative User-Agent header

2021-06-25 Thread Travis Siegel
Yeah, I got the same message when I used lynx directly, w/o changing the 
browser string.

Obviously the ip and id number were different, but otherwise, the 
message was identical.  Which is what prompted me to send the last email 
saying 2/3 of the use cases could be fixed.  I too use cookies, and it 
made no difference, so don't know if it's possible to get around this 
issue at all with lynx or other nonstandard browsers.

On 6/25/2021 12:42 PM, wrote:

I use:

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; rv:1.9.2) Gecko/20100115 
Firefox/3.6 l_y_n_x


in lynx.cfg makes the value persist. returns:

'Please enable cookies.
One more step
Please complete the security check to access
 Please stand by, while we are checking your browser...
Please turn JavaScript on and reload the page.
 Please enable Cookies and reload the page.
Why do I have to complete a CAPTCHA?
 Completing the CAPTCHA proves you are a human and gives you temporary 
access to the web property.
What can I do to prevent this in the future?
 If you are on a personal connection, like at home, you can run an 
anti-virus scan on your device to make sure it is not infected with malware.
 If you are at an office or shared network, you can ask the network 
administrator to run a scan across the network looking for misconfigured or 
 Another way to prevent getting this page in the future is to use 
Privacy Pass. You may need to download version 2.0 now from the [1]Firefox 
Add-ons Store.
 Cloudflare Ray ID: 664fa00b9cce0fc5 o Your IP: o 
Performance & security by [2]Cloudflare

I think no user-agent header will make a difference.  BTW
cookies are enabled in my lynx; other sites use them successfully.

russell bell

Lynx-dev mailing list

Lynx-dev mailing list

Re: [Lynx-dev] Alternative User-Agent header

2021-06-25 Thread Travis Siegel
Karen, It's not just you.  I've run into this cloudflare thing on other 
sites.  I've even jumped through the hoops to get the accessibility 
cookie, and I still get hit with their captcha at times, so the cookie 
is no guarantee of access, no matter what they claim to the contrary.  I 
understand they provide a service many small hosts can't financially 
handle on their own, but honestly, I don't understand why they work so 
hard to make problems for users.  Sites are supposed to be browser 
neutral, and cloudflare takes what might actually be a browser neutral 
site, and turns it into something that isn't at all what the site 
designers built, and that doesn't make for good business practices.  
It's probably a useless thought, but have you tried getting ahold of 
someone from to see if they have any suggestions? It's 
possible (though not likely) they could provide you an IP address of a 
server that isn't run through cloudflare.

On 6/25/2021 12:35 AM, Karen Lewellen wrote:
Interestingly enough I do know there are settings in cloudflare that 
can allow lynx  to work..a few sites I visit use cloudflare, but lynx 
is not blocked. even edbrowse cannot get past the door, 
and its use of JavaScript is more current then links the chain and 
e-links, neither of which  work. itself does not require JavaScript, I honestly wish I 
could reach the owner and share cloudflare suggestions that still keep 
them safe, but open the door.
Your fanfiction server idea sounds like hacking, would not let me use 
my years worth of bookmarks again, and as you say produces a lesser 
In fact I wonder if that is how was working until the 
main site shut it down.

Do not even get me started on the real problem where the captcha is 
concerned, hcaptcha which is the service cloudflare is using that gets 
run into with lynx.
Hcaptcha claims they want to be accessible, had a heated discussion 
with the
 staff a few weeks back.  Their own site  requires JavaScript to get 
the accessible cookies, which is counterproductive.


On Thu, 24 Jun 2021, Travis Siegel wrote: is using cloudflare to help distribute the load of web 
requests.  Cloudflare apparently requires javascript, cookies, and 
something in the browser string that identifies the browser as a 
standard browser.  Two of those you can fix with lynx, but you're 
never going to solve the javascript issue just using lynx. I've not 
tried hitting using one of the various encarnations 
that can handle javascript, it may or may not work. I also haven't 
tried changing my identification string, though I doubt highly  that 
will solve the problem.  I'm guessing that if you could find the ip 
address of the actual servers, and not the cloudflare 
servers they use to spread the workload, then you could bypass all 
these checks, and then the site may or may not work properly, but at 
least then you'd have a fighting chance. I'm not convinced cloudflare 
will let lynx through no matter what you do try to get around it.

On 6/24/2021 6:31 PM, Karen Lewellen wrote:

 Do you mind testing that by visiting
 Since you  say you can browse  everywhere?

 On Thu, 24 Jun 2021, Stef Caunter wrote:

>  I can browse anywhere using this alias for 'lynx'
> >  alias lynx='/usr/local/bin/lynx -nopause -tna -useragent=IE . '
> >  "IE" seems to be the most innocuous choice for the major news 
sites. I

>  have not tried "googlebot" ;)
> >  /stef
> >  ___
>  Lynx-dev mailing list
 Lynx-dev mailing list

Lynx-dev mailing list

Re: [Lynx-dev] Alternative User-Agent header

2021-06-24 Thread Travis Siegel is using cloudflare to help distribute the load of web 
requests.  Cloudflare apparently requires javascript, cookies, and 
something in the browser string that identifies the browser as a 
standard browser.  Two of those you can fix with lynx, but you're never 
going to solve the javascript issue just using lynx. I've not tried 
hitting using one of the various encarnations that can 
handle javascript, it may or may not work. I also haven't tried changing 
my identification string, though I doubt highly  that will solve the 
problem.  I'm guessing that if you could find the ip address of the actual servers, and not the cloudflare servers they use 
to spread the workload, then you could bypass all these checks, and then 
the site may or may not work properly, but at least then you'd have a 
fighting chance.  I'm not convinced cloudflare will let lynx through no 
matter what you do try to get around it.

On 6/24/2021 6:31 PM, Karen Lewellen wrote:

Do you mind testing that by visiting
Since you  say you can browse  everywhere?

On Thu, 24 Jun 2021, Stef Caunter wrote:

I can browse anywhere using this alias for 'lynx'

alias lynx='/usr/local/bin/lynx -nopause -tna -useragent=IE . '

"IE" seems to be the most innocuous choice for the major news sites. I
have not tried "googlebot" ;)


Lynx-dev mailing list

Lynx-dev mailing list

Lynx-dev mailing list

Re: [Lynx-dev] Installing Lynx on Macbook Air

2021-05-20 Thread Travis Siegel
Yes, home brew was the other system I couldn't remember.  Never tried 
it, because I was gunshy after getting my system hosed, and besides, 
I've been compiling from source so long, it was just more natural for me 
to continue doing so when I was using a mac. (currently only have a 
macbook circa 2007, so don't use OSX much these days), but I still 
absolutely love the os.  If they weren't so expensive, I'd still be a 
mac user 

On 5/20/2021 6:42 PM, Paul Gilmartin via Lynx-dev wrote:

On 2021-05-20, at 15:43:32, Peter Morales wrote:

My name is Peter G. Morales. The reason for the email is because I am
having some difficulty installing Lynx on my Macbook Air. Would you be able
to help me install it, or could you point me in the direction of where I
could learn how to install it?

You might cut that Gordian knot with:
 The Missing Package Manager for macOS (or Linux)
 /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
 brew install lynx

I remember:
... but last updated 2007.

I want to install Lynx on my Macbook Air because I am starting to get
involved with web development and I found out about your browser via MDN
Web Docs (here
MDN Web Docs says your browser is a text-based terminal web browser, great
for seeing how a site looks to the visually-impaired. I know this is an
important area for web development, which is why I would like to use your
web browser to test code in.

-- gil

Lynx-dev mailing list

Lynx-dev mailing list

Re: [Lynx-dev] Installing Lynx on Macbook Air

2021-05-20 Thread Travis Siegel
It's up to you how you install it, but I strongly suggest installing 
from source, so you can guarantee you've got the latest version of lynx.

This is easily accomplished via installing the development environment 
in Xtools, then downloading the lynx source, and following the typical 
install instructions for typical unix software.  I.E.

./Configure, make clean, make, make install.

That's pretty much all there is to it.

Some folks swear by mac ports or the other one that precompiles software 
for macs, but the one and only time I tried to use mac ports, it hosed 
my system, so I refuse to ever use or recommend it for any reason, and 
besides, in general, installs from source are easy enough that macports 
isn't necessary anyhow, but depending on your experience level, macports 
may be easier for you.

In any case, once you're done installing it, simply open a terminal, and 
type lynx, and you're off and running.

It's pretty easy to use.

On 5/20/2021 5:43 PM, Peter Morales wrote:

Good afternoon.

My name is Peter G. Morales. The reason for the email is because I am
having some difficulty installing Lynx on my Macbook Air. Would you be able
to help me install it, or could you point me in the direction of where I
could learn how to install it?

I want to install Lynx on my Macbook Air because I am starting to get
involved with web development and I found out about your browser via MDN
Web Docs (here
MDN Web Docs says your browser is a text-based terminal web browser, great
for seeing how a site looks to the visually-impaired. I know this is an
important area for web development, which is why I would like to use your
web browser to test code in.

Thanks, in advance, for all your help. I look forward to hearing from you
soon. Be well.

Peter G. Morales
Lynx-dev mailing list

Lynx-dev mailing list

Re: [Lynx-dev] File Collisions

2021-03-27 Thread Travis Siegel
I do not believe lynx makes any attempt to make the name unique. It 
simply tries to save the file.  If the filename is already present, it 
will let you know, and ask if you wish to overwrite the file.

I have no idea if it's possible to automate the process of renaming it 
it or not, but I'd guess that's not an option in it's current encarnation.

On 3/27/2021 6:12 PM, Martin McCormick wrote:

Is there any feature in lynx that adds a random file extention to
the name of a file one is about to save to make sure it is

I use lynx to download books in the NLS Talking Book
program and it works well for this purpose but the file names are
based on a formula that can produce identical file names if the
files represent books from the same author or represent more than
one issue of a periodical or in one case can be two different
periodicals in which the formula produces the same set of letters
for both sets of periodicals.

What I have been doing is typing 000, 001, etc, after
these names so no two files end up with the same name, but it
would be nice to automate the uniqueness so nothing gets

For the sake of clarity, the formula I refer to is the
web site's method for generating file names.  I have no control
over that so any uniqueness will have to be generated here.


Martin McCormick

Lynx-dev mailing list

Lynx-dev mailing list

Re: [Lynx-dev] rawstory and lynxFwd: The two words the GOP wants you to forget (fwd)

2021-03-14 Thread Travis Siegel

On 3/14/2021 6:15 PM, Karen Lewellen wrote:

Jude was documenting how, from their setup, they could not seem to 
access items in lynx.  Making the information not about the content 
itself, but the  ability to use lynx for reading that content.

Does that make more sense?

Indeed it does, Sorry, I had missed the preceeding emails in the thread, 
and was trying to figure out why such a post had been made to the list.  
Makes sense now, and sorry for the list spam.

For what it's worth, it's probably possible to use a script of some 
sort, (probably a bash one) using tr or sed/awk to fix the links in the 
email to make them usable by lynx again.  I didn't keep the email in 
question, but I am familiar with the <> substitutions, as I've seen 
those before, if the original poster is interested, I could make an 
attempt to build such a script.

Lynx-dev mailing list

Re: [Lynx-dev] rawstory and lynxFwd: The two words the GOP wants you to forget (fwd)

2021-03-14 Thread Travis Siegel

I'm sorry,

What does this have to do with lynx?

Lynx-dev mailing list

Re: [Lynx-dev] Off topic, Python programming teacher for a friend?

2021-03-13 Thread Travis Siegel
both and have python courses one can enroll in, and 
move along at their own pace.  There are several on both platforms, 
depending on what one wishes to learn.

Occasionally, one can check out, and find entire bundles 
of courses for reasonable prices on a given topic of interest, so there 
are lots of options for your friend.

On 3/13/2021 4:49 AM, Karen Lewellen wrote:

Hi Folks,
Going to ask about this in a few places.  If you know of a prospect, 
send them to me off list.
I have an associate who lives in Malta and wishes to learn the Python 
Programming language.  They prefer a teacher, can pay for the work, 
and seek to work with someone who understands programming when 
experiencing blindness, if not  blind themselves.
they work in the adaptive technology field in Malta, and while English 
is not their first language, they can communicate in it.
Better still a combination of electronic course work  so they can use 
their screen reader, and learning via Skype or zoom would perhaps be 

Their platform of choice seems to be windows.
Any prospects, let me  know.

Lynx-dev mailing list

Lynx-dev mailing list

Re: [Lynx-dev] More or less (was Re: Where does -dump output go?)

2021-02-12 Thread Travis Siegel
Apparently, some unix variants still sim-link more to less (or vice 
versa), but as you mentioned, ubuntu isn't one of those.  For what it's 
worth though, modern day implementations of more pretty much act like 
less anyway, so the arguments for using one over the other are pretty 
much a wash in modern os implementations.

However, to make things more complicated, apparently there's another 
pager called most that adds to the confusion. :)

For what it's worth, I've never used less as a pager, and can still 
scroll forward/backward/search/open editors and all the other things 
less proponents claim more doesn't do, which has always puzzled me, 
since I have always been able to do those things except on particular 
obstinate versions of some oses, but I believe any reasonably new 
implementation of more can easily act as a stand-in for less, so it's 
all kind of moot.

On 2/12/2021 12:56 PM, Ian Collier wrote:

On Thu, Feb 11, 2021 at 06:25:05PM -0500, Travis Siegel wrote:

more instead of cat, and to those purists that claim less is better, let me
remind those that less and more are the same executable on most linux

This is off-topic, but: no they are not.  "Most" Linux systems?

Debian, Ubuntu, RHEL and Fedora all have 'more' as part of the util-linux
package and 'less' as its own package.  The 'more' binary is much smaller
than the 'less' binary.

-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 190544 Jan 29  2020 /bin/less
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  45464 May 20  2020 /bin/more


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Lynx-dev mailing list

Re: [Lynx-dev] Where does -dump output go?

2021-02-11 Thread Travis Siegel
Or, if you want it to pause after each screen, without any additional 
parameters, try

more instead of cat, and to those purists that claim less is better, let 
me remind those that less and more are the same executable on most linux 
systems, and only act differently because the program checks to see 
which one was actually called.

(thus the statement that less is more))

Cat will work for text that is shorter than a full screen, otherwise you 
loose content, more is for everything else.

Also, head can be used to see just the first few lines of a file, to 
verify the content is what you expected, while tail gives you access to 
the last few lines of the content, each is good depending on the 

(sorry for the slight sidetrack, just trying to make sure all options 
are known. :))

On 2/11/2021 6:05 PM, Jude DaShiell wrote:

Normally stdout on Linux.  To get it to a file, try cat | lynx -dump


On Thu, 11 Feb 2021, Donn Terry wrote:

I'm trying to use LynxPortable (I hope this list works for that) to dump
rendered html.  This is on Windows 10.

LynxPortable appears to be working correctly, but does one strange 

I'm doing this both from a cmd window and a cygwin window, with the same

Instead of directing the output to local stdout it directs it to a new
window that appears for a fraction of a second (spewing some text) 
and then

disappears. Using shell redirection doesn't help.
lynxPortable -help does the same thing.  (The splash screen also 
comes up,

and stays up slightly longer than, the text window.)

I didn't see any command line options to redirect to regular stdout or a


Lynx-dev mailing list

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Lynx-dev mailing list

Re: [Lynx-dev] stay logged in

2021-01-07 Thread Travis Siegel
Yeah, I thought there was something about persistent cookies too, but I 
couldn't find that option.  Will have to go look again.

On 1/6/2021 3:57 PM, Thorsten Glaser wrote:

Travis Siegel dixit:

It looks like you need to turn session files on, then enter a filename

No, just enable persistent cookies.

That is if the site supports cookies to stay logged in properly,
of course (which OTOH is no different from other browsers).


Lynx-dev mailing list

Re: [Lynx-dev] stay logged in

2021-01-06 Thread Travis Siegel
It looks like you need to turn session files on, then enter a filename 
into the next field to have cookies save across invocations.  I just 
tried it on a site I frequent, but it didn't work, because that site 
uses javascript to save the logins, and I don't have any ideas for any 
sites where I'm a member that don't use javascript, that was the only 
one I thought might work, turns out their site redesign last year broke 
it for lynx, it used to work.

On 1/6/2021 1:16 PM, Mouse wrote:

I am starting to use Lynx and for some reason I will login to a
website and when I exit Lynx and get back into it, I am logged out.
Is there a specific setting in the lynx.cfg that I need to change?  I
allowed to always accept cookies.

Accepting cookies is not the same as saving them between sessions.  I
don't have anything specific to recommend, because I'm usually more
concerned with shutting cookies off than in saving them (I normally run
lynx with -cookies, for example), but looking for settings that bear on
saving cookies between sessions might be worthwhile.

/~\ The ASCII Mouse
\ / Ribbon Campaign
  X  Against HTML
/ \ Email!   7D C8 61 52 5D E7 2D 39  4E F1 31 3E E8 B3 27 4B

Lynx-dev mailing list

Lynx-dev mailing list

Re: [Lynx-dev] Saving bookmars during one session - Questions about using multiple bookmarks sessions

2021-01-05 Thread Travis Siegel
Sorry for the near duplicate posting, forgot to check if reply to list 
was checked, assumed my reply went to sender only.

Won't happen again.

On 1/5/2021 11:04 PM, Travis Siegel wrote:

Lynx already support this.

Just turn on multiple bookmarks in the configuration options.

I've used it before, though I don't currently do so.

On 1/5/2021 10:02 AM, Thorsten Glaser wrote: dixit:

Let's say, that I will want to use one primary bookmark file for 

links of interest and secondary bookmark file for secondary links.

I do this like follows:

In my primary bookmark file, the first few links go to the other
bookmark files.

When adding entries, they will always be added to the primary
bookmark file AS A SINGLE LINE, at the end of the file (the
list is unclosed) so it is trivial to cut/paste the last line
into the desired secondary file (it can even be scripted).

The next ‘v’ (when a nōn-bookmark page is open) or ^R (when
a bookmark page is open) will refresh the list from the disc.

Not quite what you want, but probably faster than switching
filenames in the Options dialogue, and maybe it helps?


Lynx-dev mailing list

Lynx-dev mailing list

Re: [Lynx-dev] Saving bookmars during one session - Questions about using multiple bookmarks sessions

2021-01-05 Thread Travis Siegel

Lynx already support this.

Just turn on multiple bookmarks in the configuration options.

I've used it before, though I don't currently do so.

On 1/5/2021 10:02 AM, Thorsten Glaser wrote: dixit:

Let's say, that I will want to use one primary bookmark file for primary
links of interest and secondary bookmark file for secondary links.

I do this like follows:

In my primary bookmark file, the first few links go to the other
bookmark files.

When adding entries, they will always be added to the primary
bookmark file AS A SINGLE LINE, at the end of the file (the
list is unclosed) so it is trivial to cut/paste the last line
into the desired secondary file (it can even be scripted).

The next ‘v’ (when a nōn-bookmark page is open) or ^R (when
a bookmark page is open) will refresh the list from the disc.

Not quite what you want, but probably faster than switching
filenames in the Options dialogue, and maybe it helps?


Lynx-dev mailing list

Re: [Lynx-dev] Saving bookmars during one session - Questions about using multiple bookmarks sessions

2021-01-05 Thread Travis Siegel
You don't need to do that, if you turn on multiple bookmarks in lynx, it 
allows you to create as many bookmark files as you want, and you can 
select them when you want to read from them.  I don't always use this 
method, but I do on some copies of lynx, and it works just fine.

On 1/5/2021 9:37 AM, Fadi Barbàra wrote:

Hi Ondrej,
reply is below.

On Tue, Jan 05, 2021 at 10:07:12AM +0100, wrote:


I've got question about Lynx. I have found it intriguing when testing it,
but It seems a bit rough whilst working with the bookmarks.

Let's say, that I will want to use one primary bookmark file for primary
links of interest and secondary bookmark file for secondary links.

Step 1 is that I will create my primary bookmark file and then save it. Done

Step 2 - I want to change the bookmark file in Options Menu by changing the
path to different bookmarks file.

Step 3 - this is where the problem lies, I have to exit the links and exit
the terminal in order to apply saved changes and then open it again.

I did not read the code directly, but as I understand, the bookmarks
file is loaded when lynx is opened. So, if you change the file during
the session, it still has loaded the same file for that
session and you do not see any changes.

Is there any way of how to change the path to bookmarks without ending the
current session in the terminal?

I am sure that I can use the bookmarks without any need of changing the path
for different bookmark file, I was just curios if there is any possibility
of how to perhaps apply changes in Lynx options without escaping the
terminal and starting it again.

As I understand it, you are saying that you could use one single
bookmark file. Another way could be to use different html files as if
they were bookmark file.

Let's say that in /home/ondrej you have file `b1.html` with those lines:;>google;>duckduckgo

and in file `b2.html` you have;>debian;>openbsd

then if you start lynx from your home direcory, by pressing `g` (default
open new url) and typing `b1.html` you access your first file of
bookmarks which shows you `google` and `duckduckgo` as your only links
in the page. Same by pressing `b2.html` to access your second bookmark
file. Being html pages, the added benefit is that you can customize the
page as you like, with titles, descriptions of the links, etc.

By using externals (`,` and `.` by default) you can then add
pages/bookmarks in one of those files during a lynx session (maybe you
have to reload your bookmark page to see the effects). Of course you can
also add pages manually. No need to exit from your session in this way.


Lynx-dev mailing list

Lynx-dev mailing list

Re: [Lynx-dev] Gemini Support?

2020-09-29 Thread Travis Siegel
Doesn't the https protocol already handle client certificates? Or does 
lynx not verify the certificates?

On 9/29/2020 6:52 AM, Bela Lubkin wrote:

Visiblink wrote:

I browse a number of gopher sites, but a lot of the people who were once
there are now using the gemini protocol (see for information).

Is there any possibility that gemini support might be added to lynx in
the future? One of the best features of lynx is that it allows users to
access gopher and the web in the same client. It would be great to add
gemini as well.

FWIW, I looked at the various Gemini browser implementations offered.
The one that seemed internally simplest, most likely to be amenable to
bludgeoning into a set of C code to implement the protocol, was the Rust
implementation 'Asuka' (  (Checking out the
very oldest commit in its git history provides a 14-line simple raw
gemini-protocol content grabber...)

Furthermore, it looks like the protocol can be summarized as:

1. parse 'gemini://host.dom/path/to/thing.ext' as:
- save 'host.dom' as 'host'
- save entire URL as 'url'
- invoke 'gemini' procotol handler
2. open TLS(1.2 or higher,pref 1.3+) connection to '$host:1965'
(providing client certificate if available)
3. send '$url\r\n'  (e.g. 'gemini://host.dom/path/to/thing.ext\r\n')
4. read content
5. close connection
6. first line of $content is status (see spec)
7. for success status, rest of $content is text or binary, per MIME type
given in $status
8. MIME type 'text/gemini' specs a trivial text formatting language

Full spec is at

Aside from wire protocol handling, Lynx would need to know how to manage
a client certificate, and be able to display text/gemini.  That could be
done with standard mime.types & mailcap, with an external text/gemini
decoding program, if one exists.  But text/gemini is trivial and can
probably be implemented with a few lines of regexp substitutions to
mangle text/gemini to (very simple) text/html.  Possibly the trickiest
bit would be preventing apparent HTML tags & entities in the text/gemini
source from being parsed as HTML tags & entities...


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Re: [Lynx-dev] Removing bookmarks

2020-09-21 Thread Travis Siegel
I've had that happen if the bookmark entry spans multiple lines. I lost 
several valuable bookmarks back in the 90s before I figured this out. :)

Of course, these days, those 90s bookmarks wouldn't even exist probably, 
but at the time, ... 

On 9/21/2020 2:54 PM, wrote:

I never do this, but I just tried it, and lynx removes the
wrong bookmark.  This is probably because I use my principal bookmarks
file as my default start page and edit it with emacs so I have lots of
non-standard entries: plain text, multiple-line entries, multiple
lists, etc.
You can test this yourself by creating a bookmarks file with 2

russell bell

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Re: [Lynx-dev] Removing bookmarks

2020-09-21 Thread Travis Siegel
Is your bookmarks file in the root dire ctory? I find that windows 
really doesn't like users using files that are in the root of a drive.  
If it's in a subdirectory, then obviously this isn't the problem, but 
figured I'd mention it, just in case.

On 9/21/2020 12:10 PM, Stefan Caunter wrote:

it might show the answer in a trace file if you use that option on start up

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 21, 2020, at 08:34, Riku Virtanen  wrote:

I have Lynx 2.9.0dev.5.
I would like to know what can affect a situation that Lynx does bookmarks but I 
cannot remove bookmarks with r?
I can create new, but not delete old.
Windows 7 machine.


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Re: [Lynx-dev] access/download password-protected pages

2020-08-11 Thread Travis Siegel
You can add command line parameters to include the username and password 
if you're doing this with a script, but it's just as easy to do it 
interactively after you're already logged in.  Just hit the p for print 
command, and lynx will allow you to save the page as a text file.
I used to do this all the time, though I haven't in years, mostly because 
safari on mac, and chrome on windows do what I need.  On linux, I tend to 
leave web browsing to other times when I have access to one of the other 
two oses, since there's such a huge number of sites lynx doesn't work 
with, because of the silly need for webmasters to complicate things with 

On Tue, 11 Aug 2020, Christian wrote:

Hi altogether,

my system: Linux/Lubuntu 18.04.4 LTS, 64 bit
lynx: Lynx Version 2.8.9dev.16 (11 Jul 2017)

Can anybody help me with the following problem?

I often use lynx for documentation purposes by saving forum-pages as a
".txt-file" using the "-dump"-option like so:

lynx -dump
"; >

Normally that works very well but I can´t use this command if the page
is password-protected.
The resulting .txt-file yields among other info:

"Oops! That page doesn’t exist or is private."

I have got the credentials (user name and password), so that should be
no problem.
But I´m at a loss as how to implement them in the command. I´m not sure
about the syntax.

Any help is much appreciated.

Thanks a lot in advance.

Rosika :-)

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Re: [Lynx-dev] Any idea what one can do about the people who feel the need to block lynx

2020-06-22 Thread Travis Siegel
Sounds like you got a boiler plate response.  It's unfortunate, but I 
find a lot of supposed tech support requests these days run up against a 
brick wall as regards actual help.  You're almost always quoted a 
nonrelevant piece of gibberish that has no bearing on the problem you're 
trying to solve.  The only thing to do is continue explaining (nicely if 
possible, though sometimes, it gets to the point where you just gotta 
vent on them), and eventually, someone will realize what you're asking 
isn't covered by their generic template responses, and you'll get an 
actual response that addresses the issue.  How many iterations this 
takes varies greatly, and in one case, after over a month of back and 
forths on a nearly daily basis, I finally gave up, and vowed never to 
use that site ever again, which interestingly enough I actually broke 
earlier today, and tried to purchase something else from them, which met 
with the same exact issues I'd gone back and forth with them about 
nearly 5 years ago.  Good to know some things never change.

On 6/22/2020 5:30 PM, Claudio Calvelli wrote:

As we all know, there are ignorants who imagine that they need to block
lynx from accessing their sites.  I just contacted one with evidence
that they block based on user-agent and asked why they feel the need to
deny access - and what do they come up with?

Please switch off your VPN or proxy then click here:

I wasn't using a VPN or proxy, and of course that is completely 
to their User-Agent filtering. (and of course the URL they quoted 

in a "403 forbidden" because they have no idea what they are doing)

Any suggestion on what one can tell these ignorants so they may learn

Claudio Calvelli

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Re: [Lynx-dev] Help

2020-06-06 Thread Travis Siegel
Downloading to a temporary file is how lynx has always done downloads.  I 
don't know if there's a way to bypass that or not, but if that's truly 
what you want, why not use wget or curl? That's exactly what they were 
made for.  You can even add them to the lynx.cfg file as support programs 
(I forget what lynx calls them), but it's used for things like playing 
music and decoding images and such.  Just add wget or curl to the 
configuration with proper naming parameters, and you're all set.  Then 
there would be no temporary files to deal with.

Note: I've not tried this, so your mileage may vary.
It's possible lynx will still make a temporary file before passing the 
file to the wget program, so you may still be out of luck in that regard.

On Sat, 6 Jun 2020, wrote:

I am using lynx to download a file. Currently i need to go to line containing 
file url and type 'D' to download file but this will download file in temporary 
buffer and then ask to enter Save to disk option. I want to disable this and 
want lynx to direcyly download file with proper extension 
directly bypassing save to disk option. Please help. Provide some solution.
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
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[Lynx-dev] which parts of lynx actually handle the html?

2020-03-03 Thread Travis Siegel
I'm seriously thinking about porting my epub reader from windows to 
linux.  Under windows it's a gui application, but in porting it to 
linux, I'd actually not mind making it a terminal based app. The parsing 
of the content files is relatively easy to do, especially since I 
already have that mostly written under windows, and porting that part to 
linux wouldn't be a difficult task.  The big trouble comes when actually 
displaying the files that make up the epub books.  most of them are just 
plain html files with xhtml extensions.

On windows, I call an explorer embedded task to display the html files, 
which gives me control over the explorer window since it's a child 
window of my app, and I can easily move from file to file, but I'm not 
sure how to do this same kind of thing on linux.

I could of course simply call lynx and pas it the url to the local file 
to display, but this would require the user to quit lynx after each 
section was done.  I'd like instead to be able to incorporate the 
relevant pieces of lynx directly into the epub reader, so that I have 
full control over when things get displayed, and when to change what's 
being shown.  Again, this could probably be done with scripting/moderate 
modifying of the lynx source, but a full blown web browser isn't 
strictly necessary, since on average, the epub standard doesn't 
generally go in for most of the existing xhtml extensions, so just 
having it handle moderately current html tags should be sufficient.  I'm 
just curious if anyone has any ideas/suggestions on what specific parts 
of lynx would be necessary for this task, since all files will be local, 
nothing needs to be pulled from remote servers, simple html parsing 
should suffice, and I only need to be able to control the browser so far 
as closing and reopeningnew files goes, I'd think I could strip away 
quite a lot of lynx's current infrastructure, and just use the html 
engine, with some window controls, but I don't know how problematic a 
task like this would be, so any help/advice would be appreciated.

Lynx-dev mailing list

Re: [Lynx-dev] reaching gmail in basic html?

2019-11-09 Thread Travis Siegel
Heh, thought it was worth a shot, but it didn't work for me on my server, 
(haven't tried the windows version of lynx yet). I get the same javascript 
error message as before *grumble*
This makes me want to install squirrelmail on my own server, so I can 
access my email via the web (not that I'd bother very often, but to have 
the capability) 

On Fri, 8 Nov 2019, Bela Lubkin wrote:

Tim Chase wrote:

At least according to Google's support page

you should be able to go to this link

to force the HTML/low-bandwidth mode (hopefully a little easier than
trying to intercept the refresh).

The *other* link in that post has '?nocheckbrowser' at the end; I wonder
if that would help get past the insistence on JS with the low-bandwidth

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Re: [Lynx-dev] lynx to work as anonymous browser

2019-10-02 Thread Travis Siegel
Lynx can be used anonymously, but anonymous in the context lynx means, and 
anonymous in the context tor means aren't the same thing.
The reason being, tor doesn't actually visit sites directly, it goes 
through many layers of obfuscation before it ever reaches the web site 
it's contacting.  Lynx isn't built for this kind of connection, so lynx by 
itself will not handle anonymous browsing int he same terms as the tor 
browser, it only handles it in terms of user information handed out during 
regular web browser sessions.
If someone wanted to write code to talk to the underlying mechanisms the 
tor browser uses, then tie them into lynx, then certainly, it could be 
made anonymous in the way you're asking, but as far as I know, no such 
code exists.

On Wed, 2 Oct 2019, bo0od wrote:

Hi There,

I was wondering if lynx can be as good as TorBrowser to work with Tor.

Is lynx anonymity focused as well or its just user friendly browser like


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Re: [Lynx-dev] Strange behavior

2019-02-15 Thread Travis Siegel
I've never used brltty, so can't speak to it directly, but I have used 
ubuntu (and still do), as well as screen and another one I can't remember 
at the moment, and neither one of those caused lynx to abort when 
switching sessions.  It might be worth asking on the blind linux list, or 
on the brltty list (I don't have the info for joining those lists, as I'm 
not a member of either one, I tend to use linux without braille, only 
It's possible it's something in brltty (which would make sense), though 
why it would do this, I have no idea.  However, I understand the brltty 
developer is quite responsive, and may even log directly into your machine 
(if possible and given permission) to fix issues, I know he's done this 
before for others.

It's likely asking him would do more good than posting here.
I do use lynx periodically, but most of my linux/BSD machines are having 
trouble, so I don't use them as often as I'd like, other than my softcon 
site, which is actually using a virtual host from linode).

On Fri, 15 Feb 2019, Mouse wrote:

The only thing I have been able to find is if I do a -trace the
trace file shows a GETCH0 got 0x just before lynx closed

As Thorsten Glaser said, this is exactly how it would behave if it
received a legitimate EOF.

Indeed.  And the suggestions are all good ones.  I just have three
minor remarks:


(e.g.: changing stdio settings like vmin & vtime).

Minor nit: those are tty settings, not stdio settings.


Essentially nothing about this has to do with Lynx,

We don't actually know that at present.  It could be that there is
something wrong in lynx that's making one piece of code think another
got an EOF from the tty when it actually didn't.  Unlikely, yes, but no
more so than some of the other theories given.


And, finally, are there any other ways of switching vtys?  Some systems
support software-initiated switching as well as keyboard-initiated
switching; I don't know Ubuntu (or for that matter any Linux) well
enough to know whether it does.  If so, it might be worth trying
switching other ways to see if it makes a difference.  (Of course, this
could be difficult to test unless you have another computer you can ssh
in from or some such.)

Basically, at this point we're still in the information-collection
phase, trying to probe the envelope of the problem to see if we can get
any hints as to where it might be.

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Re: [Lynx-dev] Regarding Lynx TV Feature

2018-11-15 Thread Travis Siegel
I'd say Thomas Dickey is the person you'd want to talk to, since he's 
the lead developer of lynx in it's current encarnation, though if you 
need someone local, I've been a lynx user for over 20 years and I also 
live nearby, so if a physical trip to the studio was necessary, that 
could be arranged.  It's of course up to the other lynx list folks who 
does the representing, just offering as a possible alternative.

On 11/15/2018 9:37 AM, Lauren Grossmann wrote:

Hi there,

I'm reaching out to you because one of our senior producers here at NewsWatch 
came across Lynx and thought it could be great for a feature on our nationwide 
show.  In case you haven't had a chance to catch an episode, NewsWatch's 
30-minute morning news show brings our audience up to date on the latest 
innovations for both consumers and businesses, from apps and tech products to 
B2B services and even interviews with celebrities.  The program is broadcast 
nationwide on The AMC Network in over 200 markets and reaches over 95 million 
households across the United States.

Please let me know your availability for a call in the next few days and I will 
do my best to be flexible with my schedule.  Thanks for your time!



Lauren Grossmann

Sales and Content Manager


2611 Jefferson Davis Hwy, Arlington, VA 22202

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Re: [Lynx-dev] ot: slightly web host ideas?

2018-08-22 Thread Travis Siegel
Karen, to run your own linux server, it's simply a matter of signing up 
for the free core live patches konocal provides to keep the core os up to 
To keep the system itself updated, every time a person 
logs into their shell account, the system will let you know how many 
packages need updated, then you run two commands, sudo apt-get update, and 
sudo apt-get upgrade.  That's pretty much all there is to it.
If your organization has the funds, linode even has a service where for 
100 bucks a month (I think it's a month, could be a year, but I think it's 
monthly), they'll even apply the updates for you so your organization 
doesn't even have to do that.
I'm sure that there's someone at your organization that can run a couple 
commands once a week or so to keep programs up to date.
Running a server isn't like it used to be back in the 90s when I first 
started self hosting linux machines, and had to do all the maintenance 
myself, hosting has come a long way since then.
If your organization truly has nobody that is tech savy, you could easily 
get someone to do the initial setup for you, (though I believe linode will 
do that too for a fee), then you won't have to do anything but get someone 
to watch the logs to make sure nothing is broken, though honestly, even 
that isn't truly necessary since anything that is truly broken should be 
noticed by the server monitoring and patched on the fly.  It's always a 
good idea to have someone watch the logs though, just because it's always 
good to know what's going on with the system as a whole, but you don't 
have to be a tech specialist to do that task, just a bit knowledgeable 
about what should be running on the system, and what isn't supposed to be 
happening, that's pretty much it.

Lynx-dev mailing list

Re: [Lynx-dev] ot: slightly web host ideas?

2018-08-21 Thread Travis Siegel

Multiple solutions.
First possible solution is to change the ssh port the daemon uses on 
dreamhost.  I used to run my ssh daemon on port 443 when I worked for a 
company in Delaware who blocked outgoing port 22 requests, but since https 
uses port 443, they kind of had to let that port through, and that allowed 
me to connect to my home machines without raising any red flags.
Second option is to do what I suggested the first time, setup a virtual 
private server (vps), and host your own site, lots of companies offer this 
capability, and it's more secure than a shared host like dreamhost, 
because you own the entire instance on the server, not just the little 
corner the host gives you.  I use for this purpose, but you can 
choose any provider you like.  Once the VPS is up and running, you can't 
tell the difference between it and any other supposedly real host machine 
on the internet, which means, your company will have complete control over 
their hosting, email, and whatever else they have on the server.  Not to 
mention, it's trivially easy to maintain linux servers these days, what 
with all the automation the package tools provide now.

Lynx-dev mailing list

Re: [Lynx-dev] TLS-"transport layer security" & LYNX

2018-07-28 Thread Travis Siegel
I thought the whole reason httpd 1.1 was produced was specifically for 
this reason.  Why do they need multiple methods of producing the same 
result, especially when one breaks existing standards?

On Sat, 28 Jul 2018, Mouse wrote:

SNI basically transmits the actual vhost you wish to visit, in URL
terms the part between https:// and the first slash after that, [...]
Then, the people [...] thought it would be good to create TLSv1.3
[...] and decided to add SNI to that standard; not only that, but
they *require* it to be used now.

So, TLS 1.3 is not usable for securing anything except the Web?  (That
is, if you aren't "visit"ing a "vhost"?)

/~\ The ASCII Mouse
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Re: [Lynx-dev] xhtml file extensions

2018-07-20 Thread Travis Siegel
I was noticing (and wondering) the same thing.  Renaming the files to 
.html works just fine, but as mentioned, unless we want to change all the 
links in the files, it's kind of a nonstarter.  I tried to scan the source 
code to see where it handles xhtml files, but I couldn't find the actual 
behavior for the difference between xhtml and html, I was hoping I could 
just replace one function call with another one, but no luck on that 
front. :)

On Mon, 16 Jul 2018, Dan-Simon Myrland wrote:

Hi, I have noticed that lynx (at least as of 2.8.9dev.16 - 11 Jul 2017), does 
not recognize .xhtml or .xht files as html (it does recognise .htmlx -- is 
that supposed to be xhtml..?). This causes a fair bit of problems in my use 
case (I am using it in a script to read epubs). You can of course force lynx 
to treat a page as html, but that only works for the first page. All 
subsequent links are only treated as text. Even hitting \ does not force lynx 
to treat these pages as html.

Is this a design decision, or a bug..?

PS: Keep up the good work :)

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Re: [Lynx-dev] ssl - compile - https

2016-07-07 Thread Travis Siegel
Just for reference, I have the same problem on my raspberry pi, but not on 
ubuntu 16.4, or on freebsd 10.2. 

On Wed, 6 Jul 2016, Thomas Dickey wrote:

On Wed, Jul 06, 2016 at 03:13:29PM -0500, zoho wrote:

cannot get compiled lynx to work with https.

./configure --with-ssl
sudo make install

seems to go well. no error messages.
lynx installs at /usr/local/bin/lynx

yet, starting /usr/local/bin/lynx, then attempting to access https
site fails with message: this client does not contain support for

i am running ubuntu 16.04.

hmm - I just installed 16.04 today to look at a different issue.
I'll check/see if I can reproduce this.

Thomas E. Dickey

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