I'd like to help

1999-12-21 Thread matt

My name is Matt. I'm out of Florida, USA. I would like to tackle a
couple of things that it seems need to be done.
1: First, it seems that in the export section, the Postscript@ stuff
needs to be implemented more directly(as opposed to through the printing
2: After that is accomplished, it occurs to me that by implementing
ps2pdf we could very rapidly implement conversion to pdf! A very useful
export format for me and hopefully others.

I am a LOUSY c++ programmer and will probably work on this forever. But
I am willing to work on it!

Any suggestions would be helpful. Knowing you guys you have already
implemented this and I'm too late.

Thanks for your time.


building trunk

2008-05-06 Thread Matt Benjamin

Hash: SHA256

Yesterday and today, Lyx SVN trunk, autogen.sh plus configure don't
subst config/Makefile.in, apparently.

Anyone have hints?



- --

Matt Benjamin

The Linux Box
206 South Fifth Ave. Suite 150
Ann Arbor, MI  48104


tel. 734-761-4689
fax. 734-769-8938
cel. 734-216-5309

Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


Re: Alternative to individual embedding?

2008-05-13 Thread Matt Benjamin

Hash: SHA256

It does sound like an advantage.  It seems more in accord with the way
Lyx has traditionally worked, to me.

Bo Peng wrote:
| On the other hand, the file format in my proposal is still plain text.
| For many other operations such as search and replace, you do not have
| to unzip. I consider this as an advantage.

- --

Matt Benjamin

The Linux Box
206 South Fifth Ave. Suite 150
Ann Arbor, MI  48104


tel. 734-761-4689
fax. 734-769-8938
cel. 734-216-5309

Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


Re: RCS usage in lyx, git

2008-05-13 Thread Matt Benjamin

Hash: SHA256

Pavel Sanda wrote:
| hi,
| following the last discussions about embedding and lyx usage via RCS
| i would like to ask if there anyone still usgin our integrated RCS in lyx.
| its seems as some archelogical stuff, but maybe i'm wrong.

I have tried to use it in 1.5.2, but found it, apparently, a bit broken.
~ I would  greatly appreciate any level of git integration.


- --

Matt Benjamin

The Linux Box
206 South Fifth Ave. Suite 150
Ann Arbor, MI  48104


tel. 734-761-4689
fax. 734-769-8938
cel. 734-216-5309

Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


Re: RCS usage in lyx, git

2008-05-13 Thread Matt Benjamin

Hash: SHA256

OpenAFS is moving to git from CVS--and we have very strong Windows
contingent.  The git port is Cygwin based, so there are some
line-termination issues, but they seem to be manageable with
git-provided hooks.


Bo Peng wrote:
|>  I've thought many time about this too. That would be very, very nice.
| But my understanding is that git is current unix (even linux) only so
| this feature will only benefit a few users.
| Bo

- --

Matt Benjamin

The Linux Box
206 South Fifth Ave. Suite 150
Ann Arbor, MI  48104


tel. 734-761-4689
fax. 734-769-8938
cel. 734-216-5309

Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


Re: RCS usage in lyx, git

2008-05-13 Thread Matt Benjamin

Hash: SHA256

I found I could create an RCS archive from a file, but could not
check-in changes.  Simple as that...


Pavel Sanda wrote:
|> I have tried to use it in 1.5.2, but found it, apparently, a bit broken.
| could you be more verbose which bugs you encountered?
| pavel

- --

Matt Benjamin

The Linux Box
206 South Fifth Ave. Suite 150
Ann Arbor, MI  48104


tel. 734-761-4689
fax. 734-769-8938
cel. 734-216-5309

Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


word wrap in the notes box

2002-02-14 Thread Matt Brennan


I like using LyX 1.1.6fix4-1 - it's great for taking notes on my research,
including plot of results, and then shaping those notes into technical
papers.  Really nice to use with SixPack and pipes!

I like LyX even more when I checked out the list of future features.  I
was please to see that the idea of collapsable sections was on the list as
that would fit my writing style quite well.

One feature that I didn't see on the list:  autmomatic word wrap in the
notes popups.  Also, the keyboard yank from the kill buffer C-y doesn't
seem to work in the notes popups.  But fortunately, the middle mouse click
will yank from the kill buffer into the notes popups.

Thanks for your work,



 Environmental Fluid Mechanics Lab - Suite 524K
 Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering
 Stanford University  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Stanford, CA 94305-4020  ph#: 650/725.5948

Non-intuitive figure rendering behaviour

2000-05-09 Thread Matt Lowry

Hi folks.

First up obligatory "great work people keep it up love ya editor et cetera
et cetera et cetera" ... but seriously Matt sez "LyX RoX".

Now to business. I'm using 1.1.4fix3 here.
It seems to me (and of course I could be entirely wrong) that LyX has a
habit of caching figure renderings, but then doesn't do anything at all to
check the validity of those renderings as the document evolves.

The situation I found myself in was one where I had made a diagram in
Xfig and imported it as an EPS figure into my LyX document. I then made a
minor change to the original diagram, redid the EPS out of Xfig, and found
that the figure as rendered by LyX did not reflect the changes I had made.
I tried all kinds of things, such as opening up the figure pop-up for the
diagram and "re-browsing" the file, even closing and reopening the
entire document, all to no avail. Finally in desperation I tried to resize
the figure (i.e. gave a new "percentage of page" size) and Ah lo and
behold, an updated rendering with the changes I made. Now return the figure
size to its original size value and Oh dear, look at that, back to the old
invalid rendering.

Now I can't speak for the rest of the universe, but personally I think it's
bloody ridiculous to blindly use a cached rendering without the vaguest
attempt to ensure the cached rendering is coherent with the original

Now, I appreciate that one can't expect files to be continually examined
for modification. But I'd rather spend the effort of unecessarily
re-rendering a figure every time the slightest change was made to it's
(internal to LyX) properties then enjoy the benefits of an incoherent

Ok, I've had my rant.
And don't get me wrong ... I think LyX kicks arse despite this ... :)
Oh yes, and apologies if I'm dragging people over tired ground here.


 Matt Lowry  ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] )

In October 1998 three Linux developers disappeared
  into the woods near Redmond, Washington in an
   attempt to compile their kernels.
A year later their source code was found.

Whinge : table layout dialogue unfriendliness

2000-05-28 Thread Matt Lowry

Hi folks, love ya work blah blah ... 

I just got 1.1.5pre3 and it seems to work OK for me (so far). 
Two thumbs up.

A "feature" which seems to still be present in 1.1.5, which I dislike,
regards the behaviour of the "width" field in the table layout dialogue.
The behaviour of this field is to immediately drop focus whenever a valid
value has just been entered. I think this is bad. The reason is that I, for
example, enter "3.5in" and then change my mind and decide I want 2.8. I
click on the field, delete the `5', leaving "3.in" in the field. Oh look at
that! A valid value - I loose focus on the field and have to reclick. Now I
delete the `.' leaving "3in" in the field - and again I loose focus.  
... etc ... I hope you get my point. I really shouldn't have to click on
the field five times or more times to make one change in the value ... 


 Matt Lowry  ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] )

The use of COBOL cripples the mind; its teaching should, 
therefore, be regarded as a criminal offense.
-- E. W. Dijkstra, SIGPLAN Notices, Volume 17, Number 5

Lyx crash problem

2000-09-25 Thread Matt Probert

Can you please help me? I am having no success in running Lyx and I
think the problem is to do with X11/firewalls/ports ...

A while ago I installed Lyx 1.1.5 onto a PC running Red Hat 6.0 Linux
(running 2.2.10 kernel) from an RPM at ftp.sylvan.com/pub/lyx/, along
with xforms0.88. All worked fine.

I then moved from the University of Cambridge (where the PC stayed) to
the University of York. For various reasons, I am unable to install a
copy of LyX here, but want to keep using it! The machine on my desk is
an ageing DEC Alpha 3000 (133MHz CPU, 96 MB RAM) with an ethernet
connection, running ssh v1.2.24. At York there is a firewall and so I
have to use ssh to get in/out of Cambridge. Every other X application
works fine over ssh, except for LyX! Is it possible to configure LyX to
run through a firewall in this way? If so, how do you do it?

I enclose the result of trying to run LyX, with debugging turned on for
both ssh and for LyX. The Cambridge PC is tcmpc1.phy.cam.ac.uk and the
York Alpha is coco.york.ac.uk.

coco 64% ssh -v tcmpc1.phy.cam.ac.uk -l mijp2
SSH Version 1.2.26 [alpha-dec-osf4.0], protocol version 1.5.
Standard version.  Does not use RSAREF.
coco.york.ac.uk: Reading configuration data /etc/ssh_config
coco.york.ac.uk: ssh_connect: getuid 200 geteuid 200 anon 1
coco.york.ac.uk: Connecting to tcmpc1.phy.cam.ac.uk []
port 22.
coco.york.ac.uk: Connection established.
coco.york.ac.uk: Remote protocol version 1.5, remote software version
coco.york.ac.uk: Waiting for server public key.
coco.york.ac.uk: Received server public key (768 bits) and host key
(1024 bits).
coco.york.ac.uk: Host 'tcmpc1.phy.cam.ac.uk' is known and matches the
host key.
coco.york.ac.uk: Initializing random; seed file
coco.york.ac.uk: Encryption type: idea
coco.york.ac.uk: Sent encrypted session key.
coco.york.ac.uk: Installing crc compensation attack detector.
coco.york.ac.uk: Received encrypted confirmation.
coco.york.ac.uk: No agent.
coco.york.ac.uk: Doing password authentication.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]'s password: 
coco.york.ac.uk: Requesting pty.
coco.york.ac.uk: Requesting X11 forwarding with authentication spoofing.
coco.york.ac.uk: Requesting shell.
coco.york.ac.uk: Entering interactive session.
Last login: Mon Sep 25 11:02:57 2000 from coco.york.ac.uk
TCM Computer Systems
Unauthorised access forbidden (Computer Misuse Act 1990)
All IT Syndicate Rules apply to this system

Red Hat Linux release 6.0 (Hedwig)
Linux 2.2.10

tcmpc1 1% /usr/local/lyx/bin/lyx -dbg any
Setting debug level to any
Debugging `info' (General information)
Debugging `init' (Program initialisation)
Debugging `key' (Keyboard events handling)
Debugging `toolbar' (Toolbar handling)
Debugging `parser' (Lyxlex grammer parser)
Debugging `lyxrc' (Configuration files reading)
Debugging `kbmap' (Custom keyboard definition)
Debugging `latex' (LaTeX generation/execution)
Debugging `mathed' (Math editor)
Debugging `font' (Font handling)
Debugging `tclass' (Textclass files reading)
Debugging `lyxvccoco.york.ac.uk: Received X11 open request.
coco.york.ac.uk: Allocated channel 0 of type 9.
coco.york.ac.uk: Sending open confirmation to the remote host.
' (Version control)
Debugging `lyxserver' (External control interface)
Debugging `roff' (Keep *roff temporary files)
Debugging `action' (User commands)
Debugging `lyxlex' (The LyX Lexxer)
Debugging `depend' (Dependency information)
Debugging `insets' (LyX Insets)
Initializing LyXGUI...
coco.york.ac.uk: Channel 0 receives input eof.
coco.york.ac.uk: X problem fix: close the other direction.
coco.york.ac.uk: Channel 0 closes incoming data stream.
coco.york.ac.uk: Channel 0 sends ieof.
coco.york.ac.uk: Channel 0 closes outgoing data stream.
coco.york.ac.uk: Channel 0 sends oclosed.
coco.york.ac.uk: Channel 0 receives output closed.
coco.york.ac.uk: Channel 0 terminates.
Segmentation fault
tcmpc1 2%  

Any ideas? Thanks in advance,
    Matt Probert.

Dr Matt Probert e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Department of Physics,  phone : +44 (0)1904 432239
University of York, fax   :   "  "  432214  
York YO10 5DD   http://www.tcm.phy.cam.ac.uk/~mijp2

Re: lyx.org domain fee

2001-04-22 Thread Matt Bandy

May I also recommend that the project register a domain name with the
OpenNIC project. OpenNIC is an alternative DNS root server. They operate a
.oss TLD for open source software projects. Registration is free.
The webmaster (or someone) just needs to join OpenNIC (a simple matter of
filling out a form) and email the .oss maintainer. 

Next thing we know, all OpenNIC users will be able to resolve lyx.oss!

More information on OpenNIC can be found at their web site.


Just a suggestion. 


E is for Emily, whom snakes sprayed with venom
F is for Fiona, who prayed in Gehennom...
   -- in rec.games.roguelike.nethack

On Fri, 20 Apr 2001, Garst R. Reese wrote:

> Lars Gullik Bjønnes wrote:
> > 
> > The lyx.org domain is up for renewal, and I am going to be so bold
> > that I ask is some faithful user will be willing to sponsor the LyX
> > project with this.
> > 
> > The fee covers two years and is 70$ US.
> > 
> > If someone steps forward, I will send the information needed to that
> > individual.
> > 
> > Tia,
> > 
> > --
> > Lgb
> I can handle that.
> Garst

LaTeX File Import Problem

2001-04-23 Thread Matt Zimmerman

I'd like to follow up on a thread that was begun on February 13
regarding a problem importing LaTeX files.

Here's the problem. When I run reLyX on file foo.tex, it returns the
following message:

Unrecognized escape \d passed through at
/usr/local/bin/../share/lyx/reLyX/reLyXmain.pl line 87.
ReLyX, the LaTeX to LyX translator. Revision date 2000/06/06

Reading LaTeX command syntax 
(foo.tex: Splitting Preamble
Creating LyX preamble
Cannot find layout file article.layout in dir(s)  at
/usr/local/bin/../share/lyx/reLyX/ReadCommands.pm line 267, 
line 15.
Compilation failed in require at /usr/local/bin/reLyX line 52,
 line 15.
Exited due to fatal Error!

I'm running Redhat 7.1, Perl version 5.6.0, and Lyx version 1.1.6fix1.

As I mentioned, this was reported in an earlier posting. There was one
repsonse, but the thread seemed to stop short of resolving the problem.
The follow-up to the initial posting may be found in the archive at this


Anyway, I know nothing of Perl and I would be grateful for some more
detailed instructions for correcting this problem. Let me know if more
information is required.


Matt Z

Re: LaTeX File Import Problem

2001-04-24 Thread Matt Zimmerman

Mr. Karger:

Here are the answers to your questions.

(1) Here are the locations of the executables:

$ which lyx

$ which reLyX

(2) reLyX executable is attached.

(3) The extra line says:

System lyxdir is /usr/local/share/lyx and personal is

Hope this helps. By the way, I didn't post the message that originated
the earlier thread discussing this issue, I just encountered exactly the
same problem. I apologize for the misunderstanding.

Thank you for your help, and please let me know if there's anything else
I can do.

Matt Zimmerman

Amir Karger wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 23, 2001 at 05:19:12PM -0400, Matt Zimmerman wrote:
> > I'd like to follow up on a thread that was begun on February 13
> > regarding a problem importing LaTeX files.
> >
> > As I mentioned, this was reported in an earlier posting. There was one
> > repsonse, but the thread seemed to stop short of resolving the problem.
> That's because you never responded to my post.
> > The follow-up to the initial posting may be found in the archive at this
> > URL:
> >
> > http://www.mail-archive.com/lyx-devel@lists.lyx.org/msg19251.html
> >
> > Anyway, I know nothing of Perl and I would be grateful for some more
> > detailed instructions for correcting this problem. Let me know if more
> > information is required.
> OK. The problem seems to be that reLyX is looking in the wrong directories,
> so it never finds the right files. But I don't know the exact reason so I
> can't fix the problem quite yet. Please do the following:
> (1) type "which reLyX" and "which LyX" so we know where your executables
> are.
> (2) Attach your reLyX executable to your next email. It should tell us which
> directories it's going to look in.
> (3) Put the following line into the file
> /usr/local/share/lyx/reLyX/ReadCommands.pm at line 257:
> print "System lyxdir is $main::lyxdir and personal is $main::dot_lyxdir\n";
> Indentation and whitespace don't really matter, and it doesn't matter if
> you're a line to high or low.  Then rerun reLyX and tell me what the extra
> line says.
> OK?
> -Amir Karger

# This file is part of reLyX
# Copyright (c) 1998-9 Amir Karger [EMAIL PROTECTED]
# You are free to use and modify this code under the terms of
# the GNU General Public Licence version 2 or later.

# reLyX wrapper
use strict;
use File::Basename;
$^W = 1; # same as 'perl -w'

# Variables to make global, so subroutines can use them
use vars qw($lyxdir $lyxname);

my (@maybe_dir);
my $mainscript = "reLyXmain.pl"; 

# Do this in a BEGIN block so it's done before the 'use lib' below
# This points to LyX library dir, e.g. /usr/local/share/lyx
$lyxdir = "/usr/local/share/lyx";
# This is just "." if you compiled from the source directory
my $srcdir = ".";
# This is the name of the program, usually just "lyx"
$lyxname = "lyx";
# The name under which reLyX was invoked
my $name = $0;
# resolve any links to dirname
while (defined (readlink($name))) {$name = readlink($name)};
my $dir = &dirname($name);

# Create a list of possible directories to look in. Non-existent directories
#are OK, but empty or undefined values will make 'use lib' complain
my $i = 0;
# case 1: for developers, e.g. - reLyX and $mainscript in same directory
$maybe_dir[$i++] = ".";
# case 2: environment variable LYX_DIR_11x has been set
if (exists $ENV{LYX_DIR_11x}) { $maybe_dir[$i++] = "$ENV{LYX_DIR_11x}/reLyX"};
# case 3: ran make but not make install.
$maybe_dir[$i++] = "$dir/$srcdir";
# case 4: e.g., reLyX in /opt/bin, $mainscript in /opt/share/lyx/reLyX
$maybe_dir[$i++] = "$dir/../share/$lyxname/reLyX"; # case 4
# case 5: configure figured out where $mainscript is
$maybe_dir[$i++] = "$lyxdir/reLyX";
} # end BEGIN block

# Now put those directories into @INC
use lib @maybe_dir;

# Now run the script. Perl will look in @INC to find the script (and
# other modules that $mainscript calls)
require $mainscript; # require includes and runs the code...

 end reLyX wrapper

Re: LaTeX File Import Problem

2001-04-24 Thread Matt Zimmerman

Help->Version says that my LyX library directory is /usr/share/lyx/

Matt Z

Amir Karger wrote:
> [lyx-folk: Matt and I sent a couple more emails back and forth]
> On Tue, Apr 24, 2001 at 03:40:55PM -0400, Matt Zimmerman wrote:
> >
> > > (1) Does /usr/local/share/lyx/layouts exist, and is the file article.layout
> > > in there?
> >
> > No, the there is no layouts directory. /usr/local/share/lyx only
> > contains a directory called reLyX.
> Aha! So the problem is (maybe) a configure problem and not a reLyX one.
> (Yes, I'm trying to pass the buck here.)
> Matt: when you do Help->Version in LyX, what does it list for the
> Library directory?
> JMarc, Kayvan, or anyone else who would have a clue: it looks like the reLyX
> stuff is in /usr/local/share, but the lyx stuff is somewhere else, as Matt
> will tell us in his next email. Why is this happening, and how do we find
> the problem during configure and fix it in reLyX.in or elsewhere?
> > Everything else is the same, except that after the "fatal Error" line I
> > get:
> >
> >   searchdirs: [mzimmerm@localhost directory]$
> Oh. I forgot a \n in the Perl I told you to write. The point is, reLyX isn't
> finding the directories it's expecting.
> > > This is awfully trivial, but I don't know what's going wrong here, so I have
> > > to try trivial things.
> >
> > I don't mind. I'm sorry if I've screwed up some patently obvious aspect
> > of the installation; I'm still a Linux newbie.
> I'm pretty sure you didn't do anything wrong. But we haven't had this
> problem before, except for the other person who found it & didn't follow up
> on the problem, so it's either a RH7.0 thing some change that has been made
> in the LyX configure system. I think we'll be able to track it down.
> -Amir

Downloading MikTeX failed, installer using wrong download path?

2011-04-11 Thread Matt Seitz (matseitz)
Does the LyX installer for Windows need to change the path for
downloading miktex from "/get/systems/win32/miktex/setup" to


When I tried to install LyX 1.6.9-2 for Microsoft Windows using the
standard installer
(ftp://ftp.lyx.org/pub/lyx/bin/1.6.9/LyX-1.6.9-2-Installer.exe), the
installer reported the error "Downloading MikTeX failed".  


I reran the installer while taking a network trace and saw the following


1910   71.947625171.71.137.121  DNS
Standard query A www.ctan.org

1911   72.047106171.70.168.183  DNS
Standard query response CNAME alan.smcvt.edu A

1915   72.136694171.71.137.121   HTTP
GET /get/systems/win32/miktex/setup/basic-miktex-2.9.3972.exe HTTP/1.0

1918   72.282413192.80.64.33  HTTP
HTTP/1.1 404 NOT FOUND  (text/html)


I then went to the miktex web site and checked it's download page.  I
didn't see alan.smcvt.edu listed as a mirror, so I tried using
"ctan.mackichan.com", again while taking a network trace.  This time, I


94   4.739099  DNS
Standard query A ctan.mackichan.com

96   4.896114  DNS
Standard query response A

102 4.975983
HTTP  GET /systems/win32/miktex/setup/basic-miktex-2.9.4106.exe


...followed by a stream of data.


I then went to http://alan.smcvt.edu and clicked the "Browse the
directory tree link".  I found the following link:

