RE: character $, was Large varepsilon

1999-10-14 Thread Hartmut S. Leipner

-Original Message-
From: Riccardo Varotto [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
\text{\Large{$ \varepsilon $}} ...

Try the following, which works correctly:


Dr. Hartmut S. Leipner
06099 Halle

Re: character $, was Large varepsilon

1999-10-14 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Riccardo" == Riccardo Varotto [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Riccardo Hi, I would obtain the follow line in math-mode, only in
Riccardo math mode, in the .tex file:

Riccardo \begin{equation} \text{\Large{$ \varepsilon $}} ...
Riccardo \end{equation}

Riccardo This lines print a Large varepsilon only with the ams-math
Riccardo package. LyX instead can't let me to stamp the '$' alone,
Riccardo but prefix the \, like: \begin{equation} \text{\Large{\$
Riccardo \varepsilon \$}} ... \end{equation}

Riccardo so the output is not a Large epsilon.

Simplest solution: in Layout-LaTeX Preamble, add
\newcommand{\Leps}{\text{\Large{$ \varepsilon $}}}

Then in the math editor, use \Leps directly.

However, why do you need this large varepsilon? Are you sure that what
you need is not a calligraphic E?


Re: New Prerelease lyx-1.1.1pre2

1999-10-14 Thread Reinhard Borek


at Thu, 14 Oct 1999 Gorik De Samblanx wrote:
 Lars Gullik Bjønnes wrote:
  I have released the second prerelease for lyx-1.1.1, now most
  installation issues have been resolved and we have a new feature:
 Question :
 I was not able to use lyx1.0.4, since it is compiled against an
 unavailable library :
 bash$ ldd /usr/bin/X11/lyx1.0.4 = not found
 where libforms89 is not in my Linux Distribution (Debian).
 Will I have the same problem with lyx1.1.1 ? = what is the solution ?
You must install the packages libforms-bin, libforms-dev, xpm4g-dev.
With this packages I compiled lyx1.0.4 on Debian slink successfully.

greetings, Reihard
Reinhard Borek
Exp. Phys I
Fachbereich Physik
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Friedemann-Bach-Platz 6
06108 Halle/Saale

Re: Margins

1999-10-14 Thread lloy0076

Juergan and All:

 Could you send an example file? It's a bit hard to guess what's wrong
 only from your comments :)

I have attached a sample file. On this particular file section 1.2
doesn't print at all. Furthermore it's touch and go whether the headers
print either.

Subscribe to the Linux C Mailing Lists Today!

#This file was created by lloy0076 Thu Oct 14 14:36:50 1999
#LyX 1.0 (C) 1995-1999 Matthias Ettrich and the LyX Team
\lyxformat 2.15
\textclass linuxdoc
\language default
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\defskip medskip
\quotes_language english
\quotes_times 2
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle default

\layout Title
\added_space_top vfill \added_space_bottom 0.3cm 
Developing a 
\begin_inset Quotes eld

Hello World!
\begin_inset Quotes erd

 Application in C with Linux 
\layout Author

David Lloyd
\layout Date

14 September 1999
\layout Abstract

\layout Abstract

This document aims to introduce readers to the most basic of all programs
 - the classical 
\begin_inset Quotes eld

Hello World!
\begin_inset Quotes erd

 In doing so it will introduce readers to a number of important programming
 constructs, concepts and data types.
\layout Standard

\begin_inset LatexCommand \tableofcontents{}


\layout Section

Developing a 
\begin_inset Quotes eld

Hello World!
\begin_inset Quotes erd

 Application in C with Linux
\layout Subsection

This document's objectives
\layout Standard

This document aims to introduce you to the C programming language, a small
 part of its history, some of its structure and short-comings and, of course,
 your very first program.
 Here is the outcome of that program:
\layout Standard

localhost root# ./hello
\layout Standard

Hello World!
\layout Standard

localhost root#
\layout Standard

Whilst this program is not at all exciting it will introduce you to a number
 of important concepts and topics in C.
\layout Subsection

What you will learn
\layout Standard

By the end of this tutorial you will be able to:
\layout Itemize

understand the basis of all C programs
\layout Itemize

understand the concept of standard libraries and C headers
\layout Itemize

explain what a function is and understand its structure/syntax
\layout Itemize

write to standard output using printf
\layout Itemize

exit gracefully from the main function
\layout Itemize

create and compile the program using tools supplied with virtually all linux
\layout Section

\layout Standard

This section shows the hardware and software requirements necessary to develop
 your first 
\begin_inset Quotes eld

Hello World!
\begin_inset Quotes erd

 In addition, it also specifies what the author assumes you already know.
\layout Subsection

Hardware and software requirements
\layout Standard

You will need the following to be able to produce the program outlined in
 this document:
\layout Itemize

\layout Itemize

gcc or egcs
\layout Itemize

\layout Itemize

vi, pico, joe or emacs (any text editor will do)
\layout Standard

The author cannot think of a hard-drive installation of linux which would
 lack these tools.
 Most users can assume that they all exist on their system.
\layout Subsection

Assumed knowledge
\layout Standard

The following knowledge is assumed:
\layout Itemize

basic knowledge of the linux operating system
\layout Itemize

basic computer knowledge, such as what a computer is, what a program is
\layout Itemize

an understanding of linux file permissions (read, write and execute)
\layout Itemize

how to use the text editor of your choice
\layout Standard

As you have managed to obtain this document, the author feels that these
 are reasonable assumptions.
\layout Subsection

What do I do if
\layout Standard

Please go to this address:
 This is the American Linux User Groups' home pages.
 There are sections for new users of linux through to experienced users
 of linux.
 Read the many and varied FAQs.
 Consider joining a local linux user group's mailing list to ask more detailed
\layout Section

An Overview of C
\layout Standard

This section gives a brief overview of the C programming language.
 First it gives a short history of the language, a brief description of
 the language and a brief discussion of C's shortcomings.
\layout Subsection

History of C
\layout Standard

In 1965, the MIT had sponsored a project codenamed Project MAC.
 Co-funded by General Electric and Bell Labs, two talented programmers Thompson
 and Ritchie began to produce an 

Re: Margins

1999-10-14 Thread Juergen Vigna

On 14-Oct-99 lloy0076 wrote:
 Juergan and All:
 Could you send an example file? It's a bit hard to guess what's wrong
 only from your comments :)
 I have attached a sample file. On this particular file section 1.2
 doesn't print at all. Furthermore it's touch and go whether the headers
 print either.

IMO you should revise your of the dvips installation, if
it contains A4 paper informations. I can print and view this file
without any problems!

I'm not very much of help, but as I cannot reproduce the problem I just
can guess where your problem lies.

Greets Jürgen


Dr. Jürgen Vigna  E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gerbergasse 60Tel:+39-0471-450260
I-39100 Bozen Fax:+39-0471-970042

A light wife doth make a heavy husband.
-- Wm. Shakespeare, "The Merchant of Venice"


Re: LyX and LaTeX behaviuor differ

1999-10-14 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Jean-Pierre" == Jean-Pierre Chretien [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Jean-Pierre Hello, Using LaTeX to fill-in parametrized pages, I used
Jean-Pierre to put a default file in the texmf tree which was
Jean-Pierre replaced by a modified file in the document directory.

Jean-Pierre This deos not work any more in LyX, the .dep file is not
Jean-Pierre aware of the existence of a file of the same name in the
Jean-Pierre local directory and loads the default.

Jean-Pierre If I export as LaTeX, all is OK again, kpathsea finds the
Jean-Pierre local before the global.

Could you describe where your local file is located and how you
TEXINPUTS (and kpathsea config) is setup?

Note that dependency tracking does not really search for files in your
TEXINPUTS, so it willl not trigger a re-run if such a file is changed.
However, the same file should be found wherever it is.


Re: LyX and LaTeX behaviuor differ

1999-10-14 Thread Lars Gullik Bjønnes

Jean-Marc Lasgouttes [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

|  "Jean-Pierre" == Jean-Pierre Chretien [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
| Jean-Pierre Hello, Using LaTeX to fill-in parametrized pages, I used
| Jean-Pierre to put a default file in the texmf tree which was
| Jean-Pierre replaced by a modified file in the document directory.
| Jean-Pierre This deos not work any more in LyX, the .dep file is not
| Jean-Pierre aware of the existence of a file of the same name in the
| Jean-Pierre local directory and loads the default.
| Jean-Pierre If I export as LaTeX, all is OK again, kpathsea finds the
| Jean-Pierre local before the global.
| Could you describe where your local file is located and how you
| TEXINPUTS (and kpathsea config) is setup?
| Note that dependency tracking does not really search for files in your
| TEXINPUTS, so it willl not trigger a re-run if such a file is changed.
| However, the same file should be found wherever it is.

The dependency tracking scans the latex log file to check for files
that latex used. No more no less. So this boils down to a problem
where latex finds the wrong file.

So the problem is how we can get LaTeX to find the correct file.


Re: Help on Internationalisation

1999-10-14 Thread Lars Gullik Bjønnes

Osvaldo Fornaro [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

| Hi,
| I eard that LyX could work with  its menus and messages in different
| languages; (I need spanish).
| After configure and make the 1.0..4 release I obtained the english
| (traditional) interface.
| How could i make spanish interface?

Try to run lyx with:

LANG=es lyx


Problem with XFig and LyX 1.04 docs

1999-10-14 Thread Bruce Momjian

First, a documentation bug report.  Then a LyX 1.04 problem.


The User Guide docs in section 4.3.3 states in item three that the xfig
LaTeX/Postscript combined output names would show foo.ps_tex and

In fact, the names for xfig 3.2p2 outputs the combined names as
foo.pstex and foo.pstex_t.


Second, I can't seem to get this to work.  The "Include file" part was
done, but blank space appears in the PS output where the figure should
appear.  If I include foo.pstex as a figure, that works, but of course
that is a postscript file, not the LaTeX file foo.pstex_t as suggested
in the manual.  I don't really need to get this working for my project,
but am willing to help figure out what is wrong for future users. 
Anything I should be trying?

OK, I got it working, but I think I found a bug.  I looked in the
View_Latex log, and found that no matter what extension I gave the file
to be included, the log showed the file requested as foo.tex, i.e. if I
went to include file fred.latex, it would look for fred.tex.  My guess
is that somewhere the included file name is being mangled to force an
extension of 'tex'.  Can someone confirm this on their machines?

  Bruce Momjian|
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]|  (610) 853-3000
  +  If your life is a hard drive, |  830 Blythe Avenue
  +  Christ can be your backup.|  Drexel Hill, Pennsylvania 19026

Screen Font

1999-10-14 Thread Riccardo

I'm using LyX to write my own thesis, but it happened an odd very bother
situation: the
screen font are suddendly become raw, more  rought. When i using the
option : OPTION - SCREEN FONT to select a different font don't happen
nothing. I'm
using a RedHat 6.0 dist. that have a bug with Netscape which is possible

to solve writing this:

chkfontpath --add /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi

Anyone can help me?

Re: export as postscript does not export anything

1999-10-14 Thread Nabil Hathout


On my machine (Linux Debian 2.1) the solution you suggest (use the
File-Print... item instead of File-Export-Postscript and choose
file instead of printer) does not export in PS format. Does it work on 
yours ?


Herbert writes:
  Nabil Hathout wrote:
   I was using lyx 1.0.3 (debian package) for some time. I have just tried to
   export a lyx document in postscript.  It used to work on 1.0.0 but this
   time it failed. I then moved to 1.0.4 but the exportation did not work
   either. It does work in dvi. I then have to run dvips by hand.
   Is it a bug, or do I have to set some parameters in my lyxrc ?
  click on the printer-button and than choose file instead of print.
  Than the output (ps-format) is written to a file.

Re: core dump

1999-10-14 Thread bill jehle

 "bill" == bill jehle [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

bill  Hi; I am a new user to lyx and I am enjoying it's elegant
bill complexity quite a lot. I have one problem, however, that maybe
bill another (longtime) user has been able to solve. When I try to
bill insert an 'xfig.eps' figure I get this message when I press OK,
bill apply, or cancel in the Figure window.


What xforms version are you using?


Thank You for responding;
 I just read the previos message from Dr. Vigna and now the situation is
becoming clarified, I in my misguided zeal loaded 0.89. Do I need to try
to figure out how to remove it and load 0.88 or can it be modified.

Re: Help on Internationalisation

1999-10-14 Thread jdd

On jeu, 14 oct 1999, Lars Gullik Bjønnes à écrit

Try to run lyx with:

LANG=es lyx

this works great, but i can't manage to make it run in a kde menu (for
example: xterm -e LANG=..., nor export...) look like there are internal
commands and can't be run or how ?

Linux hp-41 APTEP SF

Re: Help on Internationalisation

1999-10-14 Thread Osvaldo Fornaro

"Lars Gullik Bjønnes" wrote:

 Osvaldo Fornaro [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 | Hi,
 | I eard that LyX could work with  its menus and messages in different
 | languages; (I need spanish).
 | After configure and make the 1.0..4 release I obtained the english
 | (traditional) interface.
 | How could i make spanish interface?

 Try to run lyx with:

 LANG=es lyx


No, don't work for me.


ascii table import

1999-10-14 Thread Jim Cadien

After looking through the docs, I ask:  can one create a blank table(mxn)
and then import an ascii file containing data in the same format into the
Lyx table?


Jim Cadien


1999-10-14 Thread Rodrigo Esteves de Lima Lopes

Hi everybody

I'm running Lyx.1.0.1 within a tetex-latex 0.9.2.. 

I'd like to know how to install some latex packages such as  easy talbe, long
table etc and, after this, make them work at lyx. 

Thank you very much


Table problem with Linuxdoc template

1999-10-14 Thread David Nedrow

Why is it that tables are not rendered properly when the LinuxDoc
template is used? When rendered, the cell values are simply placed one
after another on a single line with no table regardless of output format.

The DocBook template works, but I haven't figure out how to add a TOC to
it. If I insert the TOC, I get an error in the compilation that the TOC is
not valid. Here is the output using DocBook ( Note that this was done by
simply choosing File - New From Template, selecting DocBook after
providing a name and then placing the TOC between the default abstract
and first section) - 

/usr/bin/jade:OSFD0:25:7:E: document type does not allow element
"PARA" here;
"LEGALNOTICE" start-tag
/usr/bin/jade:OSFD0:26:6:E: document type does not allow element
"TOC" here
/usr/bin/jade:/usr/share/sgml/stylesheets/docbook/print/version.dsl:11:19:E: cannot
find "../VERSION"; tried
This is TeX, Version 3.14159 (Web2C 7.3.1)

I need to create documents with tables that can be output as SGML (for RCS
archiving), PostScript, ASCII and HTML. So far as I can tell, I can't get
HTML without the SGML intermediate, but I can't get SGML without using a
template, but I can't use the templates because each has it's own issues
that I can't seem to figure out, ad nauseum.

I'm not a stupid person, but LyX 1.0.4 is really making me feel that
way. As far as LinuxDoc goes, this all worked for me in an older version
of LyX (though I can't remember which one.)


Version: 3.1
GCA/CS d+@ s+++:++ a C++ UL$ SU++ P++(P--) L E++ W+++ N++ w---
O++@ M+@ PS+ PE Y+ t++@ 5+++ X+@ R- tv+ DI++ D+ G++ e++(e+++) h++ r++

Re: export as postscript does not export anything

1999-10-14 Thread Allan Rae

On Thu, 14 Oct 1999, Nabil Hathout wrote:

 On my machine (Linux Debian 2.1) the solution you suggest (use the
 File-Print... item instead of File-Export-Postscript and choose
 file instead of printer) does not export in PS format. Does it work on 
 yours ?

Does File-ViewPostscript work for you?
When you run any of the Postscript generating menu items (like export or
update etc.) do you see mention of dvips in the status bar?
What document layout are you using?

BTW, File-Print and File-Export-Postscript both popup the same dialog
box so if you have problems with one then the other will (obviously?) have
the same behaviour.

Allan. (ARRae)

Re: LyX and LaTeX behaviuor differ

1999-10-14 Thread Allan Rae

On Thu, 14 Oct 1999, Jean-Pierre.Chretien wrote:
 No TEXINPUTS declared, I use only the kpathsea mechanism
 (standard, leading . in the paths).
 From anywhere but the directory un which is the LyX file:

This looks like the answer.  LyX will be running LaTeX in /tmp/lyx...
BUT if the file is \input shouldn't LyX have a copy of it in /tmp also or
at least know of its existance?  Unless its a ERT \input maybe?

A possible workaround might be to disable the use of a temporary
directory.  There's a lyxrc variable for that but I can't remember its

BTW,  this is only a guess.

 %-kpsewhich foo.tex
 which contains
 From the directory:
 %-kpsewhich foo.tex
 which contains
 The latex code
 Impression de \testloc
 gives "modification" in LaTeX and "original" in LyX.
 teTeX 1.0, LyX-1.0.4, Solaris 2.6

Allan. (ARRae)

Re: packages

1999-10-14 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

From: Rodrigo Esteves de Lima Lopes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: LyX-Users Mailing-Liste [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: packages
Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 23:43:20 -0400

Hi everybody

I'm running Lyx.1.0.1 within a tetex-latex 0.9.2.. 

I'd like to know how to install some latex packages such as  easy talbe, long
table etc and, after this, make them work at lyx. 

Thank you very much


Here is a possible procedure (I suppose that the texmf tree is owned by root, 
you must be root to do it)
 - if you have not done it already, create a site_latex dir in the texmf tree, eg
mkdir /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf/tex/latex/site_latex
 (this will ease upgrades)
 - go to site_latex and make it public
cd /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf/tex/latex/site_latex;chmod 755 .
 - check that the required package is not here, eg
kpsewhich longtable.sty
 - if not, go to the nearest CTAN archive and ask for the package (e.g. foo)
 - download the files (generally two files: foo.ins  for the install
 and foo.dtx for the doc stuff) in ./foo after a 
mkdir foo; chmod 755 foo; cd foo
 - latex the two files and make the sty, tex and dvi files public
chmod 444 *.cls *.tex *.sty *.dvi
 - run texhash
 - test from a plain user login, either \documentclass{foo}, \usepackage{foo} or 
In fact you may have a similar procedure for the bst files in the bibtex part
of the texmf ree; I think that you have often bst files coming in with packages
and that it is simpler to add site_latex in the BSTINPUTS path of texmf.cnf
and keep every imported latex-related stuff in one place.



Re: New Prerelease lyx-1.1.1pre2

1999-10-14 Thread Gorik De Samblanx

Lars Gullik Bjønnes wrote:
 I have released the second prerelease for lyx-1.1.1, now most
 installation issues have been resolved and we have a new feature:

Question :
I was not able to use lyx1.0.4, since it is compiled against an
unavailable library :

bash$ ldd /usr/bin/X11/lyx1.0.4 = not found

where libforms89 is not in my Linux Distribution (Debian).

Will I have the same problem with lyx1.1.1 ? = what is the solution ?


Re: New Prerelease lyx-1.1.1pre2

1999-10-14 Thread Jose Abilio Oliveira Matos

On Thu, Oct 14, 1999 at 10:17:25AM +0200, Gorik De Samblanx wrote:
 Question :
 I was not able to use lyx1.0.4, since it is compiled against an
 unavailable library :
 bash$ ldd /usr/bin/X11/lyx1.0.4 = not found
 where libforms89 is not in my Linux Distribution (Debian).

  You should get the xforms graphical toolkit.
  Look in the lyx web pages for its location.

 Will I have the same problem with lyx1.1.1 ? = what is the solution ?

 lyx1.1.1 still uses that, so the problem remains.


Re: New Prerelease lyx-1.1.1pre2

1999-10-14 Thread Juergen Vigna

On 14-Oct-99 Gorik De Samblanx wrote:
 Question :
 I was not able to use lyx1.0.4, since it is compiled against an
 unavailable library :
 bash$ ldd /usr/bin/X11/lyx1.0.4 = not found

So you installed a binary package? I allready told this and will repeat
it one more time (not to you personally but to all the people on this list!!):

THERE ARE PROBLEMS WITH lyx-1.0.4 AND/OR lyx-1.1.1 USING libforms.0.89 !!!


Greets Jürgen

P.S.: This problems will be only solved if I get a positive answer from
  T.C. about how he wants to adapt this for xforms-0.90!!!


Dr. Jürgen Vigna  E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gerbergasse 60Tel:+39-0471-450260
I-39100 Bozen Fax:+39-0471-970042

"And remember: Evil will always prevail, because Good is dumb."
-- Spaceballs


Re: Possible bug with 1.0.4...

1999-10-14 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Rod" == Rod Pinna [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Rod Hello all, I've run into a "behaviour" that hasn't occurred with
Rod previous versions of lyx. After upgrading from 1.0.3 to 1.0.4,
Rod Lyx is now including extra spaces in subscripts when a file is
Rod closed and reopened. For example:

Rod \beta z

Rod becomes

Rod \beta z

Rod  ^ |---extra space.

Rod Actually, looking at the file, it seems the extra space only
Rod occurs between no roman (a-z) characters and the attached
Rod subscript. That is, it *doesn't* occur for M_z. Postscript output
Rod is uneffected.

Rod Also, I've got the following in the body of the text
Rod r_\textrm{wave}

Rod Upon reloading this turns into r_ \textrm{wave}, where the wave
Rod part is no longer a subscript.


Sorry about responding so late. While I see the behaviour you describe
for \beta_k, it does not seem to have any effect on screen, as far as
I can see. Could you send an example file (maybe two, with 1.0.3 and

I do not remember any change in math code which might produce that...


Re: New Prerelease lyx-1.1.1pre2

1999-10-14 Thread Paul Seelig

 On 14-Oct-99 Gorik De Samblanx wrote:
  Question :
  I was not able to use lyx1.0.4, since it is compiled against an
  unavailable library :
  bash$ ldd /usr/bin/X11/lyx1.0.4 = not found
Usually it's best to compile by yourself.  You can get a Debian binary for
slink linked against and with the "export HTML"-patch
applied here: ""
The file in question is called "lyx_1.0.4-0slink1_i386.deb" and is a
recompilation of the official Debian package plus mentioned patch.

 Cheers, P. *8^)
If not specific to HP please always reply to 

Re: New Prerelease lyx-1.1.1pre2

1999-10-14 Thread Syrus Nemat-Nasser

On Thu, 14 Oct 1999, Gorik De Samblanx wrote:

 Question :
 I was not able to use lyx1.0.4, since it is compiled against an
 unavailable library :
 bash$ ldd /usr/bin/X11/lyx1.0.4 = not found
 where libforms89 is not in my Linux Distribution (Debian).

You can download the lyx source from and then compile it
yourself against which is included in Debian.

Thanks. Syrus.


Syrus Nemat-Nasser [EMAIL PROTECTED]UCSD Physics Dept.

Re: Possible bug with 1.0.4...

1999-10-14 Thread Rod Pinna

On 14 Oct 1999, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:


Thanks for having a look at the problem. In the end, it turned out the it
was a "stupid user" error. The problem was that the line:

 Rod Also, I've got the following in the body of the text
 Rod r_\textrm{wave}

should have been r_\mathrm{wave}. It seems once LyX comes across the
incorrect \textrm it gets a little confused. Anyway, I've attached an
example file (gzipped) which displays the behaviour. If you load it, you
should see the extra spaces between the normal and subscript characters.

Actually, it only occurs on reloading the file. If you type in a new
expression, Lyx handles it fine.

Thanks for the interest, and an excellent program.



RE: character $, was Large varepsilon

1999-10-14 Thread Hartmut S. Leipner

-Original Message-
From: Riccardo Varotto [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
\text{\Large{$ \varepsilon $}} ...

Try the following, which works correctly:


Dr. Hartmut S. Leipner
06099 Halle

Re: character $, was Large varepsilon

1999-10-14 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Riccardo" == Riccardo Varotto [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Riccardo Hi, I would obtain the follow line in math-mode, only in
Riccardo math mode, in the .tex file:

Riccardo \begin{equation} \text{\Large{$ \varepsilon $}} ...
Riccardo \end{equation}

Riccardo This lines print a Large varepsilon only with the ams-math
Riccardo package. LyX instead can't let me to stamp the '$' alone,
Riccardo but prefix the \, like: \begin{equation} \text{\Large{\$
Riccardo \varepsilon \$}} ... \end{equation}

Riccardo so the output is not a Large epsilon.

Simplest solution: in Layout-LaTeX Preamble, add
\newcommand{\Leps}{\text{\Large{$ \varepsilon $}}}

Then in the math editor, use \Leps directly.

However, why do you need this large varepsilon? Are you sure that what
you need is not a calligraphic E?


Re: New Prerelease lyx-1.1.1pre2

1999-10-14 Thread Reinhard Borek


at Thu, 14 Oct 1999 Gorik De Samblanx wrote:
 Lars Gullik Bjønnes wrote:
  I have released the second prerelease for lyx-1.1.1, now most
  installation issues have been resolved and we have a new feature:
 Question :
 I was not able to use lyx1.0.4, since it is compiled against an
 unavailable library :
 bash$ ldd /usr/bin/X11/lyx1.0.4 = not found
 where libforms89 is not in my Linux Distribution (Debian).
 Will I have the same problem with lyx1.1.1 ? = what is the solution ?
You must install the packages libforms-bin, libforms-dev, xpm4g-dev.
With this packages I compiled lyx1.0.4 on Debian slink successfully.

greetings, Reihard
Reinhard Borek
Exp. Phys I
Fachbereich Physik
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Friedemann-Bach-Platz 6
06108 Halle/Saale

Re: Margins

1999-10-14 Thread lloy0076

Juergan and All:

 Could you send an example file? It's a bit hard to guess what's wrong
 only from your comments :)

I have attached a sample file. On this particular file section 1.2
doesn't print at all. Furthermore it's touch and go whether the headers
print either.

Subscribe to the Linux C Mailing Lists Today!

#This file was created by lloy0076 Thu Oct 14 14:36:50 1999
#LyX 1.0 (C) 1995-1999 Matthias Ettrich and the LyX Team
\lyxformat 2.15
\textclass linuxdoc
\language default
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\defskip medskip
\quotes_language english
\quotes_times 2
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\paperpagestyle default

\layout Title
\added_space_top vfill \added_space_bottom 0.3cm 
Developing a 
\begin_inset Quotes eld

Hello World!
\begin_inset Quotes erd

 Application in C with Linux 
\layout Author

David Lloyd
\layout Date

14 September 1999
\layout Abstract

\layout Abstract

This document aims to introduce readers to the most basic of all programs
 - the classical 
\begin_inset Quotes eld

Hello World!
\begin_inset Quotes erd

 In doing so it will introduce readers to a number of important programming
 constructs, concepts and data types.
\layout Standard

\begin_inset LatexCommand \tableofcontents{}


\layout Section

Developing a 
\begin_inset Quotes eld

Hello World!
\begin_inset Quotes erd

 Application in C with Linux
\layout Subsection

This document's objectives
\layout Standard

This document aims to introduce you to the C programming language, a small
 part of its history, some of its structure and short-comings and, of course,
 your very first program.
 Here is the outcome of that program:
\layout Standard

localhost root# ./hello
\layout Standard

Hello World!
\layout Standard

localhost root#
\layout Standard

Whilst this program is not at all exciting it will introduce you to a number
 of important concepts and topics in C.
\layout Subsection

What you will learn
\layout Standard

By the end of this tutorial you will be able to:
\layout Itemize

understand the basis of all C programs
\layout Itemize

understand the concept of standard libraries and C headers
\layout Itemize

explain what a function is and understand its structure/syntax
\layout Itemize

write to standard output using printf
\layout Itemize

exit gracefully from the main function
\layout Itemize

create and compile the program using tools supplied with virtually all linux
\layout Section

\layout Standard

This section shows the hardware and software requirements necessary to develop
 your first 
\begin_inset Quotes eld

Hello World!
\begin_inset Quotes erd

 In addition, it also specifies what the author assumes you already know.
\layout Subsection

Hardware and software requirements
\layout Standard

You will need the following to be able to produce the program outlined in
 this document:
\layout Itemize

\layout Itemize

gcc or egcs
\layout Itemize

\layout Itemize

vi, pico, joe or emacs (any text editor will do)
\layout Standard

The author cannot think of a hard-drive installation of linux which would
 lack these tools.
 Most users can assume that they all exist on their system.
\layout Subsection

Assumed knowledge
\layout Standard

The following knowledge is assumed:
\layout Itemize

basic knowledge of the linux operating system
\layout Itemize

basic computer knowledge, such as what a computer is, what a program is
\layout Itemize

an understanding of linux file permissions (read, write and execute)
\layout Itemize

how to use the text editor of your choice
\layout Standard

As you have managed to obtain this document, the author feels that these
 are reasonable assumptions.
\layout Subsection

What do I do if
\layout Standard

Please go to this address:
 This is the American Linux User Groups' home pages.
 There are sections for new users of linux through to experienced users
 of linux.
 Read the many and varied FAQs.
 Consider joining a local linux user group's mailing list to ask more detailed
\layout Section

An Overview of C
\layout Standard

This section gives a brief overview of the C programming language.
 First it gives a short history of the language, a brief description of
 the language and a brief discussion of C's shortcomings.
\layout Subsection

History of C
\layout Standard

In 1965, the MIT had sponsored a project codenamed Project MAC.
 Co-funded by General Electric and Bell Labs, two talented programmers Thompson
 and Ritchie began to produce an 

Re: Margins

1999-10-14 Thread Juergen Vigna

On 14-Oct-99 lloy0076 wrote:
 Juergan and All:
 Could you send an example file? It's a bit hard to guess what's wrong
 only from your comments :)
 I have attached a sample file. On this particular file section 1.2
 doesn't print at all. Furthermore it's touch and go whether the headers
 print either.

IMO you should revise your of the dvips installation, if
it contains A4 paper informations. I can print and view this file
without any problems!

I'm not very much of help, but as I cannot reproduce the problem I just
can guess where your problem lies.

Greets Jürgen


Dr. Jürgen Vigna  E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gerbergasse 60Tel:+39-0471-450260
I-39100 Bozen Fax:+39-0471-970042

A light wife doth make a heavy husband.
-- Wm. Shakespeare, "The Merchant of Venice"


LyX and LaTeX behaviuor differ

1999-10-14 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien


Using LaTeX to fill-in parametrized pages, I used
to put a default file in the texmf tree which was
replaced by a modified file in the document directory.

This deos not work any more in LyX, the .dep file is not
aware of the existence of a file of the same name in the local
directory and loads the default.

If I export as LaTeX, all is OK again, kpathsea finds the local
before the global.

How are made exactly the dependencies ? 
I know how to workaround (put the absolute path, e.g.), howvever
as I would like to keep the \input instruction in tyhe global both
for Lyx and LaTeX users, it would be better if it worked the same.
Perhaps the solution comes with 1.1, as I read recently it will deal with updates
of bib files ?



Re: LyX and LaTeX behaviuor differ

1999-10-14 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Jean-Pierre" == Jean-Pierre Chretien [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Jean-Pierre Hello, Using LaTeX to fill-in parametrized pages, I used
Jean-Pierre to put a default file in the texmf tree which was
Jean-Pierre replaced by a modified file in the document directory.

Jean-Pierre This deos not work any more in LyX, the .dep file is not
Jean-Pierre aware of the existence of a file of the same name in the
Jean-Pierre local directory and loads the default.

Jean-Pierre If I export as LaTeX, all is OK again, kpathsea finds the
Jean-Pierre local before the global.

Could you describe where your local file is located and how you
TEXINPUTS (and kpathsea config) is setup?

Note that dependency tracking does not really search for files in your
TEXINPUTS, so it willl not trigger a re-run if such a file is changed.
However, the same file should be found wherever it is.


Re: LyX and LaTeX behaviuor differ

1999-10-14 Thread Lars Gullik Bjønnes

Jean-Marc Lasgouttes [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

|  "Jean-Pierre" == Jean-Pierre Chretien [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
| Jean-Pierre Hello, Using LaTeX to fill-in parametrized pages, I used
| Jean-Pierre to put a default file in the texmf tree which was
| Jean-Pierre replaced by a modified file in the document directory.
| Jean-Pierre This deos not work any more in LyX, the .dep file is not
| Jean-Pierre aware of the existence of a file of the same name in the
| Jean-Pierre local directory and loads the default.
| Jean-Pierre If I export as LaTeX, all is OK again, kpathsea finds the
| Jean-Pierre local before the global.
| Could you describe where your local file is located and how you
| TEXINPUTS (and kpathsea config) is setup?
| Note that dependency tracking does not really search for files in your
| TEXINPUTS, so it willl not trigger a re-run if such a file is changed.
| However, the same file should be found wherever it is.

The dependency tracking scans the latex log file to check for files
that latex used. No more no less. So this boils down to a problem
where latex finds the wrong file.

So the problem is how we can get LaTeX to find the correct file.


Re: Help on Internationalisation

1999-10-14 Thread Lars Gullik Bjønnes

Osvaldo Fornaro [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

| Hi,
| I eard that LyX could work with  its menus and messages in different
| languages; (I need spanish).
| After configure and make the 1.0..4 release I obtained the english
| (traditional) interface.
| How could i make spanish interface?

Try to run lyx with:

LANG=es lyx


Problem with XFig and LyX 1.04 docs

1999-10-14 Thread Bruce Momjian

First, a documentation bug report.  Then a LyX 1.04 problem.


The User Guide docs in section 4.3.3 states in item three that the xfig
LaTeX/Postscript combined output names would show foo.ps_tex and

In fact, the names for xfig 3.2p2 outputs the combined names as
foo.pstex and foo.pstex_t.


Second, I can't seem to get this to work.  The "Include file" part was
done, but blank space appears in the PS output where the figure should
appear.  If I include foo.pstex as a figure, that works, but of course
that is a postscript file, not the LaTeX file foo.pstex_t as suggested
in the manual.  I don't really need to get this working for my project,
but am willing to help figure out what is wrong for future users. 
Anything I should be trying?

OK, I got it working, but I think I found a bug.  I looked in the
View_Latex log, and found that no matter what extension I gave the file
to be included, the log showed the file requested as foo.tex, i.e. if I
went to include file fred.latex, it would look for fred.tex.  My guess
is that somewhere the included file name is being mangled to force an
extension of 'tex'.  Can someone confirm this on their machines?

  Bruce Momjian|
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]|  (610) 853-3000
  +  If your life is a hard drive, |  830 Blythe Avenue
  +  Christ can be your backup.|  Drexel Hill, Pennsylvania 19026

Screen Font

1999-10-14 Thread Riccardo

I'm using LyX to write my own thesis, but it happened an odd very bother
situation: the
screen font are suddendly become raw, more  rought. When i using the
option : OPTION - SCREEN FONT to select a different font don't happen
nothing. I'm
using a RedHat 6.0 dist. that have a bug with Netscape which is possible

to solve writing this:

chkfontpath --add /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi

Anyone can help me?

Re: export as postscript does not export anything

1999-10-14 Thread Nabil Hathout


On my machine (Linux Debian 2.1) the solution you suggest (use the
File-Print... item instead of File-Export-Postscript and choose
file instead of printer) does not export in PS format. Does it work on 
yours ?


Herbert writes:
  Nabil Hathout wrote:
   I was using lyx 1.0.3 (debian package) for some time. I have just tried to
   export a lyx document in postscript.  It used to work on 1.0.0 but this
   time it failed. I then moved to 1.0.4 but the exportation did not work
   either. It does work in dvi. I then have to run dvips by hand.
   Is it a bug, or do I have to set some parameters in my lyxrc ?
  click on the printer-button and than choose file instead of print.
  Than the output (ps-format) is written to a file.

Re: core dump

1999-10-14 Thread bill jehle

 "bill" == bill jehle [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

bill  Hi; I am a new user to lyx and I am enjoying it's elegant
bill complexity quite a lot. I have one problem, however, that maybe
bill another (longtime) user has been able to solve. When I try to
bill insert an 'xfig.eps' figure I get this message when I press OK,
bill apply, or cancel in the Figure window.


What xforms version are you using?


Thank You for responding;
 I just read the previos message from Dr. Vigna and now the situation is
becoming clarified, I in my misguided zeal loaded 0.89. Do I need to try
to figure out how to remove it and load 0.88 or can it be modified.

Re: Help on Internationalisation

1999-10-14 Thread jdd

On jeu, 14 oct 1999, Lars Gullik Bjønnes à écrit

Try to run lyx with:

LANG=es lyx

this works great, but i can't manage to make it run in a kde menu (for
example: xterm -e LANG=..., nor export...) look like there are internal
commands and can't be run or how ?

Linux hp-41 APTEP SF

Re: Help on Internationalisation

1999-10-14 Thread Osvaldo Fornaro

"Lars Gullik Bjønnes" wrote:

 Osvaldo Fornaro [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 | Hi,
 | I eard that LyX could work with  its menus and messages in different
 | languages; (I need spanish).
 | After configure and make the 1.0..4 release I obtained the english
 | (traditional) interface.
 | How could i make spanish interface?

 Try to run lyx with:

 LANG=es lyx


No, don't work for me.


ascii table import

1999-10-14 Thread Jim Cadien

After looking through the docs, I ask:  can one create a blank table(mxn)
and then import an ascii file containing data in the same format into the
Lyx table?


Jim Cadien


1999-10-14 Thread Rodrigo Esteves de Lima Lopes

Hi everybody

I'm running Lyx.1.0.1 within a tetex-latex 0.9.2.. 

I'd like to know how to install some latex packages such as  easy talbe, long
table etc and, after this, make them work at lyx. 

Thank you very much


Table problem with Linuxdoc template

1999-10-14 Thread David Nedrow

Why is it that tables are not rendered properly when the LinuxDoc
template is used? When rendered, the cell values are simply placed one
after another on a single line with no table regardless of output format.

The DocBook template works, but I haven't figure out how to add a TOC to
it. If I insert the TOC, I get an error in the compilation that the TOC is
not valid. Here is the output using DocBook ( Note that this was done by
simply choosing File - New From Template, selecting DocBook after
providing a name and then placing the TOC between the default abstract
and first section) - 

/usr/bin/jade:OSFD0:25:7:E: document type does not allow element
"PARA" here;
"LEGALNOTICE" start-tag
/usr/bin/jade:OSFD0:26:6:E: document type does not allow element
"TOC" here
/usr/bin/jade:/usr/share/sgml/stylesheets/docbook/print/version.dsl:11:19:E: cannot
find "../VERSION"; tried
This is TeX, Version 3.14159 (Web2C 7.3.1)

I need to create documents with tables that can be output as SGML (for RCS
archiving), PostScript, ASCII and HTML. So far as I can tell, I can't get
HTML without the SGML intermediate, but I can't get SGML without using a
template, but I can't use the templates because each has it's own issues
that I can't seem to figure out, ad nauseum.

I'm not a stupid person, but LyX 1.0.4 is really making me feel that
way. As far as LinuxDoc goes, this all worked for me in an older version
of LyX (though I can't remember which one.)


Version: 3.1
GCA/CS d+@ s+++:++ a C++ UL$ SU++ P++(P--) L E++ W+++ N++ w---
O++@ M+@ PS+ PE Y+ t++@ 5+++ X+@ R- tv+ DI++ D+ G++ e++(e+++) h++ r++

Re: export as postscript does not export anything

1999-10-14 Thread Allan Rae

On Thu, 14 Oct 1999, Nabil Hathout wrote:

 On my machine (Linux Debian 2.1) the solution you suggest (use the
 File-Print... item instead of File-Export-Postscript and choose
 file instead of printer) does not export in PS format. Does it work on 
 yours ?

Does File-ViewPostscript work for you?
When you run any of the Postscript generating menu items (like export or
update etc.) do you see mention of dvips in the status bar?
What document layout are you using?

BTW, File-Print and File-Export-Postscript both popup the same dialog
box so if you have problems with one then the other will (obviously?) have
the same behaviour.

Allan. (ARRae)

Re: LyX and LaTeX behaviuor differ

1999-10-14 Thread Allan Rae

On Thu, 14 Oct 1999, Jean-Pierre.Chretien wrote:
 No TEXINPUTS declared, I use only the kpathsea mechanism
 (standard, leading . in the paths).
 From anywhere but the directory un which is the LyX file:

This looks like the answer.  LyX will be running LaTeX in /tmp/lyx...
BUT if the file is \input shouldn't LyX have a copy of it in /tmp also or
at least know of its existance?  Unless its a ERT \input maybe?

A possible workaround might be to disable the use of a temporary
directory.  There's a lyxrc variable for that but I can't remember its

BTW,  this is only a guess.

 %-kpsewhich foo.tex
 which contains
 From the directory:
 %-kpsewhich foo.tex
 which contains
 The latex code
 Impression de \testloc
 gives "modification" in LaTeX and "original" in LyX.
 teTeX 1.0, LyX-1.0.4, Solaris 2.6

Allan. (ARRae)

Re: packages

1999-10-14 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

From: Rodrigo Esteves de Lima Lopes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: LyX-Users Mailing-Liste [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: packages
Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 23:43:20 -0400

Hi everybody

I'm running Lyx.1.0.1 within a tetex-latex 0.9.2.. 

I'd like to know how to install some latex packages such as  easy talbe, long
table etc and, after this, make them work at lyx. 

Thank you very much


Here is a possible procedure (I suppose that the texmf tree is owned by root, 
you must be root to do it)
 - if you have not done it already, create a site_latex dir in the texmf tree, eg
mkdir /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf/tex/latex/site_latex
 (this will ease upgrades)
 - go to site_latex and make it public
cd /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf/tex/latex/site_latex;chmod 755 .
 - check that the required package is not here, eg
kpsewhich longtable.sty
 - if not, go to the nearest CTAN archive and ask for the package (e.g. foo)
 - download the files (generally two files: foo.ins  for the install
 and foo.dtx for the doc stuff) in ./foo after a 
mkdir foo; chmod 755 foo; cd foo
 - latex the two files and make the sty, tex and dvi files public
chmod 444 *.cls *.tex *.sty *.dvi
 - run texhash
 - test from a plain user login, either \documentclass{foo}, \usepackage{foo} or 
In fact you may have a similar procedure for the bst files in the bibtex part
of the texmf ree; I think that you have often bst files coming in with packages
and that it is simpler to add site_latex in the BSTINPUTS path of texmf.cnf
and keep every imported latex-related stuff in one place.



Re: New Prerelease lyx-1.1.1pre2

1999-10-14 Thread Gorik De Samblanx

Lars Gullik Bjønnes wrote:
 I have released the second prerelease for lyx-1.1.1, now most
 installation issues have been resolved and we have a new feature:

Question :
I was not able to use lyx1.0.4, since it is compiled against an
unavailable library :

bash$ ldd /usr/bin/X11/lyx1.0.4 = not found

where libforms89 is not in my Linux Distribution (Debian).

Will I have the same problem with lyx1.1.1 ? = what is the solution ?


Re: New Prerelease lyx-1.1.1pre2

1999-10-14 Thread Jose Abilio Oliveira Matos

On Thu, Oct 14, 1999 at 10:17:25AM +0200, Gorik De Samblanx wrote:
 Question :
 I was not able to use lyx1.0.4, since it is compiled against an
 unavailable library :
 bash$ ldd /usr/bin/X11/lyx1.0.4 = not found
 where libforms89 is not in my Linux Distribution (Debian).

  You should get the xforms graphical toolkit.
  Look in the lyx web pages for its location.

 Will I have the same problem with lyx1.1.1 ? = what is the solution ?

 lyx1.1.1 still uses that, so the problem remains.


Re: New Prerelease lyx-1.1.1pre2

1999-10-14 Thread Juergen Vigna

On 14-Oct-99 Gorik De Samblanx wrote:
 Question :
 I was not able to use lyx1.0.4, since it is compiled against an
 unavailable library :
 bash$ ldd /usr/bin/X11/lyx1.0.4 = not found

So you installed a binary package? I allready told this and will repeat
it one more time (not to you personally but to all the people on this list!!):

THERE ARE PROBLEMS WITH lyx-1.0.4 AND/OR lyx-1.1.1 USING libforms.0.89 !!!


Greets Jürgen

P.S.: This problems will be only solved if I get a positive answer from
  T.C. about how he wants to adapt this for xforms-0.90!!!


Dr. Jürgen Vigna  E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gerbergasse 60Tel:+39-0471-450260
I-39100 Bozen Fax:+39-0471-970042

"And remember: Evil will always prevail, because Good is dumb."
-- Spaceballs


Re: Possible bug with 1.0.4...

1999-10-14 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Rod" == Rod Pinna [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Rod Hello all, I've run into a "behaviour" that hasn't occurred with
Rod previous versions of lyx. After upgrading from 1.0.3 to 1.0.4,
Rod Lyx is now including extra spaces in subscripts when a file is
Rod closed and reopened. For example:

Rod \beta z

Rod becomes

Rod \beta z

Rod  ^ |---extra space.

Rod Actually, looking at the file, it seems the extra space only
Rod occurs between no roman (a-z) characters and the attached
Rod subscript. That is, it *doesn't* occur for M_z. Postscript output
Rod is uneffected.

Rod Also, I've got the following in the body of the text
Rod r_\textrm{wave}

Rod Upon reloading this turns into r_ \textrm{wave}, where the wave
Rod part is no longer a subscript.


Sorry about responding so late. While I see the behaviour you describe
for \beta_k, it does not seem to have any effect on screen, as far as
I can see. Could you send an example file (maybe two, with 1.0.3 and

I do not remember any change in math code which might produce that...


Re: New Prerelease lyx-1.1.1pre2

1999-10-14 Thread Paul Seelig

 On 14-Oct-99 Gorik De Samblanx wrote:
  Question :
  I was not able to use lyx1.0.4, since it is compiled against an
  unavailable library :
  bash$ ldd /usr/bin/X11/lyx1.0.4 = not found
Usually it's best to compile by yourself.  You can get a Debian binary for
slink linked against and with the "export HTML"-patch
applied here: ""
The file in question is called "lyx_1.0.4-0slink1_i386.deb" and is a
recompilation of the official Debian package plus mentioned patch.

 Cheers, P. *8^)
If not specific to HP please always reply to 

Re: New Prerelease lyx-1.1.1pre2

1999-10-14 Thread Syrus Nemat-Nasser

On Thu, 14 Oct 1999, Gorik De Samblanx wrote:

 Question :
 I was not able to use lyx1.0.4, since it is compiled against an
 unavailable library :
 bash$ ldd /usr/bin/X11/lyx1.0.4 = not found
 where libforms89 is not in my Linux Distribution (Debian).

You can download the lyx source from and then compile it
yourself against which is included in Debian.

Thanks. Syrus.


Syrus Nemat-Nasser [EMAIL PROTECTED]UCSD Physics Dept.

Re: Possible bug with 1.0.4...

1999-10-14 Thread Rod Pinna

On 14 Oct 1999, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:


Thanks for having a look at the problem. In the end, it turned out the it
was a "stupid user" error. The problem was that the line:

 Rod Also, I've got the following in the body of the text
 Rod r_\textrm{wave}

should have been r_\mathrm{wave}. It seems once LyX comes across the
incorrect \textrm it gets a little confused. Anyway, I've attached an
example file (gzipped) which displays the behaviour. If you load it, you
should see the extra spaces between the normal and subscript characters.

Actually, it only occurs on reloading the file. If you type in a new
expression, Lyx handles it fine.

Thanks for the interest, and an excellent program.



RE: character $, was Large varepsilon

1999-10-14 Thread Hartmut S. Leipner

>-Original Message-
>From: Riccardo Varotto [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>\text{\Large{$ \varepsilon $}} ...

Try the following, which works correctly:


Dr. Hartmut S. Leipner
06099 Halle

Re: character $, was Large varepsilon

1999-10-14 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Riccardo" == Riccardo Varotto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Riccardo> Hi, I would obtain the follow line in math-mode, only in
Riccardo> math mode, in the .tex file:

Riccardo> \begin{equation} \text{\Large{$ \varepsilon $}} ...
Riccardo> \end{equation}

Riccardo> This lines print a Large varepsilon only with the ams-math
Riccardo> package. LyX instead can't let me to stamp the '$' alone,
Riccardo> but prefix the \, like: \begin{equation} \text{\Large{\$
Riccardo> \varepsilon \$}} ... \end{equation}

Riccardo> so the output is not a Large epsilon.

Simplest solution: in Layout->LaTeX Preamble, add
\newcommand{\Leps}{\text{\Large{$ \varepsilon $}}}

Then in the math editor, use \Leps directly.

However, why do you need this large varepsilon? Are you sure that what
you need is not a calligraphic E?


Re: New Prerelease lyx-1.1.1pre2

1999-10-14 Thread Reinhard Borek


at Thu, 14 Oct 1999 Gorik De Samblanx wrote:
> Lars Gullik Bjønnes wrote:
> > 
> > I have released the second prerelease for lyx-1.1.1, now most
> > installation issues have been resolved and we have a new feature:
> > 
> Question :
> I was not able to use lyx1.0.4, since it is compiled against an
> unavailable library :
> bash$ ldd /usr/bin/X11/lyx1.0.4 
> => not found
> ...
> where libforms89 is not in my Linux Distribution (Debian).
> Will I have the same problem with lyx1.1.1 ? => what is the solution ?
You must install the packages libforms-bin, libforms-dev, xpm4g-dev.
With this packages I compiled lyx1.0.4 on Debian slink successfully.

greetings, Reihard
Reinhard Borek
Exp. Phys I
Fachbereich Physik
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Friedemann-Bach-Platz 6
06108 Halle/Saale

Re: Margins

1999-10-14 Thread lloy0076

Juergan and All:

> Could you send an example file? It's a bit hard to guess what's wrong
> only from your comments :)

I have attached a sample file. On this particular file section 1.2
doesn't print at all. Furthermore it's touch and go whether the headers
print either.

Subscribe to the Linux C Mailing Lists Today!

#This file was created by  Thu Oct 14 14:36:50 1999
#LyX 1.0 (C) 1995-1999 Matthias Ettrich and the LyX Team
\lyxformat 2.15
\textclass linuxdoc
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\quotes_language english
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\layout Title
\added_space_top vfill \added_space_bottom 0.3cm 
Developing a 
\begin_inset Quotes eld

Hello World!
\begin_inset Quotes erd

 Application in C with Linux 
\layout Author

David Lloyd
\layout Date

14 September 1999
\layout Abstract

\layout Abstract

This document aims to introduce readers to the most basic of all programs
 - the classical 
\begin_inset Quotes eld

Hello World!
\begin_inset Quotes erd

 In doing so it will introduce readers to a number of important programming
 constructs, concepts and data types.
\layout Standard

\begin_inset LatexCommand \tableofcontents{}


\layout Section

Developing a 
\begin_inset Quotes eld

Hello World!
\begin_inset Quotes erd

 Application in C with Linux
\layout Subsection

This document's objectives
\layout Standard

This document aims to introduce you to the C programming language, a small
 part of its history, some of its structure and short-comings and, of course,
 your very first program.
 Here is the outcome of that program:
\layout Standard

# ./hello
\layout Standard

Hello World!
\layout Standard

\layout Standard

Whilst this program is not at all exciting it will introduce you to a number
 of important concepts and topics in C.
\layout Subsection

What you will learn
\layout Standard

By the end of this tutorial you will be able to:
\layout Itemize

understand the basis of all C programs
\layout Itemize

understand the concept of standard libraries and C headers
\layout Itemize

explain what a function is and understand its structure/syntax
\layout Itemize

write to standard output using printf
\layout Itemize

exit gracefully from the main function
\layout Itemize

create and compile the program using tools supplied with virtually all linux
\layout Section

\layout Standard

This section shows the hardware and software requirements necessary to develop
 your first 
\begin_inset Quotes eld

Hello World!
\begin_inset Quotes erd

 In addition, it also specifies what the author assumes you already know.
\layout Subsection

Hardware and software requirements
\layout Standard

You will need the following to be able to produce the program outlined in
 this document:
\layout Itemize

\layout Itemize

gcc or egcs
\layout Itemize

\layout Itemize

vi, pico, joe or emacs (any text editor will do)
\layout Standard

The author cannot think of a hard-drive installation of linux which would
 lack these tools.
 Most users can assume that they all exist on their system.
\layout Subsection

Assumed knowledge
\layout Standard

The following knowledge is assumed:
\layout Itemize

basic knowledge of the linux operating system
\layout Itemize

basic computer knowledge, such as what a computer is, what a program is
\layout Itemize

an understanding of linux file permissions (read, write and execute)
\layout Itemize

how to use the text editor of your choice
\layout Standard

As you have managed to obtain this document, the author feels that these
 are reasonable assumptions.
\layout Subsection

What do I do if
\layout Standard

Please go to this address:
 This is the American Linux User Groups' home pages.
 There are sections for new users of linux through to experienced users
 of linux.
 Read the many and varied FAQs.
 Consider joining a local linux user group's mailing list to ask more detailed
\layout Section

An Overview of C
\layout Standard

This section gives a brief overview of the C programming language.
 First it gives a short history of the language, a brief description of
 the language and a brief discussion of C's shortcomings.
\layout Subsection

History of C
\layout Standard

In 1965, the MIT had sponsored a project codenamed Project MAC.
 Co-funded by General Electric and Bell Labs, two talented programmers Thompson
 and Ritchie began to produce an operating system codenamed Multics.

Re: Margins

1999-10-14 Thread Juergen Vigna

On 14-Oct-99 lloy0076 wrote:
> Juergan and All:
>> Could you send an example file? It's a bit hard to guess what's wrong
>> only from your comments :)
> I have attached a sample file. On this particular file section 1.2
> doesn't print at all. Furthermore it's touch and go whether the headers
> print either.

IMO you should revise your of the dvips installation, if
it contains A4 paper informations. I can print and view this file
without any problems!

I'm not very much of help, but as I cannot reproduce the problem I just
can guess where your problem lies.

Greets Jürgen


Dr. Jürgen Vigna  E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gerbergasse 60Tel:+39-0471-450260
I-39100 Bozen Fax:+39-0471-970042

A light wife doth make a heavy husband.
-- Wm. Shakespeare, "The Merchant of Venice"


LyX and LaTeX behaviuor differ

1999-10-14 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien


Using LaTeX to fill-in parametrized pages, I used
to put a default file in the texmf tree which was
replaced by a modified file in the document directory.

This deos not work any more in LyX, the .dep file is not
aware of the existence of a file of the same name in the local
directory and loads the default.

If I export as LaTeX, all is OK again, kpathsea finds the local
before the global.

How are made exactly the dependencies ? 
I know how to workaround (put the absolute path, e.g.), howvever
as I would like to keep the \input instruction in tyhe global both
for Lyx and LaTeX users, it would be better if it worked the same.
Perhaps the solution comes with 1.1, as I read recently it will deal with updates
of bib files ?



Re: LyX and LaTeX behaviuor differ

1999-10-14 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Jean-Pierre" == Jean-Pierre Chretien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Jean-Pierre> Hello, Using LaTeX to fill-in parametrized pages, I used
Jean-Pierre> to put a default file in the texmf tree which was
Jean-Pierre> replaced by a modified file in the document directory.

Jean-Pierre> This deos not work any more in LyX, the .dep file is not
Jean-Pierre> aware of the existence of a file of the same name in the
Jean-Pierre> local directory and loads the default.

Jean-Pierre> If I export as LaTeX, all is OK again, kpathsea finds the
Jean-Pierre> local before the global.

Could you describe where your local file is located and how you
TEXINPUTS (and kpathsea config) is setup?

Note that dependency tracking does not really search for files in your
TEXINPUTS, so it willl not trigger a re-run if such a file is changed.
However, the same file should be found wherever it is.


Re: LyX and LaTeX behaviuor differ

1999-10-14 Thread Lars Gullik Bjønnes

Jean-Marc Lasgouttes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

| > "Jean-Pierre" == Jean-Pierre Chretien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
| Jean-Pierre> Hello, Using LaTeX to fill-in parametrized pages, I used
| Jean-Pierre> to put a default file in the texmf tree which was
| Jean-Pierre> replaced by a modified file in the document directory.
| Jean-Pierre> This deos not work any more in LyX, the .dep file is not
| Jean-Pierre> aware of the existence of a file of the same name in the
| Jean-Pierre> local directory and loads the default.
| Jean-Pierre> If I export as LaTeX, all is OK again, kpathsea finds the
| Jean-Pierre> local before the global.
| Could you describe where your local file is located and how you
| TEXINPUTS (and kpathsea config) is setup?
| Note that dependency tracking does not really search for files in your
| TEXINPUTS, so it willl not trigger a re-run if such a file is changed.
| However, the same file should be found wherever it is.

The dependency tracking scans the latex log file to check for files
that latex used. No more no less. So this boils down to a problem
where latex finds the wrong file.

So the problem is how we can get LaTeX to find the correct file.


Re: Help on Internationalisation

1999-10-14 Thread Lars Gullik Bjønnes

Osvaldo Fornaro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

| Hi,
| I eard that LyX could work with  its menus and messages in different
| languages; (I need spanish).
| After configure and make the 1.0..4 release I obtained the english
| (traditional) interface.
| How could i make spanish interface?

Try to run lyx with:

LANG=es lyx


Problem with XFig and LyX 1.04 docs

1999-10-14 Thread Bruce Momjian

First, a documentation bug report.  Then a LyX 1.04 problem.


The User Guide docs in section 4.3.3 states in item three that the xfig
LaTeX/Postscript combined output names would show foo.ps_tex and

In fact, the names for xfig 3.2p2 outputs the combined names as
foo.pstex and foo.pstex_t.


Second, I can't seem to get this to work.  The "Include file" part was
done, but blank space appears in the PS output where the figure should
appear.  If I include foo.pstex as a figure, that works, but of course
that is a postscript file, not the LaTeX file foo.pstex_t as suggested
in the manual.  I don't really need to get this working for my project,
but am willing to help figure out what is wrong for future users. 
Anything I should be trying?

OK, I got it working, but I think I found a bug.  I looked in the
View_Latex log, and found that no matter what extension I gave the file
to be included, the log showed the file requested as foo.tex, i.e. if I
went to include file fred.latex, it would look for fred.tex.  My guess
is that somewhere the included file name is being mangled to force an
extension of 'tex'.  Can someone confirm this on their machines?

  Bruce Momjian|
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]|  (610) 853-3000
  +  If your life is a hard drive, |  830 Blythe Avenue
  +  Christ can be your backup.|  Drexel Hill, Pennsylvania 19026

Screen Font

1999-10-14 Thread Riccardo

I'm using LyX to write my own thesis, but it happened an odd very bother
situation: the
screen font are suddendly become raw, more  rought. When i using the
option : OPTION -> SCREEN FONT to select a different font don't happen
nothing. I'm
using a RedHat 6.0 dist. that have a bug with Netscape which is possible

to solve writing this:

chkfontpath --add /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi

Anyone can help me?

Re: export as postscript does not export anything

1999-10-14 Thread Nabil Hathout


On my machine (Linux Debian 2.1) the solution you suggest (use the
File->Print... item instead of File->Export->Postscript and choose
file instead of printer) does not export in PS format. Does it work on 
yours ?


Herbert writes:
 > Nabil Hathout wrote:
 > > 
 > > Hello,
 > > 
 > > I was using lyx 1.0.3 (debian package) for some time. I have just tried to
 > > export a lyx document in postscript.  It used to work on 1.0.0 but this
 > > time it failed. I then moved to 1.0.4 but the exportation did not work
 > > either. It does work in dvi. I then have to run dvips by hand.
 > > 
 > > Is it a bug, or do I have to set some parameters in my lyxrc ?
 > click on the printer-button and than choose file instead of print.
 > Than the output (ps-format) is written to a file.
 > Herbert
 > -- 

Re: core dump

1999-10-14 Thread bill jehle

> "bill" == bill jehle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

bill>  Hi; I am a new user to lyx and I am enjoying it's elegant
bill> complexity quite a lot. I have one problem, however, that maybe
bill> another (longtime) user has been able to solve. When I try to
bill> insert an 'xfig.eps' figure I get this message when I press OK,
bill> apply, or cancel in the Figure window.


What xforms version are you using?


Thank You for responding;
 I just read the previos message from Dr. Vigna and now the situation is
becoming clarified, I in my misguided zeal loaded 0.89. Do I need to try
to figure out how to remove it and load 0.88 or can it be modified.

Re: Help on Internationalisation

1999-10-14 Thread jdd

On jeu, 14 oct 1999, Lars Gullik Bjønnes à écrit
>Try to run lyx with:
>LANG=es lyx

this works great, but i can't manage to make it run in a kde menu (for
example: xterm -e LANG=..., nor export...) look like there are internal
commands and can't be run or how ?

>   Lgb
Linux hp-41 APTEP SF

Re: Help on Internationalisation

1999-10-14 Thread Osvaldo Fornaro

"Lars Gullik Bjønnes" wrote:

> Osvaldo Fornaro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> | Hi,
> |
> | I eard that LyX could work with  its menus and messages in different
> | languages; (I need spanish).
> | After configure and make the 1.0..4 release I obtained the english
> | (traditional) interface.
> | How could i make spanish interface?
> Try to run lyx with:
> LANG=es lyx
> Lgb

No, don't work for me.


ascii table import

1999-10-14 Thread Jim Cadien

After looking through the docs, I ask:  can one create a blank table(mxn)
and then import an ascii file containing data in the same format into the
Lyx table?


Jim Cadien


1999-10-14 Thread Rodrigo Esteves de Lima Lopes

Hi everybody

I'm running Lyx.1.0.1 within a tetex-latex 0.9.2.. 

I'd like to know how to install some latex packages such as  easy talbe, long
table etc and, after this, make them work at lyx. 

Thank you very much


Table problem with Linuxdoc template

1999-10-14 Thread David Nedrow

Why is it that tables are not rendered properly when the LinuxDoc
template is used? When rendered, the cell values are simply placed one
after another on a single line with no table regardless of output format.

The DocBook template works, but I haven't figure out how to add a TOC to
it. If I insert the TOC, I get an error in the compilation that the TOC is
not valid. Here is the output using DocBook ( Note that this was done by
simply choosing File -> New From Template, selecting DocBook after
providing a name and then placing the TOC between the default abstract
and first section) - 

/usr/bin/jade:0:25:7:E: document type does not allow element
"PARA" here;
"LEGALNOTICE" start-tag
/usr/bin/jade:0:26:6:E: document type does not allow element
"TOC" here
/usr/bin/jade:/usr/share/sgml/stylesheets/docbook/print/version.dsl:11:19:E: cannot
find "../VERSION"; tried
This is TeX, Version 3.14159 (Web2C 7.3.1)

I need to create documents with tables that can be output as SGML (for RCS
archiving), PostScript, ASCII and HTML. So far as I can tell, I can't get
HTML without the SGML intermediate, but I can't get SGML without using a
template, but I can't use the templates because each has it's own issues
that I can't seem to figure out, ad nauseum.

I'm not a stupid person, but LyX 1.0.4 is really making me feel that
way. As far as LinuxDoc goes, this all worked for me in an older version
of LyX (though I can't remember which one.)


Version: 3.1
GCA/CS d+@ s+++:++ a C++ UL$ SU++ P++(P--) L E++ W+++ N++ w---
O++@ M+@ PS+ PE Y+ t++@ 5+++ X+@ R- tv+ DI++ D+ G++ e++>(e+++) h++ r++

Re: export as postscript does not export anything

1999-10-14 Thread Allan Rae

On Thu, 14 Oct 1999, Nabil Hathout wrote:

> Hello,
> On my machine (Linux Debian 2.1) the solution you suggest (use the
> File->Print... item instead of File->Export->Postscript and choose
> file instead of printer) does not export in PS format. Does it work on 
> yours ?

Does File->ViewPostscript work for you?
When you run any of the Postscript generating menu items (like export or
update etc.) do you see mention of dvips in the status bar?
What document layout are you using?

BTW, File->Print and File->Export->Postscript both popup the same dialog
box so if you have problems with one then the other will (obviously?) have
the same behaviour.

Allan. (ARRae)

Re: LyX and LaTeX behaviuor differ

1999-10-14 Thread Allan Rae

On Thu, 14 Oct 1999, Jean-Pierre.Chretien wrote:
> No TEXINPUTS declared, I use only the kpathsea mechanism
> (standard, leading . in the paths).
> >From anywhere but the directory un which is the LyX file:

This looks like the answer.  LyX will be running LaTeX in /tmp/lyx...
BUT if the file is \input shouldn't LyX have a copy of it in /tmp also or
at least know of its existance?  Unless its a ERT \input maybe?

A possible workaround might be to disable the use of a temporary
directory.  There's a lyxrc variable for that but I can't remember its

BTW,  this is only a guess.

> %->kpsewhich foo.tex
> /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf/tex/latex/local/foo.tex
> which contains
> \newcommand{\testloc}{original}
> >From the directory:
> %->kpsewhich foo.tex
> ./foo.tex
> which contains
> \newcommand{\testloc}{modification}
> The latex code
> Impression de \testloc
> gives "modification" in LaTeX and "original" in LyX.
> teTeX 1.0, LyX-1.0.4, Solaris 2.6
> -- 
> Jean-Pierre

Allan. (ARRae)

Re: packages

1999-10-14 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

>>From: Rodrigo Esteves de Lima Lopes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>To: LyX-Users Mailing-Liste <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: packages
>>Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 23:43:20 -0400
>>Hi everybody
>>I'm running Lyx.1.0.1 within a tetex-latex 0.9.2.. 
>>I'd like to know how to install some latex packages such as  easy talbe, long
>>table etc and, after this, make them work at lyx. 
>>Thank you very much

Here is a possible procedure (I suppose that the texmf tree is owned by root, 
you must be root to do it)
 - if you have not done it already, create a site_latex dir in the texmf tree, eg
mkdir /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf/tex/latex/site_latex
 (this will ease upgrades)
 - go to site_latex and make it public
cd /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf/tex/latex/site_latex;chmod 755 .
 - check that the required package is not here, eg
kpsewhich longtable.sty
 - if not, go to the nearest CTAN archive and ask for the package (e.g. foo)
 - download the files (generally two files: foo.ins  for the install
 and foo.dtx for the doc stuff) in ./foo after a 
mkdir foo; chmod 755 foo; cd foo
 - latex the two files and make the sty, tex and dvi files public
chmod 444 *.cls *.tex *.sty *.dvi
 - run texhash
 - test from a plain user login, either \documentclass{foo}, \usepackage{foo} or 
In fact you may have a similar procedure for the bst files in the bibtex part
of the texmf ree; I think that you have often bst files coming in with packages
and that it is simpler to add site_latex in the BSTINPUTS path of texmf.cnf
and keep every imported latex-related stuff in one place.



Re: New Prerelease lyx-1.1.1pre2

1999-10-14 Thread Gorik De Samblanx

Lars Gullik Bjønnes wrote:
> I have released the second prerelease for lyx-1.1.1, now most
> installation issues have been resolved and we have a new feature:

Question :
I was not able to use lyx1.0.4, since it is compiled against an
unavailable library :

bash$ ldd /usr/bin/X11/lyx1.0.4 => not found

where libforms89 is not in my Linux Distribution (Debian).

Will I have the same problem with lyx1.1.1 ? => what is the solution ?


Re: New Prerelease lyx-1.1.1pre2

1999-10-14 Thread Jose Abilio Oliveira Matos

On Thu, Oct 14, 1999 at 10:17:25AM +0200, Gorik De Samblanx wrote:
> Question :
> I was not able to use lyx1.0.4, since it is compiled against an
> unavailable library :
> bash$ ldd /usr/bin/X11/lyx1.0.4 
> => not found
> ...
> where libforms89 is not in my Linux Distribution (Debian).

  You should get the xforms graphical toolkit.
  Look in the lyx web pages for its location.

> Will I have the same problem with lyx1.1.1 ? => what is the solution ?

 lyx1.1.1 still uses that, so the problem remains.
> Thanx
> Gorik


Re: New Prerelease lyx-1.1.1pre2

1999-10-14 Thread Juergen Vigna

On 14-Oct-99 Gorik De Samblanx wrote:
> Question :
> I was not able to use lyx1.0.4, since it is compiled against an
> unavailable library :
> bash$ ldd /usr/bin/X11/lyx1.0.4 
> => not found

So you installed a binary package? I allready told this and will repeat
it one more time (not to you personally but to all the people on this list!!):

THERE ARE PROBLEMS WITH lyx-1.0.4 AND/OR lyx-1.1.1 USING libforms.0.89 !!!


Greets Jürgen

P.S.: This problems will be only solved if I get a positive answer from
  T.C. about how he wants to adapt this for xforms-0.90!!!


Dr. Jürgen Vigna  E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gerbergasse 60Tel:+39-0471-450260
I-39100 Bozen Fax:+39-0471-970042

"And remember: Evil will always prevail, because Good is dumb."
-- Spaceballs


Re: Possible bug with 1.0.4...

1999-10-14 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Rod" == Rod Pinna <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Rod> Hello all, I've run into a "behaviour" that hasn't occurred with
Rod> previous versions of lyx. After upgrading from 1.0.3 to 1.0.4,
Rod> Lyx is now including extra spaces in subscripts when a file is
Rod> closed and reopened. For example:

Rod> \beta z

Rod> becomes

Rod> \beta z

Rod>  ^ |---extra space.

Rod> Actually, looking at the file, it seems the extra space only
Rod> occurs between no roman (a-z) characters and the attached
Rod> subscript. That is, it *doesn't* occur for M_z. Postscript output
Rod> is uneffected.

Rod> Also, I've got the following in the body of the text
Rod> r_\textrm{wave}

Rod> Upon reloading this turns into r_ \textrm{wave}, where the wave
Rod> part is no longer a subscript.


Sorry about responding so late. While I see the behaviour you describe
for \beta_k, it does not seem to have any effect on screen, as far as
I can see. Could you send an example file (maybe two, with 1.0.3 and

I do not remember any change in math code which might produce that...


Re: New Prerelease lyx-1.1.1pre2

1999-10-14 Thread Paul Seelig

 On 14-Oct-99 Gorik De Samblanx wrote:
> > 
> > Question :
> > I was not able to use lyx1.0.4, since it is compiled against an
> > unavailable library :
> > 
> > bash$ ldd /usr/bin/X11/lyx1.0.4 
> > => not found
Usually it's best to compile by yourself.  You can get a Debian binary for
slink linked against and with the "export HTML"-patch
applied here: ""
The file in question is called "lyx_1.0.4-0slink1_i386.deb" and is a
recompilation of the official Debian package plus mentioned patch.

 Cheers, P. *8^)
If not specific to HP please always reply to 
"Paul Seelig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>"

Re: New Prerelease lyx-1.1.1pre2

1999-10-14 Thread Syrus Nemat-Nasser

On Thu, 14 Oct 1999, Gorik De Samblanx wrote:

> Question :
> I was not able to use lyx1.0.4, since it is compiled against an
> unavailable library :
> bash$ ldd /usr/bin/X11/lyx1.0.4 
> => not found
> ...
> where libforms89 is not in my Linux Distribution (Debian).

You can download the lyx source from and then compile it
yourself against which is included in Debian.

Thanks. Syrus.


Syrus Nemat-Nasser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>UCSD Physics Dept.

Re: Possible bug with 1.0.4...

1999-10-14 Thread Rod Pinna

On 14 Oct 1999, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:


Thanks for having a look at the problem. In the end, it turned out the it
was a "stupid user" error. The problem was that the line:

> Rod> Also, I've got the following in the body of the text
> Rod> r_\textrm{wave}

should have been r_\mathrm{wave}. It seems once LyX comes across the
incorrect \textrm it gets a little confused. Anyway, I've attached an
example file (gzipped) which displays the behaviour. If you load it, you
should see the extra spaces between the normal and subscript characters.

Actually, it only occurs on reloading the file. If you type in a new
expression, Lyx handles it fine.

Thanks for the interest, and an excellent program.

