RE: Changing font size in tables...

2001-07-05 Thread Juergen Vigna

On 04-Jul-2001 Saalfeld, Christoph wrote:

 I'm trying to change the size of text in a table. To do so, I have to select
 the text of each cell and then to change the font size. Is there a way to
 change the size of  fonts for the whole table ?
 I tried to do so (selected complete table, changed character settings), but
 nothing happens.

This is a missing feature in 1.1.6xxx versions, but it is fixed in CVS and
the upcoming 1.2.0 version of LyX.

Sorry for not being able to help you right now,


Dr. Jürgen VignaE-Mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Italienallee 13/N   Tel/Fax: +39-0471-450260 / +39-0471-450253
I-39100 Bozen   Web:

No extensible language will be universal.
-- T. Cheatham

Re: Traditional look website

2001-07-05 Thread Allan Rae

On Thu, 5 Jul 2001, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:

 Am Donnerstag,  5. Juli 2001 10:16 schrieb Allan Rae:
  I'll fix up the cookie business after dinner... probably call it
  lographics or something unless I get a better suggestion.

 Why not call it: last century edition ;-)

I figured slow would be a nice short compromise.

Allan. (ARRae)

Re: Traditional look website

2001-07-05 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 Allan == Allan Rae [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Allan Lars, Juergen, JMarc, Kathryn and whoever else, is this
Allan satisfactory?

And could we have the same in blue? :p (actually I tried to see
whether imagemagick is able to perform this kind of trick, but I did
not find the right function).


Re: Traditional look website

2001-07-05 Thread Kathryn Andersen

On Thu, Jul 05, 2001 at 11:07:41AM +0200, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
 Am Donnerstag,  5. Juli 2001 10:16 schrieb Allan Rae:
  I'll fix up the cookie business after dinner... probably call it
  lographics or something unless I get a better suggestion.
 Why not call it: last century edition ;-)


Kathryn Andersen
Mel: I thought they liked you.
Doctor: They liked my clothes - clearly not enough.
(Doctor Who: Paradise Towers)
 _--_|\ | Kathryn Andersen  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
/  \|
  v | #include standard/disclaimer.h
| Melbourne - Victoria - Australia - Southern Hemisphere
Maranatha!  |   - Earth - Sol - Milky Way Galaxy - Universe

Re: Traditional look website

2001-07-05 Thread Kathryn Andersen

On Thu, Jul 05, 2001 at 06:16:31PM +1000, Allan Rae wrote:
 be aware that the ?traditional variable is not cookied yet so if you
 switch pages or navbar styles you'll have to reenter it.
 I think I now have a traditional look that should be identical to old
 except that we never used to have a hover setting for when your mouse
 pointer was over a link.
 Netscape doesn't seem to be responding to the hover settings though so it
 at least should look closest to identical.
 Lars, Juergen, JMarc, Kathryn and whoever else, is this satisfactory?

Thank you, we have the logo back!

I have looked at it in Netscape 4.7 and in Opera 5... naturally there
are no hover link things in Netscape because it doesn't know about them.
Opera has the hover, and the pinned menu.  Cool.

Kathryn Andersen
(who has been inspired by all this to try to drag her web pages
kicking and screaming up to HTML 4.0 compliance...)
Of course it's a trap!  Let's go down.
-- Cally(Blake's 7: Hostage [B8])
 _--_|\ | Kathryn Andersen  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
/  \|
  v | #include standard/disclaimer.h
| Melbourne - Victoria - Australia - Southern Hemisphere
Maranatha!  |   - Earth - Sol - Milky Way Galaxy - Universe

Re: Traditional look website

2001-07-05 Thread Allan Rae

 Thank you, we have the logo back!

Yes but do you prefer blue or green logo?

 (who has been inspired by all this to try to drag her web pages
 kicking and screaming up to HTML 4.0 compliance...)

Only HTML4.0?  Get with it girl, XHTML 1.0 is where it's at! ;-)

 Of course it's a trap!  Let's go down.
   -- Cally(Blake's 7: Hostage [B8])

Listen to Cally's wise words.  She's done web page overhauls before.
Yeah, and still plunges in.

Allan. (ARRae)
SPOILER:  Titanic  The ship sinks! Lots of people drown!

Re: Traditional look website

2001-07-05 Thread Allan Rae

On Thu, 5 Jul 2001, Juergen Vigna wrote:

 On 05-Jul-2001 Allan Rae wrote:

  So,  what do the others who desperately wanted to keep the old look think
  of this new old-look plan of JMarcs? (Lars, Juergen, Kathryn)

 Well what we really complained about was the background graphics. If it
 is green, blue or whatever other color I don't complain. But yes we could
 have it in blue as the suggestion of Edwin. The rest should have the exact
 same look at www-user.

 In short: The only difference should be the background-graphic!

Well, I just committed the old look green bgimage scheme and got a cookie
running.  I looks good.  Maybe I'll worry about changing things around
again next week,  maybe I won't,  try it for a week and then decide.

I wish you'd make your minds up what you want -- could have saved me a
days screwing around.

Allan. (ARRae)

Rotating a figure AND its caption 90 degrees. How?

2001-07-05 Thread R. Lahaye


I've been trying to rotate a figure and its caption 90 degrees.
So far, what I get is that the figure and the caption are rotated
independently, one below the other.

However, the caption should appear next to the figure after rotation.

Is there a way or trick how to do that?


Lyx in an article in Laborjournal

2001-07-05 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann

This is a note on an article in a german lab journal where among other Linux 
related subjects Lyx was mentioned. I send this note in German, if somebody  
wants a translation, let me know. 
The article contained two wrong remarks which I commented on (below in 
Since I am not an expert, it might be better if somebody else could reply to 
the request of the journal. I remember there was a discussion going on once 
on the specific advantages of Lyx versus other comparable systems. 

In German:

Die Zeitschrift Laborjournal wird in den Biowissenschaften viel gelesen und 
ist in den meisten Instituten der Biowissenschaften zu finden. Im letzten 
Heft war ein Artikel, zu dem ich zwei Bemerkungen machte (siehe das Folgende)

Zwei Bemerkungen zu dem interessanten Artikel Latex, Samba und Co.  von
Lamparter (Laborjournal 05/01):

`Allerdings gibt es mit Lyx ein Programm für die GUI, mit dem relativ einfach
Tex-Dokumente erstellt werden können. Damit könnte man sich nach und nach in
die komplizierten Steuerbefehle einarbeiten´. (aus dem Artikel)

(Meine Bemerkung 1) 
Dieses Programm erstellt Tex-Dokumente, exportiert sie wahlweise als Latex-,
dvi-, postscript-,  pdf-, html-, oder simple ASCII-Dateien. Umwandlungen in
andere Formate sind möglich. Es ist überhaupt nicht nötig, `sich nach und
nach in die komplizierten Steuerbefehle einzuarbeiten´. Das wird alles
automagic im Hintergrund gemacht. Eine Reihe von sehr guten Anleitungen für
den Neuling bis zum geübten Lyxer existieren.
Das Beste an diesem Programm ist aber die sehr effektive und schnelle
Lyx-User-Group Hilfe ([EMAIL PROTECTED]). 

***Dieses Beispiel ist sicherlich unangebracht für die zeitschrift**
(Bemerkung eingefügt)

Da ist zum Beispiel morgen
deadline für ein Abstrakt eines Kongresses. Der Text soll in ein Kästchen
12.7*17.7 cm passen. Kein Problem. Ich benutze layoutdocumentpaper und
papersize: custom mit width 12.7 und heighs 17.7. Previewer für pdf und
postscript-Datei ist ok, aber die Druck-Dateien fangen erst in der Mitte an
und verschlucken den mittleren Teil des Textes. Also eine Mail an die Lyx
User Group mit der Problemseite als Anhang, und innerhalb einer Stunde kommt
eine Antwort
Ce Sat, 30 Jun 2001 16:07:03 -0400
Wolfgang Engelmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] a ecrit dans le mail
traitant de custom paper size  :
I think it comes from a bug in the geometry package (Bemerkung: Lyx benutzt
Style-Files des Tex-Systems. Der `bug´ liegt also nicht im Lyx-Programm). I
got the same thing as you. Try to uncheck the use of geometry package and fix
the margin manually. I send you the test1.lyx file which gives me your full
text on a A4 page.

Also sogar eine bereits korrigierte Datei. Ich bin sicher, dass ich mit
anderen Textbearbeitungsprogrammen in einer ähnlichen Situation wesentlich
mehr Schwierigkeiten hätte.

Zweite Bemerkung: Der Autor des Laborjournal-Artikels schreibt, ihm fehle
bislang unter Linux ein Literaturprogramm. Dies sei auch der Hauptgrund,
warum er noch mit Windows arbeite. Da kann ihm geholfen werden. Es gibt
eine Reihe von guten Literaturprogrammen unter Linux, zum Beispiel
Pybliographic. Die Referenzen lassen sich über eine `Pipe´ durch anklicken
von `cite´ direkt in das Lyx-Dokument an die gewünschte Stelle einbinden. Die
Bibliografie wird automatisch vom Programm erstellt, die gewünschten
Zitier-Stile sind wählbar.

* Hier wären sicher noch andere Vorzüge für die Leser interessant
(Bemerkung eingefügt)

Wolfgang Engelmann
Institut für Botanik
Auf der Morgenstelle 1

`Time flies like an arrow,
but fruitflies like a banana´


Lieber Herr Engelmann,

vielen Dank für Ihr interessantes Linux-Update. Wir überlegen, ob wir das in
unserem nächsten Heft nach der Sommerpause (September) bringen. Haben wir
Ihr O.k.?

Beste Grüße

Ralf Neumann

Dr. Ralf Neumann
Redaktion Laborjournal
Alte Straße 1
79249 Merzhausen

Re: Problems setting up a layout/template

2001-07-05 Thread Pete Phillips

Thanks to Dekel for the fix. It works fine now, although I do agree
with others on the list that I think you should have to actively
select something for babel support to be included, instead of having
to opt out of it in a preferences file.


 Dekel == Dekel Tsur [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Dekel On Wed, Jul 04, 2001 at 10:43:35AM +0100, Pete Phillips
Dekel wrote:
 2 - If there is a fundamental incompatibility with the babel
 package, what can I do to stop lyx using the babel
 functionality ?

Dekel With lyx-1.1.6fix2, you can put the line
Dekel \language_use_babel false in ~/.lyx/preferences , and
Dekel then LyX will not use babel when the language of the
Dekel document is equal to the default language (The default
Dekel language can be set in the preferences dialog,
Dekel lang_opts-language tab).

Re: Rotating a figure AND its caption 90 degrees. How?

2001-07-05 Thread Herbert Voss

R. Lahaye wrote:
 I've been trying to rotate a figure and its caption 90 degrees.
 So far, what I get is that the figure and the caption are rotated
 independently, one below the other.
 However, the caption should appear next to the figure after rotation.
 Is there a way or trick how to do that?

\usepackage[rotating} in preamble

\centerline{ --- insert the figure via the lyx button ---}
\caption{my wonderful caption}

for more information have a look at the example-file
of package rotating



Problem with tables using class Docbook article

2001-07-05 Thread Roberto Arcomano

Hi all,
I'm trying to go from LinuxDoc to DocBook (as suggested by LyX developers). 
My problem is that, when I add a table in my DocBook article document (I use 
latest versione of LyX), then I receive some errors during conversion to HTML 
using db2html or LyX export command. 

Error with db2html command is:

jade:/kernel/docbook/article/KernelWorking.sgml:912:41:E: document type does 
not allow element TGROUP here; assuming missing INFORMALTABLE start-tag
jade:/kernel/docbook/article/KernelWorking.sgml:913:39:E: character data is 
not allowed here
jade:/kernel/docbook/article/KernelWorking.sgml:984:8:E: end tag for 
INFORMALTABLE omitted, but OMITTAG NO was specified
jade:/kernel/docbook/article/KernelWorking.sgml:912:3: start tag was here

Code added (for the table) by LyX in sgml document is:

--- KernelWorking.sgml  Thu Jul  5 18:43:13 2001
+++ KernelWorking.sgml.old  Thu Jul  5 18:43:03 2001
@@ -909,6 +909,80 @@
Here is a list of most common kernel threads:
+   tgroup cols=5 colsep=1 rowsep=1
+colspec colname=col0 align=center/
+colspec colname=col1 align=center/
+colspec colname=col2 align=center/
+colspec colname=col3 align=center/
+colspec colname=col4 align=center/
+entry align=center valign=topPID
+/entryentry align=center valign=topTTY
+/entryentry align=center valign=topSTAT
+/entryentry align=center valign=topTIME
+/entryentry align=center valign=topCOMMAND
+entry align=center valign=top1
+/entryentry align=center valign=top?
+/entryentry align=center valign=topS
+/entryentry align=center valign=top0:03
+/entryentry align=center valign=topinit
+entry align=center valign=top2
+/entryentry align=center valign=top?
+/entryentry align=center valign=topSW
+/entryentry align=center valign=top0:00
+/entryentry align=center valign=topkeventd
+entry align=center valign=top3
+/entryentry align=center valign=top?
+/entryentry align=center valign=topSW
+/entryentry align=center valign=top0:00
+/entryentry align=center valign=topkswapd
+entry align=center valign=top4
+/entryentry align=center valign=top?
+/entryentry align=center valign=topSW
+/entryentry align=center valign=top0:00
+/entryentry align=center valign=topkreclaimd
+entry align=center valign=top5
+/entryentry align=center valign=top?
+/entryentry align=center valign=topSW
+/entryentry align=center valign=top0:00
+/entryentry align=center valign=topbdflush
+entry align=center valign=top6
+/entryentry align=center valign=top?
+/entryentry align=center valign=topSW
+/entryentry align=center valign=top0:00
+/entryentry align=center valign=topkupdated
+entry align=center valign=top7
+/entryentry align=center valign=top?
+/entryentry align=center valign=topSW
+/entryentry align=center valign=top0:00
+/entryentry align=center valign=topkacpid
+entry align=center valign=top67
+/entryentry align=center valign=top?
+/entryentry align=center valign=topSW
+/entryentry align=center valign=top0:00
+/entryentry align=center valign=topkhubd
+  /para
+  para
Note: Init is not a real kernel thread, it is the FIRST Task

Thank you for your useful support.
Roberto Arcomano

Re: Problem with tables using class Docbook article

2001-07-05 Thread ben

Roberto Arcomano a écrit :

 Hi all,
 I'm trying to go from LinuxDoc to DocBook (as suggested by LyX developers).
 My problem is that, when I add a table in my DocBook article document (I use
 latest versione of LyX), then I receive some errors during conversion to HTML
 using db2html or LyX export command.

The informaltable problem is known. There are two workarounds, shown in the attached 
file. However, it
should not stop jade compiling. If it stops, it means that there's something else.
In this case, maybe it is related to the error message:

jade:/kernel/docbook/article/KernelWorking.sgml:913:39:E: character data is
not allowed here

Hope this helps.


#LyX 1.1 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 218
\textclass docbook
\language english
\inputencoding auto
\fontscheme default
\graphics default
\paperfontsize default
\spacing single 
\papersize Default
\paperpackage a4
\use_geometry 0
\use_amsmath 0
\paperorientation portrait
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation indent
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language english
\quotes_times 2
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle default

\layout Title

Table tips
\layout Section

Adding some raw SGML tags
\layout Standard

A table example:
\layout SGML

\layout SGML

\begin_inset  Tabular
lyxtabular version=2 rows=5 columns=5
features rotate=false islongtable=false endhead=0 endfirsthead=0 endfoot=0 
column alignment=center valignment=top leftline=true rightline=false width= 
column alignment=center valignment=top leftline=true rightline=false width= 
column alignment=center valignment=top leftline=true rightline=false width= 
column alignment=center valignment=top leftline=true rightline=false width= 
column alignment=center valignment=top leftline=true rightline=true width= 
row topline=true bottomline=true newpage=false
cell multicolumn=0 alignment=center valignment=top topline=true 
bottomline=false leftline=true rightline=false rotate=false usebox=none 
width= special=
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

cell multicolumn=0 alignment=center valignment=top topline=true 
bottomline=false leftline=true rightline=false rotate=false usebox=none 
width= special=
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

cell multicolumn=0 alignment=center valignment=top topline=true 
bottomline=false leftline=true rightline=false rotate=false usebox=none 
width= special=
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

cell multicolumn=0 alignment=center valignment=top topline=true 
bottomline=false leftline=true rightline=false rotate=false usebox=none 
width= special=
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

cell multicolumn=0 alignment=center valignment=top topline=true 
bottomline=false leftline=true rightline=true rotate=false usebox=none 
width= special=
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

row topline=true bottomline=false newpage=false
cell multicolumn=0 alignment=center valignment=top topline=true 
bottomline=false leftline=true rightline=false rotate=false usebox=none 
width= special=
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

cell multicolumn=0 alignment=center valignment=top topline=true 
bottomline=false leftline=true rightline=false rotate=false usebox=none 
width= special=
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

cell multicolumn=0 alignment=center valignment=top topline=true 
bottomline=false leftline=true rightline=false rotate=false usebox=none 
width= special=
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

cell multicolumn=0 alignment=center valignment=top topline=true 
bottomline=false leftline=true rightline=false rotate=false usebox=none 
width= special=
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

cell multicolumn=0 alignment=center valignment=top topline=true 
bottomline=false leftline=true rightline=true rotate=false usebox=none 
width= special=
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

row topline=true bottomline=false newpage=false
cell multicolumn=0 alignment=center valignment=top topline=true 
bottomline=false leftline=true rightline=false rotate=false usebox=none 
width= special=
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

cell multicolumn=0 alignment=center valignment=top topline=true 
bottomline=false leftline=true rightline=false rotate=false usebox=none 
width= special=
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

cell multicolumn=0 alignment=center valignment=top topline=true 
bottomline=false leftline=true rightline=false rotate=false usebox=none 
width= special=
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

cell multicolumn=0 alignment=center valignment=top topline=true 
bottomline=false leftline=true rightline=false rotate=false usebox=none 
width= special=
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


Floating text box

2001-07-05 Thread Michelle Dukich


With the gracious help from the list, I have the

* a box
* with shading
* that contains a clickable url from pdf 
* that just out past the right margin
* with text wrapping around it

My problem is that I can't seem to control WHERE in
the paragraph the box is placed.  I know LyX is the
kind of system that places things where it believes it
to be best, but I want to put the box nearer to the
end of the paragraph.  As it stands now, it centers
the single line box between the 2nd and 3rd lines at
the beginning of the paragraph with a total of 4 lines
indented to the left of the box.  I would not mind if
it only indented 2 or 3 lines and did it between the
last few lines of the paragraph.  

I tried to use [H] to force it to go here but that
caused errors all over my document.  Any suggestions?


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Fwd: Re: Floating text box - note

2001-07-05 Thread Michelle Dukich

--- Michelle Dukich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Date: Thu, 5 Jul 2001 14:15:32 -0700 (PDT)
 From: Michelle Dukich [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: Floating text box
 To: Michelle Dukich [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 PS  I tried to change the float flt placement by
 to Layout-Paragraph, clicking on Float Flt and
 changing the setting from TOP to Center, but it
 let me change it.
 --- Michelle Dukich [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  With the gracious help from the list, I have the
  * a box
  * with shading
  * that contains a clickable url from pdf 
  * that just out past the right margin
  * with text wrapping around it
  My problem is that I can't seem to control WHERE
  the paragraph the box is placed.  I know LyX is
  kind of system that places things where it
  to be best, but I want to put the box nearer to
  end of the paragraph.  As it stands now, it
  the single line box between the 2nd and 3rd lines
  the beginning of the paragraph with a total of 4
  indented to the left of the box.  I would not mind
  it only indented 2 or 3 lines and did it between
  last few lines of the paragraph.  
  I tried to use [H] to force it to go here but
  caused errors all over my document.  Any
  Do You Yahoo!?
  Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! Mail
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! Mail

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Feedback from a Humble End User(TM)

2001-07-05 Thread Philipp Lehman

I hope you don't mind seeing user feedback on lyx-devel, but I don't
know to what extend posts on lyx-user are seen by developers. So, here
we go:

After finshing a thesis written with Lyx, I feel the urge to give some
feedback and offer some ideas based on my experiences with using Lyx
for a project like this. I used 1.1.4fix3 but I checked 1.1.6fix2 to
avoid making any obsolete suggestions (I hope I didn't miss anything).


I'm in the humanities and I often deal with multilingual texts (e.g.
core text in German with quotes in English and French). This basically
makes spell checking under Lyx impossible (you keep hitting ignore
word to skip the quotes until your fingers bleed).

I noticed that 1.1.6 now supports defining the language of a single
paragraph or phrase. Unfortunately, this only adds \selectlanguage
(which of course is a feature) but doesn't seem to deal with the
spellchecker. Restarting ispell/aspell with the appropriate options
whenever there is a language change would be a major usability


I'm running ligatex as a preprocessor for fine-tuning ligatures when
using CM or expert PS fonts. With Lyx, I presently have to export to a
Tex file as a final step, manually run ligatex, and then manually run

I'd appreciate it if there was an option telling Lyx to run a generic
preprocessor before running Latex. That would be ligatex in this case,
but considering the dynamic nature of Tex I'm sure there are a lot of
situations in which some kind of preprocessor would come in handy.

It might also be worthwhile to consider supporting a postprocessor
that is launched after (pdf)latex/bibtex but before any dvi/pdf
viewer (one word: thumbpdf).


Natbib, as you know, supports a variety of \cite commands. I'm not
only talking about stuff like \citep or \citealt but also things like
\citetalias. I have been missing an option allowing me to pick a
specific \cite command for _each_ citation. The idea is to set a
default command on a per-file basis while being able to override this
(with an occasional \citetalias for example) on a per-citation basis.

The list of \cite commands available would be user defineable in some
configuration file using tokens that are replaced by Lyx when writing
the citation to the Tex file. Consider the following

# %b = text before
# %a = text after
# %k = bibtex key
# Command   Requires
\citet[%b][%a]{%k}  natbib.sty
\citeauthor{%k} natbib.sty
\citepalias{%k} natbib.sty

This way, the feature wouldn't be restricted to a specific package
like natbib. As far as novice users not familiar with Latex are
concerned, you would just provide the commands suitable for a typical
scenario (which are hard-coded otherwise) as defaults in


Having _a lot_ of T1/TT fonts which are available to Latex, I would
really like to pick more of them from the document pop-up instead of
using Latex commands in the preamble. What I've been missing for a
long time is a simple map file allowing me to configure which fonts
show up under the fonts drop down box.

Actually, it might be smarter to have three drop-downs in the document
pop-up so you can set the default serif, sans serif, and typewriter
font independently and support something like a file to
define the list of available fonts:

# Visible Name  Latex Name  Default Family
#   Encoding
CM Roman OsF (ecofonts)   cmorT1  serif
CM Sans Serif (aefonts)   aessT1  sans
CM Typewriter (zefonts)   zettT1  typewriter
ITC Officina Sans po9 T1  sans
Adobe Times   ptm T1  serif
URW Nimbus Roman No. 9utm T1  serif
BT Courier 10 Pitch   bcr T1  typewriter
Adobe Garamondpad T1  serif
Adobe Garamond ExppadxT1  serif
Adobe Garamond Exp OsFpadjT1  serif

I hope you find some of these suggenstions interesting or even worth
implementing. Keep up the great work!

BTW: Will the QT2 GUI support anti-aliased fonts in the text area?
This would take my Lyx experience to a new level ;)

Philipp Lehman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Traditional look website

2001-07-05 Thread Allan Rae

On 5 Jul 2001, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

  Allan == Allan Rae [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Allan The same what? You want a blue banner background as well? Or
 Allan are you referring to doing something to the new improved look?

 I mean have a web site which looks a bit like the new one, but with
 the background image. The image that Edwin just sent seems suitable
 for that.

So now you want the traditional look but with a blue background not
green and with what sorts of link and pinmenu colours?  Same as the new

I thought you lot were whinging because you preferred green graphics for
the background... mumble... mumble... mumble... still can't read
anything... mumble... mumble...

So,  what do the others who desperately wanted to keep the old look think
of this new old-look plan of JMarcs? (Lars, Juergen, Kathryn)

Allan. (ARRae)

Re: Traditional look website

2001-07-05 Thread Allan Rae

On 5 Jul 2001, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

  Allan == Allan Rae [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Allan Lars, Juergen, JMarc, Kathryn and whoever else, is this
 Allan satisfactory?

 And could we have the same in blue? :p (actually I tried to see
 whether imagemagick is able to perform this kind of trick, but I did
 not find the right function).

The same what?  You want a blue banner background as well?
Or are you referring to doing something to the new improved look?

Allan. (ARRae)

Traditional look website

2001-07-05 Thread Allan Rae


be aware that the ?traditional variable is not cookied yet so if you
switch pages or navbar styles you'll have to reenter it.

I think I now have a traditional look that should be identical to old
except that we never used to have a hover setting for when your mouse
pointer was over a link.

Netscape doesn't seem to be responding to the hover settings though so it
at least should look closest to identical.

Lars, Juergen, JMarc, Kathryn and whoever else, is this satisfactory?

I'll fix up the cookie business after dinner... probably call it
lographics or something unless I get a better suggestion.


BTW, Konquerer versions  2.1.1 should be getting the topmenu only and no
option for a sidebar unless you force it manually -- this is because
earlier versions of Konq are a pain in the neck.

However, it seems from Zvezdan's feedback that even Konq-2.1.1 is being
blocked from getting sidebars for some reason so can someone (just a
couple of you or if you see something different to what someone else has
reported) who have Konquerer 2.1.1 please goto:

and tell me what is the first line after the Browser Test title.  It
should be something like Konquerer/2.1.1 blah blah  but I want to see
what is actually being delivered.


There have been a number of changes to the css again and many, many thanks
to Zvezdan for persisting with trying to improve the cross-browser

Allan. (ARRae)

Re: Traditional look website

2001-07-05 Thread Juergen Vigna

On 05-Jul-2001 Allan Rae wrote:

 So,  what do the others who desperately wanted to keep the old look think
 of this new old-look plan of JMarcs? (Lars, Juergen, Kathryn)

Well what we really complained about was the background graphics. If it
is green, blue or whatever other color I don't complain. But yes we could
have it in blue as the suggestion of Edwin. The rest should have the exact
same look at www-user.

In short: The only difference should be the background-graphic!


Dr. Jürgen VignaE-Mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Italienallee 13/N   Tel/Fax: +39-0471-450260 / +39-0471-450253
I-39100 Bozen   Web:

The number of arguments is unimportant unless some of them are correct.
-- Ralph Hartley

Re: Traditional look website

2001-07-05 Thread Rem

Dear Allan,

1. It is impossible to make everyone happy
2. Keeping on changing the 'look' of the page is like someone dying his/her
color everyweek or so... Doesn't look give good impression, does it? ;-)

- Original Message -
To: LyX Developers [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 05, 2001 7:43 AM
Subject: Re: Traditional look website

 On Thu, 5 Jul 2001, Juergen Vigna wrote:

  On 05-Jul-2001 Allan Rae wrote:
   So,  what do the others who desperately wanted to keep the old look
   of this new old-look plan of JMarcs? (Lars, Juergen, Kathryn)
  Well what we really complained about was the background graphics. If it
  is green, blue or whatever other color I don't complain. But yes we
  have it in blue as the suggestion of Edwin. The rest should have the
  same look at www-user.
  In short: The only difference should be the background-graphic!

 Well, I just committed the old look green bgimage scheme and got a cookie
 running.  I looks good.  Maybe I'll worry about changing things around
 again next week,  maybe I won't,  try it for a week and then decide.

 I wish you'd make your minds up what you want -- could have saved me a
 days screwing around.

 Allan. (ARRae)

RE: Changing font size in tables...

2001-07-05 Thread Juergen Vigna

On 04-Jul-2001 Saalfeld, Christoph wrote:

 I'm trying to change the size of text in a table. To do so, I have to select
 the text of each cell and then to change the font size. Is there a way to
 change the size of  fonts for the whole table ?
 I tried to do so (selected complete table, changed character settings), but
 nothing happens.

This is a missing feature in 1.1.6xxx versions, but it is fixed in CVS and
the upcoming 1.2.0 version of LyX.

Sorry for not being able to help you right now,


Dr. Jürgen VignaE-Mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Italienallee 13/N   Tel/Fax: +39-0471-450260 / +39-0471-450253
I-39100 Bozen   Web:

No extensible language will be universal.
-- T. Cheatham

Re: Traditional look website

2001-07-05 Thread Allan Rae

On Thu, 5 Jul 2001, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:

 Am Donnerstag,  5. Juli 2001 10:16 schrieb Allan Rae:
  I'll fix up the cookie business after dinner... probably call it
  lographics or something unless I get a better suggestion.

 Why not call it: last century edition ;-)

I figured slow would be a nice short compromise.

Allan. (ARRae)

Re: Traditional look website

2001-07-05 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 Allan == Allan Rae [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Allan Lars, Juergen, JMarc, Kathryn and whoever else, is this
Allan satisfactory?

And could we have the same in blue? :p (actually I tried to see
whether imagemagick is able to perform this kind of trick, but I did
not find the right function).


Re: Traditional look website

2001-07-05 Thread Kathryn Andersen

On Thu, Jul 05, 2001 at 11:07:41AM +0200, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
 Am Donnerstag,  5. Juli 2001 10:16 schrieb Allan Rae:
  I'll fix up the cookie business after dinner... probably call it
  lographics or something unless I get a better suggestion.
 Why not call it: last century edition ;-)


Kathryn Andersen
Mel: I thought they liked you.
Doctor: They liked my clothes - clearly not enough.
(Doctor Who: Paradise Towers)
 _--_|\ | Kathryn Andersen  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
/  \|
  v | #include standard/disclaimer.h
| Melbourne - Victoria - Australia - Southern Hemisphere
Maranatha!  |   - Earth - Sol - Milky Way Galaxy - Universe

Re: Traditional look website

2001-07-05 Thread Kathryn Andersen

On Thu, Jul 05, 2001 at 06:16:31PM +1000, Allan Rae wrote:
 be aware that the ?traditional variable is not cookied yet so if you
 switch pages or navbar styles you'll have to reenter it.
 I think I now have a traditional look that should be identical to old
 except that we never used to have a hover setting for when your mouse
 pointer was over a link.
 Netscape doesn't seem to be responding to the hover settings though so it
 at least should look closest to identical.
 Lars, Juergen, JMarc, Kathryn and whoever else, is this satisfactory?

Thank you, we have the logo back!

I have looked at it in Netscape 4.7 and in Opera 5... naturally there
are no hover link things in Netscape because it doesn't know about them.
Opera has the hover, and the pinned menu.  Cool.

Kathryn Andersen
(who has been inspired by all this to try to drag her web pages
kicking and screaming up to HTML 4.0 compliance...)
Of course it's a trap!  Let's go down.
-- Cally(Blake's 7: Hostage [B8])
 _--_|\ | Kathryn Andersen  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
/  \|
  v | #include standard/disclaimer.h
| Melbourne - Victoria - Australia - Southern Hemisphere
Maranatha!  |   - Earth - Sol - Milky Way Galaxy - Universe

Re: Traditional look website

2001-07-05 Thread Allan Rae

 Thank you, we have the logo back!

Yes but do you prefer blue or green logo?

 (who has been inspired by all this to try to drag her web pages
 kicking and screaming up to HTML 4.0 compliance...)

Only HTML4.0?  Get with it girl, XHTML 1.0 is where it's at! ;-)

 Of course it's a trap!  Let's go down.
   -- Cally(Blake's 7: Hostage [B8])

Listen to Cally's wise words.  She's done web page overhauls before.
Yeah, and still plunges in.

Allan. (ARRae)
SPOILER:  Titanic  The ship sinks! Lots of people drown!

Re: Traditional look website

2001-07-05 Thread Allan Rae

On Thu, 5 Jul 2001, Juergen Vigna wrote:

 On 05-Jul-2001 Allan Rae wrote:

  So,  what do the others who desperately wanted to keep the old look think
  of this new old-look plan of JMarcs? (Lars, Juergen, Kathryn)

 Well what we really complained about was the background graphics. If it
 is green, blue or whatever other color I don't complain. But yes we could
 have it in blue as the suggestion of Edwin. The rest should have the exact
 same look at www-user.

 In short: The only difference should be the background-graphic!

Well, I just committed the old look green bgimage scheme and got a cookie
running.  I looks good.  Maybe I'll worry about changing things around
again next week,  maybe I won't,  try it for a week and then decide.

I wish you'd make your minds up what you want -- could have saved me a
days screwing around.

Allan. (ARRae)

Rotating a figure AND its caption 90 degrees. How?

2001-07-05 Thread R. Lahaye


I've been trying to rotate a figure and its caption 90 degrees.
So far, what I get is that the figure and the caption are rotated
independently, one below the other.

However, the caption should appear next to the figure after rotation.

Is there a way or trick how to do that?


Lyx in an article in Laborjournal

2001-07-05 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann

This is a note on an article in a german lab journal where among other Linux 
related subjects Lyx was mentioned. I send this note in German, if somebody  
wants a translation, let me know. 
The article contained two wrong remarks which I commented on (below in 
Since I am not an expert, it might be better if somebody else could reply to 
the request of the journal. I remember there was a discussion going on once 
on the specific advantages of Lyx versus other comparable systems. 

In German:

Die Zeitschrift Laborjournal wird in den Biowissenschaften viel gelesen und 
ist in den meisten Instituten der Biowissenschaften zu finden. Im letzten 
Heft war ein Artikel, zu dem ich zwei Bemerkungen machte (siehe das Folgende)

Zwei Bemerkungen zu dem interessanten Artikel Latex, Samba und Co.  von
Lamparter (Laborjournal 05/01):

`Allerdings gibt es mit Lyx ein Programm für die GUI, mit dem relativ einfach
Tex-Dokumente erstellt werden können. Damit könnte man sich nach und nach in
die komplizierten Steuerbefehle einarbeiten´. (aus dem Artikel)

(Meine Bemerkung 1) 
Dieses Programm erstellt Tex-Dokumente, exportiert sie wahlweise als Latex-,
dvi-, postscript-,  pdf-, html-, oder simple ASCII-Dateien. Umwandlungen in
andere Formate sind möglich. Es ist überhaupt nicht nötig, `sich nach und
nach in die komplizierten Steuerbefehle einzuarbeiten´. Das wird alles
automagic im Hintergrund gemacht. Eine Reihe von sehr guten Anleitungen für
den Neuling bis zum geübten Lyxer existieren.
Das Beste an diesem Programm ist aber die sehr effektive und schnelle
Lyx-User-Group Hilfe ([EMAIL PROTECTED]). 

***Dieses Beispiel ist sicherlich unangebracht für die zeitschrift**
(Bemerkung eingefügt)

Da ist zum Beispiel morgen
deadline für ein Abstrakt eines Kongresses. Der Text soll in ein Kästchen
12.7*17.7 cm passen. Kein Problem. Ich benutze layoutdocumentpaper und
papersize: custom mit width 12.7 und heighs 17.7. Previewer für pdf und
postscript-Datei ist ok, aber die Druck-Dateien fangen erst in der Mitte an
und verschlucken den mittleren Teil des Textes. Also eine Mail an die Lyx
User Group mit der Problemseite als Anhang, und innerhalb einer Stunde kommt
eine Antwort
Ce Sat, 30 Jun 2001 16:07:03 -0400
Wolfgang Engelmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] a ecrit dans le mail
traitant de custom paper size  :
I think it comes from a bug in the geometry package (Bemerkung: Lyx benutzt
Style-Files des Tex-Systems. Der `bug´ liegt also nicht im Lyx-Programm). I
got the same thing as you. Try to uncheck the use of geometry package and fix
the margin manually. I send you the test1.lyx file which gives me your full
text on a A4 page.

Also sogar eine bereits korrigierte Datei. Ich bin sicher, dass ich mit
anderen Textbearbeitungsprogrammen in einer ähnlichen Situation wesentlich
mehr Schwierigkeiten hätte.

Zweite Bemerkung: Der Autor des Laborjournal-Artikels schreibt, ihm fehle
bislang unter Linux ein Literaturprogramm. Dies sei auch der Hauptgrund,
warum er noch mit Windows arbeite. Da kann ihm geholfen werden. Es gibt
eine Reihe von guten Literaturprogrammen unter Linux, zum Beispiel
Pybliographic. Die Referenzen lassen sich über eine `Pipe´ durch anklicken
von `cite´ direkt in das Lyx-Dokument an die gewünschte Stelle einbinden. Die
Bibliografie wird automatisch vom Programm erstellt, die gewünschten
Zitier-Stile sind wählbar.

* Hier wären sicher noch andere Vorzüge für die Leser interessant
(Bemerkung eingefügt)

Wolfgang Engelmann
Institut für Botanik
Auf der Morgenstelle 1

`Time flies like an arrow,
but fruitflies like a banana´


Lieber Herr Engelmann,

vielen Dank für Ihr interessantes Linux-Update. Wir überlegen, ob wir das in
unserem nächsten Heft nach der Sommerpause (September) bringen. Haben wir
Ihr O.k.?

Beste Grüße

Ralf Neumann

Dr. Ralf Neumann
Redaktion Laborjournal
Alte Straße 1
79249 Merzhausen

Re: Problems setting up a layout/template

2001-07-05 Thread Pete Phillips

Thanks to Dekel for the fix. It works fine now, although I do agree
with others on the list that I think you should have to actively
select something for babel support to be included, instead of having
to opt out of it in a preferences file.


 Dekel == Dekel Tsur [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Dekel On Wed, Jul 04, 2001 at 10:43:35AM +0100, Pete Phillips
Dekel wrote:
 2 - If there is a fundamental incompatibility with the babel
 package, what can I do to stop lyx using the babel
 functionality ?

Dekel With lyx-1.1.6fix2, you can put the line
Dekel \language_use_babel false in ~/.lyx/preferences , and
Dekel then LyX will not use babel when the language of the
Dekel document is equal to the default language (The default
Dekel language can be set in the preferences dialog,
Dekel lang_opts-language tab).

Re: Rotating a figure AND its caption 90 degrees. How?

2001-07-05 Thread Herbert Voss

R. Lahaye wrote:
 I've been trying to rotate a figure and its caption 90 degrees.
 So far, what I get is that the figure and the caption are rotated
 independently, one below the other.
 However, the caption should appear next to the figure after rotation.
 Is there a way or trick how to do that?

\usepackage[rotating} in preamble

\centerline{ --- insert the figure via the lyx button ---}
\caption{my wonderful caption}

for more information have a look at the example-file
of package rotating



Problem with tables using class Docbook article

2001-07-05 Thread Roberto Arcomano

Hi all,
I'm trying to go from LinuxDoc to DocBook (as suggested by LyX developers). 
My problem is that, when I add a table in my DocBook article document (I use 
latest versione of LyX), then I receive some errors during conversion to HTML 
using db2html or LyX export command. 

Error with db2html command is:

jade:/kernel/docbook/article/KernelWorking.sgml:912:41:E: document type does 
not allow element TGROUP here; assuming missing INFORMALTABLE start-tag
jade:/kernel/docbook/article/KernelWorking.sgml:913:39:E: character data is 
not allowed here
jade:/kernel/docbook/article/KernelWorking.sgml:984:8:E: end tag for 
INFORMALTABLE omitted, but OMITTAG NO was specified
jade:/kernel/docbook/article/KernelWorking.sgml:912:3: start tag was here

Code added (for the table) by LyX in sgml document is:

--- KernelWorking.sgml  Thu Jul  5 18:43:13 2001
+++ KernelWorking.sgml.old  Thu Jul  5 18:43:03 2001
@@ -909,6 +909,80 @@
Here is a list of most common kernel threads:
+   tgroup cols=5 colsep=1 rowsep=1
+colspec colname=col0 align=center/
+colspec colname=col1 align=center/
+colspec colname=col2 align=center/
+colspec colname=col3 align=center/
+colspec colname=col4 align=center/
+entry align=center valign=topPID
+/entryentry align=center valign=topTTY
+/entryentry align=center valign=topSTAT
+/entryentry align=center valign=topTIME
+/entryentry align=center valign=topCOMMAND
+entry align=center valign=top1
+/entryentry align=center valign=top?
+/entryentry align=center valign=topS
+/entryentry align=center valign=top0:03
+/entryentry align=center valign=topinit
+entry align=center valign=top2
+/entryentry align=center valign=top?
+/entryentry align=center valign=topSW
+/entryentry align=center valign=top0:00
+/entryentry align=center valign=topkeventd
+entry align=center valign=top3
+/entryentry align=center valign=top?
+/entryentry align=center valign=topSW
+/entryentry align=center valign=top0:00
+/entryentry align=center valign=topkswapd
+entry align=center valign=top4
+/entryentry align=center valign=top?
+/entryentry align=center valign=topSW
+/entryentry align=center valign=top0:00
+/entryentry align=center valign=topkreclaimd
+entry align=center valign=top5
+/entryentry align=center valign=top?
+/entryentry align=center valign=topSW
+/entryentry align=center valign=top0:00
+/entryentry align=center valign=topbdflush
+entry align=center valign=top6
+/entryentry align=center valign=top?
+/entryentry align=center valign=topSW
+/entryentry align=center valign=top0:00
+/entryentry align=center valign=topkupdated
+entry align=center valign=top7
+/entryentry align=center valign=top?
+/entryentry align=center valign=topSW
+/entryentry align=center valign=top0:00
+/entryentry align=center valign=topkacpid
+entry align=center valign=top67
+/entryentry align=center valign=top?
+/entryentry align=center valign=topSW
+/entryentry align=center valign=top0:00
+/entryentry align=center valign=topkhubd
+  /para
+  para
Note: Init is not a real kernel thread, it is the FIRST Task

Thank you for your useful support.
Roberto Arcomano

Re: Problem with tables using class Docbook article

2001-07-05 Thread ben

Roberto Arcomano a écrit :

 Hi all,
 I'm trying to go from LinuxDoc to DocBook (as suggested by LyX developers).
 My problem is that, when I add a table in my DocBook article document (I use
 latest versione of LyX), then I receive some errors during conversion to HTML
 using db2html or LyX export command.

The informaltable problem is known. There are two workarounds, shown in the attached 
file. However, it
should not stop jade compiling. If it stops, it means that there's something else.
In this case, maybe it is related to the error message:

jade:/kernel/docbook/article/KernelWorking.sgml:913:39:E: character data is
not allowed here

Hope this helps.


#LyX 1.1 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 218
\textclass docbook
\language english
\inputencoding auto
\fontscheme default
\graphics default
\paperfontsize default
\spacing single 
\papersize Default
\paperpackage a4
\use_geometry 0
\use_amsmath 0
\paperorientation portrait
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation indent
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language english
\quotes_times 2
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle default

\layout Title

Table tips
\layout Section

Adding some raw SGML tags
\layout Standard

A table example:
\layout SGML

\layout SGML

\begin_inset  Tabular
lyxtabular version=2 rows=5 columns=5
features rotate=false islongtable=false endhead=0 endfirsthead=0 endfoot=0 
column alignment=center valignment=top leftline=true rightline=false width= 
column alignment=center valignment=top leftline=true rightline=false width= 
column alignment=center valignment=top leftline=true rightline=false width= 
column alignment=center valignment=top leftline=true rightline=false width= 
column alignment=center valignment=top leftline=true rightline=true width= 
row topline=true bottomline=true newpage=false
cell multicolumn=0 alignment=center valignment=top topline=true 
bottomline=false leftline=true rightline=false rotate=false usebox=none 
width= special=
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

cell multicolumn=0 alignment=center valignment=top topline=true 
bottomline=false leftline=true rightline=false rotate=false usebox=none 
width= special=
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

cell multicolumn=0 alignment=center valignment=top topline=true 
bottomline=false leftline=true rightline=false rotate=false usebox=none 
width= special=
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

cell multicolumn=0 alignment=center valignment=top topline=true 
bottomline=false leftline=true rightline=false rotate=false usebox=none 
width= special=
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

cell multicolumn=0 alignment=center valignment=top topline=true 
bottomline=false leftline=true rightline=true rotate=false usebox=none 
width= special=
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

row topline=true bottomline=false newpage=false
cell multicolumn=0 alignment=center valignment=top topline=true 
bottomline=false leftline=true rightline=false rotate=false usebox=none 
width= special=
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

cell multicolumn=0 alignment=center valignment=top topline=true 
bottomline=false leftline=true rightline=false rotate=false usebox=none 
width= special=
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

cell multicolumn=0 alignment=center valignment=top topline=true 
bottomline=false leftline=true rightline=false rotate=false usebox=none 
width= special=
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

cell multicolumn=0 alignment=center valignment=top topline=true 
bottomline=false leftline=true rightline=false rotate=false usebox=none 
width= special=
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

cell multicolumn=0 alignment=center valignment=top topline=true 
bottomline=false leftline=true rightline=true rotate=false usebox=none 
width= special=
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

row topline=true bottomline=false newpage=false
cell multicolumn=0 alignment=center valignment=top topline=true 
bottomline=false leftline=true rightline=false rotate=false usebox=none 
width= special=
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

cell multicolumn=0 alignment=center valignment=top topline=true 
bottomline=false leftline=true rightline=false rotate=false usebox=none 
width= special=
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

cell multicolumn=0 alignment=center valignment=top topline=true 
bottomline=false leftline=true rightline=false rotate=false usebox=none 
width= special=
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

cell multicolumn=0 alignment=center valignment=top topline=true 
bottomline=false leftline=true rightline=false rotate=false usebox=none 
width= special=
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


Floating text box

2001-07-05 Thread Michelle Dukich


With the gracious help from the list, I have the

* a box
* with shading
* that contains a clickable url from pdf 
* that just out past the right margin
* with text wrapping around it

My problem is that I can't seem to control WHERE in
the paragraph the box is placed.  I know LyX is the
kind of system that places things where it believes it
to be best, but I want to put the box nearer to the
end of the paragraph.  As it stands now, it centers
the single line box between the 2nd and 3rd lines at
the beginning of the paragraph with a total of 4 lines
indented to the left of the box.  I would not mind if
it only indented 2 or 3 lines and did it between the
last few lines of the paragraph.  

I tried to use [H] to force it to go here but that
caused errors all over my document.  Any suggestions?


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Fwd: Re: Floating text box - note

2001-07-05 Thread Michelle Dukich

--- Michelle Dukich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Date: Thu, 5 Jul 2001 14:15:32 -0700 (PDT)
 From: Michelle Dukich [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: Floating text box
 To: Michelle Dukich [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 PS  I tried to change the float flt placement by
 to Layout-Paragraph, clicking on Float Flt and
 changing the setting from TOP to Center, but it
 let me change it.
 --- Michelle Dukich [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  With the gracious help from the list, I have the
  * a box
  * with shading
  * that contains a clickable url from pdf 
  * that just out past the right margin
  * with text wrapping around it
  My problem is that I can't seem to control WHERE
  the paragraph the box is placed.  I know LyX is
  kind of system that places things where it
  to be best, but I want to put the box nearer to
  end of the paragraph.  As it stands now, it
  the single line box between the 2nd and 3rd lines
  the beginning of the paragraph with a total of 4
  indented to the left of the box.  I would not mind
  it only indented 2 or 3 lines and did it between
  last few lines of the paragraph.  
  I tried to use [H] to force it to go here but
  caused errors all over my document.  Any
  Do You Yahoo!?
  Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! Mail
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! Mail

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Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! Mail

Feedback from a Humble End User(TM)

2001-07-05 Thread Philipp Lehman

I hope you don't mind seeing user feedback on lyx-devel, but I don't
know to what extend posts on lyx-user are seen by developers. So, here
we go:

After finshing a thesis written with Lyx, I feel the urge to give some
feedback and offer some ideas based on my experiences with using Lyx
for a project like this. I used 1.1.4fix3 but I checked 1.1.6fix2 to
avoid making any obsolete suggestions (I hope I didn't miss anything).


I'm in the humanities and I often deal with multilingual texts (e.g.
core text in German with quotes in English and French). This basically
makes spell checking under Lyx impossible (you keep hitting ignore
word to skip the quotes until your fingers bleed).

I noticed that 1.1.6 now supports defining the language of a single
paragraph or phrase. Unfortunately, this only adds \selectlanguage
(which of course is a feature) but doesn't seem to deal with the
spellchecker. Restarting ispell/aspell with the appropriate options
whenever there is a language change would be a major usability


I'm running ligatex as a preprocessor for fine-tuning ligatures when
using CM or expert PS fonts. With Lyx, I presently have to export to a
Tex file as a final step, manually run ligatex, and then manually run

I'd appreciate it if there was an option telling Lyx to run a generic
preprocessor before running Latex. That would be ligatex in this case,
but considering the dynamic nature of Tex I'm sure there are a lot of
situations in which some kind of preprocessor would come in handy.

It might also be worthwhile to consider supporting a postprocessor
that is launched after (pdf)latex/bibtex but before any dvi/pdf
viewer (one word: thumbpdf).


Natbib, as you know, supports a variety of \cite commands. I'm not
only talking about stuff like \citep or \citealt but also things like
\citetalias. I have been missing an option allowing me to pick a
specific \cite command for _each_ citation. The idea is to set a
default command on a per-file basis while being able to override this
(with an occasional \citetalias for example) on a per-citation basis.

The list of \cite commands available would be user defineable in some
configuration file using tokens that are replaced by Lyx when writing
the citation to the Tex file. Consider the following

# %b = text before
# %a = text after
# %k = bibtex key
# Command   Requires
\citet[%b][%a]{%k}  natbib.sty
\citeauthor{%k} natbib.sty
\citepalias{%k} natbib.sty

This way, the feature wouldn't be restricted to a specific package
like natbib. As far as novice users not familiar with Latex are
concerned, you would just provide the commands suitable for a typical
scenario (which are hard-coded otherwise) as defaults in


Having _a lot_ of T1/TT fonts which are available to Latex, I would
really like to pick more of them from the document pop-up instead of
using Latex commands in the preamble. What I've been missing for a
long time is a simple map file allowing me to configure which fonts
show up under the fonts drop down box.

Actually, it might be smarter to have three drop-downs in the document
pop-up so you can set the default serif, sans serif, and typewriter
font independently and support something like a file to
define the list of available fonts:

# Visible Name  Latex Name  Default Family
#   Encoding
CM Roman OsF (ecofonts)   cmorT1  serif
CM Sans Serif (aefonts)   aessT1  sans
CM Typewriter (zefonts)   zettT1  typewriter
ITC Officina Sans po9 T1  sans
Adobe Times   ptm T1  serif
URW Nimbus Roman No. 9utm T1  serif
BT Courier 10 Pitch   bcr T1  typewriter
Adobe Garamondpad T1  serif
Adobe Garamond ExppadxT1  serif
Adobe Garamond Exp OsFpadjT1  serif

I hope you find some of these suggenstions interesting or even worth
implementing. Keep up the great work!

BTW: Will the QT2 GUI support anti-aliased fonts in the text area?
This would take my Lyx experience to a new level ;)

Philipp Lehman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Traditional look website

2001-07-05 Thread Allan Rae

On 5 Jul 2001, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

  Allan == Allan Rae [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Allan The same what? You want a blue banner background as well? Or
 Allan are you referring to doing something to the new improved look?

 I mean have a web site which looks a bit like the new one, but with
 the background image. The image that Edwin just sent seems suitable
 for that.

So now you want the traditional look but with a blue background not
green and with what sorts of link and pinmenu colours?  Same as the new

I thought you lot were whinging because you preferred green graphics for
the background... mumble... mumble... mumble... still can't read
anything... mumble... mumble...

So,  what do the others who desperately wanted to keep the old look think
of this new old-look plan of JMarcs? (Lars, Juergen, Kathryn)

Allan. (ARRae)

Re: Traditional look website

2001-07-05 Thread Allan Rae

On 5 Jul 2001, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

  Allan == Allan Rae [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Allan Lars, Juergen, JMarc, Kathryn and whoever else, is this
 Allan satisfactory?

 And could we have the same in blue? :p (actually I tried to see
 whether imagemagick is able to perform this kind of trick, but I did
 not find the right function).

The same what?  You want a blue banner background as well?
Or are you referring to doing something to the new improved look?

Allan. (ARRae)

Traditional look website

2001-07-05 Thread Allan Rae


be aware that the ?traditional variable is not cookied yet so if you
switch pages or navbar styles you'll have to reenter it.

I think I now have a traditional look that should be identical to old
except that we never used to have a hover setting for when your mouse
pointer was over a link.

Netscape doesn't seem to be responding to the hover settings though so it
at least should look closest to identical.

Lars, Juergen, JMarc, Kathryn and whoever else, is this satisfactory?

I'll fix up the cookie business after dinner... probably call it
lographics or something unless I get a better suggestion.


BTW, Konquerer versions  2.1.1 should be getting the topmenu only and no
option for a sidebar unless you force it manually -- this is because
earlier versions of Konq are a pain in the neck.

However, it seems from Zvezdan's feedback that even Konq-2.1.1 is being
blocked from getting sidebars for some reason so can someone (just a
couple of you or if you see something different to what someone else has
reported) who have Konquerer 2.1.1 please goto:

and tell me what is the first line after the Browser Test title.  It
should be something like Konquerer/2.1.1 blah blah  but I want to see
what is actually being delivered.


There have been a number of changes to the css again and many, many thanks
to Zvezdan for persisting with trying to improve the cross-browser

Allan. (ARRae)

Re: Traditional look website

2001-07-05 Thread Juergen Vigna

On 05-Jul-2001 Allan Rae wrote:

 So,  what do the others who desperately wanted to keep the old look think
 of this new old-look plan of JMarcs? (Lars, Juergen, Kathryn)

Well what we really complained about was the background graphics. If it
is green, blue or whatever other color I don't complain. But yes we could
have it in blue as the suggestion of Edwin. The rest should have the exact
same look at www-user.

In short: The only difference should be the background-graphic!


Dr. Jürgen VignaE-Mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Italienallee 13/N   Tel/Fax: +39-0471-450260 / +39-0471-450253
I-39100 Bozen   Web:

The number of arguments is unimportant unless some of them are correct.
-- Ralph Hartley

Re: Traditional look website

2001-07-05 Thread Rem

Dear Allan,

1. It is impossible to make everyone happy
2. Keeping on changing the 'look' of the page is like someone dying his/her
color everyweek or so... Doesn't look give good impression, does it? ;-)

- Original Message -
To: LyX Developers [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 05, 2001 7:43 AM
Subject: Re: Traditional look website

 On Thu, 5 Jul 2001, Juergen Vigna wrote:

  On 05-Jul-2001 Allan Rae wrote:
   So,  what do the others who desperately wanted to keep the old look
   of this new old-look plan of JMarcs? (Lars, Juergen, Kathryn)
  Well what we really complained about was the background graphics. If it
  is green, blue or whatever other color I don't complain. But yes we
  have it in blue as the suggestion of Edwin. The rest should have the
  same look at www-user.
  In short: The only difference should be the background-graphic!

 Well, I just committed the old look green bgimage scheme and got a cookie
 running.  I looks good.  Maybe I'll worry about changing things around
 again next week,  maybe I won't,  try it for a week and then decide.

 I wish you'd make your minds up what you want -- could have saved me a
 days screwing around.

 Allan. (ARRae)

RE: Changing font size in tables...

2001-07-05 Thread Juergen Vigna

On 04-Jul-2001 Saalfeld, Christoph wrote:

> I'm trying to change the size of text in a table. To do so, I have to select
> the text of each cell and then to change the font size. Is there a way to
> change the size of  fonts for the whole table ?
> I tried to do so (selected complete table, changed character settings), but
> nothing happens.

This is a missing feature in 1.1.6xxx versions, but it is fixed in CVS and
the upcoming 1.2.0 version of LyX.

Sorry for not being able to help you right now,


Dr. Jürgen VignaE-Mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Italienallee 13/N   Tel/Fax: +39-0471-450260 / +39-0471-450253
I-39100 Bozen   Web:

No extensible language will be universal.
-- T. Cheatham

Re: Traditional look website

2001-07-05 Thread Allan Rae

On Thu, 5 Jul 2001, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:

> Am Donnerstag,  5. Juli 2001 10:16 schrieb Allan Rae:
> > I'll fix up the cookie business after dinner... probably call it
> > lographics or something unless I get a better suggestion.
> Why not call it: last century edition ;-)

I figured "slow" would be a nice short compromise.

Allan. (ARRae)

Re: Traditional look website

2001-07-05 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Allan" == Allan Rae <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Allan> Lars, Juergen, JMarc, Kathryn and whoever else, is this
Allan> satisfactory?

And could we have the same in blue? :p (actually I tried to see
whether imagemagick is able to perform this kind of trick, but I did
not find the right function).


Re: Traditional look website

2001-07-05 Thread Kathryn Andersen

On Thu, Jul 05, 2001 at 11:07:41AM +0200, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
> Am Donnerstag,  5. Juli 2001 10:16 schrieb Allan Rae:
> > I'll fix up the cookie business after dinner... probably call it
> > lographics or something unless I get a better suggestion.
> Why not call it: last century edition ;-)


Kathryn Andersen
Mel: I thought they liked you.
Doctor: They liked my clothes - clearly not enough.
(Doctor Who: Paradise Towers)
 _--_|\ | Kathryn Andersen  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
/  \|   
  v | #include "standard/disclaimer.h"
| Melbourne -> Victoria -> Australia -> Southern Hemisphere
Maranatha!  |   -> Earth -> Sol -> Milky Way Galaxy -> Universe

Re: Traditional look website

2001-07-05 Thread Kathryn Andersen

On Thu, Jul 05, 2001 at 06:16:31PM +1000, Allan Rae wrote:
> goto:
> be aware that the ?traditional variable is not cookied yet so if you
> switch pages or navbar styles you'll have to reenter it.
> I think I now have a traditional look that should be identical to old
> except that we never used to have a "hover" setting for when your mouse
> pointer was over a link.
> Netscape doesn't seem to be responding to the hover settings though so it
> at least should look closest to identical.
> Lars, Juergen, JMarc, Kathryn and whoever else, is this satisfactory?

Thank you, we have the logo back!

I have looked at it in Netscape 4.7 and in Opera 5... naturally there
are no hover link things in Netscape because it doesn't know about them.
Opera has the hover, and the "pinned" menu.  Cool.

Kathryn Andersen
(who has been inspired by all this to try to drag her web pages
kicking and screaming up to HTML 4.0 compliance...)
"Of course it's a trap!  Let's go down."
-- Cally(Blake's 7: Hostage [B8])
 _--_|\ | Kathryn Andersen  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
/  \|   
  v | #include "standard/disclaimer.h"
| Melbourne -> Victoria -> Australia -> Southern Hemisphere
Maranatha!  |   -> Earth -> Sol -> Milky Way Galaxy -> Universe

Re: Traditional look website

2001-07-05 Thread Allan Rae

> Thank you, we have the logo back!

Yes but do you prefer blue or green logo?

> (who has been inspired by all this to try to drag her web pages
> kicking and screaming up to HTML 4.0 compliance...)

Only HTML4.0?  Get with it girl, XHTML 1.0 is where it's at! ;-)

> "Of course it's a trap!  Let's go down."
>   -- Cally(Blake's 7: Hostage [B8])

Listen to Cally's wise words.  She's done web page overhauls before.
Yeah, and still plunges in.

Allan. (ARRae)
SPOILER:  "Titanic"  The ship sinks! Lots of people drown!

Re: Traditional look website

2001-07-05 Thread Allan Rae

On Thu, 5 Jul 2001, Juergen Vigna wrote:

> On 05-Jul-2001 Allan Rae wrote:
> > So,  what do the others who desperately wanted to keep the old look think
> > of this new old-look plan of JMarcs? (Lars, Juergen, Kathryn)
> Well what we really complained about was the background graphics. If it
> is green, blue or whatever other color I don't complain. But yes we could
> have it in blue as the suggestion of Edwin. The rest should have the exact
> same look at www-user.
> In short: The only difference should be the background-graphic!

Well, I just committed the old look green bgimage scheme and got a cookie
running.  I looks good.  Maybe I'll worry about changing things around
again next week,  maybe I won't,  try it for a week and then decide.

I wish you'd make your minds up what you want -- could have saved me a
days screwing around.

Allan. (ARRae)

Rotating a figure AND its caption 90 degrees. How?

2001-07-05 Thread R. Lahaye


I've been trying to rotate a figure and its caption 90 degrees.
So far, what I get is that the figure and the caption are rotated
independently, one below the other.

However, the caption should appear next to the figure after rotation.

Is there a way or trick how to do that?


Lyx in an article in Laborjournal

2001-07-05 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann

This is a note on an article in a german lab journal where among other Linux 
related subjects Lyx was mentioned. I send this note in German, if somebody  
wants a translation, let me know. 
The article contained two wrong remarks which I commented on (below in 
Since I am not an expert, it might be better if somebody else could reply to 
the request of the journal. I remember there was a discussion going on once 
on the specific advantages of Lyx versus other comparable systems. 

In German:

Die Zeitschrift Laborjournal wird in den Biowissenschaften viel gelesen und 
ist in den meisten Instituten der Biowissenschaften zu finden. Im letzten 
Heft war ein Artikel, zu dem ich zwei Bemerkungen machte (siehe das Folgende)

Zwei Bemerkungen zu dem interessanten Artikel Latex, Samba und Co.  von
Lamparter (Laborjournal 05/01):

`Allerdings gibt es mit Lyx ein Programm für die GUI, mit dem relativ einfach
Tex-Dokumente erstellt werden können. Damit könnte man sich nach und nach in
die komplizierten Steuerbefehle einarbeiten´. (aus dem Artikel)

(Meine Bemerkung 1) 
Dieses Programm erstellt Tex-Dokumente, exportiert sie wahlweise als Latex-,
dvi-, postscript-,  pdf-, html-, oder simple ASCII-Dateien. Umwandlungen in
andere Formate sind möglich. Es ist überhaupt nicht nötig, `sich nach und
nach in die komplizierten Steuerbefehle einzuarbeiten´. Das wird alles
automagic im Hintergrund gemacht. Eine Reihe von sehr guten Anleitungen für
den Neuling bis zum geübten Lyxer existieren.
Das Beste an diesem Programm ist aber die sehr effektive und schnelle
Lyx-User-Group Hilfe ([EMAIL PROTECTED]). 

***Dieses Beispiel ist sicherlich unangebracht für die zeitschrift**
(Bemerkung eingefügt)

Da ist zum Beispiel morgen
deadline für ein Abstrakt eines Kongresses. Der Text soll in ein Kästchen
12.7*17.7 cm passen. Kein Problem. Ich benutze layout>document>paper und
papersize: custom mit width 12.7 und heighs 17.7. Previewer für pdf und
postscript-Datei ist ok, aber die Druck-Dateien fangen erst in der Mitte an
und verschlucken den mittleren Teil des Textes. Also eine Mail an die Lyx
User Group mit der Problemseite als Anhang, und innerhalb einer Stunde kommt
eine Antwort
Ce Sat, 30 Jun 2001 16:07:03 -0400
Wolfgang Engelmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a ecrit dans le mail
traitant de "custom paper size " :
I think it comes from a bug in the geometry package (Bemerkung: Lyx benutzt
Style-Files des Tex-Systems. Der `bug´ liegt also nicht im Lyx-Programm). I
got the same thing as you. Try to uncheck the use of geometry package and fix
the margin manually. I send you the test1.lyx file which gives me your full
text on a A4 page.

Also sogar eine bereits korrigierte Datei. Ich bin sicher, dass ich mit
anderen Textbearbeitungsprogrammen in einer ähnlichen Situation wesentlich
mehr Schwierigkeiten hätte.

Zweite Bemerkung: Der Autor des Laborjournal-Artikels schreibt, ihm fehle
bislang unter Linux ein Literaturprogramm. Dies sei auch der Hauptgrund,
warum er noch mit Windows arbeite. Da kann ihm geholfen werden. Es gibt
eine Reihe von guten Literaturprogrammen unter Linux, zum Beispiel
Pybliographic. Die Referenzen lassen sich über eine `Pipe´ durch anklicken
von `cite´ direkt in das Lyx-Dokument an die gewünschte Stelle einbinden. Die
Bibliografie wird automatisch vom Programm erstellt, die gewünschten
Zitier-Stile sind wählbar.

* Hier wären sicher noch andere Vorzüge für die Leser interessant
(Bemerkung eingefügt)

Wolfgang Engelmann
Institut für Botanik
Auf der Morgenstelle 1

`Time flies like an arrow,
but fruitflies like a banana´


Lieber Herr Engelmann,

vielen Dank für Ihr interessantes Linux-Update. Wir überlegen, ob wir das in
unserem nächsten Heft nach der Sommerpause (September) bringen. Haben wir
Ihr O.k.?

Beste Grüße

Ralf Neumann

Dr. Ralf Neumann
Redaktion Laborjournal
Alte Straße 1
79249 Merzhausen

Re: Problems setting up a layout/template

2001-07-05 Thread Pete Phillips

Thanks to Dekel for the fix. It works fine now, although I do agree
with others on the list that I think you should have to actively
select something for babel support to be included, instead of having
to opt out of it in a preferences file.


> "Dekel" == Dekel Tsur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Dekel> On Wed, Jul 04, 2001 at 10:43:35AM +0100, Pete Phillips
Dekel> wrote:
>> 2 - If there is a fundamental incompatibility with the babel
>> package, what can I do to stop lyx using the babel
>> functionality ?

Dekel> With lyx-1.1.6fix2, you can put the line
Dekel> \language_use_babel "false" in ~/.lyx/preferences , and
Dekel> then LyX will not use babel when the language of the
Dekel> document is equal to the default language (The default
Dekel> language can be set in the preferences dialog,
Dekel> lang_opts->language tab).

Re: Rotating a figure AND its caption 90 degrees. How?

2001-07-05 Thread Herbert Voss

"R. Lahaye" wrote:
> I've been trying to rotate a figure and its caption 90 degrees.
> So far, what I get is that the figure and the caption are rotated
> independently, one below the other.
> However, the caption should appear next to the figure after rotation.
> Is there a way or trick how to do that?

\usepackage[rotating} in preamble

\centerline{ --- insert the figure via the lyx button ---}
\caption{my wonderful caption}

for more information have a look at the example-file
of package rotating



Problem with tables using class Docbook article

2001-07-05 Thread Roberto Arcomano

Hi all,
I'm trying to go from LinuxDoc to DocBook (as suggested by LyX developers). 
My problem is that, when I add a table in my DocBook article document (I use 
latest versione of LyX), then I receive some errors during conversion to HTML 
using "db2html" or LyX export command. 

Error with "db2html" command is:

jade:/kernel/docbook/article/KernelWorking.sgml:912:41:E: document type does 
not allow element "TGROUP" here; assuming missing "INFORMALTABLE" start-tag
jade:/kernel/docbook/article/KernelWorking.sgml:913:39:E: character data is 
not allowed here
jade:/kernel/docbook/article/KernelWorking.sgml:984:8:E: end tag for 
"INFORMALTABLE" omitted, but OMITTAG NO was specified
jade:/kernel/docbook/article/KernelWorking.sgml:912:3: start tag was here

Code added (for the table) by LyX in sgml document is:

--- KernelWorking.sgml  Thu Jul  5 18:43:13 2001
+++ KernelWorking.sgml.old  Thu Jul  5 18:43:03 2001
@@ -909,6 +909,80 @@
Here is a list of most common kernel threads:
Note: Init is not a real kernel thread, it is the FIRST Task

Thank you for your useful support.
Roberto Arcomano

Re: Problem with tables using class Docbook article

2001-07-05 Thread ben

Roberto Arcomano a écrit :

> Hi all,
> I'm trying to go from LinuxDoc to DocBook (as suggested by LyX developers).
> My problem is that, when I add a table in my DocBook article document (I use
> latest versione of LyX), then I receive some errors during conversion to HTML
> using "db2html" or LyX export command.

The informaltable problem is known. There are two workarounds, shown in the attached 
file. However, it
should not stop jade compiling. If it stops, it means that there's something else.
In this case, maybe it is related to the error message:

jade:/kernel/docbook/article/KernelWorking.sgml:913:39:E: character data is
not allowed here

Hope this helps.


#LyX 1.1 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 218
\textclass docbook
\language english
\inputencoding auto
\fontscheme default
\graphics default
\paperfontsize default
\spacing single 
\papersize Default
\paperpackage a4
\use_geometry 0
\use_amsmath 0
\paperorientation portrait
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation indent
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language english
\quotes_times 2
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle default

\layout Title

Table tips
\layout Section

Adding some raw SGML tags
\layout Standard

A table example:
\layout SGML

\layout SGML

\begin_inset  Tabular

\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard



\layout SGML

\layout Standard

Everything from the opening to closing informatable must by in SGML style.
\layout Section

Using float tables
\layout Standard

This float table should not make jade complain:
\layout Standard

\begin_float tab 
\layout Standard

\begin_inset  Tabular

\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard



\layout SGML

\layout Caption

Table example

Floating text box

2001-07-05 Thread Michelle Dukich


With the gracious help from the list, I have the

* a box
* with shading
* that contains a clickable url from pdf 
* that just out past the right margin
* with text wrapping around it

My problem is that I can't seem to control WHERE in
the paragraph the box is placed.  I know LyX is the
kind of system that places things where it believes it
to be best, but I want to put the box nearer to the
end of the paragraph.  As it stands now, it centers
the single line box between the 2nd and 3rd lines at
the beginning of the paragraph with a total of 4 lines
indented to the left of the box.  I would not mind if
it only indented 2 or 3 lines and did it between the
last few lines of the paragraph.  

I tried to use [H] to force it to go "here" but that
caused errors all over my document.  Any suggestions?


Do You Yahoo!?
Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! Mail

Fwd: Re: Floating text box - note

2001-07-05 Thread Michelle Dukich

--- Michelle Dukich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Date: Thu, 5 Jul 2001 14:15:32 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Michelle Dukich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Floating text box
> To: Michelle Dukich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> PS  I tried to change the float flt placement by
> going
> to Layout->Paragraph, clicking on Float Flt and
> changing the setting from TOP to Center, but it
> won't
> let me change it.
> Michelle
> --- Michelle Dukich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> >  Greetings:
> > 
> > With the gracious help from the list, I have the
> > following:
> > 
> > * a box
> > * with shading
> > * that contains a clickable url from pdf 
> > * that just out past the right margin
> > * with text wrapping around it
> > 
> > My problem is that I can't seem to control WHERE
> in
> > the paragraph the box is placed.  I know LyX is
> the
> > kind of system that places things where it
> believes
> > it
> > to be best, but I want to put the box nearer to
> the
> > end of the paragraph.  As it stands now, it
> centers
> > the single line box between the 2nd and 3rd lines
> at
> > the beginning of the paragraph with a total of 4
> > lines
> > indented to the left of the box.  I would not mind
> > if
> > it only indented 2 or 3 lines and did it between
> the
> > last few lines of the paragraph.  
> > 
> > I tried to use [H] to force it to go "here" but
> that
> > caused errors all over my document.  Any
> > suggestions?
> > 
> > Michelle
> >  
> > 
> > 
> > __
> > Do You Yahoo!?
> > Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! Mail
> >
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! Mail

Do You Yahoo!?
Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! Mail

Feedback from a Humble End User(TM)

2001-07-05 Thread Philipp Lehman

I hope you don't mind seeing user feedback on lyx-devel, but I don't
know to what extend posts on lyx-user are seen by developers. So, here
we go:

After finshing a thesis written with Lyx, I feel the urge to give some
feedback and offer some ideas based on my experiences with using Lyx
for a project like this. I used 1.1.4fix3 but I checked 1.1.6fix2 to
avoid making any obsolete suggestions (I hope I didn't miss anything).


I'm in the humanities and I often deal with multilingual texts (e.g.
core text in German with quotes in English and French). This basically
makes spell checking under Lyx impossible (you keep hitting "ignore
word" to skip the quotes until your fingers bleed).

I noticed that 1.1.6 now supports defining the language of a single
paragraph or phrase. Unfortunately, this only adds "\selectlanguage"
(which of course is a feature) but doesn't seem to deal with the
spellchecker. Restarting ispell/aspell with the appropriate options
whenever there is a language change would be a major usability


I'm running ligatex as a preprocessor for fine-tuning ligatures when
using CM or expert PS fonts. With Lyx, I presently have to export to a
Tex file as a final step, manually run ligatex, and then manually run

I'd appreciate it if there was an option telling Lyx to run a generic
preprocessor before running Latex. That would be ligatex in this case,
but considering the dynamic nature of Tex I'm sure there are a lot of
situations in which some kind of preprocessor would come in handy.

It might also be worthwhile to consider supporting a postprocessor
that is launched after (pdf)latex/bibtex but before any dvi/pdf
viewer (one word: thumbpdf).


Natbib, as you know, supports a variety of \cite commands. I'm not
only talking about stuff like \citep or \citealt but also things like
\citetalias. I have been missing an option allowing me to pick a
specific \cite command for _each_ citation. The idea is to set a
default command on a per-file basis while being able to override this
(with an occasional \citetalias for example) on a per-citation basis.

The list of \cite commands available would be user defineable in some
configuration file using tokens that are replaced by Lyx when writing
the citation to the Tex file. Consider the following

# %b = text before
# %a = text after
# %k = bibtex key
# Command   Requires
\citet[%b][%a]{%k}  natbib.sty
\citeauthor{%k} natbib.sty
\citepalias{%k} natbib.sty

This way, the feature wouldn't be restricted to a specific package
like natbib. As far as novice users not familiar with Latex are
concerned, you would just provide the commands suitable for a typical
scenario (which are hard-coded otherwise) as defaults in


Having _a lot_ of T1/TT fonts which are available to Latex, I would
really like to pick more of them from the document pop-up instead of
using Latex commands in the preamble. What I've been missing for a
long time is a simple map file allowing me to configure which fonts
show up under the "fonts" drop down box.

Actually, it might be smarter to have three drop-downs in the document
pop-up so you can set the default serif, sans serif, and typewriter
font independently and support something like a file to
define the list of available fonts:

# Visible Name  Latex Name  Default Family
#   Encoding
"CM Roman OsF (ecofonts)"   cmorT1  serif
"CM Sans Serif (aefonts)"   aessT1  sans
"CM Typewriter (zefonts)"   zettT1  typewriter
"ITC Officina Sans" po9 T1  sans
"Adobe Times"   ptm T1  serif
"URW Nimbus Roman No. 9"utm T1  serif
"BT Courier 10 Pitch"   bcr T1  typewriter
"Adobe Garamond"pad T1  serif
"Adobe Garamond Exp"padxT1  serif
"Adobe Garamond Exp OsF"padjT1  serif

I hope you find some of these suggenstions interesting or even worth
implementing. Keep up the great work!

BTW: Will the QT2 GUI support anti-aliased fonts in the text area?
This would take my "Lyx experience" to a new level ;)

Philipp Lehman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: Traditional look website

2001-07-05 Thread Allan Rae

On 5 Jul 2001, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

> > "Allan" == Allan Rae <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Allan> The same what? You want a blue banner background as well? Or
> Allan> are you referring to doing something to the new improved look?
> I mean have a web site which looks a bit like the new one, but with
> the background image. The image that Edwin just sent seems suitable
> for that.

So now you want the traditional look but with a blue background not
green and with what sorts of link and pinmenu colours?  Same as the new

I thought you lot were whinging because you preferred green graphics for
the background... mumble... mumble... mumble... still can't read
anything... mumble... mumble...

So,  what do the others who desperately wanted to keep the old look think
of this new old-look plan of JMarcs? (Lars, Juergen, Kathryn)

Allan. (ARRae)

Re: Traditional look website

2001-07-05 Thread Allan Rae

On 5 Jul 2001, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

> > "Allan" == Allan Rae <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Allan> Lars, Juergen, JMarc, Kathryn and whoever else, is this
> Allan> satisfactory?
> And could we have the same in blue? :p (actually I tried to see
> whether imagemagick is able to perform this kind of trick, but I did
> not find the right function).

The same what?  You want a blue banner background as well?
Or are you referring to doing something to the new improved look?

Allan. (ARRae)

Traditional look website

2001-07-05 Thread Allan Rae


be aware that the ?traditional variable is not cookied yet so if you
switch pages or navbar styles you'll have to reenter it.

I think I now have a traditional look that should be identical to old
except that we never used to have a "hover" setting for when your mouse
pointer was over a link.

Netscape doesn't seem to be responding to the hover settings though so it
at least should look closest to identical.

Lars, Juergen, JMarc, Kathryn and whoever else, is this satisfactory?

I'll fix up the cookie business after dinner... probably call it
lographics or something unless I get a better suggestion.


BTW, Konquerer versions < 2.1.1 should be getting the topmenu only and no
option for a sidebar unless you force it manually -- this is because
earlier versions of Konq are a pain in the neck.

However, it seems from Zvezdan's feedback that even Konq-2.1.1 is being
blocked from getting sidebars for some reason so can someone (just a
couple of you or if you see something different to what someone else has
reported) who have Konquerer 2.1.1 please goto:

and tell me what is the first line after the "Browser Test" title.  It
should be something like "Konquerer/2.1.1 blah blah"  but I want to see
what is actually being delivered.


There have been a number of changes to the css again and many, many thanks
to Zvezdan for persisting with trying to improve the cross-browser

Allan. (ARRae)

Re: Traditional look website

2001-07-05 Thread Juergen Vigna

On 05-Jul-2001 Allan Rae wrote:

> So,  what do the others who desperately wanted to keep the old look think
> of this new old-look plan of JMarcs? (Lars, Juergen, Kathryn)

Well what we really complained about was the background graphics. If it
is green, blue or whatever other color I don't complain. But yes we could
have it in blue as the suggestion of Edwin. The rest should have the exact
same look at www-user.

In short: The only difference should be the background-graphic!


Dr. Jürgen VignaE-Mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Italienallee 13/N   Tel/Fax: +39-0471-450260 / +39-0471-450253
I-39100 Bozen   Web:

The number of arguments is unimportant unless some of them are correct.
-- Ralph Hartley

Re: Traditional look website

2001-07-05 Thread Rem

Dear Allan,

1. It is impossible to make everyone happy
2. Keeping on changing the 'look' of the page is like someone dying his/her
color everyweek or so... Doesn't look give good impression, does it? ;-)

- Original Message -
From: "Allan Rae" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "LyX Developers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, July 05, 2001 7:43 AM
Subject: Re: Traditional look website

> On Thu, 5 Jul 2001, Juergen Vigna wrote:
> > On 05-Jul-2001 Allan Rae wrote:
> >
> > > So,  what do the others who desperately wanted to keep the old look
> > > of this new old-look plan of JMarcs? (Lars, Juergen, Kathryn)
> >
> > Well what we really complained about was the background graphics. If it
> > is green, blue or whatever other color I don't complain. But yes we
> > have it in blue as the suggestion of Edwin. The rest should have the
> > same look at www-user.
> >
> > In short: The only difference should be the background-graphic!
> Well, I just committed the old look green bgimage scheme and got a cookie
> running.  I looks good.  Maybe I'll worry about changing things around
> again next week,  maybe I won't,  try it for a week and then decide.
> I wish you'd make your minds up what you want -- could have saved me a
> days screwing around.
> Allan. (ARRae)