Re: [Fwd: [Scid-users] babel.sty and Scid 3.1]

2001-12-28 Thread Herbert Voss

Martin wrote:

> Here's a small one that produces the same error (as well as another).
> The main files I'm trying to use only produce the babelsty error.

I don't have any problem to run latex on this file.

Therefore I need some more Information, like this when
running latex

voss@maria:/tmp> latex test.tex 
This is TeX, Version 3.14159 (Web2C 7.3.1)
LaTeX2e <2000/06/01>
Babel  and hyphenation patterns for american, french, german, ngerman, n
ohyphenation, loaded.
Document Class: article 2001/04/21 v1.4e Standard LaTeX document class
No file test.aux.
(/usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/psnfss/t1ptm.fd) [1] [2] (test.aux) )
(\end occurred inside a group at level 1)
Output written on test.dvi (2 pages, 7548 bytes).
Transcript written on test.log.



Re: [Fwd: [Scid-users] babel.sty and Scid 3.1]

2001-12-28 Thread Martin

On Fri, 2001-12-28 at 13:16, Herbert Voss wrote:
> Martin wrote:
> > I'm trying to use the chess database Scid with LyX but I keep getting
> > this error, does anyone know what to do? Can't press H when I reading
> > the error log can I?
> can you give a short lyx example-file?

Here's a small one that produces the same error (as well as another).
The main files I'm trying to use only produce the babelsty error.

Martin S
Fake mail on the net from this address.
The real thing is signed with public key.
Available on request.

% This is a LaTeX file generated by Scid.
% You must have the "chess12" package installed to typeset this file.



\newcommand{\B}{{\F B}}
\newcommand{\N}{{\F N}}
\newcommand{\R}{{\F R}}
\newcommand{\Q}{{\F Q}}
\newcommand{\K}{{\F K}}
\newcommand{\notenum}[1]{\hspace{-0.7cm}\makebox[0.55cm][r]{$^{ #1 }$ }\makebox[0.05cm]{}}

\begin{tabular}{r*{8}{p{1.15cm}}r@{: }l}
\multicolumn{11}{p{13cm}}{\textbf{ 1.d4 d5 2.e4 dxe4 3.{\N}c3 {\N}f6 4.f3}: \mbox{ +11 =3 --6 (12.5/20: 63\%)}} \\
 & 4 & 5 & 6 & 7 & 8 & 9 & 10 & 11 & \multicolumn{2}{c}{} \\
\textbf{1} & f3 \newline {\B}f5$^{1}$ & fxe4 \newline {\N}xe4$^{2}$ & {\Q}f3 \newline {\N}d6 & {\B}f4 \newline e6$^{3}$ & OOO \newline c6 & {\N}h3 \newline {\N}d7 & g4 \newline {\B}g6 & {\B}d3 \newline {\B}e7$^{4}$ & 4 & 50\% \\
\textbf{2} & ... \newline e3 & {\B}xe3$^{5}$ \newline e6$^{6}$ & {\B}d3 \newline {\B}e7 & f4$^{7}$ \newline {\N}bd7 & {\N}f3 \newline OO & OO \newline c5 & {\Q}e2 \newline a6 & {\N}e4 \newline {\N}xe4$^{8}$ & 4 & 38\% \\
\textbf{3} & ... \newline exf3 & {\N}xf3 \newline {\N}c6$^{9}$ & d5 \newline {\N}b8$^{10}$ & {\B}f4 \newline a6 & {\B}c4 \newline b5 & {\B}b3 \newline {\B}b7 & {\N}e5 \newline {\N}bd7 & {\N}c6 \newline {\B}xc6$^{11}$ & 4 & 75\% \\
\textbf{4} & ... \newline ... & ... \newline e6 & {\B}g5 \newline {\B}e7 & {\Q}d2$^{12}$ \newline {\N}bd7 & OOO \newline OO & {\B}d3 \newline c5 & {\Q}f4 \newline cxd4 & {\N}e4 \newline {\N}xe4$^{13}$ & 2 & 25\% \\
\textbf{5} & ... \newline ... & ... \newline {\B}g4 & h3$^{14}$ \newline {\B}h5 & g4 \newline {\B}g6 & {\N}e5$^{15}$ \newline e6$^{16}$ & {\Q}f3 \newline {\N}d5 & h4 \newline {\Q}f6 & {\Q}g2 \newline c6$^{17}$ & 4 & 88\% \\
\textbf{6} & ... \newline ... & ... \newline ... & ... \newline ... & ... \newline ... & ... \newline {\N}bd7 & {\Q}f3 \newline c6 & {\B}c4 \newline e6 & {\N}xg6 \newline hxg6$^{18}$ & 2 & 100\% \\

\textbf{4...c5} 5.d5 {\Q}a5 6.{\B}d2 e3 7.{\B}xe3 g6 8.{\B}c4 {\B}d7 9.{\B}d2 {\Q}b6 10.{\N}ge2 {\B}g7 11.{\N}f4 OO 12.OO {\N}e8 13.{\R}e1 {\N}d6 14.{\B}f1 {\N}f5 15.{\K}h1 {\R}e8 16.{\R}b1 {\N}a6 {\loss}(45) Jorgensen -- Paaske \emph{2062}, Copenhagen DEN 2001.

\textbf{5...{\B}xe4} 6.{\N}xe4 {\N}xe4 7.{\B}d3 {\N}d6 8.{\N}f3 g6 9.{\B}f4 {\B}g7 10.{\Q}d2 {\N}d7 11.OOO {\N}f6 12.{\R}de1 OO 13.{\B}h6 e6 14.{\R}hf1 {\N}f5 15.{\B}xg7 {\K}xg7 16.c3 c5 {\win}(61) Simons \emph{2215} -- Bolt \emph{2124}, Port Erin IOM 2001.

\textbf{7...{\Q}c8} 8.{\B}xd6 cxd6 9.OOO {\B}g4 10.{\B}b5+ {\N}c6 11.{\Q}e4 a6 12.{\B}e2 {\B}f5 13.{\Q}f3 e6 14.h4 h5 15.{\N}h3 {\N}b4 16.{\R}d2 d5 {\win}(32) Burgerhoff -- Middelhoven, Haarlem NED 2001.

\textbf{12.{\Q}g3} {\N}f6 13.{\R}hf1 b5 14.a3 OO 15.{\B}xg6 hxg6 16.{\N}g5 {\N}h7 {\loss}(52) Stead \emph{2125} -- Roza, Canberra AUS 2001.

\textbf{5.{\B}c4} g6 6.{\B}xe3 {\B}g7 7.{\Q}d2 OO 8.{\N}ge2 {\R}e8 9.{\N}e4 {\N}c6 10.{\N}xf6+ {\B}xf6 11.OOO {\R}b8 12.{\N}c3 b6 13.{\N}e4 {\N}a5 14.{\N}xf6+ exf6 15.{\B}d3 {\B}e6 16.b3 {\Q}e7 {\win}(60) Nielsen \emph{2055} -- Zachariasen, Copenhagen DEN 2001.

\textbf{5...{\B}f5} 6.{\B}d3 {\B}g6 7.{\N}ge2 e6 8.{\N}f4 c6 9.h4 {\N}h5 10.{\N}xh5 {\B}xh5 11.{\Q}e2 {\B}b4 12.OOO {\B}xc3 13.bxc3 {\Q}a5 14.{\K}d2 {\N}d7 15.{\B}e4 {\B}g6 16.h5 {\B}xh5 {\loss}(20) Bergmanis -- Fry, Canberra AUS 2001.

\textbf{7.{\N}ge2} {\N}bd7 8.OO OO 9.{\Q}e1 {\R}e8 10.{\Q}h4 {\N}f8 11.{\B}g5 h6 12.{\B}xh6 gxh6 13.{\Q}xh6 {\N}6h7 14.{\R}ad1 f5 15.{\B}c4 c6 16.f4 {\B}f6 {\loss}(26) Mucerino -- Hoekstra \emph{2221}, Philadelphia, PA USA 2001.

\textbf{12.{\B}xe4} {\N}f6 13.{\B}d3 {\Q}c7 14.{\R}ad1 h6 15.c3 b5 16.{\N}e5 cxd4 {\draw}(45) Simons \emph{2226} -- Collier \emph{2239}, Rd06-Birmingham 2001.

\textbf{5...{\B}f5} 6.{\N}e5 e6 7.g4 {\B}g6 8.{\Q}f3 c6 9.{\B}e3 {\B}b4 10.OOO {\B}xc3 11.bxc3 {\Q}d5 12.{\Q}h3 {\Q}xa2 13.{\N}xg6 fxg6 14.{\B}d3 OO 15.c4 {\N}a6 16.g5 {\N}h5 {\

Re: compose key / RE: (c) symbol in LyX (fwd)

2001-12-28 Thread Jamie Faunt

On 29 Dec 2001, Arne Pallentin wrote:

awesome! thank you! I'll try it and let you know!


compose key / RE: (c) symbol in LyX (fwd)

2001-12-28 Thread Jamie Faunt

On Thu, 27 Dec 2001, Ronald Florence wrote:

> Jamie Faunt writes:
>   I bet that would work if I could find the compose key!

Thanks much for all who replied with the helpful comments and data.
Between those and the docs I'm narrowing it down. But I'm still having a
problem getting my compose key defined in xmodmap. :-X

I've added the multikey item and tried the alternative the xmodmap man
page suggests, but they don't work. And I d/l'd and have tried to compile
xkeycaps but I can't get past make errors. I've written to the author but
I don't know if he'll reply. So I'm trying to figure out the correct
xmodmap settings to just get a compose key working. I've tried a bunch of
things in xmodmap and tested them in lyx to no avail with the suggested
compose key combos in the docs. I've also made sure I've got the correct
bind and iso files set up. I've copied lyx/bind and lyx/keybd files that
I'm using to my ~./lyx/ dirs but so far haven't modified anything in them
as I can't see/find anything that would get the compose key working.

And the docs are missing the data on "HOw do I set up the compose key?"
item.  :-( And the rest of the data there is sketchy -- such as how you
use the numeric codes for the upper-bit chars, -- where/how you input
them, etc. There seems to be enough in them to at least test the compose
key. I'm using oc or co and +O+R to test them. The only
thing I've gotten working is a couple of accent chars which I don't even

If someone knows either an xmodmap line OR a kbd or bind file modification
that would get me out of the woods here, that'd be greatly appreciated.

thanks much,
jamie faunt

Re: Fonts in LyX, or fonts in X -- I have no idea...

2001-12-28 Thread robin


>Hello =) I have a few questions I'd like to ask. I'll start shooting.
>1) I just installed the cmpsfont port (Computer Modern PostScript Fonts (Adobe Type 1 
>format)) hoping new and good looking fonts would appear in LyX. It doesn't seem like 
>it though -- does anyone know what I could do?
Are you talking about the screen display here? LyX should be able to 
handle any X fonts, assuming that the font in question has characters 
for the face etc. that you have selected.  Look at something like 
xfontsel to check the parameters.  Remember this has no effect on the 
printed output.

>2) The previous question was an attempt to load better, more beautiful and 
>more modern fonts into LyX than the ones already available. Why won't LyX
>recognize and allow me to use all of my X fonts? The same goes for GIMP by the
>way, not all are available.
If you're talking about the fonts used for printing, LyX only displays a 
limited set of fonts in the Layout->Document menu (later versions may 
give you more).  However, since it's primarily a frontend to LaTeX, you 
can tell it to use any font which is installed in TeX - you just have to 
tell it to do so explicitly in LaTeX code.  I posted a guide on this 
subject on the lyx documentation list some time back, but unfortunately 
it's unreadable unless you've upgraded to the (unstable) 1.2 version.

By default, LyX uses the Computer Modern fonts included in any standard 
LaTeX distribution.  IMHO, these look the best for most printing 
purposes, though you should probably choose pslatex if you want to make 
PDF documents (see long threads on this subject in the archives!). If 
you want something really pretty, put \usepackage{pandora} in your preamble!

>3) Could anyone with a decent experience with LyX show me examples of really
>professional work? I'm really into this whole LyX thing, I believe it'll do
>wonders for me next semester in school. If anyone know of any hot templates
>and fonts as well, it would sincerely be appreciated. 
To get an idea of what LyX can do typesetting-wise, just print out some 
of the Help pages (e.g. Chapter 5 of Extended Features).  One of the 
virtues of LyX, though, is that even the simplest document will look 
"really professional" when printed out (even if it looks pig-ugly on the 


Re: [Fwd: [Scid-users] babel.sty and Scid 3.1]

2001-12-28 Thread Herbert Voss

Martin wrote:

> I'm trying to use the chess database Scid with LyX but I keep getting
> this error, does anyone know what to do? Can't press H when I reading
> the error log can I?

can you give a short lyx example-file?



[Fwd: [Scid-users] babel.sty and Scid 3.1]

2001-12-28 Thread Martin

I'm trying to use the chess database Scid with LyX but I keep getting
this error, does anyone know what to do? Can't press H when I reading
the error log can I?

Martin S
Fake mail on the net from this address.
The real thing is signed with public key.
Available on request.

--- Begin Message ---

Thought I'd do our magazine in LaTeX/Lyx this time.
However, I just stumbled on a problem with the opening reports
I get in my .scid/scidreport.log, when clicking View LaTeX on the
opening report window:

! Package babel Error: You have used an old interface to call babel
(babel)You may expect compatibility problems wit other

See the babel package documentation for explanation.
Type  H   for immediate help.
l.54 \bblstyerror

If I was more of an LaTeX expert I'd probably solve it myself. Anyone
here though that know what to do?

Martin S
Fake mail on the net from this address.
The real thing is signed with public key.
Available on request.

Description: PGP signature
--- End Message ---

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Web-team] Question about LyX

2001-12-28 Thread Herbert Voss

Stefan Jahn wrote:

> how can i insert a ^ in a LyX-document?
> I convert the document with latex2html. But after all ^ there is a 
> space. I don't need the space.
> Example:
> I need = (^_^)
> I get  = (^ _^ )  this is wrong

which lyx-version do you use?

