Re: Two pictures side by side

2004-04-02 Thread Helge Hafting
Charlls Quarra wrote:
This is very flexible.  One caption for everything,
or several
captions.  Each figure may be sized independently.
And they
don't all have to be graphichs, feel free to put
anything in
those minipages; text, graphichs, math, tables, . .

I just tried this; a couple of observations/doubts:

i set up two minipages of width 30, the figures
30 what?  30% of the text width, or 30 of some unit?

overlap , so i add an \hfill ERT. this gets the
The figures aren't supposed to overlap when the minipages
are side by side.  You have probably used minipages smaller
than the figures.  Use minipages at least as wide as,
or wider than the figures inside.
figures a bit more separated; However the individual
captions wrap too soon (each line of the individual
minipage captions are less than 12 characters, hardly
more than two words can stay in the same line). 
Well, too narrow minipages. Text breaks inside minipages,
so make them wide enough.
I try
to improve the situation increasing the width of the
minipages to 40, however now they are too big to be in
the same line. 
40 of what?  Two minipages that are 40% or even 50% of
textwidth (or column with if considering twocolumn)
_will_ fit if there is nothing else on the same line.
They may or may not fit o a line in the lyx GUI, but use
view dvi (or view pdflatex) and see what it really looks like.
Remember, the lyx GUI isn't completely WYSIWYG. Make your editor
window wider, they might fit better on screen that way.  It won't
make any difference for the dvi/pdf output.
I go back to width 30 and add an
additional \hfill ERT, but again the graphic minipages
are in different lines.
In the lyx editor, or in the dvi/pdf view?

How do you adjust these things to look like in the
Send me a problem file and I'll see if I can fix it.
The minipage approach gives me good control over what
ends up on paper (or in pdf).  Simple figure layouts works
great in the lyx editor, complicated layouts sometimes looks
bad in the editor when lyx decides on some unnecessary linebreaks
(or breaks the lines because the window is too narrow) but this
does not affect the final output.  

Remember that it is WYSIWYM, not WYSIWYG so you'll never get a perfect 
representation in the editor.  There are some breaks that seems completely
unnecessary though, perhaps they get fixed in a later version.

Helge Hafting

Re: How Do I make pdflatex to shown eps figure in pdf?

2004-04-02 Thread Helge Hafting
Sung Nae Cho wrote:
Good evening,

I have read earlier messages, but still can't seem to figure it out.

When I use pdflatex to generate a pdf file in Lyx, all exports fine 
except all my eps figures are not being shown in the pdf document.  What 
do I have to add in Lyx to make pdflatex export eps figures in the pdf 

Pdflatex might not like eps, in that case convert to some
other format that works. Raster images works fine as png,
(or jpeg, but that's lossy and look bad for some kinds
of images, such as screen dumps and line drawings)
For vector graphichs, try making pdf files instead of eps.
Xfig can do that, for example.
Helge Hafting

Re: Avoid Hyphenation with Lyx

2004-04-02 Thread Helge Hafting
Manfred Hainer wrote:
How do I avoid hyphenation of a word which already contains a hyphen?
A word containing a hyphen, like  P-Tracker  should never be hyphenated.
With Tex it is sufficient to write   P~Tracker   -  which will result in 
P-Tracker on the printed document and it will never be divided at the end of 
a line.
In other words, how to avoid:   P-
Tracker   ?
How do I accomplish this with Lyx?
No problem when you know the latex way, for anything that goes in latex
works in lyx too.  insert-tex and write it the latex way.
I know of no native support for a nonbreaking hyphen in lyx.

Helge Hafting

Re: Avoid Hyphenation with Lyx

2004-04-02 Thread Angus Leeming
Helge Hafting wrote:

 Manfred Hainer wrote:
 How do I avoid hyphenation of a word which already contains a
 A word containing a hyphen, like  P-Tracker  should never be
 With Tex it is sufficient to write   P~Tracker   -  which will
 result in P-Tracker on the printed document and it will never be
 divided at the end of a line.
 In other words, how to avoid:   P-
 Tracker   ?
 How do I accomplish this with Lyx?
 No problem when you know the latex way, for anything that goes in
 latex works in lyx too.  insert-tex and write it the latex way.
 I know of no native support for a nonbreaking hyphen in lyx.

would not \mbox{P-tracker} as ERT work?


Anyone with experience using ascelike.cls?

2004-04-02 Thread Kent Kostuk
I am formatting a document for a journal submission using ascelike.cls.
The problem is I have no experience using a .cls that didn't come as
part of my LyX install before.  I need some help making this work.

I have setup a basic .layout and it is sort of working.  I am able to
generate a DVI that is close, but am having a few problems.

1. I can't get the author and contact information to show.
When I look in the cls file there is command \author{ \thanks{ }} which
I am trying to use.  When I use it, nothing is displayed (although the
Author Environment works within LyX - but no thanks component).

2. The bibliography doesn't show anymore.
I have ascelike.bst and a .bib file but nothing shows.  I had the paper
working with \usepackage{natbib} and the above two files, but once I
started using the .cls file the bibliography doesn't show anymore. 
Also, the reference numbers have been replaced by question marks.

3. The figures and tables don't show up in the dvi.
I am obviously doing something wrong because the figures and tables are
no longer being displayed.  The are fine in the LyX file and if I use a
different layout they work.

I have some other problems, but if someone could provide me with some
insight on these, I am thinking (hoping?) I can make some progress with
the others on my own.


Kent Kostuk

Don't receive own emails to LyX list...

2004-04-02 Thread Rudi van der Linde
Hi All,

I have a problem that I do not receive a copy of my own posting that I make
to the list via email. Also, I do not receive any replies to that post.
e.g. I will not see this message on the list and I will not receive eny
replies unless it is sent directly to me.

Any ideas on how to remedy it? Is the problem on my side? What am I supposed
to do?

Best Regards
Rudi van der Linde

This message (and attachments) is subject to restrictions and a disclaimer.
Please refer to or [EMAIL PROTECTED]
for full details.

Re: Feature status update

2004-04-02 Thread Andre Poenitz
On Mon, Mar 29, 2004 at 11:12:42AM +0200, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
  Rich == Rich Shepard [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Rich On Fri, 26 Mar 2004, Andre Poenitz wrote:
  On Thu, Mar 25, 2004 at 07:44:34AM -0800, Rich Shepard wrote:  2)
  Marking index words/terms with a preceeding box that leaves the
  marked  items visible and readable on screen.
  I.e. Show [word] instead of [Idx] on the button? Thhat should be
 Rich   That would be a perfect solution!
 Well, we used to do that, and someone asked to change that because it
 took too much space on screen. So we have to make up our minds...
 Would it be possible to show [word] only if the text before the inset
 is _not_ word? I suspect that the answer is no...

It would be possible, but I don't think it is worthwhile.
Personally, I'd prefer the [word!even!if!it!is!really!long]
solution, too. 


parpic problem

2004-04-02 Thread Gunnar
Can anyone see what's wrong with this lyx file?
Something is wrong with the parpic but I can't understand what!
Can you spot the problem?#LyX 1.3 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 221
\textclass book
\language swedish
\inputencoding auto
\fontscheme default
\graphics default
\float_placement hbtp
\paperfontsize default
\spacing single 
\papersize a4paper
\paperpackage a4
\use_geometry 1
\use_amsmath 0
\use_natbib 0
\use_numerical_citations 0
\paperorientation portrait
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation indent
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language english
\quotes_times 2
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle default

\layout Standard

\layout Subsection

ortaste vägen
\layout Standard

\begin_inset ERT
status Open

\layout Standard



Re: parpic problem [Solution found?]

2004-04-02 Thread Gunnar
It seems to work if I add

to the LaTeX preamble.
Why? I don't know.

 Can anyone see what's wrong with this lyx file?
 Something is wrong with the parpic but I can't understand what!
 Can you spot the problem?

Re: Two pictures side by side

2004-04-02 Thread Helge Hafting
Charlls Quarra wrote:
This is very flexible.  One caption for everything,
or several
captions.  Each figure may be sized independently.
And they
don't all have to be graphichs, feel free to put
anything in
those minipages; text, graphichs, math, tables, . .

I just tried this; a couple of observations/doubts:

i set up two minipages of width 30, the figures
30 what?  30% of the text width, or 30 of some unit?

overlap , so i add an \hfill ERT. this gets the
The figures aren't supposed to overlap when the minipages
are side by side.  You have probably used minipages smaller
than the figures.  Use minipages at least as wide as,
or wider than the figures inside.
figures a bit more separated; However the individual
captions wrap too soon (each line of the individual
minipage captions are less than 12 characters, hardly
more than two words can stay in the same line). 
Well, too narrow minipages. Text breaks inside minipages,
so make them wide enough.
I try
to improve the situation increasing the width of the
minipages to 40, however now they are too big to be in
the same line. 
40 of what?  Two minipages that are 40% or even 50% of
textwidth (or column with if considering twocolumn)
_will_ fit if there is nothing else on the same line.
They may or may not fit o a line in the lyx GUI, but use
view dvi (or view pdflatex) and see what it really looks like.
Remember, the lyx GUI isn't completely WYSIWYG. Make your editor
window wider, they might fit better on screen that way.  It won't
make any difference for the dvi/pdf output.
I go back to width 30 and add an
additional \hfill ERT, but again the graphic minipages
are in different lines.
In the lyx editor, or in the dvi/pdf view?

How do you adjust these things to look like in the
Send me a problem file and I'll see if I can fix it.
The minipage approach gives me good control over what
ends up on paper (or in pdf).  Simple figure layouts works
great in the lyx editor, complicated layouts sometimes looks
bad in the editor when lyx decides on some unnecessary linebreaks
(or breaks the lines because the window is too narrow) but this
does not affect the final output.  

Remember that it is WYSIWYM, not WYSIWYG so you'll never get a perfect 
representation in the editor.  There are some breaks that seems completely
unnecessary though, perhaps they get fixed in a later version.

Helge Hafting

Re: How Do I make pdflatex to shown eps figure in pdf?

2004-04-02 Thread Helge Hafting
Sung Nae Cho wrote:
Good evening,

I have read earlier messages, but still can't seem to figure it out.

When I use pdflatex to generate a pdf file in Lyx, all exports fine 
except all my eps figures are not being shown in the pdf document.  What 
do I have to add in Lyx to make pdflatex export eps figures in the pdf 

Pdflatex might not like eps, in that case convert to some
other format that works. Raster images works fine as png,
(or jpeg, but that's lossy and look bad for some kinds
of images, such as screen dumps and line drawings)
For vector graphichs, try making pdf files instead of eps.
Xfig can do that, for example.
Helge Hafting

Re: Avoid Hyphenation with Lyx

2004-04-02 Thread Helge Hafting
Manfred Hainer wrote:
How do I avoid hyphenation of a word which already contains a hyphen?
A word containing a hyphen, like  P-Tracker  should never be hyphenated.
With Tex it is sufficient to write   P~Tracker   -  which will result in 
P-Tracker on the printed document and it will never be divided at the end of 
a line.
In other words, how to avoid:   P-
Tracker   ?
How do I accomplish this with Lyx?
No problem when you know the latex way, for anything that goes in latex
works in lyx too.  insert-tex and write it the latex way.
I know of no native support for a nonbreaking hyphen in lyx.

Helge Hafting

Re: Avoid Hyphenation with Lyx

2004-04-02 Thread Angus Leeming
Helge Hafting wrote:

 Manfred Hainer wrote:
 How do I avoid hyphenation of a word which already contains a
 A word containing a hyphen, like  P-Tracker  should never be
 With Tex it is sufficient to write   P~Tracker   -  which will
 result in P-Tracker on the printed document and it will never be
 divided at the end of a line.
 In other words, how to avoid:   P-
 Tracker   ?
 How do I accomplish this with Lyx?
 No problem when you know the latex way, for anything that goes in
 latex works in lyx too.  insert-tex and write it the latex way.
 I know of no native support for a nonbreaking hyphen in lyx.

would not \mbox{P-tracker} as ERT work?


Anyone with experience using ascelike.cls?

2004-04-02 Thread Kent Kostuk
I am formatting a document for a journal submission using ascelike.cls.
The problem is I have no experience using a .cls that didn't come as
part of my LyX install before.  I need some help making this work.

I have setup a basic .layout and it is sort of working.  I am able to
generate a DVI that is close, but am having a few problems.

1. I can't get the author and contact information to show.
When I look in the cls file there is command \author{ \thanks{ }} which
I am trying to use.  When I use it, nothing is displayed (although the
Author Environment works within LyX - but no thanks component).

2. The bibliography doesn't show anymore.
I have ascelike.bst and a .bib file but nothing shows.  I had the paper
working with \usepackage{natbib} and the above two files, but once I
started using the .cls file the bibliography doesn't show anymore. 
Also, the reference numbers have been replaced by question marks.

3. The figures and tables don't show up in the dvi.
I am obviously doing something wrong because the figures and tables are
no longer being displayed.  The are fine in the LyX file and if I use a
different layout they work.

I have some other problems, but if someone could provide me with some
insight on these, I am thinking (hoping?) I can make some progress with
the others on my own.


Kent Kostuk

Don't receive own emails to LyX list...

2004-04-02 Thread Rudi van der Linde
Hi All,

I have a problem that I do not receive a copy of my own posting that I make
to the list via email. Also, I do not receive any replies to that post.
e.g. I will not see this message on the list and I will not receive eny
replies unless it is sent directly to me.

Any ideas on how to remedy it? Is the problem on my side? What am I supposed
to do?

Best Regards
Rudi van der Linde

This message (and attachments) is subject to restrictions and a disclaimer.
Please refer to or [EMAIL PROTECTED]
for full details.

Re: Feature status update

2004-04-02 Thread Andre Poenitz
On Mon, Mar 29, 2004 at 11:12:42AM +0200, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
  Rich == Rich Shepard [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Rich On Fri, 26 Mar 2004, Andre Poenitz wrote:
  On Thu, Mar 25, 2004 at 07:44:34AM -0800, Rich Shepard wrote:  2)
  Marking index words/terms with a preceeding box that leaves the
  marked  items visible and readable on screen.
  I.e. Show [word] instead of [Idx] on the button? Thhat should be
 Rich   That would be a perfect solution!
 Well, we used to do that, and someone asked to change that because it
 took too much space on screen. So we have to make up our minds...
 Would it be possible to show [word] only if the text before the inset
 is _not_ word? I suspect that the answer is no...

It would be possible, but I don't think it is worthwhile.
Personally, I'd prefer the [word!even!if!it!is!really!long]
solution, too. 


parpic problem

2004-04-02 Thread Gunnar
Can anyone see what's wrong with this lyx file?
Something is wrong with the parpic but I can't understand what!
Can you spot the problem?#LyX 1.3 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 221
\textclass book
\language swedish
\inputencoding auto
\fontscheme default
\graphics default
\float_placement hbtp
\paperfontsize default
\spacing single 
\papersize a4paper
\paperpackage a4
\use_geometry 1
\use_amsmath 0
\use_natbib 0
\use_numerical_citations 0
\paperorientation portrait
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation indent
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language english
\quotes_times 2
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle default

\layout Standard

\layout Subsection

ortaste vägen
\layout Standard

\begin_inset ERT
status Open

\layout Standard



Re: parpic problem [Solution found?]

2004-04-02 Thread Gunnar
It seems to work if I add

to the LaTeX preamble.
Why? I don't know.

 Can anyone see what's wrong with this lyx file?
 Something is wrong with the parpic but I can't understand what!
 Can you spot the problem?

Re: Two pictures side by side

2004-04-02 Thread Helge Hafting
Charlls Quarra wrote:
This is very flexible.  One caption for everything,
or several
captions.  Each figure may be sized independently.
And they
don't all have to be graphichs, feel free to put
anything in
those minipages; text, graphichs, math, tables, . .

I just tried this; a couple of observations/doubts:

i set up two minipages of width 30, the figures
30 what?  30% of the text width, or 30 of some unit?

overlap , so i add an \hfill ERT. this gets the
The figures aren't supposed to overlap when the minipages
are side by side.  You have probably used minipages smaller
than the figures.  Use minipages at least as wide as,
or wider than the figures inside.
figures a bit more separated; However the individual
captions wrap too soon (each line of the individual
minipage captions are less than 12 characters, hardly
more than two words can stay in the same line). 
Well, too narrow minipages. Text breaks inside minipages,
so make them wide enough.
I try
to improve the situation increasing the width of the
minipages to 40, however now they are too big to be in
the same line. 
40 of what?  Two minipages that are 40% or even 50% of
textwidth (or column with if considering twocolumn)
_will_ fit if there is nothing else on the same line.
They may or may not fit o a line in the lyx GUI, but use
"view dvi" (or "view pdflatex") and see what it really looks like.
Remember, the lyx GUI isn't completely WYSIWYG. Make your editor
window wider, they might fit better on screen that way.  It won't
make any difference for the dvi/pdf output.
I go back to width 30 and add an
additional \hfill ERT, but again the graphic minipages
are in different lines.
In the lyx editor, or in the dvi/pdf view?

How do you adjust these things to look like in the
Send me a problem file and I'll see if I can fix it.
The minipage approach gives me good control over what
ends up on paper (or in pdf).  Simple figure layouts works
great in the lyx editor, complicated layouts sometimes looks
bad in the editor when lyx decides on some unnecessary linebreaks
(or breaks the lines because the window is too narrow) but this
does not affect the final output.  

Remember that it is WYSIWYM, not WYSIWYG so you'll never get a perfect 
representation in the editor.  There are some breaks that seems completely
unnecessary though, perhaps they get fixed in a later version.

Helge Hafting

Re: How Do I make pdflatex to shown eps figure in pdf?

2004-04-02 Thread Helge Hafting
Sung Nae Cho wrote:
Good evening,

I have read earlier messages, but still can't seem to figure it out.

When I use pdflatex to generate a pdf file in Lyx, all exports fine 
except all my eps figures are not being shown in the pdf document.  What 
do I have to add in Lyx to make pdflatex export eps figures in the pdf 

Pdflatex might not like eps, in that case convert to some
other format that works. Raster images works fine as png,
(or jpeg, but that's lossy and look bad for some kinds
of images, such as screen dumps and line drawings)
For vector graphichs, try making pdf files instead of eps.
Xfig can do that, for example.
Helge Hafting

Re: Avoid Hyphenation with Lyx

2004-04-02 Thread Helge Hafting
Manfred Hainer wrote:
How do I avoid hyphenation of a word which already contains a hyphen?
A word containing a hyphen, like  P-Tracker  should never be hyphenated.
With Tex it is sufficient to write   P"~Tracker   -  which will result in 
P-Tracker on the printed document and it will never be divided at the end of 
a line.
In other words, how to avoid:   P-
Tracker   ?
How do I accomplish this with Lyx?
No problem when you know the latex way, for anything that goes in latex
works in lyx too.  insert->tex and write it the latex way.
I know of no native support for a nonbreaking hyphen in lyx.

Helge Hafting

Re: Avoid Hyphenation with Lyx

2004-04-02 Thread Angus Leeming
Helge Hafting wrote:

> Manfred Hainer wrote:
>> How do I avoid hyphenation of a word which already contains a
>> hyphen?
>> A word containing a hyphen, like  P-Tracker  should never be
>> hyphenated.
>> With Tex it is sufficient to write   P"~Tracker   -  which will
>> result in P-Tracker on the printed document and it will never be
>> divided at the end of a line.
>> In other words, how to avoid:   P-
>> Tracker   ?
>> How do I accomplish this with Lyx?
> No problem when you know the latex way, for anything that goes in
> latex works in lyx too.  insert->tex and write it the latex way.
> I know of no native support for a nonbreaking hyphen in lyx.

would not \mbox{P-tracker} as ERT work?


Anyone with experience using ascelike.cls?

2004-04-02 Thread Kent Kostuk
I am formatting a document for a journal submission using ascelike.cls.
The problem is I have no experience using a .cls that didn't come as
part of my LyX install before.  I need some help making this work.

I have setup a basic .layout and it is sort of working.  I am able to
generate a DVI that is close, but am having a few problems.

1. I can't get the author and contact information to show.
When I look in the cls file there is command \author{ \thanks{ }} which
I am trying to use.  When I use it, nothing is displayed (although the
Author Environment works within LyX - but no "thanks" component).

2. The bibliography doesn't show anymore.
I have ascelike.bst and a .bib file but nothing shows.  I had the paper
working with \usepackage{natbib} and the above two files, but once I
started using the .cls file the bibliography doesn't show anymore. 
Also, the reference numbers have been replaced by question marks.

3. The figures and tables don't show up in the dvi.
I am obviously doing something wrong because the figures and tables are
no longer being displayed.  The are fine in the LyX file and if I use a
different layout they work.

I have some other problems, but if someone could provide me with some
insight on these, I am thinking (hoping?) I can make some progress with
the others on my own.


Kent Kostuk

Don't receive own emails to LyX list...

2004-04-02 Thread Rudi van der Linde
Hi All,

I have a problem that I do not receive a copy of my own posting that I make
to the list via email. Also, I do not receive any replies to that post.
e.g. I will not see this message on the list and I will not receive eny
replies unless it is sent directly to me.

Any ideas on how to remedy it? Is the problem on my side? What am I supposed
to do?

Best Regards
Rudi van der Linde

This message (and attachments) is subject to restrictions and a disclaimer.
Please refer to or [EMAIL PROTECTED]
for full details.

Re: Feature status update

2004-04-02 Thread Andre Poenitz
On Mon, Mar 29, 2004 at 11:12:42AM +0200, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> > "Rich" == Rich Shepard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Rich> On Fri, 26 Mar 2004, Andre Poenitz wrote:
> >> On Thu, Mar 25, 2004 at 07:44:34AM -0800, Rich Shepard wrote: > 2)
> >> Marking index words/terms with a preceeding box that leaves the
> >> marked > items visible and readable on screen.
> >> 
> >> I.e. Show [word] instead of [Idx] on the button? Thhat should be
> >> doable...
> Rich>   That would be a perfect solution!
> Well, we used to do that, and someone asked to change that because it
> took too much space on screen. So we have to make up our minds...
> Would it be possible to show [word] only if the text before the inset
> is _not_ "word"? I suspect that the answer is no...

It would be possible, but I don't think it is worthwhile.
Personally, I'd prefer the [word!even!if!it!is!really!long]
solution, too. 


parpic problem

2004-04-02 Thread Gunnar
Can anyone see what's wrong with this lyx file?
Something is wrong with the parpic but I can't understand what!
Can you spot the problem?#LyX 1.3 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 221
\textclass book
\language swedish
\inputencoding auto
\fontscheme default
\graphics default
\float_placement hbtp
\paperfontsize default
\spacing single 
\papersize a4paper
\paperpackage a4
\use_geometry 1
\use_amsmath 0
\use_natbib 0
\use_numerical_citations 0
\paperorientation portrait
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation indent
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language english
\quotes_times 2
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle default

\layout Standard

\layout Subsection

ortaste vägen
\layout Standard

\begin_inset ERT
status Open

\layout Standard



Re: parpic problem [Solution found?]

2004-04-02 Thread Gunnar
It seems to work if I add

to the LaTeX preamble.
Why? I don't know.

> Hello.
> Can anyone see what's wrong with this lyx file?
> Something is wrong with the parpic but I can't understand what!
> Can you spot the problem?