Re: Menu and menubar fonts -- for lyx-qt

2005-09-26 Thread David L. Johnson
On Mon, 26 Sep 2005 08:00:20 +0100
Angus Leeming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Wow! Hello, David.
> I see that you've dropped your LyX notes at 
> FWIW, I enjoyed 'em at the time.

Ah, well, that page became horridly outdates, and I got a lot of questions I
couldn't answer, so passed the buck to the official site.
> On to your question. Menu fonts aren't under the direct control of lyx-qt 
> because all Qt apps try to have a similar look and feel. That means you use 
> an external program, qtconfig, to make these changes. Of course, it may or 
> may not be installed on your pda at the momemnt...

I tried installing qtconfig, but for some unknown reason it doesn't come up.
This happens with OZ/gpe, since package management is not all that great,
yet.  It took me long enough to get LyX itself running.  However, all I really
needed was the file ~/.qt/qtrc (and maybe ~/.qt/.qtrc.lock -- which I threw
in there just in case). I created them on the desktop and scp'd them to the
Zaurus, et le voila!. Thanks for the hints.

And to you and Jmarc, good to hear from you, too.  

Getting LyX to run justifies, for me, switching to OZ on the Zaurus.  I can't
live without it.


David L. Johnson

   __o   | Some people used to claim that, if enough monkeys sat in front
 _`\(,_  | of enough typewriters and typed long enough, eventually one of
(_)/ (_) | them would reproduce  the collected works of Shakespeare.  The
   internet has proven this not to  be the case.  

How to avoid "\url already defined"?

2005-09-26 Thread Bo Peng
Dear list,

I  have been annoyed by two problems recently, both related to
lyx-added latex code  conflicting with customized document classes.
For example, I am using manual.cls from python to produce a manual.
However, manual.cls defines \url so it will conflict with the
\newcommand\url command added by lyx. Another case is when a
customized latex class (for a journal) loads natbib first but with
different parameter to  what lyx-loaded natbib uses. If I do not
select natbib in lyx, I can not use natbib citations although the
document class supports it. (I know I can use ERT, but...)

Is there anyway to resolve these problems? Anything I can add to the
preamble? Or a way to let latex ignore these errors? I am using 1.3.6
but I am ready for 1.4.0cvs if 1.4.0 has a solution.


Re: non-LyX question: Beamer enumerate

2005-09-26 Thread David Soukal

Without knowing what Beamer theme you're using, it's hard to know what 
the enumerations should look like.  Can you post a LyX file containing a 
minimal example?


There it is! The reason why I want this "configuration" is that the 
three properties are proved on previous slides one by one (each proof 
being slightly different). However, it is useful to interpret Prop. 2 
and Prop 3. together :)

Thank you very much for any hint!


ps. I'm very sorry for abusing this list! Thank you for putting up with me!
#LyX 1.3 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 221
\textclass beamer
\language english
\inputencoding auto
\fontscheme default
\graphics default
\paperfontsize default
\spacing single 
\papersize Custom
\paperpackage a4
\use_geometry 1
\use_amsmath 1
\use_natbib 0
\use_numerical_citations 0
\paperorientation portrait
\paperwidth 128mm
\paperheight 96mm
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
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\defskip medskip
\quotes_language english
\quotes_times 2
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle default

\layout Title

\layout Author

\layout Institute

@ Home
\layout Date

September 26, 2005
\layout BeginFrame

Typical Sequences
\layout FrameSubtitle

Interpretation of Properties
\layout Block

\begin_inset ERT
status Inlined

\layout Standard
{Properties of Typical Set}

\layout Enumerate

\begin_inset Formula $\Pr(A_{\epsilon}^{(n)})>1-\epsilon$

\begin_inset Formula $n$

 sufficiently large.
\layout Enumerate

\begin_inset Formula $|A_{\epsilon}^{(n)}|\leq2^{n(H(X)+\epsilon)}$

\layout Enumerate

\begin_inset Formula $|A_{\epsilon}^{(n)}|\ge(1-\epsilon)2^{n(H(X)-\epsilon)}$

, for 
\begin_inset Formula $n$

 sufficiently large.
\layout Separator

\layout Block

\begin_inset ERT
status Inlined

\layout Standard

\layout Enumerate

\emph on 
\emph default 
sequence is typical.
\layout Enumerate

\SpecialChar ~

\layout Enumerate

The typical set is 
\emph on 

\emph default 
 The number of all sequences is 
\begin_inset Formula $|\mathcal{X}|^{n}$

 while there are only 
\begin_inset Formula $\approx2^{nH(X)}$

 typical sequences.
\layout Standard

[My goal: to have 2 and 3 on the same line, aligned flush-right with respect
 to 1.]
\layout EndFrame


problems with quotes and fancyhdr

2005-09-26 Thread Marcelo Acuÿfffff1a

Hi all,
I have two problems with quotes with
fancyhdr packages.
Please, see example.
1GB gratis, Antivirus y Antispam 
Correo Yahoo!, el mejor correo web del mundo 
Abrí tu cuenta aquí#LyX 1.3 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 221
\textclass scrbook
\fancyhead{ }
\fancyfoot{ }
\fancyhead[RE]{\small Problems with fancyhdr}
\fancyhead[LE,RO]{\small \thepage}
\fancyhead[LO]{\small \rightmark}
\language spanish
\inputencoding auto
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\defskip medskip
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\paperpagestyle fancy

\layout Author

Marcelo Acuña
\layout Title

I have problems with quotes
and accents
\layout Addchap*

\layout Standard

\emph on 
Hello everyone.
 What I´m about to show you isn´t a problem but I thought I should call
 your attention to it.
 I marked this chapter* with 
\begin_inset Quotes fld

add chapter*
\begin_inset Quotes frd

 (a Koma script book option).
 And I Thought it was enough in order for it to show up in TOC.
 But it wasn´t and I had to enter an ERT with 
\begin_inset Quotes fld

addcontentsline \SpecialChar \ldots{}

\begin_inset Quotes frd

 I don´t know if I mis understood the 
\begin_inset Quotes fld

add chapter*
\begin_inset Quotes frd

 function or if it simply doesn´t work.
\layout Standard
\added_space_top bigskip 

\emph on 
Folowing text in this chapter* is filler.
\layout Standard

\emph on 
Of the origin of the kingdom of the Tartars--of the quarter from whence
 they came--and of their former subjection to Un-khan, a prince of the north,
 called also Prester John.
\layout Standard

\emph on 
To him these Tartars paid yearly the tenth part of the increase of their
 In time the tribe multiplied so exceedingly that Un-khan, that is to say,
 Prester John, becoming apprehensive of their strength, conceived the plan
 of separating them into different bodies, who should take up their abode
 in distinct tracts of country.
 With this view also, whenever the occasion presented itself, such as a
 rebellion in any of the provinces subject to him, he drafted three or four
 hundred of these people, to be employed on the service of quelling it,
 and thus their power was gradually diminished.
\layout Chapter*

\begin_inset ERT
status Open

\layout Standard


\SpecialChar ~

\SpecialChar ~


\layout Standard

\begin_inset ERT
status Open

\layout Standard


 use Koma script book style with two columns and the fancyhdr package and
 dropping package.
 I use Suse Linux 9.3 and Lyx 1.3.6 (installed with 
\layout Standard
\added_space_top bigskip 
Folowing text in this chapter* is filler.
\layout Standard

Of the origin of the kingdom of the Tartars--of the quarter from whence
 they came--and of their former subjection to Un-khan, a prince of the north,
 called also Prester John.
\layout Standard

To him these Tartars paid yearly the tenth part of the increase of their
 In time the tribe multiplied so exceedingly that Un-khan, that is to say,
 Prester John, becoming apprehensive of their strength, conceived the plan
 of separating them into different bodies, who should take up their abode
 in distinct tracts of country.
 With this view also, whenever the occasion presented itself, such as a
 rebellion in any of the provinces subject to him, he drafted three or four
 hundred of these people, to be employed on the service of quelling it,
 and thus their power was gradually diminished.
\layout Chapter

Description of the severe problems
\layout Section

Here are the two most severe problems I have
\layout Itemize

Problems with spellchecker from version 1.3.6.
\layout Itemize

Problems with fancyhdr and quotes.
\layout Standard

I have several problems even with version 1.3.5 with the accents but the 
ker worked.
 Now it accepts all words with accented letters with differents characters,
 and, of course, it doesn´t find it in the dictionary.
\layout Standard

Re: Book of short stories

2005-09-26 Thread Luis Rivera
Steve Litt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi all,
> I'm about to publish a book of short stories. I want a table of contents with 
> the page number of each story. I don't want to have "Chapter" or a chapter 
> number, because each story stands on its own. What document class should I 
> use? What environment should I use to head up each short story?
> Thanks
> Steve

AFAIK, there is a \chapter*{} command in LaTeX which typesets the title without
the \chaptername or number.  This command should be available in the styles
menus of LyX; it's called `chapter*'. That's the quick-and-dirty solution.

Indeed, memoir (the package I know) allows you to customize pretty much
everything, and it seems like a good tutorial in book design.  I don't know how
deep you want to dig into that to typeset your book.  If you don't feel you want
too much, try simply using \chapter*{}.

You may have to add some ERT manually to add the chaptername in the
Table-of-Contents.  Read the help file for LaTeX to see how to do that.

Good luck,


Re: Installing LyX from CVS

2005-09-26 Thread Angus Leeming
Daniel Watkins wrote:
> text2.C: In member function lyx::pos_type
> LyXText::getColumnNearX(lyx::pit_type, const Row&, int&, bool&) const
> text2.C:881: error: no matching function for call to =E2=80=98min(const
> int &, long int)

> It would be greatly appreciated if someone could shed some light on how
> I can fix this. If this is the wrong list for this query, then I'd be
> happy to be corrected.

Hi, Daniel.

You're probably better off posting such questions to lyx-devel AT (replace " AT " with "@").

How recent is your copy of the cvs sources?

In my version of the sources I have line 876 of text2.C as:
   876  return min(col, end - 1 - row.pos());
so your compiler message suggests to me that something isn't up to date
(compare line numbers).

Current version is 1.632:
$ grep text2.C src/CVS/Entries
/text2.C/1.632/Mon Sep 26 22:32:28 2005//

What compiler are you using and on what type of machine / OS?


\line and line breaking

2005-09-26 Thread Christopher M. Jones
Hi, all. Back on the list after a long break.

I want to create a fill-in-the-blank handout. I'm using \line(1,0){100}
in ERT to make my blanks. The problem is that \line really messes up
line breaking, so that I have lines running off the page. If I change
from justified to left for my paragraph styles then the problem is
fixed, except that lines are unacceptably ragged. I'd be willing to
settle for a middle-of-the road solution, but I would prefer to justify
my paragraphs. Is there a smarter way to do my blanks that will work
with the kerning, etc., to keep lines nice? 

This is a moderately urgent request, as the handout is for tomorrow,
though I could make due for the time being.

Installing LyX from CVS

2005-09-26 Thread Daniel Watkins
I've been using LyX for a little while mainly for Maths work but with a
little script-writing thrown in there as well (I do Theatre Studies at
school). I absolutely love the program, and thought I'd like to see what
the latest version looked like. However, after autogen'ing, configuring
and a good few minutes of make'ing, the following error message was
thrown up:

text2.C:162:2: warning: #warning broken?
text2.C:1238:2: warning: #warning This will not work anymore when we
have multiple views of the same buffer
text2.C:1246:2: warning: #warning DEPM, look here
text2.C:1289:2: warning: #warning DEPM, look here
text2.C:677: warning: unused parameter =E2=80=98boundary=E2=80=99
text2.C: In member function =E2=80=98lyx::pos_type
LyXText::getColumnNearX(lyx::pit_type, const Row&, int&, bool&)
text2.C:881: error: no matching function for call to =E2=80=98min(const
long int)=E2=80=99
make[3]: *** [text2.o] Error 1
make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/daniel/lyx/lyx-devel/src'
make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/daniel/lyx/lyx-devel/src'
make[1]: *** [all] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/daniel/lyx/lyx-devel/src'
make: *** [all-recursive] Error 1

It would be greatly appreciated if someone could shed some light on how
I can fix this. If this is the wrong list for this query, then I'd be
happy to be corrected.

Cheers in advance,

Re: non-LyX question: Beamer enumerate

2005-09-26 Thread Paul A. Rubin

David Soukal wrote:

The package enumitem, David, may be of some help. Have a look at the
examples in its documentation.


Thank you Paul. I had a look at the package and it looks useful. 
However, I wasn't able to figure out what I should put as "label="...

I have no idea how Beamer creates the graphics around the items...

I'm again sorry to bring this thing up here.


I'm not sure enumitem will help -- it resets the format for an entire 
enumeration, not just for one item.

Your original approach may have some legs, although personally I would 
insert labels in the original enumeration and use cross-references in 
the explanation part for safety sake.  (If you know you're never going 
to modify the first list, I suppose this is overkill.)

Without knowing what Beamer theme you're using, it's hard to know what 
the enumerations should look like.  Can you post a LyX file containing a 
minimal example?


Re: non-LyX question: Beamer enumerate

2005-09-26 Thread Paul Smith
On 9/26/05, David Soukal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The package enumitem, David, may be of some help. Have a look at the
> > examples in its documentation.
> Thank you Paul. I had a look at the package and it looks useful.
> However, I wasn't able to figure out what I should put as "label="...
> I have no idea how Beamer creates the graphics around the items...

I am sorry, but I cannot help you further, David.


Re: BibTeX and newspaper articles

2005-09-26 Thread Andre Berger
* K. Elo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 2005-09-26 20:11 +0200:
> Hi,
> I have a small problem with BiBTex and hope someone could help me. I am 
> currently writing an acadeemic working paper and some of my material 
> are articles from ordinary newspapers. I use KBibTeX for managing my 
> bibliography.
> AFAIK, BibTeX seeems not to support newspaper articles as an entry type. 
> This kind of a material does not very well fit into the existing 
> standard entries either, e.g. there is no field the date of the article 
> could be stoder in.
> Before I start manually adding a new entry (say "newspaper article") 
> into my BiBTeX collection and modifing my .bst file to make it 
> understand such an entry, I would be glad to be informed if there 
> already exists a solution for this kind of a problem. I just cannot 
> think being the only person using newspaper articles as research 
> material :)

You could try entry type "misc" first.


Re: non-LyX question: Beamer enumerate

2005-09-26 Thread David Soukal

The package enumitem, David, may be of some help. Have a look at the
examples in its documentation.


Thank you Paul. I had a look at the package and it looks useful. 
However, I wasn't able to figure out what I should put as "label="...

I have no idea how Beamer creates the graphics around the items...

I'm again sorry to bring this thing up here.


Re: Book of short stories

2005-09-26 Thread Juergen Spitzmueller
Steve Litt wrote:
> I'm about to publish a book of short stories. I want a table of contents
> with the page number of each story. I don't want to have "Chapter" or a
> chapter number, because each story stands on its own. What document class
> should I use? 

I'd recommend KOMA book or memoir. Both come with excellent manuals.

> What environment should I use to head up each short story? 

in KOMA: addchap. I'm sure memoir has something similar.


Book of short stories

2005-09-26 Thread Steve Litt
Hi all,

I'm about to publish a book of short stories. I want a table of contents with 
the page number of each story. I don't want to have "Chapter" or a chapter 
number, because each story stands on its own. What document class should I 
use? What environment should I use to head up each short story?



Steve Litt
   * Universal Troubleshooting Process courseware
   * Troubleshooting Techniques of the Successful Technologist
   * Rapid Learning: Secret Weapon of the Successful Technologist
   * Troubleshooters.Com

(Legal Disclaimer) Follow these suggestions at your own risk.

Re: non-LyX question: Beamer enumerate

2005-09-26 Thread Paul Smith
On 9/26/05, David Soukal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm sorry to bring up this question here, but I didn't get any response
> on the Beamer support site... I figured somebody here might have had
> this problem before me.
> In a theorem a I have an enumeration of three properties:
> \item Prop. 1
> \item Prop. 2
> \item Prop. 3
> Later on the slide, I'd like to provide an intuitive meaning for the
> properties. So I created another enumeration. However, I'd like to
> describe Prop 2 and Prop 3 in one step. So, I'd like to customize the
> second listing as
> \item Explanation of Prop 1.
> \item[2., 3.] Explanation of Prop 2. and Prop .3
> This works, however it disturbs the graphical represetation of the
> enumeration: the second item does not have a background... Of course,
> I'd like to render the number 2. and 3. in squares so that they are
> consistent with the rest of the presentation.
> I wasn't able to figure this out...

The package enumitem, David, may be of some help. Have a look at the
examples in its documentation.


non-LyX question: Beamer enumerate

2005-09-26 Thread David Soukal

Hello dear LyXers,

I'm sorry to bring up this question here, but I didn't get any response 
on the Beamer support site... I figured somebody here might have had 
this problem before me.

In a theorem a I have an enumeration of three properties:

\item Prop. 1
\item Prop. 2
\item Prop. 3

Later on the slide, I'd like to provide an intuitive meaning for the 
properties. So I created another enumeration. However, I'd like to 
describe Prop 2 and Prop 3 in one step. So, I'd like to customize the 
second listing as

\item Explanation of Prop 1.
\item[2., 3.] Explanation of Prop 2. and Prop .3

This works, however it disturbs the graphical represetation of the 
enumeration: the second item does not have a background... Of course, 
I'd like to render the number 2. and 3. in squares so that they are 
consistent with the rest of the presentation.

I wasn't able to figure this out...

Thank you for your help,


Elementary BibTeX/Lyx introduction available

2005-09-26 Thread Paul Johnson
When I started using LyX, I had never heard of BiBTeX and was distressed 
that most documentation about bibliographies in LyX assumed I knew about 
LaTeX and BibTeX.  After a while, I found a workable way and wrote up an 
introductory explanation for newcomers.

I hope users will find this helpful and I'd be delighted if any/all of 
the content could be added to the LyX documentation or linked on your 

That is simple and graphically illustrated.

A less well illustrated (more fumbling and bumbling) document was 
circulated a while ago, and I don't really recommend it to new users. 
The only unique component is that it explains one route by which to 
create customized natbib style files for particular journals.

Paul E. Johnson   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dept. of Political Science
1541 Lilac Lane, Rm 504
University of Kansas  Office: (785) 864-9086
Lawrence, Kansas 66044-3177   FAX: (785) 864-5700

Re: BibTeX and newspaper articles

2005-09-26 Thread Charles de Miramon
K. Elo wrote:
> AFAIK, BibTeX seeems not to support newspaper articles as an entry type.
> This kind of a material does not very well fit into the existing
> standard entries either, e.g. there is no field the date of the article
> could be stoder in.

You can enter the full date in the year field. The problem is more how do
you want the references to look like in the final document. For Social and
Human Sciences, you have globally two systems natbib for a reference system
as (Elo:2004b) or jurabib for references as K. Elo, "Struggling with
BibTeX", Finnish Journal of LyX Studies, 2005:2, 124-138

Complex, non-standard references system can be quite tricky to set up.
BibTeX is not very user-friendly and the LaTeX bibliographic is not very


Re: From the ashes (formely

2005-09-26 Thread Kayvan A. Sylvan
On Mon, Sep 26, 2005 at 03:11:47PM +0200, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> Kayvan> It should now be /var/cvs/lyx
> Is the information correct now?


Re: From the ashes (formely

2005-09-26 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
> "Kayvan" == Kayvan A Sylvan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Kayvan> On Mon, Sep 19, 2005 at 04:15:22PM +0200, Lars Gullik Bjønnes
Kayvan> wrote:
>> Bo Peng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> | > Please tell about broken links etc. (especially internal links,
>> or | > links that make mirroring harder than necessary)
>> | > 
>> | 
>> | please update the cvs information.
>> | 
>> | /cvs/lyx, no such repository.

Kayvan> It should now be /var/cvs/lyx

Is the information correct now?


Re: Menu and menubar fonts -- for lyx-qt

2005-09-26 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
> "David" == David L Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

David> Sorry to jump in with a newbie question. I'm not really a
David> newbie, really... But, I just got lyx-qt running on my Zaurus
David> (pda), and want to shrink the menu font considerably. I don't
David> see where to add such a setting, or how to do it. Screen fonts
David> I can handle, as well as including/excluding menu items. But I
David> have a small screen, so need to minimize the font sizes.

I would try qtconfig.

David> Oh, and to those who have been working on Lyx for a long time,
David> who may remember me, greetings. Sorry to have faded away, but
David> my skills were of little consequence to this effort, and my
David> attention went elsewhere. I still love the program, though, and
David> am glad to see development continue.

It is nice to hear from you again David. I am glad to see you did not
forget about LyX. 


Re: Menu and menubar fonts -- for lyx-qt

2005-09-26 Thread Angus Leeming

David L. Johnson wrote:

Sorry to jump in with a newbie question.  I'm not really a newbie, really...
But, I just got lyx-qt running on my Zaurus (pda), and want to shrink the
menu font considerably.  I don't see where to add such a setting, or how to
do it.  Screen fonts I can handle, as well as including/excluding menu
items.  But I have a small screen, so need to minimize the font sizes.

Can anyone give me a pointer?

Oh, and to those who have been working on Lyx for a long time, who may
remember me, greetings.  Sorry to have faded away, but my skills were of
little consequence to this effort, and my attention went elsewhere.  I still
love the program, though, and am glad to see development continue.  

Wow! Hello, David.

I see that you've dropped your LyX notes at

FWIW, I enjoyed 'em at the time.

On to your question. Menu fonts aren't under the direct control of lyx-qt 
because all Qt apps try to have a similar look and feel. That means you use 
an external program, qtconfig, to make these changes. Of course, it may or 
may not be installed on your pda at the momemnt...


BibTeX and newspaper articles

2005-09-26 Thread K. Elo

I have a small problem with BiBTex and hope someone could help me. I am 
currently writing an acadeemic working paper and some of my material 
are articles from ordinary newspapers. I use KBibTeX for managing my 

AFAIK, BibTeX seeems not to support newspaper articles as an entry type. 
This kind of a material does not very well fit into the existing 
standard entries either, e.g. there is no field the date of the article 
could be stoder in.

Before I start manually adding a new entry (say "newspaper article") 
into my BiBTeX collection and modifing my .bst file to make it 
understand such an entry, I would be glad to be informed if there 
already exists a solution for this kind of a problem. I just cannot 
think being the only person using newspaper articles as research 
material :)

Thanks in advance!

Kind regards,
Kimmo Elo
University of Turku, Finland