Re: Show changes in output

2007-01-14 Thread Bennett Helm

On Jan 14, 2007, at 4:13 PM, Kurt wrote:

Hi !

I use LyX on a Mac and on a PC. I use the track changes function  
and would now like to include the changes in the output file (pdf).  
Unfortunately I don't manage to. The wiki page

says one needs to install dvipost, which does not install on my  
Mac, and I don't have an idea of how to install dvipost on a PC.  
Any suggestions please?

When you try installing dvipost on Mac, do you get the following  
error (after ./configure, make, sudo make install)? --

/opt/local/bin/ginstall: cannot create regular file `/usr/local/gwTeX/ 
texmf.texlive/tex/latex/misc/dvipost.sty': No such file or directory

make: *** [install-data] Error 1

If this is what happens, you need to create the relevant directory  
that it says does not exist: simply enter (in the terminal)

sudo mkdir /usr/local/gwTeX/texmf.texlive/tex/latex/misc

(or whatever it is for your distribution of latex). Then you can do a  
"sudo make install" from within the dvipost directory, and it should  


Re: long-time LyX user needs install help on Mac OSX 10.4.8

2007-01-14 Thread Jens Noeckel

On Jan 13, 2007, at 12:26 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The following documents (the rest of the data from this thread) how  
I got the PDF and DVI viewers and PDF and HTML exports all working  
on Mac OSX 10.4.8 (just as I have them in my Slackware Linux setup)  
-- with much thanks to Jens Noeckel's help.  

On Wed, 10 Jan 2007, Jens Noeckel wrote:

On Jan 10, 2007, at 11:00 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Sun, 7 Jan 2007, Jens Noeckel wrote:

2 of the 3 pdf conversions work. On viewing or exporting with  
dvipdfm, I get the following error:
... error running dvipdfmx -p letter -o 'newfile1.pdf'  

dvipdfmx exists. So is the command line wrong?

I've always had simply dvipdfm as the driver (had not installed  
dvipdfmx at all because I didn't need it). Now I tried that using  
fink and got the same error as you.

The error was, as you suggested, that I was using the dvipdfmx  
command but didn't actually have it installed -- only dvipdfm from  
fink. So I installed dvipdfmx and it uninstalled other things which  
caused some of the viewers to stop working.

So I uninstalled dvipdfmx and took the 'x' off of the command line  
leaving dvipdfm to do the work, and viola! -- all three pdf viewers  
and exports now work. thanks!

Also, it seems that I have to have X11 running to use the DVI. So  
do I need to start X11 before running the DVI viewer? And which?  
And should I remove the other X11?

I wouldn't worry about it. The X11's can coexist, as far as I  
know. But you're right, there is a "bug" in open-x11 which doesn't  
let it automatically start, as I had intended (it works if  
you provide an argument to open-x11). Another thing I never  
noticed, because I have X11 running all the time, anyway...

So the better way to do this is: replace "open-x11" by "open -a  
X11" in the line I sent you earlier, i.e., open -a X11 && export  
DISPLAY=:0.0 && /sw/bin/xdvik

Yes, adding the -a works for opening X11 automatically. So the DVI  
viewer is all smooth and nice now too! :-)

And oops -- to bring this up to the functionality I depend on in  
linux on the Mac, I mostly need to be able to export to html as  
well as pdf.

For that, I would suggest doing a "fink install tex4ht" (I don't  
think you can get tth from fink, but tex4ht is extremely good in  
my opinion; there's also "hevea"). You may have to run Reconfigure  
in LyX after the installation.

I guess I assumed that I got a new html export when I upgraded to  
1.4.3 in slackware. But I've been using TTH for years now which I  
installed a couple years back. So I guess that wasn't part of the  
upgrade then. But it sure does work seamlessly in LyX 1.4.3 on  
linux if it's from that old install. The exported files retain  
the important parts of the lyx formatting I need and require  
little or no modification thereafter.

I had trouble with tex4ht -- I guess because it's converting from  
DVI and I couldn't figure out the command line. I may re- 
investigate this later.

So I went to TTH's website and downloaded the latest source. http://

Then I installed all the Xcode stuff from OSX, and the OSX gcc.

Then tth compilied quite simply. I moved the executable to /usr/ 
local/bin. And then I replicated the command line my linux setup  
has for the html export in preferences - converters - LaTeX (plain)  
-> HTML:

tth -t -e2 -L$$b <$$i >$$o

And it works beautifully as it does in linux. :-)

As for importing from Word, I'm not sure I'll need this but I'm  
using a package I got some years ago -- wv. Command line in MS Word  
-> LaTeX exports is wvCleanLatex $$i $$o The package is wv. Though  
the one I have is old and I suspect there are better options.

And here one more stupid question from a long-time LyX user:  
what's a "wiki"? <:-O I've seen it and probably should know what  
it is. Is it an acronym?


Boy was THAT ever a complete definition! Thanks for bringing me out  
of the dark on this one too!

And thanks much for all the other help!
jamie faunt

good to know the setup is basically working now. For HTML export, all  
I can say is that I only do that from the command line (since LyX to  
me is simply an editor, not a swiss army knife), and tex4ht works  
fine for me. Just in case you want to revisit it later:

One thing that could be a problem is if tex4ht encounters a figure  
whose conversion is faulty - then it is unable to complete the  
process and you get a message like what you reported.
To be on the safe side, the latex file that gets passed to htlatex  
should have the figures included in eps, png or jpg format. I prefer  
to have my own bitmap versions of the figures already prepared, but  
you can also use an eps file and leave the conversion to bitmap up to  
t4ht (if you don't care about details of the compression and color  

Accessing style menu from keyboard

2007-01-14 Thread Neil McLeod


Is there any way to select the style drop-down menu with a keyboard
shortcut, just as one would access the "File" menu with Alt-F? I know there
are individual keybindings for the various styles, but I'd love to be able
to select the drop-down menu with a keyboard shortcut and then type in the
first few letters of the style I want to type, and press enter. (This second
step seems to work already.)


Re: Allowing multiple empty lines and spaces in the Lyx editor...

2007-01-14 Thread lamikr
> On Wed, 10 Jan 2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> On Wed, 10 Jan 2007, lamikr wrote:
>>>  Thanks, I did not know these hard spaces and hard lines before. But
>>>  actually I think I was searching something opposite, like "soft lines"
>>>  which would be visible in the editor but not anymore in the final
>>> text.
>>>  Buf this was just an idea I got to my mind while writing text. If
>>> it is
>>>  against the fundamental ideas of Lyx, I can live without it. :-)
>> Please bring up the question on the users' list. Others might have
>> ideas about it. I think I understand what you want, but it's probably
>> better to first discuss it on the other list.
> Oops - my mistake. I didn't notice this was cross-posted or something.
> Anyway... if I understand you correctly, you are looking for something
> that inserts visual space only on the screen in LyX in order to help
> your thinking process?  Did I get that right?
Yes, that's exactly what I was asking for... Jean-Marc and Helge both
suggested using Notes instead and that's has helped me a much as they
will not be visible in the final output. But also with notes I was first
searching for the spaces and enters inside the notes texts. In there the
hard-spaces (c-space) and hard-enters (c-enter) do what I want as they
will not appear in final output as the whole note will anyway remain

I still argue that it would be a good to have these "soft spaces" and
"soft enters" which would be allowed only in editor but not in the final
output. Hopefully I have time in future to hack and test that kind of
patch myself, but now I just need to avoid of giving up for these kind
of hacking temptations for a while :-)


Show changes in output

2007-01-14 Thread Kurt

Hi !

I use LyX on a Mac and on a PC. I use the track changes function and  
would now like to include the changes in the output file (pdf).  
Unfortunately I don't manage to. The wiki page

says one needs to install dvipost, which does not install on my Mac,  
and I don't have an idea of how to install dvipost on a PC. Any  
suggestions please?

Best regards,

Consecutive math environments

2007-01-14 Thread Marc Vinyals
Hash: SHA1


I want to have two instances of the same math environment without
separation. Eg:

Definition 1.3 (foo)
Definition 1.4 (foo2)

However, the two definitions merge into a single one. This can be very
handy in some situations, but it's not what I'm looking for. I googled
and found this was already a problem in LyX 1.1's days, and it can be
solved by inserting some dummy environment (LyX-Note) between.

Has any better solution been developed?

Version: GnuPG v2.0.1 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


Re: Help with mis-converted accents

2007-01-14 Thread jamatos

Quoting Andre Poenitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

  I could but most of the time that is not a problem. Notice also
that recent
versions of python are becoming faster. :-)

When installed on newer machines. I konw _that_ trick...

You don't fool me with those Jedi tricks. ;-)

Read it from the source:

Or run the benchmarks if you want to.

PS: May the Force be with you. :-D

José Abílio

A FCUP utiliza o sistema de webmail Horde/IMP (


Re: How do I suppress date from body of document class letter?

2007-01-14 Thread Nick Hopton
In a recent message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Paul A. Rubin 

LaTeX fills in the date on the "title" page before it parses any text 
on the title page (other than maybe the title itself), so putting it in 
ERT on the first page is slamming the barn door after the cow has bolted.


Just so, but it does work if you put the ERT immediately after the 

Nick Hopton and Anne Hopton
Caversham, Reading, England