Re: Word won't open simplest LyXHTML file

2013-01-29 Thread Jerry

On Jan 25, 2013, at 10:31 PM, Pavel Sanda wrote:

 Jerry wrote:
 It has frequently been suggested on this list that, currently, the best way 
 to get a LyX file into Microsoft Word is to export from LyX to LyXHMTM and 
 then to open that XHTML file with Word. I have Word 2011 for OS X and this 
 fails because Word will not open the XHTML file, with the message 
 BTW have you tried open LyXHTML in Firefox/whatever, select all, copy to 
 clipboard and then paste it to LibreOffice/Word/..? IIRC I have success with 
 some simpler documents some time ago.

Hmm I had not thought of that, but just now tried it.

Firefox to both Word and LibreOffice: Utter failure. The text is present but 
all formatting is lost and equations are complete garbage. No figures were 

Safari to both: Much better. Formatting is preserved. Equations are much less 
mangled but still not usable, and not recognized as equations. Figures were 
lost but captions and figure numbers were intact.

It't not a surprise that figures didn't make it since they aren't included in 
the XHTML file.

Also, it's only a little surprising that Firefox faired much worse than Safari 
because WebKit-based browsers on OS X, when cutting and pasting to any other 
program, retain font and related information perfectly, whereas Firefox passes 
only the generic text with no formatting.


Re: kitr problem after R update.

2013-01-29 Thread Scott Kostyshak
On Sat, Jan 26, 2013 at 1:30 PM, Yihui Xie wrote:
 Please see the NEWS for knitr 1.0 (now 1.0.5):
 Sweave2knitr() is a function in knitr instead of an executable in your
 Ubuntu system:

 In your case, the chunk options height=4cm, width=4cm are invalid;
 please read the documentation for chunk options: On one hand, there are no options
 called height and width (only fig.height/fig.width or
 out.height/out.width); on the other, 4cm is not a valid R object.

 To René Mayer: you also had problems after upgrading knitr, but you
 did not show me examples, so I have to guess - maybe you had some
 non-ASCII characters in your document, and knitr 1.0 added encoding
 support; I have submitted a patch to LyX accordingly: For now, you can download the new
 lyxknitr.R from and put it
 under ~/lyx/scripts/. After LyX 2.0.6 is out, you will not need it.

 Yihui Xie
 Phone: 515-294-2465 Web:
 Department of Statistics, Iowa State University
 2215 Snedecor Hall, Ames, IA

 On Sat, Jan 26, 2013 at 9:35 AM, John Kane wrote:
 I had thought that I had apa6 working nicely (I think I was wrong) and
 decided to have a go at comgining it with knitr.

 I successfully embedded an inline statement, then created both a table and a
 figure. (see attached file).
 Both were running fine untill I updated R yesterday

 I'm suddenly getting the error It seems you are using the Sweave-specific
 sntsx; you may need to run 'Sweave2knitr('basic.knitr.attempt1.Rnw')'

 This gives the error :
 john@john-K53U:~/Lyx$ Sweave2knitr('basic.knitr.attempt1.Rnw')
 bash: syntax error near unexpected token `'basic.knitr.attempt1.Rnw''

 I got this with a slightly larger file where I was working with the document
 class apa6 and knitr so for simplicity  I striped my example down to this so
 it appears it is knitr error and not something I have done playing with
 settings to get apa6 and biblatex to work

 What stupid error am I making now?  Or do I just have to update things?

 If this is the wrong mailing list can anyone point me in the right

 LyX 2.0.4

 R info
 R version 2.15.2 (2012-10-26)
 Platform: i686-pc-linux-gnu (32-bit)


 attached base packages:
 [1] grid  stats graphics  grDevices utils datasets  methods

 other attached packages:
 [1] lubridate_1.2.0directlabels_2.9   RColorBrewer_1.0-5 gridExtra_0.9.1
 [5] stringr_0.6.2  scales_0.2.3   plyr_1.8   reshape2_1.2.2
 [9] ggplot2_0.9.3

 loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] colorspace_1.2-1 dichromat_2.0-0  digest_0.6.1 gtable_0.1.2
 [5] labeling_0.1 MASS_7.3-23  munsell_0.4  proto_0.3-10
 [9] tools_2.15.2


I had to make a couple of minor changes also when moving to 1.0 but
I'm glad that I was forced to make those changed. Did you get things
working? If not, please post back.


Aufruf Datei neu

2013-01-29 Thread Rüdiger Hohlfeld

ich kann eine mit Datei neu erzeugte Datei nicht mit dem Button 
ansehen in eine Pdf-Datei umwandeln.  Ich erhalte die folgende 
Fehlermeldung: Package keyval error:  ? indefined. Damit kann ich leider 
nichts anfangen.
Im Dezember habe ich einen längeren Text bearbeitet, dabei muß es mir 
aber gelungen sein mit Datei neu anzufangen.

Für einen Hinweis wie ich weiter komme wäre ich dankbar.

mit freundlichen Grüßen

R. Hohlfeld

Re: Aufruf Datei neu

2013-01-29 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Am 29. Januar 2013 14:37 schrieb Rüdiger Hohlfeld
 ich kann eine mit Datei neu erzeugte Datei nicht mit dem Button ansehen
 in eine Pdf-Datei umwandeln.  Ich erhalte die folgende Fehlermeldung:
 Package keyval error:  ? indefined. Damit kann ich leider nichts anfangen.
 Im Dezember habe ich einen längeren Text bearbeitet, dabei muß es mir aber
 gelungen sein mit Datei neu anzufangen.
 Für einen Hinweis wie ich weiter komme wäre ich dankbar.


I answer in English, since this is an English list.

Could you send such a file to the list? There must be something wrong
with your default template settings, but it's difficult to say without
a test case.


Re: Hindi typing in ubuntu 12.10

2013-01-29 Thread Hridayesh Gupta
both suggestions worked for me and now i am able to see devanagari
correctly in pdf and lyx.
i will create wiki for this
On Jan 28, 2013 4:11 PM, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:

 Hridayesh Gupta wrote:
  Chandas was already installed in my Ubuntu 12.10. I tried Chandas,
  Nakula, Siddhanta, Sanskrit2003, FreeSans from given list which were
  already installed, as well as some other installed fonts.
  Copied the same text mentioned in that email to try these fonts. not
  to understand Why this issue.

 Do you refer both to the PDF output and the LyX-internal display? I
 that the display in the LyX view is broken, but I do not understand why
 PDF output should be, as long as the LaTeX source preview is correct.
 Did you use


 in the preamble, while having Use non-TeX fonts checked and having
 _no_ particular font from the dropdown boxes?
 This setting seems to work for me. However, I cannot read Devanagari, so I
 cannot really judge whether the output is correct.

 As far as the LyX view is concerned, the problem comes from the fact that
 paint character by character, which breaks ligatures. As far as I can
see, the
 situation improves if you put the following line in your preferences file
 ~/.lyx (if you do not have a preferences file, do an arbitrary change in
 Tools  Preferences, and it will be generated):

 \force_paint_single_char false

 You also might need to uncheck Spellcheck continuously in Tools 
 Preferences  Language Settings  Spellchecker.

 This workaround probably has some disadvantages (else we would not force
 by default), but I don't remember which.


can someone review my edits to Setting a different language wiki page?

2013-01-29 Thread Scott Kostyshak
This is my first time experimenting with changing the user interface
language of LyX. I updated an old wiki page and would appreciate it if
someone could review this page and make sure I did not delete
workarounds that are still necessary:



Re: Hindi typing in ubuntu 12.10

2013-01-29 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
2013/1/30 Hridayesh Gupta:
 both suggestions worked for me and now i am able to see devanagari correctly
 in pdf and lyx.
 i will create wiki for this

Good. Note, though that you are likely to get cursor placement
problems to to the \force_draw_single_char change. You should add this
warning also to the wiki.


Re: Word won't open simplest LyXHTML file

2013-01-29 Thread Jerry

On Jan 25, 2013, at 10:31 PM, Pavel Sanda wrote:

 Jerry wrote:
 It has frequently been suggested on this list that, currently, the best way 
 to get a LyX file into Microsoft Word is to export from LyX to LyXHMTM and 
 then to open that XHTML file with Word. I have Word 2011 for OS X and this 
 fails because Word will not open the XHTML file, with the message 
 BTW have you tried open LyXHTML in Firefox/whatever, select all, copy to 
 clipboard and then paste it to LibreOffice/Word/..? IIRC I have success with 
 some simpler documents some time ago.

Hmm I had not thought of that, but just now tried it.

Firefox to both Word and LibreOffice: Utter failure. The text is present but 
all formatting is lost and equations are complete garbage. No figures were 

Safari to both: Much better. Formatting is preserved. Equations are much less 
mangled but still not usable, and not recognized as equations. Figures were 
lost but captions and figure numbers were intact.

It't not a surprise that figures didn't make it since they aren't included in 
the XHTML file.

Also, it's only a little surprising that Firefox faired much worse than Safari 
because WebKit-based browsers on OS X, when cutting and pasting to any other 
program, retain font and related information perfectly, whereas Firefox passes 
only the generic text with no formatting.


Re: kitr problem after R update.

2013-01-29 Thread Scott Kostyshak
On Sat, Jan 26, 2013 at 1:30 PM, Yihui Xie wrote:
 Please see the NEWS for knitr 1.0 (now 1.0.5):
 Sweave2knitr() is a function in knitr instead of an executable in your
 Ubuntu system:

 In your case, the chunk options height=4cm, width=4cm are invalid;
 please read the documentation for chunk options: On one hand, there are no options
 called height and width (only fig.height/fig.width or
 out.height/out.width); on the other, 4cm is not a valid R object.

 To René Mayer: you also had problems after upgrading knitr, but you
 did not show me examples, so I have to guess - maybe you had some
 non-ASCII characters in your document, and knitr 1.0 added encoding
 support; I have submitted a patch to LyX accordingly: For now, you can download the new
 lyxknitr.R from and put it
 under ~/lyx/scripts/. After LyX 2.0.6 is out, you will not need it.

 Yihui Xie
 Phone: 515-294-2465 Web:
 Department of Statistics, Iowa State University
 2215 Snedecor Hall, Ames, IA

 On Sat, Jan 26, 2013 at 9:35 AM, John Kane wrote:
 I had thought that I had apa6 working nicely (I think I was wrong) and
 decided to have a go at comgining it with knitr.

 I successfully embedded an inline statement, then created both a table and a
 figure. (see attached file).
 Both were running fine untill I updated R yesterday

 I'm suddenly getting the error It seems you are using the Sweave-specific
 sntsx; you may need to run 'Sweave2knitr('basic.knitr.attempt1.Rnw')'

 This gives the error :
 john@john-K53U:~/Lyx$ Sweave2knitr('basic.knitr.attempt1.Rnw')
 bash: syntax error near unexpected token `'basic.knitr.attempt1.Rnw''

 I got this with a slightly larger file where I was working with the document
 class apa6 and knitr so for simplicity  I striped my example down to this so
 it appears it is knitr error and not something I have done playing with
 settings to get apa6 and biblatex to work

 What stupid error am I making now?  Or do I just have to update things?

 If this is the wrong mailing list can anyone point me in the right

 LyX 2.0.4

 R info
 R version 2.15.2 (2012-10-26)
 Platform: i686-pc-linux-gnu (32-bit)


 attached base packages:
 [1] grid  stats graphics  grDevices utils datasets  methods

 other attached packages:
 [1] lubridate_1.2.0directlabels_2.9   RColorBrewer_1.0-5 gridExtra_0.9.1
 [5] stringr_0.6.2  scales_0.2.3   plyr_1.8   reshape2_1.2.2
 [9] ggplot2_0.9.3

 loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] colorspace_1.2-1 dichromat_2.0-0  digest_0.6.1 gtable_0.1.2
 [5] labeling_0.1 MASS_7.3-23  munsell_0.4  proto_0.3-10
 [9] tools_2.15.2


I had to make a couple of minor changes also when moving to 1.0 but
I'm glad that I was forced to make those changed. Did you get things
working? If not, please post back.


Aufruf Datei neu

2013-01-29 Thread Rüdiger Hohlfeld

ich kann eine mit Datei neu erzeugte Datei nicht mit dem Button 
ansehen in eine Pdf-Datei umwandeln.  Ich erhalte die folgende 
Fehlermeldung: Package keyval error:  ? indefined. Damit kann ich leider 
nichts anfangen.
Im Dezember habe ich einen längeren Text bearbeitet, dabei muß es mir 
aber gelungen sein mit Datei neu anzufangen.

Für einen Hinweis wie ich weiter komme wäre ich dankbar.

mit freundlichen Grüßen

R. Hohlfeld

Re: Aufruf Datei neu

2013-01-29 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Am 29. Januar 2013 14:37 schrieb Rüdiger Hohlfeld
 ich kann eine mit Datei neu erzeugte Datei nicht mit dem Button ansehen
 in eine Pdf-Datei umwandeln.  Ich erhalte die folgende Fehlermeldung:
 Package keyval error:  ? indefined. Damit kann ich leider nichts anfangen.
 Im Dezember habe ich einen längeren Text bearbeitet, dabei muß es mir aber
 gelungen sein mit Datei neu anzufangen.
 Für einen Hinweis wie ich weiter komme wäre ich dankbar.


I answer in English, since this is an English list.

Could you send such a file to the list? There must be something wrong
with your default template settings, but it's difficult to say without
a test case.


Re: Hindi typing in ubuntu 12.10

2013-01-29 Thread Hridayesh Gupta
both suggestions worked for me and now i am able to see devanagari
correctly in pdf and lyx.
i will create wiki for this
On Jan 28, 2013 4:11 PM, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:

 Hridayesh Gupta wrote:
  Chandas was already installed in my Ubuntu 12.10. I tried Chandas,
  Nakula, Siddhanta, Sanskrit2003, FreeSans from given list which were
  already installed, as well as some other installed fonts.
  Copied the same text mentioned in that email to try these fonts. not
  to understand Why this issue.

 Do you refer both to the PDF output and the LyX-internal display? I
 that the display in the LyX view is broken, but I do not understand why
 PDF output should be, as long as the LaTeX source preview is correct.
 Did you use


 in the preamble, while having Use non-TeX fonts checked and having
 _no_ particular font from the dropdown boxes?
 This setting seems to work for me. However, I cannot read Devanagari, so I
 cannot really judge whether the output is correct.

 As far as the LyX view is concerned, the problem comes from the fact that
 paint character by character, which breaks ligatures. As far as I can
see, the
 situation improves if you put the following line in your preferences file
 ~/.lyx (if you do not have a preferences file, do an arbitrary change in
 Tools  Preferences, and it will be generated):

 \force_paint_single_char false

 You also might need to uncheck Spellcheck continuously in Tools 
 Preferences  Language Settings  Spellchecker.

 This workaround probably has some disadvantages (else we would not force
 by default), but I don't remember which.


can someone review my edits to Setting a different language wiki page?

2013-01-29 Thread Scott Kostyshak
This is my first time experimenting with changing the user interface
language of LyX. I updated an old wiki page and would appreciate it if
someone could review this page and make sure I did not delete
workarounds that are still necessary:



Re: Hindi typing in ubuntu 12.10

2013-01-29 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
2013/1/30 Hridayesh Gupta:
 both suggestions worked for me and now i am able to see devanagari correctly
 in pdf and lyx.
 i will create wiki for this

Good. Note, though that you are likely to get cursor placement
problems to to the \force_draw_single_char change. You should add this
warning also to the wiki.


Re: Word won't open simplest LyXHTML file

2013-01-29 Thread Jerry

On Jan 25, 2013, at 10:31 PM, Pavel Sanda wrote:

> Jerry wrote:
>> It has frequently been suggested on this list that, currently, the best way 
>> to get a LyX file into Microsoft Word is to export from LyX to LyXHMTM and 
>> then to open that XHTML file with Word. I have Word 2011 for OS X and this 
>> fails because Word will not open the XHTML file, with the message 
> BTW have you tried open LyXHTML in Firefox/whatever, select all, copy to 
> clipboard and then paste it to LibreOffice/Word/..? IIRC I have success with 
> some simpler documents some time ago.
> Pavel

Hmm I had not thought of that, but just now tried it.

Firefox to both Word and LibreOffice: Utter failure. The text is present but 
all formatting is lost and equations are complete garbage. No figures were 

Safari to both: Much better. Formatting is preserved. Equations are much less 
mangled but still not usable, and not recognized as equations. Figures were 
lost but captions and figure numbers were intact.

It't not a surprise that figures didn't make it since they aren't included in 
the XHTML file.

Also, it's only a little surprising that Firefox faired much worse than Safari 
because WebKit-based browsers on OS X, when cutting and pasting to any other 
program, retain font and related information perfectly, whereas Firefox passes 
only the generic text with no formatting.


Re: kitr problem after R update.

2013-01-29 Thread Scott Kostyshak
On Sat, Jan 26, 2013 at 1:30 PM, Yihui Xie  wrote:
> Please see the NEWS for knitr 1.0 (now 1.0.5):
> Sweave2knitr() is a function in knitr instead of an executable in your
> Ubuntu system:
> In your case, the chunk options "height=4cm, width=4cm" are invalid;
> please read the documentation for chunk options:
> On one hand, there are no options
> called height and width (only fig.height/fig.width or
> out.height/out.width); on the other, 4cm is not a valid R object.
> To René Mayer: you also had problems after upgrading knitr, but you
> did not show me examples, so I have to guess - maybe you had some
> non-ASCII characters in your document, and knitr 1.0 added encoding
> support; I have submitted a patch to LyX accordingly:
> For now, you can download the new
> lyxknitr.R from
> and put it
> under ~/lyx/scripts/. After LyX 2.0.6 is out, you will not need it.
> Regards,
> Yihui
> --
> Yihui Xie 
> Phone: 515-294-2465 Web:
> Department of Statistics, Iowa State University
> 2215 Snedecor Hall, Ames, IA
> On Sat, Jan 26, 2013 at 9:35 AM, John Kane  wrote:
>> I had thought that I had apa6 working nicely (I think I was wrong) and
>> decided to have a go at comgining it with knitr.
>> I successfully embedded an inline statement, then created both a table and a
>> figure. (see attached file).
>> Both were running fine untill I updated R yesterday
>> I'm suddenly getting the error "It seems you are using the Sweave-specific
>> sntsx; you may need to run 'Sweave2knitr('basic.knitr.attempt1.Rnw')'
>> This gives the error :
>> john@john-K53U:~/Lyx$ Sweave2knitr('basic.knitr.attempt1.Rnw')
>> bash: syntax error near unexpected token `'basic.knitr.attempt1.Rnw''
>> I got this with a slightly larger file where I was working with the document
>> class apa6 and knitr so for simplicity  I striped my example down to this so
>> it appears it is knitr error and not something I have done playing with
>> settings to get apa6 and biblatex to work
>> What stupid error am I making now?  Or do I just have to update things?
>> If this is the wrong mailing list can anyone point me in the right
>> direction?
>> Thanks
>> LyX 2.0.4
>> R info
>> R version 2.15.2 (2012-10-26)
>> Platform: i686-pc-linux-gnu (32-bit)
>> locale:
>> attached base packages:
>> [1] grid  stats graphics  grDevices utils datasets  methods
>> base
>> other attached packages:
>> [1] lubridate_1.2.0directlabels_2.9   RColorBrewer_1.0-5 gridExtra_0.9.1
>> [5] stringr_0.6.2  scales_0.2.3   plyr_1.8   reshape2_1.2.2
>> [9] ggplot2_0.9.3
>> loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
>> [1] colorspace_1.2-1 dichromat_2.0-0  digest_0.6.1 gtable_0.1.2
>> [5] labeling_0.1 MASS_7.3-23  munsell_0.4  proto_0.3-10
>> [9] tools_2.15.2


I had to make a couple of minor changes also when moving to 1.0 but
I'm glad that I was forced to make those changed. Did you get things
working? If not, please post back.


Aufruf Datei neu

2013-01-29 Thread Rüdiger Hohlfeld

ich kann eine mit "Datei neu" erzeugte Datei nicht mit dem Button 
"ansehen" in eine Pdf-Datei umwandeln.  Ich erhalte die folgende 
Fehlermeldung: Package keyval error:  ? indefined. Damit kann ich leider 
nichts anfangen.
Im Dezember habe ich einen längeren Text bearbeitet, dabei muß es mir 
aber gelungen sein mit "Datei neu" anzufangen.

Für einen Hinweis wie ich weiter komme wäre ich dankbar.

mit freundlichen Grüßen

R. Hohlfeld

Re: Aufruf Datei neu

2013-01-29 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Am 29. Januar 2013 14:37 schrieb Rüdiger Hohlfeld :
> Hallo
> ich kann eine mit "Datei neu" erzeugte Datei nicht mit dem Button "ansehen"
> in eine Pdf-Datei umwandeln.  Ich erhalte die folgende Fehlermeldung:
> Package keyval error:  ? indefined. Damit kann ich leider nichts anfangen.
> Im Dezember habe ich einen längeren Text bearbeitet, dabei muß es mir aber
> gelungen sein mit "Datei neu" anzufangen.
> Für einen Hinweis wie ich weiter komme wäre ich dankbar.


I answer in English, since this is an English list.

Could you send such a file to the list? There must be something wrong
with your default template settings, but it's difficult to say without
a test case.


Re: Hindi typing in ubuntu 12.10

2013-01-29 Thread Hridayesh Gupta
both suggestions worked for me and now i am able to see devanagari
correctly in pdf and lyx.
i will create wiki for this
On Jan 28, 2013 4:11 PM, "Jürgen Spitzmüller"  wrote:
> Hridayesh Gupta wrote:
> > Chandas was already installed in my Ubuntu 12.10. I tried Chandas,
> > Nakula, Siddhanta, Sanskrit2003, FreeSans from given list which were
> > already installed, as well as some other installed fonts.
> > Copied the same text mentioned in that email to try these fonts. not
> > to understand Why this issue.
> Do you refer both to the PDF output and the LyX-internal display? I
> that the display in the LyX view is broken, but I do not understand why
> PDF output should be, as long as the LaTeX source preview is correct.
> Did you use
> \setmainfont[Script=Devanagari]{Chandas}
> in the preamble, while having "Use non-TeX fonts" checked and having
> _no_ particular font from the dropdown boxes?
> This setting seems to work for me. However, I cannot read Devanagari, so I
> cannot really judge whether the output is correct.
> As far as the LyX view is concerned, the problem comes from the fact that
> paint character by character, which breaks ligatures. As far as I can
see, the
> situation improves if you put the following line in your preferences file
> ~/.lyx (if you do not have a "preferences" file, do an arbitrary change in
> Tools > Preferences, and it will be generated):
> \force_paint_single_char false
> You also might need to uncheck "Spellcheck continuously" in Tools >
> Preferences > Language Settings > Spellchecker.
> This workaround probably has some disadvantages (else we would not force
> by default), but I don't remember which.
> Jürgen

can someone review my edits to "Setting a different language" wiki page?

2013-01-29 Thread Scott Kostyshak
This is my first time experimenting with changing the user interface
language of LyX. I updated an old wiki page and would appreciate it if
someone could review this page and make sure I did not delete
workarounds that are still necessary:



Re: Hindi typing in ubuntu 12.10

2013-01-29 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
2013/1/30 Hridayesh Gupta:
> both suggestions worked for me and now i am able to see devanagari correctly
> in pdf and lyx.
> i will create wiki for this

Good. Note, though that you are likely to get cursor placement
problems to to the \force_draw_single_char change. You should add this
warning also to the wiki.
