Re: 2 columns document with columns of different width,

2001-02-23 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Thu, Feb 22, 2001 at 02:24:37PM -0500, Raymond Ouellette wrote:

One more thing:
If you don't need "normal" margin notes, you can put the following lines in
the preamble:

and then you will not need to put \reversemarginpar commands before the
margin notes.

Re: 2 columns document with columns of different width,

2001-02-23 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Thu, Feb 22, 2001 at 02:24:37PM -0500, Raymond Ouellette wrote:
 [fichier joint : testmarge.lyx 13020 octets]
 I enclosed with this email a test lyx file with the reverse margin note.
 It works with times fonts, but if I try to change the entire document to
 helvetica fonts (Format--Document--Font properties) nothing happens.
 I then select all the text and I do Format--Caracters--Font Family
 changing it to SanSerif then I loose the reverse margin note that places
 itself on the right side. Am I doing something wrong?

If you want to use a sans serif font as the global font, put the following in
the preamble:
It will not change the font on the LyX screen, but it will change the font in
the dvi/postscript file.

You can also create a layout file that changes the display font.

Re: 2 columns document with columns of different width,

2001-02-23 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Thu, Feb 22, 2001 at 02:24:37PM -0500, Raymond Ouellette wrote:

One more thing:
If you don't need "normal" margin notes, you can put the following lines in
the preamble:

and then you will not need to put \reversemarginpar commands before the
margin notes.

Re: 2 columns document with columns of different width,

2001-02-23 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Thu, Feb 22, 2001 at 02:24:37PM -0500, Raymond Ouellette wrote:
 [fichier joint : testmarge.lyx 13020 octets]
 I enclosed with this email a test lyx file with the reverse margin note.
 It works with times fonts, but if I try to change the entire document to
 helvetica fonts (Format--Document--Font properties) nothing happens.
 I then select all the text and I do Format--Caracters--Font Family
 changing it to SanSerif then I loose the reverse margin note that places
 itself on the right side. Am I doing something wrong?

If you want to use a sans serif font as the global font, put the following in
the preamble:
It will not change the font on the LyX screen, but it will change the font in
the dvi/postscript file.

You can also create a layout file that changes the display font.

Re: 2 columns document with columns of different width,

2001-02-23 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Thu, Feb 22, 2001 at 02:24:37PM -0500, Raymond Ouellette wrote:

One more thing:
If you don't need "normal" margin notes, you can put the following lines in
the preamble:

and then you will not need to put \reversemarginpar commands before the
margin notes.

Re: 2 columns document with columns of different width,

2001-02-23 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Thu, Feb 22, 2001 at 02:24:37PM -0500, Raymond Ouellette wrote:
> [fichier joint : testmarge.lyx 13020 octets]
> I enclosed with this email a test lyx file with the reverse margin note.
> It works with times fonts, but if I try to change the entire document to
> helvetica fonts (Format-->Document-->Font properties) nothing happens.
> I then select all the text and I do Format-->Caracters-->Font Family
> changing it to SanSerif then I loose the reverse margin note that places
> itself on the right side. Am I doing something wrong?

If you want to use a sans serif font as the global font, put the following in
the preamble:
It will not change the font on the LyX screen, but it will change the font in
the dvi/postscript file.

You can also create a layout file that changes the display font.

2 columns document with columns of different width

2001-02-22 Thread Raymond Ouellette

I would like to know if it is possible to create a document wich has 2
columns of different width, for exemple a wide column at the right side
of the page, approx 13 cm wide, and a smaller one of 4 cm at the left
side. The main text would be in the main column, and the left column
would be used only for section or subsections titles, tables titles, or
figures titles.

I tried with a reverse margin note but I lost the result if I change the
basic font of the document from time to helvetica for instance.

I'm responsible for Education Bulletins where I work and I would like to
give a try to LyX for documents such as this one: (225 ko in
french) or (177 ko
translated in english).

R. Ouellette


dit et transmis sous Linux!

Re: 2 columns document with columns of different width

2001-02-22 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Raymond" == Raymond Ouellette [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Raymond I would like to know if it is possible to create a document
Raymond wich has 2 columns of different width, for exemple a wide
Raymond column at the right side of the page, approx 13 cm wide, and
Raymond a smaller one of 4 cm at the left side. The main text would
Raymond be in the main column, and the left column would be used only
Raymond for section or subsections titles, tables titles, or figures
Raymond titles.

Raymond I tried with a reverse margin note but I lost the result if I
Raymond change the basic font of the document from time to helvetica
Raymond for instance.

Yes, using a margin note is the right thing to do in your case. I do
not understand the problem you had with that. Could you explain a bit


Re: 2 columns document with columns of different width,

2001-02-22 Thread Raymond Ouellette

[fichier joint : testmarge.lyx 13020 octets]

I enclosed with this email a test lyx file with the reverse margin note.
It works with times fonts, but if I try to change the entire document to
helvetica fonts (Format--Document--Font properties) nothing happens.

I then select all the text and I do Format--Caracters--Font Family
changing it to SanSerif then I loose the reverse margin note that places
itself on the right side. Am I doing something wrong?


#LyX 1.1 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 218
\textclass article
\usepackage {multicol,latexsym,pifont,amssymb}
\usepackage[ps2pdf,pdftitle={titre},pdfauthor={RO - mis en forme avec 
\language frenchb
\inputencoding latin1
\fontscheme helvet
\graphics default
\paperfontsize 10
\spacing single 
\papersize letterpaper
\paperpackage a4
\use_geometry 1
\use_amsmath 0
\paperorientation portrait
\leftmargin 61mm
\topmargin 20mm
\rightmargin 20mm
\bottommargin 20mm
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation indent
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language french
\quotes_times 2
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle plain

\layout Standard

Le 19 janvier 2001,  l'occasion d'un colloque organis  Sophia-Antipolis,
 Michel Sapin, ministre de la fonction publique et de la rforme de l'Etat,
 se prononait en faveur des logiciels libres.
 [Patrick Lindsay] Il soulignait leur  rapide essor  dans les administrations
 et encourageait leur dveloppement.
 Car, au-del de la gratuit, de l'ouverture et de la scurit, qu'il jugeait
 responsables de leurs premiers succs, Michel Sapin voyait dans le dveloppemen
t coopratif, mutuel et transparent de ces logiciels un modle pour mener
  bien la rforme de l'Etat.

\layout Standard

\latex latex 

\begin_float margin 
\layout Standard
\align right \pextra_type 3 \pextra_width 41mm

\SpecialChar ~

Ma note de marge qui sera, je l'espre, du ct gauche.
\layout Standard

Le 19 janvier 2001,  l'occasion d'un colloque organis  Sophia-Antipolis,
 Michel Sapin, ministre de la fonction publique et de la rforme de l'Etat,
 se prononait en faveur des logiciels libres.
 [Patrick Lindsay] Il soulignait leur  rapide essor  dans les administrations
 et encourageait leur dveloppement.
 Car, au-del de la gratuit, de l'ouverture et de la scurit, qu'il jugeait
 responsables de leurs premiers succs, Michel Sapin voyait dans le dveloppemen
t coopratif, mutuel et transparent de ces logiciels un modle pour mener
  bien la rforme de l'Etat.

\layout Standard
\align right \pextra_type 2 \pextra_alignment 0 \pextra_width 41mm

Et puis maintenant le test de la mini-page

\layout Standard

Le 19 janvier 2001,  l'occasion d'un colloque organis  Sophia-Antipolis,
 Michel Sapin, ministre de la fonction publique et de la rforme de l'Etat,
 se prononait en faveur des logiciels libres.
 [Patrick Lindsay] Il soulignait leur  rapide essor  dans les administrations
 et encourageait leur dveloppement.
 Car, au-del de la gratuit, de l'ouverture et de la scurit, qu'il jugeait
 responsables de leurs premiers succs, Michel Sapin voyait dans le dveloppemen
t coopratif, mutuel et transparent de ces logiciels un modle pour mener
  bien la rforme de l'Etat.
 Voici un 
\begin_inset Quotes fld

\begin_inset Quotes frd

 de guillemet.

\latex latex 

\begin_float margin 
\layout Standard
\align right \pextra_type 3 \pextra_width 41mm

\SpecialChar ~


\series bold 
Tableau 1
\layout Standard
\align right 
Le titre de mon tableau

\begin_inset  Tabular
lyxtabular version="2" rows="5" columns="7"
features rotate="false" islongtable="true" endhead="0" endfirsthead="0" endfoot="0" 
column alignment="right" valignment="top" leftline="false" rightline="false" width="" 
column alignment="right" valignment="top" leftline="false" rightline="false" width="" 
column alignment="center" valignment="top" leftline="false" rightline="false" 
width="" special=""
column alignment="center" valignment="top" leftline="false" rightline="false" 
width="" special=""
column alignment="center" valignment="top" leftline="false" rightline="false" 
width="" special=""
column alignment="center" valignment="top" leftline="false" rightline="false" 
width="" special=""
column alignment="right" valignment="top" leftline="false" rightline="false" width="" 
row topline="true" bottomline="true" newpage="false"
cell multicolumn="0" alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" 
bottomline="false" leftline="true" rightline="false" 

Re: 2 columns document with columns of different width,

2001-02-22 Thread Herbert Voss

Raymond Ouellette wrote:

 I enclosed with this email a test lyx file with the reverse margin note.
 It works with times fonts, but if I try to change the entire document to
 helvetica fonts (Format--Document--Font properties) nothing happens.
 I then select all the text and I do Format--Caracters--Font Family
 changing it to SanSerif then I loose the reverse margin note that places
 itself on the right side. Am I doing something wrong?
 #LyX 1.1 created this file. For more info see

with this command you choose the pslatex-fonts! This command is always
behind that one from LyX layout-document-font. lppk at the exported


\usepackage[ps2pdf,pdftitle={titre},pdfauthor={RO - mis en forme avec

delete the \usepackage{pslatex} in your preamble and choose
fonts only from LyX-menu.



2 columns document with columns of different width

2001-02-22 Thread Raymond Ouellette

I would like to know if it is possible to create a document wich has 2
columns of different width, for exemple a wide column at the right side
of the page, approx 13 cm wide, and a smaller one of 4 cm at the left
side. The main text would be in the main column, and the left column
would be used only for section or subsections titles, tables titles, or
figures titles.

I tried with a reverse margin note but I lost the result if I change the
basic font of the document from time to helvetica for instance.

I'm responsible for Education Bulletins where I work and I would like to
give a try to LyX for documents such as this one: (225 ko in
french) or (177 ko
translated in english).

R. Ouellette


dit et transmis sous Linux!

Re: 2 columns document with columns of different width

2001-02-22 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Raymond" == Raymond Ouellette [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Raymond I would like to know if it is possible to create a document
Raymond wich has 2 columns of different width, for exemple a wide
Raymond column at the right side of the page, approx 13 cm wide, and
Raymond a smaller one of 4 cm at the left side. The main text would
Raymond be in the main column, and the left column would be used only
Raymond for section or subsections titles, tables titles, or figures
Raymond titles.

Raymond I tried with a reverse margin note but I lost the result if I
Raymond change the basic font of the document from time to helvetica
Raymond for instance.

Yes, using a margin note is the right thing to do in your case. I do
not understand the problem you had with that. Could you explain a bit


Re: 2 columns document with columns of different width,

2001-02-22 Thread Raymond Ouellette

[fichier joint : testmarge.lyx 13020 octets]

I enclosed with this email a test lyx file with the reverse margin note.
It works with times fonts, but if I try to change the entire document to
helvetica fonts (Format--Document--Font properties) nothing happens.

I then select all the text and I do Format--Caracters--Font Family
changing it to SanSerif then I loose the reverse margin note that places
itself on the right side. Am I doing something wrong?


#LyX 1.1 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 218
\textclass article
\usepackage {multicol,latexsym,pifont,amssymb}
\usepackage[ps2pdf,pdftitle={titre},pdfauthor={RO - mis en forme avec 
\language frenchb
\inputencoding latin1
\fontscheme helvet
\graphics default
\paperfontsize 10
\spacing single 
\papersize letterpaper
\paperpackage a4
\use_geometry 1
\use_amsmath 0
\paperorientation portrait
\leftmargin 61mm
\topmargin 20mm
\rightmargin 20mm
\bottommargin 20mm
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation indent
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language french
\quotes_times 2
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle plain

\layout Standard

Le 19 janvier 2001,  l'occasion d'un colloque organis  Sophia-Antipolis,
 Michel Sapin, ministre de la fonction publique et de la rforme de l'Etat,
 se prononait en faveur des logiciels libres.
 [Patrick Lindsay] Il soulignait leur  rapide essor  dans les administrations
 et encourageait leur dveloppement.
 Car, au-del de la gratuit, de l'ouverture et de la scurit, qu'il jugeait
 responsables de leurs premiers succs, Michel Sapin voyait dans le dveloppemen
t coopratif, mutuel et transparent de ces logiciels un modle pour mener
  bien la rforme de l'Etat.

\layout Standard

\latex latex 

\begin_float margin 
\layout Standard
\align right \pextra_type 3 \pextra_width 41mm

\SpecialChar ~

Ma note de marge qui sera, je l'espre, du ct gauche.
\layout Standard

Le 19 janvier 2001,  l'occasion d'un colloque organis  Sophia-Antipolis,
 Michel Sapin, ministre de la fonction publique et de la rforme de l'Etat,
 se prononait en faveur des logiciels libres.
 [Patrick Lindsay] Il soulignait leur  rapide essor  dans les administrations
 et encourageait leur dveloppement.
 Car, au-del de la gratuit, de l'ouverture et de la scurit, qu'il jugeait
 responsables de leurs premiers succs, Michel Sapin voyait dans le dveloppemen
t coopratif, mutuel et transparent de ces logiciels un modle pour mener
  bien la rforme de l'Etat.

\layout Standard
\align right \pextra_type 2 \pextra_alignment 0 \pextra_width 41mm

Et puis maintenant le test de la mini-page

\layout Standard

Le 19 janvier 2001,  l'occasion d'un colloque organis  Sophia-Antipolis,
 Michel Sapin, ministre de la fonction publique et de la rforme de l'Etat,
 se prononait en faveur des logiciels libres.
 [Patrick Lindsay] Il soulignait leur  rapide essor  dans les administrations
 et encourageait leur dveloppement.
 Car, au-del de la gratuit, de l'ouverture et de la scurit, qu'il jugeait
 responsables de leurs premiers succs, Michel Sapin voyait dans le dveloppemen
t coopratif, mutuel et transparent de ces logiciels un modle pour mener
  bien la rforme de l'Etat.
 Voici un 
\begin_inset Quotes fld

\begin_inset Quotes frd

 de guillemet.

\latex latex 

\begin_float margin 
\layout Standard
\align right \pextra_type 3 \pextra_width 41mm

\SpecialChar ~


\series bold 
Tableau 1
\layout Standard
\align right 
Le titre de mon tableau

\begin_inset  Tabular
lyxtabular version="2" rows="5" columns="7"
features rotate="false" islongtable="true" endhead="0" endfirsthead="0" endfoot="0" 
column alignment="right" valignment="top" leftline="false" rightline="false" width="" 
column alignment="right" valignment="top" leftline="false" rightline="false" width="" 
column alignment="center" valignment="top" leftline="false" rightline="false" 
width="" special=""
column alignment="center" valignment="top" leftline="false" rightline="false" 
width="" special=""
column alignment="center" valignment="top" leftline="false" rightline="false" 
width="" special=""
column alignment="center" valignment="top" leftline="false" rightline="false" 
width="" special=""
column alignment="right" valignment="top" leftline="false" rightline="false" width="" 
row topline="true" bottomline="true" newpage="false"
cell multicolumn="0" alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" 
bottomline="false" leftline="true" rightline="false" 

Re: 2 columns document with columns of different width,

2001-02-22 Thread Herbert Voss

Raymond Ouellette wrote:

 I enclosed with this email a test lyx file with the reverse margin note.
 It works with times fonts, but if I try to change the entire document to
 helvetica fonts (Format--Document--Font properties) nothing happens.
 I then select all the text and I do Format--Caracters--Font Family
 changing it to SanSerif then I loose the reverse margin note that places
 itself on the right side. Am I doing something wrong?
 #LyX 1.1 created this file. For more info see

with this command you choose the pslatex-fonts! This command is always
behind that one from LyX layout-document-font. lppk at the exported


\usepackage[ps2pdf,pdftitle={titre},pdfauthor={RO - mis en forme avec

delete the \usepackage{pslatex} in your preamble and choose
fonts only from LyX-menu.



2 columns document with columns of different width

2001-02-22 Thread Raymond Ouellette

I would like to know if it is possible to create a document wich has 2
columns of different width, for exemple a wide column at the right side
of the page, approx 13 cm wide, and a smaller one of 4 cm at the left
side. The main text would be in the main column, and the left column
would be used only for section or subsections titles, tables titles, or
figures titles.

I tried with a reverse margin note but I lost the result if I change the
basic font of the document from time to helvetica for instance.

I'm responsible for Education Bulletins where I work and I would like to
give a try to LyX for documents such as this one: (225 ko in
french) or (177 ko
translated in english).

R. Ouellette


Édité et transmis sous Linux!

Re: 2 columns document with columns of different width

2001-02-22 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Raymond" == Raymond Ouellette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Raymond> I would like to know if it is possible to create a document
Raymond> wich has 2 columns of different width, for exemple a wide
Raymond> column at the right side of the page, approx 13 cm wide, and
Raymond> a smaller one of 4 cm at the left side. The main text would
Raymond> be in the main column, and the left column would be used only
Raymond> for section or subsections titles, tables titles, or figures
Raymond> titles.

Raymond> I tried with a reverse margin note but I lost the result if I
Raymond> change the basic font of the document from time to helvetica
Raymond> for instance.

Yes, using a margin note is the right thing to do in your case. I do
not understand the problem you had with that. Could you explain a bit


Re: 2 columns document with columns of different width,

2001-02-22 Thread Raymond Ouellette

[fichier joint : testmarge.lyx 13020 octets]

I enclosed with this email a test lyx file with the reverse margin note.
It works with times fonts, but if I try to change the entire document to
helvetica fonts (Format-->Document-->Font properties) nothing happens.

I then select all the text and I do Format-->Caracters-->Font Family
changing it to SanSerif then I loose the reverse margin note that places
itself on the right side. Am I doing something wrong?


#LyX 1.1 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 218
\textclass article
\usepackage {multicol,latexsym,pifont,amssymb}
\usepackage[ps2pdf,pdftitle={titre},pdfauthor={RO - mis en forme avec 
\language frenchb
\inputencoding latin1
\fontscheme helvet
\graphics default
\paperfontsize 10
\spacing single 
\papersize letterpaper
\paperpackage a4
\use_geometry 1
\use_amsmath 0
\paperorientation portrait
\leftmargin 61mm
\topmargin 20mm
\rightmargin 20mm
\bottommargin 20mm
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation indent
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language french
\quotes_times 2
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle plain

\layout Standard

Le 19 janvier 2001, à l'occasion d'un colloque organisé à Sophia-Antipolis,
 Michel Sapin, ministre de la fonction publique et de la réforme de l'Etat,
 se prononçait en faveur des logiciels libres.
 [Patrick Lindsay] Il soulignait leur « rapide essor » dans les administrations
 et encourageait leur développement.
 Car, au-delà de la gratuité, de l'ouverture et de la sécurité, qu'il jugeait
 responsables de leurs premiers succès, Michel Sapin voyait dans le développemen
t coopératif, mutuel et transparent de ces logiciels un modèle pour mener
 à bien la réforme de l'Etat.

\layout Standard

\latex latex 

\begin_float margin 
\layout Standard
\align right \pextra_type 3 \pextra_width 41mm

\SpecialChar ~

Ma note de marge qui sera, je l'espère, du côté gauche.
\layout Standard

Le 19 janvier 2001, à l'occasion d'un colloque organisé à Sophia-Antipolis,
 Michel Sapin, ministre de la fonction publique et de la réforme de l'Etat,
 se prononçait en faveur des logiciels libres.
 [Patrick Lindsay] Il soulignait leur « rapide essor » dans les administrations
 et encourageait leur développement.
 Car, au-delà de la gratuité, de l'ouverture et de la sécurité, qu'il jugeait
 responsables de leurs premiers succès, Michel Sapin voyait dans le développemen
t coopératif, mutuel et transparent de ces logiciels un modèle pour mener
 à bien la réforme de l'Etat.

\layout Standard
\align right \pextra_type 2 \pextra_alignment 0 \pextra_width 41mm

Et puis maintenant le test de la mini-page

\layout Standard

Le 19 janvier 2001, à l'occasion d'un colloque organisé à Sophia-Antipolis,
 Michel Sapin, ministre de la fonction publique et de la réforme de l'Etat,
 se prononçait en faveur des logiciels libres.
 [Patrick Lindsay] Il soulignait leur « rapide essor » dans les administrations
 et encourageait leur développement.
 Car, au-delà de la gratuité, de l'ouverture et de la sécurité, qu'il jugeait
 responsables de leurs premiers succès, Michel Sapin voyait dans le développemen
t coopératif, mutuel et transparent de ces logiciels un modèle pour mener
 à bien la réforme de l'Etat.
 Voici un 
\begin_inset Quotes fld

\begin_inset Quotes frd

 de guillemet.

\latex latex 

\begin_float margin 
\layout Standard
\align right \pextra_type 3 \pextra_width 41mm

\SpecialChar ~


\series bold 
Tableau 1
\layout Standard
\align right 
Le titre de mon tableau

\begin_inset  Tabular

\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Text


Re: 2 columns document with columns of different width,

2001-02-22 Thread Herbert Voss

Raymond Ouellette wrote:

> I enclosed with this email a test lyx file with the reverse margin note.
> It works with times fonts, but if I try to change the entire document to
> helvetica fonts (Format-->Document-->Font properties) nothing happens.
> I then select all the text and I do Format-->Caracters-->Font Family
> changing it to SanSerif then I loose the reverse margin note that places
> itself on the right side. Am I doing something wrong?
> #LyX 1.1 created this file. For more info see
> \usepackage{pslatex}

with this command you choose the pslatex-fonts! This command is always
behind that one from LyX layout->document->font. lppk at the exported


\usepackage[ps2pdf,pdftitle={titre},pdfauthor={RO - mis en forme avec

delete the \usepackage{pslatex} in your preamble and choose
fonts only from LyX-menu.

