Re: ps2pdf, ERT, and includegraphics

2007-09-13 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Giuseppe Pagnoni wrote:

I am using lyx with powerdot for a presentation.  I am trying to insert
a figure within an ERT box, to get advantage of the \twocolumn command
of powerdot.

I discovered that lyx does not output figures to pdf when using ps2pdf
(I checked this with a new article document containing a single ERT
command \includegraphics{}). It does output the figure when using
dvipdfm, but the problem is that powerdot requires ps2pdf...

Does anybody know of a workaround?  I am using lyx 1.4.3 on Ubuntu (and
the figure I am inserting is an eps).

What you're describing works for me in LyX 1.4.4 on Windows -- I put 
\includegraphics{...} in ERT, View - PDF (ps2pdf) and the image is 
there, provided that the image is EPS (which you said yours is).

The only caveat is that you will need to add \usepackage{graphicx} to 
the preamble if you are not inserting any other images using Insert - 
Graphics.  LyX automatically adds the command when it inserts a graphic, 
but it does not poke around your ERT to see if you are inserting one 
manually.  I assume you either have the command in the preamble or have 
other images inserted normally (or maybe Powerdot loads graphicx?) -- 
otherwise I don't think you would get the dvipdfm output.


Re: ps2pdf, ERT, and includegraphics

2007-09-13 Thread Giuseppe Pagnoni
Dear Paul,

thank you very much for your comments.  It is quite weird: if I export
my file prova.lyx in latex (pdflatex or plain) and run latex prova.tex,
the dvi file shows the picture correctly, and of course the picture is
kept through the chain of dvips and ps2pdf; if I, however, try to
preview the document in LyX or export it directly to pdf (ps2pdf), the
image does not appear.  Looking at the output in the shell window I see
the message:

dvips: Could not find figure file /home/giuseppe/tmp//beckmann2005.eps;

which is puzzling given that the file is definitely there:

ls /home/giuseppe/tmp//beckmann2005.eps

I noticed the use of the double slash in front of the eps file name, but
that should not be a problem, right?

The document I am testing this on is an article with the command
\usepackage{graphicx} in the preamble, and a single ERT box containing
the command:


where the image beckmann2005.eps is contained in the local directory.

I am attaching in the following my prova.lyx file, which may contain
useful information.  Thank you very much for your help, I truly
appreciate it but please do not feel obliged to reply if this takes up
too much of your time.

best regards



#LyX 1.4.3 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 245
\textclass article
\language english
\inputencoding auto
\fontscheme default
\graphics default
\paperfontsize default
\spacing single
\papersize default
\use_geometry false
\use_amsmath 1
\cite_engine basic
\use_bibtopic false
\paperorientation portrait
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\tocdepth 3
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\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset ERT
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\begin_layout Standard





Giuseppe Pagnoni
Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Emory University School of Medicine
101 Woodruff Circle, Suite 4000
Atlanta, GA, 30322
tel: 404-712-9582
fax: 404-727-3233 

Re: ps2pdf, ERT, and includegraphics

2007-09-13 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Giuseppe Pagnoni wrote:

Dear Paul,

thank you very much for your comments.  It is quite weird: if I export
my file prova.lyx in latex (pdflatex or plain) and run latex prova.tex,
the dvi file shows the picture correctly, and of course the picture is
kept through the chain of dvips and ps2pdf; if I, however, try to
preview the document in LyX or export it directly to pdf (ps2pdf), the
image does not appear.  Looking at the output in the shell window I see
the message:

dvips: Could not find figure file /home/giuseppe/tmp//beckmann2005.eps;

which is puzzling given that the file is definitely there:

ls /home/giuseppe/tmp//beckmann2005.eps

I noticed the use of the double slash in front of the eps file name, but
that should not be a problem, right?

The document I am testing this on is an article with the command
\usepackage{graphicx} in the preamble, and a single ERT box containing
the command:


where the image beckmann2005.eps is contained in the local directory.

I am attaching in the following my prova.lyx file, which may contain
useful information.  Thank you very much for your help, I truly
appreciate it but please do not feel obliged to reply if this takes up
too much of your time.

best regards


Oops -- answered out-of-band, forgot to check the list first to see if 
the message was posted here.

Short synopsis (for archival purposes):  The test doc works fine for me 
using LyX 1.4.4 on Win XP Home.  I don't see the double slash causing 
problems (it didn't for me).  Best guess (and I freely admit it's 
shooting from the hip) is a permissions problem.  Since running the 
latex - dvips - ps2pdf sequence manually worked, and ls found the image 
file, this would seem to imply that LyX is running dvips under a 
different account than the user's account (and, particularly, one that's 
not allowed to read the EPS file).


Re: ps2pdf, ERT, and includegraphics

2007-09-13 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Giuseppe Pagnoni wrote:

I am using lyx with powerdot for a presentation.  I am trying to insert
a figure within an ERT box, to get advantage of the \twocolumn command
of powerdot.

I discovered that lyx does not output figures to pdf when using ps2pdf
(I checked this with a new article document containing a single ERT
command \includegraphics{}). It does output the figure when using
dvipdfm, but the problem is that powerdot requires ps2pdf...

Does anybody know of a workaround?  I am using lyx 1.4.3 on Ubuntu (and
the figure I am inserting is an eps).

What you're describing works for me in LyX 1.4.4 on Windows -- I put 
\includegraphics{...} in ERT, View - PDF (ps2pdf) and the image is 
there, provided that the image is EPS (which you said yours is).

The only caveat is that you will need to add \usepackage{graphicx} to 
the preamble if you are not inserting any other images using Insert - 
Graphics.  LyX automatically adds the command when it inserts a graphic, 
but it does not poke around your ERT to see if you are inserting one 
manually.  I assume you either have the command in the preamble or have 
other images inserted normally (or maybe Powerdot loads graphicx?) -- 
otherwise I don't think you would get the dvipdfm output.


Re: ps2pdf, ERT, and includegraphics

2007-09-13 Thread Giuseppe Pagnoni
Dear Paul,

thank you very much for your comments.  It is quite weird: if I export
my file prova.lyx in latex (pdflatex or plain) and run latex prova.tex,
the dvi file shows the picture correctly, and of course the picture is
kept through the chain of dvips and ps2pdf; if I, however, try to
preview the document in LyX or export it directly to pdf (ps2pdf), the
image does not appear.  Looking at the output in the shell window I see
the message:

dvips: Could not find figure file /home/giuseppe/tmp//beckmann2005.eps;

which is puzzling given that the file is definitely there:

ls /home/giuseppe/tmp//beckmann2005.eps

I noticed the use of the double slash in front of the eps file name, but
that should not be a problem, right?

The document I am testing this on is an article with the command
\usepackage{graphicx} in the preamble, and a single ERT box containing
the command:


where the image beckmann2005.eps is contained in the local directory.

I am attaching in the following my prova.lyx file, which may contain
useful information.  Thank you very much for your help, I truly
appreciate it but please do not feel obliged to reply if this takes up
too much of your time.

best regards



#LyX 1.4.3 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 245
\textclass article
\language english
\inputencoding auto
\fontscheme default
\graphics default
\paperfontsize default
\spacing single
\papersize default
\use_geometry false
\use_amsmath 1
\cite_engine basic
\use_bibtopic false
\paperorientation portrait
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation indent
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language english
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle default
\tracking_changes false
\output_changes false


\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset ERT
status open

\begin_layout Standard





Giuseppe Pagnoni
Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Emory University School of Medicine
101 Woodruff Circle, Suite 4000
Atlanta, GA, 30322
tel: 404-712-9582
fax: 404-727-3233 

Re: ps2pdf, ERT, and includegraphics

2007-09-13 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Giuseppe Pagnoni wrote:

Dear Paul,

thank you very much for your comments.  It is quite weird: if I export
my file prova.lyx in latex (pdflatex or plain) and run latex prova.tex,
the dvi file shows the picture correctly, and of course the picture is
kept through the chain of dvips and ps2pdf; if I, however, try to
preview the document in LyX or export it directly to pdf (ps2pdf), the
image does not appear.  Looking at the output in the shell window I see
the message:

dvips: Could not find figure file /home/giuseppe/tmp//beckmann2005.eps;

which is puzzling given that the file is definitely there:

ls /home/giuseppe/tmp//beckmann2005.eps

I noticed the use of the double slash in front of the eps file name, but
that should not be a problem, right?

The document I am testing this on is an article with the command
\usepackage{graphicx} in the preamble, and a single ERT box containing
the command:


where the image beckmann2005.eps is contained in the local directory.

I am attaching in the following my prova.lyx file, which may contain
useful information.  Thank you very much for your help, I truly
appreciate it but please do not feel obliged to reply if this takes up
too much of your time.

best regards


Oops -- answered out-of-band, forgot to check the list first to see if 
the message was posted here.

Short synopsis (for archival purposes):  The test doc works fine for me 
using LyX 1.4.4 on Win XP Home.  I don't see the double slash causing 
problems (it didn't for me).  Best guess (and I freely admit it's 
shooting from the hip) is a permissions problem.  Since running the 
latex - dvips - ps2pdf sequence manually worked, and ls found the image 
file, this would seem to imply that LyX is running dvips under a 
different account than the user's account (and, particularly, one that's 
not allowed to read the EPS file).


Re: ps2pdf, ERT, and includegraphics

2007-09-13 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Giuseppe Pagnoni wrote:

I am using lyx with powerdot for a presentation.  I am trying to insert
a figure within an ERT box, to get advantage of the \twocolumn command
of powerdot.

I discovered that lyx does not output figures to pdf when using ps2pdf
(I checked this with a new "article" document containing a single ERT
command \includegraphics{}). It does output the figure when using
dvipdfm, but the problem is that powerdot requires ps2pdf...

Does anybody know of a workaround?  I am using lyx 1.4.3 on Ubuntu (and
the figure I am inserting is an eps).

What you're describing works for me in LyX 1.4.4 on Windows -- I put 
\includegraphics{...} in ERT, View -> PDF (ps2pdf) and the image is 
there, provided that the image is EPS (which you said yours is).

The only caveat is that you will need to add \usepackage{graphicx} to 
the preamble if you are not inserting any other images using Insert -> 
Graphics.  LyX automatically adds the command when it inserts a graphic, 
but it does not poke around your ERT to see if you are inserting one 
manually.  I assume you either have the command in the preamble or have 
other images inserted normally (or maybe Powerdot loads graphicx?) -- 
otherwise I don't think you would get the dvipdfm output.


Re: ps2pdf, ERT, and includegraphics

2007-09-13 Thread Giuseppe Pagnoni
Dear Paul,

thank you very much for your comments.  It is quite weird: if I export
my file prova.lyx in latex (pdflatex or plain) and run latex prova.tex,
the dvi file shows the picture correctly, and of course the picture is
kept through the chain of dvips and ps2pdf; if I, however, try to
preview the document in LyX or export it directly to pdf (ps2pdf), the
image does not appear.  Looking at the output in the shell window I see
the message:

dvips: Could not find figure file /home/giuseppe/tmp//beckmann2005.eps;

which is puzzling given that the file is definitely there:

ls /home/giuseppe/tmp//beckmann2005.eps

I noticed the use of the double slash in front of the eps file name, but
that should not be a problem, right?

The document I am testing this on is an "article" with the command
\usepackage{graphicx} in the preamble, and a single ERT box containing
the command:


where the image beckmann2005.eps is contained in the local directory.

I am attaching in the following my prova.lyx file, which may contain
useful information.  Thank you very much for your help, I truly
appreciate it but please do not feel obliged to reply if this takes up
too much of your time.

best regards



#LyX 1.4.3 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 245
\textclass article
\language english
\inputencoding auto
\fontscheme default
\graphics default
\paperfontsize default
\spacing single
\papersize default
\use_geometry false
\use_amsmath 1
\cite_engine basic
\use_bibtopic false
\paperorientation portrait
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation indent
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language english
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle default
\tracking_changes false
\output_changes false


\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset ERT
status open

\begin_layout Standard





Giuseppe Pagnoni
Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Emory University School of Medicine
101 Woodruff Circle, Suite 4000
Atlanta, GA, 30322
tel: 404-712-9582
fax: 404-727-3233 

Re: ps2pdf, ERT, and includegraphics

2007-09-13 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Giuseppe Pagnoni wrote:

Dear Paul,

thank you very much for your comments.  It is quite weird: if I export
my file prova.lyx in latex (pdflatex or plain) and run latex prova.tex,
the dvi file shows the picture correctly, and of course the picture is
kept through the chain of dvips and ps2pdf; if I, however, try to
preview the document in LyX or export it directly to pdf (ps2pdf), the
image does not appear.  Looking at the output in the shell window I see
the message:

dvips: Could not find figure file /home/giuseppe/tmp//beckmann2005.eps;

which is puzzling given that the file is definitely there:

ls /home/giuseppe/tmp//beckmann2005.eps

I noticed the use of the double slash in front of the eps file name, but
that should not be a problem, right?

The document I am testing this on is an "article" with the command
\usepackage{graphicx} in the preamble, and a single ERT box containing
the command:


where the image beckmann2005.eps is contained in the local directory.

I am attaching in the following my prova.lyx file, which may contain
useful information.  Thank you very much for your help, I truly
appreciate it but please do not feel obliged to reply if this takes up
too much of your time.

best regards


Oops -- answered out-of-band, forgot to check the list first to see if 
the message was posted here.

Short synopsis (for archival purposes):  The test doc works fine for me 
using LyX 1.4.4 on Win XP Home.  I don't see the double slash causing 
problems (it didn't for me).  Best guess (and I freely admit it's 
shooting from the hip) is a permissions problem.  Since running the 
latex - dvips - ps2pdf sequence manually worked, and ls found the image 
file, this would seem to imply that LyX is running dvips under a 
different account than the user's account (and, particularly, one that's 
not allowed to read the EPS file).
