Re: location of ''

2010-07-09 Thread Packy Anderson
On Fri, Jul 9, 2010 at 6:39 AM, Alan Fry wrote:

 However for the life of me I cannot find the file
 '' on that machine. It is not in
 /Library/Preferences. What am I missing?

Did you also look under ~/Library/Preferences?


Packy Anderson

GVoice: (646) 833-8832

Re: perl modules installation on OSX

2010-02-16 Thread Packy Anderson
Oh, decidedly via the CPAN shell.  Unless you don't have a compiler loaded
on your system...

On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 1:29 PM, Noah wrote:

 Hi there,

 what is the most recommended way to install perl modules on OSX? directly
 from CPAN via perl or shall I install them from MACports?



Packy Anderson

GVoice: (646) 833-8832

Re: Perl install problems OSX 10.4.11

2009-09-14 Thread Packy Anderson

OS X 10.4 shipped with 5.8.6, which is what he has.

I think some of the misunderstanding is from Terrence's inexperience  
with perl.  Terrence, the modules you're missing aren't missing  
because you don't have a full version of perl.  They're probably  
missing because they weren't included in the base distribution of perl  
for version 5.8.6.

One of perl's great strengths as a programming language is that there  
is a library of modules called the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network  
(CPAN, for short) that allows programmers to build on the efforts of  
others without having to re-invent the wheel.  The modules you're  
missing are modules to do things like build HTML documents and  
communicate via web protocols.

Anyway, from time to time, modules are added to the base install, so  
there are modules that come standard with 5.8.8 and 5.10.1 that  
weren't standard with 15.8.6.  It may also be that Apple decides to  
add modules to the perl it's delivering with OS X.

Anyway, none of this is really a problem, since you can install the  
modules you need, and things should just work.

Here's some commands that will help you:

$ head -1 get_iplayer

This will tell you which perl of yours the iplayer is using.  The one  
I'm using says /usr/bin/perl, but you may have modified yours.

$ which perl

This shows you which perl you're using by default.  If it shows the  
same perl as the one iplayer is using, you don't need to type the full  
path when referring to perl when you want to add modules.

$ sudo /usr/bin/perl -MCPAN -e shell

This will run the CPAN shell, which will allow you to install modules  
in the library used by /usr/bin/perl.  If you're using a different  
perl than that one, use that path.

cpan install LWP
cpan install Fcntl
cpan install HTML
cpan install HTTP

These commands tell the CPAN shell to install those modules.

Again, I don't think you're going to solve your problem under OS X  
10.4 Tiger without installing the modules you're missing, because I  
don't think your problem is that you don't have a full version of  
perl.  I think the problem is that Apple decided to add optional  
modules to 10.5 that they hadn't added to 10.4 and aren't part of the  
base perl install.  You can easily add these modules through the CPAN  
shell, however, so your solution should probably be that.

Or upgrade to OS X 10.5.  I did that this past weekend to my G4  
Powerbook.  Yes, I know I'm a full rev behind, but better late than  


On Sep 14, 2009, at 8:04 AM, Mine wrote:


Thank you for the very informative response Alan.

I think the problem is probably to do with my Perl install. I looked  
in /System/Library/Perl/
but the Perl folder contained 5.8.6 not 5.8.8. I could not find any  
of the following:


I previously installed some applications using MacPorts, and it  
appears that there is an

install of Perl 5.8.8 in /opt/local/bin/.

Over the weekend still trying to solve the problem I also installed  
Perl 5.10.1 in an attempt

to upgrade my system Perl install. That is in /usr/local/bin/.

I also searched /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.10.1/ and /opt/local/lib/ 
perl5/5.8.8/ and it would appear
that the MacPorts install is the most complete but I could not find  
an LWP directory or HTTP,
and I was not sure where to look for URI. The HTML directory  
contained, and but no Cookies

Is it possible to upgrade the system Perl install to a full version  
of Perl 5.8.8?



On 14 Sep 2009, at 11:09, Alan Fry wrote:

On 13 Sep 2009, at 03:46, Doug McNutt wrote:

At 23:22 +0100 9/12/09, Mine wrote:


Thanks for your excellent response, makes installing so easy  
assuming  I did it correctly.
I think everything that was required is installed, but I am not  
sure  everything was installed

in the right location.

It appears that Perl 5.10.1 was installed and all the modules I   
installed are associated with
Perl 5.10.1. When I try to run the get_iplayer PVR module I get  
the  following error:
Can't locate loadable object for module HTML::Parser in @INC  
(@INC  contains: /opt/local/lib/perl5/5.8.8/darwin-2level

(I have abbreviated the error message)

And when I enter perl -v  I get the following:
This is perl, v5.8.8 built for darwin-2level

So the system does not see the Perl 5.10.1 install. Can someone   
please tell me if there is a
was to install the modules so they relate to perl, v5.8.8, or  
point  get_iplayer to use Perl 5.10.1.

I suspect that Apple's perl is 5.8.8 and it is installed in /usr/ 
bin. It needs to stay there because Apple's updates may depend on  
it. Installing 5.10.1 in /usr/bin/ replacing 5.8.8 is not  

I also suspect that perl 5.10 is installed in /usr/local/bin but  
that might be different like /opt/bin depending on just how you  
installed it.. Look around for it. /opt/local/lib/ sounds unlikely  
to me.

You are probably 

Re: Perl install problems OSX 10.4.11

2009-09-11 Thread Packy Anderson

On Sep 11, 2009, at 5:33 PM, Mine wrote:
I don't fully understand what Perl does but if Perl comes installed  
with OSX
it appears that I also have an install of Perl via MacPorts. I  
assume that

get_iplayer is looking at the preinstalled Perl but I am not sure.

Perl is a programming language, and it appears that get_iplayer is  
written in it.

The perl that comes installed with OS X is located at /usr/bin/perl.   
If you've also installed perl from some other source (like MacPorts)  
then you might have another perl at some other location.

I've taken a look at the iplayer source (available through http:// and it's definitely using the Perl that  
comes with OS X at /usr/bin/perl/

Although I am no expert, I have used the Terminal to install  
binaries before

so i will give it a go.

It's fairly simple.  Type

  sudo perl -MCPAN -e shell

At a Terminal prompt and enter in your password when prompted.   
You'll be asked to configure CPAN the first time you run it; just  
take the defaults and you'll be fine.  Then, once you get a cpan[1] 
 command prompt, type the following:

  cpan[1] install LWP

and hit enter.  It will automatically figure out what prerequisites  
you need and download all the packages.  Again, I generally take the  
defaults and everything works well.


Re: How to run Perl script at Mac OS (Darwin) Release?

2008-03-10 Thread Packy Anderson

On Mar 9, 2008, at 11:12 AM, Doug McNutt wrote:
Hashing of tools by shells has not been mentioned. It may not be  
part of the problem but on invocation many, if not all, shells  
examine the $PATH variable and make a table of executables that it  
finds. The table is then converted to a hashed lookup array in  
order to improve speed of response. (That probably makes little  
sense today but it was started during the days of mag tape.)

So if you create a perl script, place it somewhere in $PATH, and  
set its execute permission a running shell will not find it. A full  
path, perhaps starting with the current directory  .  always works.

In tcsh the command to rework the hash of tools is rehash.  
Restarting the shell with a new window will do pretty  
much the same thing.

It's not likely that Gary is having problems with his shell creating  
a hash table of executables on startup; he's using bash (the default  
in OS X these days), and bash doesn't do that:
 -bash: command not found

If he had created in a directory in his path (say, /Users/ 
gary/bin) but the executable bit wasn't set, he'd have gotten the error

-bash: /Users/gary/bin/ Permission denied

even if the file was created after his bash shell started.  If he  
then had the executable bit set properly (chmod +x and  
didn't have a perl installed at /usr/local/ActivePerl-5.10/bin/perl,  
he'd have gotten the error

-bash: /Users/gary/bin/ /usr/local/ActivePerl-5.10/bin/perl:  
bad interpreter: No such file or directory

Of course, maybe he's eschewing the default perl on OS X because he  
wants to use the 5.10 for some reason and he downloaded ActiveState's  
build for OS X; if that's the case, then that's probably the shebang  
line he wants.

Anyway, I'll shut up now, since people have just about beat this  
subject to death.  ;)

Here's hoping Gary's happily programming perl on his Mac now...


Packy Anderson   

If I had a boat, I'd go out on the ocean;
And if I had a pony, I'd ride him on my boat.
We could both together go out on the ocean--
Me upon my pony on my boat.

Re: Perl Module Installation in $HOME

2006-08-24 Thread Packy Anderson

On Aug 24, 2006, at 5:04 PM, Doug McNutt wrote:
I guess I wasn't clear. I want the modules installed in my $HOME  
directory so that they won't

1) Get lost when a newer OS gets installed - especially with Linux.

2) Get in the way of someone else's, the main geek - my wife's,  
idea of what should be there.

What you're looking for is :

I am not root, how can I install a module in a personal directory?

First of all, you will want to use your own configuration, not the  
one that your root user installed. If you do not have permission to  
write in the cpan directory that root has configured, you will be  
asked if you want to create your own config. Answering yes will  
bring you into CPAN's configuration stage, using the system config  
for all defaults except things that have to do with CPAN's work  
directory, saving your choices to your file.

You can also manually initiate this process with the following  

% perl -MCPAN -e 'mkmyconfig'
or by running

from the CPAN shell.

You will most probably also want to configure something like this:

  o conf makepl_arg LIB=~/myperl/lib \
INSTALLMAN1DIR=~/myperl/man/man1 \
You can make this setting permanent like all o conf settings with o  
conf commit.

You will have to add ~/myperl/man to the MANPATH environment  
variable and also tell your perl programs to look into ~/myperl/ 
lib, e.g. by including

  use lib $ENV{HOME}/myperl/lib;
or setting the PERL5LIB environment variable.

While we're speaking about $ENV{HOME}, it might be worth  
mentioning, that for Windows we use the File::HomeDir module that  
provides an equivalent to the concept of the home directory on Unix.

Another thing you should bear in mind is that the UNINST parameter  
can be dangerous when you are installing into a private area  
because you might accidentally remove modules that other people  
depend on that are not using the private area.

Packy Anderson   

La perfection est atteinte non quand il ne reste rien ‡ ajouter, mais  

il ne reste rien ‡ enlever.

(You know you've achieved perfection in design, not when you have  

more to add, but when you have nothing more to take away.)

 --Antoine de Saint- 

Re: How a file gets copied remotely

2006-08-03 Thread Packy Anderson

On Aug 3, 2006, at 1:22 AM, David Ledger wrote:
If M1 copies the file from M2 to M3 then the data comes all the way  
to M1 and all the way back.

That would be the case if M1 used scp to copy from M2 to M3, but  
that's not what Ted described.

M1 makes an ssh connection to M2.  Then, on M2, it mounts M3 and uses  
cp to copy a file from M2 to M3.  All the data is moving between M2  
and M3; the only information that's moving between M2 and M1 is a  
shell session.

Think of it this way: from a shell on M1, you manually ssh into M2.   
You then type mount the M3 service, and copy a file to it.  None of  
the data's flowing through your ssh session; it's all happening on  
the box you're ssh-ed into.


Packy Anderson   

On the internet, no one knows you're a CHICKEN! A GIANT CHICKEN!

Re: How to get a pid

2006-07-31 Thread Packy Anderson

On Jul 31, 2006, at 5:35 PM, Ted Zeng wrote:
I don't know how the OS generate the pid for a process. That is why  
I don't

feel comfortable with what I did.

The way I understand it, the OS assigns the next highest available  
pid when
creating a process.  However, pids wrap around when they reach the  

defined pid.  So, if your process' pid is near the max, your child could
get a lower pid.

What you want to do is find the pid of your child's child.  There's  
a system call you can make to find these things, but I don't know it.  
I do know is how to use ps -j or ps -l.  I've whipped up the  

script to demonstrate the technique.

Note: the script you're waiting on may have spawned off children of  
it's own,
so it'd be a good idea to find them and kill them first.  This, of  

may let the script spawn off even more processes...

 start demo script 

use POSIX qw(:sys_wait_h);  # need this to get non-blocking waitchild

$|=1; # autoflush on

unless (defined($kid_pid = fork())) {
die Cannot fork: $!;

if ($kid_pid == 0) {
# we're running as the child process
else {
print Watching child $kid_pid...\n;
my $count=0;
my $tConstant = 1; ## I'm impatient
do {
print Sleeping ... ;
sleep 10;
$kid = waitpid($kid_pid, WNOHANG);
print kid: $kid_pid, waitpid: $kid\n;
} until ($kid  0 or $count  $tConstant);

if ($count  $tConstant ) {

sub execNightshade {
# since we don't know what execEggplant does beside exec-ing shell
# scripts with ``, let's make something up...

my $count = join q{ }, 1 .. 10; # make a string '1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8  
9 10'

# this shell script prints numbers from 1 to 100, sleeping 10
# seconds between each number...
my $output = `for i in $count; do echo \$i; sleep 10; done`;

# what good is output if we don't use it?
print $output\n;

sub recursive_kill {
my($pid) = @_;

while (my $child = child_pid($pid)) {
# kill all its children, grandchildren, etc...

# then kill the process itself
print Killing $pid\n;
kill 9, $pid;

sub child_pid {
my($parent) = @_;

# we want to know the process id of the child that's been forked
# by our own child.  since OS X is a unix, we can use ps to find
# it.  the following highly non-portable code should work on OS X
# and _maybe_ some other unices, but definately won't work on
# WinAnything or other, stranger OSes...

my $grandkid_pid;
open my $ps, ps -l |;
while ($ps) {
# unless the first field is numeric, we're looking at the
# column headings.  let's discard it.
next unless /^ \s* \d+ /msx;

# If EXPR is omitted, splits the $_ string.  If PATTERN is
# also omitted, splits on whitespace (after skipping any
# leading whitespace).
# As a special case, specifying a PATTERN of space (' ')
# will split on white space just as split with no
# arguments does.

my($uid, $pid, $ppid, $other_fields) = split q{ }, $_, 4;

# if the process' parent pid isn't our kid's pid, we're
# not interested in it
next unless ($ppid == $parent);

# congratulations!  you're a parent!
return $pid;
return; # if there's no child, just return
 end demo script 

Sample output:
Watching child 7718...
Sleeping ... kid: 7718, waitpid: 0
Sleeping ... kid: 7718, waitpid: 0
Killing 7724
Killing 7729
Killing 7733
Killing 7736
Killing 7739
Killing 7742
Killing 7745
Killing 7748
Killing 7751

Killing 7719
Killing 7718

What's happening is the script is killing the 'sleep', and then before
the subroutine can return and kill off the for loop, it's sleeping  

Fortunately, it disposes of the sleeps fairly quickly, and the child
process actually returns its data before it gets killed.

Packy Anderson   

Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum
immane mittam.