On Sep 11, 2009, at 5:33 PM, Mine wrote:
I don't fully understand what Perl does but if Perl comes installed
with OSX
it appears that I also have an install of Perl via MacPorts. I
assume that
get_iplayer is looking at the preinstalled Perl but I am not sure.
Perl is a programming language, and it appears that get_iplayer is
written in it.
The perl that comes installed with OS X is located at /usr/bin/perl.
If you've also installed perl from some other source (like MacPorts)
then you might have another perl at some other location.
I've taken a look at the iplayer source (available through http://
linuxcentre.net/getiplayer/) and it's definitely using the Perl that
comes with OS X at /usr/bin/perl/
Although I am no expert, I have used the Terminal to install
binaries before
so i will give it a go.
It's fairly simple. Type
sudo perl -MCPAN -e shell
At a Terminal prompt and enter in your password when prompted.
You'll be asked to configure CPAN the first time you run it; just
take the defaults and you'll be fine. Then, once you get a "cpan[1]
>" command prompt, type the following:
cpan[1]> install LWP
and hit enter. It will automatically figure out what prerequisites
you need and download all the packages. Again, I generally take the
defaults and everything works well.