Re: osxfuse

2016-09-24 Thread Dan Ports
I just committed an upgrade to osxfuse 3.5.0 which should fix building
on Sierra.


On Fri, Sep 23, 2016 at 09:57:17PM +0200, Raoul MEGELAS wrote:
> Hello all,
> osxfuse does not build.
> I reinstalled macports after 
> upgrading to 10.12.0.
> trying to build opencv, i get this:
> …
> :debug:build Executing (osxfuse)
> :debug:build Environment: 
> CC_PRINT_OPTIONS_FILE='/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_tarballs_ports_fuse_osxfuse/osxfuse/work/.CC_PRINT_OPTIONS'
> CPATH='/opt/local/include'
> LIBRARY_PATH='/opt/local/lib'
> :debug:build Assembled command: 'cd 
> "/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_tarballs_ports_fuse_osxfuse/osxfuse/work/osxfuse-osxfuse-bf71481"
>  && ./ -t homebrew -f /opt/local'
> :debug:build Executing command line:  cd 
> "/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_tarballs_ports_fuse_osxfuse/osxfuse/work/osxfuse-osxfuse-bf71481"
>  && ./ -t homebrew -f /opt/local 
> :info:build OSXFUSEBuildTool(): supported platforms: 10.11
> :info:build OSXFUSEBuildTool(): building OSXFUSE kernel extension 
> and tools
> :info:build xcrun: error: missing DEVELOPER_DIR path: 
> :info:build OSXFUSEBuildTool() failed: xcodebuild cannot build configuration 
> Release.
> :info:build Command failed:  cd 
> "/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_tarballs_ports_fuse_osxfuse/osxfuse/work/osxfuse-osxfuse-bf71481"
>  && ./ -t homebrew -f /opt/local 
> :info:build Exit code: 1
> :error:build for port osxfuse returned: command execution 
> failed
> :debug:build Error code: CHILDSTATUS 48607 1
> :debug:build Backtrace: command execution failed
> while executing
> "system -nice 0 $fullcmdstring"
> ("eval" body line 1)
> invoked from within
> "eval system $notty $nice \$fullcmdstring"
> invoked from within
> "command_exec build"
> (procedure "portbuild::build_main" line 8)
> invoked from within
> "portbuild::build_main"
> ("eval" body line 1)
> invoked from within
> "eval $procedure $targetname"
> :info:build Warning: targets not executed for osxfuse: org.macports.activate 
> org.macports.destroot org.macports.install
> any idea?
> thanks in advance.
> Raoul
> ___
> macports-users mailing list

Dan R. K. PortsUW CSE
macports-users mailing list

Re: How to discover what TeXLive ports I need

2016-05-19 Thread Dan Ports
On Thu, May 19, 2016 at 02:11:44PM +0200, Mojca Miklavec wrote:
> *Personally* I would find it most useful if I could search for, say,
> "prettyref.sty" with a command like
> port searchfile "prettyref.sty"

I'd find that to be a pretty useful feature in general (like apt-file).
One could imagine that since we're building packages now we could build
an index of which files are in all of the packages...

> But on the other hand it probably wouldn't be a bad idea if all the
> texlive packages would actually list the list of packages they
> contain. For example:

I've thought about doing that but some of the lists are pretty long --
texlive-latex-extra has over a thousand packages and there are another
few that are over a hundred. It might be worth doing anyway since you
could search it with `port search --long_description`

(Looking that up just now, I was surprised to find that `port search`
doesn't search long_description by default)

> Maybe texlive could also ship texlive.tlpdb (or perhaps some subset of
> it to make searching for files easier). In the extreme case it should
> actually be possible to trigger installation of the required package
> when a known file is missing (this is what MikTeX does for example),
> but it would require some extra coding.

We could easily ship the tlpdb file but it would be a lot more useful
with a utility to search it.


Dan R. K. PortsUW CSE
macports-users mailing list

Re: GNUCash build fails

2014-12-18 Thread Dan Ports
This is a failure I haven't seen before. When the bug tracker comes
back online, please file a ticket. If you can also attach the
config.log file from `port work gnucash`/gnucash-2.6.4/, that would be


On Thu, Dec 18, 2014 at 10:18:59AM +0100, Eneko Gotzon Ares wrote:
 Hello all!
   • Yosemite and MacPorts updated.
   • gnucash build constantly fails.
   • Cleaning done.
   • Unable to connect to MacPorts Bug tracker:
   • The webpage is not available.
   • system: Error code: ERR_TIMED_OUT
   • One day ago gnucash and gnucash-devel were updated to version 2.6.4. 
   • I'm sorry, I cannot understand the log (attached).
 Eneko Gotzon Ares

 macports-users mailing list

Dan R. K. PortsUW CSE
macports-users mailing list

Re: where is LaTeX package 'lucidabr'?

2014-11-16 Thread Dan Ports

On Sun, Nov 16, 2014 at 07:48:45PM -0800, Leo Singer wrote:
 I am trying to typeset a LaTeX document that uses the Lucida Bright typeface. 
 It should be provided by a file called 'lucidabr.sty'. It is present in the 
 stock TeX distribution on my Scientific Linux 6 system. Is it available in 
 some package in MacPorts?

I think the answer is no. It looks like these files (as part of the
euphoniously-named 'psnfssx' package) used to be in TeX Live but were
removed by the upstream TeX Live maintainers in 2007 because they
depended on non-free fonts.

There's nothing precluding us from adding them to MacPorts, but (as far
as I know), nobody has made such a package.


Dan R. K. PortsUW CSE
macports-users mailing list

Re: pdfTeX in texlive missing pdftex.fmt

2014-08-28 Thread Dan Ports
On Thu, Aug 28, 2014 at 04:15:02PM -0500, Jim Graham wrote:
 I'm trying to use pdfTeX from texlive, which I've used extensively
 before and never had problems.  Now, for some reason, it's missing
 I couldn't find it, either.  I even re-installed tex-live to just
 start's still not found, so I'm assuming it got moved
 to a new location that I'm not pointing to for TeX macros, etc.,
 but where did it get moved to?

This is strange. That file -- which, for the record, is found in
/opt/local/var/db/texmf/web2c/pdftex/pdftex.fmt -- is compiled during
the activation of texlive-basic. I haven't heard any other reports of
problems building that file. If you happen to have a logfile for the
installation of texlive-basic, I'd be interested to see it.

You can force a rebuild with `sudo fmtutil-sys --all`. 

I notice you are running 2013_5, which isn't the latest version.
Considering you've reinstalled it, it would be worth doing a selfupdate
and installing the 2014 version.

 Oh, and just for future reference, how do I limit the languages
 installed with texlive to English?  I have no use for the others,
 so waiting for them to be installed, only to be deleted later,
 is just a waste of time

The 'texlive' metaport installs the most popular tex packages,
including common European languages, but you're not required to install
it. You can remove the 'texlive' port (or reinstall it as +basic) and
then install whichever texlive-* packages you want (or remove the ones
you don't want)


Dan R. K. PortsUW CSE
macports-users mailing list

Re: Question about a part of tex-live

2013-10-26 Thread Dan Ports
On Fri, Oct 25, 2013 at 08:05:38PM +0200, Rainer Müller wrote:
 If you would need a TeX package that is not available in TeX Live or you
 need a newer version than what is packaged in MacPorts, install it to
 your home directory at ~/texmf (TEXMFHOME) instead.

/opt/local/share/texmf-local is also reserved for user-installed
tex packages.

(I've wondered if we ought to use /usr/local/share/texmf for that instead,
but left it this way for backward-compatibility. There may also still
be a couple ports that install into texmf-local, although they


Dan R. K. PortsUW CSE
macports-users mailing list

Re: ragged2e package missing

2013-10-01 Thread Dan Ports
On Tue, Oct 01, 2013 at 01:01:35AM -0400, Lenore Horner wrote:
 Ragged2e seems not to be included in the TexLive ports anymore.  I don't 
 remember having to install it by hand before.  Has something changed?

It is in texlive-latex-recommended.


Dan R. K. PortsUW CSE
macports-users mailing list

Re: ragged2e package missing

2013-10-01 Thread Dan Ports
On Tue, Oct 01, 2013 at 06:08:33AM -0400, Lenore Horner wrote:
 Thank you.  Indeed, port contents does show it there.  However, it is not 
 listed at which is where I 
 looked to see what I needed to install to get it.

Yes, it is in the following CTAN package, which has a regrettably
non-descriptive name:
   *  ms: Various LaTeX packages by Martin Schroder. 


Dan R. K. PortsUW CSE
macports-users mailing list

Re: XeTeX - back to original brokenness

2013-10-01 Thread Dan Ports
On Tue, Oct 01, 2013 at 02:22:34PM +0200, Mojca Miklavec wrote:
 This reminds me on even though
 I'm not claiming that it is necessarily the same issue. But XeTeX uses
 (almost) the same backend and if there are issues with dvipdfmx, it's
 not strange to see (the same) buggy behaviour in xdvipdfmx.

This is now fixed in r111792.


Dan R. K. PortsUW CSE
macports-users mailing list

Re: TeXLive and Web-O-Mints

2013-06-01 Thread Dan Ports
The getnonfreefonts script was removed from TeXLive altogether a couple
years ago. (iirc, in TeXLive 2010)


Dan R. K. PortsUW CSE
macports-users mailing list

Re: unable to upgrade/build texlive-bin

2013-04-02 Thread Dan Ports
On Mon, Apr 01, 2013 at 12:25:14PM +0200, MAS! wrote:
 I'm under mountain lion and I wish to upgrade texlive-bin (2012_5  2012_6) 
 but it seems it goes in loop and eat all memory and even all 'swap', until 
 the disk is full :-(

I'm seeing this now too (it's apparently specific to some combination
of clang/OS version, as I didn't before, and neither did the buildbot)

It looks like clang is choking badly on a character encoding problem in

I've opened for this issue, and
just disabled building makejvf for now as a workaround (r104809).


Dan R. K. PortsUW CSE
macports-users mailing list

Re: NTFS-3G fuse4x dependency

2013-02-27 Thread Dan Ports
On Tue, Feb 26, 2013 at 01:27:23PM -0800, Bradley Giesbrecht wrote:
 Fuse ports would need a osxfuse port to depend on and MacPorts does not 
 currently provide one.

This is something I've definitely been meaning to do but haven't had
much time for lately. It's likely to involve a non-trivial amount of
work, given that the build systems are different and that we need to
make sure things work OK for the various fuse filesystem ports.


Dan R. K. PortsUW CSE
macports-users mailing list

Re: Cairo Failed to Build

2012-12-10 Thread Dan Ports
On Mon, Dec 10, 2012 at 01:03:56PM -0600, Sean Farley wrote:
 Ok, I've just posted my patches to get it working here:
 Hopefully, they can be tested and committed by a macports developer
 soon. Let me know if there are any other errors.

I committed this as r100409 -- thanks!


Dan R. K. PortsUW CSE
macports-users mailing list

Re: Gnucash, python bindings, snow leopard

2012-10-03 Thread Dan Ports
On Wed, Oct 03, 2012 at 11:52:07AM -0500, ... wrote:
  sudo port install gnucash +python27
  export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/opt/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages
 and everything should work.  Gnucash installs but there are no python
 bindings.  Like, there is nothing related to gnucash at
 /opt/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages  and I get the following
 (paraphrased) errors

This is the wrong path. MacPorts python 2.7 packages get installed into
If you installed gnucash +python27, you should find a 'gnucash'
directory in there.

The easiest way to use this is to use MacPorts's python interpreter,
which is installed at /opt/local/bin/python2.7. If you want to make
that the default, `port select python` can help you do that.

Setting PYTHONPATH to the correct site-packages and using Apple's
python27 inerpreter might work too, but I haven't tried it.


Dan R. K. PortsUW CSE
macports-users mailing list

Re: Install MacPorts version of LaTeXML but MacTeX's TeXLive not MacPorts'?

2012-10-01 Thread Dan Ports
On Fri, Sep 28, 2012 at 02:51:02PM -0500, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
 The usual way to install a port that requires TeX, without installing TeX 
 itself from MacPorts, is to ensure that the path to your TeX distribution is 
 edited into the binpath variable in the macports.conf file. I don't know 
 whether that works with the LaTeXML port specifically but it looks like it 

Usually this works with ports for ports that just invoke TeX at 
runtime, but not those that need to install style files, as those are
installed only for a MacPorts texlive installation. (It also doesn't
work for ports that need to link against libraries from texlive, though
those are less common).

The LaTeXML portfile is written to allow a MacTeX installation to
satisfy the dependency, but it also appears to texmf files. I don't
know if this will work correctly for MacTeX users. (I'm not familiar
with LaTeXML).


Dan R. K. PortsUW CSE
macports-users mailing list

Re: Slow slog of deactivation

2012-09-24 Thread Dan Ports
On Sun, Sep 23, 2012 at 03:21:00AM -0700, Frank J. R. Hanstick wrote:
   I began deactivating all the broken link ports in reverse order until
   sudo port deactivate textlive-bin-extra
 resulted in the following error:

 :info:deactivate dyld: Library not loaded: /opt/local/lib/libjpeg. 
 :info:deactivate   Referenced from: /opt/local/lib/libpoppler.28.dylib
 :info:deactivate   Reason: Incompatible library version: libpoppler. 
 28.dylib requires version 13.0.0 or later, but libjpeg.8.dylib  
 provides version 12.0.0

The texlive ports include a hook that updates TeX's database of
installed files and various other runtime optimizations. It sounds like
this is failing for you because some of the texlive binaries have
broken linking.

It sounds like you're trying to deactivate these ports to get things
working again. In that case, it doesn't really matter that the
post-deactivate hook is failing, so you can safely ignore the error.
The necessary databases and formats will be rebuilt if you reinstall
the texlive ports.


Dan R. K. PortsUW CSE
macports-users mailing list

Re: Problem building gnuplot

2012-09-10 Thread Dan Ports
On Mon, Sep 10, 2012 at 01:21:54AM -0400, Richard L. Hamilton wrote:
 I keep getting the following:
 ---  Installing gnuplot @4.6.0_1+aquaterm+pangocairo+universal+x11
 Error: org.macports.activate for port gnuplot returned: 
 /opt/local/share/texmf/tex/latex/gnuplot/gnuplot-lua-tikz-common.sty: no such 
 file or directory

I ran into this too. Fixed in r97625.


Dan R. K. PortsUW CSE
macports-users mailing list

Re: xemacs fails to build with new libpng

2012-09-04 Thread Dan Ports
The port didn't build with libpng 1.5. Should be fixed with r97398.


Dan R. K. PortsUW CSE
macports-users mailing list

Re: Installing asymptote

2012-05-29 Thread Dan Ports
On Tue, May 29, 2012 at 01:10:14PM -0500, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
 For most ports that depend on a TeX port, the dependencies are written in 
 bin: style instead of port: style specifically so that you could edit 
 macports.conf and add MacTeX's path to your binpath setting to avoid having 
 MacPorts install those ports. This exception to the usual MacPorts 
 dependencies only rule is for TeX software only.
 The asymptote port, however, does not have its TeX dependency written in bin: 
 style so this trick won't work. I don't know if that 
 was a deliberate decision by the asymptote port maintainer or an oversight.

Generally, I've tried to use bin: dependencies for anything that
just *uses* TeX (and so would be OK to use MacTeX) and port:
dependencies for things that are more closely integrated. The usual
reason for using a port: dependency is that the port installs tex
packages, which are going to go into $prefix/share/texmf for use by
MacPorts texlive. asymptote falls into this category.

The other common reason for needing a port: dependency is something
that links against libraries provided by texlive-bin (e.g.
libkpathsea). IIRC, asymptote doesn't, but some other ports do.


Dan R. K. Ports  MIT CSAIL
macports-users mailing list

Re: Emacs port does not upgrade

2012-05-16 Thread Dan Ports
On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 01:09:21PM -0500, Watson Ladd wrote:
 When I update emacs, I get a binary named emacs-23.4 instead of an
 updated emacs. Is there a good reason for this behavior?
 I can think of several reasons why it is not good, and the port
 message displays no information about this, nor does the build

The emacs port installs the emacs binary as both /opt/local/bin/emacs
and /opt/local/bin/emacs-23.4, which are hard links to the same binary.

If that's not what you're seeing, let me know.


Dan R. K. Ports  MIT CSAIL
macports-users mailing list

Re: How remove port info but not installed files?

2012-04-18 Thread Dan Ports
On Wed, Apr 18, 2012 at 01:42:53PM -0400, Arno Hautala wrote:
 You could also try altering the Asymptote Portfile to not depend on
 texlive. I'm not sure how extensive these changes would have to be.

It's possible to get some ports to use your existing MacTeX install by
adding /usr/texbin to your binpath in /opt/local/etc/macports.conf

Unfortunately, asymptote is not one of those ports. It needs to install
some tex style files, and those will only be installed for the MacPorts
texlive installlation. (It doesn't seem like a good idea to try to
install them for a non-MacPorts install outside of $PREFIX...)


Dan R. K. Ports  MIT CSAIL
macports-users mailing list

Re: Ticket #33996 on gnucash

2012-04-11 Thread Dan Ports
On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 06:37:51PM +0100, Andrew Long wrote:
 I have submitted a ticket on gnucash, which fails to run/build following 
 upgrade of goffice to 0.9. (it appears to want a version of libgoffice less  
 than that one)

Yes, gnucash and gnumeric both seem to need goffice 0.8 rather than 0.9
(not too surprising; 0.9 is a gtk3 version). I've reverted goffice back
to 0.8.17 for compatibility.


Dan R. K. Ports  MIT CSAIL
macports-users mailing list

Re: Freedesktop dsub plist

2012-04-09 Thread Dan Ports
On Mon, Apr 09, 2012 at 03:35:45PM -0700, Puneet Kishor wrote:[990]: launchctl: Couldn't 
 stat(/Library/LaunchAgents/org.freedesktop.dbus-session.plist): No such 
 file or directory
 Indeed, I don't have that file even though I have a symlink to it in my 
 /Library/LaunchAgents to a location under /opt/local/Library/LaunchAgents. In 
 fact, I don't have even a LaunchAgents directory under /opt/local/Library.

Both the file and the symlink are installed by the dbus port. So...
 - if you have/want the dbus port installed then something's wrong with
   the installation because the plist in /opt/local/Library/LaunchAgents
   is missing and you should try reinstalling it.
 - if you don't have/want the dbus port installed, then that's a stray
   symlink in /Library/LaunchAgents that shouldn't be there and you
   should just delete it. (Maybe it was left over from a deleted


Dan R. K. Ports  MIT CSAIL
macports-users mailing list

Re: fuse4x-kext build fails during ntfs-3g install

2012-04-03 Thread Dan Ports
On Mon, Apr 02, 2012 at 09:22:29PM -0500, Jeremy Lavergne wrote:
 Don't invoke xcodebuild, but instead xcodebuild -license:
 I hope that error message has been updated but simply not released to the 
 users yet. Sorry about the misleading text.

That error message actually comes from xcodebuild directly, not from

We don't actually do anything to check whether the user has accepted
the EULA. It'd be nice to do that, but there isn't a convenient
command-line way to check whether the user has accepted it (short of
running xcodebuild and checking if it fails).


Dan R. K. Ports  MIT CSAIL
macports-users mailing list

Re: PostgreSQL 9.1 SPI

2012-04-02 Thread Dan Ports
There have been a lot of requests to include various Postgres contrib
modules in the postgresql* ports:

I don't think we've heard anything from the maintainers in response to
those requests, and I'm not really familiar enough with the contrib
tree to know which modules we want to include.

It's possible, though, that we should break off some of thse from the
main port and install them as subports now that we've got the ability
to do so.

The spi contrib module seems like it'd be a weird choice for a port,
though, since I thought its value was mostly as an example for how to
use the SPI API, not something you'd use directly.


Dan R. K. Ports  MIT CSAIL
macports-users mailing list

Re: Configure failure on Mac OS X Lion and Xcode 4.3.1

2012-03-20 Thread Dan Ports
There have been some issues with ports failing to configure if nawk is
installed. This has been reported before for gdbm:
It sounds like this is a bug somewhere, but I haven't been able to
reproduce it either.

As a workaround, you could try uninstalling nawk (although presumably
you installed it for a reason), or perhaps installing gawk (because
autoconf should prefer that if it's installed).


Dan R. K. Ports  MIT CSAIL
macports-users mailing list

Re: openssl and openssh

2012-03-15 Thread Dan Ports
On Thu, Mar 15, 2012 at 05:46:04PM -0500, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
 WTF? According to otool -L', the library version numbers of libcrypto and 
 libssl in openssl 1.0.1 are still 1.0.0, which is their guarantee to us that 
 they have not changed the library interface. Do the openssl developers not 
 understand what a library version number is?

The problem isn't that openssl isn't ABI-compatible between these two
versions -- as far as I know, it is -- but that openssh and neon are
checking that the version of openssl they were compiled against matches
the one loaded at runtime.

Part of the problem is that openssl 1.0.x versions are supposed to be
binary-compatible, but this wasn't true in the past (e.g. 0.9.8 and
0.9.7 weren't). So the check openssh is doing is now bogus. See


Dan R. K. Ports  MIT CSAIL
macports-users mailing list

Re: Scala

2012-03-14 Thread Dan Ports
On Wed, Mar 14, 2012 at 04:28:36PM +, Phil Dobbin wrote:
 `$ scala-2.9 -version
 Scala code runner version -- Copyright 2002-2011, LAMP/EPFL`
 I'll alias scala-2.9 - scala. Sorry for the noise...

See also `port select scala`.


Dan R. K. Ports  MIT CSAIL
macports-users mailing list

Re: select portgroup (was: Re: Scala)

2012-03-14 Thread Dan Ports
On Wed, Mar 14, 2012 at 05:50:51PM -0500, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
 I'm surprised this isn't part of the select portgroup. Can anyone think of a 
 reason not to move this code there?

Sounds like a great idea to me.


Dan R. K. Ports  MIT CSAIL
macports-users mailing list

Re: Debian-like rename utility - available via MacPorts?

2012-02-22 Thread Dan Ports
On Wed, Feb 22, 2012 at 11:33:50PM +, Sam Kuper wrote:
 If I'm not mistaken, in Debian Linux ( Ubuntu, etc), there is a
 rename utility, which I think comes from Debian's Perl package. It
 allows file renaming using regular expressions, as described in Jens
 Dreger's post here[1].
 In any case, it would be much better if MacPorts users could simply
 get rename by running port install rename much as Brew users can
 apparently get it by running brew install rename[2].

Sounds like a useful thing to have. I just added the p5-file-rename
port, which is a newer version of that script. It installs both a perl
module and a command-line script `file-rename`.


Dan R. K. Ports  MIT CSAIL
macports-users mailing list

Re: Noobish question

2012-02-01 Thread Dan Ports
On Wed, Feb 01, 2012 at 04:38:05PM -0600, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
 Yup. It was never clear to me why we added CPATH and LIBRARY_PATH to MacPorts 
 base, since the existing CPPFLAGS and LDFLAGS we set in the configure phase 
 should have the same effect for properly-behaved ports, and 
 improperly-behaved ports should be fixed. 

I believe the thinking at the time was that we would eventually remove
the default CPPFLAGS and LDFLAGS in favor of CPATH and LIBRARY_PATH.
They're not quite identical; CPATH and LIBRARY_PATH are preferable
because they come later in the search order. This makes a difference
for some ports (texlive-bin comes to mind).

Of course, that was all before we were using clang...


Dan R. K. Ports  MIT CSAIL
macports-users mailing list

Re: postgres launch daemon not working

2012-01-31 Thread Dan Ports
On Tue, Jan 31, 2012 at 04:47:09PM -0800, Scott Frankel wrote:
 On Jan 31, 2012, at 12:34 PM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
  It should not have caused a problem, though it was also unnecessary to 
  create your own postgres user, since that (along with creating the server 
  directories, and the launchd plist) is the purpose of installing the 
  postgresql*-server ports.
 Good to know.  How would I have been able to find that out myself?  Knowing 
 that ahead of time would've saved me significant effort.

It probably wouldn't hurt if the postgresql*-server ports had a more
descriptive description...


Dan R. K. Ports  MIT CSAIL
macports-users mailing list

Re: Problem for install GV

2012-01-25 Thread Dan Ports
I see this too. It looks like it's an incompatibility with Xaw3d 1.16:

There's a patch linked to that ticket. I imagine adding that to the
port would fix things, but I haven't tried it yet.


Dan R. K. Ports  MIT CSAIL
macports-users mailing list

Re: How to start gnome ?

2012-01-17 Thread Dan Ports
On Wed, Jan 18, 2012 at 08:33:59AM +0700, Jasper Frumau wrote:
 On Wed, Jan 18, 2012 at 7:37 AM, Dan Ports wrote:
  This problem is fixable, and I'll check in the fix shortly.
 That would be great.

The patch is committed and should be available by selfupdate.

As I mentioned, it still doesn't work for me. I think the problem is
that starting nautilus causes XQuartz to crash, but I haven't really
looked into it.

 Hmm, so instructions need updating as well..

I removed mention of dbus-launch from the instructions at

(I'm not sure how accurate the rest of the instructions are, but I
don't see anything obviously wrong...)


Dan R. K. Ports  MIT CSAIL
macports-users mailing list

Re: port variants or different port

2012-01-02 Thread Dan Ports
On Mon, Jan 02, 2012 at 01:38:58PM -0600, Shiyuan wrote:
1. I want to write a portfile for install the package auctex for emacs.

First, were you aware that there's already a port for auctex?

 I have two emacs installed, one is, the other is emacs(for
 non-graphical command line). Accordingly, I need to specify different
 configuration for auctex, i.e., set -with-emacs -with-lisp-dir  to
 different locations.  I want both and emacs can find the package

Both emacs and emacs-app (as well as the other available emacsen) should
be configured so that they'll look for lisp packages in
/opt/local/share/emacs/site-lisp. Our elisp packages should probably
all install there.

 In this case, should I write two different port files and give the
 port different names (auctex and auctex-app, for example) or should I make
 one portfile with two different variants? I try the latter, but it seems
 that only one variant is activated, that is, the lisp files only exist in
 one lisp-dir. Are there any other options I can use to make two variants
 activated at the same time?

You can build a port with multiple variants selected but that probably
wouldn't help you in this case. You can't have multiple installations
of the port active at once, different variants or otherwise. You could
probably do that with subports but I'm not sure that's the best
approach here.

  2. How can I see the the definition of Portfiles for a particular port
 return by port search xxport?

`port file name` will print the path to the portfile; also,
`port cat name` will print the contents.


Dan R. K. Ports  MIT CSAIL
macports-users mailing list

Re: ipython and readline

2011-12-05 Thread Dan Ports
On Mon, Dec 05, 2011 at 07:02:11PM +, Chris Jones wrote:
 Just for the record, I had exactly the same problem as this yesterday?. 
 py27-readline wasn't installed even though I had py27-ipython. Had to install 
 it by hand.

py-readline presumably only became necessary as a dependency recently
when we switched the Python ports to use libedit by default. We added
the dependency for new installations of ipython. I just added a
revision bump (in r87774) to ensure that existing installations also
pick up the dependency on py-readline.


Dan R. K. Ports  MIT CSAIL
macports-users mailing list

Re: dependencies only package?

2011-12-04 Thread Dan Ports
On Sun, Dec 04, 2011 at 10:06:06PM -0700, Roger Pack wrote:
 Since that doesn't seem an option, I was thinking/hoping I could write
 something like a Portfile that *just* have dependencies on gocr and
 ffmpeg, then I could mpkg that for the same effect.
 Is anything like that currently possible?

Sure, you can do exactly that. The only complication you're likely to
run into is that the port needs to install at least one file or it will
fail to install. A common way to work around that is to add a dummy
README file or something similar.

See the 'gnome' or 'texlive' ports for examples of metaports.


Dan R. K. Ports  MIT CSAIL
macports-users mailing list

Re: ImageMagick update fails to build

2011-10-12 Thread Dan Ports
On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 06:36:37PM +0100, Chris Jones wrote:
 :info:build libtool: link: `/opt/local/lib/' is not a valid libtool 
 :info:build make[1]: *** [coders/] Error 1
 :info:build make[1]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs?.

This is bug #30809: libtool sometimes randomly fails with this error on
Lion. I've seen this happen for both gtk2 and ImageMagick. It ought to
succeed if you just try again.

I've spent some time (actually, quite a while) looking into this, but
haven't found any answers yet. I'll post some updates in that ticket.


Dan R. K. Ports  MIT CSAIL
macports-users mailing list

Re: MacTex vs MacPorts

2011-10-01 Thread Dan Ports
MacTeX and MacPorts are, for the most part, going to install the same
version of the same TeX Live software, so it largely comes down to
which package manager you'd like to use.

The major differences are:
 - MacTeX includes the entire distribution (which makes it pretty
   large). The texlive metaport, by default, installs the most commonly
   used packages. The others can be installed from separate ports, or
   by installing texlive +full

 - MacTeX includes its own package manager that can install pre-release
   versions. Our texlive ports install the latest release version, and
   mostly only get bug-fix updates between releases.

 - if you install via MacPorts, MacPorts can keep track of your
   installation. Besides meaning you can update your TeX installation
   the same way you update your other ports, it also means that it can
   be used to satisfy dependencies for other ports. It can also install
   additional texlive packages as needed for dependencies.

In years past, our texlive ports were sometimes significantly out of
date. That's not really an issue nowadays; TeX Live 2011 was available
in ports a week or so after its release.


Dan R. K. Ports  MIT CSAIL
macports-users mailing list

Re: sshfs and Fuse4x

2011-09-20 Thread Dan Ports
On Mon, Sep 19, 2011 at 11:11:33PM -0500, Mr. Puneet Kishor wrote:
 $sshfs Remote:/path/to/remote/home Remote 
 the MacFUSE file system is not available (-1)
 the MacFUSE file system is not available (1)

This error message comes from the MacFUSE library, not Fuse4X, so it
sounds like you still have a copy of MacFUSE around and your sshfs is
linked against that.

I would start by checking the following:
 - make sure you're actually using sshfs from MacPorts: `which sshfs`
   should return /opt/local/bin/sshfs
 - make sure your sshfs is linked against the right libfuse.
   `otool -L /opt/local/bin/sshfs` should list
   /opt/local/lib/libfuse.2.dylib, among other libraries
 - make sure that library is installed by the fuse4x port:
   `port provides /opt/local/lib/libfuse.2.dylib` should indicate that
   it's provided by fuse4x.


Dan R. K. Ports  MIT CSAIL
macports-users mailing list

Re: Why was the macports user implemented

2011-08-31 Thread Dan Ports
On Wed, Aug 31, 2011 at 02:26:24PM -0500, Rodolfo Aramayo wrote:
 Great. Good explanation. Thanks, but then that begs the question as to
 why the files in '/opt/local/' are not owned by macports:macports and
 instead by 'root:admin and/or root:wheel'? Am I missing something in

The macports user is used to drop privileges during the build phases;
it's not used during installation and isn't meant to own the files in

There are at least two reasons you would not want it to:

 - it would defeat privilege separation: the reason build runs as
   'macports' is to keep a misbehaving port from having the authority
   to do any damage. If the macports user also owned the files in
   /opt/local, such a port would be able to modify any of those files.
 - some files are installed in the prefix that have other uids. setuid
   root files are one example; things might also be owned by other uids
   that macports sets up.

Dan R. K. Ports  MIT CSAIL
macports-users mailing list

Re: texlive-basic update broken

2011-08-09 Thread Dan Ports
Have you upgraded the rest of your ports too? 

You will see some errors like that while parts of texlive have been
updated to their 2011 versions but other parts are still at their 2010
version. Once `port upgrade outdated` completes, everything should be
working again. 


Dan R. K. Ports  MIT CSAIL
macports-users mailing list

Re: texlive-basic update broken

2011-08-09 Thread Dan Ports
On Tue, Aug 09, 2011 at 03:23:41PM -0500, Paulo Moura wrote:
 Given that texlive-basic is one of the first ports installed when installing 
 texlive and that most other texlive ports require texlive-basic to be already 
 installed, how would you do that? Besides, I would expect most user to simply 
 type sudo port upgrade texlive.

Yes, that should work. During the upgrade process there may be some
transient format generation failures, but they shouldn't stop the
upgrade, and once the upgrade finishes the errors should be resolved
and you should have a working installation.

If `port upgrade texlive*` or `port upgrade outdated` isn't working for
you, can you provide a log?


Dan R. K. Ports  MIT CSAIL
macports-users mailing list

Re: texlive-basic update broken

2011-08-09 Thread Dan Ports
On Tue, Aug 09, 2011 at 01:38:18PM -0700, Dan Ports wrote:
 Yes, that should work. During the upgrade process there may be some
 transient format generation failures, but they shouldn't stop the
 upgrade, and once the upgrade finishes the errors should be resolved
 and you should have a working installation.

Hmm. Although `port upgrade outdated` worked correctly (I just tried it
again), some other commands might abort with an error.

I just committed a fix, which  should be available via selfupdate in
half an hour or so.

Of course, it's still essential to upgrade all the texlive ports. You
may still have problems if you haven't updated them all to the 2011


Dan R. K. Ports  MIT CSAIL
macports-users mailing list

Re: texlive-basic update broken

2011-08-09 Thread Dan Ports
On Wed, Aug 10, 2011 at 12:55:04AM +0200, Mojca Miklavec wrote:
 The only really sane way would be to remove the whole texlive first,
 reinstall version 2011 and only then generate the formats.

It isn't necessary to uninstall the previous version first. Once all
the ports have been updated to their 2011 version, the correct formats
will be installed. The usual `port upgrade outdated` will take care of


Dan R. K. Ports  MIT CSAIL
macports-users mailing list

Re: texlive-basic update broken

2011-08-09 Thread Dan Ports
On Wed, Aug 10, 2011 at 01:56:31AM +0200, Keith J. Schultz wrote:
 Basically, TeXLive has been frozen since the end of May.
 So, any updates were not from the normal main TexLive distribution,
 but from the development test side!
 Sooo, any problems are to be expected with such a distribution and should have
 been mark as devel!!

The version now available in MacPorts, as of a couple days ago, is the
final release version.

 As of 20 July 2011 TexLive 2011 has been release to the public. 

You will notice that this date is in the past. :-)


Dan R. K. Ports  MIT CSAIL
macports-users mailing list

Re: Trouble updating qt3

2011-07-28 Thread Dan Ports
On Thu, Jul 28, 2011 at 08:57:09AM -0500, Rodolfo Aramayo wrote:
 The original problem was related to file permissions?? I was unable to
 solve this problem any other way, like changing permissions on the
 files that could not be written to and or running selfupdate and port
 upgrade outdated

It looks like the qt3 port needs to run ranlib on any
previously-installed qt3 library before building (I'm not entirely
clear on why), so the build process needs to run as root. I made it do
so in r81275.


Dan R. K. Ports  MIT CSAIL
macports-users mailing list

Re: Trouble updating qt3

2011-07-28 Thread Dan Ports
On Thu, Jul 28, 2011 at 03:07:00PM -0500, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
 That sounds like qt3 is not properly observing the destroot. I'm guessing it 
 should be running ranlib on the copy in the destroot, not an existing copy 
 already in prefix.

No, it appears to be intentional. It's doing a ranlib on the existing
copy *before* the build, apparently because that copy somehow
interferes with the build.

I can't speak to what problem that solves, why it solves it, or whether
it's still necessary to do so. If the presence of an existing version
of the library affects the build, it's likely a sign that there's
something wrong about the build process. However, I'm not too inclined
to look into it myself.


Dan R. K. Ports  MIT CSAIL
macports-users mailing list

Re: Ticket #30400 (new defect) QT3 fails to build

2011-07-27 Thread Dan Ports
On Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 04:59:38PM -0700, Bradley Giesbrecht wrote:
 Can gnucash use aqbanking4?

I'm assuming you meant aqbanking5 here, since the 'aqbanking' port is
4.x and that's what gnucash currently uses.

I haven't looked into it very far, but it seems like when trying to use
aqbanking5, gnucash fails to build because it's expecting a GTK version
of aqbanking/gwenhywfar. So there's at least some work required...


Dan R. K. Ports  MIT CSAIL
macports-users mailing list

Re: Ticket #30400 (new defect) QT3 fails to build

2011-07-27 Thread Dan Ports
On Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 06:59:30PM +0200, Marko K?ning wrote:
 Well, when I set up aqbanking5 I hadn't gnucash in mind.
 If gnucash needs a newer version we'd need to overhaul the port and probably 
 make the GTK version a variant.

Like I said, I haven't looked into it very far. It's pretty surprising,
actually, that it seems to want a gtk version of aqbanking5 when it
works fine with the qt3 version of aqbanking4. 

It would probably have to be a separate port (or subport) rather than a
variant, so we could have gnucash depend on it. I'm guessing that would
conflict with the qt version, which would be unfortunate -- but I
suppose we already can't have gnucash and kmymoney4 installed
simultaneously because they depend on different versions of aqbanking.


Dan R. K. Ports  MIT CSAIL
macports-users mailing list

Re: emacs: Cannot open termcap database file

2011-06-13 Thread Dan Ports
On Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 02:59:56PM +0900, Dietrich Bollmann wrote:
   emacs: Cannot open termcap database file

Can you provide the log from `port -d build emacs`? (after cleaning, if

Any chance you have another copy of libncurses installed via Fink, or
installed in /usr/local?


Dan R. K. Ports  MIT CSAIL
macports-users mailing list

Re: gnuplot

2011-06-08 Thread Dan Ports
On Tue, Jun 07, 2011 at 05:31:22PM +0800, cao.xu wrote:
   After installed emacs from macports, gnuplot can be installed 
 correctly. It seems the dependency on emacs is needed by gnuplot indeed.

It is true that there's an undeclared dependency on emacs to build the
gnuplot-mode elisp. Really, we ought to build gnuplot-mode as a
separate port. I filed that as
a while back.

I haven't had a chance to fix it (and certainly wouldn't complain if
someone else wants to!). It hasn't been an especially high priority
because, as others have noted, it does build on a normal system without
the emacs port installed.


Dan R. K. Ports  MIT CSAIL
macports-users mailing list

Re: startup items for dbus and dovecot2

2011-06-08 Thread Dan Ports
On Mon, Jun 06, 2011 at 06:59:25PM +0100, Andrew Long wrote:
 Thanks for that - it let me get rid of the two old launchctl items and put 
 them back in place correctly. However, it hasn't fixed the problem with 
 gnome-session failing to start - I'm still getting the 'operation not 
 permitted' on 'launch_msg( checkin )', and the Xserver keeps on failing and 
 restarting until I change the name of the .x11init.d folder to something else.

I believe this is actually a problem with gnome-session in particular.
It sounds like it is trying to start a dbus itself with dbus-launch,
which it does not need to do because launchd will handle that

I don't know enough about gnome-session to suggest a fix or workaround.


Dan R. K. Ports  MIT CSAIL
macports-users mailing list

Re: Proposal: Delete mysql4

2011-05-13 Thread Dan Ports
On Thu, May 12, 2011 at 02:15:05PM -0500, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
 I would like to delete the mysql4 port now too (as well as remove references 
 to it from other ports). The last version of MySQL 4 was released in November 
 2006 and extended support ended in December 2009.

Should we also consider doing the same for postgresql7, postgresql80,
and postgresql81, which have also reached end-of-life?


Dan R. K. Ports  MIT CSAIL
macports-users mailing list

Re: beamer problem

2011-04-30 Thread Dan Ports
On Fri, Apr 29, 2011 at 09:58:06PM -0400, Emden R. Gansner wrote:
 At present, I have texmf, texmf-texlive, texmf-texlive-dist and 
 texmf-local under /opt/local/share.
 Are all of these necessary? Is there some way to expunge tex files in 
 these directories that are no
 longer used?

It's normal to have all of these:
  - texmf-texlive and texmf-texlive-dist contain the files installed by
the texlive ports. (TeX Live separaes some of its file into -dist for
reasons that are not particularly useful to us).
  - texmf is where non-texlive ports installed by MacPorts put their
files. pgf is one such port; we use a separate port for it rather
than the one in texlive to satisfy some dependency problems.
  - texmf-local is a place to manually install tex files (i.e. not via
MacPorts). Some older ports may install files here, though they
should not.

If you have files in them that shouldn't be there, you could try doing
something like 
 find /opt/local/share/texmf* | xargs port provides | grep is not provided by 
a MacPorts port
to find files that weren't put there by a port.


Dan R. K. Ports  MIT CSAIL
macports-users mailing list

Re: beamer problem

2011-04-29 Thread Dan Ports
On Fri, Apr 29, 2011 at 06:29:04PM -0400, Emden R. Gansner wrote:
 When running pdflatex using beamer, I get the error
LaTeX Error: File `pgfcore.sty' not found.
 I see that this was an error last summer and I assume it has been fixed, so 
 is there something else
 I need to do? The beamer.cls is coming from 
 but the only pgfcore.sty I can find is 

This should work fine. Since you have that pgfcore.sty, I'm assuming you
have the pgf port installed (as it should be). Does
`kpsewhich pgfcore.sty` find the file? If not, what does `kpsepath tex`


Dan R. K. Ports  MIT CSAIL
macports-users mailing list

Re: beamer problem

2011-04-29 Thread Dan Ports
Hmm. That path is correct, and the file is in the right place, but
kpsewhich can't find it. Maybe the database is not up to date -- try
running `sudo mktexlsr` and retrying?


Dan R. K. Ports  MIT CSAIL
macports-users mailing list


2011-04-22 Thread Dan Ports
On Fri, Apr 22, 2011 at 11:59:21PM -0400, Robert J. Hansen wrote:
 Thank you for this: however, now we've just got a different error.
 Failed to start message bus: launch_msg(CheckIn) IPC failure:
 Operation not permitted
 EOF in dbus-launch reading address from bus daemon
 ... and gnome-session aborts again.

Oh. Yes, I have the same problem.

It looks like what's happening is that gnome-session is attempting to
start dbus via dbus-launch. This isn't needed because launchd will take
care of starting dbus and letting applications find it.

I'm afraid I don't have any experience with gnome-session so I don't
know if there's a way to get it to not try to start dbus.

(Why are we installing dbus-launch anyway? My understanding is that
with our launchd-enabled dbus, it shouldn't be used and apparently
doesn't work. But I am no dbus expert, so perhaps I'm missing


Dan R. K. Ports  MIT CSAIL
macports-users mailing list

Re: emacs does not work on MacOSX server

2011-03-28 Thread Dan Ports
On Wed, Mar 23, 2011 at 12:19:12AM -0500, Rodolfo Aramayo wrote:
 After applying the latest Apple server updates and port selfupdate and
 updates, which included emacs, I cannot use emacs anymore
 After invoking emacs I get the following:
 emacs: Cannot open termcap database file

FWIW, I finally got a chance to dust off my OS X server machine, and I
couldn't reproduce this problem. It works fine for me on OS X Server
10.6.7 with emacs 23.3_1.

On Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 11:44:28PM -0500, Rodolfo Aramayo wrote:
 On Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 20:29, William H. Magill
  (setq system-uses-terminfo y)
  in your .emacs file will switch to using terminfo, which is what OSX ships
  with -- i.e. no termcap file, just terminfo files.
 Makes sense.
 I tried creating a .emacs file inside the .emacs.d/ directory where I
 placed  setq system-uses-terminfo y but this did not work
 Was this the right thing to do?

I don't know why this workaround is necessary (as it doesn't seem to be
for me), but it should go in .emacs in your home directory, not in
.emacs.d. And the line should probably be:
  (setq system-uses-terminfo 't)


Dan R. K. Ports  MIT CSAIL
macports-users mailing list

Re: how to change encfs installation script to skip macfuse

2011-03-15 Thread Dan Ports
On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 08:52:45AM -0600, Frank Schima wrote:
 The official Macfuse site says 2.0.3,2 is the latest version [1]. Where are 
 you seeing 2.1.7?

My understanding is that MacFUSE has effectively been abandoned by its
author, and 2.0.3,2 is the latest released version (so, not
surprisingly, it's the one available in the port)

There's been some work in the community about creating a newer version,
and in particular on getting 64-bit kernel support. Ticket #26115 has
some links to relevant threads. As far as I know all of this is pretty

As the macfuse port's maintainer, I'm not entirely opposed to updating
the port to an unofficial version if there's not going to be another
official release. (Though the thought does make me uneasy -- is there
any precedent for doing that?) But I certainly don't want to update to
a version that's also unstable.


Dan R. K. Ports  MIT CSAIL
macports-users mailing list

Re: how to change encfs installation script to skip macfuse

2011-03-15 Thread Dan Ports
On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 07:18:26PM +, Bayard Bell wrote:
 I'm not sure what the general rules are with this, but I've noticed that 
 port-devel allows people who are so inclined to get closer to the bleeding 
 edge, presumably forewarned that what they are running is of a markedly 
 different status. Let people work with the -devel branch and decide from 
 there when the 2.1 branch is sufficiently stable to replace 2.0 in the 
 standard port.

Yes, that's an option. It's worth noting that there's also an official
beta release of MacFUSE (v. 2.1.5). I'm not sure offhand what its
benefits over 2.0 are. It doesn't have 64-bit kernel support, which
seems to be what most people are (understandably!) looking for.

We haven't done a -devel version of macfuse before, in part because I
hadn't heard any demand for it, and in part because it wasn't clear
what version that would be. Development has been (and still is,
somewhat) fragmented, with a bunch of random unofficial releases
appearing on forums.

On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 03:16:30PM -0500, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
 That's a good idea, to start with anyway. (Later, if 2.1.x is deemed to work 
 well enough, and the original developer shows no signs of updating the 
 official version, we could decide to use 2.1.x in the regular macfuse port 
 My own research on the topic suggests that 2.1.9 is currently an ok version, 
 including 64-bit kernel support, but it seemed that there were several 
 different versions built by different people, but that Tuxera seemed to be 
 taking the lead with macfuse development these days. I have not yet tried it 
 myself; though I greatly want 64-bit kernel support, I also greatly want not 
 to cause kernel panics, which is what some earlier versions would cause.

Yes, there were a bunch of versions floating around for a while that
purported to support 64-bit kernels. Many of them actually worked by
disabling various thread-safety checks without actually being
thread-safe, and thereby wound up causing frequent kernel panics.

It looks like the Tuxera code is better in that respect, although I
believe it uses fairly coarse-grained locking which can limit

Much of the problem here is that it's hard to keep track of these
different releases, which are coming from different people, some of
which work, some of which don't, and some of which are poorly
documented. It would certainly be better for the MacFUSE community
(such as it is) to straighten this out, rather than us...


Dan R. K. Ports  MIT CSAIL
macports-users mailing list

Re: how to change encfs installation script to skip macfuse

2011-03-15 Thread Dan Ports
On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 05:43:32AM -0700, seron wrote:
 When I try to install encfs it fails to install macfuse (2.0.3) as I have a
 newer version (2.1.7) installed from the official site. Other software
 depends on 2.1.7 so uninstalling it is not an option. So what I was thinking
 was to edit the macports script for installing encfs to skip macfuse and
 hopefully use the one already installed. How could I accomplish this and
 also keep the script from being overwritten when the macports install script
 library is refreshed?

And in the interest of actually answering your original question, it
might be possible to just edit the portfile for encfs and remove
port:macfuse from the depends_lib line.

I haven't tried this, so I don't know if it would work, but there's a
decent chance it will. It's not supported, for the usual reasons:


Dan R. K. Ports  MIT CSAIL
macports-users mailing list

Re: perl5, perl5.* changes

2011-03-02 Thread Dan Ports
On Wed, Mar 02, 2011 at 08:53:25AM +0100, Erwan David wrote:
 ANd what abbout ports like ghostscript which depends on perl, but are not in 
 p5-* ?

If they do not build perl modules, they should not need to be rebuilt.

That said, it's quite possible I missed something; if you still have
problems after selfupdate and update outdated, please file a bug.


Dan R. K. Ports  MIT CSAIL
macports-users mailing list

Re: perl5, perl5.* changes

2011-03-01 Thread Dan Ports
On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 04:34:22PM -0800, Dan Ports wrote:
 I see this as a high-priority issue that affects many people. So if we
 can get things closer to working by revbumping a bunch of ports, we
 should do that ASAP. Is there any reason *not* to revbump p5-* (or more
 precisely anything using PortGroup perl5?)

If no one objects, I'll do exactly this today.


Dan R. K. Ports  MIT CSAIL
macports-users mailing list

Re: perl5, perl5.* changes

2011-03-01 Thread Dan Ports
I just revbumped all of the ports that build perl5 modules in r76604.

So if you have been having problems, the next 
`port selfupdate  port upgrade outdated` should rebuild quite a few
ports with perl 5.12 and get things working again.


Dan R. K. Ports  MIT CSAIL
macports-users mailing list

Re: perl5, perl5.* changes

2011-02-28 Thread Dan Ports
I've tried in the past to avoid finding out too much about how the p5
ports work, not being an avid perl user, but this situation has
motivated me to look into it a bit more. 

My understanding of the current state of things is that a typical user,
after a selfupdate and port upgrade outdated, will find himself with:
  - both perl5.8 and 5.12 installed
  - /opt/local/bin/perl pointing to perl5.12
  - but all modules installed only for perl5.8 other words, a broken installation of perl.

I see this as a high-priority issue that affects many people. So if we
can get things closer to working by revbumping a bunch of ports, we
should do that ASAP. Is there any reason *not* to revbump p5-* (or more
precisely anything using PortGroup perl5?)

On Sun, Feb 27, 2011 at 12:10:59AM -0600, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
 It was said that only the p5-* ports that compile things need to be rebuilt 
 (not those that just install files). If that is true, then those portfiles 
 that say supported_archs noarch would not need a revision bump.

I don't think this is true. Looking at an arbitrary noarch port, p5-yaml, I
see that it installs into /opt/local/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.9/
So even though it doesn't need to be recompiled, it probably needs to
be reinstalled ino the right location.

 However, the separate perl5.8/perl5.10/perl5.12 ports give the impression 
 that users can install multiple versions simultaneously and expect all their 
 p5-* modules to work with whatever is active. It sounds like this is not 
 actually the case, so perhaps first we should clean up this situation, move 
 perl 5.12.3 into the perl5 port, mark perl5.8/perl5.10/perl5.12 as 
 replaced_by perl5, then finally revbump the affected p5-* ports.

Yes, I'm also confused by this. It's possible to have multiple versions
of perl5 installed, but as far as I can tell modules can only be
installed for one of them -- whichever one was installed as
$prefix/bin/perl at the time the moduls were built. If so, we don't
really support multiple versions of perl at all. If having only one
version of perl5 installed is acceptable (I'm not a perl user, so I
can't judge that myself, but that's the impression I get), I think
that's the way to go.

But I don't think we should let this keep us from revbumping ports to
get people's systems working again in the meantime.


Dan R. K. Ports  MIT CSAIL
macports-users mailing list

Re: perl5, perl5.* changes

2011-02-26 Thread Dan Ports
On Fri, Feb 25, 2011 at 10:02:50PM -0600, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
 Your update causes perl5.12 to be installed and become the default version, 
 but your update does not cause all p5-* ports to be rebuilt, which you say 
 would be necessary. Doesn't this update therefore break everybody's system?

Well, it certainly did for me -- after the upgrade, I'm left with
perl5.8 and perl5.12 installed, with `perl` pointing to v5.12, yet all
of my modules are installed only for v5.8. I found this out the hard
way, e.g. when gnucash stopped being able to find Finance::Quote.

I know that perl upgrades are a non-trivial change, so I'm not
surprised there's some breakage, but surely we can do better than this?
Is revbumping p5-* ports a solution?

In the meantime, I've reinstalled the perl5 port with +perl5_8 in the
interest of having a working system.


Dan R. K. Ports  MIT CSAIL
macports-users mailing list

Re: standard variants for py26-numpy

2011-02-14 Thread Dan Ports
On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 01:42:50PM -0700, Bryan Blackburn wrote:
 Use -atlas to disable that variant, which also has the effect of disabling
 the need for a new gcc as well:

Until now, I'd managed to be completely oblivious to the fact that
atlas support was a variant in numpy. What are the drawbacks of
building numpy without atlas? The advantages of not having to build
atlas and gcc are obvious and considerable, at least to me.

Given that py26-gtk and py26-cairo depend on numpy, keeping build time
down is quite a legitimate concern, so I too wonder whether -atlas
ought to be the default. 


Dan R. K. Ports  MIT CSAIL
macports-users mailing list

Re: latexmk checksum error

2011-01-24 Thread Dan Ports
On Mon, Jan 24, 2011 at 09:44:08AM -0600, Tim Campbell wrote:
 Is there a work-around for the latexmk checksum error (Ticket #27863)?

For this one, the best option is to download the file from the MacPorts
distfiles mirror:
and put it in /opt/local/var/macports/distfiles/latexmk/4.21/

The problem here is that the download link is unversioned; it points to
the latest version of latexmk, which recently got updated to 4.22. The
port is still expecting 4.21.


Dan R. K. Ports  MIT CSAIL
macports-users mailing list

Re: emacs +x11

2011-01-23 Thread Dan Ports
Should be fixed now, and I also removed librsvg as a dependency for
+x11; now it's only used for +gtk.


Dan R. K. Ports  MIT CSAIL
macports-users mailing list

Re: emacs +x11

2011-01-22 Thread Dan Ports
On Fri, Jan 21, 2011 at 08:00:47PM -0600, Ken Preslan wrote:
 I'll leave it up to you to decide what default would best serve your users,
 but I'd like to lobby for leaving the simpler +x11 variant as an option.
 The +gtk variant pulls in a lot of other ports I wouldn't need
 otherwise.  The librsvg dependency also pulls in a lot of stuff I
 wouldn't have thought necessary for emacs.  Simpler is better for me, and
 I don't need/want more bells and whistles.  But that's just my vote.

I'm with you on that. It's just that at the moment the dependencies for
+x11 aren't actually any smaller because it depends on librsvg which
depends on gtk anyway, which kind of negates the point. 

I am not really clear on what emacs is using librsvg for. The
dependency seems to have popped up in emacs23. It might be reasonable
to disable it for non-gtk builds.


Dan R. K. Ports  MIT CSAIL
macports-users mailing list

Re: emacs +x11

2011-01-21 Thread Dan Ports
On Fri, Jan 21, 2011 at 05:46:55PM -0600, Ken Preslan wrote:
 I recently upgraded my installation of the emacs +x11 port and I'm
 getting an error.  I did a port uninstall emacs ; port clean emacs and
 I still get the error.

This was just reported as bug #28083:

I haven't figured out yet why the right compiler flags aren't being
used, but as a workaround I do know that the +gtk variant works.
(Lately I've been contemplating replacing +x11 with +gtk, or making
+gtk the default, anyway.)


Dan R. K. Ports  MIT CSAIL
macports-users mailing list

Re: Emacs not launching independent Xwindow (emacs shell)

2011-01-18 Thread Dan Ports
On Tue, Jan 18, 2011 at 03:22:58PM -0800, gmail wrote:
 I have installed macports and use many of the other applications without
 problems.  I have had a problem in getting any of the emacs versions to
 provide a x-window in the command  ?emacs test ? which should launch GNU
 emacs into its own window as in a Linux environment.

Did you install emacs with the +x11 or +gtk (for a prettier interface)
variant set? Otherwise, you'll just get console-mode emacs.


Dan R. K. Ports  MIT CSAIL
macports-users mailing list

Re: Emacs not launching independent Xwindow (emacs shell)

2011-01-18 Thread Dan Ports
On Tue, Jan 18, 2011 at 06:36:59PM -0500, Jason Swails wrote:
 You can also install xemacs and alias emacs to xemacs. 

Well, yes, you could do that, but xemacs is a different piece of
software -- it's not the X11 version of emacs, despite the name.


Dan R. K. Ports  MIT CSAIL
macports-users mailing list

Re: Emacs not launching independent Xwindow (emacs shell)

2011-01-18 Thread Dan Ports
I wonder if we should make the +gtk variant the default rather than the
console version. I wouldn't be opposed to it myself, except that
it would change the historical behavior.

Also, looking at the dependencies, there's not much reason to use the
+x11 variant rather than +gtk, given that both depend on gtk through
librsvg anyway. (Unless you happen to prefer the stylish 80s look of
the Lucid widget set ;-)

And, in case you weren't aware of it, you might also be interested in
the emacs-app port, which builds a native Quartz UI instead of X11.


Dan R. K. Ports  MIT CSAIL
macports-users mailing list

Re: No hyphenation patterns were loaded for...

2011-01-17 Thread Dan Ports
On Sun, Jan 16, 2011 at 11:32:51PM +0100, Tore Haug-Warberg wrote:
 No hyphenation patterns were loaded for the language 'Norsk'
 I have tried to refresh the TeX databases with texhash and fmtutil
 --all without success. Apart from other Macports installations there
 are no other third part programs on my computer. So, what can then be

This is a bug (thanks for reporting it!). We should be regenerating all
formats whenever we add or remove hyphenation files.

I fixed the ports to do just that in r75187, so running selfupdate and
updating your outdated ports should get things working for you.


Dan R. K. Ports  MIT CSAIL
macports-users mailing list

Re: latex lineno.sty file ?

2010-11-23 Thread Dan Ports
On Fri, Nov 19, 2010 at 07:58:01PM +, Chris Jones wrote:
 ! LaTeX Error: File `lineno.sty' not found.
 Is the lineno.sty file available in any package ? I've installed all the 
 texlive-XYZ packages that look hopefully, but none seem to have this style 

It's in texlive-humanities (no, I don't know why...)



Dan R. K. Ports  MIT CSAIL
macports-users mailing list

Re: creating MacTeX links to MacPorts TeXLive

2010-11-11 Thread Dan Ports
On Thu, Nov 11, 2010 at 02:21:53PM -0500, Faisal Moledina wrote:
 I edited the relevant section of the MacTeX postflight script: . It seems fine to me but if there are any
 glaring typos in the ln -s lines referring to directories in
 /opt/local, let me know soon. I'll work with Richard to figure out how
 to test this on my machine (not really familiar with OS X packages and
 postflight scripts).

You should use /opt/local/libexec/texlive/texbin instead of
/opt/local/libexec/texlive/binaries, as that's the one I made for that

And you probably want to symlink /opt/local/var/db/texmf and
/opt/local/etc/texmf into AllTexmf too.

Other than that, it seems reasonable to me, but I really don't know
anything about how MacTeX sets up its symlinks.


Dan R. K. Ports  MIT CSAIL
macports-users mailing list

Re: creating MacTeX links to MacPorts TeXLive

2010-11-05 Thread Dan Ports
On Fri, Nov 05, 2010 at 08:05:34AM +0100, Keith J. Schultz wrote:
   I am aware of the complexity of the problem/s. I do not know if know if
   tex-live can have multiple distributions on a unix based machine. (Yes, 
 the Mac
   is Unix under the hood, but ?! You know what I mean).

It's not so much a question of whether it's possible as whether it's
worth doing. I haven't seen a compelling argument for it -- if anything
the increased complexity argues in favor of not doing so -- so I have
little inclination to do the work to make this possible.

   Yes, Ports SHOULD be updated via MacPorts. Yet, I have check my MacTeX 
   and the binaries do not have seemed to have be changed!! Yet, using the 
 TeX Live Utility
   (GUI to tlmgr) I have notice that scripts and packages are updated 
   In effect this means that users are stuck with a Tex-Live distribution 
 that is FROZEN in time
   as far as PACKAGES are concerned. There is quite alot of development 
 going on in the unicode
   support in TeX, especially Xe(La)TeX, Lua, Context, etc. I would think 
 tlmgr support of the utmost
   Probably, there could be support for tlmgr, once support is there for 
 the TeX Distribution Preference Pane.
   There seems to already some support for MacPorts in it. 

I see no way to integrate tlmgr into a MacPorts installation of texlive.
As Ryan says, having another package manager involved is antithetical
to MacPorts' goal of helping you manage your software. Note that the
same is true of other packaging systems (e.g. Linux distributions) that
install texlive.

That said, we don't have to be limited to a static snapshot of the TeX
packages from the yearly release. I've tried to arrange things so that
we have the flexibility to update the ports with the latest version
between releases.

So far, we've never done so, mainly because the current texlive ports
haven't been around long enough to give us an opportunity. I don't have
a great sense of when we'd want to do that, if at all: periodically?
after important updates? on request? Opinions are welcome!


Dan R. K. Ports  MIT CSAIL
macports-users mailing list

Re: creating MacTeX links to MacPorts TeXLive

2010-11-04 Thread Dan Ports
On Thu, Nov 04, 2010 at 09:39:58AM +0100, Keith J. Schultz wrote:
   I have a few points question:
   1) The tex-live 2009 port shoud not be upgraded when installing 
 tex-live 2010
   a) they are so to say two different aninmals
   b) Tex-live distributions 2009 and 2010 can co-exist

Although it is possible to have two different versions of TeX Live
installed, it would require some work to keep them separate, and we
haven't done that with the texlive ports.

It would also require us to have (and maintain!) two separate versions
of each of the texlive ports, e.g. texlive-latex-2009 and
texlive-latex-2010 -- bearing in mind that there are close to 90
separate texlive ports already. This, I think, would cause a lot of
confusion for texlive users and maintainers of ports that depend on
texlive components.

Generally speaking, MacPorts tries to avoid having multiple versions of
ports unless there's a really compelling reason to have more than one.
I think in general texlive users do just want to have the latest stable
version installed, and automatically upgrade when a new one is
available. I wasn't aware of anyone wanting to keep old versions of
texlive insatlled -- if you do, I'd be interested to know why.

   2) Updating of the Tex-Live distribution is done via tlmgr 
 (TexLive manager)
   Is it supported or will it work with the MacPorts 

No -- if texlive is installed through MacPorts, it needs to be updated
via MacPorts. We don't support (and don't install) tlmgr because having
another package manager in use can cause problems as they will  interfere
with each other.

   3) Is the Tex Distribution Preference Pane supported?
   a) refers partly to 1b

Not yet, but thanks to Faisal Moledina's work it should soon be
possible to select MacPorts TeXLive from the MacTeX TeX Distribution
prefpane. See

   4) Where do the MacTextras go? Into the MacPorts 
 Directory(Folder) in Applications?

They aren't included in the texlive ports because they're not actually
parts of texlive (hence the extras name), and we don't have a
specific port for them, but I think we do have ports for most of the
software included in there.

   5) There is the BasicTex distribution for TeXLive. Maybe that 
 is what you are looking for
to divide TeX up.

Not really -- we already have most of texlive divided into separate
ports such that you can install whatever combination of collections you
want. It looks like BasicTeX would be the combination of
which is actually not that far off from our default texlive installation
(texlive +medium). 

The only problem we have is that we have to build all the binaries at
once in texlive-bin, whether they're used or not. That's because of how
the source is distributed and built. BasicTeX is a binary distribution
so it doesn't look like it would be much help.


Dan R. K. Ports  MIT CSAIL
macports-users mailing list

Re: creating MacTeX links to MacPorts TeXLive

2010-11-01 Thread Dan Ports
On Mon, Nov 01, 2010 at 03:39:30PM -0400, Faisal Moledina wrote:
 This all sounds great to me. Let me know if there's anything I can
 help test for this. I'm curious as to why all the binaries are
 currently in one port?

I just implemented this and checked it in on my texlive 2010 branch.
You (and anyone else interested in TeX Live 2010) might want to follow
ticket #26430 for more information:

I'm not sure it's really ready for testing yet, but it should be pretty
close -- I'm using it to edit a paper now. 

As for why we have only one port for binaries, it's because texlive is
distributed as one monolithic source tarball, and its build scripts are
designed to build it all at once. Actually, it even includes the source
for all of the libraries it depends on, although we basically don't use
those. In general, I think it's more geared to use in a binary

I'd love to see texlive-bin broken up into smaller ports someday but
that's not an easy task...


Dan R. K. Ports  MIT CSAIL
macports-users mailing list

Re: Problems w/ MacFUSE SSHFS

2010-10-22 Thread Dan Ports
On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 03:13:28PM -0700, kevin beckford wrote:
 I respectfully request some clarification:  How can I determine it
 'works for me' because the thread checking is off?

Well, first of all, it's only incompatible with a 64-bit *kernel* --
are you running one? Most 64-bit systems are using 64-bit applications
and a 32-bit kernel. IIRC, the only machines that boot into the 64-bit
kernel by default are the latest Mac Pros and various Xserves. You can
check which you're running with `uname -p`; it will report i386 for a
32-bit kernel or x86-64 for a 64-bit kernel.

If you're using the macfuse port or the official MacFUSE installer, you
should be safe -- they simply won't work on a 64-bit kernel.

This post was from before Snow Leopard was released; 64-bit kernel
support broke sometime in the interim. See


Dan R. K. Ports  MIT CSAIL
macports-users mailing list

Re: Problems w/ MacFUSE SSHFS

2010-10-21 Thread Dan Ports
On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 04:13:56PM -0700, Johannes Ruscheinski wrote:
 I just installed the macfuse and sshfs ports on a MacBook Pro running
 a 64-bit kernel.  

MacFUSE doesn't support 64-bit kernels. The problem is that 64-bit
filesystems need to be thread-safe, and MacFUSE isn't. As far as I can
tell, there hasn't been much progress upstream on the issue, though I
did see a thread from a couple days ago on the MacFUSE discussion forum
that sounded encouraging.

There are a couple supposed 64-bit MacFUSE modules floating around, but
they appear to just bypass the thread-safety check, so would not
actually be safe to use.


Dan R. K. Ports  MIT CSAIL
macports-users mailing list

Re: Problems w/ MacFUSE SSHFS

2010-10-21 Thread Dan Ports
On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 01:21:42AM -0500, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
 What we should change is the supported_archs, though; if it in fact only 
 supports 32-bit architectures the port should so indicate.

It isn't that simple -- the kernel module doesn't build 64-bit, but all
the userspace components (the library and framework) do.

Setting supported_archs i386 implies that the userspace components need
to be built 32-bit, which is neither necessary nor desirable (it would
force dependent ports like sshfs to biuld 32-bit). And it would still
allow a 32-bit kext to be built for a 64-bit kernel, which isn't

If there's a way to indicate a kernel architecture requirement, I'm not
aware of it. Maybe we should check in a pre-fetch phase and error out?


Dan R. K. Ports  MIT CSAIL
macports-users mailing list

Re: MultiMarkdown and LaTeX

2010-10-11 Thread Dan Ports
On Sun, Oct 10, 2010 at 03:53:45PM -0500, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
 I initially assumed that too, and I couldn't find any mention of poppler by 
 grepping texlive-latex's source. However, texlive-latex *does* install 
 binaries on my system:

 $ port contents texlive-latex | grep /bin/

Those are symlinks.

Dan R. K. Ports  MIT CSAIL
macports-users mailing list

Re: MultiMarkdown and LaTeX

2010-10-10 Thread Dan Ports
On Sun, Oct 10, 2010 at 08:32:06AM -0500, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
 pdflatex (provided by the texlive-latex port) links with libpoppler.dylib 
 (provided by the poppler port). When poppler was updated to version 0.14.x 
 the version of the poppler library increased from 6 to 7 and every port 
 linking with poppler needed to receive a revision increase in order to 
 rebuild against that new version of libpoppler.dylib. It looks like this was 
 overlooked for texlive-latex, presumably because it does not declare a direct 
 dependency on poppler. (Instead, its dependency texlive-bin does.)

texlive-latex does not build any binaries; only texlive-bin does.

If you're hitting this problem, rebuilding texlive-bin should clear it

I was pretty sure we were up to date with revbumps, but poppler seems
to have an annoying habit of making compatibility-breaking changes...


Dan R. K. Ports  MIT CSAIL
macports-users mailing list

Re: MultiMarkdown and LaTeX

2010-10-08 Thread Dan Ports
It looks like installing texlive-latex-extra will provide the missing

I'm guessing that p5-text-multimarkdown should probably depend on it?
(I'm not familiar with that module at all.)


Dan R. K. Ports  MIT CSAIL
macports-users mailing list

Re: latex packages too old

2010-09-26 Thread Dan Ports
On Sun, Sep 26, 2010 at 11:50:53AM -0700, David Evans wrote:
 I think you can get poppler and xpdf to co-exist by doing this:
 sudo port selfupdate
 sudo port install xpdf +with_poppler
 sudo port upgrade outdated

This should work, but you might also need to `port uninstall xpdf`
first, I'm not certain.


Dan R. K. Ports  MIT CSAIL
macports-users mailing list

Re: latex packages too old

2010-09-26 Thread Dan Ports
On Sun, Sep 26, 2010 at 11:25:15PM +0200, Rainer M?ller wrote:
 Or use this to change variants of already installed ports:
 sudo port upgrade --enforce-variants xpdf +with_poppler

Quite right, but in this case you will still need to deactivate xpdf
first because it will try and fail to install poppler as a dependency
before updating xpdf to the correct variant.


Dan R. K. Ports  MIT CSAIL
macports-users mailing list

Re: loss of pdflatex

2010-09-19 Thread Dan Ports
On Sat, Sep 18, 2010 at 09:18:52AM -0400, Emden R. Gansner wrote:
 If I run kpsewhich graphics.cfg, there is no output and its exit status 
 is 1.
 If I run as root, it finds

This one has me stumped. I'm not sure why it would work only as root.

You might try kpsewhich --debug 32 graphics.cfg to see if there are any
permissions problems or the like, or compare the output of kpsepath as
root and not.

Also, any chance you have some environment variables like TEXINPUTS
customized in your environment but not root's?


Dan R. K. Ports  MIT CSAIL
macports-users mailing list

Re: loss of pdflatex

2010-09-17 Thread Dan Ports
On Fri, Sep 17, 2010 at 05:47:19PM -0400, Emden R. Gansner wrote:
 However, there was still no pdflatex link, and no texmf.cnf.

Something appears to have gone very wrong in your installation, but
it's not something I've seen before.

texmf.cnf should be installed by texlive-common into
/opt/local/etc/texmf/texmf.cnf (and symlinked in
/opt/local/share/texmf/web2c/texmf.cnf). Without it, it's unlikely that
anything will work. 

This might be the reason you're missing pdflatex, although I would have
expected installation of texlive-latex to error out if it failed to

 Should I uninstall and re-install something?

Not having any better ideas, I would uninstall texlive* and reinstall
the texlive metaport. If it still doesn't work, please open a ticket,
cc me, and attach the debug log from building.


Dan R. K. Ports  MIT CSAIL
macports-users mailing list

Re: loss of pdflatex

2010-09-17 Thread Dan Ports
To clarify some more, texlive-bin builds all the binaries for a texlive
installation, but most will not be usable without their support files.

texlive-latex installs the style files for LaTeX, precompiles some of
them, and symlinks latex - tex and pdflatex - pdftex. When invoked
via that name it loads the precompiled format file containing the LaTeX

texlive-common contains configuration files and the scripts that are
needed to keep them up to date as other texlive ports are installed.


Dan R. K. Ports  MIT CSAIL
macports-users mailing list

Re: loss of pdflatex

2010-09-17 Thread Dan Ports
On Fri, Sep 17, 2010 at 07:17:10PM -0400, Emden R. Gansner wrote:
 Second, pdflatex almost finishes except I get
 ! Package graphics Error: No driver specified.

Does this happen during format generation (i.e. while installing
texlive-latex) or when trying to run pdflatex after install? Can you
provide the full log?

Do you have
installed? Can `kpsewhich graphics.cfg` find it?


Dan R. K. Ports  MIT CSAIL
macports-users mailing list

Re: All files port doesn't provide

2010-09-05 Thread Dan Ports
On Sun, Sep 05, 2010 at 04:49:50PM -0500, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
 Is there an easy way to see all the files in my MacPorts prefix that *aren't* 
 provided by any MacPorts port? Basically the list of files that'd be left if 
 I sudo port -f uninstall installed, except I don't actually want to 
 uninstall everything to find out. I could probably write a script to find 
 out, by subtracting the output of port -q contents installed from the 
 output of find ${prefix} \! -type d or something, but if there's something 
 built-in I'd rather use that.

I've done this with
  find /opt/local | xargs port provides | grep not provided by


Dan R. K. Ports  MIT CSAIL
macports-users mailing list

Re: latex packages and ports

2010-08-19 Thread Dan Ports
On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 07:21:14PM -0700, Scott Webster wrote:
 Thanks for doing that.  I think most of the what port gives me X?
 questions I've seen recently have been about tex anyway.

Yes, and more often than not the answer is 'texlive-latex-extra'. I've
thought about adding it to the default texlive installation, but that's
probably not a great idea since it's by far the largest texlive port in
download/installation size.

I recently added a note to the texlive metaport pointing out that
additional packages are available. I should put a link to the wiki page
there. That may help some.

(BTW, the information on that page is derived from the contents of
/opt/local/share/doc/texlive -- but those are only available for the
ports already installed, which makes them less useful)


Dan R. K. Ports  MIT CSAIL
macports-users mailing list

Re: latex packages and ports

2010-08-18 Thread Dan Ports
On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 08:46:21PM -0400, Bertrand Scherrer wrote:
 How do I know, among all the ports listed under the tex category on the 
 MacPorts website (, 
 which one contains the package I am looking for ? 

It would certainly be great if MacPorts could answer this question in
general for all ports. Since that seems a long way away...

I just put a list of the CTAN packages that make up each texlive-* port
on the wiki at


Dan R. K. Ports  MIT CSAIL
macports-users mailing list

Re: texlive / beamer / pgfxxx problem

2010-07-29 Thread Dan Ports
On Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 01:33:46PM -0500, Victor Eijkhout wrote:
 Using pdflatex with the beamer package leads to pgfcore.sty not found.

This is bug #25478: the upstream texlive package database has a couple
of dependencies that don't fit into their package structure. The most
common one is the one you've run into: beamer is in
texlive-latex-recommended but it depends on pgf which is (for some
reason) in texlive-latex-extra.

You should be able to work around this by installing either the pgf
port or the texlive-latex-extra (which includes another 280MB of tex
packages you may or may not want.)

I will fix this shortly by making the port depend on pgf.


This file is from your deactivated texlive 2007 port.


Dan R. K. Ports  MIT CSAIL
macports-users mailing list

Re: how to configure macports Lyx

2010-07-22 Thread Dan Ports
On Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 09:54:58AM -0600, Srinath Vadlamani wrote:
 Any other information on how to make sure Lyx is conifgured to
 use  /opt/local/share/texmf-texlive-dist/tex/latex?

Are you still having problems? If so, can you describe them?

I am not really familiar with LyX myself, but would expect that it
should be able to find any texlive packages installed. If that's not
true, it's something we should fix.


Dan R. K. Ports  MIT CSAIL
macports-users mailing list

Re: openssh loads sshd?

2010-07-21 Thread Dan Ports
On Wed, Jul 21, 2010 at 04:40:31PM -0400, Daniel J. Luke wrote:
 Yep. Maybe we should re-word the message. It might make sense to have a 
 different message for anything that is going to run a local server vs. 
 anything that is going to run a remotely accessible service (although 
 something like postgres could be either depending on the configuration). In 
 any event, it should be clear that running 'port load' will cause something 
 to run that could be a security concern for the end-user.

I think this could be a useful distinction to make. It might even be
reasonable to auto-load the plists for local servers, while it's
probably not for remotely-accessible ones.

The first example that comes to mind for me is dbus, a local daemon
without which many ports will fail with a cryptic error message. (I
think I've mentioned this before.)

Not sure offhand if auto-loading local daemons is reasonable in all or
even most other cases -- I'd want to look into what the other examples
are (and, alas, don't have the time to do so.)


Dan R. K. Ports  MIT CSAIL
macports-users mailing list

Re: how to configure macports Lyx

2010-07-16 Thread Dan Ports

Will respond to your other questions later (because I might change the
answers in the meantime :-) but thought I'd answer this one first...

On Fri, Jul 16, 2010 at 09:54:32AM -0600, Srinath Vadlamani wrote:
  /opt/local/share/texmf-texlive-dist/tex/latex seems to have quite a bit
 more than the non-dist.  With this current set up, many standard classes are
 not available.  These (such as RevTex or SIAM) are usually there when one
 installs MacTex-Live:

By default, the texlive port (+medium) does not install a full
installation of TeX Live, unlike MacTeX. This is because a full
installation is large and we'd like to support installing only the
needed components.

You can get a list of other available texlive ports with
'port list texlive-* and not installed' and install the ones you need.
texlive-publishers may be the one you're looking for in this case. If
you prefer, you can install the 'texlive' metaport with the +full
variant to get everything. 

For completeness, I should point out that users who really want to
cherry-pick the parts of texlive they install can also install 'texlive
+basic' or +minimal or even forgo the texlive metaport entirely, and
just install the ports they want.

Sounds like I should add a note to the metaport with this info.


Dan R. K. Ports  MIT CSAIL
macports-users mailing list

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