Re: Second text row in treeview entry (like HildonButton)

2009-08-12 Thread Sergio Villar Senin
Till Harbaum escribiu:
> Hi,
> one thing the fremantle gui developers seem to love are those "subtitles" 
> (second text line) 
> for widgets. The hildonbutton has it built-in and you can use it by just 
> setting the value 
> property. Nice!
> But at other places this doesn't seem to be integrated nicely. E.g. many 
> programs use
> something similar in their treeviews. E.g. modest does this in the header 
> list, the app
> mananger in the package list, the file manager in the file list. I have two 
> major
> problems with the way this currently works:
> - Everybody seems to implement this on his own. There doesn't seem to be a 
> generic
> widget for this (why doesn't the hildon port of the text cell renderer 
> support this like 
> hildonbutton does?). And a developer wanting to do a similar style is facing 
> a rather
> complex and bascially undocumented and uncommented modest source code. 

Well I don't know if there is a need for such kind of widget, but take
into account that Modest has very specific requirements, that forced us
(long time ago during Diablo times) to create our custom cell renderers
to implement UI designers ideas

In the very specific case of Modest you can check out how we did it.
Basically we created two cell render containers, ModestHBoxCellRenderer
and ModestVBoxCellRenderer, and then we insert some cell renderers into
it to create the layout you could see in the messages window.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Fremantle user interface behaviour and API

2009-05-24 Thread Sergio Villar Senin
Graham Cobb escribiu:
> On Friday 22 May 2009 18:20:55 Sergio Villar Senin wrote:
>> Modest uses a pannable area which contains the text editor. Thus it's
>> not possible to select text in that way in Fremantle. You'll have to use
>> the keyboard.
> Not having experienced this I don't want to overreact but ...
> Are you saying that in Freemantle there is no easy way to select and copy 
> text 
> out of an email to copy into somewhere else?  E.g. copying a phone number or 
> address into a contact, copying an email address from a forwarded email into 
> the destination of another email, copying a portion of a URL (the base URL 
> without all the tracking junk included) into a web browser, copying the 
> directions for a meeting into a separate email, copying some text and a 
> picture from one email into another?

As Claudio said you can use the keyboard for copy&paste (kill&yank)

Regarding Modest, take into account that we're trying to reduce as much
as possible the need of copy&paste. In order to do that, we try to
identify as much as possible the relevant information for the user by
"hyperlinkifying" things like email addreses, phone numbers, sip
addresses. Clicking on those links could trigger external applications
like contacts applications, web browsers, IM applications, SIP/VoIP
applications or whatever is installed in the system.

And if the information comes in the form of an attached file, then there
is no problem as you could archive it using Modest.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Fremantle user interface behaviour and API

2009-05-22 Thread Sergio Villar Senin
Murray Cumming escribiu:
> On Thu, 2009-05-21 at 14:47 +0200, Cornelius Hald wrote:
>> On Thu, 2009-05-21 at 14:11 +0200, Alberto Garcia wrote:
>>> In principle that feature is not officially supported in Fremantle,
>>> and adding support in HildonTextView might create inconsistencies
>>> between similar-looking apps/dialogs that could be quite confusing.
>>> But of course we can reconsider it (I don't have the last word,
>>> though). I'll see what we can do.
>> Well, if there is any chance to reconsider, that would be great. I
>> myself would be very happy and I think a bunch of other developers too.
>> I mean a big scrollable/panable text view is quite common for a lot of
>> applications. Mail clients, ebook readers, word processors, chat
>> programs, etc. all profit from copy&past for which we need a way of
>> selecting text.
> [snip]
> It would be interesting to know what UI Modest has for this in Fremantle
> when editing large emails. Personally I can't get that far in my own
> eccentric scratchbox target.

Modest uses a pannable area which contains the text editor. Thus it's
not possible to select text in that way in Fremantle. You'll have to use
the keyboard.


maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Modest/TinyMail problems (continue from the blog comments)

2008-07-01 Thread Sergio Villar Senin
Luca Olivetti escribiu:
> En/na Sergio Villar Senin ha escrit:
>> My opinion is that managing such large email folders is not a target for
>> any mobile device, at least for the short term, because they're not
>> prepared for that and secondly because they're not designed for that.
> Well, claws mail is able to do it now, luckily nobody told them that 
> they shouldn't port it to the tablet.
> I suppose that telomer (if coaxed to work with the current version of 
> python on the tablet, I tried but I failed) could do it even better.

I'm not saying that they shouldn't port it of course :-). What I say is
that they don't have the same design restrictions Modest have. What
would happen to claws if they have to render the message headers the way
Modest does?


maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Modest/TinyMail problems (continue from the blog comments)

2008-06-30 Thread Sergio Villar Senin
Aniello Del Sorbo escribiu:
> On Mon, Jun 30, 2008 at 1:46 PM, Marius Gedminas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Sun, Jun 29, 2008 at 05:23:29PM +0200, Luca Olivetti wrote:
>>> En/na Philip Van Hoof ha escrit:
 So I can only recommend checking out the code and trying to implement
>>> No, I won't, for 2 simple reasons: 1) I'm not a C/C++ coder (I can make
>>> the occasional patch if there's no other way, but I really hate those
>>> languages) and 2) I already can use a program that already does what I want.
>> Out of curiosity, what is the program that can deal with 26,000-message
>> folders and runs on the Internet Tablets?
>> Regards,
>> Marius Gedminas
> Probably he's talking about Claws mail, but I am not sure about this.
> What I wanted to say is that I find useless, for Modest, to deal with
> such large databases
> of e-mail.
> The Tablet is not a substitute for your desktop.

That's an interesting point Aniello and I mostly agree with you. Thing
is, we're still improving Modest, and we'd like it to deal gracefully
large email folders, but there are several UI requirements here and
there that makes it difficult.

My opinion is that managing such large email folders is not a target for
any mobile device, at least for the short term, because they're not
prepared for that and secondly because they're not designed for that.
Your primary email device should be still your desktop PC/laptop.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Modest/TinyMail problems (continue from the blog comments)

2008-06-26 Thread Sergio Villar Senin
Dave Cridland escribiu:

> My biggest problem with Modest has always been that the UI  
> requirements seem to have driven the development, to the extent that  
> although Tinymail is pretty good, both its development and its usage  
> has been severely compromised by trying to build a desktop mail  
> program on an internet tablet.
> The result is a program that looks the part, and has the right  
> buttons to press, but by insisting on those features as priority over  
> all else, it's hog-tied itself into poor use of the network, so it's  
> totally unusable on my mailboxes, whereas Polymer just trundles  
> through them.

Well Dave, I think the comparison is not fair. I think you're trying to
compare the speed of a Formula 1 and a Mercedes-Benz. Obviously de
Formula 1 (Polymer) is faster than a Mercedes-Benz (Modest) because it
has been specially designed for it, but in a Mercedes-Benz you have a
lot more facilities and will probably win the comparison in another
subjects like comfort. Take into account that Modest has a lot of code
to manage UI things that slow down the device like dimming buttons,
sorting and filtering of tree models, etc... I haven't analyzed
seriously Modest performance recently, but I bet most of the slowness is
caused by such kind of things. Also bear in mind that tinymail and Camel
use a lot of threads and the N800/N810 is not a device that could easily
cope with that.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Fw: Modest/TinyMail problems (continue from the blog comments)

2008-06-25 Thread Sergio Villar Senin
Luca Olivetti escribiu:
> En/na Sergio Villar Senin ha escrit:
>> By the way, take into account the
>> screen size constraints in which Modest runs, a threaded view won't be
>> very useful in such a small screen.
> Surely it is, at least I find it useful enough in claws.
> You are right that you can't really see the whole thread, especially 
> when it's deeply nested, but I usually leave the threads collapsed and 
> just click on the "next" button to read messages in thread order.

I get your point, but Modest UI design is completely different to
Claw's. Note that this threaded view is not usable with your thumbs.
Modest is specially designed to help people that uses the tablet like
that and, this is a personal opinion, I find this very useful because I
don't usually use the stylus.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Fw: Modest/TinyMail problems (continue from the blog comments)

2008-06-24 Thread Sergio Villar Senin
> On Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 11:24:24PM +0200, Andrea Grandi wrote:
>> I continue here a discussion you can find in this post:
>> (Just read the comments).
>> Please let me know what do you think about it.
> I want all the messages, and I want them in threaded view.  I believe
> Modest does the former, but not the latter.

Well, Modest always retrieve all the email headers which is probably
what you want. And regarding the threaded view, it's not possible for
the moment, because tinymail only provides a plain model implementation
that does not allow a threaded view. By the way, take into account the
screen size constraints in which Modest runs, a threaded view won't be
very useful in such a small screen.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Fw: Modest/TinyMail problems (continue from the blog comments)

2008-06-24 Thread Sergio Villar Senin

> Hi all,
> I continue here a discussion you can find in this post:
> (Just read the comments).
> This is my idea: I don't want to be able to download 15.000+ messages.
> I just want to download ONLY last 50, 100, 200 at maximum. Modest
> doesn't behave in this way now. Even if you set the option "just
> download ONLY 50 items". Maybe a bug? Don't know...

Ok, I'll try to explain what happens here, many people have the same
doubts you mention. It's very important to distinguish between two
concepts, the mail header and the mail message. The mail header is what
you see at the right pane in the modest window. It's not the full email
message, it's just a very tiny piece of information with the very basic
data about the message. The headers are _always_ downloaded, but this
does not mean that the full email message is always downloaded. This
means that if a mate send you a 10Mb email with his last photos, Modest
won't download it for you unless you try to open the message saving you
money if you're connected by GPRS and bandwidth anyway.

Modest setting about download only 50,100,200... last messages, only
applies if you have selected download "messages and attachments". Take
into account that clicking on to a folder won't download the full
messages never, that setting only applies when you click on "send &
receive" button, or menu option.

> I think the minimum number of messages should be the default value,
> then it should let the user keep a maximum of x messages (where x is a
> value that user can choose). When 200th message arrives, just drop the
> first one and so on... (just like a FIFO queue with a maximum number
> of items). Sounds good my idea? I think that Modest could manage 200
> messages quite good.

As I said before, even if 2000 new messages arrive Modest won't download
them unless you selected to retrieve full messages.

Thank you for your comments.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Howto revert a gtk_widget_tap_and_hold_setup

2007-04-18 Thread Sergio Villar Senin
Kalle Vahlman wrote:
> 2007/4/17, Sergio Villar Senin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> Hi,
>> is there any way to revert a gtk_widget_tap_and_hold_setup? I mean I
>> have a widget that shows a popup as response to a tap and hold event. I
>> want to change the contents of that popup menu in execution time. So I
>> want to "unregister" the old one and setup a new one.
> If possible, I'd suggest carrying the existing menu pointer to the
> code that wants to change it and operate on that (it's just a
> container after all, adding/removing items is possible).

Yeah, that was my second choice :-). But I wanted to know also, why gtk+
is not working as expected, because the tap_and_hold_setup method to
attach the menu to the widget:

> Furthermore, if the contents are not totally dynamic, a more
> convenient solution might be using UI Manager[1] to change the menu.
> It takes a bit more effort to set up than just adding menuitems to a
> menu, but once the initial work is done it is very flexible and
> simplifies code a lot.
> [1]

Actually I use the ui manager a lot :), but the contents are in fact,
totally dynamic.


maemo-developers mailing list

Howto revert a gtk_widget_tap_and_hold_setup

2007-04-17 Thread Sergio Villar Senin

is there any way to revert a gtk_widget_tap_and_hold_setup? I mean I
have a widget that shows a popup as response to a tap and hold event. I
want to change the contents of that popup menu in execution time. So I
want to "unregister" the old one and setup a new one.

I tried a combination of gtk_menu_get_for_attach_widget +
gtk_menu_detach but it does not work, because it seems that the
gtk_widget_tap_and_hold_setup does not attach the menu to the widget
correctly. For example I have the following code:

gtk_widget_tap_and_hold_setup (item, popup, NULL, 0);
g_assert (gtk_menu_get_attach_widget (GTK_MENU(popup)) != NULL);
g_assert (item == gtk_menu_get_attach_widget(GTK_MENU(popup)));

The second assert fails, and I guess it should be correct, isn't it?


PS: I'm using gtk 2.6.10, sardine's version
maemo-developers mailing list

Missing libtool file in sardine

2007-04-04 Thread Sergio Villar Senin

I've realized that the file /usr/lib/ is no longer
available in the libosso-gnomevfs2-dev package as it used to be in bora
and previous versions. Is there any reason for that?

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Developping C application on maemo without scratchbox

2007-03-21 Thread Sergio Villar Senin
magda chelly wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to run a simple program on my device nokia
> N800, without scratchbox and it doesn't work!!

Well the scratchbox is not used to run applications in the device, it's
used to develop applications outside the device.

> It
> tells me Permission Denied when I use ./, after doing
> chmod +x, and I can't use gcc to run it !! I already
> install a gcc package gcc3.4.4, but I don't have the
> possibility to use it!

Have you tried to run it with I mean, try the following

$ ./name_of_your_program

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] How to install .deb to Maemo 2.0 beta SDK

2006-06-12 Thread Sergio Villar Senin
> Hi,
>The Meamo tutorial states that we should use
> [sbox-SDK_PC: ~] > app-installer-tool install application_i386.deb
> But the command  app-installer-tool cannot be found.
> Did someone know it?

[sbox-SDK_PC2: ~] > apt-cache search installer
osso-application-installer - A program for managing user installed
osso-ai - OSSO Application Installer metapackage
osso-application-installer-l10n-mr1 - osso-application-installer
marketing release 0 locales
osso-application-installer-l10n-engb - osso-application-installer engb

You can try to apt-get install these ones.

maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] A continuous integration environment for Maemo with Mozilla Webtools and Scratchbox

2006-04-05 Thread Sergio Villar Senin

here at Igalia, we have set up a continuous integration environment with
some Mozilla webtools (Tinderbox2, Bonsai...) and the Scratchbox for
some components of the Maemo platform. We wrote a small guide for
configuring the continuous integration environment that can be located

We will appreciate very much any comment, suggestion or improvement.

maemo-developers mailing list