Re: Annoying Change in App Manager

2008-07-22 Thread Jac Kersing
On Tue, 22 Jul 2008, R. G. Newbury wrote:

> I opened the App Manager and then 'Browse for Installable Applications'.
> I don't know if I did it or the machine just decided it wanted to, but
> the divider between the name(s) of the file(s) and the version jumped to
> the left so that I can now only see 4 characters of the file name.

This is probably caused by one or more packages with very long version 

> The divider will not drag back to the right.
> I presume that this is a variable somewhere in the structure. Anyone
> know where or how to fix this?

Try to browse subsets of the available applications (don't choose 'all' 
but the individual catagories one by one) Not a real fix, but a 
work-around allowing to at least browse the majority of the applications.



  Jac KersingTechnical Consultant   The-Box Development
maemo-users mailing list

Re: gpe contacts import

2008-04-24 Thread Jac Kersing
On Thu, 24 Apr 2008, Jonathan Markevich wrote:

> Why should it be so different?  Isn't it nice to be a hobby developer 
> and be listed up there with the big boys?

For hobby developers it would be nice. Most of the time it would imply not 
being a hobby developer as well as the only way to keep up with numerous 
bug reports is to spend a significant amount of time on bug tracking. For 
most developers this means it has to be a way to generate income as well 
as there will not be time left for an income generating job...

> All a user is trying to do is keep the water out of the boat, not figure 
> out the oceanography that caused the rock to puncture it.

All the developer asks is to spend a little of your time to help solve the 
problem. Have you ever released open source software? And tried to keep up 
with the feedback, continue developing the software, fix bugs, earn a 
living doing something else and still have a life?

> And chewing out at a user like that gives a pretty clear message of the
> importance of the user(s).

I'll grant you the observation some developers are pretty rude to the 
users. However, don't forget a number of users are at least as rude by 
demanding a developer spends his/her time to fix/change whatever bugs that 
user. And once you get a significant number of those demands (yes, 
demands, not requests) you need to have saint like qualities in order to 
stay polite all of the time.

> Bugzilla appears to be useful. Any bug tracking system is essential. 
> It's just not a user tool, it's a developer tool.  It's complex and 
> frightening, and indeed, rather user hostile.

It's even hostile to (some) developers. However, given the number of 
installations used by open source projects it seems to be the only kid on 
the block.

> Respect goes two ways.  Blowing off users is a bad move.  Using the program
> IS contributing to it.  It tends to create a network of users, spreading the
> word is important and attracts potential developers.

Using a program is not contributing. Helping other users where needed, 
filing bug reports, writing how-to's and documentation is. IMHO (oh oh, 
short and all caps, can't be good)

> No no, the developer can't be in an ivory tower.  If he uses a bug tracker
> in the background or not, I don't need to know or care. The developer needs
> to be *there*.  The forum posts are sometimes as good as fully fledged bug
> reports.  They may still solicit bug submissions, but likely the user might
> have already have done what he could.

Given your messages on this subject it seems you've never been on the open 
source developers side of the fence. I've been there and I'm a user of 
(open source) software as well so I know both sides fairly well. As a user 
it bugs me when software does not do what it should according to the 
documentation. It bugs me when I report a bug and it does not get solved. 
(It bugs me even more when it happens with commercial software as I'm out 
of both money and time)

However for a developer, when the software you release becomes a success 
and is used by a fair amount of users there is no way to keep up with all 
the messages generated. Reading and answering messages in mail and 
interacting on forums consumes most if not all the time available. Then 
development stalls and no bugs get fixed. A developer simply has a 
limitted amount of time available and needs to make choices.

For successfull projects that's where a community works. Users share 
hints, tips and solutions and help a developer by trying to pin point a 
bug. So while one user might not be able to provide more details, some of 
them working together might very well find clues very helpfull to 
pin point the problem. (Which it seems is what happened for the gpe 
contact import issue as well)

As a user it is good to keep in mind you always have the choice not to use 
the software. If it does not do what you want and/or need you're free to 
look elsewhere or check later to see if things have improved.
As a non paying user of software one certainly does not have the right to 
demand anything. One may _request_, however as you're asking someone a 
favor you might be better of by humouring them when they request you do 
something. Be it entering a bug report, provide additional information or 
perform some tests. (Yes, developers fixing bugs are doing you a favor, 
they're spending their valuable time improving software. A developers time 
is at least as valuable as yours!)

Best regards,


  Jac KersingTechnical Consultant   The-Box Development
maemo-users mailing list

Re: N800 not N-series? :-)

2008-04-08 Thread Jac Kersing
On Tue, 8 Apr 2008, Marius Vollmer wrote:

> Heh, most of the content on the Intertubes is copyrighted by someone.
> You are probably thinking about accessing content that has been crippled
> with Digital Restrictions Management technology.

Yes, 'copy protected content' is what I meant. I was trying to avoid 
the D-word.



  Jac KersingTechnical Consultant   The-Box Development
maemo-users mailing list

N800 not N-series? :-)

2008-04-07 Thread Jac Kersing

Nokia just lauched the Nokia Music Store, however when trying to access it 
using a N800 I'm getting a page stating:

"Nokia Music does not support Mozilla Firefox (Linux) on your operating 

Supported operating systems are Windows XP and Vista using Microsoft 
Internet Explorer"
(Rough translation from dutch error message)

So I tried the page using a Linux desktop. Different error page, with a 
link to the N-series website. After selecting that link, first thing it 
shows on the main page is: N810 (The new N810 WiMAX edition...)

Ironic isn't it? :-)

(Did I realy expect to be able to use a device with Linux to access 
copyrighted content? No. That is probably still one step too far)


  Jac KersingTechnical Consultant   The-Box Development
maemo-users mailing list

Re: Hard to drag stuff on N800 OS2008 Desktop

2008-01-18 Thread Jac Kersing
On Fri, 18 Jan 2008, Eero Tamminen wrote:

> Make a quick move with the stylus when you start to reposition
> an applet.  After the applet is moving, you can move stylus as
> slow as you want to.  The quick drag in the beginning is needed
> to distinguish between dragging an applet and trying to activate
> something (such as a button) within it.


Is there any way to lock the desktop to prevent accidentally moving 
things around? It is probably me being clumsy, but I've unintentionally
moved things around on several occasions. Restoring the layout takes time 
I would rather spend otherwise.

Best regards,


  Jac KersingTechnical Consultant   The-Box Development
maemo-users mailing list

Re: need a community board?

2007-10-30 Thread Jac Kersing
On Tue, 30 Oct 2007, Tuomas Kuosmanen wrote:

> Boards serve some purposes pretty nicely I must admit. Namely the "to
> follow XYZ, go to site XYZ, no matter what device you have, as long as
> it has a browser".

Yep. That's a nice feature. Now if forums would not waste a lot of my time 
by making me visit the site, wait for it to be rendered, click on a 
message and wait for the thread to be displayed, etc etc I might use them. 
Even with the fast connections available these days visiting a single 
forum simply takes too much time. And time is a valuable commodity. I 
prefer 'wasting' it on a good book...

Best regards,


  Jac KersingTechnical Consultant   The-Box Development
maemo-users mailing list

Re: Steve's Ranty Review #1: N800 ogg support

2007-10-18 Thread Jac Kersing
On Thu, 18 Oct 2007, Marius Gedminas wrote:

> I could keep my tablet online all the time, of course, but then the
> battery wouldn't last till the end of the day.

Have you tried? My N800 is always connected and the battery lasts a couple 
of days. Only when I start hitting the CPU it starts to drain faster. 
Using it 1-2 hours a day reading e-books (fbreader rocks!) it lasts well 
over 3 days.

Best regards,


  Jac KersingTechnical Consultant   The-Box Development
maemo-users mailing list

Re: 4.2007.38-2 available

2007-10-02 Thread Jac Kersing
On Tue, 2 Oct 2007, Michael Wiktowy wrote:

> Reality is that they are much closer to the resource constrains of a 
> cell phone and I don't know of a single cell phone that doesn't just 
> wipe everything that isn't on the SIM or external memory card on a 
> firmware update ...

Sorry, not true. All (recent) S60 devices are firmware upgradable, backup 
before, flash new firmware, restore and all applications are available.
(Somehow they forget to save/restore the bluetooth pairing information, 
but everything works just fine)

> All that being said, I am not sure how many apps you have but reloading 
> my IT after a firmware update has never taken me 2-4 hours.

Having to reinstall is a pain. Enabling blue pill mode for some packages. 
Resetting the root password after install of sshd. It is not cool to have 
to do every OS upgrade.



  Jac KersingTechnical Consultant   The-Box Development
maemo-users mailing list

Re: Fwd: Skype on N800

2007-07-06 Thread Jac Kersing
On Fri, 6 Jul 2007, George Farris wrote:

> Here is another reason, Skype has been found to be using the resources
> in your computer without letting the user know about it, it's a bit
> underhanded to say the least.

The people that take time to read the license would know about it, quoting 
from their license:

4.1 Utilization of Your computer. You hereby acknowledge that the Skype 
Software may utilize the processor and bandwidth of the computer (or other 
applicable device) You are utilizing, for the limited purpose of 
facilitating the communication between Skype Software users.



  Jac KersingTechnical Consultant   The-Box Development
maemo-users mailing list

Re: I-Tech Virtual Laser Keyboard and 770

2007-05-10 Thread Jac Kersing
On Thu, 10 May 2007, dasDasein wrote:

> I am considering an "I-Tech Virtual Laser Keyboard" to use with my Nokia
> 770.  Has anyone experience with using it with a 770 (or n800)?  I
> understand that the 770 (and n800?) requires the bluetooth plugin.  Are
> there any problems using special keys with programs like, for example emacs
> (ctrl-) or vi (meta/escape) keys?  In general how usable is the keyboard?


Had no problem getting it to work with the N770, however I found it hard 
to use for anything but trivial (just a couple of keystrokes) usage. Don't 
recall if special keys were a problem as I got myself a Nokia bluetooth 
keyboard to be able to type without having to hit the backspace every few 
characters. (But all of this could just be me being clumsy)

Best regards,


  Jac KersingTechnical Consultant   The-Box Development
maemo-users mailing list

Re: [maemo-users] ext3 module on ITOS 2006

2006-06-12 Thread Jac Kersing

On Tue, 13 Jun 2006, william maddler wrote:

Ok, I'm not a guru. But...

/usr/share # ls -l /mnt/initfs/lib/modules/2.6.16-omap1/ext3.ko
-rwxr-xr-x1 root root   144779 May 30 16:15

I would say module is present, The "No such file..." error, I guess is
referred to something else. IMHO

On my desktop system ext3 uses the jbd kernel module. Perhaps you need to 
insert it before inserting ext3?

(Extract from lsmod output:
ext3  118729  7
jbd59481  1 ext3  )



 Jac KersingTechnical Consultant   The-Box Development
maemo-users mailing list

Re: [maemo-users] maemo 2.0 beta bugs and wishes discussion....

2006-06-11 Thread Jac Kersing

On Sun, 11 Jun 2006, Michael Flaig wrote:

I suspect here: I´m from South-West Germany and it seems to me that
here, we do not use S/MIME at all. Haven´t seen it much on mailinglists,

S/MIME and mailing lists don't play well together. Most lists strip MIME 
(including S/MIME unfortunately) attachments to prevent virus propagation.

The most Users I know do have PGP and we are also using it for jabber.
For most users that are not interested in technology, they seem to not
use or think about signing or encryption at all.

I'm seeing changes these days. Some large companies are supplying their 
employees with certificates for mail encription/signing. And they're using 

Probably I file an wishlist bug of adding pgp support to mail and
jabber, if it´s not already there.

That's a good idea. Having both PGP support and S/MIME is the ultimate 
option :-)

Best regards,


 Jac KersingTechnical Consultant   The-Box Development
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] CISSP   http://www.the-box.com___
maemo-users mailing list

Re: [maemo-users] maemo 2.0 beta bugs and wishes discussion....

2006-06-11 Thread Jac Kersing

On Sun, 11 Jun 2006, Michael Flaig wrote:

 * Webbrowser:
 * The Browser crashed 3 times today surfing

While adding RSS feeds (integration with feed reader is a big plus!) the 
browser crashed several times for me, so browser crashes are confirmed.
Feed reader is not stable as well. Had at least three 'application not 
responding' dialogs today. (The dialog is a nice feature as it allows 
killing the application without having to reboot)

 * Audio Player
 * When Browsing, the Audio Player has problems playing mp3

Yesterday my device crashed while playing AccuRadio and browsing BBC 
international. The audio stopped, device stopped responding to input and 

 * SMIME in Mail is there but does anybody use it? IMHO
   GnuPG is much more common.

Yes, people use SMIME. As Outlook (Express) has it build in it's very 
convenient when exchanging mail with the mayority of the internet users.



 Jac KersingTechnical Consultant   The-Box Development
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] CISSP   http://www.the-box.com___
maemo-users mailing list

Re: [maemo-users] maemo 2.0 video player problems

2006-06-11 Thread Jac Kersing

On Sun, 11 Jun 2006, Chris Bare wrote:

Has anyone been able to play back videos they created with mencoder?


I used the script that's been posted before to create a couple of mpeg4 files.
The worked with the 2005 software, but the beta I get "Playback error" or a
file not found error. These files are both on my mcc card which I have not
made any changes to since before I installed the beta.

I've had this happen with the official release as well. When retrying to 
open the same file it worked on the second or third try.



 Jac KersingTechnical Consultant   The-Box Development
maemo-users mailing list