Re: [Mailman-Users] Headers and why they suck

2002-04-19 Thread Chuq Von Rospach

On 4/19/02 8:53 AM, "Jon Carnes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Makes you kind of want to create a "Meta" admin page with some standard
> setups like Announce-only list, etc.

Or write up faqs/howtos on how to configure specific standard list styles?
Maybe an operators manual of some sort?

Chuq Von Rospach, Architech

Very funny, Scotty. Now beam my clothes down here, will you?

Mailman-Users mailing list
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Headers and why they suck

2002-04-19 Thread Barry A. Warsaw

> "JC" == Jon Carnes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

JC> Makes you kind of want to create a "Meta" admin page with some
JC> standard setups like Announce-only list, etc.

What I have in mind for MM-after-2.1 is to allow the creation of "list
styles" which can be easily applied to any particular list.  Probably
exactly what you're thinking about.


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Re: [Mailman-Users] Headers and why they suck

2002-04-19 Thread Jon Carnes

Makes you kind of want to create a "Meta" admin page with some standard 
setups like Announce-only list, etc.


Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ:

Re: [Mailman-Users] Headers and why they suck

2002-04-19 Thread Barry A. Warsaw

> "CVR" == Chuq Von Rospach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

CVR> On 4/8/02 9:59 AM, "Dave Sherohman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
CVR> wrote:

>> OK, I'll give you that List-Post: isn't applicable to your
>> list.

CVR> And I believe in 2.1, mailman won't include headers that
CVR> aren't relevant to a list, so an announce-only list won't get
CVR> list-post. Barry? Is that true? I know we talked about it.

Sort of.  There's actually no concrete notion of an "announce-only"
list; IOW, there's no switch to pull to say this is or isn't an
announce-only list.  In MM2.1, the way to do that is to

- turn on the moderation flag for all members

- set the default moderation action to discard (or hold if you don't
  want to be so strict/nasty).

- turn off the moderation flag for the members who are allowed to post

- add any non-members who are allowed to post to the "accept these
  non-members" list.

That having been said, MM2.1beta2 will have the following controls on
the List-* headers:

- if the site administrator allows it, you can suppress all the List-*
  headers for all messages.  For MM2.1beta2, I'm going to change the
  default to allow list owners to override the headers (the default
  used to be to not allow overrides).

- there will be a separate config option to include the List-Post:
  header.  Set this to No if you're running an announce-only list

- List-Archive: will only be added if your list actually has archives

- List-Id: will always be added for all messages (unless suppression
  of all rfc2369 headers is enabled).

- for non-administrivia messages (i.e. postings), List-Help:,
  List-Unsubscribe:, and List-Subscribe: will be added (unless
  suppression of all rfc2369 headers is enabled).

- for administrivia messages, those three headers will not be
  included, but an X-List-Administrivia: header will be added instead
  (again, unless all are suppressed).

I think that about covers all the bases, and should make everyone
happy (FLW).


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Re: [Mailman-Users] Headers and why they suck

2002-04-10 Thread Dave Sherohman

On Tue, Apr 09, 2002 at 02:32:14PM +0100, robin szemeti wrote:
> if you and a couple of others have this great 'problem' with headers (which 
> are not normally seen unless you specifically ask for 'all headers' in your 
> mail client anyway [1])

Depends on the MUA.  The great source of annoyance, IIRC, is Eudora,
which apparently defaults to showing all headers except those that
are specifically excluded.  (Interestingly enough, that's also how
I've configured mutt on all my accounts.  It's often amusing to see
the things that some people add to their headers...)

When we reduce our own liberties to stop terrorism, the terrorists
have already won. - reverius

Innocence is no protection when governments go bad. - Tom Swiss

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Headers and why they suck

2002-04-10 Thread Eric A. Meyer

At 14:32 +0100 4/9/02, robin szemeti wrote:
>On Monday 08 April 2002 17:38, David wrote:
>>  just think that the way they say
>>  that leaving the headers in is following standards and that there is no
>>  option to remove them is absurd especially when that is not wht he
>>  standards say.
>'no option to remove them' ?? what?
>just edit the source, how hard can it be??

Impossible, in some cases.  Let's take an example: (a 
very large Web hosting provider, among other things) provides 
accounts with free use of "pairlist."  This is all based on Mailman 
(v2.0.6 at this point), and so far as I can tell the lists are all 
administrated through the Web-based interface.  If an option doesn't 
appear in that interface, then the list admin can't affect that 
function.  For some odd reason, doesn't want people editing 
the Mailman source that runs all its lists-- can't imagine why that 
would be.
It's true that many accounts at pair allow for running one's own 
scripts, and that would suffice for many people.  For many others, 
who have cheaper accounts that don't permit shell access or 
customized CGI, it would be a touch more difficult.
And as a last point... not everyone is fluent enough in Python 
programming to hack the source.  Like me, for example.

>[1] I must say I really don;t get why there is all this jumping up and down
>over what is essentially meta-information in the mail. ANYTHING can be added
>to the headers by mailhosts along the way ...  if you don;t want to
>look at them then just ignore them  whats the big deal?

As others have pointed out, there are cases where one may wish to 
create an "announcements" list under Mailman-- probably because 
that's what a service provider gives a person, and the source is 
beyond their ability to change.  In such one-way lists, the headers 
are largely irrelevant and so are misleading at best.  It might even 
represent a noticeable bandwidth savings to not have them, if 
messages go out with some frequency to a large list.  The 
meta-information headers on the Mailman list I maintain amount to 
just over 0.5KB per message.  Multiple that by 1700 list members and 
about 50 messages per day, and those headers alone represent 42,500KB 
of data per day.  That's a relatively big deal if one is paying for 
the traffic.  And I'm running it via, so source editing is 
not an option for me.
Now, I think the headers are very useful for my list and wouldn't 
want to get rid of them, but if they weren't useful then I'd want to 
drop them-- in part to save bandwidth, but also to avoid throwing 
data at the users which doesn't apply.  Without source access, I 
can't do that.  This means that I'm a lot less likely to use Mailman 
for one-way "announcement" lists, or for lists where I think most of 
the traffic will be in short messages.  If I'm limited to using 
Mailman or nothing else, then I might not set up such lists at all.
Personally, I don't understand why it would be such a big deal to 
offer, as both a Web-based and command-line option, the ability to 
include or omit these headers.  That allows the maintainers to decide 
what's best for their particular list.  I'm sure the option could 
default to "headers on" and nobody would much complain.  Maximum 
flexibility would be afforded by letting admins pick which individual 
headers to keep and which to omit, but I suppose that might be a bit 

Author, "Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide" and
"CSS 2.0 Programmer's Reference"

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Headers and why they suck

2002-04-08 Thread J C Lawrence

On Mon, 8 Apr 2002 09:38:23 -0700 (PDT) 
jebva   wrote:

> I just think that the way they say that leaving the headers in is
> following standards and that there is no option to remove them is
> absurd especially when that is not wht he standards say.

RFC2369 states that they are optional.

Standards language is quite precise, and the definitional of "optional"
is equally precise.

Specifically in this case it means that mail systems are not mandated to
support the headers, that mail systems may choose to support or not to
support the headers while remaining conformant -- but what the standard
doesn't say is that a product must present the choice to support (or
not) RFC2369 headers externally.  

Mailman chooses to implement the RFC2369 headers and in doing so it is
conformant with RFC2369.

Mailman chooses to not allow a (simple) way for the RFC2369 headers to
be disabled.  In doing so it remains conformant.

J C Lawrence
-(*)Satan, oscillate my metallic sonatas. 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   He lived as a devil, eh?  Evil is a name of a foeman, as I live.

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ:

Re: [Mailman-Users] Headers and why they suck

2002-04-08 Thread Chuq Von Rospach

On 4/8/02 9:59 AM, "Dave Sherohman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> OK, I'll give you that List-Post: isn't applicable to your list.

And I believe in 2.1, mailman won't include headers that aren't relevant to
a list, so an announce-only list won't get list-post. Barry? Is that true? I
know we talked about it.

> And I guess it might be a little silly to include subscription
> instructions (the List-Subscribe: header) on messages that only get
> sent to people who are already subscribed to the list.

Not at all. Messages get forwarded around A LOT. So the list-subscribe is
there so that the person who gets the message from a friend of a friend who
saw it on a mail list has a chance of figuring out how to get onto the list.

> List-Archive:, like List-Post:, seems like Mailman could determine

Again, I think that's a 2.1 thing.

Chuq Von Rospach, Architech

IMHO: Jargon. Acronym for In My Humble Opinion. Used to flag as an opinion
something that is clearly from context an opinion to everyone except the
mentally dense. Opinions flagged by IMHO are actually rarely humble. IMHO.
(source: third unabridged dictionary of chuqui-isms).

Mailman-Users mailing list
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Headers and why they suck

2002-04-08 Thread Dave Sherohman

On Sat, Apr 06, 2002 at 10:24:56PM -0800, David wrote:
>  The debate goes on I know, but here is exactly why these excessive
> headers suck.  I want to set up a news list not a discussion list.  The
> only person who will be able to post is the list owner.  I don't need
> all the junk about how to post to the list on top of each mail since it
> is WRONG for the setup in question.

Taken from your message's headers:

List-Subscribe: ,

List-Id: Mailman mailing list management users 
List-Unsubscribe: ,


OK, I'll give you that List-Post: isn't applicable to your list.  I'd
even go so far as to suggest that it should be suppressed by default
on any list which does not allow normal list members to post.

And I guess it might be a little silly to include subscription
instructions (the List-Subscribe: header) on messages that only get
sent to people who are already subscribed to the list.

List-Archive:, like List-Post:, seems like Mailman could determine
its applicability programmatically and disable it where it doesn't
apply (i.e., for non-archived lists).  This may already be done, but
I wouldn't know since I don't run any non-archived lists.

But List-Help:, List-Id:, and List-Unsubscribe: all seem like they
would be applicable to your list.

When we reduce our own liberties to stop terrorism, the terrorists
have already won. - reverius

Innocence is no protection when governments go bad. - Tom Swiss

Mailman-Users mailing list
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Headers and why they suck

2002-04-08 Thread David

--- Chris Hedemark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sun, 2002-04-07 at 01:24, David wrote:
> >  The debate goes on I know, but here is exactly why these
> excessive
> > headers suck.  I want to set up a news list not a discussion list. 
> [lots of whining deleted]
> Maybe you selected the wrong tool for the job?
> MySQL, Postfix, Apache and a tiny bit of PHP scripting is probably
> all
> that you really need.
> In the meantime I'm very happy for the headers.

It is great that you like the headers.  You should be able to use them
if you want to.  I have no issue with that at all.  If I were running a
pure discussion list I may well opt for one as well.  The program is
damn fine and open source kicks butt.  Kudos for those who wrote it
spending all the time they did.  I just think that the way they say
that leaving the headers in is following standards and that there is no
option to remove them is absurd especially when that is not wht he
standards say.

> -- 
> ***
> | Rev. Chris Hedemark, DD
> | Hillsborough, NC
> |
> | GPG Public Key -
> ***
> --
> Mailman-Users mailing list
> Mailman FAQ:

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Headers and why they suck

2002-04-08 Thread David

--- "Ashley M. Kirchner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> David wrote:
> > Why the folks who designed this
> > are on such a power trip over something that damn near renders
> their
> > product useless is beyond me.
> >  I have tried the edits I have been given to nuke these absurd
> > headers but so far none of them work.  It would be of great benefit
> if
> > the whole thing was just taken OUT of he code altogether and let
> the
> > list managers set up message fronters/footers with what they want. 
> I
> > fail to see why something so simple has to be made into such a
> crappy
> > "feature".  Yeah I know quote some absurd SUGGESTED OPTIONAL
> compliance
> > standard to me.  It does not change the fact that what I am saying
> is
> > right.
> Hey, no one is holding a gun to your head, forcing you to use
> Mailman.  Stop barking up the tree and go find a fire hydrant.

Actually itis the only product that my host offers for mailing lists. 
It is a damn good program in all respects other than the programmers
decision to force this on us and wrongfully cite it as following the
standards.  The standards make it optional not forced.  Hell I like
Mailman but just wisk they would change that and stop telling us things
that are not true when we ask how to make it work the way we want.

> --
> H | "Life is the art of drawing without an eraser." - John Gardner
> +
>   Ashley M. Kirchner    .   303.442.6410
> x130
>   Director of Internet Operations / SysAdmin. 800.441.3873
> x130
>   Photo Craft Laboratories, Inc.. 3550 Arapahoe Ave,
> #6
> . .  ..   Boulder, CO 80303,
> U.S.A.
> --
> Mailman-Users mailing list
> Mailman FAQ:

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Tax Center - online filing with TurboTax

Mailman-Users mailing list
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Headers and why they suck

2002-04-07 Thread Chris Hedemark

On Sun, 2002-04-07 at 01:24, David wrote:
>  The debate goes on I know, but here is exactly why these excessive
> headers suck.  I want to set up a news list not a discussion list.  
[lots of whining deleted]

Maybe you selected the wrong tool for the job?

MySQL, Postfix, Apache and a tiny bit of PHP scripting is probably all
that you really need.

In the meantime I'm very happy for the headers.

| Rev. Chris Hedemark, DD
| Hillsborough, NC
| GPG Public Key -

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ:

Re: [Mailman-Users] Headers and why they suck

2002-04-07 Thread Chuq Von Rospach

On 4/7/02 5:30 PM, "J C Lawrence" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Have you considered that perhaps Mailman is just not for you?

Nope. Not relevant. Don't inject facts into a rant.

Chuq Von Rospach, Architech

The first rule of holes: If you are in one, stop digging.

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ:

Re: [Mailman-Users] Headers and why they suck

2002-04-07 Thread Ashley M. Kirchner

David wrote:

> Why the folks who designed this
> are on such a power trip over something that damn near renders their
> product useless is beyond me.
>  I have tried the edits I have been given to nuke these absurd
> headers but so far none of them work.  It would be of great benefit if
> the whole thing was just taken OUT of he code altogether and let the
> list managers set up message fronters/footers with what they want.  I
> fail to see why something so simple has to be made into such a crappy
> "feature".  Yeah I know quote some absurd SUGGESTED OPTIONAL compliance
> standard to me.  It does not change the fact that what I am saying is
> right.

Hey, no one is holding a gun to your head, forcing you to use Mailman.  Stop 
barking up the tree and go find a fire hydrant.

H | "Life is the art of drawing without an eraser." - John Gardner
  Ashley M. Kirchner    .   303.442.6410 x130
  Director of Internet Operations / SysAdmin. 800.441.3873 x130
  Photo Craft Laboratories, Inc.. 3550 Arapahoe Ave, #6 . .  ..   Boulder, CO 80303, U.S.A.

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ:

Re: [Mailman-Users] Headers and why they suck

2002-04-07 Thread J C Lawrence

On Sat, 6 Apr 2002 22:24:56 -0800 (PST) 
jebva   wrote:

> Why the folks who designed this are on such a power trip over
> something that damn near renders their product useless is beyond me.

Have you considered that perhaps Mailman is just not for you?

J C Lawrence
-(*)Satan, oscillate my metallic sonatas. 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   He lived as a devil, eh?  Evil is a name of a foeman, as I live.

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