Re: [MlMt] Query about not receiving mail

2018-09-25 Thread Bill Cole

On 25 Sep 2018, at 7:02 (-0400), Annamarie wrote:


This isn't really a MM tech question but it's an email question and 
maybe someone on this list has some insight...

To wit

I emailed 15 people and sent as a BCC so as not to share their emails 
with each other. Discovered yesterday that two of them hadn't received 
the mail. The addresses are correct (I've used them, copying and 
pasting from the actual email I sent), they are in the middle of the 
list. The mail didn't go into spam - it just didn't get there as far 
as I can tell.

Why would that happen? Any ideas?

I blame the race to the bottom in the business of providing mailboxes...

More specifically, this is a thing that some mail providers will do 
because they've chosen to economize on their capacity to do mail 
filtering and deliverability decisions "live" during the SMTP 
conversation rather than simply queueing messages that they may 
eventually decide not to deliver. Usually that's due to flaky spam 
filtering, but there can be other causes. The biggest offenders in this 
are Microsoft (with their free services being *MUCH* worse about it than 
their paid Office365) and Yahoo. Google is much less likely to silently 
drop legitimate messages at the price of being the most opaque about why 
messages land in their 'Spam' folders. Beyond the 800-pound gorillas of 
email there are many smaller mail systems who have made similar choices, 
to sacrifice robustness for convenience by dropping mail silently rather 
than risk misdirected 'backscatter' from deferred filtering. The 
specific reason your mail is being caught by filtering that ends up just 
dropping messages is site-specific, case-specific, and in some cases 
(e.g. Microsoft) literally unknowable because the systems doing it are 
based in complex "machine learning" and don't have fixed criteria.

TL;DR version: Email is not a robustly reliable communication medium and 
is less so today than it has been in the past, due largely to the 
triumph of "free" mailboxes.

Bill Cole or
(AKA @grumpybozo and many * addresses)
Available For Hire:
mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Can't change message status to UNread

2018-09-25 Thread Randall Meadows
Is this a known (or a new) bug, or in the midst of my other MM woes, 
have I screwed up some setting?

I am utterly unable to change a message's read status back to unread, 
for ***most*** messages, although I haven't been able to figure out 
exactly what the trigger for it failing is.  Upon an attempt to mark a 
single read message UNread, MailMate immediately reverts it back to 
read.  If multiple messages are selected, this does not happen.  You can 
see this in action in the following video screen capture:

This becomes particularly problematic when the message I want to change 
is the ONLY message displayed!___
mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Virtual Header created from LDAP search

2018-09-25 Thread Stephen Callaghan
I'd like to create a Smart Mailbox based on an LDAP attribute of the
sender. (e.g. their department)

I think the best way to do this is via Virtual Headers, but don't know how
to create one based on an ldap search.

Does anyone have any pointers as to how to achieve this?

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Query about not receiving mail

2018-09-25 Thread Sam Hathaway
Any mail server “on the way” to those recipients could have 
classified your message as spam and dropped it in the bit bucket. From 
what I’ve seen, mail servers have a couple of spam thresholds: a lower 
confidence one where the message goes to the user’s Spam/Junk folder 
and a higher confidence one where the message is rejected outright. 
Depending on the server, it may or may not send a bounce back.

I’m curious if those two users are using different email providers 
than the rest of the folks on your message. I sometimes have delivery 
problems with and recipients.

I used the “Mail Tester” service to test how mail servers are likely 
to see my outgoing emails. There were a few things I could fix and more 
that my email host had to fix. Give it a try!

Hope this helps!

On 25 Sep 2018, at 7:02, Annamarie wrote:


This isn't really a MM tech question but it's an email question and 
maybe someone on this list has some insight...

To wit

I emailed 15 people and sent as a BCC so as not to share their emails 
with each other. Discovered yesterday that two of them hadn't received 
the mail. The addresses are correct (I've used them, copying and 
pasting from the actual email I sent), they are in the middle of the 
list. The mail didn't go into spam - it just didn't get there as far 
as I can tell.

Why would that happen? Any ideas?


Annamarie Pluhar
802-579-5975 (iPhone - not good when I'm at my desk.)
mailmate mailing list
mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Query about not receiving mail

2018-09-25 Thread Annamarie


This isn't really a MM tech question but it's an email question and 
maybe someone on this list has some insight...

To wit

I emailed 15 people and sent as a BCC so as not to share their emails 
with each other. Discovered yesterday that two of them hadn't received 
the mail. The addresses are correct (I've used them, copying and pasting 
from the actual email I sent), they are in the middle of the list. The 
mail didn't go into spam - it just didn't get there as far as I can 

Why would that happen? Any ideas?


Annamarie Pluhar
802-579-5975 (iPhone - not good when I'm at my desk.)
mailmate mailing list