Re: [MlMt] Preserving Layouts

2021-08-12 Thread Rob McBroom

On 9 Aug 2021, at 14:21, Robert DelRossi wrote:

Sure I’m missing something obvious, but most days when I start 
MailMate I need to reset my preferred view to Widescreen. Is there a 
way to preserve that so that MailMate always starts with this 

This could be superstition, but in my experience if *I* quit MailMate, 
the layout is preserved. If the *system* quits MailMate (restart/log 
out/shut down), the layout is lost. So maybe if you can remember to 
manually quit MailMate before every reboot, you won’t have this 

I never remember to do it, but I did just remember that Quicksilver 
allows [event triggers][1] for “Computer Will Shut Down” so I just 
created one to quit MailMate. Haven’t tested it. IF it works, I’ll 
have to manually start MM after a reboot, but at least the layout will 
be preserved.


Rob McBroom
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] next message is auto-marked read

2021-07-27 Thread Rob McBroom

On 26 Jul 2021, at 15:53, Shoshanna Green wrote:

I use the two-panel layout, opening messages in a separate window. 
When I move or delete a message that is open in its own window, the 
message that is then newly selected in the messages list gets marked 
as read, even though it has never been opened. (This doesn't happen if 
I move or delete a message from the message list without opening it in 
its own window.) I'm sure I've seen this misbehavior before, but I 
can't remember what I did about

I have the same setup and see this same bug. My theory is that the next 
message is selected _before_ the message window closes instead of after, 
causing it to be opened for a split second.

Until this is fixed, what I’ve done is enable the setting to “Mark 
messages as read after 1.5 seconds”. That causes them to be marked as 
read when I actually open them, but not when they get selected for a 
split-second. Of course, you can tweak the delay to find what works for 

Rob McBroom
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Message preview won't stay turned off

2021-05-31 Thread Rob McBroom

On 29 May 2021, at 2:37, Dave Carpenter wrote:

Guys n’ gals,
I don’t want preview. It stays disabled for awhile, then it’s 
there to the right of the new email I’m creating. I go to 
View>Layout and this is what I see. The “Preview” item is never 
checkmarked, only the “Preview at right”, which won’t un-check. 
Only the “Preview” item (which is never checked) responds: when I 
click on it, the preview goes away.

Am I the only one experiencing this?

From the main MailMate window try choosing View → Layout → Two 

As for making that setting stick, I don’t think it will. If I quit 
MailMate and relaunch it, everything is back how I left it, but if it 
gets restarted as part of a system restart (which is far more common), 
it forgets my layout and which folders I had expanded.

Rob McBroom
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Messages marked as “read” in Version 1.14 (5757)

2021-02-18 Thread Rob McBroom

On 18 Feb 2021, at 11:51, Bill Cole wrote:

Have you tried just switching to the "Two Panes" layout instead of the 
"Three Panes"  layout?

No, I wasn’t aware of it. (I haven’t looked at the Layouts for 
years.) That’s probably what I should have been using all along.

Anyway, I’ve just switched to “Two Panes” and it makes no 
difference as far has how/when messages are marked as read. Thanks.

Rob McBroom
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Messages marked as “read” in Version 1.14 (5757)

2021-02-18 Thread Rob McBroom

On 18 Feb 2021, at 7:25, Ian Petersen wrote:

What do do have in Preferences > Viewer > Mark messages read after X 

You can either put a longer time e.g. 60 seconds or remove the 
tickmark altogether, which should make messages only be marked read 

I have it enabled and set to 0. I *want* the message to be marked as 
read automatically, but only if I double-click to view it.

But here’s an interesting thing: If I set it to something just above 
zero like 0.1, the next message in the list isn’t marked as read. This 
is a decent work-around for now.

It seems like when I move a message, MailMate is invisibly opening the 
next message for a fraction of a second, then “closing” it. Or maybe 
the order of operations has changed so that when you move an open 
message, the next message is selected in the viewer *before* the window 
is closed (but faster than the UI can update to show the next message).

Rob McBroom
mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Messages marked as “read” in Version 1.14 (5757)

2021-02-18 Thread Rob McBroom
I have MailMate setup with the preview pane hidden. Though I really like 
the idea, I’ve never used a preview pane in any mail app for one 
reason: It marks messages as read when they’re *selected*, and not 
when I *read* them.

In the latest version of MailMate, disabling the preview pane doesn’t 
help. Whenever I have a message open (in a separate window, obviously) 
and I delete it or move it with ⌥⌘T, the next message in the list is 
selected **and marked as read**, even though it’s never been opened or 

I haven’t seen anyone else mention this. Is it just me? It’s 
creating a lot of work, going back and marking things unread.


Rob McBroom
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Future of Markdown syntax in Mailmate

2020-08-10 Thread Rob McBroom

On 10 Aug 2020, at 10:33, Sam Hathaway wrote:

I haven’t tried this, but you MIGHT be able to replace the Sundown 
binary inside with a symlink to the processor of your 

I could have sworn there was a hidden preference to change the Markdown 
processor, but it was described as experimental/not recommended. Did I 
imagine that?

Rob McBroom
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Display a single new mail in a new window

2019-09-12 Thread Rob McBroom

On 12 Sep 2019, at 13:14, Randall Meadows wrote:

On 12 Sep 2019, at 11:11, Charlie Clark wrote:

is it possible to open a single received message in a new window?

I just hit the Enter key to get the currently-selected message to open 
in its own window.

You can also hold ⇧ and double-click the message. (That’s the 
default, anyway. There’s a preference to make opening the message the 
default for double-clicking _without_ holding ⇧.)

Rob McBroom
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] How can I copy the Markdown of a message I wrote earlier?

2019-07-25 Thread Rob McBroom

On 25 Jul 2019, at 8:08, leo wrote:

Sometimes I want to reuse parts of a message I wrote in Markdown in a 
new Markdown message. For this it would be handy to copy the Markdown 
source of the old message. Where can I get this text?

When you use Markdown, I’m pretty sure MailMate always sends a 
multipart message with an HTML part and a plain text part containing the 
original Markdown.

Try opening a sent message and viewing the plain text alternative with 
⌥⌘[ (or View → Message Body Parts → Previous Alternative).

Rob McBroom
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Feature request: DnD text into app icon = new message with that text as body

2019-02-19 Thread Rob McBroom

On 19 Feb 2019, at 9:15, Sam Hathaway wrote:

Wouldn’t it be cool if you could drag some selected text (from your 
text editor, say) into the MailMate app icon and have it create a new 
message with that text as the message body?

I think that makes sense.

Until that’s possible (if ever), you can always use the MailMate 
plug-in in Quicksilver to compose a message using the selected text. You 
could even create a keyboard trigger for that if it’s something 
you’ll do often.

Rob McBroom
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] drag & drop a message to an IMAP folder not working

2018-07-03 Thread Rob McBroom

On 2 Jul 2018, at 20:43, Eric Sharakan wrote:

Okay, this is not a MailMate problem; it's system-wide.  I can drag 
anything I want, but the "drop" action fails to perform the drop.  
I've tried two different trackpads, so I think that rules out a HW 
issue.  A reboot seems to fix it temporarily.  Has anyone else seen 

I’ve seen problems like this over the years. It’s almost always 
because the system thinks a modifier key is being held down. I can 
usually fix it by just tapping all the modifiers to make it realize the 
key isn’t being held.

I’ve never seen it repeat so persistently, though. I wonder if one of 
your key switches is physically connecting when it shouldn’t.

Rob McBroom
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] CSS selector for mailbox list and message list?

2018-05-30 Thread Rob McBroom

On 29 May 2018, at 21:50, Mike Hucka wrote:

I've read about the css styling approach and have been able to tweak 
the colors of the message body (using 
MmMessagesWebView/stylesheet.css), but I can't seem to find the right 
way to affect the mailbox list and the list of messages in a mailbox.

Those aren’t part of any web view. If you open the preferences and 
click “Show Fonts”, you should be able to click the thing you want 
to change and adjust its font.

Rob McBroom
mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] revisiting fonts

2018-04-20 Thread Rob McBroom
I think by the time I fumbled around and figured out what I was actually 
asking, this [old thread][then] was abandoned, so I’m trying again.

I was messing with font settings again today and was reminded that the 
Plain Text and HTML alternatives are basically identical. If I change 
the font for either view, it changes for both.

Is it possible to show plain text messages with a fixed-width font? Is 
it possible to respect the senders font in HTML, but fall back to 
variable-width if they don’t specify?



Rob McBroom
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Preferences for bundle

2017-09-25 Thread Rob McBroom

On 25 Sep 2017, at 11:43, Robert Goldman wrote:

I was looking over an online tutorial for MailMate plugins, and one 
thing I was wondering was: is there a way to provide the ability to 
set preferences for a plugin bundle?

The reason I ask is that the emacs plugin has the path to emacs hard 
coded, in a way that won't work if you (like me) use Aquamacs for 
emacs on the Mac.  If it's not too hard, I'd add an interactive 
preference for this, but if it is, could just rummage around in the 

That sort of thing is usually done via environment variables. See 
TM_PYTHON or TM_MARKDOWN for an example.

Once the bundle has proper support for something like TM_EMACS, users 
can set that globally in TextMate’s preferences under Variables, or 
per-project in `.tm_properties`.

Rob McBroom
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] What is a Red message?

2017-08-02 Thread Rob McBroom

On 2 Aug 2017, at 11:24, Ralph Alvy wrote:

What does it mean when a message is red and can’t be deleted?

I think it means the message has been flagged for deletion, but not 
actually removed yet. Someone who actually knows should confirm, though.

I usually see these when deleting with another client, then viewing the 
same folder in MailMate.

Rob McBroom
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] More on deleting a message and subsequent selection

2017-07-25 Thread Rob McBroom

On 25 Jul 2017, at 10:47, Rob McBroom wrote:

After more testing, it seems like the window 
closes _unless_ you’re looking at the only message in the folder.

Now that I know what to look for, I can confirm that this is definitely 
the problem. The message window stays open only when the 
archive/junk/delete operation leaves the selected folder empty in the 
main (background) window.

Rob McBroom
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] More on deleting a message and subsequent selection

2017-07-14 Thread Rob McBroom

On 13 Jul 2017, at 18:18, Randall Meadows wrote:

Seems like it, but that leaves the message window open, even though 
the message it's showing was just deleted.

I reported this, but then couldn’t reproduce it for a time and 
declared it fixed, but it’s definitely not.

I haven’t brought it up again because it seems to intermittent. I’m 
trying to figure out how to reliably reproduce it.

What I know at this point:

  * It affects junk, archive, and delete
  * It doesn’t matter if I use the toolbar buttons, or my custom keys 
(`j`, `a`, and `⌫`)


`% defaults read com.freron.MailMate 
MmSingleMessageWindowClosesAfterMove 1`

I think that setting only applies to an actual move, and not 
archive/junk/delete. I keep arguing that it should affect *all* moves, 
and I keep seeing people that are confused when it doesn’t. I’m sure 
there’s good reason, though.

Rob McBroom
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] deleting message auto-opens next

2017-06-27 Thread Rob McBroom

On 27 Jun 2017, at 12:41, Shoshanna Green wrote:

Ditto installation, ditto limited testing, ditto correct behavior, 
ditto thanks!

One thing I’ve found since posting earlier…

I have these key bindings:

j = "moveToJunk:";
a = "archive:";

For the past few months, the message window would close automatically 
with those, but it doesn’t now.

When I originally set them up, they required an explicit call to 
`closeWindow:`, but at some point I was able to remove that. I really 
liked the way it was “in between” because by not explicitly closing 
the window, I could use the same bindings in both the message window and 
the message list (without the main window closing).

Rob McBroom
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] deleting message auto-opens next

2017-06-27 Thread Rob McBroom

On 27 Jun 2017, at 9:22, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

If you are on r5383+ then you can also try to see if this makes it 
behave as desired:

	defaults write com.freron.MailMate 
MmSingleMessageWindowClosesAfterMove -bool YES

Just installed 5385. With some very limited testing, it appears to 
behave “correctly”. Thanks!

Rob McBroom
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] message windows stay open

2017-06-15 Thread Rob McBroom

On 15 Jun 2017, at 10:14, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

For now, you'll have to downgrade to r5377 I believe:

That’s an acceptable answer for now. Thanks!

I'll look into making the behavior optional. (I believe “delete” 
still closes the window.)

The selection behavior, or the closing behavior? I actually don’t mind 
(even prefer) the behavior where something gets selected when a message 
disappears from the list. I just want the message window to go away, 

FWIW, my solution to this would be to make moving to Archive, Junk, or 
Trash respect the “Close window after move” preference.

Rob McBroom
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] message windows stay open

2017-06-15 Thread Rob McBroom

On 13 Jun 2017, at 15:28, Rob McBroom wrote:

When I updated the other day, I saw the note about the new preference 
to control “selection when moving/deleting a message”. I 
immediately looked for this setting to make sure it was “correct”.

I restored preferences from before the update from a backup. The message 
window still stays open when I archive/delete/junk the message.

Any ideas? This is driving me nuts.

Rob McBroom
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Changed prefs

2017-03-01 Thread Rob McBroom

On 28 Feb 2017, at 20:28, John D. Muccigrosso wrote:

That was weird. The View menu is back to its old self and I see that 
the "Hide message preview" was once again off. I couldn't tell, in 
part, because the window was extended down off the bottom of my screen 
(maybe because I have different two-screen set-ups at home and at 
work?). In any case, I selected that option again and now all is well.

Still, those prefs changed on their own, AFAICT.

This happened to me too recently. Messages were suddenly being marked as 
“read” as soon as I single-clicked them. I just had to tell it to 
hide the preview again (even though it wasn’t visible to begin with).

Now, this was right after launching for the first time on a new machine 
after Migration Assistant moved everything over, so maybe some weirdness 
should be expected. Still though, why just that one preference out of 
the hundreds that made it over just fine?

Rob McBroom
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] What is happening

2017-02-26 Thread Rob McBroom

On 24 Feb 2017, at 3:38, Billy Youdelman wrote:

If using a disk image to ship an app, users should drag the app from 
the image to its desired installation location (usually /Applications) 
before launching it.

They literally mean drag, using Finder specifically, and not copy or 
move using the method of your choice. If you “installed” MailMate by 
doing something other than dragging it in Finder, that’s probably why 
this is happening.

(This might also work correctly if dragging in the latest version of 
Path Finder, but their release notes weren’t 100% clear to me.)

Rob McBroom
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Can't set MM as default mail client

2017-01-06 Thread Rob McBroom

On 6 Jan 2017, at 11:07, Robert M. Münch wrote:

I now tried several times to set MM as my default mail client. But it 
fails. When quitting & restarting it, Apple mail is the default again. 
Same when I click any mailto: references. Apple mail is started 
instead of MM.

Any ideas how to fix this?

I’m not sure what OS version you’re on, or if Apple ever fixed the 
problem, but you should probably start here…

Rob McBroom
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Moving messages

2016-09-27 Thread Rob McBroom

On 26 Sep 2016, at 15:34, John D. Muccigrosso wrote:

When the box pops up to select a mailbox to move the selected message 
into, it takes only one click to make the move. That is, select and 
move are both combined. I keep expecting to have to double click and 
therefore move two messages.

Reasonable people can disagree, but I think it’s supposed to be as 
fast a process as possible, so the current behavior seems fine to me.

Honestly, my first thought was “You can use the mouse on that 
window?” Have you given the keyboard a try there? The search is 
Quicksilver-like so you can get the folder you want very quickly. For 
example, to select “Inbox → Work Account”, you could just type 
“iwac” (or less) then hit `↩`.

Rob McBroom
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] The amazing reappearing preview pane

2016-09-23 Thread Rob McBroom

On 24 Sep 2016, at 0:56, John Cooper wrote:

When I'm in a message composer window and I hide the preview pane, I 
type a few characters, and the preview pane simply reappears. It 
doesn't appear to be related to any particular key or key combination. 
I don't suppose anybody else has seen this?

I think it’s documented somewhere (maybe on the `twopointoh` page?), 
but I think this is what’s happening.

By default, when you type a message, it’s just plain text and stays 
that way *unless* you type something that Markdown can turn into HTML. 
Then, the message becomes multi-part and the preview pane appears so you 
can see what the HTML part will look like.

For example, this message had no preview pane until I typed the ticks 
above. I like this personally, but that’s because I expect it and use 

I don’t see anything obvious in your message that would trigger this, 
but the line at the bottom is obviously an HTML `` and not just a 
string of text, so maybe it’s something in your signature?

In any case, you might want to experiment with the options under 
Preferences → Composer → Preview: Display.

Rob McBroom
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] MailMate 1.9.5 - how to get old functionality back

2016-09-21 Thread Rob McBroom

On 21 Sep 2016, at 6:06, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

For some users, the inlining CSS in HTML functionality used when 
embedding HTML or styling outgoing messages is very slow. I'm still 
looking into how to get around this problem.

I haven’t seen any performance problems, but thanks to Little Snitch, 
I’ve noticed that when you reply to an HTML message with images, they 
get fetched no matter what you have set under “Image Blocking”.

Rob McBroom
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] fonts in 2.0 BETA

2016-09-13 Thread Rob McBroom
I thought I had a handle on the font settings, but after basically 
starting fresh for reasons no one cares about, I can’t get things to 
look “right”.

I want to use a variable width font for

  * HTML messages where the sender didn’t explicitly choose a font
  * Markdown messages that are converted to HTML locally
  * The HTML preview in the composer window

I want to use a fixed width font for

  * The editing area of the composer window
  * Plain text messages

But from what I can tell, all of the above except the editing area share 
the same font.

Is it possible to achieve what I want? Thanks.

Rob McBroom
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] New version broke fonts?

2016-09-01 Thread Rob McBroom

On 1 Sep 2016, at 13:46, Seebs wrote:

So, plain text emails are now displaying in a non-fixed-width font.

This is not ideal. But I can't find a way to change it.

Do you have a custom stylesheet as described at ?

Getting rid of mine seemed to make things mostly sane.

Rob McBroom
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] fonts in 2.0 BETA

2016-08-16 Thread Rob McBroom

On 16 Aug 2016, at 7:29, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 15 Aug 2016, at 15:41, Rob McBroom wrote:

If I choose a font for the message body, it will be applied to HTML 
messages (overriding the font chosen by the sender).

No, it is only applied to plain text messages (or when viewing the 
plain text body part of an HTML message).

After more testing, maybe it’s just when viewing the HTML part of a 
multi-part message? For example, the message you sent takes on my chosen 
font (an I have other examples). I can live with that.

The biggest problem was that nothing I did would affect the font used 
for plain-text mail, or the plain text part of a multi-part message. I 
finally just tried deleting `MmMessagesWebView/stylesheet.css` and now 
plain-text messages are using a fixed-width font again. I guess 
there’s no reason for that style sheet any more.


Rob McBroom
mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] fonts in 2.0 BETA

2016-08-15 Thread Rob McBroom

I’m posting this here, since I think its “of general interest”.

Based on messing with font settings, tell me if I understand this 

If I choose a font for the message body, it will be applied to HTML 
messages (overriding the font chosen by the sender).

If I open a plain-text message, or one that’s converted to HTML via 
Markdown, the “theme for plain text emails” takes over and I get 
whatever font is defined there.

If that’s true, it seems backwards to me. I would like to choose a 
font for plain text and locally rendered Markdown, and I would like HTML 
messages from others to appear exactly as sent. Is that possible?

Rob McBroom
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Feature Request: select next/previous mailbox in view history

2016-05-27 Thread Rob McBroom

On 27 May 2016, at 5:29, Ale Muñoz wrote:

Another option if just hitting Cmd+T (I love that, coming from 
TextMate : ) and using up & down arrows to select the mailbox.

Yes. Similar to ⌘K in Slack, only better because it allows 
Quicksilver-style matching.

Rob McBroom
mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] deleting entire threads

2016-01-11 Thread Rob McBroom
Selecting and deleting a collapsed thread used to remove all messages. 
Now, at least one message is left behind. (Haven’t quantified exactly 
what is and is not removed, but it sometimes takes three passes of 
select/delete to get rid of a thread.)

I only noticed this last week but I hadn’t updated since 5187 in late 
November, so I can’t really blame it on a recent change in MailMate.

Anyone else ever seen this?


Rob McBroom
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] mm started(?) resorting sub mailboxes ?

2015-11-25 Thread Rob McBroom

On 24 Nov 2015, at 15:15, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

Ok, I managed to break sorting of IMAP mailboxes (which did work in a 
previous test release) when I fixed the issue reported by Max. I also 
found another bug triggered when creating new IMAP mailboxes. There is 
yet another test release now, but let's just assume mailbox sorting is 
still broken in some way. I'll handle the next bug report tomorrow :-)

Everything looks correct (at first glance) in the new release. Thanks!

Rob McBroom
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] mm started(?) resorting sub mailboxes ?

2015-11-24 Thread Rob McBroom

On 23 Nov 2015, at 8:46, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

How it works: By default, IMAP mailboxes are alphabetically sorted, 
but if the user uses drag'n'drop to change the order then it switches 
to manual ordering (for the related set of mailboxes only).

I’m on 5185 now and they’re still sorted with capitalized folders 
first. Did I switch it to “manual” mode by rearranging sources? (I 
didn’t move any folders.) Will I have to manually alphabetize all the 
folders from now on? Thanks.

Rob McBroom
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] mm started(?) resorting sub mailboxes ?

2015-11-23 Thread Rob McBroom

On 23 Nov 2015, at 7:40, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

Yes, IMAP accounts and IMAP mailboxes can now be manually ordered.

Cool feature. Thanks.

Is this related to the fact that folders are now sorted differently? It 
used to be case-insensitive alphabetical order. Now, all the capitalized 
folders are first.

Rob McBroom
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Using MailMate for 'handoff' from iDevices

2015-10-27 Thread Rob McBroom

On 27 Oct 2015, at 9:25, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

My iPhone is far too old for me to try this feature, but as far as I 
understand then this feature requires that the two apps are created by 
the same developer. There's a public API for the system itself, but 
the format used for the exchanged data is private. (I haven't really 
read up on the details.)

I’ve seen third-party apps on the phone cause the Safari hand-off 
thing to appear on the desktop, but I doubt you could go the other 
direction (where something from Apple on your phone makes a third-party 
app appear on the desktop).

Rob McBroom
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] mouse selection

2015-10-07 Thread Rob McBroom

On 6 Oct 2015, at 17:36, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

I had to change the default behavior, because some users found it 
confusing (reporting it as a bug).

Oh, wow. People didn’t know about that? It’s been standard behavior 
for pretty much all list views for decades. I’d argue that *they* 
should be the ones fiddling with hidden defaults. :-)

But in any case, thanks for at least keeping it as an option. I’m all 
set now.

Sorry if it was in the release notes and I missed it. I did read them.

Rob McBroom
mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] mouse selection

2015-10-06 Thread Rob McBroom
Selecting multiple messages with the mouse (by clicking one and quickly 
dragging before it thinks you’re trying to move the message) stopped 
working for me.

Since I had installed a new version of MailMate, a new version of OS X, 
and switched mouse drivers, I wasn’t sure where to place the blame at 

I tried disabling the new mouse driver (using the built-in from the OS) 
and it didn’t help. I also tried selecting multiple items in Finder, 
and it still works, so it’s not a change in the OS.

That leaves MailMate. Probably not the highest priority issue out there, 
but something to be aware of. (One of the many many reasons I like 
MailMate is that it still allowed that behavior. quit doing it 
two or three versions ago.)

Rob McBroom
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] mouse selection

2015-10-06 Thread Rob McBroom

On 6 Oct 2015, at 8:34, Rob McBroom wrote:

Selecting multiple messages with the mouse (by clicking one and 
quickly dragging before it thinks you’re trying to move the message) 
stopped working for me.

I should add that you can still select multiple messages if you initiate 
the drag *below* the message list, but that requires that the list be 
too short to fill the view it’s in, and doesn’t help if you want to 
start the selection in the middle somewhere.

Rob McBroom
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Organize by Thread by default

2015-10-05 Thread Rob McBroom

On 3 Oct 2015, at 6:54, Alexandre Takacs wrote:

Minor issue but for a few betas MM always launches with "Organize by 
Thread" on, no matter of what was the previous setting.

It seems to forget the sort order when you relaunch as well.

Rob McBroom
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] MailMate status (All things HTML)

2015-09-10 Thread Rob McBroom

On 10 Aug 2015, at 16:23, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

Thanks, that's obviously the problem. I'll look into making the script 
more robust.

It’s generally bad practice to install Python packages (other than 
virtualenv) into the system site packages.

This should work…

Create a virtualenv inside the bundle itself and install Pygments there.

sudo easy_install pip
sudo pip install virtualenv
# in the bundle’s directory
virtualenv env
env/bin/pip install pygments

Then update the script to call `env/bin/pygmentize`.

Or look at how I did it with BeautifulSoup in Quicksilver. I don’t 
even think I needed `virtualenv`, but that was a long time ago and 
I’ve forgotten.

Other considerations:

  * You should make sure the bundle that gets pushed out doesn’t 
include the compiled files. Adding `*.pyc` to Git’s ignore list should 
do it.
  * This means MailMate will always use that copy of Pygments and not 
the one the user has installed in some other location (like 
`/usr/local`). As a result…
* Custom color schemes from PyPI would have to be installed into 
the virtualenv, too.
* You’ll always be able to include a “known to work” version 
of Pygments.

Rob McBroom
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Markdown inside of words

2014-04-07 Thread Rob McBroom

On 6 Apr 2014, at 11:36, Kee Hinckley wrote:

But it’s allowed me to do things like add automatic 
syntax-highlighting to code blocks, and support tab-delimited tables, 
and otherwise extend my email in ways which make my work much easier. 
If someone were to view the plain-text of those messages, or even 
reply to them, they wouldn’t get exactly what I got, but they’d 
get something perfectly readable–that’s the basic nature of 

…unless they use MailMate to read the plain-text part, in which case, 
it will detect `markup=markdown` and run your text through its internal 
processor, which won’t always handle it correctly.

The theoretical future solution takes this into account, and that’s 
why we need a more official/supported way.

Rob McBroom
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Markdown inside of words

2014-04-07 Thread Rob McBroom

On 7 Apr 2014, at 14:33, Kee Hinckley wrote:

No, that’s my point. The whole idea behind Markdown is that readable 
even if _not_ processed. So the fact that one markdown processor 
supports a couple extra features doesn’t matter. What you see still 
makes sense.

Yeah, I get that and I agree. *My* point is that “not processed” 
doesn’t exist in the current version of MailMate. The original 
Markdown text might be perfectly readable, but there’s no way to 
actually *see* it with the current behavior. If the plain-text part 
includes the `markup=markdown` header, MailMate renders it and shows you 
the resulting HTML.

To see what I mean, select the message you just sent me and hit ⌥⌘[ 
to view the “plain text” version. You’ll see that it’s just HTML 
without your stylesheet. If you try the same thing on my message, 
there’ll be no difference at all because one is the HTML generated by 
MailMate on my end and one is the HTML generated by MailMate on your end 
(both from the same source).

With the possible future implementation, Benny has indicated that 
`markup=markdown` won’t be added for those using custom parsers, which 
will make it possible to view the sender’s original Markdown without 
any assumptions about how it should be processed. That’s why I think 
it’s worth it to spend time on official support for additional 
Markdown parsers.

Rob McBroom
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Markdown inside of words

2014-04-03 Thread Rob McBroom

On 3 Apr 2014, at 5:03, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

I think this would be a good idea. I see many emails where 
inline-emphasis is used unintentionally and I see very few where it is 
used intentionally. If anyone feels strongly against such a change 
then speak up now.

I personally wouldn’t miss it, but if anyone would, it would be nice 
if they could use HTML to get around it, such as `emiphas/iis on the 
wrong sylliab/ile`.

I suppose that would work if you could switch to a theoretical future 
external Markdown converter, so maybe concentrate effort on that over 
allowing arbitrary HTML. :-)

Somewhat related, I regularly receive requests for _adding_ various 
Markdown features/flavors and the plan is to handle it like this when 
I get time to implement it: Allow custom Markdown (or other syntax) 
converters which can be used to generate the HTML body part of a 
message, but when this is done then the converter must also provide 
the plain text body part and MailMate won't add anything to the 
headers of the message about the plain text body part being Markdown 

And in that case, am I correct in assuming that it would be possible to 
actually *view* the plain-text part as plain text? That would be nice.

But now I wonder, why not just make it the same across the board? That 
is, if you enable Markdown, the HTML part is included and the headers 
aren’t modified, whether you use the built-in or custom Markdown 

It seems to me that keeping the current behavior would only benefit 
people that meet all of the following criteria:

  * Use the built-in Markdown processor (once they have the option not 

  * Don’t include the HTML part when sending
  * 100% of the recipients are using MailMate and will see the message 
as intended

Is it worth maintaining code for the two different behaviors to 
accommodate such a small group?

Rob McBroom
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Markdown inside of words

2014-04-03 Thread Rob McBroom

On 3 Apr 2014, at 11:16, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

To me the question should be: Is it worth adding the option of 
alternative Markdown converters at the price of people using inline 
HTML and other unreadable plain text? I'm not so sure ;-)

Hopefully that’s not how people would use it. That’s not how I plan 
to use it.

In any case, you’re not going to be able to impose good taste on 
anyone, so just think about the benefits for those that already have it. 

Rob McBroom
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] MailMate bundle for Aquamacs

2014-03-14 Thread Rob McBroom

On 14 Mar 2014, at 8:02, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

The most recent test version of MailMate includes a change which 
makes `MM_LINE_NUMBER` available as an environment variable. For now 
it's only used by the TextMate bundle to place the caret in its 
default location. You might find that useful as well.

TextMate bundle? Where can I get that?

Rob McBroom
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] When MailMate opens mail from a MailMate user

2014-02-13 Thread Rob McBroom

On 13 Feb 2014, at 11:42, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

Just to be clear, I don't officially support the use of other Markdown 
processors than the one “built in” :-)

I get why, but the more I think about it, the more I think it might be 

My main concern is how well suited the Markdown text is to be a plain 
text body part of message.

That sounds like something the sender of the message should be worrying 
about. Not the MUA. :-)

It might be best if the “markdown” part of the content type is not 
used when you generate HTML with a custom processor, but you would 
probably need some way to tell MailMate to do that.

I (with far less knowledge than you) would do this: Allow other Markdown 
processors to be used (defined in bundles maybe), but when using 
anything other than “Built-in”, remove `markup=markdown` from the 
`Content-Type` header. The only drawback I can think of is that, if you 
don’t include the HTML part when sending, you won’t see HTML when 
reading back over your own messages.

You *could* specify the Markdown flavor in the `Content-type` header, or 
in some new header like `X-Markdown-Implementation`. The theory being 
that the recipient (if he also had that bundle) could use it to render 
the HTML. But that’s getting pretty complicated.

Rob McBroom
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Thread Arcs styling options

2014-02-06 Thread Rob McBroom

On 5 Feb 2014, at 15:16, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

I’m just thinking out loud. I wouldn’t even be able to implement 
thread arcs in HTML myself. If anyone wants to play with this then I 
think I can create a bundle command which demonstrates how one can 
generate input similar to the above (or something simpler), generate 
some simple HTML, and finally, open the result in a browser.

Slightly off topic: The above is something I had not considered for 
thread arcs, but I often think it would be really cool if scripts were 
created which visualized various statistics about groups of messages 
using, e.g., gnuplot or maybe a graphing tool for HTML. For example, a 
graph showing the number of emails replied per day, or a pie chart of 
top-posters on the MailMate mailing list :-) I’ll assist anyone with 
an interest in such visualizations (or even just simple tables).

For both generating fancy custom thread-arcs and the off-topic stuff, I 
think [D3.js]( would do the trick. It can consume JSON 
and CSV. Check out some of the demos.

Rob McBroom
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] New user asks: What is best feature?

2014-02-06 Thread Rob McBroom

On 6 Feb 2014, at 9:39, 1611mac wrote:

I have used used Apple Mail (currently handling 6 imap accounts) 
pretty much for it's whole existence.

I used it when it was still 
[NeXTMail]( What do I win? ;-)

I'm evaluating MailMate before I purchase.

Besides using the application, I recommend just reading [the 
manual]( “cover to cover”. It’s 
not that long, and you’ll get a sense of what’s possible.

Best feature for me in Mail is Rules which I use to move mail into 
sub-folders. This is normally based on sender.

It’s not an option for everyone, but I prefer to do this sort of thing 
on the server (so things are arranged when I read on a phone where 
organization matters even more). So I can’t comment on the “rules” 
abilities of one over the other.

I frequently have to search for emails based upon words found within 
the body.

I’d say MailMate wins pretty easily here. You can set up the default 
search just the way you want, and even configure the search interface to 
appear with a single key.

1,)  If you used Apple Mail in the past, what is the best feature in 
MailMate that shines above Apple Mail?

Hard to say, but I’ll go with the thing that really got my attention 
at first: Being able to write in plain text (Markdown), but have the 
recipient see something more pleasant[^1] while *also* preserving the 
original text as I wrote it for those who prefer the text alternative.

The one thing I miss from Mail is the ability to read an entire thread 
in one view. All the messages would be there, clearly separated. A lot 
of the garbage in top-posted messages would be obscured, and messages 
would be marked as read automatically in a somewhat predictable way.

2.)  What do you consider the best overall feature of MailMate? As a 
new user of MailMate, what should I be sure not to miss?

Two questions with different answers. :-) Some smaller not-to-miss 

  * Selecting folders with ⌘T and moving a message to a folder with 
  * Look at the smart folders under Examples. What you can do is pretty 
impressive. The Mailing Lists one in particular. I’ll admit I don’t 
use it though, since it doesn’t help me when reading mail on a phone.
  * It’ll try to prevent you from talking about an attachment and not 
sending it. (In fact, I’ll bet it warns me when I send this.) I 
don’t send many attachments, but I think this is a great idea.

[^1]: With the exception of quoted text, which looks terrible by 
default. It looks fine to *me*, because MailMate lets you apply a style 
sheet on the client side. We will hopefully have a way to style outgoing 
messages one day.

Rob McBroom
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] How to handle spam/unwanted messages?

2014-02-04 Thread Rob McBroom

On 31 Jan 2014, at 14:05, Nitin wrote:

Just wanted to know, how you guys handle the spam or blacklist the 
senders with Mailmate or any other client? I have created a bundle to 
create/update a list in Evernote and manually update it with my email 
provider, once a month.

I also have SpamAssassin on the server. Procmail drops everything over a 
certain score. Messages with a not-quite-that-high score go into a 
“Probably” folder for manual examination. Any spam that gets 
through, no matter which folder it ends up in, I move to my Junk folder.

SpamAssassin trains every night based on Junk, Inbox, and Trash. The 
last two are used as examples of ham, which is also important. Junk is 
emptied after training.

Almost nothing client side, in other words, although MailMate makes the 
one and only manual step (Move to Junk) very easy.

Rob McBroom
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Why is Save... grayed out?

2014-01-30 Thread Rob McBroom

On 30 Jan 2014, at 7:49, Rob McClure wrote:

I was hoping to save selected received important messages separately 
so Save as might be the missing function. Thinking text and .eml or 

Until it’s implemented, you can drag a message from the message list 
to Finder.

Rob McBroom
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Do we need a better way to disable text/not-really-plain?

2014-01-16 Thread Rob McBroom

On 15 Jan 2014, at 15:02, Bill Cole wrote:

Which is why MM generates a multipart/alternative message with 
text/plain and text/html parts when one enables Markdown.

True, I had forgotten about that, but the sender can omit the HTML part 
without turning of Markdown, as Benny said.

Most critical is URLs. If I wanted URLs automatically hidden from me, 
I wouldn't have MM set to prefer plain text and maybe I wouldn't be 
using MM at all. I'm a bit disappointed that they are made active 
(i.e. clickable) without any clear way to turn that off, but I am 
well-trained to avoid the habits that make that really risky

Something that might help is a custom style sheet that makes links 
really stand out. (I forget what they look like by default.)

(OTOH, if something evil grabbed control of the ability to send 
keystrokes with 'Full Keyboard Access' enabled...)

Clicking links in e-mail would be the least of my worries in that 
situation. :-)

I can only speak for myself, but I think the implementation is great. 
Plain text is easier to write, nearly universally portable, and uses 
less bandwidth, but (rendered) HTML is much nicer to *read*. So 
it’s the best of both worlds.

That's a very subjective judgment

I was clearly trying to pass it off as objective truth when I said “I 
can only speak for myself”.

with an embedded fallacy behind the conclusion. Because any reasonable 
HTML mail composer creates a multipart/alternative container for the 
HTML version of the message and a plain text equivalent, the fact that 
you happen to compose in Markdown (which gets used as the plain text 
version) uses more bandwidth than if you were to use something that 
sent pure HTML.

Absolutely right. Like I said, I had forgotten about the optional HTML 
part that gets sent along with the Markdown. I have it enabled, since 
most of the people I deal with are using Outlook.

The only thing I would change is that switching to the plain text 
alternative should show the original Markdown as written. If that 
were the case, I think the “Prefer plain text” Viewer preference 
would make MailMate behave the way you want.

No, it does not. If it did, I would not be bringing this up.

I’m aware of that. I thought it obvious that I was describing desired 
behavior, not current behavior.

I'm not really open to arguments that I shouldn't want message parts 
labeled as plain text to be displayed as plainly as possible rather 
than parsed for markup.

You’re not getting one. Not from me, anyway.

This is exactly the “desired behavior” I laid out. When viewing the 
plain-text part (whether by default with “Prefer plain text” or by 
⌥⌘[), there shouldn’t be any parsing.

(In the case where there is *only* a text part, and it’s identified as 
Markdown in the `Content-type` header, clients that support automatic 
rendering should behave as if there are two parts. That would allow us 
to switch between the two representations and/or see the preferred one 
by default.)

I will spare you the arguments for why HTML email is fundamentally 
wrong and dangerous.

I know them. I used to make them. But when it became clear that some 
sort of “rich” e-mail was here to stay, and MS-TNEF was one of the 
more common ways to do it, HTML seemed pretty good all of a sudden.

Rob McBroom
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Do we need a better way to disable text/not-really-plain?

2014-01-15 Thread Rob McBroom

On 15 Jan 2014, at 10:03, Bill Cole wrote:

For a fan of standards and simple email, the last token in this MIME 
sub-part header generated by MailMate is appalling:

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed; 

That should only be present if the sender explicitly enables Markdown 
when composing messages. I notice your message doesn’t have it, for 

Even worse: that non-standard markup=markdown parameter causes 
MailMate to translate what is labeled as text/plain into HTML which 
it then renders, instead of simply presenting the plain text.

That’s sort of the point. ;-)

This can include turning supposedly-plain text incantations into 
active (clickable) strings and hiding the original text. WHICH IS AS 

If the sender has claimed to be using Markdown, but then included 
something that won’t render correctly, you should take it up with 
them. (Can you give an example of something that looks “wrong”?)

Is the audience for a better default behavior and/or a more 
support-worthy switch larger than myself and the small crowd of very 
geeky people I've convinced to use MM? Put another way: is no one who 
doesn't work professionally with the problem of email as an attack 
vector even bothering to disable this misfeature?

I can only speak for myself, but I think the implementation is great. 
Plain text is easier to write, nearly universally portable, and uses 
less bandwidth, but (rendered) HTML is much nicer to *read*. So it’s 
the best of both worlds.

The only thing I would change is that switching to the plain text 
alternative should show the original Markdown as written. If that were 
the case, I think the “Prefer plain text” Viewer preference would 
make MailMate behave the way you want.

In the meantime, I suppose you could use ⌥⌘U instead of ⌥⌘[.

Rob McBroom
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Alfred search?

2014-01-14 Thread Rob McBroom

On 14 Jan 2014, at 8:48, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

Yes, you can just “open” the file, for example,

	open ~/Library/Application\ 

Opens in Mail by default, which I suspect will be the case for most 
users, but I’m sure I can get around that.

I assume there’s no way to select a message (other than open, followed 
by manually hitting ⌥⌘S)?

Is there any way to search for messages based on content outside of 

Only if you have a Spotlight importer installed which parses `.eml` 

Oh, interesting. I assumed MailMate used Spotlight internally for its 
searches, but if the content isn’t even being indexed, I guess not. 
(You do *not* need to explain what’s actually happening. You have a 
million more important things to worry about.)

Rob McBroom
mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] inaccurate message lists

2013-12-13 Thread Rob McBroom
I’ve had this happen a few times. I’ll delete one or more messages 
via MailMate, then read mail with another client (my phone, if it 
matters) and see that the messages are still there.

I would think MailMate just hasn’t gotten around to deleting them, but 
there could be hours or even days between the time I delete and the time 
I check mail on my phone. These messages never appear in MailMate again 
once it thinks they’re deleted, but they are still there. (I have 
access to the file system where the messages are actually stored. It’s 
not just the phone.)

I just had such a message. I restarted MailMate to see if it would 
reappear and it didn’t, but that might have caused it to finally 
remove the message because it’s no longer on the server.

Maybe there’s a delay between “mark for delete” and “purge” 
and I’m shutting down my machine in between those steps, so it never 
happens? Though it seems unlikely that my phone would show messages 
marked for deletion.

Related: Is there anything equivalent to Mail’s **Mailbox → 
Rebuild** menu item?


Rob McBroom
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Deleting a thread

2013-12-03 Thread Rob McBroom
On 2 Dec 2013, at 23:27, Jeffrey Horn wrote:

 On Mon, Dec 2, 2013, at 06:12 PM, Kee Hinckley wrote:
 Is there a way to create a key macro to select all of a thread and then
 delete it?
 e.g. ``Command-Control-A Delete``

 If you enable thread/conversation view in preferences (I don't remember
 what it's called, and I'm not near my Mac), you should be able to
 expand/collapse a thread with a key binding. If the thread is collapsed,
 deleting it will delete the entire thread.

Yeah, so if you bind a keystroke to

( collapseThread:, deleteMessage: )

It’ll probably do what you want.

Rob McBroom
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Replies above or below

2013-11-26 Thread Rob McBroom

On 26 Nov 2013, at 15:03, Jeff Holland wrote:

I agree that a mixture of top-posted and bottom-posted replies quickly 
becomes confusing.

Is a thread where every reply is consistently top-posted any less 
difficult to follow? :-)

Rob McBroom
mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Quicksilver plug-in for MailMate

2013-11-13 Thread Rob McBroom
For any Quicksilver users out there, I created and released a plug-in 
for MailMate today.

If you have MailMate installed, the new plug-in should appear under 
“Recommended” in Quicksilver’s Plugins preferences. (You might 
need to refresh the list.) Be sure to set it as your Email handler in 
Quicksilver’s prefs after installing it.

I basically dropped everything and got this done so I’d have an excuse 
to call attention the the crowd funding effort [over on the Quicksilver 
user’s list][qs] before it ended. I hope it makes a dent.

Maybe the plug-in should be mentioned in the [third party 
integration][1] section of the manual? If so, it should be above Alfred, 
don’t you think? ;-)


Rob McBroom
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Quicksilver plug-in for MailMate

2013-11-13 Thread Rob McBroom

On 13 Nov 2013, at 16:38, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 13 Nov 2013, at 21:47, Rob McBroom wrote:

Maybe the plug-in should be mentioned in the [third party 
integration][1] section of the manual?

I'll do that. Should I link to your mailing list post or is there a 
better option?

Since it can be installed in-application and doesn’t really have a 
user focused home on the web, I would just include some variation of the 
installation instructions I gave in my message. If you really want a 
URL, I suppose is the 
best option.

(There is a plug-ins page on where you can download 
it, but that always shows the latest version, while the list in 
Quicksilver’s preferences shows the latest version *for your version 
of Quicksilver and OS X*, so we try to steer people away from manual 


Rob McBroom
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Deleting, moving, marking as read, and threads (new user questions)

2013-11-11 Thread Rob McBroom

On 9 Nov 2013, at 9:41, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 9 Nov 2013, at 3:10, Rob McBroom wrote:

First, is there any way to automatically mark messages as read when 
deleting them (and ideally when moving to Junk)?

First, hold down ⌥ when clicking “Check Now” in the Software 
Update preferences pane to get r3832 of MailMate. Then go to the 
General preferences pane and enable *experimental* 2.0 features. 
Finally, double click the “Deleted Messages” mailbox and add a 
rule with no conditions, but simply an action to enable “Seen”. I 
think that should work (and you can do the same for Junk).

I’ve only been able to test it once, but it appears to be working. And 
by the way, I’m really impressed that I can define the rule on the 
non-existent “Deleted Messages” thing under Mailboxes, saving me 
from having to do it for each actual folder in every account. Thanks!

Semi-related to that, I typically view messages in a separate window. 
When I delete the message, the window closes, but if I move it to 
Junk, it stays open. I have the “Close window after move” 
preference enabled.

That option is related to ⌥⌘T.

OK. That reminds me: Is there some technical reason you can’t use 
⌥⌘T on a message when it’s open in a dedicated window?

You can define a [custom key 
binding]( which 
moves to junk and closes the window, but that won't work for the 
default toolbar button.

I’ll try that. Thanks.

And I also think it is a problem that MailMate does not select the 
next message in the mailbox view.

No! I was trying to be brief, but my original message almost 
included a huge thanks for **not** re-using the existing window to open 
another message when I delete. Many clients do that and… I won’t say 
it’s the worst software feature I’ve ever seen, but I can’t think 
of a more annoying one right now. At the very least, make it optional. 

If you delete, move, or mark as read with a collapsed thread 
selected, it affects all the messages. But double clicking a 
collapsed thread or selecting it with the preview pane enabled 
doesn’t *show* all the messages.

This would essentially be a so-called conversation view which 
currently does not exist in MailMate (MailMate can display multiple 
messages in a message view, but that is rather primitive). It's 
non-trivial to implement this, but it is one of a few items high on my 
list (as usual, no promises or time frame).

I’ve seen the “primitive” view. That’s what I meant by “show 
all the messages”. It might not be as fancy as what Mail does, but 
it’s better than only seeing one of the messages.

I can’t imagine the difficulty of properly implementing something like 
that. Especially marking messages as “seen” as the user scrolls, 
hiding useless garbage from top-posters, etc.

When reading/deleting/archiving messages I strongly recommend using 
the keyboard only, but I do get your point. (Note that ⌥ also works 
with right-arrow to expand a thread.)

I am normally a keyboard person. (Just [look what][1] I spend my time 
on.) But for whatever reason, I always go for the mouse in a mail 
client. I think it’s because it’s a much easier way to switch 
folders and select the correct message from a long list (which I seem to 
do constantly). ⌥T and ⌥⌘↓ probably cover 90% of this, if I can 
just train myself not to reach for the mouse.

Thanks for trying out MailMate.

I can’t believe I didn’t know about it. I heard about it through 
Alan’s message about TextMate under 10.9. I just contributed to the 
crowd funding effort (even though I’m only 90% convinced I’ll stick 
with it). There’s some amazing stuff in here, but I won’t make this 
message any longer by going into great detail.


Rob McBroom
mailmate mailing list