Re: [libreoffice-marketing] The Edition Matter

2020-10-24 Thread Michael Meeks
Hi Telesto,

Thanks for engaging and sparking discussion here. There is much that is
interesting but this:

On 24/10/2020 09:49, Telesto wrote:
> And I assume there are some difference between CIB <-> Collabora (except
> the name), but I'm surely not knowing what that should be. I mean it, I really
> don't know! Between LibreOffice and Powered Editions I can get it.
> But even that - LibreOffice by partners being more mature (or older)
> editions - not that obvious.
> Is CIB better compared to Collabora? Or visa versa? Is there no
> difference, but why two versions? I'm still confused here> As a user I would 
> think, did I buy the right one. [Looking at it regular
> user perspective; as they Editions being sold in app stores to general
> public too]

is a brilliant description of the fundamental problems of sub-brand
differentiation. If there is a shared commodity enterprise brand:

LibreOffice Enterprise powered by DidYouGetThisFar ?
LibreOffice Enterprise powered by EllipsizedAgesAgo

we create confusion, we don't allow strong vendor brands, and we
inevitably create just another FLOSS commodity: LibreOffice Enterprise
for which the price tends to zero. I think any ingredient brand has to
go in the other direction eg. "Foo Office powered by LibreOffice
technology" So Foo can be known, and differentiate from Baa - that's my
2 cents.

As for the other comments in the thread about avoiding tags that make
users think something is missing if they're deploying LibreOffice
en-masse outside eg. a personal use setting.

Surely this is entirely the point.

TDF's purpose is not per-se to build a valuable product brand.

The purpose of the proposed tag is moral suasion: to encourage the vast
number of people who use the software without contributing to contribute
either financially or directly themselves. This is not a message aimed
at people who read this list =)

And of course, anyone competent can drop a file somewhere that changes
the splash / about or whatever if they're annoyed as now.

At least that was what I thought the idea of the marketing plan is/was.
There are of course other ways of achieving similar goals.

The tags I've seen sequentially suggested were:

'unsupported' -> 'home' -> 'personal' -> 'community' -> ''



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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Re: Nightly Rush Calc Threading video was: It's Sunday night - lets fiddle with Calc Threading...

2019-01-30 Thread Michael Meeks
Hi Drew,

On 21/01/2019 17:35, Drew Jensen wrote:
> Collabora and AMD are both on the TDF Advisory Board, I believe, so perhaps

Hmm; I forget if AMD is still there.

> Multi-core threading support in the LibreOffice calculation engine is the
> result of engineering work lead by a core team at TDF Advisory Board
> members Collabora Ltd., Tor Lillqvist, Luboš Luňák & Dennis Francis, and
> Applied Micro Devices (AMD).
> ---

Collabora Productivity Limited - if we want a proper name - I'd just
use 'Collabora' for the group.

> I assume it would be acceptable to use the Logos from Collabora and AMD for
> the graphic element of that screen?

Fine by me for Collabora's

Sorry for the ultra-slow reply; I really value a CC but TDF's lists do
reply-to-mangling and drop that (sadly) which means I have to poll the
marketing list from time to time & remember threads to look for replies.

Thanks for the great work here,



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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Re: Nightly Rush Calc Threading video was: It's Sunday night - lets fiddle with Calc Threading...

2019-01-21 Thread Michael Meeks
Hi Drew,

On 21/01/2019 00:35, Drew Jensen wrote:
> How much of a performance increase will you see in your Calc worksheets?
> This depends largely on how calculation heavy your work is.
> Representative benchmark spreadsheets covering scenarios from Stock Pricing
> to Water Table Monitoring
> produced performance increases ranging from 37% to 75% with this 4 core
> processor based system.

Sounds good to me. It's quite normal to talk performance wins in X
factors over the original - so 75% is 4x - and 37% is 1.6X - which is
perhaps easier for people to grok: old-time/new-time.

> What I would like to do to end it is to thank the folks who actually did
> the engineering work behind the work.
> How would that best be?

The threading work credit is:

Collabora engineers:
Tor Lillqvist, Luboš Luňák & Dennis Francis

and of course thanks to AMD too.

Thanks so much for putting this all together !

All the best,


-- <><, GM Collabora Productivity
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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Re: It's Sunday night - lets fiddle with Calc Threading...

2019-01-14 Thread Michael Meeks
Hi Drew,

On 14/01/2019 06:40, Drew Jensen wrote:
> and I kept at it for a little while,
> So a real first draft, I put the two runs one after so the run length went
> to 1:13
> The sound track is not quite right, some popping with the car engine mix,
> but you get the idea.

Nice =)

> What do you think?

Looks great; we use only real-cores to calculate on[1]; so I'd mention
2 cores - rather than 4 threads. As such we got ~2x as fast with 2 cores ;-)

Do you have a 4 core machine nearby - or better a 24 one ?

Lovely video though; I love the raw motorbike-with-hole-in-exhaust
ricer feel =)

Good stuff,


[1] - hyper-threading is not our friend in the case of some heavy usage
and can make it slower ;-)
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[libreoffice-marketing] TDF marketing discussion paper ...

2019-01-08 Thread Michael Meeks
Hi everyone,

I've now published a big chunk of rational, with pictures around this
topic here:

Hopefully in an easy to reference way.

As a very brief summary of the thinking it seemed that while the
marketing assumptions, strategy & direction created for TDF in its first
months were ideal for our situation, seven+ years on things have
changed. As such, it is well worth re-thinking our approach to match our
messages to the different situation of today and discussing taking
action broadly in this direction - with suitable feedback & improvement
of course.

There is clearly more to be said here, and I wanted to have this
discussion in public. There is also a balance between driving adoption
with a free product (and then selling services of fixing & improve
LibreOffice afterwards) vs. being more up-front about the expectation
that enterprises should pay and hence indirectly invest in improving
LibreOffice and putting some free corporate users off. Clearly I'd like
to adjust the balance here a fair bit.

It has been pointed out that making the investment that we want pay in
terms of some clear marketing benefit - hinges on our quality metric
(eg. count of certified developers, trainers, migrators etc.) That may
lead in turn to more interest in gaming the metrics and/or stress in

Otherwise - I hope a number of the suggestions here seem like
common sense after reading the background - and that we can act on
many if not all - ultimately, the proposal is primarily to change our

I would love us to collectively steer LibreOffice & TDF in a
direction where we excessively credit, celebrate and encourage all of
our contributors - both individual and corporate - and in doing so
grow a more diverse, richer and thriving community and open source

Thoughts and discussion much appreciated, particularly on suggested
changes. I'd also really appreciate people who comment having taken the
time to read (at least once) the whole rational, rather than just the
last bits.

Also attached - but perhaps that won't make it =)

Thanks !


-- <><, GM Collabora Productivity
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[libreoffice-marketing] Re: [libreoffice-projects] Re: [libreoffice-design] Notebookbar out of Experimental

2018-11-12 Thread Michael Meeks
Hi there,

On 09/11/2018 11:58, Edoardo Maria Elidoro wrote:
> I do agree to move the Notebookbar out of experimental.
> The latest updates on the Tabbed Toolbar in the master branch improved both
> the usability and the look & feel making it (in my opinion) a really useful
> and nice feature to have.
> I don't see a single reason why we should keep it in experimental.

IIRC the ESC agreed to have the option to enable it appear by default
at least in the run up to 6.2 to encourage more people to play with and
(hopefully) debug the functionality.

Hopefully it will be in a good enough state for 6.2 final - but there
is no real magic way to make developers come & get involved and fix the
shortcomings short of encouraging them when they show up, and
evangelizing to / mentoring them.
> Il giorno mar 6 nov 2018 alle ore 17:50 Pedro Rosmaninho <
>> ha scritto:
>> - As for MacOS glitches, I tried it on a MacOS VM and the issues are minor
>> aesthetic issues that do not impact its functionality. In fact, there are
>> far more serious glitches in LO on MacOS not related with the notebookbar
>> that warrant more attention.

Would be interested in a tracker bug for those; I'm interested in a
good, ordered list of the nastiest Mac bugs to fix.

Thanks !


-- <><, GM Collabora Productivity
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[libreoffice-marketing] Re: [libreoffice-conference] Conference videos finally online

2013-06-13 Thread Michael Meeks

On Thu, 2013-06-13 at 14:19 +0200, Florian Effenberger wrote:
 after lots of technical issues, and lots of time invested by the video 
 producers, I am happy to finally announce the availability of the 
 previous' LibreOffice Conference videos at

Nice :-) do we have a domain name for:

Or is linking IP recommended ? it'd be great to blog / tweet / facebook
etc. this now - is that what you suggest ? it's really great to have
that content on-line.

Thanks for all your hard-work here now - the page looks great.



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[libreoffice-marketing] Re: Latest Hardware and OS

2012-12-21 Thread Michael Meeks
Hi Rainer,

On Fri, 2012-12-21 at 07:48 +0100, Rainer Bielefeld wrote:
 we have LibO also running on Android OS and Raspberry Pi hardware. What 
 do you think, should we have these environments explicitly in Bugzilla?

Ho hum; the Raspberry Pi version is mostly Rene's work with the Debian
packages; I'd stick to just having the Linux + ARM architecture for that
rather than a specific one (unless you really think it helps).

Android is a different matter of course; unclear what to do there - at
least, that stuff is quite experimental except for the impress remote
which should be toughened up enough to ship in 4.0. So whatever you
think really ...

Thanks !


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[libreoffice-marketing] Re: [libo-marketing-priv] IX Latin-American Free Software Conference - Brazil

2012-09-14 Thread Michael Meeks

On Fri, 2012-09-14 at 08:14 -0300, Eliane Domingos de Sousa wrote:
 I prepared a program of activities LibreOffice, only in Portuguese. It
 was made in LibreOffice Draw and I am sharing the file source.

Looks really nice :-)

 I am deeply sad that it can not be in Berlin. I hope next year the
 events are not happen in the same date.

We'll miss you - on the other hand, this sounds like some really
important work. If I can help in any way with slide-decks / feature
breakdowns please let me know.

Great work !


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[libreoffice-marketing] Re: [board-discuss] Collateral Scheme

2012-05-01 Thread Michael Meeks

On Tue, 2012-05-01 at 00:19 +0100, Simon Phipps wrote:
 Summary:   I propose a scheme for LibreOffice supporters to get materials to 
 at events. I ask for collaborators and I request an OK for the Board.

Sounds great.

 == Call for Action ==
 *  Who would be willing to collaborate with me on this?
 *  Is there an upcoming event we can set as a goal so we have a target (lat 
 May-early June)?
 *  Board:  Will you give this scheme your agreement please?

You have my moral support :-) though I can't invest time in this as of
now. Wrt. the collaboration - what concretely do you need done ?

Thanks !


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[libreoffice-marketing] Re: [Libreoffice] Preparing announcement of the 3.4.2 release

2011-07-26 Thread Michael Meeks
Hi Christian,

On Tue, 2011-07-26 at 13:18 +0200, Christian Lohmaier wrote:
 But obviously not enough. The bug that made MS-Office flag LO-produced
 files as corrupt for example is one of those bugs that prevent use in

Sure sure - the real hope is that (once we are clean with it - still
work to do there) - we can use Microsoft's new binary document format
validator to automatically regression test this. Sadly the thing is not
open-source, so we can't easily use it except on Windows, but ... hey.

 Forget about the term. Think of it as would have been the version
 released in OOo times with the known bugs.

:-) that is hard to judge; people's memory gets rosier and rosier with
the passage of time, there were some pretty hideous bugs we shipped with
I think.

 And now to the decision: How should the release be flagged on the 
 * yellow exclamation mark/warning as it is now.

So - not that :-)

 * blue info / i icon

Looks great to me. I suggest we also put it at the top of the page as

 * green tick/OK icon like 3.3.3
 * other (please specify): __

:-) we can keep green for the ultra-stable release I guess.

How does that sound ? :-)



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[libreoffice-marketing] Re: [Libreoffice] LibreOffice 3.4 Release Notes

2011-05-20 Thread Michael Meeks

Ignore my previous slightly sharp mail wrt. testing - I had forgotten
you're doing all this great marketing research  work :-)

On Fri, 2011-05-20 at 09:07 -0400, Marc Paré wrote:
 The object of this exercise is to see if we could have the release 
 notes, on the website page, released all at the same time for as many 
 language groups as possible. The release is planned for the end of May 
 or early days of June. We have about 10-11 days left.

Sounds great to me. As of some weeks ago, there are no features going
into the product, only bug fixes - so we should be clear for a long run
to get it nailed down and translated.

 * get images of different new features or fixes done in different 
 language. We should have the same protocols for image captures. Could 
 someone point me to these if they have ever been discussed or could we 
 have someone chime in and help out?

Ooh - difficult (and big) :-) The screenshots last time turned out to
be quite emotive: with people anxious about consistent platform, theme,
and so on - which added a real bottleneck to the screen-shotting

 * get the translation of the release website page done before the 
 release of the new version. We need to coordinate this with the dev 
 group. I am not sure who gives the final say on when the new release if 
 put on the downloads website pages. Are you the person who OK's this?

So - final up-loads and tweaking of the download page / javascript
(etc.) are done by Thorsten, or Christian I guess, I'd ask them.



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[libreoffice-marketing] Re: [Libreoffice] LibreOffice 3.4 Release Notes

2011-05-19 Thread Michael Meeks
Hi Marc,

On Thu, 2011-05-12 at 09:35 -0400, Marc Paré wrote:
 Could we, all, please take a close look at the information on the 
 Release Notes 3.4  wiki page[1] to make sure that the information is 
 complete and correct ?

Completeness is hard :-) but I poked a number of people last week to
add their details there. One key thing I would like to get right in our
3.4 promotion is crediting the people (particularly volunteers) involved
in each feature - hence the names there.

How is the 3.4 page coming along ? clearly we had huge bus-loads of
new-features in 3.3 (at least new to OO.o users), and 3.4 has a danger
of looking less significant against that (I suppose) - that's a good one
for marketing to deal with.

On the other side, I think a developers' view / timeline of what has
changed, and our progress and where we're going would be good to have
for the 3.4 release as well; there are things like - improved build
infrastructure (and so on) that are not so visible in 

Of course - finally, those are only features that -we- have worked on;
Oracle contributed a lot too cf.

Which we should no doubt mention (with suitable crediting) - though be
careful of the calc feature overlap, where Kohei had to re-implement a
number of pieces.



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[libreoffice-marketing] Re: [Libreoffice] Promoting LibO to Vietnamese students by completing easy hacks

2011-04-20 Thread Michael Meeks

On Tue, 2011-04-19 at 07:42 +0700, Nguyen Vu Hung (KiEi) wrote:
 The reason we have our own version of Gsoc in Vietnam is that
 students' English skill is not so good.

Ho hum :-) I'd feel a lot better if you guys worked with Google to
translate task specifications to Vietnamese and stuck with their
process. There are problems with being seen as undermining GSOC.

 As to promote LibO *development* in Vietnam, I would like to ask 
 developers at LibO become a technical co-mentors, and myself will 
 be a co-mentor who bridges the gaps between you and the student(s).

This would be a great way to work with GSOC. Anyhow - of course, we are
always eager to get people funded to work on LibreOffice in whatever way
is possible.



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[libreoffice-marketing] Re: preparing the tracks for the LibreOffice Conference in Paris

2011-04-19 Thread Michael Meeks
Hi Charles,

On Thu, 2011-04-14 at 15:40 +0200, Charles-H. Schulz wrote:
 As I saw no comments on suggestions for tracks and ideas for
 LibreOffice conference, I would like to propose 4 specific tracks (+1on
 ODF if needed)


 - Development conferences
 - Technical BoF sessions

So - I love these two :-)

 - Community Sessions
 - Marketing Track

But - I wonder: I'd imagined this would primarily be a conference
focused on members  core contributors - so IMHO the CfP should make it
clear that we are not primarily soliciting end-user focused talks, but
talks on how to improve / structure / grow our community, and/or how to
improve / co-ordinate our marketing etc.

Do we have a papers committee yet to write the CfP etc. ?



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[libreoffice-marketing] Re: [Libreoffice] Authorized information source about security fixes

2011-02-04 Thread Michael Meeks
Hi guys,

On Thu, 2011-02-03 at 23:03 +0100, Rene Engelhard wrote:
 I don't know what you count as authorized, but this is at least worth
 pointing people to:

Quite; and I will blog this as well (when I get on-line):

Interested by the concern and uncertainty being created
around the mistaken idea that there are some security fixes present
in OO.o that are not in LibreOffice. This is not so. LibreOffice
contains all the security fixes in 3.3.0 and perhaps more. Why more ?
simply as side-effects of our code cleans, application of cppcheck
etc. Many 'security bugs' are really just bugs, and we're working hard
to improve our code quality.
To improve code security many projects do code 'auditing', a big part
of which is careful reading of the code with this in mind. In
LibreOffice code review is the norm, so we aspire to a higher quality
from this perspective over time. Sadly, of course there are always
human errors, but as and when they are found, we aim to create fixes
and get them to our users more quickly via. our rapid monthly stable

IMHO we need to claim the moral high ground here; LibreOffice -should-
be increasingly more secure, if not now, then over time.



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Re: [steering-discuss] Re: [libreoffice-marketing] official source code repository for CD distribution[was: DVD and Jewel case design]

2011-01-11 Thread Michael Meeks
Hi guys,

On Sat, 2011-01-08 at 13:25 +0100, Bernhard Dippold wrote:
 No, it is sufficient to provide a link to the code, but this link must 
 be valid for a reasonable time.

It is well worth reading the LGPLv3 in this regard;

Section 6. covers this - and yes; it should be adequate to point at the
git repositories at:

though it is clearly preferable to distribute the source code on the
media as well; since that ends your section 6. liability.

 Due to server capacities I don't know if TDF will be able to provide 
 such continuously reachable links to every version of LibreOffice, but 
 this should be discussed by the SC (CC'ing the SC-discuss list).

Freedesktop has been around for a long time, and I expect it to
continue for the forseeable future.

 For DVD with enough space on the disc it is easier to include the 
 sources IMHO.

Completely agreed.



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