Re: [libreoffice-marketing] LibreOffice events on the wiki - cleaning up duplicated content?

2017-08-16 Thread Robinson Tryon
On Thu, Aug 10, 2017 at 8:53 AM, Cor Nouws <> wrote:
> One place makes sense. In the calendar, are all with access to
> TDF-Nextcloud able to add events?

The wiki can be a convenient way to keep track of information for an
event, coordinate people at booths, etc. For example, here's the event
page for SCALE conf:

The wiki has some handy features that I'm not sure are available on
the calendar yet:
- Universal edit access (event volunteers, etc..)
- Version control
- Markup features

Perhaps all events should start as an entry on the calendar with date,
time, location, title, and a blurb. If we need to keep track of any
additional information for an event -- e.g. for a hackfest or
conference with volunteers -- we can create a wiki page for it, and
link it with the event on the calendar.

The top-level Events page on the wiki currently displays a handy
overview of all the events for the year, broken down by region. If
that table could be automatically generated from the calendar entries,
that'd be really slick!


Robinson Tryon
IRC: colonelqubit on Freenode

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[libreoffice-marketing] Re: [us-marketing] need advice on which version I should make for new ISO file, after offline due to hospital visits

2015-06-17 Thread Robinson Tryon
On Wed, Jun 17, 2015 at 9:31 AM, Tim---Kracked_P_P---webmaster wrote:
 After a major stretch of time in and out of the hospital and bed-ridden for
 the rest of the time, I am starting to get ready to re-start making
 LibreOffice DVD ISO files for download.  It has been months since I have
 been able to sit at this desktop for more than a few minutes at a time.

Hi Tim,

It's great to hear from you and great to hear that you're back in the
saddle, as it were! It's a bit early for beer, but I'll drink this
glass of water to your health!

 I need to get your input on what version[s] I should start with first.  I
 hope to start the work the first week in July.
 Any advice on what version I should download the 90+ files [install and
 help/language packs] start with for the  English DVD ISO file that I will
 make to be downloaded from my Source Forge account?

Let's see... 5.0 is coming out at the end of July:

About a month earlier, 4.4.4 is releasing in the 2nd half of June:

I'd guess that 4.4.4 would probably be your best bet for packaging,
but I'd suggest that you keep your eye on 5.0. As the first in the
release series *and* with a major version bump, it's quite possible
that there may be a few rough edges, but OTOH, it's going to have a
bunch of new improvements (and we all know how much users say they
want shiny new things ;-)


Robinson Tryon
QA Engineer - The Document Foundation
LibreOffice Community Outreach Herald
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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Events page out of date

2015-06-03 Thread Robinson Tryon
On Tue, Jun 2, 2015 at 9:22 AM, Charles-H. Schulz wrote:
 Le 2 juin 2015 14:59:18 GMT+02:00, Florian Effenberger a écrit :

thanks for spotting!

K-J LibreOffice wrote on 2015-06-02 at 12:53:
 Which one should we put in instead?

LibOCon 2015 at the very least, maybe OSCON?

 Indeed and maybe an event in Brazil. I am pretty much the only one updating 
 the page so I am happy to see others fill in.

Do we have notes/protocol on how to update the page? I'm not sure how
much time I'll have to poke at it, but as long as it's something on
rails so we keep consistency, I'm happy to walk through the steps.


Robinson Tryon
QA Engineer - The Document Foundation
LibreOffice Community Outreach Herald
802-379-9482 | IRC: colonelqubit on Freenode

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[libreoffice-marketing] Planning ahead: Software Freedom Day is right before the LibreOffice Annual Conference

2015-02-25 Thread Robinson Tryon
Hi all,

I'm sure you're all getting started on your plans for Document Freedom
Day (DFD), as it's just a month away (I'll have more on that later),
but I wanted to touch base briefly re Software Freedom Day (SFD).

Software Freedom Day is Sep 19th, and our Annual Conference starts on
Sep 23rd. For anyone travelling/preparing for the conference, these
two events are so close together that it might make it difficult to do
everything by yourself.

If you can, I suggest talking with your colleagues in Free Software in
your local area over the next few months (perhaps at the end of March,
after DFD events are done?) and working with them to get stuff prepare
ahead of time. In that fashion, you will hopefully be able to avoid a
mad scramble come September.

My method? I'm adding a reminder to my calendar for April 2nd. That
way I can ignore SFD until then.


Robinson Tryon
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[libreoffice-marketing] Re: Marketing ideas for SCALE in Los Angeles (and beyond)

2015-02-11 Thread Robinson Tryon
On Wed, Feb 11, 2015 at 4:46 PM, Robinson Tryon wrote:
 - Marketing/outreach of LibreOffice in their local community

I just had a great idea: stickers that say something like Proud
LibreOffice volunteer. We could hand them out at a conference for
those people who have contributed to the project in some way. Just
like the I Voted stickers that you see (in the US, at least), it
could have a great visual impact on motivating people to take the
first steps of participation.

Robinson Tryon
QA Engineer - The Document Foundation
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[libreoffice-marketing] Conference Marketing: Upgrading LibreOffice/OpenOffice

2015-02-11 Thread Robinson Tryon

I keep on meeting people who are using an ancient version of
LibreOffice or OpenOffice. Aside from physically handing people a CD
or USB stick with a modern version of LibreOffice,
= what are some good ways for us to encourage people to upgrade to
the latest LibreOffice?

= What do people think about some kind of campaign to upgrade to the
latest version of LibreOffice? (This is something that could tie-in
with DFD events)

Robinson Tryon
QA Engineer - The Document Foundation
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[libreoffice-marketing] Conference Marketing: Document Freedom Day

2015-02-11 Thread Robinson Tryon

DFD takes place on March 25th this year. It's a day for the
celebration and promotion of free/open standards around the world.
More info here:

TDF is a key sponsor, and I've had some great conversations with the
organizers at FSFE both before and during FOSDEM. I'm going to be
encouraging visitors to SCALE to sign up to lead a DFD event.

= What kind of DFD events should we encourage?

= What are some good ways to connect DFD with our outreach efforts?

= Previous DFD Event Organizers: What are you going to do differently
(or keep the same) this year?


Robinson Tryon
QA Engineer - The Document Foundation
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[libreoffice-marketing] Conference Marketing: LibreOffice for Android

2015-02-11 Thread Robinson Tryon

Having LibreOffice on Android is just plain cool. I know that we have
just a beta at this point, and we don't have any editing capabilities,
but I think it's a really easy way for us to engage people at our
booth and get them to remember the LibreOffice name.

Now that the LibreOffice Viewer is packaged up in F-Droid, we can
point people at a completely-free toolchain and repo, which make me
pretty darn proud.

= If anyone has graphics available, please let me know. Just having a
picture of the Android Robot in our booth will undoubtedly draw people

= It would be great to have a short video showing off the
capabilities of the viewer. If you've made one, let me know!

There's a lot more we can do with the Android platform, so if you have
suggestions, please toss them out there -- I think there's a great
opportunity for us grow our userbase as the functionality of
LibreOffice for Android grows over the course of this year!


Robinson Tryon
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[libreoffice-marketing] Marketing ideas for SCALE in Los Angeles (and beyond)

2015-02-11 Thread Robinson Tryon
Hi all!

SCALE (the Southern California Linux Expo) is coming up in a week in
Los Angeles, and if it's anything like last year, we're going to see a
few thousand people come through the expo hall during Fri-Sun.

Apart from OSCON, this is probably the biggest event that we attend on
the West coast (and perhaps in the US overall), and I thought that all
of you might have some good suggestions regarding marketing
strategies. Of course, brainstorming new ideas is relevant for other
upcoming conferences as well :-)

Each of these topics is probably worthy of its own discussion thread,
so I'm going to send out 4 emails. I hope your inboxes can take the
load... :P








At SCALE I'm going to be collecting names and email addresses for
everyone who's interested in
- Contributing to LibreOffice in one of our teams
- Participating in a Hackfest or LibreFest
- Corporate sponsorship of events (e.g. hackfest)
- Marketing/outreach of LibreOffice in their local community
- Helping to represent LibreOffice at a future conference

= Are there any other categories I should include on the sign-up sheet?

As I've mentioned previously, I think that some kind of tool for
helping to keep track of LibreOffice/TDF-associated people would be
great (CiviCRM?). This structure would also be helpful for
coordination with our local TDF chapters/partner organizations around
the world.


Robinson Tryon
QA Engineer - The Document Foundation
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[libreoffice-marketing] Help out LibreOffice at the SCALE conference! (Free T-shirt and Conference Pass)

2015-02-06 Thread Robinson Tryon
Howdy folks!

If you live in, around, near, or below Los Angeles, then I'd love to
see YOU join us at the 13th annual Southern California Linux Expo
(SCALE) and help show off LibreOffice to the thousands of attendees!

Even if you don't live in LA, perhaps you have a FOSS-loving friend
who does? If so, please forward them this letter and tell them to join
our merry band of volunteers. SCALE is one of the largest Linux confs
in the US, and is an amazing experience!


But you'll want details, right? Well here you go:


The booth will be open:
Fri, Feb 20, 2PM - 6PM
Sat, Feb 21, 10AM - 6PM
Sun, Feb 22, 10AM - 2PM
(times approximate)

Experience with LibreOffice and other FOSS products like GNU/Linux is
a plus, but a helpful and positive attitude is much more important!

In addition to talking about LibreOffice, we'll be showing-off our
printed user manuals, demoing LibreOffice to interested users,
juggling fire, and handing out stickers. Maybe one of those was a lie.

We'd like people to volunteer for at least 4 hours during the event.

As a member of the booth team you'll get an Official LibreOffice
T-shirt, a Full Conference Pass, and the glory of joining the elite
ranks of our LibreOffice conference volunteers!

If hanging out at a booth and extolling the virtues of LibreOffice and
Free Software sounds like your idea of a good time, then please ping
me back. We'd love to have you on board!


Robinson Tryon
QA Engineer - The Document Foundation
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[libreoffice-marketing] [LibreOffice Bugzilla Migration] We're done! Please visit the new site to reset your password!

2015-01-24 Thread Robinson Tryon
Hi everyone!

The migration was a great success. All of our bugs are now happily living at

Bugs should be referenced using the shorthand tdf#, such as tdf#12345.
On the wiki, you can write {{tdf|12345}} to link to a bug report.

Before you can log-in and start working on bugs, you'll need to reset
your password. Read more here:

If you have any questions or encounter any problems, please stop by
the QA IRC channel or drop us a note on the mailing list:

A huge thanks to everyone who helped make this migration go quickly
and smoothly! Let's go tackle some open bugs!


P.S. You'll start to see some updates and changes in Bugzilla over the
coming weeks. The QA Team is excited to work on improving, updating,
and polishing our bugtracker. We're always happen to have more people
join us!

Robinson Tryon
QA Engineer - The Document Foundation
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[libreoffice-marketing] [LibreOffice Bugzilla Migration] Starting shortly! Bugtracker will down for a few hours

2015-01-24 Thread Robinson Tryon
Hi all,

It's that time!  We're just about to migrate Bugzilla from to TDF infrastructure.

For up-to-date information about the migration, join the
#libreoffice-qa IRC channel on Freenode and say hi!

For general information, see


- Migration Date: January 24th, 2015 at 15:00 UTC

- Migration Duration: Approximately 4-6 hours

- New URL:

Once the migration is complete, I'll send out another email letting
you know you may once again ply us with myriad bug reports :-)


Robinson Tryon
QA Engineer - The Document Foundation
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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] preparing FOSDEM and HackFest - help appreciated now

2015-01-19 Thread Robinson Tryon
On Mon, Jan 19, 2015 at 5:08 AM, Cor Nouws wrote:
 We have this outdated page[0] that is in a different path (the old ones[1] 
 are under Marketing/Events). Is this a mistake?


That page was just stubbed-in quickly by me at the beginning of the year.


 I just think that the path is different nowadays then previously.
 So [0] looks fine for me.
 Some more content on the new page will not hurt, of course ;)

Event pages used to exist in multiple places on the wiki, but that
made it hard to keep track of all of the events run by different
teams. I figured that having event pages live under Events/year/ was
a somewhat logical way to organize them. It also makes it possible to
guess an event page -- for example OSCON in 2015 is going to be at

Hackfests are under their own Hackfest/, but could move under
Events/year/ as long as the devs are supportive of the switch.

Help is greatly appreciated in creating and maintaining the event
pages, as they're both a good planning tool, and a useful record of
where we've been and what we've done in past year.  Thanks for jumping
in with the FOSDEM page and updating it!


Robinson Tryon
QA Engineer - The Document Foundation
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[libreoffice-marketing] LinuxQuestions Annual Member's Choice Awards: Vote LibreOffice for Office Suite of the Year!

2015-01-16 Thread Robinson Tryon
Hello, people of marketing and outreach!

For those of you who are members of, or who know
how to use a browser and a mouse, the annual Member's Choice Awards
are currently under way:

Here's the direct link to the Office Suite of the Year thread:

There are lots of different polls open, so jump in there and let your
voice be heard!


Robinson Tryon
QA Engineer - The Document Foundation
LibreOffice Community Outreach Herald

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[libreoffice-marketing] Re: LibreOffice Bugzilla Migration is happening January 24th -- read on for more details!

2015-01-01 Thread Robinson Tryon
On Thu, Jan 1, 2015 at 8:11 PM, Italo Vignoli wrote:
 Planned an announcement for January 20.

Great, thanks! This will be a great opportunity to introduce more
people in to the QA Team.


Robinson Tryon
QA Engineer - The Document Foundation
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[libreoffice-marketing] LibreOffice Bugzilla Migration is happening January 24th -- read on for more details!

2014-12-31 Thread Robinson Tryon
But first: Happy New Year, everyone!


The QA Team and the wonderful admins over at have been
working hard to prepare for the migration of our LibreOffice bugs to
TDF infrastructure. I'm happy to announce that we'll begin the
migration on January 24th at 15:00 UTC.

For all kinds of details about the migration (as well as a whimsical
picture of our friendly walrus mascot in his Bugzilla-testing outfit),
point your browser here:


- Migration Date: January 24th, 2015 at 15:00 UTC

- Migration Duration: Approximately 4-6 hours

- New URL:

- Purpose: Migration will give us increased flexibility to extend
Bugzilla, integrate other TDF services, and provide granular support
for diverse tools including the Impress Remote and the Document
Liberation Project.

**Please Note**:
For your security, all passwords will be reset as a part of the
migration process. The first time you visit the site, click the
'Forgot Password' link and follow the instructions to set a new

During the migration, Bugzilla will be *inaccessible*, but you may
join us in the #libreoffice-qa channel on Freenode or on the QA
Mailing List at any time during or after the migration for up-to-date
information about our progress. You can also just stop by to say hi!


For more information, please see my blog post (above) and the
Migration Userguide:

If you have any questions about the migration, feel free to email me
or the QA mailing list:


Robinson Tryon
QA Engineer - The Document Foundation
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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Re: [libreoffice-design] New templates contest

2014-12-22 Thread Robinson Tryon
On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 8:31 AM, Charles-H. Schulz wrote:

 True and it is dangerous since it could show some spontaneity and community 
 involvement. We surely do not want that ;-)

+1 for community involvement

 I'm not sure users are aware of all the needed things to have a
 template and one that could be localized too, so the best way would
 that the design team does a pre selection and let the users vote only
 the templates that complies.

Speaking more generally than just this contest, having the Design Team
give feedback or help to improve templates would be a great idea!

 ... We all come from different origins so we will all face the same issues 
 and these can be adapted by users or by native lang projects to match their 
 own standard. Let us not create difficulties. Let this be a joyful moment for 
 community participation!

Making it easier for community members to adapt templates (and
extensions) to their own native lang sounds like a positive
contribution. What's the current workflow for localization?

Sophie writes:
 well they are under a open source license, so anybody is invited to do
 the work or enhance what already exists.

Perhaps we can do more to make sure that work gets re-integrated back
into the original version, or is made available as a derivative.
Keeping a copy of each template in version control could reduce the
barriers to participation. It would make it easier for contributors to
fix typos, track down bugs, or make even bigger changes.


Robinson Tryon
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[libreoffice-marketing] Events in 2015 - New wikipage created

2014-09-30 Thread Robinson Tryon
Hi all,

I created a new wikipage for events happening in 2015 here:

Please stub-in any events that are happening in your area in 2015, and
create wiki pages as appropriate.


Robinson Tryon
QA Engineer - The Document Foundation
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[libreoffice-marketing] Impress: Example presentations showing off our feature set?

2014-09-30 Thread Robinson Tryon

I'm giving a talk on Thursday, and just got an invitation to *also*
give a mini-presentation showing off some of the neat features we have
available in Impress.

Does anyone have a presentation or two that shows off some of our
advanced features? Or perhaps has a couple of cool slides or nifty
techniques that you used when making your last talk?


Robinson Tryon
QA Engineer - The Document Foundation
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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Working with RedMine

2014-09-17 Thread Robinson Tryon
On Wed, Sep 17, 2014 at 9:47 AM, Charles-H. Schulz wrote:
 1. Public Marketing List ShutDown
 The marketing list carries little of our current workflow; in fact, most of
 it has gone to the RedMine issue tracker already. On top of this, the
 marketing list is not read by most of the people concerned by marketing
 activities, namely the native-lang projects worldwide. PR coordination
 happens on the private list and to a lesser extent on IRC for meetings. The
 marketing list, just like any list, requires administration work, i.e.
 moderation. There's a lot of spam arriving, usually in waves, and it
 requires the approval or refusal of incoming mails (spam, unsubscribed
 posters, etc.)

How public is the marketing project in Redmine?  Right now people can
easily join or review what's going on in marketing by subscribing to
or looking in the marketing archives. Would the same public nature
carry-over into Redmine?

 anything else, such as
 discussions, would happen on the discuss list and for cross-project
 awareness on the project mailing list.

So let's say someone want to discuss marketing strategies in schools.
Would that go to the tdf-discuss list, or?

 2. New Wiki

 I am personally not entirely sold on this one, but we are in a situation
 where the marketing wiki pages are quite numerous, yet completely chaotic,
 and often outdated. We can think about cleaning these wiki pages, but given
 their amount we may consider to start a fresh with a new wiki. I'm not
 suggesting that we open twenty new wiki pages on RedMine tomorrow, but that
 we use it for a month if we need it.

One of the benefits of having a single wiki is the ability to easily
cross-link between teams, etc. Plus we do have a ton of content up
there, including event pages stretching back multiple years. If the
Marketing pages on the TDF wiki are hopelessly unusable, we can always
move them all under /Marketing-old/ and start from a blank slate,
but I'd expect that some heavy editing might be more productive?

 ** Expected results:

 - increased efficiency
 - less maintenance (for us, not necessarily for the infra team ;-)  )
 - increased clarity in terms of resources, contacts, etc.

Could you explain a bit more what you mean re: resources/contacts?

 - task-based workflow (partially achieved already)

A big +1 to a task-based workflow. I've been experimenting with
redmine a bit myself, and I think that it has some potential for
anything that's specifically encapsulated as a TODO item. I'm a bit
more cautious about using it in lieu of existing infra for other


Robinson Tryon
QA Engineer - The Document Foundation
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[libreoffice-marketing] Join-the-community flier for conference swag bag?

2014-08-27 Thread Robinson Tryon
Hi all,

The Fossetcon organizers have graciously offered to include a
LibreOffice flier in the swag bag for attendees.

Do we have a recent 1-page flier inviting people to join the
LibreOffice community?

I think that something a bit less verbose than our current tri-fold
design would work best for us. Because it's in a swag bag, something
short and pithy that grabs their attention could work well.

e.g.   Interested in working to make LibreOffice better? Join one of
our community teams and make a difference!  [list of teams/mailing

Alternatively, we could turn it into an ad that people could share
with others -- Do you use LibreOffice? How about your friends? Share
this ad with a friend who hasn't tried LibreOffice yet, and help us
grow the LibreOffice community in the US!


Robinson Tryon
QA Engineer - The Document Foundation
Volunteer Coordinator - LibreOffice Community Outreach

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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] LibreOffice Animation, spanish version

2014-08-16 Thread Robinson Tryon
On Sat, Aug 16, 2014 at 9:15 AM, Daniel A. Rodriguez wrote:
 It only remains to say that reproduce and share this work. :-)

Looks great!

Eliane: You mentioned in July that there was work being done on a
version of the animation in English. Do you know when that work will
be completed? If there's anything I can do to help, please let me


Robinson Tryon
QA Engineer - The Document Foundation
Volunteer Coordinator - LibreOffice Community Outreach

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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Re: OSCON: Conference wrap-up + big thanks to our volunteers!

2014-08-08 Thread Robinson Tryon
On Tue, Jul 29, 2014 at 3:26 AM, Marc Paré wrote:
 Hi Robinson,

 Thanks for such a complete report and good description of the booth! Really
 handy and useful for others who may want to do the same at another

 Did you have time to take some photos?

Hi Marc,

I took just a few pictures of the booth -- I added one to the wiki page here:

I believe that Robin (one of our volunteers) took a few more pictures
of the activity. I'll ping him and see if he can provide copies.


Robinson Tryon
LibreOffice Community Outreach Herald
Senior QA Bug Wrangler
The Document Foundation

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[libreoffice-marketing] OSCON: Conference wrap-up + big thanks to our volunteers!

2014-07-24 Thread Robinson Tryon
Hi all,

OSCON -- the O'Reilly Open Source Convention -- wraps up today in Portland, OR:

The expo hall closed yesterday, but there are still some sessions and
other activities continuing at the Oregon Convention Center until this
afternoon. In the expo hall the LibreOffice booth was flanked by our
friends at the Software Freedom Conservancy on one side, and Wikimedia
on the other:

Italo and Simon Phipps were both present at OSCON, as were two amazing
local LibreOffice booth volunteers, Robin Haberman and Scarlett Clark.
Having a solid team turns booth duty from a drudge of long days into a
much happier experience. Between the volunteers, Italo, and I, we
talked to hundreds of visitors, gave out dozens of brochures, taught
people about some new LibreOffice features, and even did a little bug

I held a BoF on Tuesday regarding collaboration between FOSS projects
and FOSS-friendly orgs, and got a number of different people from
different aspects of FOSS and event planning to show up, including the
ever-helpful Bill Wright of LinuxFest NW. We'll continue our
discussion on the Community Leadership Forum, as well as planning
BoF's at Fossetcon (Orlando, FL) and SeaGL (Seattle, WA):

This was the first conference where we had a projector at the booth,
and it worked out really well. It was small, portable, easy to set up
and tear down, and versatile in what it could display. I tried a few
projection surfaces, but one of the best visual choices was a matte
white shower curtain (grommets included). With such a large projected
area, we could quickly display a new message on the back wall of our
booth or demo some features of LibreOffice like Hybrid PDFs to a
conference attendee.

When the UK government announced on Tuesday that they were
standardizing on ODF and PDF, we quickly typed up that information in
LibreOffice Writer and had it displayed for all to see. Visitor after
visitor to our booth would ask Is that true? or Wow! Is that the
entire country?, giving us the perfect opportunity to engage with
both existing and potential new users in a more personal, one-on-one

I took this opportunity at OSCON to promote the possibility of holding
a LibreOffice hackfest in Portland, OR next year, and to collect names
and email addresses of individuals interested in participating. All
told, we have about 30 people on the current list, with a handful of
people connected with universities or programming labs who expressed a
desire to invite multiple people from their group.

tl;dr - OSCON was great, our volunteers are awesome, and we'll be back
-- possibly with a hackfest -- next year!


Robinson Tryon
LibreOffice Community Outreach Herald
Senior QA Bug Wrangler
The Document Foundation

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[libreoffice-marketing] My Texas LinuxFest Interview is up on Slashdot...

2014-07-18 Thread Robinson Tryon

The video currently requires Flash player, but I'm working on getting
an alternate copy for those who'd like to avoid Adobe Flash/non-free
video formats.

There's also a text transcript, for those who prefer reading :-)


Robinson Tryon
LibreOffice Community Outreach Herald
Senior QA Bug Wrangler
The Document Foundation

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[libreoffice-marketing] Re: [libreoffice-projects] LibreOffice Weekly News #2 released

2014-06-21 Thread Robinson Tryon
On Sat, Jun 21, 2014 at 5:36 PM, William Gathoye wrote:
 I've just finished writing the second LOWN edition. It is available
 here [1], still as a pdf version for now.

 You might still expect some mimetype errors, since Github doesn't
 handle pdf quite well. As a workaround, when you are on the wiki page,
 please make a right click, click on Save the link as... and open the
 pdf file with your favourite pdf client.

 Please do not advertise this LOWN#2 version yet. I'm still open to any
 comment or correction you would have.

Hi William,
A few notes.

* Have you considered typesetting the weekly news using LibreOffice?
Is it easier to pull-in refs using LaTeX?

* Q/A - QA

* For slightly better flow when reading, perhaps:

LibreOffice Weekly News gathers interesting developments from
discussions on mailing lists and IRC, updates in QA, and git commits,
and combines them into a tidy publication at the end of each week.
This summary will emphasize a developer's point of view. This week in
LibreOffice. . .


Robinson Tryon
LibreOffice Community Outreach Herald
Senior QA Bug Wrangler
The Document Foundation

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[libreoffice-marketing] Possible Event: Open World Forum, Paris, Oct. 30th - Nov. 1st 2014

2014-06-19 Thread Robinson Tryon
Hi all,

This may be of interest to us, especially regarding the ways in which
LibreOffice can provide users with greater Security/Privacy/ and


-- Forwarded message --
From: Stefane Fermigier
Date: Thu, Jun 19, 2014 at 5:14 AM
Subject: [Osdc-list] Call for papers, Open World Forum, Paris, Oct.
30th - Nov. 1st 2014


there is an open CFP for the Open World Forum, a conference that I’ve
been helping organise over the last 6 years:

For this 7th edition the program is build around the guidline “Take
Back Control” and will show you how to take back control of your
digital world, including IT/IS and (personal) data.

Classic and essential subjects as Cloud computing, Data, Internet of
Things, Dev, etc. will be treated from a user's needs' point of view.
We will also put a strong emphasis on trending topics : Security,
Privacy, Trust and Mobility.

If you wish to submit a proposal about one of these topics and many
more, please do so on the page dedicated to the Call for Paper.”

More info:

About the OWF:

The Open World Forum is the first European summit to gather political
representatives, decision-makers and experts to debate the
technological, economic and social impacts of Free and Open-Source
technologies on the market. It also welcomes the general public, with
a specific cycle of conferences and demonstrations to make them aware
of what is at stake in the digital open world.

The forum was first held in 2008 and is now organized annually in
Paris, France, with more than 200 speakers coming from 24 countries,
and a global audience that was 2200-people strong in 2013. The Open
World Forum is held in partnership with all the major international
communities in Free Software and with the key players in the digital
economy. The Open World Forum is back for its seventh edition. It will
occur on October 30th, 31th and November 1st, 2014, in the same place,
Paris Beffroi (Subway station Mairie de Montrouge) and will again be
organized by Systematic Paris-Region. More than 3,000 attendees are
expected for this Edition, with a program reflecting the current
digital issues everyone's facing. #OWF14 is an international event.



Stefane Fermigier - - -
Founder  CEO, Abilian - Enterprise Social Software -
Co-Founder and Chairman, FreeOSS Group / Systematic Cluster -
Co-Founder  Vice-President, National Council for FreeOSS -
Well done is better than well said. - Benjamin Franklin
There's no such thing as can't. You always have a choice. - Ken Gor

Sign-up for our weekly newsletter:

Osdc-list mailing list

Robinson Tryon
LibreOffice Community Outreach Herald
Senior QA Bug Wrangler
The Document Foundation

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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Possible Event: Open World Forum, Paris, Oct. 30th - Nov. 1st 2014

2014-06-19 Thread Robinson Tryon
On Thu, Jun 19, 2014 at 10:10 AM, Sophie wrote:
 Hi Robinson,
 Le 19/06/2014 17:04, Robinson Tryon a écrit :
 Hi all,

 This may be of interest to us, especially regarding the ways in which
 LibreOffice can provide users with greater Security/Privacy/ and

 I'm part of it and we will have a booth and probably some talks or a
 track on Community.

Aha! A lightning-fast response!

Robinson Tryon
LibreOffice Community Outreach Herald
Senior QA Bug Wrangler
The Document Foundation

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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] LibreOffice weekly newsletter

2014-06-14 Thread Robinson Tryon
On Sat, Jun 14, 2014 at 5:06 AM, Charles-H. Schulz wrote:
 Sorry! It is actually a pdf doc:

Neat! Looks good, William!

(Is anyone else having issues with their browser not recognizing the
file as a PDF? After downloading, 'mimetype' tells me that the file is
indeed of type 'application/pdf', but for some reason FF gets confused
and suggests opening the file in a text editor..)


Robinson Tryon
LibreOffice Community Outreach Herald
Senior QA Bug Wrangler
The Document Foundation

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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] wget is back - Membership committee application

2014-06-08 Thread Robinson Tryon
On Sat, Jun 7, 2014 at 10:18 AM, William Gathoye wrote:
 Hi guys.
 Now, I'm gonna stop to hide in my bush and be more active in this
 community. I mean don't hesitate to post when I've an idea / found a
 bug, etc and apply to be part of the Membership Committee [2].

Hi William!

Great to hear that you're back.  I look forward to seeing you around
and hearing your ideas! And of course, the QA Team is more than happy
to get your well-formatted, repro-steps-included bug reports :-)


Robinson Tryon
LibreOffice Community Outreach Herald
Senior QA Bug Wrangler
The Document Foundation

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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] best price for stickers

2014-05-09 Thread Robinson Tryon
On Thu, May 8, 2014 at 9:15 AM, Robinson Tryon wrote:
 Just saw your inquiry about stickers -- I don't have the quotes in
 front of me right now, but IIRC, there were good savings if we order
 in bulk (e.g. 5k much better than 2.5k better than 1k). I'll get the
 exact #s to you later today.

Hi Charles,

As promised, I've dug up quotes and put some of them here:

The 1 x 4 are the closest sticker to the 29mm x 110 mm size that's
commonly available here in the US:
1000 - $253 (@ $0.25)
2500 - $306 (@ $0.12)
5000 - $395 (@ $0.079)

I think these are pretty good prices, as $395 US is approx. 286 Euros.


Robinson Tryon
LibreOffice Community Outreach Herald
Senior QA Bug Wrangler
The Document Foundation

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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] best price for stickers

2014-05-08 Thread Robinson Tryon
On Tue, May 6, 2014 at 2:13 AM, Charles-H. Schulz wrote:

 I'm finding rather expensive quotes for stickers online. I seem to remember
 that Cor (?) or Robinson had had a great price on stickers? This time, we'd
 like to print some for the Document Liberation project.


Hi Charles,
Just saw your inquiry about stickers -- I don't have the quotes in
front of me right now, but IIRC, there were good savings if we order
in bulk (e.g. 5k much better than 2.5k better than 1k). I'll get the
exact #s to you later today.


Robinson Tryon
LibreOffice Community Outreach Herald
Senior QA Bug Wrangler
The Document Foundation

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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] LibreOffice Magazine 10

2014-04-23 Thread Robinson Tryon
On Wed, Apr 23, 2014 at 7:46 AM, Charles-H. Schulz wrote:
On Wed, Apr 23, 2014 at 1:18 PM, Eliane Domingos wrote:
 The Brazilian LibreOffice Community is very proud to announce the
 edition of LibreOffice Magazine.

 Thank you and tour team for this issue !

 Say, I think we need  to have someone able to translate the magazine in 
 English so that others can localize it. Do you know anyone who could do it or 
 would be willing to do it?

On Wed, Apr 23, 2014 at 11:19 AM, Eliane Domingos wrote:
 Hi Charles, all,

 Well, unfortunately not.

I chatted w/a couple of Portuguese-speakers at LibrePlanet in February
and hoped to hear back from one of them by now re: translating the
magazine into English. I'll follow up with them again, and I'll also
put out a shingle at LinuxFest Northwest to see if any Portuguese
speakers are interested in contributing to the project :-)


Robinson Tryon
LibreOffice Community Outreach Herald
Senior QA Bug Wrangler
The Document Foundation

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[libreoffice-marketing] ownCloud public redirect fixed

2014-04-22 Thread Robinson Tryon
Hi all,

The ownCloud public redirect is now working again -- we're not sure
exactly what happened, but perhaps an upgrade de-coupled the public
share url and made it necessary for us to generate a new one.

Sorry for the interruption -- please feel free to resume sharing
content with our community. I'm happy that I can now share some
website badges I've been working on for the Document Liberation


Robinson Tryon
LibreOffice Community Outreach Herald
Senior QA Bug Wrangler
The Document Foundation

P.S. To avoid outages such as this one in the future, I'm proposing
some monitoring software that will automatically inform us if a
service stops working. Bug report here:

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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] LibreOffice pencil box

2014-04-16 Thread Robinson Tryon
On Wed, Apr 16, 2014 at 10:04 AM, Kracked_P_P---webmaster wrote:

 I take out the index.php/apps/files?dir=/Shared/ part of the link and then
 go from there.

 I just tested the process with some of my offering. . . .

 Right now, I am having issues sharing individual files, when I did not

 So it may be an issue why it is not working.

 IT keeps telling me that my file is either not there or cannot be shared.
 Why I try to make sure sharing it turned on, it tells me that resharing is
 not allowed.

 So something is not working right now.

Correct -- I filed a bug about the problem 10 days ago, offering to help fix it:

I just bumped-up the priority, in case that helps get it fixed faster.


Robinson Tryon
LibreOffice Community Outreach Herald
The Document Foundation

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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Marketing materials for the US

2014-04-09 Thread Robinson Tryon
On Wed, Apr 9, 2014 at 3:34 AM, Charles-H. Schulz wrote:
 On 9 avril 2014 01:51:19 CEST, Robinson Tryon 
 [ ... printing up swag for conference booths and outreach in the US...]

 Thanks for all this! 2 comments from my side. I believe that brochures are 
 not really important. People don't read them and throw them away. So we 
 should not divert the little resources we have on them especially for 
 corporate brochures as companies do not get convinved with them. Same goes 
 for pens. All this is swag, not marketing per se but people think one amounts 
 to the other. Now I am not saying pens are a bad idea: they are only a small 

Thanks for the feedback!

I agree that we shouldn't focus just on swag, but I think that
physical items we can give away can be a very effective part of our
overall approach to outreach and marketing. When we're talking at
conferences or staffing a booth for LibreOffice, having some desirable
items like pens and stickers available can encourage people to come
talk to us, and can be a good way for us to have a ripple effect when
we give someone who runs a LUG or someone who is a teacher a few
stickers or a couple pamphlets.

For example, when I was at LibrePlanet I gave out a lot of stickers to
people who wanted to put them on their laptops -- many of whom proudly
pasted them on immediately. Having the sticker on their laptop is good
for us, but I think that the positive relationship that we created by
giving them an I (heart) LibreOffice sticker is even more important
to the overall success of the LibreOffice brand and visibility of the
product to non-users.

Regarding corporate people, I met a few company founders/leaders when
I was at SCALE, and I desperately wanted to have something more than
stickers and a generic brochure to give to them, especially when they
expressed their admiration for us and our product. I now have business
cards I can give them, but from just a financial perspective, I think
that it would really be worth our while to have some strategy (whether
that's a brochure or website or whatever) to help us gain them as

 The slogan ought to remain the same one we have. Let's not blur the message. 

Sorry, blurring what message?

 My second comment is this: we need videos to demknstrate LibreOffice and we 
 need web materials such as buttons, banners for online use. We have a very 
 little choice of them. I believe this would help a lot in the US and 
 elsewhere. I am happy to help if the design team or anyone else woants to 

* Online videos, badges, etc... sound like a great project to me.
We've listed a QA EasyHack to create a video 'Intro to QA'.

* Regarding buttons/banners, I just made some web badges for the
Document Liberation Project, and would love to see badges for TDF and
LibreOffice as well


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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Marketing IRC chat - ping again

2014-04-08 Thread Robinson Tryon
On Tue, Apr 8, 2014 at 9:52 AM, Charles-H. Schulz wrote:

 We don't have too many people registered but given the answers the IRC
 meeting will take place on Sunday the 13th at 4 pm CET on #libreoffice-mkt
 4pm CET is 10am EST.

The 3rd President of the US was born on April 13th. He once wrote:

Educate and inform the whole mass of the people... They are the only
sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty.
-Thomas Jefferson

Informing the 'whole mass of the people' is a tall order, but we shall try!


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[libreoffice-marketing] Marketing materials for the US

2014-04-08 Thread Robinson Tryon
[cc'ing Design for their input on new designs]

Hi all,

I'm currently looking into printing up a supply of marketing materials
for the US, both for distribution at conferences and big events, as
well as for local distribution at a smaller scale, e.g. to local LUGs.


Items We've Printed Previously:

* Both plain LibreOffice  and I (heart) LibreOffice [1]

* General LibreOffice Information[2]
* Community [3]


Ideas I've Had:

I'd like to print up some pens, as they're actually an independently
useful item, and can help to improve our brand awareness.[4]
I came up with a couple of witty phrases for them, but would like more
* When the power goes out, use this analog edition of LibreOffice
* Download the electronic version online -- it never runs out of ink!

Some ideas for improvements:
* Consider rack cards as well as tri-folds -- both can be effective in
their own right.
* A brochure with all of the team mailing address on the back, so one
can circle the team, write the name of a good contact in that team,
and hand it to some interested in joining the community
* A brochure for corporate sponsors is REALLY important[5].
Whenever someone stops by the booth and says I'm the founder of...
or I'm (top-level role) at company..., we should have a brochure for
them so we can make them feel special and want to underwrite our
awesome work!


What Do You Think?

It's always good for us to look for new ways of increasing outreach
for both LibreOffice and the community. Does anyone have any
improvements they'd like to suggest for the stickers, brochures, or
other swag?



[2] (Next time: No version #)


[4] For example:

[5] I found a stub for this:

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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Template vote result

2014-04-07 Thread Robinson Tryon
On Mon, Apr 7, 2014 at 4:05 AM, Sophie wrote:
 Hi all,

 And the winner is : Points 1 from K-J

 Thanks a lot to the designer and the voters :)


Wiki pages duly updated:


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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Brazilian LibreOffice Community conference

2014-04-07 Thread Robinson Tryon
On Mon, Apr 7, 2014 at 9:48 AM, Eliane Domingos wrote:
 Hi Charles,

 Well, we had a limit for 10 people and this is not good.

Having too many people want to participate is a usually good problem
to have! :-)

 But, the conference
 was great, because I had an opportunity to talk with persons that I didn't
 know. They are new for me. We had people complaining, because they couldn't
 participate of the conference. So, for the next conf, we'll work with Mconf.


I read that BigBlueButton (on which mconf is based) is working on
WebRTC support right now, which could hopefully lead to full HTML5
support for mconf.


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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Brazilian LibreOffice Community conference

2014-04-07 Thread Robinson Tryon
On Mon, Apr 7, 2014 at 11:24 AM, Kracked_P_P---webmaster wrote:
 of activity.  I wish the USA had the support as your area does.  I do not
 see much, and almost none outside the largest regions of the States.

Hi Tim,

I share your envy of the Brazilian community, and hope that we can
get on their level at some point in the future!

The good news is that the US community is growing steadily -- I've met
a number of interested folks at conferences and events this year --
and we're just starting to build-out our infrastructure.

Speaking of which, I just created an IRC channel for us:

I'm working on getting the following set-up:
Etherpad: /libreoffice-us

And I'm working to organize a monthly outreach/marketing meeting for
us. Speaking of which, we're going to have our first meeting sometime
between April 9-14, so for any of you in the US/Canada, please
indicate your preferences[1] here:

 try, but I am in a small farm community area and no longer can travel more
 than 10 miles from home [due to the pain involved].  I hope to revamp the
 NA-DVD project so it look better, and more like what the LO site has become,
 vs. what it looked like since the last time I changed my DVD looks/feel.

I look forward to the new look on the NA-DVD site!

Your help with US marketing is really appreciated. From where I'm
sitting, small farming communities need LibreOffice and Free Software
just as much as NYC, London, and Tokyo do. The fact that we have
community members all over the place is something that projects like
MS-Office and iWorks just can't match, which puts us in a really
unique position for both marketing and for project involvement.

So keep on truckin'!


[1] Kudos to Charles for finding a FOSS-licensed Doodle clone that doesn't suck!

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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Improving the 'Who are we?' webpage

2014-04-05 Thread Robinson Tryon
On Sat, Apr 5, 2014 at 4:13 AM, Charles-H. Schulz wrote:
 Hello Robinson,

 Le Sun, 30 Mar 2014 17:16:11 -0400,
 Robinson Tryon a écrit :

 Hi all,
 I've been doing some prep work for LinuxFest NW, and noticed a few
 things we might want to update on this page:

 Quick question: do you have edit rights on the site or shall I do the
 edits myself?

I believe I have edit rights. I'll try to update the page, and if it
turns out I don't have the right perms, I'll ping you.


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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Improving the 'Who are we?' webpage

2014-04-05 Thread Robinson Tryon
 Robinson Tryon a écrit :
 things we might want to update on this page:

Page is now updated -- thanks, Charles, for pinging me about that :-)

Falling squarely in the category our-work-is-never-done, when I was
checking hyperlinks to ensure that they were still valid, I noticed
that our Community Bylaws page on the wiki is headed by an infobox
informing me that This page was marked as inactive and is retained
for historical reference. Hmm.

The infobox goes on: This page has been used for the refinement of
our statutes for our foundation. The final statutes can be found at;. I looked at
both pages, and they seem to cover roughly the same content (although
admittedly, the Statues page is much more dense and lawyerly in its
composition... :-)

Question: is a simple text replacement from The Community Bylaws -
The Statues of The Document Foundation (and a URL update)
appropriate here?


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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Improving the 'Who are we?' webpage

2014-04-05 Thread Robinson Tryon
On Sat, Apr 5, 2014 at 6:15 PM, Charles-H. Schulz wrote:
 Le Sat, 5 Apr 2014 11:52:30 -0400,
 Robinson Tryon a écrit :
 Question: is a simple text replacement from The Community Bylaws -
 The Statues of The Document Foundation (and a URL update)
 appropriate here?

 Excellent question. The Statutes of the Foundation are legally binding
 and the rules to amend them are precise -and contained within the

 The bylaws were drafted first, served as a blueprint for the Statutes
 but were for a long time some sort of internal community rules for
 the LibreOffice project. They are still a very clear document
 describing the initial view of the Founding Fathers, if you'll excuse
 the US History - related  pun.

 ...I believe we should point directly to the Statutes then, and
 perhaps, when we have the time (there's no urgency in that matter), see
 what can be rewritten or drop the topic entirely.

Sounds reasonable to me. In the words of our most famous founding
father, I shall make it so.

Cpt. Robinson Luc Picard

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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Conference template for talks: vote

2014-04-04 Thread Robinson Tryon
On Fri, Apr 4, 2014 at 9:38 AM, Kracked_P_P---webmaster wrote:
 On 04/04/2014 09:18 AM, Robinson Tryon wrote:

 On Fri, Apr 4, 2014 at 9:09 AM, Kracked_P_P---webmaster wrote:

 There is a formatting issue with Proposal_LibOConf2014_Template_mix.odp
 using 4.2.2.x on Linux Mint 16.  If that text/graphics formatting issue
 fixed, then it would be my favorite.

 No idea about a bug, but when I displayed it, the text of some of the frames
 was in the background under some of the graphics.  The other templates did
 not have that.  I do not know if it was due to the background color/image,
 but it was just there.  I could send someone the screen clip of these
 frames, if wanted.

 As I stated, I am running 4.2.2.x on Linux Mint 16. [currently for testing
 until Ubuntu 14.04 comes out]
 Also it is only an issue with this template.  I have not tried it with LO
 4.2.1 or 4.1.5 to see if it is an issue with them.

Direct link:

I see problems on every version of LO I test:
Confirmed on 3.5.7,,, 4.3 daily (march 29) in both
editing and presentation modes.

Slide 1:
  * No problems

Slide 2:
  * Text Default Slide Example appears to be hiding in the upper-left logo
  * Bullets are shifted down, and have some weird spacing before
being the basis

Slide 3:
  * More text-behind-shapes

But perhaps these are just some editing issues? Looking more closely
at the file, it doesn't resemble the screenshots on the wiki -- it
seems to be a garbled version of the template for Berlin 2012. Do
you think the files might have gotten mixed-up before upload?


P.S. For reference, here's the template linked from the Berlin 2012
page; I've no issues opening up this file:

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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Conference template for talks: vote

2014-04-03 Thread Robinson Tryon
I vote for the Mix 1 from K-J


On Thu, Apr 3, 2014 at 11:02 AM, Sophie wrote:
 Hi all,
 So we have now 3 proposals for the template, thanks to Sveinn and K-J,
 which one is your favorite?

 1. from Sveinn
 2. Mix 1 from K-J
 3. Points 1 from K-J

 Thanks in advance to +1 the one you like in this thread, vote will close
 on Monday 8:00 AM UTC :)

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[libreoffice-marketing] Opt Out! Conference, Barcelona, June 4-5

2014-04-02 Thread Robinson Tryon
Hi all,
I met Mallory Knodel at LibrePlanet in Boston, and she sent me
information about an un-celebration of Snowden's leaks that the APC
is running in Barcelona at the beginning of June.

If anyone is interested in organizing a session about LibreOffice/FOSS
for the conference, or otherwise being involved, please contact
Mallory at the address below. Perhaps we have some local individuals
who would like to trumpet the benefits of LibreOffice to the
attendees? :-)


-- Forwarded message --
From: Mallory Knodel
Date: Mon, Mar 24, 2014 at 11:54 AM
Subject: Re: Hi from librePlanet!
To: Robinson Tryon

Hey Robinson!

It was so great to run into you at Libre Planet. I was not expecting
to meet someone from LibreOffice or we would have reached out long
ago, in fact.

I'm attaching a bit more about the event. It's an anniversary
un-celebration of Snowden's leaks. We're calling it Opt Out! because
in addition to policy changes, we also think that civil society groups
need to make hard decisions and take action, even if it's not easy.

If LibreOffice wants to partner on the event, you could help us by:
 - Sending a participant to the event
 - Helping to get the word out about the event to your networks
 - Sitting on the programming committee
 - Organising a session
 - Helping us fundraise by including your partnership and endorsement
on our letters of inquiry to donors.

If you want to do all or some of those things, I can take your logo
and put it on our outreach materials. Our first big public push is
next week so this is good timing.

Talk soon,

On 03/22/2014 12:58 PM, Robinson Tryon wrote:

Tell me more about the conference in Barcelona in June!


Mallory Knodel
Communications  Network Development Manager ::
Association for Progressive Communications ::
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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Improving the 'Who are we?' webpage

2014-03-31 Thread Robinson Tryon
On Mon, Mar 31, 2014 at 3:48 AM, Sophie wrote:
 Hi Robinson,
 Le 30/03/2014 23:16, Robinson Tryon a écrit :

 P.S. I just noticed the 'Credits' page was last updated in June 2013
 -- I'll see about getting that updated as well.

 Could you see if there is a possibility to add the l10n team to the page?

Certainly -- I'm cc'ing cloph here, as he's the one who updates the
other entries on that page.


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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] CeBIT 2014 impressions

2014-03-31 Thread Robinson Tryon
On Mon, Mar 31, 2014 at 9:49 AM, Florian Effenberger wrote:
 Thanks to Thomas' experience, everything was extremely well prepared -
 flyers, brochures, flags, we even had a green floor and green LibreOffice

I am now imagining a new marketing campaign:

Stuck using a proprietary office suite? Wish you were using
LibreOffice instead?  #greenwithenvy


 students around. Talks at CeBIT are usually very worthy, and we even got to
 know about one rather large migration project going on at a pretty known
 corporation, which has not been made public yet.

Excellent! It's always great to hear about new migrations, and
feedback from those in the middle of the process is quite welcome. An
after-migration report (before or at Bern?) would be great as well.

 Still, being there is a must, to see others, and of course, to be seen.
 Talks to potential adopters yield a wide interest in LibreOffice, with
 rather concrete questions asked, and good contacts are made - so I am very
 much looking forward to CeBIT 2015!

Thank you for the event recap!


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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Improving the 'Who are we?' webpage

2014-03-31 Thread Robinson Tryon
On Mon, Mar 31, 2014 at 3:44 AM, Charles-H. Schulz wrote:
 Hello Robinson,

 Le 2014-03-30 23:16, Robinson Tryon a écrit :

 Hi all,
 I've been doing some prep work for LinuxFest NW, and noticed a few
 things we might want to update on this page:

 - Because of dual licensing, we should reference both the LGPL and
 MPL, or generalize the language

 - I'd like to clarify the statement:
 [we] believe in the principles of free software...the promise of
 better-quality, highly-reliable and secure software that gives you
 greater flexibility at zero cost

 We do offer the LibreOffice product for zero cost, but I think we
 should be clearer that use of/migration to LibreOffice can be greatly
 helped by having technical support provided either by internal or
 external appropriately-trained technical staff, which may cost

 Yes and let's not forget that even if LibreOffice binaries were to be sold
 at 50 bucks a piece, we would still be conveying the most fundamental
 rights and aspects of software freedom.
 While this is not an encouragement to create sites that makes you buy
 LibreOffice, I think it is important to stress more on the benefits of
 software freedom besides the importance of technical and management guidance
 for migrations.

Oh, certainly. I'd be happy to see the emphasis of that paragraph
focus on software freedom rather than up-front price.

 - Anything else you'd suggest improving on that webpage?

 With some post website release hindssght, I think it's important to stress
 that we -try to- base our actions on a document few have read: the Next
 Decade Manifesto:  This is our
 We the People document and it's what was and is used as the cornerstone of
 the LibreOffice project. It's important to highlight it I think.

I agree.

Here's a quick update to the language of that page that (hopefully)
addresses the points we've raised in this thread.  (I wish that there
were a way for me to submit a 'patch' or otherwise provide a diff
against the current website so people could see the changes

---   ---   ---   ---   ---

Who are we?

LibreOffice is community-driven and developed software, and is a
project of the not-for-profit organization, The Document Foundation.

LibreOffice is developed by users who, just like you, believe in the
principles of free software and in sharing their work with the world
in non-restrictive ways. At the core of these principles are the [four
essential freedoms]( and
the tenets of The Document Foundation's [Next Decade

We believe that users should have the freedom to run, copy,
distribute, study, change and improve the software that we distribute.
While we do offer no-cost downloads of the LibreOffice suite of
programs, free software is first and foremost a matter of liberty, not
price. We campaign for these freedoms because we believe that everyone
deserves them.

We seek to eliminate the digital divide and empower all as full
citizens, support the preservation of mother tongues, and avoid
proprietary software and format lock-in. We work to attain our goals
* providing unfettered access to our office productivity tools at no cost
* encouraging the translation, documentation, and support of our
software in one's own language
* promoting and actively participating in the creation and development
of open standards and free software via open and transparent
peer-review processes

Though the members of our community hail from many different
backgrounds, we all value personal choice and transparency, which
translates practically into wider compatibility, more utility, and no
end-user lock-in to a single product. We believe that free software
can provide better-quality, higher-reliability, increased-security,
and greater-flexibility than proprietary alternatives.

The community behind LibreOffice is the heart of the project, without
which we would not have the resources to continue developing the
software. The passion and drive that every individual brings to the
community results in collaborative development that often exceeds our
own expectations. With dozens of different essential roles in the
project, we invite everyone to join us in our work and help us to make
LibreOffice known and accessible to all.

The Community Bylaws, developed by our own community members, guide
the way we work and encourage new members to contribute in a way which
benefits both the whole community as well as themselves. Through the
use of copyleft licenses such as the [GNU Lesser General
Public](, [Mozilla
Public](, and [Creative Commons
we commit to protecting your

Re: [libreoffice-marketing] CeBIT 2014 impressions

2014-03-31 Thread Robinson Tryon
On Mon, Mar 31, 2014 at 9:49 AM, Florian Effenberger wrote:
 Linux New Media). Italo gave a talk about Migrating to LibreOffice: a
 Reference Protocol, and I explained the legal setup of TDF, with its boards
 and bodies, which was received very well.

Do you know if video is available for these talks?


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[libreoffice-marketing] Bern: Sessions on outreach/advocacy?

2014-03-31 Thread Robinson Tryon
Hi all,

At our annual conference in Bern, I'd like to give an update on some
of the outreach/advocacy work we've been doing in the US. I know that
many of you have been doing amazing work across the globe, and I'd
like to hear from you about what you've accomplished!

I know that it's not always possible for people to be at the annual
conference in person, so I'd like to look into
- Remote presentation via video-chat, or
- Playing pre-recorded 5-10min presentations

After the presentations, it would be great to have a round-table
discussion about outreach and advocacy for the rest of 2014 and into

(We can use a multi-person, open-standard/FOSS videochat program like
JitMeet to let the remote presenters join the

Who'd be interested in participating and giving a short presentation
on their activities?


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[libreoffice-marketing] Improving the 'Who are we?' webpage

2014-03-30 Thread Robinson Tryon
Hi all,
I've been doing some prep work for LinuxFest NW, and noticed a few
things we might want to update on this page:

- Because of dual licensing, we should reference both the LGPL and
MPL, or generalize the language

- I'd like to clarify the statement:
[we] believe in the principles of free software...the promise of
better-quality, highly-reliable and secure software that gives you
greater flexibility at zero cost

We do offer the LibreOffice product for zero cost, but I think we
should be clearer that use of/migration to LibreOffice can be greatly
helped by having technical support provided either by internal or
external appropriately-trained technical staff, which may cost

- Anything else you'd suggest improving on that webpage?


P.S. I just noticed the 'Credits' page was last updated in June 2013
-- I'll see about getting that updated as well.

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[libreoffice-marketing] Re: Document Freedom Day - March 26th

2014-03-30 Thread Robinson Tryon
On Wed, Mar 12, 2014 at 6:26 PM, Robinson Tryon wrote:
 Hi all,

 Document Freedom Day is coming up on March 26th. For anyone in the
 US/New England, I'm planning a lunch meeting for us to discuss use of
 open standards in government and education:

Hi everyone!

How did your LibreOffice DFD events go? Did you have a good time and
meet a lot of new faces? Did you talk about LibreOffice and ODF? Did
you make plans for the future?

Let us know what you did by creating a quick write-up of your event.
Include a few pictures, if you have them!

I found it easiest to update my event page on the wiki and include the
new information, but feel free to point us at a blog post or other

Let's schedule more communal events like this in the future!


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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Re: Impress template for next conf presentations

2014-03-28 Thread Robinson Tryon
On Fri, Mar 28, 2014 at 5:24 AM, Sophie wrote:
 Hi all,

 So any takers on this template proposal?

I stubbed-in a wiki page with a section for proposals, adding an
example row to show users how to format their submissions:

Good luck with your Impress template proposals, everyone!


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Re: [libreoffice-design] Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Re: Impress template for next conf presentations

2014-03-28 Thread Robinson Tryon
On Fri, Mar 28, 2014 at 8:27 AM, Sveinn í Felli wrote:
 Þann fös 28.mar 2014 09:45, skrifaði K-J LibreOffice:

 Hi Charles, Sophie,
 Am 28.03.2014 10:36, schrieb Charles-H. Schulz:


 Let me spread the word on Twitter :-)

 @DesignTeam: hello? Somebody around here?

 If I find time for it this weekend I will have a look for a

 Did a quick and dirty adaptation based on the Paris 2011 template:
 At least there is now a starting point.

Hi Sveinn,

Thanks for the submission! Could you please upload a thumbnail and add
a row to the table here?


P.S. I wonder what it would take to teach MediaWiki about ODF would be slick if it could generate those thumbnails itself

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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Re: Impress template for next conf presentations

2014-03-28 Thread Robinson Tryon
On Fri, Mar 28, 2014 at 6:15 PM, K-J LibreOffice wrote:
 Hi Robinson, all,
 Am 28.03.2014 12:39, schrieb Robinson Tryon:
 I stubbed-in a wiki page with a section for proposals, adding an
 example row to show users how to format their submissions:

 Maybe we can use this page:

With the inclusion of thumbnails, I think that one page that covers
multiple years would get big rather quickly. We experienced a similar
problem when we tried to put all of our our events for multiple years
on a single wiki page. With sub-pages, we can have
/Presentation_Template, /Logo, /T-shirt, etc.. all organized in
parallel under the primary event page.


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[libreoffice-marketing] Ways to promote LibreOffice at a conference?

2014-03-23 Thread Robinson Tryon
Hi guys,

I'm interested in new ways to promote LibreOffice at a conference.

Some ideas I know we've used in the past include:
- Have a TDF/LibreOffice booth
- Make a presentation about LibreOffice or The Document Foundation
- Distributing stickers, brochures, t-shirts, or usb keys with LibreOffice
- Hackfest

What else?

- Host a bughunting session?
- Documentation sprint?
- Giveaway/contest?

All ideas appreciated!


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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Re: Document Freedom Day - March 26th

2014-03-22 Thread Robinson Tryon
On Mon, Mar 17, 2014 at 2:44 AM, Immanuel Giulea wrote:
 Hanover, NH is within driving range for me from Montreal.

Updated blurb (now with time and location):


For all of you interested in open standards and FOSS, LibreOffice will
be hosting a lunch meetup noon on Saturday, March 29th at Ramunto's in
Hanover. We'll be celebrating Document Freedom Day (DFD) and talking
about what we can do to encourage the use of open formats by local
government and schools.

For more details, please see the event page here:

RSVP appreciated (so I can plan numbers accordingly :-)


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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Re: Texas (Linux Fest...and more)

2014-03-21 Thread Robinson Tryon
On Fri, Mar 21, 2014 at 2:46 PM, Marc Paré wrote:
 Le 19/03/14 10:29 AM, Robinson Tryon a écrit :
 Looks like we'll have a booth at the Texas Linux Fest in Austin in a
 couple of months (June 13-14). This can be a great opportunity for us

 I've listed the event on our Google Calendar, but is there a LibreOffice
 contact person I could put down on the event listing?

Yes, please list me.


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[libreoffice-marketing] Re: Document Freedom Day 2014 @Taiwan

2014-03-20 Thread Robinson Tryon
[moved to marketing list]

On Fri, Mar 14, 2014 at 4:05 AM, imacat wrote:
 Dear all,

 We are holding the Document Freedom Day 2014 at Taiwan, on
 2014/3/26(Wed).  There will be two DFD 2014 meetings in Taiwan:

 * Taipei: 2014/3/23(Wed) 18:30 at WaWa Book 2nd Floor
   2F., No.3, Sec. 2, Bade Rd., Da'an Dist., Taipei City, Taiwan
   imacat will be sharing from doc, docx to odt and GoogleDocs.  We'll
 also share the latest development of LibreOffice 4.2.1 and OpenOffice 4.1.

 * Hualien: 2014/3/23(Wed) 19:30 at Yuri Suangan Caf'e
   No.6, Ln. 58, Minquan St., Yuli Township, Hualien County, Taiwan

Please come to join us if you are at Taiwan at that time.

Thanks for letting us know about these events. I've added them to the
wiki page here:


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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Re: Document Freedom Day - March 26th

2014-03-20 Thread Robinson Tryon
On Thu, Mar 20, 2014 at 12:04 PM, Naruhiko Ogasawara wrote:


 I added information of event in Tokyo, Japan.

Wow! I think this is the busiest I've seen the marketing list in ages!
Keep up the good work -- who's going to announce a DFD event next? :-)


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[libreoffice-marketing] Re: Texas (Linux Fest...and more)

2014-03-19 Thread Robinson Tryon
On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 5:30 PM, wrote:
 On Monday, March 17, 2014 10:20:27 AM you wrote:
 Hi all,

 Looks like we'll have a booth at the Texas Linux Fest in Austin in a
 couple of months (June 13-14). This can be a great opportunity for us
 to meet a number of people in the Texas area as well as forge some
 relationships with other FOSS projects.

 Tim - I know that you're down in Texas -- how close are you to Austin? :-)



 I am located at the southern tip in Brownsville.

wow -- you are waaay down there :-) About 20 miles to the Gulf, is it?

 I currently will not be able
 to attend although I would like to!

Ah, alas... well, perhaps you can make it to another event. I'm sure
we can find something that will work out with your schedule!

Do you know anyone else in Texas who would be interested in joining us
in Austin to represent LibreOffice at TLF? I can request funding to
cover accommodations, etc.


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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Re: Document Freedom Day - March 26th

2014-03-17 Thread Robinson Tryon
On Mon, Mar 17, 2014 at 1:58 AM, Marc Paré wrote:

 Just so that everyone is clear on this, DFD is officially being celebrated
 on March 26th 2014, but it looks like the DFD is being celebrated for the
 LibreOffice USA on Saturday March 29th, in Hanover NH.

 Just to make sure of the discrepancy in dates.

 Could you confirm that these dates are correct? I will add both dates to the
 Events Google Calendar if this is correct. But in the meantime, I have added
 the official DFD date to the calendar.

Confirmed: The event here in New Hampshire will be on Saturday the 29th :-)


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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Re: Document Freedom Day - March 26th

2014-03-17 Thread Robinson Tryon
On Mon, Mar 17, 2014 at 2:44 AM, Immanuel Giulea wrote:
 Hanover, NH is within driving range for me from Montreal.

 How many people are expected at the lunch?

I'm hoping for about 10-15, although it's hard to gauge numbers here.

 I love NH so I might join :)

It would be excellent to have you!


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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Re: Document Freedom Day - March 26th

2014-03-17 Thread Robinson Tryon
On Mon, Mar 17, 2014 at 6:10 AM, Marina Latini wrote:
 Hi all,
 I found a duplicate page in the wiki [1] about DFD. The page is linked from 
 here [2]


Thanks for the reminder -- I updated the link on the Events page to
the 2014-specific page, and then linked to the 2014 page from the more
general DFD-page.


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[libreoffice-marketing] Document Freedom Day - March 26th

2014-03-12 Thread Robinson Tryon
Hi all,

Document Freedom Day is coming up on March 26th. For anyone in the
US/New England, I'm planning a lunch meeting for us to discuss use of
open standards in government and education:

I know that other TDF/LibreOffice groups are planning events across
the globe. If you register your event soon, you can order a
sticker/poster pack for your event for free:


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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Document Freedom Day - March 26th

2014-03-12 Thread Robinson Tryon
On Wed, Mar 12, 2014 at 6:53 PM, Eliane Domingos de Sousa wrote:
 Hi Robinson,

 We will also do the event in Brazil.

of course you will...

(do you ever get any sleep? how do you do so much? ;-)


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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Vote on LibOCon logo

2014-03-10 Thread Robinson Tryon
My vote is C1.

(C3 and C4 are nice, but I really like that strong R!)


On Mon, Mar 10, 2014 at 4:27 AM, Sophie wrote:
 Hi all,

 Please vote on your preferred logo for the conference communication
 material. To ease the count, please top post indicating your preference
 as Nx, thanks!

 A) Eleonora

 B) Safwan

 C) K-J

 D) Astron

 I hope I didn't mixed anything :)


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[libreoffice-marketing] Re: [libreoffice-projects] Marketing IRC Chat

2014-03-09 Thread Robinson Tryon
On Wed, Mar 5, 2014 at 3:55 PM, Charles-H. Schulz wrote:


 The last marketing IRC chat was held in December 2013. It was not a
 success, as in : only Marc, Sophie and myself joined the chat, so it
 wasn't reproduced in January and February.

 Before opening a doodle, I'd like to poll the lists here for interested
 people. Any taker? Native-Lang participants are strongly welcome ;-)

Yes, please!

Having a monthly marketing chat is a great way for us to check-in.

If we want a central place to list topics for discussion, we can use the
wiki or Etherpad:


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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Bern Conference 2014?

2014-03-01 Thread Robinson Tryon
On Sat, Mar 1, 2014 at 3:31 AM, Florian Effenberger wrote:
 Hi Dave,

 Dave Barton wrote on 2014-03-01 01:27:

 Other than a few snippets gleaned from this list about a logo, there
 appears to be very little information available about the next
 conference. Presumably Bern won as the only contender, but I cannot find

 have you seen this
 , which was also sent to the announce list? ;-)

Event page stubbed-in for Bern:

Event page stubbed-in for the 2015 conference (details to be filled-in
starting later this year):


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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Re: [libreoffice-design] Logo for this year LibreOffice Conference

2014-03-01 Thread Robinson Tryon
On Fri, Feb 28, 2014 at 6:12 PM, Eliane Domingos de Sousa wrote:
 Hi all,

 Please, correct me if I'm wrong, but the correct date of conference is not 3
 to 5?

There are events from Sep 2-5, with community meetings on the first
day. See the infobox here:

If we want to match previous logos, it looks like the full date range
should be listed:


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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Re: [libreoffice-design] Logo for this year LibreOffice Conference

2014-03-01 Thread Robinson Tryon
On Sat, Mar 1, 2014 at 9:39 AM, Eliane Domingos de Sousa wrote:
 Hi Sophie,

 I agree with you when you say the program will be online, but still, I think
 the people are very visuals, I mean, propagate the logo with the date 2 to 5
 can be confusing.

Right -- there are actually 2 issues here:

1) The primary conference events/talks start on the 3rd, not the 2nd

2) The term community day may be confusing. We have meetings for ESC
and the Board, but (AFAIK) not for other parts of the community.

 I always try to be in the other side when I read

A good policy :-) So what would make sense for us? What about adding
something to the 2nd?

- A meeting or two for the community (QA? Docs?)

- A small event later in the day for both the community and other
attendees? Perhaps just meet up for drinks?


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[libreoffice-marketing] SCALE 12x .... and beyond

2014-02-26 Thread Robinson Tryon
Hi all,
SCALE 12x went very, very well. I met a number of enthusiastic
supporters, handed out many pamphlets and stickers, and talked so much
that I became a bit hoarse by Sunday.

I've started to follow-up on a number of the contacts I made during
the event, and I've pointed a number of people who were interested in
becoming contributors towards the appropriate teams of LibreOffice.

I also chatted with students from Cal Poly and a couple of other
universities, and enquired about possible interest in hosting a
hackfest or having some other type of LibreOffice/FOSS-related event
on their campus. I got a chance to speak briefly with the OpenHatch
folks, and think that their experience w/Open Source Comes to Campus
could serve us well as we look to higher ed for new hackers and other
contributors to TDF/LibreOffice:

I spent a bit of time thinking about our NA Conference Box, and thanks
to financial support from David Eisenberg, added a few items to the
current set of supplies, including
- duct tape
- sharpie
- power strip/surge suppressor
- scissors

One person who stopped by was a reporter with LWN who is an organizer
of the Texas Linux Fest and who was interested in us having a booth at
the event this year. Texas Linux Fest will be June 13-14 in Austin:

That's all I can think of off the top of my head. It was a great
conference, and LibreOffice got a lot of praise from exhibitors,
speakers, and other users. I wish some of you could have been there to
hear the praise first-hand!


P.S. Many people loved the t-shirts, but wished that we had larger
sizes (What I brought from FOSDEM was mostly ladies' sizes). I assured
everyone that we'd do our best to bring larger sizes next year :-)

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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Need help - native speaker - CeBIT 2014

2014-02-20 Thread Robinson Tryon
On Sun, Feb 16, 2014 at 3:23 AM, Thomas Krumbein wrote:
 Hey all,

 as you might know, we are designing a special event for CeBIT 2014 - we
 called it USB-Tankstelle in german, which is 1:1 translated like USB
 Filling station.


On Sun, Feb 16, 2014 at 6:12 AM, Tom Davies wrote:
 Hi :)
 I don't think there is an adequate English expression.

Yes, I'm afraid this might be the case...

On Sun, Feb 16, 2014 at 3:23 AM, Thomas Krumbein wrote:
 What it means: We use a touchscreen where visitors can choose there
 favourite programm (Windows, Linux etc) and than push a button to fill
 there USB Sticks.

In literal terms, it's a device from which one downloads a copy of
LibreOffice. It sounds like one has a choice of OSes, so the term
'picker' or 'OS picker' might figure-in nicely to the name.

Perhaps you could sidestep the problem, and just put up a sign that
says Download LibreOffice to your USB thumbdrive right here -- in
seconds! Or you could give it a fun, descriptive, made-up name like
The LibreOfficizer or have a tag line like LibreOffice-o-Matic: A
free copy for every customer!.


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[libreoffice-marketing] Libre(Office)Planet

2014-02-20 Thread Robinson Tryon
My calendar tells me that it's 1 month and 2 days until LibrePlanet,
so I have 3 questions for us all:

1) Who will be there?

- I'll be there
- Italo sounded like a no?
- Perhaps a contingent from the frosty North?

2) What shall we do at the conference?

Having a number of us in attendance, all wearing LibreOffice apparel,
would be really slick in and of itself.

Other ideas:
- Lightning talks
- Passing out some swag
- Anything else interesting/fun for us and for the attendees of LP2014

Conferences are a great time to recruit new volunteers. LibrePlanet is
always filled with free software enthusiasts, plus a few students that
got lost in whichever University is hosting the event (or were brought
along by their friends). Recruiting those students and having them
start out their free software experiences in LibreOffice would be
great for us and for them.

3) Would people like to meet up outside the conference?

If there's interest, I'd be happy to organize a brief excursion out to
grab a bite to eat or a drink together. Building our NA community is
one of my top priorities this year, and nothing builds communities
like sitting around the table together :-)


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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Proposal for the call for location of the 2015 conference

2014-01-03 Thread Robinson Tryon
On Fri, Jan 3, 2014 at 1:00 AM, Sophie wrote:
 Hi all,

 In order to ease the organization of the LibreOffice conference and help
 the team who manages this task, I would like to propose that the call
 for location for the 2015 conference to take place end of March.
 That will allow us to announce the 2015 conference location at the end
 of the 2014 conference.

Announcing the location of the X+1 conference at the end of the X
conference is a great idea. Would we also specify dates at that time?

 Note: it takes about 3 months between the call for location and the

For the future, when would be the best time to open the call for
location? 6 months before the previous conference, or?


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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Happy 2014 and Calendar

2014-01-02 Thread Robinson Tryon
Happy New Year to one and all at TDF and LibreOffice!  May our users
multiply and our bug counts decrease in the months to come :-)

No calendar from me this year, but I did make a little doodle of a
happy LibreOffice user skating around a winter pond:


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[libreoffice-marketing] Re: [us-marketing] any USA person able to make/print DVD for people?

2013-12-31 Thread Robinson Tryon
On Tue, Dec 31, 2013 at 12:49 PM, Kracked_P_P---webmaster wrote:
 So, with my health issues, I can no longer provide the burned/printed media,
 for the at least a month or two, or longer.

Hi Tim,
Sorry to hear that you'll be temporarily unable to continue
distributing these discs. I know that there are many people who like
to have hard copies of all their software on optical disk, so it's
great that you've been able to provide the service to our users in the

 So is there anyone in the USA who would be willing to make and ship the
 physical LO NA-DVD project DVD[s]?

I don't currently have access to a printer that can print directly
onto CD/DVD media, but I do have the capability to burn DVDs and could
look into using a different labeling method, if that would be helpful
for you. I'm traveling in February, but could send out discs through
the end of January.


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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] SCALE 12x (LA, Feb 2014)

2013-12-31 Thread Robinson Tryon
On Mon, Dec 16, 2013 at 12:18 AM, Robinson Tryon wrote:
 On Sun, Dec 15, 2013 at 8:45 PM, Jean Weber wrote:
 Any chance of someone running a booth there for LO/TDF?
 It makes much more financial sense for a lesser amount to be spent
 covering the expenses of 1 or (preferably) 2 people located in North
 America. Joel Madero in San Diego, for example. Or even Robinson Tryon
 in Vermont.

Hi all,
Happy New Year!

Quick update -- I'll be in Texas the week before the conference, which
is much close to LA than Vermont :-) Joel isn't sure about his
schedule yet, but I'm hopeful that he'll be able to attend during at
least the weekend. I'm hoping to plan my schedule for February soon,
so it would be great to get confirmation about the conference so I can
schedule flights, etc.

 Contact for non-profit booth at SCALE is Gareth Greenaway,
 I've been dealing with him for years; he's very helpful. I'm happy to
 make an initial booth booking and do as much coordination as I can
 from Australia. Two banners are located in San Jose, CA, and various
 people (including Tim, Robinson, and Joel) have brochures and perhaps

I've given away some brochures and a number of stickers during
December. I'm hoping to have an opportunity to present to an even
bigger crowd a couple of weeks into January. Given that my stocks are
somewhat depleted, if there are any stickers or other materials left
over at the end of FOSDEM, I can carry back a small quantity of
supplies in my bags.

Jean - Please let me know if you contact Gareth about setting up a
booth. I'd love to get an introduction from you.


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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Re: LO 4.0 splash pages could benefit from copy editing

2013-12-23 Thread Robinson Tryon
On Sun, Dec 22, 2013 at 9:07 PM, Marc Paré wrote:
 Sure, but as Sophie and I have discussed in i10n, there is no en_US NLP

 I'd be happy to form one and serve in some kind of leadership
 capacity, but I'm not sure where to start.

 I can see there being a problem where the EN site is not EN_US but
 EN_international site. Otherwise, some may decide to form EN_CA; EN_UK;
 EN_AU ...

AFAIK we use en_US as the source localization for at least LibreOffice
(and have, for example, an en_GB localization team), so I just figured
we might retain consistency across the board. I'd be willing to give
an EN_International team a shot, but I do think we should give it some
form and substance (wiki page? mailing list?) so that it's much more
apparent to community members where to find that resource.

 I myself would rather see more cooperation on this list with copy editing
 with bug submissions. This seems to be working well so far and allows for
 the diversities in EN groups to work cooperatively on the project.

I'll try harder to learn where to submit changes (kudos to cloph for
mentioning the tdf/cms-themes repo on GitHub); I would encourage us to
make it even easier to provide feedback and patches.

 The bug submissions are echoed on the website list where you will find most
 of the same contributors as on this list. If you think the splash screen
 needs copy editing, why not try to submit a bug and see the response?

Right -- as I mentioned in my first email in this thread, that's
precisely what I did back in February:

In fact, people encouraged me to take the content of the bug report
and go back to the Marketing list :P

I've noticed that there's no 'Marketing' component in Bugzilla. Once
we have our own instance, I'll try to check-in with all of our active
teams and sure that we have intuitively-named components/products
available for filing bug reports, enhancement requests, etc.


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[libreoffice-marketing] LO 4.0 splash pages could benefit from copy editing

2013-12-22 Thread Robinson Tryon
Steve Bell reminded me that this bug was still open:
The new LO 4.0 splash pages could benefit from NL copy editing

What's the best way for me to suggest changes to the copy of the
website? Get a silverstripe account, make drafts, and ask for review?

It would be helpful to figure out the workflow now so that things will
go smoothly during the upcoming website revamp.


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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Re: LO 4.0 splash pages could benefit from copy editing

2013-12-22 Thread Robinson Tryon
On Sun, Dec 22, 2013 at 2:39 PM, Marc Paré wrote:
 Normally the NL webmasters take care of their sites and I believe that a bug
 should be entered for any kind of copy editing. They will take it from

Sure, but as Sophie and I have discussed in i10n, there is no en_US NLP team.

I'd be happy to form one and serve in some kind of leadership
capacity, but I'm not sure where to start.


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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Website Wording

2013-12-15 Thread Robinson Tryon
On Sun, Dec 15, 2013 at 5:46 AM, Charles-H. Schulz wrote:
 As I'm seriously getting into drafting content on the future website
 pages (not much to see now it's all in draft mode), I wanted to ask a
 broad question here: do we want to generally have shorter, but clearer
 texts or continue with the kind of texts we have on our current website?

+1 for shorter.

Here's an example of a page that's all text and no multimedia:

Our front-facing pages need to be clear and concise. As others have
stated, we can shift details and expanded content to
(carefully-written) wiki pages.


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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] and Apache OO

2013-12-01 Thread Robinson Tryon
On Sun, Dec 1, 2013 at 11:43 AM, Italo Vignoli wrote:
 I have subscribed to the service and installed the desktop software, to
 have a better understanding of MediaFire. I will get in touch with them

MediaFire appears to use the same blurb for OOXML files (such as DOCX)
as well as ODF files (such as ODT):
About Document Formats

Microsoft published the specs for XML file formats in 2003 and
licensed them to competitors. Over the years there has been a push
toward an open standards environment, and currently Open XML and Open
Document Format (ODF) are at the forefront. The XML format is very
much in favor because data in a file can be reused. This reuse was not
possible with binary file formats. The XML format is expected to be
the future of document file formats.

In the case of OOXML, Microsoft published the specs for XML file
formats in 2003 and licensed them to competitors may be correct, but
I feel like that sentence is a bit misleading for ODF or other non-MS
XML document formats. Perhaps just dropping the sentence altogether
might be preferable.


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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] and Apache OO

2013-12-01 Thread Robinson Tryon
On Sun, Dec 1, 2013 at 12:22 PM, Italo Vignoli wrote:
 On 01/12/13 17:55, Robinson Tryon wrote:

 In the case of OOXML, Microsoft published the specs for XML file
 formats in 2003 and licensed them to competitors may be correct, but
 I feel like that sentence is a bit misleading for ODF or other non-MS
 XML document formats. Perhaps just dropping the sentence altogether
 might be preferable.

 The statement is not correct, by the way, because the format is not
 licensed but is free to use based on a statement provided in 2008 at the
 time of OOXML standardization.

Right -- in the case of OOXML, my understanding is that their open
specification promise[1] is tantamount to a (rather permissive)



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Re: [libreoffice-website] Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Guideline to LibreOffice Twitter Account Administrators

2013-11-28 Thread Robinson Tryon
On Thu, Nov 28, 2013 at 7:12 AM, Joren DC wrote:
 Thanks Zeki for these useful guidelines! I already did follow them by
 myself, but now I'm sure I'm doing okay :).
 PS: how about renaming the LibreOffice Bugzilla to LibreOffice QA?
 It's not just a feed from new and fixed bugs anymore. As stated in the
 guidelines I'm trying to get some user interaction (ask what's the
 problem the user is dealing with, and get the user to the right direction).

Are you suggesting a new account @LibreOfficeQA, or just changing the
name we display?

 Also, i pointed the importance of social media before, and i repat
 that we should not miss this opportunity. So we should need a better
 social media marketing.
 True, I'm willing to dig deeper into this when I have more time.

Indeed. I think social media can be a great way for us to increase
both our community participation as well as the public's perception of
us as a community.


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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] LibreOffice Library Month proposal

2013-11-25 Thread Robinson Tryon
On Mon, Nov 25, 2013 at 5:49 PM, Timothy Butterworth wrote:
 Instead of trying to work it around Library/School budgets, please consider
 setting it up as a Donate a set of our latest docs to local libraries


 personally like the idea of doing this when new releases are released.

Libraries will often have a section for New Releases or New
Acquisitions, so they might put a book or Release DVD up on display
for a week.

 One nice thing about doing it this way is that it can be also marketed with
 an emphasis on Purchase yourself a set and store them at your local
 library so all can enjoy emphasizing they are of course available to the
 person who donated them as well in the case of Public Libraries.

My local LUG has its own lending library, but books would get a lot
more use at the local public library. If everyone chipped in a few
dollars we could probably purchase a set of docs.

A few q's:
* How much would a full set of books cost?
* How easy is it to order the full set for a given release?
* Is there anything our docs don't (currently) cover?


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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Re: LibreOffice Events

2013-11-22 Thread Robinson Tryon
On Fri, Nov 22, 2013 at 1:26 PM, Marc Paré wrote:

 BTW ... on that page, there is a broken link on the words Report bugs you
 find ... the link links to itself. I would fix it, but do not know where it
 should link to.

Looks like an internal page link ([[#Find_a_bug.3F...). I think the
section has been renamed -- that'll be a quick fix.


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[libreoffice-marketing] Upcoming Bugzilla Migration

2013-11-17 Thread Robinson Tryon
Hi all,

As some of you already know, QA is migrating the project's bugtracking
activities to a separate instance of Bugzilla:

All user accounts, data, etc... will be transfered-over, and we expect
that our users won't notice a thing, aside from the name and url

In preparation, I'm working on updating all of our internal docs and
resources to point to the new domain '', and
replace references to 'FDO' and ' Bugzilla' with more
generic 'Bugzilla' or 'LibreOffice Bugzilla' references. The domain has been pointed at,
allowing us to change references today and then have a transparent
switch-over on the day of migration.

It doesn't appear that there are any FDO links on the wiki, but there
might be links elsewhere -- e.g. on some of our social media
pages/profiles? Any assistance in tracking-down and updating these
references would be greatly appreciated.


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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] OwnCloud Public repository

2013-11-15 Thread Robinson Tryon
On Fri, Nov 15, 2013 at 5:17 PM, Charles-H. Schulz wrote:

 This is a reminder and a clarification about our public repository.

 You will see various directories, one being the Marketing one. You can
 access and download anything there as well as everything that's under
 the Common directory. In order to upload you should have the proper
 credentials. Just  make sure you ask hostmaster@ tdf to get them.

More docs here on the wiki:


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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Update 2- An Overview to and Bugzilla Twitter and Planet TDF Accounts -2

2013-11-13 Thread Robinson Tryon
On Wed, Nov 13, 2013 at 5:25 PM, Zeki Bildirici wrote:

 I've just posted about Ask, Bugzilla and Planet TDF's twitter accounts stats.

 (The previous post is here

 The numbers are good i imho. But we need more followers.  What do you think?

 Also i would like to hand over the accounts to suitable persons from
 Ask and QA team, whom i hope to do more social media work and bring
 more fun and followers to this accounts.

Hi Zeki,

Thanks for you work in this space! Regarding the Bugzilla twitter
account, I'll bring up the topic at the next QA Call this coming

All are welcome :-)

/shameless plug


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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Re: 2nd Marketing Chat Session

2013-11-12 Thread Robinson Tryon
Regarding time zones...

 Le 2013-11-09 05:11, Charles-H. Schulz a écrit :

 The time is expressed in CET (Berlin -Paris - Rome)

 Marc Paré a écrit on the doodle :
 Unless I am wrong, my view says 12pm which I am interpreting
 as being in CET time? This would make it 6am Toronto Time? Or
 is my view already in Toronto time? -- Marc

Good question. I did some digging in the Doodle FAQ and found this:

When scheduling an event with classic view (basic calendar):
At Wizard Step 2 (after selecting the dates and clicking Next) you
see a link Switch-on time-zone support (above time fields). Click
this link to activate time-zone support. Check if your time-zone is
selected. If not, change it (click on Change and adjust the pull

If you look at the poll we did for the QA Call Time, you'll see that
there's a time zone link to the right of the Table view, Calendar
view tabs:

Compare that to the Doodle for the 2nd marketing chat:

So Doodle does have the ability to enable time zone support, but I
believe it's not enabled for this particular poll. Thus 12:00PM listed
on the poll is in fact in CET, and is going to be 6:00AM for us in EST
(9:30CET would be a bit too early for us in the US! :-)


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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Re: LO white paper

2013-11-12 Thread Robinson Tryon
On Tue, Nov 12, 2013 at 5:42 PM, Marc Paré wrote:

 Le 2013-11-12 09:50, Charles-H. Schulz a écrit :

 The Owncloud storage was opened based  on a big  and loud demand during
 the Milano Marketing session on a simple file storage service. The wiki
 was deemed a PITA, hence we ended up with OwnCloud.

So a little backstory:

When we did the site redesign (for 4.0, IIRC), I procured a number of
source images of all-in-one computers under a permissive license and
wanted to put those in some shared space online (for the
Design/Website teams). When I tried to upload those files to the wiki,
I encountered a couple of different issues including
- The wiki couldn't consistently handle files 5MB+
- Image preview/thumbnails were flakey for larger images
- I had to upload one file at a time

I did a bit of digging for a while and, encouraged by Florian, tested
out a few options and finally decided that ownCloud was a pretty
decent option for storing a bunch of files in a shared space online.
Based on my notes, Florian put ownCloud into service. The application
wasn't perfect, but it had a pretty simple interface and allowed us to
upload even big files (100-200MB was no problem), so it suited our
immediate needs quite well.

We'd done some preliminary testing in the month leading up to the
Milan conference, but hadn't used the system very heavily. By chance,
Charles mentioned that Marketing really, REALLY wanted a simple system
to store files, and we told him that we had just the thing...

 This still seems to blur the lines of wiki and OwnCloud use. Are we still
 using the wiki for marketing work? I viewed the LibreOffice OwnCloud as a
 temporary file storage area where people would upload their work for the
 mailing list members to view, BUT, the wiki would remain as our official
 file repository tool. Or are we now changing this? If we are, this would
 have a large impact on marketing, design and documentation. We store a lot
 of docs on our wiki.

Good questions!

I largely see ownCloud as a general-purpose place to store stuff for
the project. This includes drafts and papers and images and videos,
big files related to particular bug reports, and basically anything
that we want to share with one another. I generally view the wiki in
the same way.

I know that there are a few things that are a bit more formal on the
wiki, like the Trademark and Branding guidelines:

Those wiki pages are a couple of things that I think might more
appropriate live on a separate website or in a separate namespace to
help demarcate them as being Policy pages, rather than a part of the
anyone-can-edit wiki space.

 BUT, the wiki would remain as our official
 file repository tool.

So where would you suggest different families of files live?

I think we all see a difference between
computer_image_file_01_of_20.jpg and
finished-draft-of-whitepaper_rtryon.pdf. Thinking off the top of my
head, one option would be to put all of the source files and drafts of
papers/presentations on ownCloud, and then copy just the final
versions of files tosomewhere (I'm reticent to say the wiki).

I believe the way that Documentation handles things is to put all
drafts up into a common folder (ala ownCloud) and then final versions
get published in various places (including on the website and on the
wiki). Would it make sense for Marketing to push final versions of
documents up to{whitepapers|presentations|(etc..)}/ ? That
could be our way of saying we consider these documents to be
polished, final versions.


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[libreoffice-marketing] Re: [libreoffice-documentation] White Paper

2013-10-29 Thread Robinson Tryon
On Tue, Oct 29, 2013 at 4:03 PM, dbclinton wrote:
 I've completed a draft of my white paper making the business case for LO
 over MS Office.
 For now, for want of a better solution, I've branded it as part of the
 LibreOffice Document Foundation and put it in its own folder on the ODF site
 For those who can't access it there, you can download a PDF here:
 I'm interested in any and all comments, corrections and thoughts as to how
 it could be put to good use.

Thanks for working on this whitepaper! I'll try to take a look at it
later tonight.

 Perhaps someone might also cross-post this
 email to


 I've tried a couple of times to
 join up only to be steadfastly ignored (my email mysteriously disappears
 down the Internet's terrifying, gaping maw).

Ah, sorry to hear that. If you're still having troubles, feel free to
ping me off-list and I'll help you get your subscription squared-away.


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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Re: Engaging Users?

2013-10-22 Thread Robinson Tryon
On Mon, Oct 21, 2013 at 4:12 PM, Zeki Bildirici wrote:
 recruiting qualified contributors and maintaining their will to make
 regular contributions.

1) Recruitment
2) Retention

 Encouraging them and appreciating their work is
 required to avoid exclusion.

Indeed -- I'd go further and say that without encouragement and
camaraderie, volunteers might choose other endeavors that are more
rewarding. Even small gestures can have a large impact.


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[libreoffice-marketing] Re: [libreoffice-documentation] white paper

2013-10-22 Thread Robinson Tryon
[I'm cc'ing Marketing]

On Mon, Oct 21, 2013 at 3:05 PM, dbclinton wrote:
 You have a marketing team? :)

Hi David,

LibreOffice Marketing has a wiki page here:
...and a mailing list here:

TDF released a whitepaper about migrations in March:

More information about migrations sounds great to me. I'm interested
in giving some presentations for local nonprofits, and having more
papers and feedback about migration experiences would help me showcase
LibreOffice :-)


 On 13-10-21 02:56 PM, Tom Davies wrote:

 Hi :)
 I think it's a brilliant idea!  Have the marketing team produced anything
 like that?
 Regards from
 Tom :)

 On Monday, 21 October 2013, 18:57, dbclinton wrote:
 I'm thinking of creating a formal white paper presenting the case for
 LibreOffice in a small business environment (1-50 employees). I have a
 vague memory of something similar being discussed here before. Does such
 a thing already exist or is it in production? Does the gang think it's a
 good idea?

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[libreoffice-marketing] Re: [libreoffice-documentation] white paper

2013-10-22 Thread Robinson Tryon
On Tue, Oct 22, 2013 at 3:21 PM, dbclinton wrote:
 Hi Robinson,
 Jean also pointed me to the migration white paper and I went to take a look.
 He did a great job documenting the process of transition, which was a little
 bit of what I was thinking of doing. I think my idea - to make the business
 case for transition - is a good complement to that paper.


 Are there any resources lying around that could be something
 that documents the time/labor costs of closed platform systems or handling

Specifically for LibreOffice, or for a FOSS system in general? Here's
a recent migration that included both:


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[libreoffice-marketing] Re: [us-marketing] Fwd: LibrePlanet 2014: Calling all presenters, volunteers, and exhibitors!

2013-10-20 Thread Robinson Tryon
On Sun, Oct 20, 2013 at 10:19 AM, Italo Vignoli wrote:
 I am planning to come to LibrePlanet [2014]...

Great! I'll add your name to the LP2014 entry on the wiki Events page.

 I need to know the dates, though, in order
 to put together the schedule.

All we know so far is that LibrePlanet 2014 will be in March. I'm on
one of the FSF's conference-planning lists, so whenever I get an
update with firm dates I'll ping back to this list.


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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] YouTube for Nonprofits

2013-08-01 Thread Robinson Tryon
On Thu, Aug 1, 2013 at 10:25 AM, Fabian Rodriguez wrote:
 I'd like to remind anyone using / uploading videos of the importance
 of **also** making them available on


 I can help with this, but the videos need to be available in source
 format, hosted somewhere for me to upload (no downloading from

I'm currently testing ownCloud:

I'd love to have some testers. Here's how it works:

I give you: An account
You give me: Feedback

(pretty good trade, eh? :-)


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