[MARMAM] New paper on culling and hunting of marine mammals

2018-07-09 Thread Morten Tange Olsen
Dear MarMam'ers

We are pleased to announce the recent publication in MEPS of our paper entitled 
"The history and effects of seal-fishery conflicts in Denmark" on the 
background and effects of historic hunting and culling on seal populations

Growing marine mammal populations have led to renewed conflicts with fisheries 
and discussions of culling as a management measure. In order to evaluate the 
effects of such measures, lessons from previous culling efforts and historic 
data on marine mammal abundance and distribution in response to different 
hunting and management regimes are pertinent. Here, we combined multiple data 
sources, including bounty data from the Danish seal culling programme of 1889 
to 1927, zooarchaeological records, historical written accounts, 20th century 
hunting statistics on seals and recent population survey data, in order to 
assess the prehistoric and historic occurrence of seals in Denmark, and to 
evaluate the effects of hunting and culling on seal populations, as well as its 
efficacy as a mitigation measure in seal-fisheries conflicts. We found that 
past conflicts were driven primarily by developments of passive fishing gear 
technology in the late 19th century, and that—contrary to several modern 
interpretations—the primary motivation for culling was damage to catch and 
gear, not resource competition. Furthermore, we demonstrate that it took 
decades of heavy-handed culling to minimize the historic seal-fisheries 
conflicts. Moreover, the culling programme should be regarded in a broader 
context, where preceding hunting had already decimated grey seal stocks, and 
subsequent hunting led to an all-time low of a few thousand harbour seals in 
the early 1970s. We recommend that 21st century seal-fisheries conflicts, 
debates and associated management decisions should be seen in a historical 
context, and that there should be an aim

Olsen MT, Galatius A, Härkönen T (2018) The history of human exploitation and 
seal-fishery conflicts in Denmark. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 595: 
233–243, doi: 10.3354/meps12510



Morten Tange Olsen
Assistant Professor
Curator of Marine Mammals

Natural History Museum of Denmark
Section for Evolutionary Genomics
University of Copenhagen
Øster Voldgade 5-7
1350 Copenhagen K


MARMAM mailing list

[MARMAM] New paper on cetacean strandings in Denmark 1968-2017

2018-09-23 Thread Morten Tange Olsen
Dear all

It is my pleasure to announce our new paper on cetacean strandings in Denmark 

Kinze CC, Thøstesen CB, Olsen MT (2018) Cetacean stranding records along the 
Danish coastline: Records for the period 2008-2017 and a comparative review. 
Lutra, 61 (1): 87-105

For the period 2008-2017, finds of stranded cetaceans along the Danish 
coastline are listed and reviewed in comparison to the preceding 40-year period 
(1968-2007). The harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) was by far the most 
commonly stranded species with a total of 1177 individuals for the period 
2008-2017. Of these, 62.4% (n=735) originated from the North Sea and Skagerrak 
coastlines, i.e. the outer Danish waters (ODW), 37.0% (n=435) from the Kattegat 
and Belt Sea, i.e. the inner Danish waters (IDW), and 0.6% (n=7) from the 
waters around Bornholm (WAB), i.e. the Baltic Sea proper. Due to the large 
number and the amount of information for these records only a summary is given. 
In addition, 90 strandings of twelve other cetacean species occurred between 
2008-2017. These comprise 49 white-beaked dolphins (Lagenorhynchus 
albirostris), three white-sided dolphins (Leucopleurus acutus), seven common 
dolphins (Delphinus delphis), a striped dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba), a 
Risso’s dolphin (Grampus griseus), four long-finned pilot whales (Globicephala 
melas), a killer whale (Orcinus orca), a Sowerby’s beaked whale (Mesoplodon 
bidens), six sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus), 14 minke whales 
(Balaenoptera acutorostrata), two fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus) and a 
humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae). During the last 50 years (1968-2017) 
five additional cetacean species have stranded on the Danish coasts: bottlenose 
dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) in 1968, 1975 and 1976, beluga (Delphinapterus 
leucas) in 1976 and 1987, northern bottlenose whale (Hyperoodon ampullatus) in 
1969 and 1998, Bryde’s whale (Balaenoptera brydei) in 2000, and sei whale 
(Balaenoptera borealis) in 1980. The cetacean fauna around Denmark falls into 
the following categories: 1. native species such as the harbour porpoise, 
white-beaked dolphin, and minke whale; 2. resilient visitors, i.e. species such 
as common dolphin, fin whale and humpback whale that during their occurrences 
adapt well to altered environmental conditions encountered; and 3. erratic 
stragglers of oceanic, pelagic origin failing to adapt, such as long-finned 
pilot whale, Sowerby’s beaked whale and sperm whale.

You can email me for a copy, or see http://www.zoogdierwinkel.nl/lutra


Morten Tange Olsen
Assistant Professor
Curator of Marine Mammals

Natural History Museum of Denmark
Section for Evolutionary Genomics
University of Copenhagen
Øster Voldgade 5-7
1350 Copenhagen K


MARMAM mailing list

[MARMAM] New paper on diet of Baltic Sea seals covering the past 50 years

2018-11-22 Thread Morten Tange Olsen
Dear all

It is my pleasure to announce our new paper on the diet of Baltic Sea harbour, 
grey and ringed seals summarizing unpublished and previously published data 
covering the past 50 years

Scharff-Olsen, C. H., A. Galatius, J. Teilmann, R. Dietz, S. M. Andersen, S. 
Jarnit, A.-M. Kroner, A. B. Botnen, K. Lundström, P. R. Møller, M. T. Olsen 
(2018) Diet of seals in the Baltic Sea region: a synthesis of published and new 
data from 1968 to 2013. ICES Journal of Marine Science, doi: 

A crucial first step in assessing and managing the role and impacts of 
predators on their environment is knowledge on their foraging behaviour and 
diet. Here, we synthesize previously published and newly generated data on the 
diet of harbour seals, grey seals, and ringed seals in the Baltic Sea region. 
More than 45 000 otoliths recovered from 3147 samples of scats and digestive 
tracts were collected throughout all seasons and most Baltic Sea sub-basins 
from 1968 to 2013. The data revealed a large extent of interspecific, spatial, 
and seasonal variation in seal diet, implying that caution should be made when 
extrapolating from one species, area or season, to others. Still, a few fish 
species, including Atlantic herring, sprat, cod, and sandeels had high 
occurrence across seal species and locations. The compiled data provide the 
first overview of seal diet across the entire Baltic Sea region, but also comes 
with several limitations. Thus, while the data presented here constitutes an 
important reference for future inference, it also illustrates an urgent need 
for standardizing methodology across studies on the diet of seals and other 
aquatic predators.

You can email me for a copy, or see 

Morten Tange Olsen

Morten Tange Olsen
Assistant Professor
Curator of Marine Mammals

Natural History Museum of Denmark
Section for Evolutionary Genomics
University of Copenhagen
Øster Voldgade 5-7
1350 Copenhagen K


MARMAM mailing list

[MARMAM] New paper on the evolution of narrow-band high-frequency signals in toothed whales

2019-02-15 Thread Morten Tange Olsen
Dear all

It is my pleasure to announce our new paper on the evolution of NBHF signals in 
toothed whales

Galatius A, Olsen MT, Steeman ME, Racicot RA, Bradshaw CD, Miller LA (2018) 
Raising your voice: Evolution of narrow band high frequency hearing in 
odontocetes. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 126 (2): 213-224, 

Abstract: Cetaceans use sound for communication, navigation and finding prey. 
Most extant odontocetes produce broadband (BB) biosonar clicks covering 
frequency ranges from tens of kilohertz to 150-170 kHz. In contrast, the 
biosonar clicks of some odontocetes are unique, being narrow in bandwidth with 
high centroid frequency (NBHF), peak frequencies being at 125-140 kHz and 
bandwidths of 11-20 kHz. Thirteen species within four families (Phocoenidae, 
Pontoporiidae, Kogiidae, Delphinidae) are known to produce these signals, 
implying convergent evolution under strong selective drivers. Several 
hypotheses have been proposed, including acoustic crypsis to escape predation 
by killer whales, but none has provided comprehensive explanation of the timing 
of NBHF evolution and the pressures driving sound production to such extremes. 
Using molecular phylogenetics and the cochlea anatomy of extinct and extant 
taxa, we demonstrate that early NBHF adaptations occurred at least 10 Mya, and 
possibly up to 18 Mya, indicating that killer whales cannot have been the sole 
driving force of NBHF signals, but that now extinct odontocetes may have 
provided similar pressures. Using palaeoclimate modelling, we further 
demonstrate that the upper advantageous spectral window for NBHF signals at 
around 130 kHz has persisted throughout most of the global sea area since the 
mid-Miocene, covering all known instances of NBHF evolution.

Please see https://academic.oup.com/biolinnean/article/126/2/213/5244783, or 
email me for a pdf copy
Kind regards
Morten Tange Olsen

Morten Tange Olsen
Assistant Professor, Curator of Marine Mammals

Statens Naturhistoriske Museum
Københavns Universitet
Section for Evolutionary Genomics

MOB +45 42661525


MARMAM mailing list

[MARMAM] New paper on the origin and spread of phocine distemper in Europe

2019-02-26 Thread Morten Tange Olsen
Dear all

It is my pleasure to announce our new paper on the origin and spread of phocine 
distemper in European harbour seals:

Stokholm I, Härkönen T, Harding K, Siebert U, Lehnert K, Dietz R, Teilmann J, 
Galatius A, Havmøller LW, Carroll E, Hall A, Olsen MT (2019) Phylogenomic 
insights to the origin and spread of Phocine Distemper Virus in European 
harbour seals in 1988 and 2002. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 133 (1): 47-56, 
doi: 10.3354/dao03328

ABSTRACT: The 1988 and 2002 phocine distemper virus (PDV) outbreaks in European 
harbour seals Phoca vitulina are among the largest mass mortality events 
recorded in marine mammals. Despite its large impact on harbour seal population 
numbers, and 3 decades of studies, many questions regarding the spread and 
temporal origin of PDV remain unanswered. Here, we sequenced and analysed 7123 
bp of the PDV genome, including the coding and non-coding regions of the entire 
P, M, F and H genes in tissues from 44 harbour seals to shed new light on the 
origin and spread of PDV in 1988 and 2002. The phylogenetic analyses trace the 
origin of the PDV strain causing the 1988 outbreak to between May 1987 and 
April 1988, while the origin of the strain causing the 2002 outbreak can be 
traced back to between June 2001 and May 2002. The analyses further point to 
several independent introductions of PDV in 1988, possibly linked to a 
southward mass immigration of harp seals in the winter and spring of 1987-1988. 
The vector for the 2002 outbreak is unknown, but the epidemiological analyses 
suggest the subsequent spread of PDV from the epicentre in the Kattegat, 
Denmark, to haul-out sites in the North Sea through several independent 

Please see https://www.int-res.com/abstracts/dao/v133/n1/p47-56/ or email me 
for a pdf copy

Kind regards

Morten Tange Olsen
Assistant Professor

Section for Evolutionary Genomics
Natural History Museum of Denmark
Department of Biology
University of Copenhagen

MOB +45 42661525

MARMAM mailing list

[MARMAM] New paper on fin whale genetics

2014-04-23 Thread Morten Tange Olsen
Dear MARMAMers

We are pleased to announce the publication of our paper on fin whale

Olsen MT, Pampoulie C, Daníelsdóttir AK, Lidh E, Bérubé M, Víkingsson G and
Palsbøll PJ (2014) Fin whale *MDH-1* and *MPI* allozyme variation is not
reflected in the corresponding DNA sequences. Ecology and Evolution, DOI:


The appeal of genetic inference methods to assess population genetic
structure and guide management efforts is grounded in the correlation
between the genetic similarity and gene flow among populations. Effects of
such gene flow are typically genomewide; however, some loci may appear as
outliers, displaying above or below average genetic divergence relative to
the genomewide level. Above average population, genetic divergence may be
due to divergent selection as a result of local adaptation. Consequently,
substantial efforts have been directed toward such outlying loci in order
to identify traits subject to local adaptation. Here, we report the results
of an investigation into the molecular basis of the substantial degree of
genetic divergence previously reported at allozyme loci among North
Atlantic fin whale (*Balaenoptera physalus*) populations. We sequenced the
exons encoding for the two most divergent allozyme loci (*MDH-1* and *MPI*)
and failed to detect any nonsynonymous substitutions. Following extensive
error checking and analysis of additional bioinformatic and morphological
data, we hypothesize that the observed allozyme polymorphisms may reflect
phenotypic plasticity at the cellular level, perhaps as a response to
nutritional stress. While such plasticity is intriguing in itself, and of
fundamental evolutionary interest, our key finding is that the observed
allozyme variation does not appear to be a result of genetic drift,
migration, or selection on the *MDH-1* and *MPI*exons themselves, stressing
the importance of interpreting allozyme data with caution. As for North
Atlantic fin whale population structure, our findings support the low
levels of differentiation found in previous analyses of DNA nucleotide loci.

The paper is open access

Best wishes,
MARMAM mailing list

[MARMAM] New paper on harbour seal genetics, PVA and MUs

2014-04-23 Thread Morten Tange Olsen
Dear MARMAMers

We are pleased to announce the publication of our paper using genetic data
and population viability analyses to identify harbour seal populations and
management units


Identification of populations and management units is an essential step in
the study of natural systems. Still, there is limited consensus regarding
how to define populations and management units, and whether genetic methods
allow for inference at the relevant spatial and temporal scale. Here, we
present a novel approach, integrating genetic, life history and demographic
data to identify populations and management units in southern Scandinavian
harbour seals. First, 15 microsatellite markers and model- and
distance-based genetic clustering methods were used to determine the
population genetic structure in harbour seals. Second, we used harbour seal
demographic and life history data to conduct population viability analyses
(PVAs) in the vortex simulation model in order to determine whether the
inferred genetic units could be classified as management units according to
Lowe and Allendorf's (Molecular Ecology, 19, 2010, 3038) ‘population
viability criterion’ for demographic independence. The genetic analyses
revealed fine-scale population structuring in southern Scandinavian harbour
seals and pointed to the existence of several genetic units. The PVAs
indicated that the census population size of each of these genetic units
was sufficiently large for long-term population viability, and hence that
the units could be classified as demographically independent management
units. Our study suggests that population genetic inference can offer the
same degree of temporal and spatial resolution as ‘nongenetic’ methods and
that the combined use of genetic data and PVAs constitutes a promising
approach for delineating populations and management units.

If you are interested, but cannot access the paper, please send an email to

Best wishes,
MARMAM mailing list