[Marxism] Venezuela launches 'SOS Palestine' campaign

2014-07-19 Thread Stuart Munckton via Marxism
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Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro has launched an “SOS Palestine”
campaign to demand an end to Israel’s ongoing bombardment of Palestine’s
Gaza strip, Venezuela Analysis http://venezuelanalysis.com/news/10788 said
on July 12.

“Enough already, I’ve joined the campaign,” he told supporters during a
televised broadcast. “#SOS Palestina, let’s launch it.”

“Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is humanity’s
original virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made,
through disobedience and through rebellion.” — Oscar Wilde, Soul of Man
Under Socialism

“The free market is perfectly natural... do you think I am some kind of
dummy?” — Jarvis Cocker

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[Marxism] Fwd: Israeli police ransack Tariq Abu Khdeir family home in apparent revenge raid, arrest uncle and cousins

2014-07-19 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: RT “Covers” the Shooting Down of MH17 | The Interpreter

2014-07-19 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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In the morning, as their video showed the smoking wreckage of MH17, RT 
repeatedly aired two sound clips from two interviews: one with an 
anonymous witness who off-handedly claimed that he saw the SAM launched 
from a Ukrainian army position, and another with an anonymous Russian 
military expert who asserted that the Ukrainian military must have 
downed the plane. The expert based this conclusion not on any particular 
knowledge of the facts concerning the shoot-down, but on his assessment 
of the Ukrainian military as being “inept”. These two clips were 
repeatedly played on Thursday morning, at least once every 15 minutes.

full: http://www.interpretermag.com/rt-covers-the-shooting-down-of-mh17/

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[Marxism] Fwd: Russia Today Correspondent Resigns Over Coverage Of Ukrainian Plane Crash

2014-07-19 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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While many journalists are attracted to Russia Today by healthy salaries 
and the prospect of a secure job, Firth said there was a belief there 
that you could stay “within the system and fight against the bad forces”.

She insists she never lied in any of her reports but became concerned 
about the airtime given to her journalism and was concerned that her 
reports were “lending credibility” to the channel’s other output. She 
alleges she was pulled out of Syria by channel bosses the day after 
filing a report highlighting the suffering of civilians in areas opposed 
to the Assad regime, which is backed by Russia’s president, Vladimir Putin.

Firth said she had immense respect for her “talented” colleagues and 
said the vast majority of journalists at the channel were working hard 
to tell the truth, but that the management “ignore that and push the 


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[Marxism] Fwd: The Infowar Rages in Moscow

2014-07-19 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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The night of the disaster, a certain Carlos, presenting himself as a 
Spanish air traffic controller working in Kiev, began Tweeting in 
Spanish that Ukrainian jets, rather than separatists on the ground, had 
shot down the passenger plane. Russian media took the bait: Spanish 
dispatcher: Two Ukrainian warplanes were near the Boeing before its 
disappearance, read the headline on the Kremlin's most propagandistic 
news outlet, Russia Today. Several major news outlets also picked up the 
story with similar headlines, including state channel Rossiya 24, the 
Defense Ministry's Zvezda channel, and popular newspapers like 
Komsomolskaya Pravda and Rossiiskaya Gazeta, the official mouthpiece of 
the Russian government. Others even speculated that Ukrainian forces had 
been trying to shoot down the Russian presidential jet, which supposedly 
had crossed paths with MH17 earlier that day. Between news broadcasts, 
Rossiya 24 added fuel to the fire by airing a segment about Siberian Air 
Flight 1812, which Ukraine admitted was accidentally shot down by its 
fighter jets over the Black Sea in 2001.


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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Shakespeare, Prisoner of the British Empire » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

2014-07-19 Thread Sebastian Clare via Marxism
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On 18 July 2014 14:03, Shane Mage via Marxism marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu

 This is as totally idiotic as the claim that a British Empire existed in

Agreed. This is a genuinely terrible article. Exhibits a spectacular
inability to place Shakespeare's works in the context of time  place, and
thereby recognise the extent of their forward-thinking content.


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Re: [Marxism] Who's who?

2014-07-19 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 7/19/14 8:29 AM, Levins, Richard wrote:

For those of us who have not been parties to the complex evolution of
Trotskyist thinking, references to leaders of currents are not useful, and
even for known leaders it is not obvious what ideas of Zinoviev are being
trashed by casual deviation dropping. Please don¹t keep things an in-group

Zinovievism is a term I coined about 15 years ago to describe the 
adoption of a schematic Leninism at the 1924 Comintern Congress as a 
way of tightening up the Communist movement against an opposition that 
had been forming in response to major setbacks in Germany. My problem is 
not with Zinoviev's politics, although much can be said about that, but 
about his organizational concepts that form the basis of most vanguard 
parties today.

I deal with all this here:


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[Marxism] ISIS Forces Last Iraqi Christians to Flee Mosul

2014-07-19 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NY Times, July 19 2014
ISIS Forces Last Iraqi Christians to Flee Mosul

BAGHDAD — By 1 p.m. on Friday almost every Christian in Mosul had heard 
the Sunni militants’ message — they had until noon Saturday to leave the 

Men, women and children piled into neighbors’ cars, some begged for 
rides to the city limits and hoped to get taxis to the nearest Christian 
villages. They took nothing more than the clothes on their backs, 
according to several who were reached late Friday.

The order from the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria came after Christians 
decided not to attend a meeting that ISIS had arranged for Thursday 
night to discuss their status.

“We were so afraid to go,” said Duraid Hikmat, an expert on minorities 
who had done research for years in Mosul. He fled two weeks ago to Al 
Qosh, a largely Christian town barely an hour away, but his extended 
family left on Friday.

Friday’s edict, however, was probably the real end. While a few 
scattered souls may find a way to stay in secret, the community will be 

A YouTube video shows ISIS taking sledgehammers to the tomb of Jonah, 
something that was also confirmed by Mr. Hikmat. The militants also 
removed the cross from St. Ephrem’s Cathedral, the seat of the Syriac 
Orthodox archdiocese in Mosul, and put up the black ISIS flag in its 
place. They also destroyed a statue of the Virgin Mary, according to 
Ghazwan Ilyas, the head of the Chaldean Culture Society in Mosul, who 
spoke by telephone on Thursday from Mosul but seemed to have left on Friday.

“They did not destroy the churches, but they killed us when they removed 
the cross, this is death for us,” he said.

Christians are among several minorities who are being systematically 
expelled or killed by ISIS, according to a United Nations report on 
civilian casualties in Iraq released on Friday.

Among them are Yazidis, a tiny sect that has survived for centuries and 
whose theology fuses elements of Islam, Christianity and Zoroastrianism; 
Shabaks, who are often described as Shiites whose language is close to 
Persian and who take beliefs from different traditions; and Shiite Turkmen.

The Yazidis and the Shabaks are being persecuted in the Sinjar area west 
of Mosul, according to the United Nations and interviews with members of 
both communities. The United Nations has documented scores of abductions 
and killings as well as the destruction of shrines.

The United Nations report noted that extrajudicial killings had also 
been carried out by Iraqi security forces and allied militias, and 
warned that the executions on both sides might constitute war crimes.

At least 1,531 civilians were killed in June alone, bringing the 
civilian death toll in the first half of the year to a minimum of 5,576, 
according to the joint report by the United Nations human rights office 
in Geneva and the United Nations mission in Iraq. More than 600,000 
people were driven from their homes during June alone, doubling the 
number of internally displaced people in Iraq to more than 1.2 million, 
the report added.

For the Christians displaced from Mosul, sudden departure has meant a 
series of treks — first to nearby Christian villages like Bartella and 
Hamdaniya, already badly overcrowded, then to Kurdistan, a 
semiautonomous region of Iraq where there is more tolerance for Christians.

As the Christians leave Mosul, ISIS has painted the Arabic letter that 
means “Nasrani,” from Nazrene, a word often used to refer to Christians, 
on their homes. Next to the letter, in black, are the words: “Property 
of the Islamic State of Iraq.”

The militants have also told Muslims who rent property from Christians 
that they no longer need to pay rent, said a businessman who rents from 
a Christian. The landlord now lives in Lebanon.

Many Christians interviewed expressed a sense of utter abandonment and 
desolation as well as a recognition that the sound of church bells 
mingled with the Muslim calls to prayer, the ultimate symbol of Mosul’s 
tolerance, would likely never be heard again.

“We are not thinking of going back to Mosul, we have left homes with our 
memories,” said Omar who had just arrived in Bartella and did not give 
his surname. “It is a sad time for Christians.”

Omar Al-Jawoshy contributed reporting from Baghdad, and a New York Times 
employee from Mosul.

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[Marxism] Hundreds in Detroit Protest Over Move to Shut Off Water

2014-07-19 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NY Times, July 19 2014
Hundreds in Detroit Protest Over Move to Shut Off Water

DETROIT — At least 300 demonstrators marched through downtown streets on 
Friday, protesting a move by the city’s Water Department to force tens 
of thousands of delinquent customers to pay up or face a cutoff in 
service. From the Cobo Center to Hart Plaza on the banks of the Detroit 
River, protesters chanted, “Fight, fight; water is a human right.” 
Others carried placards that read “Thirsty for Justice.”

The Detroit Water and Sewerage Department began cracking down on 
accounts in March. The number of delinquencies swelled over the winter 
when the department, fearing frozen pipes, continued to provide service 
to customers with past due accounts. From March to June 30, the 
department interrupted service to 15,200 customers, said Greg Eno, a 
department spokesman. About 92,000 customers are at risk of having 
service cut off, meaning they are at least 60 days past due or more than 
$150 behind.

In a statement released on Friday, however, Kevyn D. Orr, the city’s 
emergency manager, said that of the accounts where water was suspended, 
more than half were made current within 24 hours, and service was 
restored. He said that assistance was available for customers with 
“demonstrated financial need.”

In March, about half the department’s customers, including businesses, 
had outstanding balances, amounting to $118 million in charges, the 
department said.

One protester, Valerie Blakely, said a truck with “Detroit Water 
Collections Project” lettered on its side stopped by her house on 
Monday. She said that she kept workers from disconnecting her service, 
but that they turned off the water to nearly every house on her block.

“I told them they weren’t shutting mine off today, and put my foot over 
the access point,” said Ms. Blakely, who lives in Detroit with her 
husband and four children. She said she fell behind while trying to keep 
her house warm during one of the worst winters in Michigan history. Ms. 
Blakely, who owes about $1,000 on her water bill, said her neighbors are 
up in arms.

“They were all out in the street, not knowing what to do, not knowing 
how they were going to cook,” she said.

Tyrone Travis, a former General Motors autoworker who owns his home, 
said he, too, faced service interruption because of a $700 bill. “I’m on 
a fixed income like a lot of Detroiters, and by the time I get through 
buying medicine, gas and a little food, I just don’t have it,” he said.

Rome Adams works for Go Detroit, a community organization that is 
helping to get bottled water to affected residents. “This morning I went 
to one block and some people across the street who saw me with water 
came running out of their houses to see if I could give them some,” he said.

“I’ve lived in Detroit my whole life,” Mr. Adams said. “I’ve never seen 
anything like this.”

Mr. Eno declined to comment on the rally, but said the number of 
customers who had made arrangements to avoid a loss of service rose to 
17,000 through June from 11,000 in February. “This is what we’ve 
wanted,” he said. People are getting the message.”

The step up in shut-offs has riled many residents in a city that filed 
for bankruptcy protection a year ago and is seeking revenue where it 
can. On Tuesday, Steven W. Rhodes, the federal bankruptcy judge handling 
the case, said the city’s enforcement program was damaging Detroit’s 
reputation and called on the city to better address the issue. Mr. Orr 
defended the department’s efforts, saying customers could make 
arrangements to pay.

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[Marxism] UConn to Pay $1.3 Million to End Suit on Rape Cases

2014-07-19 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NY Times, July 19 2014
UConn to Pay $1.3 Million to End Suit on Rape Cases

The University of Connecticut will pay $1.28 million to settle a lawsuit 
filed by five students who charged that the university had treated their 
claims of sexual assault and harassment with indifference, the two sides 
announced on Friday in a joint statement.

One of the complainants, Silvana Moccia, a former hockey player at the 
university, will receive $900,000. Ms. Moccia charged that she was cut 
from the hockey team after reporting her rape to her coach. She joined 
the lawsuit in December, a month after it was filed by the other four 
women, who will receive payments ranging from $25,000 to $125,000.

The university continues to deny any wrongdoing and defends its policies 
of responding to instances of sexual misconduct, but it decided to 
settle the lawsuit because “no good would have come from dragging this 
out for years as it consumed the time, attention and resources — both 
financial and emotional — of everyone involved,” Lawrence D. McHugh, the 
chairman of the university’s board of trustees, said in a statement.

In a news conference on Friday, Gloria Allred, the plaintiffs’ counsel, 
said the settlement was in the best interest of her clients and of the 
university. “We hope that other victims of sexual assault will hear 
about the positive results in our case involving UConn and be inspired 
and encouraged to report instances of sexual violence and assault,” Ms. 
Allred said, adding, “Title IX is there for their protection, and other 
universities should follow the law and UConn’s example.”

The lawsuit sought damages for discrimination based on gender and 
retaliation in violation of Title IX, which guarantees equal education 
opportunities to students regardless of gender. The plaintiffs sued the 
university for unspecified monetary damages and changes in the 
university’s treatment of allegations of sexual violence and harassment.

In addition to the lawsuit, four of the plaintiffs and three other women 
filed a complaint with the Office of Civil Rights at the United States 
Department of Education. That investigation will continue, although the 
four plaintiffs have withdrawn their complaint to the government.

The women maintain that they do not hold the university responsible for 
any of the sexual misconduct, but that they found fault with the way 
their cases had been dealt with by members of the university’s staff.

One of the complainants, Kylie Angell, said in the complaint that she 
was told by a female campus police officer, “Women have to just stop 
spreading their legs like peanut butter,” or rape will “keep on 
happening till the cows come home.”

The women said they had been discouraged from reporting sexual attacks 
to the police or had not been adequately informed of their legal options.

None of the men accused in the complaint faced criminal charges. One 
accused rapist was expelled, but his expulsion was appealed and he was 
permitted back on campus.

The university said it had expelled 27 students since 2005 for sexual 
misconduct, including 15 in the last five years.

The settlement includes changes to university policy for dealing with 
allegations of sexual assault, including a revised training program for 
management-level employees in dealing with sexual harassment and sexual 
violence; the creation of a position of assistant dean of students for 
victim support services; and the formation of a special victims unit 
within the university’s police department with officers trained in 
responding to sexual violence.

“The lawsuit may have been settled, but the issue of sexual assault on 
college campuses has not been,” Susan Herbst, the president of the 
university, said in a statement. “Our hearts go out to all victims of 
sexual violence. The university has taken positive, important steps in 
the battle against sexual assault in recent years, which are described 
in the joint statement, but there is still more to be done.”

One of the complainants, Rosemary Richi, will be returning to campus 
this fall for her senior year. In a statement delivered at the news 
conference, she said she was optimistic that the steps taken in the 
settlement would make a difference for other victims of sexual assault.

“I will never forget where we came from and how we got here, but I am so 
proud of how far we’ve come,” she said.

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[Marxism] Fwd: SBU releases more conversations implicating Russia in shooting down Malaysia Airlines flight (VIDEO, TRANSCRIPT)

2014-07-19 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Re: [Marxism] Ukrainian responsibility for the mass murder

2014-07-19 Thread Clay Claiborne via Marxism
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This is so pathetic,

I heard commercial air planes had flown that route many times a day before
this shoot down. In any case they knew as well the government that Putin
forces had weapons that could shoot them down if they flew within 60km of
East Ukraine, So if you're going to blame Ukraine, you also have to blame
MH, KLM, and all other carriers who continued to use this route.

Or you can use normal logic and blame those who shot down the plane.

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[Marxism] Detroit and the end of the Second Reconstruction

2014-07-19 Thread Rustbelt Radical via Marxism
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New Post: Detroit and the end of the Second Reconstruction


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Re: [Marxism] Ukrainian responsibility for the mass murder

2014-07-19 Thread h0ost via Marxism
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On 07/19/2014 11:59 AM, Clay Claiborne via Marxism wrote:
 Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
 This is so pathetic,
 I heard commercial air planes had flown that route many times a day before
 this shoot down. In any case they knew as well the government that Putin
 forces had weapons that could shoot them down if they flew within 60km of
 East Ukraine, So if you're going to blame Ukraine, you also have to blame
 MH, KLM, and all other carriers who continued to use this route.
 Or you can use normal logic and blame those who shot down the plane.

You got that right, KLM, MH and all other airlines who continued to fly
passenger planes over a war zone do share part of the blame.  Along with
a government that criminally permits civilian air traffic over a war
zone, even after previously declaring that the said airspace is closed.

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Re: [Marxism] Ukrainian responsibility for the mass murder

2014-07-19 Thread Michael Karadjis via Marxism

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-Original Message- 
From: Clay Claiborne via Marxism

I heard commercial air planes had flown that route many times a day 

this shoot down. In any case they knew as well the government that Putin
forces had weapons that could shoot them down if they flew within 60km 
East Ukraine, So if you're going to blame Ukraine, you also have to 

MH, KLM, and all other carriers who continued to use this route.

Or you can use normal logic and blame those who shot down the plane.

In this case I agree with Shane and others. It simply has nothing to do 
with whose side you're on the Ukraine (I can't see that either side is 
worth dying for, but that's irrelevant). If a government is using aerial 
bombardment of cities and population centres then the people below are 
entitled to defend themselves using anti-aircraft guns, just as the 
Vietnamese did, just as you and I would like the FSA to be able to do to 
resist Assad's aerial genocide, except that the US does everything in 
its power to block this elementary right to self-defense to the Syrians 
(and, of course, to the Palestinians).

So of course we can, to some extent, blame those who shot down the 
plane in as much as they were obviously not very careful and the result 
was a horrific mistake. But you can't really blame people getting bombed 
from the sky for trying to shoot down the planes that bomb them. If you 
do, then you have to agree with the shabby and transparently dishonest 
excuse the US gives for blocking Manpads to the FSA for years - that 
jihadists might get them and use them to shoot down passenger planes. 
Obviously I'd like to see Syrian rebel-land flooded with Manpads, and 
for regional Arab states to defy the US diktat on this, so that tons of 
Baathist warplanes could be made to fall out of the sky. But if I took a 
flight in that direction, I'd check that it wasn't flying over Syria. 
And if either the Syrian regime gave clearance to passenger planes to 
fly over, or any miserly airline capitalists flew their planes over 
Syria rather than paying a few dollars to re-route, and a rebel 
anti-aircraft gun accidentally hit a passenger plane, then the regime 
and the airline company definitely would be responsible.

The Ukraine regime's Anti-Terrorist Operation air war is of course 
less a thousandth of the unlimited Baathist air war in Syria in 
intensity and bloodiness, but at the end of the day all air war is a war 
crime by definition. 

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Re: [Marxism] Ukrainian responsibility for the mass murder

2014-07-19 Thread Stephen R. Shalom via Marxism
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Ukraine can certainly be criticized for restricting, not closing, the
airspace, but note that their restrictions were the same as those imposed by
Russia (two days later), which borders the dangerous area.

...The downing of the passenger plane over eastern Ukraine on Thursday
occurred shortly after the authorities in Russia and Ukraine, reacting to
dangers presented by the conflict around the city of Donetsk, Ukraine,
closed air space up to 32,000 feet along the passenger jet's planned route.
Ukraine made the changes on Monday, the same day a Ukrainian AN-26 military
cargo plane was destroyed by a missile while flying at 21,000 feet. Russia
followed with similar restrictions effective at midnight on Wednesday, hours
before Flight 17 took off from Amsterdam.

The decision by government officials to restrict the airspace, rather than
close it completely, raised unanswered questions.

-Original Message-
From: Marxism [mailto:marxism-boun...@lists.csbs.utah.edu] On Behalf Of
Shane Mage via Marxism
Sent: Saturday, July 19, 2014 12:26 PM
To: Steve Shalom
Subject: Re: [Marxism] Ukrainian responsibility for the mass murder

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So just answer this on behalf of your principal: Why did you authorize
civilian aircraft to fly, over a war zone in which your air force was
conducting offensive military operations, at an altitude at which your
military aviation was operating? What, in normal logic, is your excuse,
however pathetic?

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Re: [Marxism] Ukrainian responsibility for the mass murder

2014-07-19 Thread T via Marxism
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Blame those who shot down the plane?

What a silly notion!

They are anti-fascist heroes defending the peoples' motherland from White Guard 
gnats and Trotskyite wreckers in their Imperialist coup-mongering Black Flag 

Nothing can be the fault of the anti-fascist heroes.


-Original Message-
From: Michael Karadjis via Marxism marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu
Sent: Jul 19, 2014 1:28 PM
To: Thomas F Barton thomasfbar...@earthlink.net
Subject: Re: [Marxism] Ukrainian responsibility for the mass murder

Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

-Original Message- 
From: Clay Claiborne via Marxism

I heard commercial air planes had flown that route many times a day 
this shoot down. In any case they knew as well the government that Putin
forces had weapons that could shoot them down if they flew within 60km 
East Ukraine, So if you're going to blame Ukraine, you also have to 
MH, KLM, and all other carriers who continued to use this route.

Or you can use normal logic and blame those who shot down the plane.

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Re: [Marxism] Ukrainian responsibility for the mass murder

2014-07-19 Thread Jeff via Marxism
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At 03:28 20-07-14 +1000, Michael Karadjis via Marxism wrote:

So of course we can, to some extent, blame those who shot down the 
plane in as much as they were obviously not very careful

Well it's more like they didn't even know the meaning of careful in this
context. Those sorts of forces receiving such a weapon is like giving
matches and gasoline to a 4 year old: no one would be surprised if a fire
were thereby started. Weapons of this sort are normally controlled by major
militaries who also have radar, communications and transponder electronics,
and commercial flight information, so this doesn't happen. Until now.

. But you can't really blame people getting bombed 
from the sky for trying to shoot down the planes that bomb them. If you 
do, then you have to agree with the shabby and transparently dishonest 
excuse the US gives for blocking Manpads to the FSA for years - that 
jihadists might get them 

But those have a much shorter range. I don't study military matters, but
from what I understand bombing is normally done from low altitudes in order
to increase target accuracy, against which the shoulder fired missiles
would be effective, and actually more portable. The separatists who fired
that missile surely did not think they were protecting themselves from a

The American concern for misuse of those portable missiles has to do with
them being used closer to an airport where passenger planes are flying low.
And anyway, I'm not particularly keen to see ISIS obtain them (though I'll
concede they'd have a right to shoot at planes bombing them). But if ISIS
were to obtain these BUK missiles? Whoa.

Also, I do not think commercial airplane routes are determined the least
bit by the countries which they fly through. Except in the particular cases
of states which refuse overflight permission (as Ukraine did for flying
below 10km). So you can blame the commercial aviation industry, I guess,
except what they did was normal: balanced the conservation of fuel (costs)
against what they perceived as a very small risk. As everyone had perceived
it, until then.

- Jeff

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Re: [Marxism] Ukrainian responsibility for the mass murder

2014-07-19 Thread Clay Claiborne via Marxism
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hundreds of commercial airplanes fly over Iraq every day.

Hindsight is always 20/20 so now after the shoot down of MH 17, everybody,
especially Putin apologists, want to know why Malaysia air was allowed to
fly there in the first place. Shane Mage even has the absolute gall to
begin this thread with the claim that because Ukraine gave international
civilian aircraft the right to cross Ukraine about 32,000 ft., if they so
chose, that, and I quote! Ukrainian responsibility for the mass murder.

Here's a News Flash Shane: Major air carriers and air traffic organizations
track conflict zones as well as weather patterns and they hope every
country will open their airspace to transit by international civilian
traffic, and that's how they schedule the routes. They all know the risks
and they should have known that Putin was putting BUKs in the hands of
thugs like Igor Bezler, still they have to fly somewhere.

The short answer is that its a bad world out there and as a result
commercial aircraft overfly war zones all the time and generally speaking
because of the very high attitude of these flights, they are safe.

According to the a href=
before the loss of MH17, flights over east Ukraine where restricted only
below 32,000 ft - Flight Level 320. MH17 was assigned FL330 - 33,000 ft.

Because MH 17 was cruising at 10 km, it was in no danger from MANPADS. They
can't reach that high. The Ukrainian AN-26 can't fly that high either. Only
the Ukrainian IL-76 military transport, with a ceiling of 13km could have
been seen were the Boeing 777 was. It is not a bomber and the Ukrainians
haven't been conducting air attacks from 10km so the argument that shooting
down a plane at 10km [ which require very special and expensive missiles ]
was necessary air defense is weak. But once you've justified the killing of
40 Ukrainian soldiers and a crew of 9 flying over Ukraine in a Ukrainian
air force transport by pro-Russian separatists who apparently can go
operational with extremely advanced crew served anti-aircraft weapons
systems, and who are also backed by Russian armor and air power.

So yes, once you've learned to justify Russian imperialist military
aggression in the Ukraine with reference to what I want the FSA to have for
self-defense against that aggression in Syria, I guess all things are
possible. But please remember, I have never advocated supplying the FSA
with weapons that could take out aircraft cruising at 10km. The range of a
MANPADS, about 4.5km will do nicely. Thank You.

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[Marxism] FW: Ukrainian responsibility for the mass murder

2014-07-19 Thread Stephen R. Shalom via Marxism
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Ukraine can certainly be criticized for restricting, not closing, the
airspace, but note that their restrictions were the same as those imposed by
Russia (two days later), which borders the dangerous area.



...The downing of the passenger plane over eastern Ukraine on Thursday
occurred shortly after the authorities in Russia and Ukraine, reacting to
dangers presented by the conflict around the city of Donetsk, Ukraine,
closed air space up to 32,000 feet along the passenger jet's planned route.

Ukraine made the changes on Monday, the same day a Ukrainian AN-26 military
cargo plane was destroyed by a missile while flying at 21,000 feet. Russia
followed with similar restrictions effective at midnight on Wednesday, hours
before Flight 17 took off from Amsterdam.


The decision by government officials to restrict the airspace, rather than
close it completely, raised unanswered questions.



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So just answer this on behalf of your principal: Why did you authorize
civilian aircraft to fly, over a war zone in which your air force was
conducting offensive military operations, at an altitude at which your
military aviation was operating? What, in normal logic, is your excuse,
however pathetic?



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[Marxism] Workers World Party says US neocons inspired downing of Flight MH17

2014-07-19 Thread jay rothermel via Marxism
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Workers World Party today is blamimg U.S. neoconservative puppet masters
who pull Kiev's strings for the downing of the passenger plane over Ukraine.

We also believe that the popular resistance forces in southeast
Ukraine do not control weapons capable of shooting down a plane flying at
that altitude, nor do they have any interest in shooting down a civilian
airliner from Malaysia. Only U.S. and EU imperialism can gain and are
trying to gain by exploiting the incident and using it against Russia.


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[Marxism] Fwd: Rebel Leader: Malaysia Plane Filled with Already Dead Bodies

2014-07-19 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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So funny. This is the same argument Mother Agnes made about Ghouta, that 
the dead children were Alawites trucked in.


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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Rebel Leader: Malaysia Plane Filled with Already Dead Bodies

2014-07-19 Thread Phrontizein Y via Marxism
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I remember reading somewhere that Iran Air 655, blown out of the sky by the
US Navy, was also filled with 290 dead bodies before take off.
On Jul 19, 2014 5:20 PM, Louis Proyect via Marxism 
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu wrote:

 Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

 So funny. This is the same argument Mother Agnes made about Ghouta, that
 the dead children were Alawites trucked in.

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[Marxism] Fwd: Anti-Israel protesters rally across France, defying ban imposed after synagogue clash - Diplomacy and Defense Israel News | Haaretz

2014-07-19 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: Last of Warsaw Ghetto Survivors Calls for Rebellion Against Israeli Occupation Tikun-Olam Tikun Olam-תיקון עולם

2014-07-19 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Anti-Israel protesters rally across France, defying ban imposed after synagogue clash - Diplomacy and Defense Israel News | Haaretz

2014-07-19 Thread Jeff via Marxism
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At 19:03 19-07-14 -0400, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote:


This is really great news. The French government (namely Hollande) had 
issued a ban against anti-Israel demonstrations today (in democratic 
France). The NPA called on people to defy the ban, and many thousands in 
Paris, Marseille and other cities came out, with street battles against the 
police and over 40 arrested. Good photo coverage in The Independent:


- Jeff

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Re: [Marxism] Is anybody home at the Socialist Alliance in Australia?

2014-07-19 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 7/19/14 7:49 PM, glparramatta via Marxism wrote:

Louis N. Proyect, Socialist Alliance did not have a formal position
until June, which is what you were told prior to it being adopted.
Members justifiably have avoided responding to your abusive troll-like
snipes since then and it seems we did not feel the need to specifically
inform you of its adoption (but I do remember it being mentioned in a
Marxmail post some weeks back).

No need to get snippy with me, young man.

It remains a fact that there is no doubt a range of opinions in Socialst
Alliance on the question (but I doubt many back the far-right,
pro-imperialist Kiev regime, or call for the escalation of its war on
the people of the east).

How very interesting.

It also remains the fact that every word, detail and nuance of articles
that appear in Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal
(http://links.org.au/taxonomy/term/187) are not necessarily the line
of Socialist Alliance, as you like to accuse.

Okay, whatever.

Now when one of you blokes can finally answer Richard Fidler's question, 
I'll send you a big donation for your next fund-drive.

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[Marxism] and now tragically, inevitably, we have this...

2014-07-19 Thread Clay Claiborne via Marxism
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Robert Parry uses the Obama's administration's Rush to Judgement as to
Assad's responsibility for the August sarin gas attack, which we all know
was disproved by an assortment of conspiracy theories, as a cautionary tale
against jumping to conclusions about Putin and MH 17.


Clay Claiborne, Director
Vietnam: American Holocaust http://VietnamAmericanHolocaust.com
Linux Beach Productions
Venice, CA 90291
(310) 581-1536

Read my blogs at the Linux Beach http://claysbeach.blogspot.com/

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