Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Is Russia imperialist? A reply to Roger Annis and Sam Williams | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2014-12-07 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Comments on this article 
by my good friend and comrade Reza F.

1) Those who argue that the BRICS should be supported believe that the 
economic and political development of BRICS nations will ultimately 
undermine the U.S., and as a result will undermine imperialism. This is 
completely erroneous. Did the displacement of the British imperialism by 
that of the U.S. undermine imperialism? Not at all. The leading 
imperialist nation-state can change without that change in the least bit 
undermining imperialism as a world system. In fact, historians can 
probably make a much stronger case that with each succession, 
imperialism as a system evolved to a higher stage.

By contrast, during his lifetime, Lenin *never* proposed that, for 
example, the U.S. should be supported so as to undermine the British 
imperialism. He supported fighting against ALL imperialists. Including 
Russia, which Lenin (again, during his lifetime) designated as 
imperialist; also this is why Lenin explicitly supported the right of 
self-determination for Ukraine (from Russian domination).

2) How is it that Lenin, even *after* writing the ‘Imperialism as the 
Highest Stage of Capitalism’ pamphlet, considered Russia an imperialist 
country a hundred years ago, and some Marxists are arguing Russia is not 
an imperialist country now?!!

3) Just for one example of imperialist behavior toward less powerful 
nations: Russia, starting in early 1800s, tried and subjected Iran, 
formalizing her dominant relation with Iran in successive wars and 
treaties that followed: Treaty of Gulistan (1813), Treaty of Turkmenchay 
(1828) and Treaty of Akhal (1881). These treaties included exclusively 
economic/trade provisions that forced Iran into agreeing to not 
interfere with any Russian businessman who chose to set up shop in any 
part of Iran. Meaning, through the use of military force, Russia was 
able to gain asymmetrical economic benefits it otherwise would not have 
had. *That* is imperialism’s core characteristic, not finance capital alone.

4) Finance capital alone cannot guarantee imperialist gains. In order to 
achieve its goals imperialism frequently has to employ ‘extra-economic’ 
means (for example, unfair trade agreements gained through political and 
diplomatic means, or through military means). Case in point, Iraq. Iraq 
was brought to its knees not by financial instruments, but by brute 
force of a military attack, after which economic benefits were secured.

Marxists who think that purely ‘economic’ features are the key 
determinants of imperialism forget that for Marx capital accumulation 
was a POLITICAL-economic reality, not just purely economic. Such 
Marxists also ignore the importance placed on ‘extra-economic’ means by 
which ‘primitive accumulation’ was achieved during the transition from 
feudalism to capitalism (see Part Eight of Capital, Vol. 1).

5) Marxists who believe economic criteria alone, and not a relationship 
of dominance, determine the imperialist nature of a state formation 
claim that imperialism requires the imperialist country to have excess 
capital that it needs to export. Well Russia does that to Iran. Russia 
has huge investments in Iran, the most famous of which is the nuclear 
reactor they have built and the nuclear reactors they have been 
contracted to build in the future. Getting the contract to build nuclear 
reactors is akin to having the sole ticket to the lone entry allowed to 
an absolute monopoly market.

Also, Russia is a great beneficiary in the nuclear deal in other ways. 
They will now have a semi-monopoly over a good portion of the enrichment 
of the uranium to be shipped to Iran under the terms of the current deal 
on the table.

In short, Russia has been extorting the Iranian regime in different ways 
for a good while.

The real problem is that when I raise these points, Russia’s western 
Marxist supporters (who consider Russia as their rescuer) think Iran’s 
political and economic deals with Russia amount to just bilateral deals 
between two countries as two equals. They dismiss as irrelevant the 
200-year-old relationship of one-sided dominance between them (except 
maybe during the Soviet period, some could argue). This is a huge 
departure from historical materialism.

Imperialist countries stick it to whomever they can, and not to 
everybody equally, and definitely not able to stick it to everybody all 
at once and at all times. Not even the US gets its way all the time; 
unless, of course, you live in the world of Global Research. There is 
always agency 

[Marxism] Fwd: Al-Qaeda group’s gains in Syria undermine U.S. strategy - The Washington Post

2014-12-07 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] [UCE] Podemos: A Monolithic, Vertical, and Hierarchical Party?

2014-12-07 Thread andrew coates via Marxism
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Monolithic, a Vertical (Top-Down), and Hierarchical Party?

The Podemos ‘convention process’ 
(consolidating the new party’s structures) which began on September the 
15th, ended on Saturday, November the 15th with the election of Pablo 
Iglesias  as General Secretary. He won 88.7% of the votes cast (96.9% 
valid). His list won the 62 posts for the ‘Citizens’ Council’ and 10 for
 the Safeguards Commission.

The level of abstention, was however, 
also significant: 57% of those registered, larger than the percentage  –
 45% who abstained during the vote on the overall party documents 
(policy, programme and organisation). The proportion of blank (or null) 
ballots was also important: 8.5% of votes cast for the General 
Secretariat; 5.1% for the Citizen Council and 13% for the ‘guarantees’ 

Reports Ensemble. (Podemos : un parti monolithique, vertical et hiérarchique ? 
22 November).

Checked with original Original: Proceso congresual y mutación organizativa.

More here:

Andrew Coates 
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[Marxism] Fwd: ‘Life on Earth is in peril. We have no future if we don’t go into space’ | Science | The Guardian

2014-12-07 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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The deep pessimism of the most important scientists, including Stephen 
Hawking, echoes the reactionary and stupid movie Interstellar.
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Re: [Marxism] [UCE] Podemos: A Monolithic, Vertical, and Hierarchical Party?

2014-12-07 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 12/7/14 6:37 AM, andrew coates via Marxism wrote

More here:

From the article above:

Note the following: 28th November.

Spain’s poll-topping Podemos tones down radical plans in manifesto

(Reuters) – Spain’s newest political party Podemos, riding high in 
opinion polls just 10 months after its launch, released an economic 
manifesto on Friday that rowed back on earlier pledges to cut the 
retirement age and default on the national debt.

Andrew quotes the Reuters article on the Podemos economic policy white 
paper written by Vicente Navarro and Juan Torres Lopez but has he read 
it? I have. If this program is meant to be acceptable to the Spanish 
ruling class, then we are in strange times indeed.

Vicente Navarro has been writing for CounterPunch longer than me. His 
books have been published by Monthly Review. Some of the left critics of 
the policy paper dismiss it as left-Keynesian as if that term did not 
apply to Paul Sweezy and Harry Magdoff as well.

What's particularly strange is that Andrew has the good sense to give 
his stamp of approval to Syriza, which compared to Podemos is a lot more 
acceptable to the bourgeoisie based on the reception that Alex Tsipras 
got on his visit to the USA where he was deemed by ultraleftists to be 
in cahoots with George Soros et al.

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Is Russia imperialist? A reply to Roger Annis and Sam Williams

2014-12-07 Thread RKOB via Marxism

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I think it was absolutely wrong to support the Euro-Maidan movement or 
to consider supporting the current reactionary regime in Kiev. Equally 
socialists in the US and EU should oppose sanctions against Russia. 
(Trotsky was even sharply opposed to the Western imperialist sanctions 
against fascist Italy during the latters colonial war in Ethiopia in the 

This however must not lead Marxists do deny the imperialist character of 
Russia today! I tried to demonstrate the nature of Russian imperialism 
in two essays/booklets published in the last 8 months. I think they 
proof this both empirically as well as in complete accordance with 
Lenin's theory of imperialism:
See: Russia as a Great Imperialist Power,
Lenin’s Theory of Imperialism and the Rise of Russia as a Great Power,

See also: The Uprising in East Ukraine and Russian Imperialism,
Russia and China as Great Imperialist Powers,

Michael Pröbsting

Am 07.12.2014 um 12:25 schrieb Louis Proyect via Marxism:
Comments on this article 
by my good friend and comrade Reza F.

1) Those who argue that the BRICS should be supported believe that the 
economic and political development of BRICS nations will ultimately 
undermine the U.S., and as a result will undermine imperialism. This 
is completely erroneous. Did the displacement of the British 
imperialism by that of the U.S. undermine imperialism? Not at all. The 
leading imperialist nation-state can change without that change in the 
least bit undermining imperialism as a world system. In fact, 
historians can probably make a much stronger case that with each 
succession, imperialism as a system evolved to a higher stage.

By contrast, during his lifetime, Lenin *never* proposed that, for 
example, the U.S. should be supported so as to undermine the British 
imperialism. He supported fighting against ALL imperialists. Including 
Russia, which Lenin (again, during his lifetime) designated as 
imperialist; also this is why Lenin explicitly supported the right of 
self-determination for Ukraine (from Russian domination).

2) How is it that Lenin, even *after* writing the ‘Imperialism as the 
Highest Stage of Capitalism’ pamphlet, considered Russia an 
imperialist country a hundred years ago, and some Marxists are arguing 
Russia is not an imperialist country now?!!

3) Just for one example of imperialist behavior toward less powerful 
nations: Russia, starting in early 1800s, tried and subjected Iran, 
formalizing her dominant relation with Iran in successive wars and 
treaties that followed: Treaty of Gulistan (1813), Treaty of 
Turkmenchay (1828) and Treaty of Akhal (1881). These treaties included 
exclusively economic/trade provisions that forced Iran into agreeing 
to not interfere with any Russian businessman who chose to set up shop 
in any part of Iran. Meaning, through the use of military force, 
Russia was able to gain asymmetrical economic benefits it otherwise 
would not have had. *That* is imperialism’s core characteristic, not 
finance capital alone.

4) Finance capital alone cannot guarantee imperialist gains. In order 
to achieve its goals imperialism frequently has to employ 
‘extra-economic’ means (for example, unfair trade agreements gained 
through political and diplomatic means, or through military means). 
Case in point, Iraq. Iraq was brought to its knees not by financial 
instruments, but by brute force of a military attack, after which 
economic benefits were secured.

Marxists who think that purely ‘economic’ features are the key 
determinants of imperialism forget that for Marx capital accumulation 
was a POLITICAL-economic reality, not just purely economic. Such 
Marxists also ignore the importance placed on ‘extra-economic’ means 
by which ‘primitive accumulation’ was achieved during the transition 
from feudalism to capitalism (see Part Eight of Capital, Vol. 1).

5) Marxists who believe economic criteria alone, and not a 
relationship of dominance, determine the imperialist nature of a state 
formation claim that imperialism requires the imperialist country to 
have excess capital that it needs to export. Well Russia does that to 
Iran. Russia has huge investments in Iran, the most famous of which is 
the nuclear reactor they have built and the nuclear reactors they have 

Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Is Russia imperialist? A reply to Roger Annis and Sam Williams

2014-12-07 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 12/7/14 7:24 AM, RKOB via Marxism wrote:

I think it was absolutely wrong to support the Euro-Maidan movement or
to consider supporting the current reactionary regime in Kiev.

That's because you see politics in terms of taking positions. You really 
need to get past your Coyoacan complex. The notion of issuing 
communiques defining the correct position that nobody reads except those 
in the know (in other words, Left Trainspotting subscribers) has 
anything to do with building a vanguard party is ludicrous.

Ukrainians took to the streets in late 2013 because they were sick and 
tired of corruption, police brutality, economic misery and being under 
Russia's thumb. It was an important opening for the Ukrainian left just 
as the Hong Kong protests were for the Chinese left. Mass movements do 
not come fully developed like Athena, who emerged full-grown from Zeus's 
forehead. They are often filled with illusions on one thing or another, 
including the possibility that the EU was the way forward. Our 
responsibility as revolutionaries is to participate in these movements 
and help determine a favorable outcome not give them a thumbs up or 
thumbs down like a critic reviewing a movie.

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Re: [Marxism] [UCE] Podemos: A Monolithic, Vertical, and Hierarchical Party?

2014-12-07 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 12/7/14 7:37 AM, andrew coates wrote:

I was reminded of an old comment in the 1930s by Alain (Émile-Auguste
Chartier) to the effect that when somebody says that they neither
left-wing nor right wing there is only one thing that's clear: they are
not left wing.

You need to spend more time reading Podemos's documents like the 
Navarro-Lopez statement rather than what Left Unity writes. You also 
need to listen to Pablo Iglesias's youtube clips, especially those with 
subtitles if you don't speak Spanish. This was Iglesias speaking to the 
European Parliament. If you don't know whether he is on the left or on 
the right, you really need to rethink what these terms mean.
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Is Russia imperialist? A reply to Roger Annis and Sam Williams

2014-12-07 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 12/7/14 8:18 AM, RKOB wrote:

There is an unfortunate phenomenon in personal life of many people. When
they split with someone they can't refrain from speaking only bad and
derogative of their former partner. This phenomenon also exists in
political life. Louis Proyect is unfortunately one of these numerous
Ex’s who – burned by his sad experience in the Barnesite SWP – hates
everything associated with the Leninist conception of party-building. It
is like a Pavlov-Reflex.

You have no idea what Leninism means. If you did, you wouldn't festoon 
your website with a Red Star, a hammer and sickle, and pictures of Lenin 
and Trotsky. This kind of in-group iconography is of no use to anybody 
except those with delusions of grandeur.

This bad attitude is unfortunately combined with – how shall I formulate
it in a civilized manner – a certain lack of modesty. Louis Proyect
believes that just because he lives in the academic world and has some
academic friends there who take him seriously, he is an important man.
He looks with contempt to other people – who either don’t share his view
or, worse, are part of a Leninist organization – and believes, or at
least suggests to others, that they are not important.

You are not part of a Leninist organization. You are a member of a 
tiny sect. You are capable of writing intelligent analysis but you 
should drop the pretensions. You allude to your national sections of 
the RCIT on your website, as if your Fifth International is the answer 
for the crisis of leadership that Trotsky wrote about in the 
Transitional Program. I doubt that all of you put together have more 
members than there are Marxmail subscribers.

But, dear Louis Proyect, can you imagine that writings of others
(including myself) are read, translated and discussed by a number of
people (outside of the Left Trainspotting world)?

Of course I can. Everybody knows about Michael Probsting, our age's Leon 

You like to belittle Leninist organizations as sects. But in fact you
are a one-man-sect!

Wrong. My wife is a member of the Sixth International I founded last 
year but have been keeping a secret until I am ready to announce it to 
the world. So it is a one-man/one-woman sect, if you don't mind. She has 
been trained in jiu-jitsu and small arms fire just to protect me from 
any Ramon Mercaders lurking in the shadows.

Finally on the Euro-Maidan movement. It is important to differentiate
between progressive and reactionary mass movements. Yes, there are
various sectarians who often have a wrong sectarian attitude to mass
movements which are led by politically backward forces.

Yes, they should have come to demonstrations with hammers and sickles 
and portraits of Lenin and Trotsky. That would have made them pass 
muster with you presumably. Have you seen the movie Morgan: a Suitable 
Case for Treatment by the way? You would really appreciate it.

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[Marxism] Collapse of the Second International

2014-12-07 Thread Jim Farmelant via Marxism
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 At the Center for Marxist Education (Cambridge, MA), Nick Giannone and Doug 
Enaa Greene discuss the reasons for the collapse and betrayal of the 
International and the lessons we can draw for today.

Jim Farmelant
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[Marxism] Fwd: Forget everything you know about nice, liberal Sweden — that country no longer exists - Comment - Voices - The Independent

2014-12-07 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: Review: Saturday Night Live: “James Franco/Nicki Minaj” · TV Club · The A.V. Club

2014-12-07 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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What was the worst possible response SNL could make to the horrific, 
captured-on-camera snuff film that was the police murder of Eric Garner? 
If you guessed, “they could make fun of Al Sharpton’s weight and 
intelligence,” then pour yourself another drink along with me and stare 
off into the distance, trying to remember a time when this show took a 
stand ever, on anything. Conservative, liberal—this happened in SNL’s 
own backyard. They had a solid week to not only process a shocking event 
that happened right in New York City, but also to take in how other 
comics and comedy shows did so. And this is the best SNL could muster? A 
cold open with Kenan Thompson’s ever-mediocre Sharpton not letting other 
people talk and mispronouncing words. Wow. Look, I get that this 
incident is divisive (I guess), and that it’s an act of sheerest 
optimism to hope that SNL would show some modicum of engagement with the 
biggest, most incendiary news story of the week (that is sparking 
massive protests right outside its own windows), but this was a new low. 
What’s the joke?


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[Marxism] Martin Litton, Fighter for Environment, Dies at 97

2014-12-07 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NY Times, Dec. 7 2014
Martin Litton, Fighter for Environment, Dies at 97

Martin Litton, an environmentalist, river pilot, writer and unrelenting 
forward scout in the battle to preserve what was left of the wilderness 
in the American West, most notably the Grand Canyon and the Colorado 
River, died on Nov. 30 at his home in Portola Valley, Calif. He was 97.

His death was announced by the Sierra Club, which he had served as a 

During his 70 years on the front lines of the American environmental 
movement, Mr. Litton was less known than other figures. His open disdain 
for the compromise and consensus-building paths that were often taken by 
the movement’s leaders (disastrously, in his view) seemed to relegate 
him to a different role.

He was the movement’s Jeremiah — the crier in the wilderness who spotted 
the threats, condemned the desecraters and rallied the leadership to the 
defining preservation conflicts of the early 1950s through the ’80s.

David Brower, who as the Sierra Club’s seminal leader in the last half 
of the 20th century was compelled to make some of the compromises Mr. 
Litton fought, was known to call him “our conscience.”

Mr. Litton’s intransigence was often the first line of defense not only 
against timber and mining interests, for example, but against a broad 
postwar public perception that all massive public works projects — 
roads, bridges and dams — were, by definition, good. He tried to change 
that view early on as a photojournalist.

In the early 1950s he rallied environmentalists, including Mr. Brower, 
to fight a planned highway through the Sequoia and Inyo National Forests 
in California’s Sierra Nevada. At one point he flew Mr. Brower and a 
newspaper photographer over the site in his small plane to publicize the 
potential harm the road posed to some of the world’s oldest and tallest 

He wrote a series of articles for The Los Angeles Times later in the 
decade that raised the first wide-scale alarm about government plans to 
build a dam that would flood parts of the Dinosaur National Monument, at 
the border of Colorado and Utah, for a hydroelectric plant.

And when the Interior Department announced plans in 1963 to bookend the 
Grand Canyon with a pair of dams across the Colorado River — a federal 
official claimed that by filling a part the canyon with water, more 
people than ever would see its walls from boats — Mr. Litton wrote a 
trenchant but truculent essay for the Sierra Club Bulletin that set off 
one of the most important wilderness fights in the history of the 
national parks.

“Shall we fail to go into battle because it is hard to win?” he wrote. 
“Could not 22,000 Sierra Club members, without strain, turn out 22,000 
letters a day for a week?”

He continued, “There has never been a Congress, a president, a secretary 
of interior, a governor or a newspaper editor who would not sit up and 
take notice of that.”

The essay was accompanied by a list of the names and addresses of every 
officeholder it mentioned, prompting the Internal Revenue Service to 
suspend the Sierra Club’s tax-exempt status for breaking rules against 
political lobbying.

But the fight for the Grand Canyon galvanized activists and won wide 
public support. Taking a cue from Mr. Litton, who joined the board in 
1964, the Sierra Club attacked the government plan with full-page ads in 
The New York Times and The Washington Post. One was headlined: “Should 
We Also Flood the Sistine Chapel So Tourists Can Get Nearer the Ceiling?”

The government scrapped the plan in 1968. By then, Sierra Club 
membership had grown to 78,000. Mr. Litton left its board in 1972.

“People always tell me not to be extreme,” he said in a 2010 documentary 
about his life, “The Good Fight.”

“ ‘Be reasonable!’ they say. But I never felt it did any good to be 
reasonable about anything in conservation, because what you give away 
will never come back — ever. When it comes to saving wilderness, we 
can’t be extreme enough. To compromise is to lose.”

Clyde Martin Litton was born on Feb. 13, 1917, in Los Angeles, the son 
of Clyde and Elsie Litton. His father was a veterinarian, and his mother 
worked in the home raising their four children.

Mr. Litton earned a bachelor’s degree in English at the University of 
California, Los Angeles, in 1939. During World War II, he flew glider 
planes in the Army Air Force, transporting troops and equipment behind 
enemy lines during the European invasion. He became a freelance writer 
and photographer after the war and was drawn increasingly to 
environmental subjects.

Mr. Litton is survived by his wife of 72 

[Marxism] Fwd: Richard Greener talks about James Brown | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2014-12-07 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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My old friend Richard Greener was a business associate of James Brown 
for many years. In this interview we compare notes on the great rhythm 
and blues musician prompted by my review of Alex Gibney’s documentary 
“Mr. Dynamite” and the feature film “Get on Up” in CounterPunch.
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Forget everything you know about nice, liberal Sweden — that country no longer exists - Comment - Voices - The Independent

2014-12-07 Thread Daniel Lindvall via Marxism
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As a visual accompaniment to this article I recommend this photo reportage from 
the streets of Stockholm. Photographer Roger Turesson took a walk through the 
capital’s upmarket shopping streets on a cold winter night after closing time, 
starting and finishing on the city’s equivalent of Oxford Street.


7 dec 2014 kl. 16:25 skrev Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] By Glenn Greenwald on Ashton Carter, Rumsfeld's 'excellent nominee'

2014-12-07 Thread Ralph Johansen via Marxism

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[Marxism] Can Banksters grab depositors funds in order to avoid a bank failure?

2014-12-07 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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[Marxism] The Ghosts of Jeju Island

2014-12-07 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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