[Marxism] Fwd: Moscow embraces 'hipster Stalinism' | Cities | The Guardian

2014-12-12 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] House Narrowly Passes Bill to Avoid Shutdown; $1.1 Trillion in Spending

2014-12-12 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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(White House and Republicans unite to overcome liberal opposition to 
budget that attacks pensions and weakens Dodd-Frank.)

NY Times, Dec. 12 2014
House Narrowly Passes Bill to Avoid Shutdown; $1.1 Trillion in Spending

WASHINGTON — The House narrowly passed a $1.1 trillion spending package 
on Thursday that would fund most government operations for the fiscal 
year after a rancorous debate that reflected the new power held by 
Republicans and the disarray among Democrats in the aftermath of the 
midterm elections.

The accord was reached just hours before the midnight deadline, in a 
219-206 vote, amid the last-minute brinkmanship and bickering that has 
come to mark one of Congress’s most polarized — and least productive — 
eras. The legislation now heads to the Senate, which is expected to pass 
it in the coming days.

The split in the Democratic Party dramatically burst into view when 
Representative Nancy Pelosi, the minority leader and one of President 
Obama’s most loyal supporters, broke with the administration over a 
provision in the bill that would roll back regulation of the Dodd-Frank 
Act, which Ms. Pelosi said was a giveaway to big banks whose practices 
helped fuel the Great Recession. She spoke on the House floor in the 
early afternoon, expressing her strong opposition to the bill.

Mr. Obama and Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. were pressed to make a 
furious round of phone calls to try to persuade wavering Democrats, 
while House Speaker John A. Boehner worked to get more Republican votes.

The public support of the sweeping spending bill by the White House — 
which came just as Ms. Pelosi was making her speech on the House floor 
opposing it — was a rare public break with the minority leader and 
infuriated many of her loyalists.

In a more than three-hour, closed-door meeting of House Democrats on 
Thursday night, many of the party’s more liberal members tried to rally 
support against the bill. The moment, they said, was one of conscience, 
and a chance for Democrats to demonstrate their allegiance with the 
middle class.

“We’ve got to stand up for principle at some point, or they’re going to 
kick us even more next year when they have a bigger majority,” said 
Representative Peter A. DeFazio, Democrat of Oregon. “They know we will 
stand our ground on principle in the future and not roll us so easily 

In an emergency gathering, Democrats also expressed anger at Denis R. 
McDonough, the White House chief of staff, at what they saw as the 
president’s undercutting of Ms. Pelosi and other progressives by coming 
out in support of the deal so early in the day. But Ms. Pelosi 
ultimately gave her members the freedom to vote how they wanted. “I’m 
giving you the leverage to do what you have to do,” she said. “We have 
enough votes to show them never to do this again.”

The final vote was a blow to Ms. Pelosi, the liberal wing of the party 
and Senator Elizabeth Warren, Democrat of Massachusetts, who led the 
charge against the Dodd-Frank rollback. Mr. Boehner built a coalition of 
162 Republicans and 57 Democrats, a rare achievement for a Congress that 
has often operated along strict party lines. Congress also passed a 
two-day funding measure to give the Senate time to pass the legislation.

With an opportunity to return to a more conventional legislative process 
— funding the government for a fiscal year rather than for months at a 
time — Republican leaders had thought they had sufficient bipartisan 
support to pass the bill. The adopted measure funds the government 
through Sept. 30, 2015.

But an early sign of the headwinds facing the legislation came around 
noon, when the deal barely cleared a procedural hurdle to allow a vote. 
In several tense minutes on the House floor, support to move forward on 
the package seesawed, with Democrats shouting “Call the vote” and 
Republicans holding it open until they were able to persuade two 
lawmakers to switch their votes.

House Democrats — who were already trying to strike a delicate balance — 
found their calculation complicated by the White House, which released a 
pre-emptive signal that Mr. Obama would sign the bipartisan legislation 
if it made it out of Congress.

Josh Earnest, the White House press secretary, said the administration 
agreed with congressional Democrats who were angry about several 
provisions that affect financial regulations and others that would allow 
larger political contributions to parties during federal campaigns. But 
he called the funding bill “a compromise” and said passage of the 
legislation would be good for the economy and 

[Marxism] Fwd: Funding Bill Passes; Wall Street Wins; Kind of Compromise Obama Loves | Common Dreams | Breaking News Views for the Progressive Community

2014-12-12 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Seven Bad Ideas: How Mainstream Economists Have Damaged America and the World

2014-12-12 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NY Review of Books, Dec. 18 2014 issue

What’s the Matter with Economics?
by Alan S. Blinder

Seven Bad Ideas: How Mainstream Economists Have Damaged America and the 

by Jeff Madrick
Knopf, 254 pp., $26.95

The Queen of England famously asked British economists why nobody saw 
the financial crisis coming. Lots of nonroyal people also have a feeling 
that there’s something wrong with economics. Jeff Madrick, an economics 
journalist of some accomplishment and considerable intelligence, shares 
his views on what’s wrong with economics in this engaging book. But 
methinks the gentleman doth protest too much.

Madrick really is a gentleman—and something of a scholar, too. Unless 
you are already steeped in economics, you will learn much from reading 
Seven Bad Ideas, including a lucid exposition of the so-called efficient 
markets theory and a nice essay on the shortcomings of economics as a 
science. You will also encounter a few delightful bons mots along the 
way, such as: “A beautiful idea can be described as one that explains a 
lot with a little.” Madrick knows how to wield a pen.

He is also an important and eloquent voice for what’s left of the 
American left—at least in economic matters. Given the notable rightward 
shift of the US political spectrum, I’m glad we have Jeff Madrick 
around. I wish he could clone himself. But parts of Seven Bad Ideas 
constitute serial exaggeration.

The book’s main thesis is stated with stark clarity in the very first 
sentence: “Economists’ most fundamental ideas contributed centrally to 
the financial crisis of 2008 and the Great Recession that followed.” 
Centrally? I don’t think so. A more accurate sentence would start, “Some 
ideas of conservative economists contributed a bit…,” but that wouldn’t 
attract attention. Alas, the truth is duller than fiction.

When I hear or read dramatic portrayals of economists’ enormous 
influence on policy, I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. On the one 
hand, it is flattering to be thought so influential. On the other hand, 
I can’t help remembering economist George Stigler’s contrary verdict, 
delivered in 1976: “Economists exert a minor and scarcely detectable 
influence on the societies in which they live.”1

Here’s a little test. As a general matter, which statement do you think 
comes closer to the truth?

(a) The dominant academic thinking, research, and writing on economic 
policy issues exert a profound, if not dispositive, influence on 
decisions made by politicians.
(b) Politicians use “research findings the way a drunk uses a lamppost: 
for support, not for illumination.” (The quotation is from economist 
Jared Bernstein, as cited by Madrick on page 200.)
I suspect you answered (b). If so, you got it right. Madrick’s answer 
seems closer to (a).

My main quarrels with Seven Bad Ideas are three, which I’ll take up in 
turn. First, as just mentioned, academic thinking and research don’t 
have nearly as much influence on economic policy as Madrick imagines. 
Second, his characterization of what constitutes mainstream economics is 
heavily skewed to the right; it’s more about conservative economics. 
Third, most of what he calls “bad ideas” are either good ideas, straw 
men, discarded doctrines, or limited to quite conservative 
economists—the people who build “lampposts” for the political right.

The Influence of Economists

In a book published in 1987, I coined (and provided examples of) what I 
called Murphy’s Law of Economic Policy:

Economists have the least influence on policy where they know the most 
and are most agreed; they have the most influence on policy where they 
know the least and disagree most vehemently.2
It was true then, and it is true now. Just last year, two economists 
comparing the disparate answers to survey questions from forty-one 
prominent academic economists versus a representative sample of 
Americans reached the same conclusion as I did.3 Which group do you 
think holds more sway with elected politicians: average Americans or 
economic experts? (Hint: Which has more votes?)

Not convinced? Then think about how often Congress has enacted or raised 
a carbon tax. Or reduced the tax advantage for homeownership. Or how 
many cities charge congestion fees (high tolls in peak hours) on their 
bridges and tunnels. In each of these cases and many more, a huge 
majority of economists—Democrats, Republicans, and independents 
alike—not only favors the indicated policy but thinks it axiomatic. 
Arthur Okun, who chaired the Council of Economic Advisers under 
President Lyndon Johnson, wrote forty-four years ago that “on a number 
of issues, a bipartisan majority of the 

[Marxism] Fwd: How ISIS Rules by Sarah Birke | NYRblog | The New York Review of Books

2014-12-12 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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During the initial phase of ISIS rule, locals told me they disliked the 
excesses of the Islamic State, but some were pleased that the corruption 
and chaos of rebel rule had ended. One businessman from Raqqa who now 
lives in Turkey told me that, though he hated the group, it was easier 
to ship goods through ISIS territory because the checkpoints did not 
take bribes like other rebel groups. The group was also pragmatic in 
running municipal services in Raqqa, keeping expert employees in 
position, including in government-run services such as the phone 
network, but making clear they now work for the Islamic State. 
Schoolteachers are allowed to continue to teach, but with an altered 
curriculum that has had subjects such as chemistry and French removed 
and Islamic studies added. A junior doctor in her twenties, who went 
into exile in September, told me how the department heads in her 
hospital in Raqqa had been replaced by Islamic State men—complete with 
titles such as Emir of General Medicine. Female doctors were now only 
allowed to treat female patients, and in full niqab. “How am I meant to 
operate in black gloves and with barely my eyes showing?” the doctor 
asked me.

But it quickly became clear that ISIS’s ability to maintain power 
depended overwhelmingly on outright repression. Although the beheadings 
of two American journalists and one aid worker, and two British aid 
workers have caught headlines, far more Syrians and Iraqis have been 
murdered by the group and scores have been tortured. Abu Hamza, a Syrian 
defector from ISIS’s intelligence services, told me that the will of the 
state is primarily imposed by security services, just as it was under 
the Baathist regime in Iraq and continues to be in Assad’s Syria. ISIS’s 
security forces, he said, are a mix of nationalities but include enough 
Syrians who know others’ pasts. “They look at all the threats to Islamic 
State, from Bashar al-Assad to America and the other rebels—but their 
number one enemy is the [mainstream] rebels,” he said.

full: http://www.nybooks.com/blogs/nyrblog/2014/dec/09/how-isis-rules/
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[Marxism] The Guantanamo Wound That Will Stay Open.

2014-12-12 Thread Prashad, Vijay via Marxism
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In spite of Obama's promise to close the Guantanamo Bay prison, his own task 
force has reportedly concluded that at least 59 detainees are there for life; 
the use of torture precludes their being moved to a civilian jurisdiction.
For the story of one detainee, now in Uruguay:

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[Marxism] Fwd: Moscow embraces 'hipster Stalinism' | Cities | The Guardian

2014-12-12 Thread Thomas Campbell via Marxism
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Here is a recent video on this same topic, made this summer by some folks
in Petersburg:

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[Marxism] Socially engaged graphic art in Russia

2014-12-12 Thread Thomas Campbell via Marxism
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Artist Victoria Lomasko on the new socially engaged graphic art in Russia:

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[Marxism] Love Letter From Paris: Alain Mabanckou’s 'letter to jimmy'

2014-12-12 Thread Ron Jacobs via Marxism
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Re: [Marxism] Why We Must Support Syriza

2014-12-12 Thread James Creegan via Marxism
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Proyect wrote:

What a mind-boggling amalgam: Mitterand and Ortega. That convinces me 
more than ever that Creegan has not evolved much past his days in the 
Spartacist League.

There are big and important differences between these two politicians and
the movements they led. The differences do not, however, erase a
major similarity: they both attempted to introduce a
series of reforms objectionable to capital, without even thinking
about laying government hands on the major levers of capitalist
power. They tweaked the toes of a colossus, and got stomped. 

The Spartacists weren't wrong about everything.

Jim Creegan 

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Re: [Marxism] Why We Must Support Syriza

2014-12-12 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 12/12/14 8:47 AM, James Creegan via Marxism wrote:

There are big and important differences between these two politicians and
the movements they led. The differences do not, however, erase a
major similarity: they both attempted to introduce a
series of reforms objectionable to capital, without even thinking
about laying government hands on the major levers of capitalist
power. They tweaked the toes of a colossus, and got stomped.

Creegan, don't you know what evidence means? Everything you post here is 
bereft of historical or economic data. My guess is that you simply don't 
know enough about Nicaragua in the 80s to contribute something 
substantial to the debate. I was the president of a technical aid 
project to Nicaragua and was forced by circumstance to understand the 
nation's difficulties. I and other Tecnica board members used to meet 
regularly with Paul Oquist, Daniel Ortega's chief economic adviser. Your 
understanding of Nicaragua is lifted out of the Spartacist League 
newspaper.  Laying government hands sounds like something out of a 
Jimmy Swaggart sermon, not an analysis from someone grounded in 
historical materialism.

My analysis of the rise and fall of the Sandinista revolution is here:


I invite Creegan to write his own analysis but doubt that he is capable 
of writing anything except glittering generalities.

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[Marxism] Fwd: 'The Chechen wars murdered Russian democracy in its cradle' | World news | The Guardian

2014-12-12 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: Why Michel Foucault is the libertarian’s best friend - The Washington Post

2014-12-12 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Ruling Lets Work Email Be Used to Organize Unions

2014-12-12 Thread Ron Jacobs via Marxism
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[Marxism] As Assad and US play two-step bombing Raqqa, Assad calls for more efficient US bombing

2014-12-12 Thread Michael Karadjis via Marxism

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As Assad and US play two-step bombing Raqqa, Assad calls for more 
efficient US bombing:

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Why Michel Foucault is the libertarian#65533; s bes t friend - The Washington Post

2014-12-12 Thread Jim Farmelant via Marxism
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The famous critic of psychiatry, Thomas Szasz, was both a staunch libertarian, 
and a great admirer of Foucault. I think Szasz picked up on the libertarian 
side of Foucault before anyone else did, including Foucault himself.

Jim Farmelant
Learn or Review Basic Math

-- Original Message --
From: Louis Proyect via Marxism marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu
Subject: [Marxism] Fwd: Why Michel Foucault is the libertarian#65533;s best 
friend - The Washington Post
Date: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 09:36:00 -0500

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Apple#39;s Crazy New Gizmo
Forget the iPhone 6. Next hit Apple product leaked. #40;see picture#41;

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[Marxism] Redline top 30

2014-12-12 Thread Philip Ferguson via Marxism
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I’ve just stuck up on Redline the list of our top 30 articles in terms of
hits. They are an interesting range – the top two are on the 1981
anti-Springbok tour protests and have nearly 20,000 hits (not bad for a wee
Marxist blog inn a wee country at the arse-end of the world). Others range
from How capitalist ideology works through to an interview with an
eyewitness at the 1970 Kent State killing of students by the Ohio National
Guard (Mike Alewitz; reblogged from Sherry Wolf) to the women workers’
fight for equal pay at Ford Dagenham in 1968 to critiques of Gandhi to
material on NZ workers’ conditions today to the 2014 elections to the 1986
homosexual law reform movement to the 1951 waterfront dispute.
The list, with links to each individual article, is at:

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Re: [Marxism] We Should All Support SYRIZA

2014-12-12 Thread James Creegan via Marxism
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Proyect wrote:

Creegan, don't you know what evidence means? Everything you post here is 
bereft of historical or economic data. My guess is that you simply don't 
know enough about Nicaragua in the 80s to contribute something 
substantial to the debate. I was the president of a technical aid 
project to Nicaragua and was forced by circumstance to understand the 
nation's difficulties. I and other Tecnica board members used to meet 
regularly with Paul Oquist, Daniel Ortega's chief economic adviser. Your 
understanding of Nicaragua is lifted out of the Spartacist League 
newspaper.  Laying government hands sounds like something out of a 
Jimmy Swaggart sermon, not an analysis from someone grounded in 
historical materialism.

My analysis of the rise and fall of the Sandinista revolution is here:


I invite Creegan to write his own analysis but doubt that he is capable 
of writing anything except glittering generalities.

I think my articles in the Weekly Worker testify to my ability
to write more than glittering generalities. But it is your method 
of arguing that I take issue with above all. You undoubtedly
know more than I do about certain subjects. However, it is
hardly reasonable to upload a lengthy analysis you wrote some
years ago, and invite me to respond with a tome of my own, at least
in a medium of this kind, where brief comments are the norm. But if
you have so much in-depth knowledge that I lack, why don't you try
sifting through it and pulling out a few discrete facts or observations that
tend to contradict what I'm saying, and allow me to respond (if I am.   .   
able) with a few select facts and/or observations of my own. That's
how a structured discussion could proceed. Instead, you accuse me
of being an ignorant Spartacist slogan monger, and try to smother me
with an old article on the Nicaraguan revolution that is perhaps of general
relevance to what I am arguing, but not specifically
responsive to what I have written here. In other words, you accuse
me of being factually ignorant IN GENERAL--in itself an overly
general way of arguing.

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Re: [Marxism] We Should All Support SYRIZA

2014-12-12 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 12/12/14 5:06 PM, James Creegan via Marxism wrote:

But if
you have so much in-depth knowledge that I lack, why don't you try
sifting through it and pulling out a few discrete facts or observations that
tend to contradict what I'm saying, and allow me to respond (if I am.   .
able) with a few select facts and/or observations of my own.

I am not here to educate you about Nicaragua. You make a foolish 
comparison between Mitterand and Daniel Ortega without taking into 
account that France was a powerful imperialist nation with a long 
history as a colonizer while Nicaragua was a country with a population 
the size of Brooklyn and a GNP less than what Americans spend on blue 
jeans in a year. And with one elevator in the entire country, with an 
economy already devastated by earthquake. And you think that the FSLN's 
problem was that it did not lay hands on the capitalists? How am I 
supposed to respond to that? It is such a cockeyed notion that it is not 
worth responding to.

I posted a link to my article not for your benefit because you have been 
irreparably damaged by sectarianism. It is for young people who may have 
been born after the FSLN took power. I invited you to write something 
fully expecting you to weasel your way out of actually reading something 
about Nicaragua. In fact I don't think that mailing lists gain much from 
4 or 5 sentence stupid comparisons between France and Nicaragua. If you 
were a bit more modest, you'd realize that you were wasting bandwidth 
with such empty bombast.

You are not the first person mistrained in Spartacist League 
sectarianism that we have encountered in this neck of the woods, but the 
first since Marxmail was born. We had a slew of FSLN critics long ago, 
like Bob Malecki. It seems like a century ago, thank goodness.

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Why Michel Foucault is the libertarian#65533; s bes t friend - The Washington Post

2014-12-12 Thread charley63
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Don't trust the Washington Post. For a better reading of Foucault's complicated 
politics, see this article on Jacobin: 


Rad Luv!

- Reply message -
From: Jim Farmelant via Marxism marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu
To: Charley Earp charle...@mailworks.org
Subject: [Marxism] Fwd: Why Michel Foucault is the libertarianamp;#65533; s 
bes t friend - The Washington Post
Date: Fri, Dec 12, 2014 1:12 PM

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The famous critic of psychiatry, Thomas Szasz, was both a staunch libertarian, 
and a great admirer of Foucault. I think Szasz picked up on the libertarian 
side of Foucault before anyone else did, including Foucault himself.

Jim Farmelant
Learn or Review Basic Math

-- Original Message --
From: Louis Proyect via Marxism marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu
Subject: [Marxism] Fwd: Why Michel Foucault is the libertarian#65533;s best 
friend - The Washington Post
Date: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 09:36:00 -0500

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Apple#39;s Crazy New Gizmo
Forget the iPhone 6. Next hit Apple product leaked. #40;see picture#41;

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Why Michel Foucault is the libertarian#65533; s be s t friend - The Washington Post

2014-12-12 Thread Jim Farmelant via Marxism
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This is what I wrote about Foucault's politics a decade ago.


Jim Farmelant
Learn or Review Basic Math

-- Original Message --
From: charle...@mailworks.org via Marxism marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu
To: Jim Farmelant farmela...@juno.com
Subject: Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Why Michel Foucault is the libertarian#65533;  
s bes   t friend - The Washington Post
Date: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 17:20:26 -0600

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Don't trust the Washington Post. For a better reading of Foucault's complicated 
politics, see this article on Jacobin: 


Rad Luv!


Fast, Secure, NetZero 4G Mobile Broadband. Try it.

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Why Michel Foucault is the libertarian#65533; s be s t friend - The Washington Post

2014-12-12 Thread Charley Earp via Marxism

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From the article I linked by Peter Frase:

Foucault analyzed... a system that could not simply continue on in 
static equilibrium; it had to be either transcended in a socialist 
direction, or, as happened, dismantled in a project of capitalist 
retrenchment. From this perspective, the importance of figures like 
Foucault is not just as misleaders or budding reactionaries, but as 
indicators of social democracy’s limits, and of the inability of the 
mainstream left at the time to reckon withthe crisis that its own 
victories had produced. By the same token, neoliberalism can be seen not 
just as a tool to smash the institutions of the working class, but also 
as a mystified and dishonest representation of the workers’ own 
frustrated desires for freedom and autonomy.

The welfare state was never a transition to a socialist economy. It 
was precisely created to prevent socialism.


On 12/12/2014 8:17 PM, Jim Farmelant via Marxism wrote:

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This is what I wrote about Foucault's politics a decade ago.


Jim Farmelant
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-- Original Message --
From: charle...@mailworks.org via Marxism marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu
To: Jim Farmelant farmela...@juno.com
Subject: Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Why Michel Foucault is the libertarian#65533;  s 
bes   t friend - The Washington Post
Date: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 17:20:26 -0600

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Don't trust the Washington Post. For a better reading of Foucault's complicated 
politics, see this article on Jacobin:


Rad Luv!


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[Marxism] Nicaragua Protesters Vow to Fight Giant Canal 'With Their Lives'

2014-12-12 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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