Re: [Marxism] multipolar world pro-Confederates in the news again

2015-06-22 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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I find it interesting that the entire media discussion has worked furiously
to make the issue about the Confederate flag rather than the police, the
institutional constraints on the black community in the face of its
qualitatively worsening condition in the U.S.

Is it possible for the mainstream political culture to ever focus on the
substance rather than the symbols nowadays?

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Re: [Marxism] multipolar world pro-Confederates in the news again

2015-06-22 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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Exactly.  Getting rid of the Confederate flag or making its fans more
sensitive would be part of that healing, as would be presidential
hand-wringing over the entire thing.

The question is power--how to mobilize it and how to direct those

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Re: [Marxism] multipolar world pro-Confederates in the news again

2015-06-22 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 6/22/15 12:45 PM, Mark Lause via Marxism wrote:

I find it interesting that the entire media discussion has worked furiously
to make the issue about the Confederate flag rather than the police, the
institutional constraints on the black community in the face of its
qualitatively worsening condition in the U.S.

Is it possible for the mainstream political culture to ever focus on the
substance rather than the symbols nowadays?

At the risk of sounding like a contrarian, I don't think the Charleston 
murders, as bad as they were, can be seen in the same light as the KKK 
terror of the 1950s and 60s. The ultrarightist that Roof hailed has 
repudiated him and Ted Cruz has repudiated the ultrarightist.

The main threat to Black people is the cops. Beyond that, the economic 
oppression that is entirely legal and peaceful costs the lives of many 
thousands each year from early childhood diseases, alcoholism, drug 
overdoses, suicide, etc. All this talk about healing from Wolf Blitzer 
is enough to induce projectile vomiting especially when CNN keep 
referring to thugs during the Baltimore protests.

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[Marxism] Fwd: Time for a New Black Radicalism - The New York Times

2015-06-22 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Time for a New Black Radicalism

1. The Negro must love the white man, because the white man needs his 
love to remove his tensions, insecurities and fears.

2. You do too much singing. Today it is time to stop singing, and start 

Which of the above is emblematic of black radicalism? The answer is not 
as clear-cut as many of us might think.

The first statement was made by Martin Luther King Jr. in support of his 
much lauded and widely known strategy of nonviolent resistance.

King’s call comes from his 1958 account of the Montgomery, Ala., bus 
boycott, “Stride Toward Freedom.” In it, he articulated what he saw as 
an essential form of communal love that had its roots in New Testament 
Christianity but one that King felt was best described by the ancient 
Greek word “agape,” a redeeming love that “springs from the need of the 
other person.” Certainly, the families of the murdered 
congregationalists of Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, in 
Charleston, S.C., were practicing that sort of love last week when they 
publicly forgave Dylann Roof, the young white supremacist who committed 
those murders.

The second statement was made in a characteristically biting tone by 
Malcolm X some six years after King’s, in a 1964 speech in Detroit, 
known as “The Ballot or the Bullet,” urging a more active resistance in 
the face of the government’s repeated failure to protect black people’s 
rights and lives. It was clearly directed at those who still affirmed 
King’s program of nonviolent resistance, and raised the possibility that 
the continuation of that government failure might require blacks to take 
up arms.

Today, as we face a seemingly endless number of black lives being 
unjustifiably threatened, damaged and lost, and the resulting emotional 
cycle among black Americans of rage-despair-hope, it seems urgent that 
we ask again whether now is the time to make black radicalism central to 
black politics and activism. And if so, what should it demand of 
American citizens?


By radicalism I mean the explicit intention to use strong, 
nonconventional and unsanctioned means to effect systemic change by 
either disrupting the status quo or reinstating a preferred previous 
status quo. If the convention in a capitalist society is for the tech 
industry to charge for all services and you offer yours for free on the 
principle that “knowledge wants to be free,” you are a radical; if 
you’re a state legislator who cuts against the separation of church and 
state by lobbying to make the Bible the official book of the state, you 
are a radical.

It would be a disservice to the diverse tradition of black thought and 
activism to present the black radicalism monolithically, but we can 
identify a central motivation across its various iterations: to secure 
for blacks, against the history of white supremacy and the persistent 
racial oppression it has spawned, a degree of respect and dignity by 
means that directly confront and reconfigure both the discourse of and 
policies around racial justice. This is typically done with an eye 
toward not merely rationally persuading white Americans, but to 
intentionally unsettle and dislodge them from the comforts of white 

We don’t typically assign the term “radical” to people like the computer 
programmer or the legislator described above, for a number of reasons. 
First, radicalism, especially in the political sphere, is thought to 
necessarily entail violence. Second, radicalism is often used as a 
substitute for “fundamentalism.” Lastly, radicalism is thought to 
represent (some form of) insurgency as a way of life or lifestyle. This 
last reason when combined with the first is what makes the idea of 
radicalism, especially black radicalism, alarming to many Americans. Yet 
it turns out that all of these reasons for treating radicalism as a 
dangerous doctrine are wrong.

It is important to begin by challenging the claim that radicalism and 
fundamentalism are interchangeable. Fundamentalism is an ideology and 
all ideologies share one critical flaw. They begin with a basic 
proposition (for example, the lives of all nonbelievers in religion X 
are expendable) and assert that proposition as a true statement about 
the world and then proceed to interpret all evidence in the light of 
that purported truth; thus ideology short-circuits effective means of 
assessing the reality of social, economic and political situations. 
Radicalism, in contrast, is significantly (but not entirely) post hoc — 
it is 

[Marxism] John Halle on Charleston

2015-06-22 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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(from FB)

It is a testament to the optimism of the left that some of us were able 
to find a silver lining even in the most toxic of black clouds which was 
the Charleston massacre. One of these was Maurice Mitchell of the 
Movement for Black Lives who took comfort in the organizing and the 
heart and resilience we are seeing on the ground. Mitchell was hopeful 
that it will continue—that we might be able to precipitate a meaningful, 
transformative political and cultural shift in this country.

Unfortunately, Mitchell's optimism was probably misplaced for reasons 
Naomi Klein provides in the Shock Doctrine: crises, even those which 
might seem to galvanize the left, are routinely used as a smokescreen 
under which the right pursues their most regressive policies.

Last Thursday was no exception.

Indeed, while the bodies were being counted, the U.S. Congress approved 
HR 1314, a major step to achieving Trade Promotion Authority, or TPA, 
which will result in far more devastation in African American 
communities than white supremacists' bullets. The difference lies in the 
violence being effected by fountain pen wielding men in suits resulting 
in unseen destruction--of jobs, environmental protections and organizing 
rights all of which adding up to mass unemployment, misery, and hopeless 
and, ultimately, thousands of premature deaths.
This outrage provoked almost no discussion in liberal and left circles 
which a week before had been crowing about having imposed insurmountable 
obstacle to the passage of the TPA through the defeat of enabling 

Thursday showed that little has changed since the heady days of NAFTA 
when a similar phalanx of a centrist Democratic executive, almost all of 
the Republican caucus and a few key defectors from the Democrat ranks 
enabled the first round of jobs destroying trade agreements.
Among the crucial votes this Thursday were congressional black caucus 
members Stephanie Sewell, Eddie Bernice Johnson and Gregory Meeks whose 
overwhelmingly working class constituencies are sure to be among the 
biggest losers in the intensified race to the bottom the TPA is designed 
to promote.

But in the wake of the Charleston outrage, Sewell, Johnson and Meeks 
could be confident they would be insulated from any criticism for their 
vote, particularly from unions spearheading the opposition whose own 
history of racism remains an open wound for many African Americans.
Of course, the acknowledged master of racialized triangulation is the 
misleader in chief, Barack Obama whose service to elites was crucially 
enabled by liberals besotted by the prospect of an African American 
presidency, enthusiastically projecting all manner of left identitarian 
fantasies on to him-despite all evidence that he was committed to the 
corporate center right governance which has been the hallmark of his 

Those who had warned of this materializing hoped that the TPA, provoking 
Obama's shameless attacks on the Democratic labor base and sullenly 
dishonest smears of Elizabeth Warren, would finally open the eyes of 
liberals to who they were dealing with.
No such luck. It's a safe bet that the President will have some of his 
waning moral authority restored by Charleston. Demands from the black 
lives matter movement to respect black leadership will be cynically 
exploited by a ruling elites which recognized from the very beginning 
the unique value of cultivating multiculturally diverse spokespersons 
fronting for their neoliberal product line.

The strategy was first deployed by New York City mayor David Dinkins who 
was able to sell his candidacy to the establishment on the grounds that 
his left-liberal base, rather than rebel against his treasonous embrace 
of neoliberalism, would take if from me.
Let's hope Barack Obama's presidency will be seen as marking the zenith 
of this strategy.

It is time for the left to own up to its own role in enabling it and 
resolve to never allow itself to be played for suckers again.

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[Marxism] new Greek proposal to troika raises questions, riles concerns at home (5)

2015-06-22 Thread Dayne Goodwin via Marxism
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1)  SYRIZA on standby for agreement
Party bodies ready to convene, VAT on islands a red line for Independent Greeks
I Kathimerini, Athens, June 22

SYRIZA’s party bodies are on standby to meet in the coming days if the
government reaches an agreement with the institutions and to assess
whether the deal meets the approval of leftist party members and MPs.

Ministers and SYRIZA lawmakers mostly remained tight-lipped Monday
regarding the potential agreement but the party’s political
secretariat and central committee will be convened if a deal is

SYRIZA’s parliamentary spokesman, Nikos Filis, said he was confident
that the coalition will remain faithful to its red lines, which
include lower primary surpluses as well as not cutting pensions and
public sector salaries. “The agreement will be evaluated, discussed
and will pass through Parliament, with backing from SYRIZA’s
parliamentary group and, I believe, Independent Greeks.”

Alternate Minister for Citizens’ Protection Yiannis Panousis suggested
that if there are ministers who disagree with the expected settlement
between the government and its creditors, they should leave the
cabinet. “If there are ministers who cannot take it, do not want it,
who are against the new agreement that is on its way, then a reshuffle
will be necessary,” said Panousis, who is not a SYRIZA member.

One potential flash point in the government is over the issue of
scrapping the value-added tax discount for Aegean islands. Coalition
partner Independent Greeks has said it would strongly oppose such a
move. This position was repeated Monday by Defense Minister Panos

“The issue of VAT on the islands is a precondition for Independent
Greeks and me personally to accept this agreement and continue being
part of the government,” Kammenos said.

2)  Why the words ‘civil war’ are no longer a joke in Greece
by Paul Mason
Channel 4 News, England, June 22

Here’s the situation as the Eurogroup on Greece is underway. On Sunday
the Greek cabinet met and decided to make a further retreat on the
fiscal targets their lenders want them to meet.

There’s a gap of about €2bn between the two sides, and this latest
move fills €1bn of it. This is by putting up the VAT rate on
electricity, cutting the pensions of better-off pensioners, reducing
early retirement rights quicker than planned, a one-off tax on
companies with turnover above half a million, and closing tax

However, the real change is in the tone on debt relief. Alexis Tsipras
has always argued that any deal done now should form the framework of
a future discussion on rescheduling Greece’s debts. Until Sunday this
was a red-line issue. Now I understand the Greek government would
accept a form of words that pledged to address this in future; and an
un-named EU official has said this is likely.

The problem is, these extra measures are effectively “left austerity”
– changes of the kind the lenders don’t like, hitting the rich harder
than the poor. So even if they accept they could help balance Greece’s
books, they might still object that they are not sustainable.

But the background to this final concession is ominous.

Tsipras and his team are under huge pressure from within Syriza, and
from within the 47 per cent of voters who, when polled last week, said
they would vote for Syriza. The pressure comes verbally, in constant
text messages from constituents, and from a group within the
parliamentary party known as the 53 group.

These are grassroots “modernised” left-wingers – and their 53+ MPs,
combined with around 30 or so from the pro-Grexit Left Platform, have
enough support and willpower to reject any deal that looks like

Controlling Syntagma Square

So Tsipras and his cabinet went to Brussels to make one more big
concession, but fully prepared to endure an unwilling “rupture” with
lenders, leading to the imposition of capital controls and a default,
if they judge lenders are actually trying to humiliate them and force
them to the exit.

They understand the likely chaos would not just be economic. The
second of the pro-euro demonstrations is due to be held tonight. So
far has the mood darkened between this essentially right-wing,
pro-austerity movement and the mass base of Syriza that it has in the
past week become routine for people to start throwing around the words
“civil war”, and no longer in the jokey way they used to.

People fear, sooner or later, that the left and right will stop
alternating their demonstrations in Syntagma 

[Marxism] new Greek gov't proposals please creditors (5)

2015-06-22 Thread Dayne Goodwin via Marxism
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*cover letter on new proposals from Tsipras to EC Commissioner Juncker June 22*

1)  Greece offers new proposals to avert default, creditors see hope
by Renee Maltezou and Jan Strupczewski
Reuters, June 22

BRUSSELS - Greece took a step back from the abyss on Monday with the
presentation of new budget proposals that euro zone leaders welcomed
as a basis for a possible agreement in the coming days to unlock
frozen aid and avert a looming default.

European Council President Donald Tusk, who chaired an emergency
summit of leaders of the 19-nation currency bloc, called the Greek
proposals a positive step forward. He said the aim was to have the
Eurogroup finance ministers approve a cash-for-reform package on
Wednesday evening and put it to euro zone leaders for final
endorsement on Thursday morning.

However, there must first be a detailed agreement with representatives
of European governments, the European Central Bank and the
International Monetary Fund to ensure the numbers add up, he said.
. . .
The Greek proposals included higher taxes and welfare charges and
steps to curtail early retirement, but not the nominal pension and
wage cuts first sought by lenders. Leftist Prime Minister Alexis
Tsipras, elected in January on a promise to end austerity measures,
also appeared to have avoided raising value added tax on electricity
or loosening job protection laws.

Tsipras said the ball was back in the creditors' court and they should
provide a deal that would make Greece's huge debts affordable. We are
seeking a comprehensive and viable solution that will be followed by a
strong growth package and at the same time render the Greek economy
viable, he told reporters.

The cash-starved country must repay the IMF 1.6 billion euros by June
30 or be declared in default, potentially triggering a bank run and
capital controls.

Jeroen Dijsselbloem, chairman of the euro zone finance ministers,
known as the Eurogroup, described the new Greek document as
comprehensive and a basis to really restart the talks. He said
negotiations in the coming days would show whether the numbers added

He left the summit saying only that there would be hard work for the
next few hours.

German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble was the most negative,
telling reporters earlier in the day he had seen nothing really new
from Greece.

Participants said Schaeuble questioned in the Eurogroup meeting
whether the European Central Bank should continue emergency lending to
Greek banks if there was no deal this week and whether it should not
be accompanied by capital controls.

A Greek official said ECB chief Mario Draghi had reassured Tsipras in
a private meeting that the central bank would continue to support
Greek banks as long as Athens remained in a bailout programme. An ECB
source said there was no direct link between the emergency liquidity
assistance and the programme.

Participants said IMF chief Christine Lagarde cast doubt in the
meeting on whether the proposals were sufficient to make Greece's
public finances sustainable.

We have a huge amount of work to do in the next 48 hours. We are not
at all at the end of the route, Lagarde said on leaving the summit.

Tsipras had demanded a promise of debt relief as a condition for a
deal, but both Merkel and Juncker said now was not the time to discuss
it. An EU diplomat said Tsipras struck a very cooperative tone in the
summit and promised to work further on the proposals to ensure a deal
this week.

Juncker said he had proposed a 35 billion euro programme for
growth-enhancing measures in Greece up to 2020. The money appeared to
be a restatement of existing EU budget funds earmarked for Athens.
. . .
With anxious Greek savers continuing to withdraw cash, though
apparently in smaller amounts on Monday than last week, the ECB
increased its emergency lending to Greek banks for the third time in a

But after months of acrimony, the positive mood music in Brussels gave
investors hope that an agreement might be near.

European shares hit their highest level in a week and the Greek stock
market jumped 9 percent while the borrowing costs of Italy, Spain and
Portugal - the countries most likely to be hit if Greece headed for
the euro zone exit - fell sharply.
. . .
In its proposal, Greece offered to raise the retirement age gradually
to 67 and curb early retirement. It also offered to reform the
value-added-tax system to set the main rate at 23 percent, and
promised additional taxes on business and the wealthy.

Economics Minister George 

[Marxism] Fwd: Leader of group cited in 'Dylann Roof manifesto' donated to top Republicans | US news | The Guardian

2015-06-22 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: A Syrian teen's tale of torture and death in an Islamic State town -

2015-06-22 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] some perspectives on Greek financial crisis (6)

2015-06-22 Thread Dayne Goodwin via Marxism
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1)  Crunch time for Greece
by Jorge Martín
In Defense of Marxism, IMT, June 19
. . .
Now we have reached crunch time. The troika maintains its demands,
while the Greek government realises that if it makes any further
concessions it might not be able to survive. The experience of the
last four years in Greece, clearly shows that any government
attempting to implement the Memoranda has been destroyed. After the
breakdown of negotiations at the Eurogroup yesterday a new emergency
political meeting has been called for Monday, June 22. It is not
likely to lead anywhere.

In the meantime, ahead of Monday’s meeting, the Greek Finance Minister
Varoufakis has published his intervention at the Eurogroup meeting,
where he expressed
his views and proposes even further, outrageous concessions. Those
were also rejected.

The document details a comprehensive and hair rising list of the
impact of the crisis and austerity policies on Greece which is worth

“The public sector’s structural, or cyclically adjusted, fiscal
deficit turned into a surplus on the back of a ‘world record beating’
20% adjustment

Wages fell by 37%

Pensions were reduced by up to 48%

State employment diminished by 30%

Consumer spending was curtailed by 33%

Even the nation’s chronic current account deficit dropped by 16%.”

He then explains the impact of these brutal cuts:

“Aggregate real GDP fell by 27% while nominal GDP continued to fall
quarter-in-quarter-out for 18 quarters non-stop to this day

Unemployment skyrocketed to 27%

Undeclared labour reached 34%

Banks are labouring under non-performing loans that exceed 40% in value

Public debt has exceeded 180% of GDP

Young well-qualified people are abandoning Greece in droves

Poverty, hunger and energy deprivation have registered increases
usually associated with a state at war

Investment in productive capacity has evaporated.”

Even after explaining all this, he says he is prepared to make even
further “adjustments”, including  a privatisation plan for the next 10
years (something which is clearly in direct contradiction with the
Thessaloniki programme). The whole argument, he says, is not that we
don’t want to cut, it is just that we want to do it “our way”.

To stress the point he makes a further proposal which had not been
advanced before, that of an automatic mechanism to control public
spending. This is how he explains it:

“Instead of arguing over half a percentage point of measures (or on
whether these tax measures will have to all of the parametric type or
not), how about a deeper, more comprehensive, permanent reform? An
automated hard deficit brake that is legislated and monitored by the
independent Fiscal Council we and the institutions have already agreed
upon. The Fiscal Council would monitor the state budget’s execution on
a weekly basis, issue warnings if a minimum primary surplus target
looks like being violated and, at some point, trigger automated across
the board, horizontal, reductions in all outlays in order to prevent
the slide below the pre-agreed threshold. That way a failsafe system
is in place that ensures the solvency of the Greek state while the
Greek government retains the policy space it needs in order to remain
sovereign and able to govern within a democratic context. Consider
this to be a firm proposal that our government will implement
immediately after an agreement.”

This would in effect mean an automatic mechanism for permanent
austerity regardless of the economic circumstances and far from giving
any government “sovereignty” or a “democratic context” it would be
precisely the opposite!

Here we have the sad spectacle of the democratically elected Greek
representatives being forced to grovel in front of the European
bankers and capitalists begging for some crumbs off the table, asking
for leniency, making promises of “good behaviour”, only for the
masters to turn around and say: NO, we want more!

Having reached this point, the main problem is that the Syriza
leadership did not expect a situation where an “honourable agreement”
would not be possible and therefore did not prepare for it, either
from an economic point of view or from a political point of view.

The Left Platform inside Syriza, which now has about 45% of the vote
in the Central Committee, has voiced opposition to these concessions
(see its amendment at the last CC meeting
However, there are two weaknesses in 

Re: [Marxism] some perspectives on Greek financial crisis (6)

2015-06-22 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 6/22/15 4:30 AM, Dayne Goodwin via Marxism wrote:

In reality, the only alternative to the utopian strategy of searching
for an agreement with the lenders is what the comrades of the
Communist Tendency of Syriza call a “socialist rupture”. That is, to
repudiate the debt and  take measures to expropriate the capitalist,
bankers, landlords and ship owners, so that the wealth of society can
be put in the hands of those who produce it, under a democratic plan
of the economy. Breaking decisively with capitalism is also the only
policy which could rekindle the enthusiasm which existed in the
initial days of the government, both in Greece and throughout Europe.
That is the only way forward.

In reality, this is where their troubles would really begin.
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[Marxism] Fwd: Earth is on the brink of a sixth mass extinction, scientists say, and it’s humans’ fault - The Washington Post

2015-06-22 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Greens fall for Liberals' divide and conquer tactics

2015-06-22 Thread John Passant via Marxism

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While we in Australia are splitting hairs arguing over which worker is 
slightly richer than other workers, and admiring the government for its 
sleight of hand in giving a few crumbs to a few pensioners, the rich are 
laughing all the way to their tax free superannuation bank. And it is 
not just superannuation. As ACOSS has revealed in its report Inequality 
in Australia: A nation divided, inequality continues to increase in 
Australia. As the report says 'a person in the top 20% wealth group has 
around 70 times more wealth than a person in the bottom 20%.'

The main winners out of this winner/loser strategy are the Abbott 
Government and the really rich. The government will use the same 
divisive model again. Public school fees anyone?

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[Marxism] George Orwell on the British left

2015-06-22 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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George Orwell: One sometimes gets the impression that the mere words 
‘Socialism’ and ‘Communism’ draw towards them with magnetic force every 
fruit-juice drinker, nudist, sandal-wearer, sex-maniac, Quaker, ‘Nature 
Cure’ quack, pacifist, and feminist in England.

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[Marxism] New on Redline

2015-06-22 Thread Philip Ferguson via Marxism
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New health and safety bill before parliament: Time for workers to take
charge of health and safety:

Protecting NZ capitalism is not in the interests of workers anywhere:

The White New Zealand policy, pt 6: (re)presenting the parliamentary
debates of the late 1890s - the data:

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Is China going Green? A reply to John Bellamy Foster | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2015-06-22 Thread annette gagne via Marxism
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I don't know how excited we should get about Wang being a Marxist.  Isn't
it predictable that functionaries in China would consider themselves
Out of tradition,  if nothing else?

Best Wishes,
- A
On Jun 22, 2015 3:50 PM, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote:

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 On June 15th an article by John Bellamy Foster titled “Marxism, Ecological
 Civilization, and China” appeared on MRZine. It was the fourth in a series
 of exchanges that date back to a February 2012 Monthly Review article by
 Zhihe Wang titled “Ecological Marxism in China”.

 Wang, who is the director of the Center for Constructive Postmodern
 Studies and professor of philosophy at Harbin Institute of Technology in
 China, discusses the penetration of Marxist ecological theories in China
 including those that should be familiar to those of you who keep abreast of
 such matters: 1. James O’Connor’s theory of the “Second Contradiction” 2.
 Joel Kovel’s Frankfurt Marxist analysis 3. Foster/Paul Burkett, which Wang
 implies is the only one that is strictly Marxist.

 For the most part, Wang is enthusiastic about the arrival of a Green-Red
 synthesis and gives equal credit to academicians like Foster and Chinese
 officials such as Yi Junqing, who Wang describes as:

 the Minister of Central Bureau of Compilation and Translation (a
 top government institution on Marxism Studies in China), believes that
 “Marxism will lose its vitality” if it does not address the ecological
 crisis in the twenty-first century.

 Wow. That’s pretty good news, ain’t it? A top government official is not
 only a Marxist but someone who emphatically believes that ecosocialism
 should become official government policy. I must have dozed off somewhere
 along the line not to have noticed this.

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[Marxism] Greece today, illuminating report by Paul Mason

2015-06-22 Thread Dayne Goodwin via Marxism
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Greece – five pictures of a troubled country
by Paul Mason
Channel 4 News, England

[slightly behind the front edge of the latest news but lots of
perceptive observations, d]

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Re: [Marxism] multipolar world pro-Confederates in the news again

2015-06-22 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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On the one hand, the union responses to this atrocity and to police murders
have pointed to institutional racism in hiring, education, housing, etc.
So for that matter have the various #blacklivesmatter groups.
And when quoting all of them on facebook I've agitated for us to campaign
on those institutional issues.
On the other hand, the flag debate does reflect power dynamics (and several
of the right-wing groups have in fact praised the murderer and even called
for trashing the US flag).

On Mon, Jun 22, 2015 at 12:56 PM, Mark Lause via Marxism wrote:

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 Exactly.  Getting rid of the Confederate flag or making its fans more
 sensitive would be part of that healing, as would be presidential
 hand-wringing over the entire thing.

 The question is power--how to mobilize it and how to direct those

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[Marxism] ARGENTINA: Successful election for the Left and Workers' Front

2015-06-22 Thread Celeste Murillo via Marxism
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Noelia Barbeito, a 33 year-old teacher and a member of the Socialist
Workers Party (Partido de los Trabajodores Socialistas, PTS) representing
the Left and Workers' Front obtained 10,39 % of the votes in the
gubernatorial race in Mendoza province on Sunday. The coalition headed by
the center-right Radical Party (UCR) defeated Kirchnerist candidate and
other opposition parties to win the election.

Noelia Barbeito obtained 10,39 % of the votes in Mendoza’s governor race
(nearly 110,000 votes). The Left once again achieved historic results in an
election for an executive position. Last May, current presidential
candidate Nicolas del Caño, a 35-year old member of the PTS representing
the Left and Workers’ Front (known as FIT in Argentina), achieved 17% in
the mayoral race in Mendoza city, ahead of the Kirchnerist candidate.

Barbeito improved on her results from the primary election by nearly 50 %
(she obtained 7 % in the primaries). Together with Barbeito’s 10,39 %, the
Front earned two new provincial legislator seats (a senator, Víctor Da
Avila from PO; and alegislator, Macarena Escudero from PTS), and many city
council seats.

This is one of the several successful elections this year for the Left and
Workers’ Front. The left coalition had achieved verypositive results in
previous elections in Mendoza (in both the primary and general elections),
Salta, Buenos Aires city, and Neuquen.

The Left and Workers’ Front has consolidated its position as a political
force that can attract votes from many of those who hold progressive views
on many issues but that previously supported Kirchnerism and who genuinely
believed in its promises of change. The workers and the youth of Mendoza
see in the Left and Workers’ Front, and PTS candidates like Barbeito and
Del Caño, among others, a left and working class alternative.

Del Caño has presented himself as candidate for President, and will be
joined by Myriam Bregman as candidate for vice president in the upcoming
primary elections for the Left and Workers’ Front. They will compete with
the Workers Party’s (Partido Obrero) candidate for President Jorge Altamira
and Socialist Lefts’ (Izqueirda Socialista) candidate for vice president
Roberto Giordano.
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[Marxism] Philadelphia - the real history of the Vietnam War

2015-06-22 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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[Marxism] Fwd: Albert Woodfox’s Forty Years in Solitary Confinement - The New Yorker

2015-06-22 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Woodfox was serving time for armed robbery in the notoriously violent 
Louisiana State Penitentiary, known as Angola, in 1972, when a prison 
guard named Brent Miller was stabbed to death. Woodfox and a 
fellow-prisoner, Herman Wallace, were accused of Miller’s murder, 
despite the fact that no physical evidence linked them to the crime and 
that both men consistently maintained their innocence. They claimed they 
were framed by the prison authorities because of their membership in the 
Black Panther Party and their outspoken criticism of prison conditions. 
Louisiana juries convicted Woodfox in the early seventies and again in 
the late nineties, but both convictions were thrown out for racial 
discrimination in grand-jury selection. Meanwhile, the appeals process 
dragged on, and Woodfox remained in solitary confinement for decades. 
(Wallace was also held in solitary confinement until his conviction was 
overturned, also on grand-jury-discrimination grounds, in 2013, just a 
few days before his death.)


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[Marxism] Syrian fighters withdraw from US program, refusing to sign contract to not fight Assad

2015-06-22 Thread Michael Karadjis via Marxism

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I know it must be really, really old news by now that the US program to 
train and equip a  new army of rebels was only ever aimed, 
explicitly, at them only fighting ISIS and not the regime, but this is 
the first time I see they were expected to sign a contract pledging to 
not fight Assad. I guess these rebels are only quitting now were a 
little slow.


Syrian Opposition Fighters Withdraw from US 'Train and Equip' Program
Jun 22nd, 2015 by Ibrahim Hamidi for Al-Hayat
 (London-based Saudi 

Dozens of fighters withdraw from Pentagon training program in Turkey and 
Jordan after being forced to sign contract pledging not to attack Assad 

Syrian Opposition Fighters Withdraw from US

Western diplomatic sources confirmed that dozens of “moderate 
opposition” fighters withdrew from the US Defense Department’s 
train-and-equip program after refusing to sign a contract guaranteeing 
not to fight against the regime of Syrian president Bashar al-Assad. 
Meanwhile, regional and Western countries are seeking to persuade the 
Obama administration to provide political mandate to the international 
coalition jet fighters to support the opposition fighters against the 
Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

US Congress approved a three-year plan with a $500 million USD annual 
budget for training and arming 5,000 fighters annually to achieve three 
goals; fighting ISIS, defending the areas controlled by the moderate 
opposition, and pushing towards a political solution in Syria. Congress 
also agreed to set up four camps, including two in Jordan and Turkey.

According to sources, about 6,000 fighters applied to join the Pentagon 
program, supervised by Gen. Michael Nagata, in parallel with a secret 
CIA program to train and equip opposition fighters.

About 2,500 fighters were said to have passed the first phase of 
testing, with only 1,500 of them chosen to continue training. The 
sources noted that about 200 fighters arrived in two training camps in 
Jordan and Turkey, but only around 50 of them remained in the program 
after the rest refused to sign a paper containing a pledge not to fight 
regime forces, or because their names did not match the names registered 
in the preliminary lists, meaning only dozens of fighters received 
training in the camp in southern Turkey.

Agence France Presse reported from Pentagon spokesperson Colonel Steve 
Warren that while the stated goal is to train 5,000 fighters per year, 
only a hundred or two Syrians began training in the two camps in 
Jordan and Turkey. US Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter told Congress 
on Wednesday that it is “very difficult” to identify fighters who meet 
the specified criteria.

In addition to operational difficulties, the program also faces 
strategic problems between the Obama administration and some of its 
allies, such as Turkey. Sources claim Ankara believes the US aims to 
train the fighters only against ISIS, at the expense of fighting the 
Syrian regime, stating: it was clear from the very beginning that the 
task of these Syrian fighters is to fight ISIS at the moment.

Turkey and Western countries have attempted to convince Washington to 
broaden the mission of the international coalition fighter jets to 
provide air protection to opposition fighters, but the Obama 
administration has refused to approve any step that may harm Iranian 
interests or the current nuclear negotiations deal.

Coalition warplanes struck ISIS locations in Izaz Soran in the 
countryside of Aleppo last week, strengthening the position of the 
Syrian opposition fighters, the first step of its kind since the 
commencement of the coalition raids last September. The sources 
explained that the task of the coalition fighters in Syria is only to 
strike any ISIS location that effects fighting ISIS in Iraq, because 
Obama's strategy is to defeat ISIS in Iraq first, in addition to 
destroying the infrastructure of the Islamic State in the north east of 
the country.

The sources believe the political mandate given to coalition fighters 
only to destroy ISIS infrastructure, such as oil stations and command 
centers, within Iraq first, may explain the coalition's failure to 
prevent ISIS from controlling the city of Palmyra in central Syria weeks 

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