[Marxism] The California Germination of Right Wing Politics

2015-11-20 Thread Ron Jacobs via Marxism
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Check out my newest book, Daydream Sunset:60s Counterculture in the 70s

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[Marxism] Fwd: In the Fight Against ISIS, Russia Ain’t Taking No Prisoners

2015-11-20 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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(As I have been trying to explain, the same people who stepped forward 
to oppose George W. Bush in 2003 are now cheering for Putin today as if 
they were Bill O'Reilly--all in the name of anti-imperialism. Since so 
many of them are regulars on RT.com, which has the same relationship to 
the Kremlin that FOX-TV had to Bush's White House, this is to be expected.)

Putin’s vow to go after anyone or any entity that 
facilitates/collaborates with Daesh should logically imply a trip back 
to‘Shock and Awe 2003’: the bombing, invasion and occupation of Iraq 
that created the conditions for the establishment of Al-Qaeda in Iraq, 
“directed” by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi up to 2006.

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Re: [Marxism] Yassamine Mather on imperialism and the IS bombings

2015-11-20 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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that would be Hands Off the People of Iran http://hopoi.org/
I've only skimmed the website but it comes highly recommended by a comrade
who shares our views. Might be worth having a dialogue with her.

On Thu, Nov 19, 2015 at 10:43 PM, Louis Proyect via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

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> *
> She works with a CPGB-run group involved with Iranian solidarity. I
> suspect that their politics which is similar to the Alan Woods sect and
> Counterfire has disoriented her.
> On 11/19/15 10:40 PM, mkaradjis . wrote:
>> The fact that she's so good on Iran is one reason I'd expect her to be
>> better about Syria, given that the Iranian regime that has murdered so
>> many of her comrades has also been the main source of foreign
>> intervention on behalf of Assad who has killed so many more than the
>> Iran regime itself.
> _
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[Marxism] Why the USA attacked Syria? To get Iran? Really?

2015-11-20 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Mr. Charles Glass, you write on Glenn Greenwald's Intercept website today:

"The question since March 2011, when the first protests began in Syria, 
is what to do with President Bashar al-Assad. The reason the West, Saudi 
Arabia, and Israel wanted to dispose of him had nothing to do with 
dictatorship or repression. Nearly all Arab governments are repressive 
dictatorships, but only Syria was not a U.S. satellite. Only Syria had a 
strategic alliance with Iran, dating to Hafez al-Assad’s decision to 
support Iran against Saddam Hussein in 1980, long before the West 
declared him a pariah."

This is a crock of shit, Mr. Glass, and you probably know it.

The USA invaded Iraq in 2003, didn't it? Remember Ahmad Chalabi? He died 
a few days ago. In 2004 there were CIA agents who had suspicions that he 
was an Iranian spy since American intelligence reports kept ending up in 

Then there is Muqtada al-Sadr. The Washington Institute, a neocon 
outfit, views him as an out and out proxy of Iran.

I can go at great length but why bother? None of this would make a 
difference to someone like you who has been stumping for Assad for four 
years now.

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Re: [Marxism] FDR cared more about Polish horses than Polish Jews

2015-11-20 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Freitag, 20. November 2015 at 05:15, Lüko Willms via Marxism wrote:

> on Donnerstag, 19. November 2015 at 23:04, Michael Yates via Marxism wrote:

>> In the book Human Smoke, Nicholson Baker details how the US would
>> not even take in orphaned Jewish children because they might grow up
>> to be Bolsheviks. 

>   out of sheer antisemitism. 

  and this resonates with Hitler's fantasy of a "jewish-bolshevik world 
conspiracy" ("jüdisch-bolschwistische Weltverschwörung" in German). 

Lüko Willms
Frankfurt/Main, Germany
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[Marxism] Fwd: Brendan O’Neill - Fear of Islamophobia is a bigger problem than...

2015-11-20 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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The dead-end of Spiked online contrarianism, so contrarian that it 
becomes mainstream.

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Re: [Marxism] Why the USA attacked Syria? To get Iran? Really?

2015-11-20 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Freitag, 20. November 2015 at 15:20, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote:

> Mr. Charles Glass, you write on Glenn Greenwald's Intercept website today:

> "The question since March 2011, when the first protests began in Syria,
> is what to do with President Bashar al-Assad. The reason the West, Saudi
> Arabia, and Israel wanted to dispose of him had nothing to do with 
> dictatorship or repression. Nearly all Arab governments are repressive
> dictatorships, but only Syria was not a U.S. satellite. Only Syria had a
> strategic alliance with Iran, dating to Hafez al-Assad’s decision to 
> support Iran against Saddam Hussein in 1980, long before the West 
> declared him a pariah."

> This is a crock of shit, Mr. Glass, and you probably know it.

  After that insult, what has the rest of your comment to do with the above 
quoted by this Charles Glass? It appears completely logical to me. 

  But this: 

> The USA invaded Iraq in 2003, didn't it? Remember Ahmad Chalabi? He died
> a few days ago. In 2004 there were CIA agents who had suspicions that he
> was an Iranian spy since American intelligence reports kept ending up in
> Tehran.

> Then there is Muqtada al-Sadr. The Washington Institute, a neocon 
> outfit, views him as an out and out proxy of Iran.

> I can go at great length but why bother? None of this would make a 
> difference to someone like you who has been stumping for Assad for four
> years now.

  Just to say anything venting your anger, even completely unrelated? 

Lüko Willms
Frankfurt/Main, Germany
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[Marxism] An appeal to LGBTQQI comrades

2015-11-20 Thread Andrew Stewart via Marxism
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Folks, I have just gone through a nasty spat with a solidarity group that I am 
a part of due to an article about Harry Hay I am planning to write. I would 
really appreciate it if people who were in the struggle for liberation in the 
70s and 80s could share their insights and thoughts about Hay and his whole 
episode with NAMBLA. As a prefatory disclaimer, I have absolutely no interest 
in apologies for child rape and think that there is never any reason to justify 
the hurting of a child under any circumstances at all. Please don't let the 
following message be construed otherwise.

I'm not old enough to remember that period and I can only ask questions. Was he 
trying the classic boring in strategy that Lefties were doing in the 70s and 
80s to reform an organization to stimulate a debate over consent laws and how 
same sex relationships are not given the Romeo and Juliet laws that protect a 
romantic partner in heterosexual contexts when one of the lovers, usually the 
male, becomes an adult and could be liable for statutory rape charges? Was he 
out of his mind and trying to screw around with kids? A little of both?

Hay is a very hard figure for queer journalists like me to do justice to. On 
the one hand, his activism and founding of Mattachine Society and Radical 
Faeries was extremely important because he combined LGBTQQI civil rights causes 
with a Marxist class analysis that groups like Human Rights Campaign run away 
from with fear. He began doing agitation for gay men when they were being 
exiled from the Federal employment rolls during the McCarthy era and literally 
being electrocuted in mental institutions. On the other hand, NAMBLA, an 
organization that I would be happy to see evaporate from the face of the earth. 
Hay founded the modern gay men's rights advocacy movement and was prophetic in 
repudiating assimilation trends that are becoming a reality before my eyes, 
especially in terms of the role white sexual minorities can play in 
gentrification of the major cities. Part of the Left tradition is having heroes 
that are NOT saints, despite the efforts of the various Leninist-derived cos-pla
 y groups that pretend to be politically inclined. 

And just to be clear, Hay was not the only gay guy on this NAMBLA trip, Allen 
Ginsberg was also and arguably sounded completely bonkers when he spoke on the 
topic in comparison to Hay.

Any insights?

Best regards,
Andrew Stewart 
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Re: [Marxism] France votes to become a police state

2015-11-20 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Donnerstag, 19. November 2015 at 18:17, Lüko Willms via Marxism wrote:

> Today at near unanimity the National Assembly of the French
> Republic voted, with just 6 deputies saving their honor by voting
> against, to extend the State of Emergency 

   of those 6, 3 were from the left wing of the Parti Socialiste (PS), des 
"frondeurs", and 3 of the ecologistes. 

   The parliamentary group of the "Front de Gauche", i.e. the so called 
Communist Party and the Parti de Gauche of Melanchon have voted for the state 
of emergency. 

   While watching on TV the live coverage of the attentats of Friday 13th the 
name of that other city "Sarajevo" came to my mind, this vote makes me think of 
another 4th of August. 

   Ich kann garnicht soviel essen, wie ich kotzen möchte. 

Lüko Willms
Frankfurt/Main, Germany
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Re: [Marxism] Why the USA attacked Syria? To get Iran? Really?

2015-11-20 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 11/20/15 1:16 PM, Lüko Willms wrote:


* Just to say anything venting your anger, even completely unrelated?

As a fellow member of the Baathist amen corner with Charles Glass, you 
probably didn't understand my point. Let me repeat it slowly and clearly 
so that it might sink in.



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[Marxism] Assad's Grand Mufti threatened Paris type attacks in 2011

2015-11-20 Thread Clay Claiborne via Marxism

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New from Linux Beach:

 Assad's Grand Mufti threatened Paris type attacks in 2011

In the frenzied efforts to impose new hardships on Syrian refugees and 
bomb the hell out of Daesh held areas in Syria and Iraq, it has been 
all but forgotten that more than four years ago *Sheikh Ahmad 
Badreddin Hassoun, Grand Mufti of Syrian Arab Republic* threaten 
Europe and the US with Paris type suicide attacks if Syria was bombed 
by western powers. Speaking on *Syria News TV* in Damascus, 9 October 
2011, he said :

/“I say this to all of Europe, and I say this to America, we will
prepare suicide bombers, who are already in your country, to
strike you if you strike Syria or Lebanon. After today, an eye for
an eye and a tooth for a tooth and the initiator is the
aggressor”... “After the first rocket hits Syria, Lebanese and
Syrian children will set off for Europe and Palestine, where they
will be martyrs.”/

Grand Mufti of Syria is known to be a strong 
 of Assad and close to the regime 
This threat was made on Syrian News Channel 
, a private news 
channel close to the regime. He also warned:

/"Do not think that the people who will commit martyrdom in
France, Britain, or the US, will be Arabs and Muslims. They will
be a new Jules Jammal or a new Muhammad Al-Durrah. They will all
be like the righteous [of the past]. I beg you not to come near
our country. "/

At the time this threat was strongly denounced 
by Syrian scholars. This is long before Daesh or al Nusra had been 
created with Assad regime help. Now that the West is bombing Syria and 
now that Paris has been hit by this terrorist attack that included 
multiple suicide bombers, not from Syria but from Europe, we should 
not forget that, in effect, the Assad regime threaten just this 
response more than four years ago.

Just saying

Qui profite? Who benefits from the Paris attacks? 

now in Spanish, soon in French,
¿Cui bono? ¿Quién se beneficia con los ataques de París? 

/*Syria is the Paris Commune of the 21st Century!*/

Click here for a list of my other blogs on Syria 

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Re: [Marxism] Why the USA attacked Syria? To get Iran? Really?

2015-11-20 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 11/20/15 4:27 PM, Lüko Willms wrote:


* Is that what your conception of this Ch. Glass tells you that he had

No, just one part of it.

I have been following this piece of shit apologist for Assad for some 
time now and really hate his guts. People like him, David Bromwich the 
Yale professor, Seymour Hersh, Patrick Cockburn, Rober Fisk et al are 
involved with what was once called la trahison des clercs.


Even when the title of an NY Review article foreshadows a condemnation 
of the Ba‘athists, the content remains consistent with the “plague on 
both your houses” narrative that pervades this intellectual milieu. In a 
December 5th 2013 article titled “Syria: On the Way to Genocide?”, 
Charles Glass ends up echoing the talking points of more openly 
Ba‘athist elements:

	The introduction of chemical weapons, which have been alleged to have 
been used not only by the government but by the rebels as well, was only 
the most dramatic escalation by combatants who seek nothing short of the 
annihilation of the other side.

As is so often the case, the use of the passive voice allows the writer 
to condemn the rebels without any evidence. “Alleged to have been” leads 
to the obvious question as to who is responsible for the allegation. Was 
it Vladimir Putin? Assad’s propaganda nun Mother Agnes Mariam? Inquiring 
minds would like to know.

On August 20th 2012 Glass penned another article for the Review titled 
“Aleppo: How Syria Is Being Destroyed” that portrayed the rebels as a 
wanton mob invading the civilized city. He wrote:

"While the urban unemployed had good reason to support a revolution that 
might improve their chances in life, the thousands who had jobs at the 
beginning of the revolution and lost them when the Free Army burned 
their workplaces are understandably resentful. There are stories of 
workers taking up arms to protect their factories and risking their 
lives to save their employers from kidnappers."

Since Charles Glass is a Middle East analyst for NBC News, it is not 
surprising that he can allude to ‘stories’ of workers taking up arms 
against the rebels to protect the bosses. NBC is a subsidiary of General 
Electric, and naturally its analyst will find arguments for preserving 
Ba‘athist rule. You can do business with al-Assad, but the plebian 
rebels might be as difficult to deal with as the Libyan militias.


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Re: [Marxism] Why the USA attacked Syria? To get Iran? Really?

2015-11-20 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Freitag, 20. November 2015 at 19:23, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote:

> On 11/20/15 1:16 PM, Lüko Willms wrote:

>> * Just to say anything venting your anger, even completely unrelated?

> As a fellow member of the Baathist amen corner with Charles Glass, 

  a corner? Are we suddenly talking football (I mean the real thing, 
not the US version of Rugby)? Does Charles Glas play football? 
I don't, and I am not much interested in football, but I find the corners quite 

> you probably didn't understand my point. 

  That's why I asked, since your words didn't have anything to do with what you 

> Let me repeat it slowly and clearly so that it might sink in.


  Is that what your conception of this Ch. Glass tells you that he had said? 

  I read something different, and I agree completely: 

>>> Nearly all Arab governments are repressive dictatorships, 
>>> but only Syria was not a U.S. satellite. 

  That is true, even if Syria served as a turture-on-demand service for CIA 
prisoners which had been "renditioned" to Syria for "treatment". While the USA 
had in the years after the previous world war engineered several putsches in 
Damaskus (as in Iran, just to mention the coup against Mossadeq) as part of 
taking over the Arab East from British domination, after the Baath takeover, 
the Damaskus governmetn was no longer directed by the US embassy in Damaskus. 

  The defense of Iran against the US proxy war operated thru the Saddam regime 
was a very good asnd honorable undertaking, and it earned Syria the role of an 
outcast of the US-dominated medieavel oil dictorships on the Arab peninsula. No 
wonder that Washington only waited for an occasion to take back the rule in 

  Not joining the "Koalition der Billigen"[*] against their fellow Arabs and 
against Iran made Syria to an "enemy". 


  The Bushes and other POTUSes would rather liked to avoid that. Bush sr. 
called off the invation into Iraq in the first war in 1991, just because 
Pentagon and Whiter House shyed away from the task to repress the Shia revolt 
which was triggered by the US colonial war against Iraq. 

  But you should not yet have forgotten the truism that by starting a war, one 
sets social forces in motion which then can't be controlled. 


  Well, I get that you are victim of Corporate News networks and other peddler 
of Faux News. In earlier years you could still easily recognize reality. 

  Fact is, that the US "war on terror" is a complete failure, that instead of 
eradicating the opposition, they multiplied the number and centers of terrorist 
methods. And now small France thinks that they can avoid a Dien Bien Phu this 

Lüko Willms
Frankfurt/Main, Germany

[*] nice German play of words with "Koalition der Willigen" or "Coalition of 
the willing". "Billig" means "cheap" in English. 

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[Marxism] Fwd: Three documentaries | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2015-11-20 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Reviews of three films opening today in NY:

1. Frame by Frame: photojournalists in Afghanistan

2. Kingdom of Shadows: Mexican drug wars and the disappeared

3. Drone: advanced technology on behalf of barbaric goals

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[Marxism] Fwd: Being Syrian | Darth Nader

2015-11-20 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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In 2015, to be Syrian is to be living in an absurdity. The world has not 
abandoned Syrians, as is often said. It has ganged up on them.

Borders that were thought to be done away with were rebuilt. The 
nation-state, supposedly in its dying days, has reemerged with 
revanchist ambitions. Old political alliances between states—remnants of 
the Cold War—that were thought to be dwindling have been solidified to 
an unprecedented historical extent, with catastrophic results. The 
forces of extreme Salafist reaction, weakened and without much popular 
appeal a mere five years ago, have set up shop in Syrian towns and 
cities, manifesting itself in its most brutal form to date as the 
Islamic State. The red line of chemical weapons —which killed hundreds 
in a suburb of Damascus in 2013 —has been been replaced with a green 
light for barrels filled with explosives, dropped from helicopters on 
civilian neighborhoods.

full: http://darthnader.net/2015/11/20/being-syrian/
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[Marxism] Carlo's Corner: Racists should stop hiding behind 'terror' and just admit their racism

2015-11-20 Thread Stuart Munckton via Marxism
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I just want to get this straight: we cannot help Syrian refugees, many of
whom are fleeing from ISIS, because of the ISIS attack on Paris that was
carried out by French and Belgian nationals?


“Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is humanity’s
original virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made,
through disobedience and through rebellion.” — Oscar Wilde, Soul of Man
Under Socialism

“The free market is perfectly natural... do you think I am some kind of
dummy?” — Jarvis Cocker
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[Marxism] Fwd: Philly Pizza Shop Owner Calls 911 After He Says He Was Profiled on Flight Home | NBC Chicago

2015-11-20 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Tommy Sheridan sinks deeper into the gutter

2015-11-20 Thread Michael Karadjis via Marxism

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Last round it was only something about seedy nightclubs, or something, 
nothing this pack of lies and stupidity:

Bear this information in mind when Western politicians pontificate about 
ISIS & a war on terror: 

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