Re: [Marxism] Stopping Trump

2016-03-21 Thread Clay Claiborne via Marxism
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On Mon, Mar 21, 2016 at 12:06 PM, Sean Noonan via Marxism <> wrote:

>  Clay then claims that the threshold of success for
> the protesters at UIC had to be to completely “shut Donald Trump up”

I never said that and you have failed to produce a quote of me saying that.
The other distortions I don't have time to deal with.
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[Marxism] The Late Great Planet Earth

2016-03-21 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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[Marxism] video - Rashid Khalidi - The Hundred Year War in Palestine - 103 minutes

2016-03-21 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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> The Balfour Declaration of 1917 launched what amounts to a hundred years
> of war
> against the Palestinians. This war had a unique nature – it was formally
> sanctioned and authorized by the great powers of the day at different times
> during this century, and via different fora, such as the League of Nations
> and
> the United Nations, but it was mainly waged by other actors. A much
> distorted
> and maligned feature of this long war has been the Palestinians’ continuing
> resistance, against heavy odds, to what amounts to one of the last ongoing
> attempts at colonial subjugation in the modern world.
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[Marxism] Some interesting NZ events commemorating the 1916 Rebellon in Ireland

2016-03-21 Thread Philip Ferguson via Marxism
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[Marxism] The BRICS: An Anti-Capitalist Critique

2016-03-21 Thread Ken Hiebert via Marxism
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Book launch and public forum
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Re: [Marxism] [New post] How did the universe begin? How will it end?

2016-03-21 Thread Joseph Green via Marxism
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Cosmology and the relationship of cosmology to materialism are fascinating 
subjects. I would just like to add some elaboration on two points in the long 
posting on "How did the university begin?"

Louis Proyect wrote:
 > On the In Defense of Marxism website, you can find a three part article
> ( )  by Adam Booth on
> "The  Crisis in Cosmology". In part one Booth wants to make it clear that
> Marxists have no truck with any theory that the Pope could embrace,
>  even mistakenly. The "big bang" and some related theories are just too
>  close for comfort as a kind of creation myth:

Earlier this year Pete Brown commented on Adam Booth's views on cosmology in 
an article entitled "Marxism and Science". This is a brief excerpt from the 

"...Booth's series of articles on cosmology appeared on the IMT website 
beginning on November, 17, 2014. Entitled "The Crisis of Cosmology", this 
series is a broadside attack on present-day cosmology and an attempt to 
substitute Marxist-sounding rhetoric for science. This is a completely 
mistaken approach to how Marxists should approach science and scientific 

"Marx and Engels were materialists who enthusiastically but critically 
accepted the core of the natural science of their day. They embraced the 
latest scientific achievements and promoted the advances made by Darwin and 
Morgan among others. Booth tries to put himself in the Marxist tradition by 
criticizing contemporary cosmology and doing so with the help of quotations 
from Engels. But in the process he puts himself at odds with the scientific 
attitude of Marx and Engels. If contemporary cosmology were a pseudo-science 
and its practitioners nothing but charlatans, Booth would have a point. It's 
all very well to criticize some wild speculation, but today's cosmologists 
have actually discovered new, important facts about the universe, facts 
ignored by Booth. "

Subheads are:

* [Booth's demagogy on] Creationists and Beginningists
* Booth in the Dark
* Ignoring Facts...
* ...While Spouting "Infinity"

The full text is at

 > The other two articles in Booth´s series mostly amount to arguing against
> the wisdom of synthesizing quantum mechanics and Einstein´s theory of
> relativity. Plus some quotes from Lenin´s polemic against
> Empirio-Criticism, a work that is mostly of interest to the archivists
> among us.

The problem is Booth not Lenin. Lenin's "Materialism and Empirio-Criticism" 
is an exceptionally good work, and it has an approach towards science that is 
diametrically opposed to that put forward by Booth. In this work, Lenin did 
not stand in the way of the new discoveries taking place in physics and 
nitpick at them , but instead saw them as part of the progress of 
materialism, and as showing the necessity of dialectical rather than 
mechanical materialism..Thus he backed Engels saying that each epoch-making 
discovery in science requires materialism "to change its form". That's 
materialist philosophy changing in order to adapt to scientific discoveries, 
not science being held back by dogmatic generalities. This goes against the 
Trotskyist Booth, who embraces the old form of materialism as tightly as he 
can; against the adventures of Stalinism in theoretical physics; and against 
the mechanical materialism that still has a lot of influence in various 

-- Joseph Green

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[Marxism] Fwd: ‘The Brothers Grimsby’ Trots Out a Demeaning Racial Trope - The New York Times

2016-03-21 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Fuck Sacha Baron Cohen. 

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[Marxism] Fwd: How did the universe begin? How will it end? | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2016-03-21 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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The last entry in the latest Harper’s Magazine Index, a compendium of 
interesting factoids featured each month, reminded me that I wanted to 
say a few words about cosmology:

Percentage of Americans who feel a deep sense of wonder about the 
universe at least once a week: 46

I am one of those Americans who had such feelings, often twice a day. It 
has always been with me to some extent but much more so after seeing the 
documentary on the Hadron Collider titled “Particle Fever” that I 
reviewed just two years ago. The film can be seen on Amazon streaming, 
as a DVD from Netflix or for $2.99 on Youtube.
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[Marxism] The forthcoming Australian election and the ongoing attacks on unions and workers

2016-03-21 Thread John Passant via Marxism

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The forthcoming Australian election and the ongoing attacks on unions 
and workers

With growing inequality and austerity has come growing anger, inchoate 
in Australia but finding a left wing political expression in places like 
the UK and US in the form of Jeremy Corbyn and Bernie Sanders.  Workers 
in struggle are the short term solution to the problems of capitalism. 
Workers in struggle are the long term solution to the problem that is 

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[Marxism] Stopping Trump

2016-03-21 Thread Sean Noonan via Marxism
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On March 15th Clay Claiborne writes:

“I said that the protesters rode into an ambush but I will reserve my
verdict on the effectiveness of their "riding into an ambush" until the
outcome of the immediate battle - the vote in IL today. I never said I was
withholding my verdict as to whether it was an ambush until the outcome of
the vote.”

On March 16th Clay Claiborne writes:

"There seems to me to be a big disconnect where a section of the Left lives
in an alternate reality in which they don't even have to consider whether
this on that militant tactic might actually help Donald Trump get elected
president and in which they can brag about having "shut Down Trump up"
while for 3 days before the election the mainstream media was saturated
with Donald Trump and his minions, and the subject that assured he would
continue to be the focus of attention in this critical period was precisely
that protest.

"Shutting Donald Trump Up" can now join "Stopping Obama from bombing Syria"
as another of the great victories of the Left's imagination."

Clay has claimed that the UIC event was a Trump ambush.  If it was an
ambush it didn’t work.  Clay then claims that the threshold of success for
the protesters at UIC had to be to completely “shut Donald Trump up” and
since Trump has not been completely shut up, the UIC Pavillion protest was
ill considered and driven by an “alternate reality” and the “left’s
imagination.” So first off, I reject the charge of bullshit. Clay's meaning
is clear.

Second, the elections result and subsequent survey data is in. Trump did
not substantially increase his support by his putative ambush.  Majorities
and pluralities across all demographic groups blamed Trump for the violence
at his events and his numbers didn’t get a post-protest victim of protester
bump. Shutting Down Trump at UIC always meant at only UIC Pavillion on that
one day – not completely and forever.   It was nothing like “Stopping Obama
from bombing Syria.”

Clay goes from treating Trump like a strategic genius setting up ambush
events so as to capture a bump of blowback anti-protester support to
disparaging those protesters for not meeting a goal that he unilaterally
imposes on them in order for their tactic to be measured a success.  Clay
follows Rachel Maddow, President Obama, Nate Silver, Trevor Noah and other
establishment liberals in aiming his fire more at the protesters doing
their first street politics than at Donald Trump.

Sean Noonan
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Re: [Marxism] Stopping Trump

2016-03-21 Thread Clay Claiborne via Marxism

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On 03/20/2016 10:48 PM, Sean Noonan via Marxism wrote:

Clay claims that since Trump has not been completely shutdown, the UIC
Pavillion protest was ill considered.
I challenge you to back that up with a quote from from my emails. I have 
no time for the lies and "mis-understandings" of some on this list.

No time for BS!


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[Marxism] Fwd: Inside Jacobin: how a socialist magazine is winning the left's war of ideas - Vox

2016-03-21 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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(But on the other hand, it is written mostly by academics.)

"It's written to be read by laypeople rather than academics."
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[Marxism] Fwd: With Syria Solidarity UK – P U L S E

2016-03-21 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Robin Yassin-Kassab speaks about his new book.
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[Marxism] Opening for Business, A former Marielito positions himself as an entrepreneur in the new Cuba.

2016-03-21 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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(Despite having written a fairly good bio of Che Guevara that turns 
rotten after Batista is overthrown, Jon Lee Anderson has morphed into a 
true reactionary as befits those who write for the New Yorker. Having 
said that, I suppose this article is worth evaluating.)

One night not long ago, in a new restaurant in Havana called VIPs, the 
owner, a white-haired Catalan named Jordi, was speculating about what 
life might be like in Cuba after a reconciliation with the United 
States. “Come, let me show you,” he said confidingly, leading the way to 
a large outdoor space between the neighboring building and his own, an 
eighteenth-century villa built for a Spanish marqués. Gesturing with his 
hands, Jordi indicated where he was building an open-air bar and eatery, 
a wine cellar, a “chill-out area.” “It will be a club for friends,” 
Jordi said. “Friends with money.”

Inside, Hugo Cancio, one of Jordi’s friends in the new transnational 
élite, sat at a corner table. A Cuban-American businessman, Cancio lives 
in Miami but shuttles to Havana so often that the VIPs menu has named 
his favorite dish for him: the Don Hugo Paella. Cancio is fifty-one, 
tall, with an athlete’s shoulders and a limber gait. He was accompanied 
by his daughter Christy, who had recently finished college in the U.S. 
Their table looked out on a square bar, a dozen tables full of smartly 
dressed people, and a huge screen, with Chaplin’s “Modern Times” on a 
continuous loop. On his iPhone 6, Cancio showed me a selfie that he and 
Christy had taken earlier that day with Conan O’Brien, who was in Havana 
taping his show. O’Brien had invited them to join him at El Aljibe, an 
open-air restaurant that is popular with diplomats and Cuba’s senior 
nomenclatura. “What do you think?” Cancio asked me, smiling. “Cuba’s 
changing, man.”

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[Marxism] Fwd: Is Prostitution Just Another Job? -- The Cut

2016-03-21 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Chris Hedges says no:

Alexandra Kollontai on prostitution:
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[Marxism] Fwd: Why Israel Loves Donald Trump - POLITICO Magazine

2016-03-21 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: The uneven and combined development of world capitalism | International Socialist Review

2016-03-21 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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An odd review of "How the West Came to Rule:The Geopolitical Origins of 
Capitalism" by Alexander Anievas and Kerem Nisancioglu. It praise the 
work (deservedly so) but devotes an inordinate amount of space to 
defending Vivek Chibber whom the authors spend far less time analyzing 
compared to Brenner, Wood and Post. In my view, Chibber's reputation is 
sinking rapidly and I would advise against being his attorney. 
Eventually I hope to deal with his book but there are far more pressing 

The other criticism Ashley Smith has is over the author's ideas about 
the need for a new type of revolutionary organization, one in fact has 
much more in common with the original concept of Marx and Engels--a 
world party that can reflect the same kind of internationalism that 
their book expresses as opposed to the provincial Anglocentrism of the 
Political Marxists.

Finally, Smith does have a point about their use of academic language. I 
would strongly advise any budding scholars hoping to get published by 
HM, Pluto, Verso et al to refrain from using the word "ontological", 
especially when writing about society. If you want to write about the 
nature of existence, you have my permission.
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[Marxism] Proletarian Ethics

2016-03-21 Thread Paddy Hackett via Marxism
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A rudimentary moral sense has been hard wired into humanity by the evolutionary 
process.  This moral sense is a legacy from our Stone Age ancestors. But 
because of its  rudimentary nature it is not sufficiently developed to cope 
adequately with modern civilisation. Consequently this modern morality has 
developed as a result of socio-historic  developments. This helps explain how 
it complements the ethics of the modern working class. Stone Age people would 
have existed in small bands in which there was an absence of stratification and 
hierarchy. Because of each band’s communal character this morality would have 
tended to be communal in character as opposed to being Hobbesian. The Stone Age 
“individual” lived within a totality and was largely defined by that totality 
or community.

The fundamental source of communist ethics under capitalism is the valorisation 
process. The class struggle is lodged within this process. The class struggle, 
together with its development, is the form by which proletarian consciousness 
emerges. The valorisation processes forces the working class to labour under 
alienated conditions. Workers, then, are forced to work in a way that is 
oppressive. Conditions of work subjectively entail pain and suffering for the 
worker. These alienating conditions within the production process drive the 
working class into class struggle. These subjective conditions are the source 
of proletarian ethics and the class struggle itself. Consequently working class 
ethics is born within the heart of the exploitation of labour power.

Class struggle is a form of collective struggle. Within the struggle itself 
ethics is transformed from its bourgeois to its communist form. This is 
achieved through the communal interaction and relations of solidarity that 
build up within the struggle of the producers.

Through the struggle against alienation and exploitation the system that 
appeared as unchangeably objective is  increasingly experienced as the creation 
of the labouring activity of the working class. The workers increasingly 
realise that since they, in a sense, created the reified social system it  can 
now be freed from its estranged character. Under these conditions  the ethics 
of the working class develops. These struggles expose the limitations on 
freedom in capitalist society while simultaneously engendering class solidarity 
that point beyond the limits of liberal conceptions of morality.This experience 
furthers class solidarity and proletarian ethics. The eventual overthrow of the 
system involves the final transformation of proletarian ethics. 

We see then that ethics bears a directly political character. Ethics is 
concerned with the nature of political community and its economic foundation. 
Ethics and politics, a la Aristotle, are directly tied together. It is clear, 
then, that working class ethics and the communist consciousness linked to it is 
not a mere matter of mechanically instilling communist ethics into the working 
class from the outside as Lenin effectively  claimed. It is  collective action 
grounded in the labour process that generates the conditions for the emergence 
of proletarian ethics. The labour process is  the dialectical dynamic that 
drives ethics. One cannot exist without the other. Struggle generates ethics. 
Within the class struggle the experience of the working class changes. This 
class experience inspires and stimulates discussion and the exchange of 
opinions. It is a practical melting pot by which workers generate their  
communist intellectualisation. The process stimulates the emergence of a 
variety of revolutionary organisational expressions of the class struggle. 
During  the conflict the capitalist class increasingly reveals its class 
opposition to the proletariat. This growing experience forms part of the 
growing  class awakening of workers. The “spontaneity” of the working class is 
inseparably connected with class consciousness. Within this process 
revolutionary communist parties emerge.

The struggle can take off in a fragmented even opportunist way. Through 
experience together with the way in which events unfold the struggle can become 
more unified and class conscious. However general economic and political 
conditions are a factor in the process. The outbreak of economic crisis can 
significantly  influence the character of the process. This can impact on 
conditions in such a way as to lead to  communist consciousness.

Since the 1905 Russian Revolution workers’ councils  emerged spontaneously in 
periods of heightened class struggle. Workers’ councils are the organizational 
form by which the working 

[Marxism] Fwd: Story of cities #6: how silver turned Potosí into 'the first city of capitalism' | Cities | The Guardian

2016-03-21 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: Nostalgia for the Saddam era is thwarting a truly united Iraq | The National

2016-03-21 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Re: [Marxism] Stop Trump

2016-03-21 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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This is another of those "Trump = Hitler" (or Mussolini) articles in 
today's Counterpunch:

I too am guilty of these comparisons, as a young radical critiquing the 
George W. Bush presidency, for the far-right, nationalistic militarism 
seemed to fit in nicely with a wider critique of fascism. As I studied, 
learned, and grew intellectually, however, I came to see these easy 
comparisons as dishonest and stifling to the formations of deep 
understanding of particular regimes and how their power might be 
resisted. Yet, despite my aversion to what I (and others) refer to 
jokingly as reductio ad Hitlerium, we seem to have arrived at a Weimer 
moment in United States’ American politics. We are quite evidently 
witnessing a figure running for the highest elected office in the U.S. 
who is by every measure modeling himself, his movement, and his rise to 
power on the populist far-right rhetoric of European fascism in the 
mid-20th century. This person is, of course, Donald J. Trump.


It is funny to hear a PhD student describing himself as "a young radical 
critiquing the George W. Bush presidency" as if being 35 is old. He is: 
"Andrew J. Wood is a Ph.D. Candidate in the Politics Department  with a 
Designated Emphasis in History of Consciousness at the University of 
California, Santa Cruz".

I have a feeling that there's not much history being taught in his 
department since he compares out situation today to the Weimar Republic. 
In 1930 the combined SP/CP vote in Germany was THIRTY SEVEN percent. 
Parties of both the left and right had paramilitaries that engaged in 
street fighting. We had a comrade in the Houston branch of the SWP who 
had fought the Nazis just as my professor Heinrich Blucher, who was 
married to Hannah Arendt, had.

What is the state of the American working class? The largest vote for a 
radical party, speaking liberally, was in 2000 when Ralph Nader got 2.74 
percent of the vote. And you can bet that most of the votes came from 
social workers, computer programmers, nurses, etc. rather than factory 

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Re: [Marxism] Stop Trump

2016-03-21 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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Why Trump, indeed.

Unfortunately, many of those "veterans from the 1960s" are busily engaged
in reminding us why, in the end, our generation of radicals have
accomplished as little as we have.

We are slow learners, perhaps.  I was astonished when I saw how easily the
Democrats channeled Occupy into harmless channels that went nowhere . . .
while so many of my contemporaries seemed oblivious to the need to act in
defense of the movement's independence.  The Democrats liked Occupy as a
bit of window dressing for the news critical of the Republicans, who had
the lobbyist-driven little tea party piffels that got so much attention.
For as long as I've been watching politics, the Democrats have built their
victories primarily on fears of this or that "lesser evil," the threat of
imminent fascism, etc. I went to high school with people who have said this
every four years since 1964 . . . like they are permanently leaning on the
reset button of their mental computers.

In terms of my movement contemporaries, I have been further astonished
since the Obama campaign in 2008 by the eagerness with which those
"veterans from the 1960s" have been willing to ignore their
responsibilities to talk about their own experience and, instead, arguing
the case for supporting inexperienced neophytes getting sucker-punched by
the Democrats, as it following such reformist politics would be a magic
elixir for our own lost youth.  The absolutely uncritical drumbeat for the
Sanders campaign has rather capped this--and the insanely dogmatic
denunciations of those unwilling to partake of the kool-aid--rather
persuades me that most of them will wind up denouncing those of us who
won't go for Clinton as closet reactionaries . . . as many of them did over

I would just add, parenthetically, that this is why, in the U.S,,
"Stalnism" has become a misnomer for the pervasive and toxic lesser-evil
politics endemic to the political system here.

Just my two cents.

Mark L.
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